Is it possible to get poisoned from cherry jam? Hydrocyanic acid or which acid is the most poisonous

Who doesn't love dried fruit compote? Wonderful childhood memories when you take out the soft core from the kernel of an eaten apricot. ABOUT! Childish naivety! Did we know that these seeds contain hydrocyanic acid? Where were the adults looking? Or maybe they knew that we were not in danger of being poisoned? It's time for us to figure out what properties hydrocyanic acid has? Can it harm the body? And is it found in all fruit seeds?

Hydrocyanic acid- it's poison

First, let's figure out what kind of acid it is and why people are afraid of it.

Hydrocyanic acid is a dangerous poison. In high concentrations may cause severe poisoning, right up to death. Its second name is “hydrocyanide”. Its salts are “cyanides”. Hydrocyanic acid has no color, but a very characteristic odor is the smell of bitter almonds. Being a liquid, it quickly turns into a gas.

To avoid prussic acid poisoning, you need to know where it is hiding. For example, it is present in tobacco smoke, on some hazardous industries. Which is unpleasant, but easy to avoid. But the most insidious behavior of hydrocyanic acid occurs in products that are completely harmless and even considered healthy. It is found in some fruits and berries, or more precisely, in their seeds.

How does hydrocyanic acid get there and what does it do there?

Important: hydrocyanic acid is a natural insecticide. This means that it was created by nature to protect the plant from pests.

Bones: what to eat them with

Many people like to remove the core - the kernels - from the pits of peaches or apricots. However, not everyone knows that there is danger in this activity. These seemingly harmless seeds contain hydrocyanic acid.

This is how nature intended it and the hydrocyanic acid in the seeds is a natural compound. And as long as the seed is dry and intact, this acid behaves quietly and is not dangerous. But as soon as these conditions change, chemical processes are immediately activated. Thanks to them, hydrocyanic acid is released.

For example, under the influence of moisture, prussic acid is released from the seeds of plants of the Rosaceae family - cherries, sweet cherries, plums, apples, as well as apricots, peach, rowan, and from the kernels of bitter almonds.

But grapes are a special story. Yes, it also has seeds, but they are not afraid to make wine from it. What's the matter?

There is no hydrocyanic acid in grape seeds

Grapes belong to the grape family. And it, unlike the Rosaceae family, does not release hydrocyanic acid from its seeds. Therefore, grapes have long been used in winemaking and very successfully. In any case, hydrocyanic acid poisoning from consumption grape wine not detected.

Which bones are the most dangerous?

In peeled seeds specific gravity amygdalin, the main participant in the release of the toxin, is:

2.5–3% – bitter almonds,
2-3% - peach,
1–1.8% - apricot,
0.96% - plum,
0.82 – cherries and sweet cherries,
0.6% - apples.

As you can see, the least amount of hydrocyanic acid is in apple seeds. The risk of poisoning an apple by eating it with its seeds is several times less than from bitter almonds.

Lethal dose for humans- 50 mg. To get it, you need to eat: - 50 cherry and peach kernels, or

  • - 200 apple seeds, or
  • - 40 kernels of bitter almonds, or
  • - 100 apricots.

Consequently, apple seeds contain the least amount of hydrocyanic acid. The risk of poisoning an apple by eating it with its seeds is 4–5 times less than from bitter almonds.

The lethal dose for humans is 50 mg. It contains:

  • 50 cherry and peach kernels;
  • 200 apple seeds;
  • 40 kernels of bitter almonds;
  • 100 apricot kernels.

Important: wine made from fruits with seeds has a high ability to cause poisoning. But jam and compotes are safe if you don’t hesitate to put sugar in them.

Sugar is an antidote to hydrocyanic acid.

Frozen fruits and berries should not be stored for more than a year. Since when long-term storage Hydrocyanic acid is released, as with rapid defrosting of fruit.

Interesting experiment

Sugar is an antidote to hydrocyanic acid

Poured into one container cherry compote(the cherries in it were, of course, with pits). In the other - a tincture of cherries, also with pits.

Purpose of the experiment: it was necessary to determine whether it is true that the compote and the tincture contain hydrocyanic acid. Special test strips, changing color, were supposed to confirm the presence of hydrocyanic acid.

The strip dipped in cherry compote did not change color. This means that there was no hydrocyanic acid in the compote.

But in the cherry tincture, the strip turned blue, revealing the presence of hydrocyanic acid in it.

Conclusion: Not all cherry products prepared with pits contain hydrocyanic acid.

How is cherry compote different from tincture?

The compote was heat treated. At temperatures above 75 degrees toxic substances are destroyed. In the tincture, which has not been subjected to heat treatment, this destruction did not occur. And hydrocyanic acid appeared in it, and in a fairly high concentration.

Conclusion: jam and compote can be cooked with seeds - temperature and sugar will protect it. And here cherry tincture You can't do this with bones.

Good to know: If your child manages to swallow several cherry pits, this is not a reason to panic. He won't get poisoned. In order for amygdalin (the substance contained in the bone) to turn into hydrocyanic acid, firstly, time must pass. And secondly, a fair amount of seeds must be swallowed. Most likely, the bones will come out of the intestines without having time to release even a tiny dose of hydrocyanic acid.

What follows from all that has been said?

10 signs of hydrocyanic acid poisoning

  1. Coloration of the skin and mucous membranes in a bright pink color.
  2. The poisoned person smells of bitter almonds.
  3. Bitterness and a metallic taste appear in the mouth. Tickle in the throat.
  4. Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting.
  5. The pulse quickens, pressing pain appears in the chest. Later the pulse becomes rare.
  6. Breathing quickens.
  7. Dizziness, headaches,
  8. Unsteady gait.
  9. The mouth becomes numb, the pupils dilate.
  10. Consciousness is impaired. Convulsions appear. Death.

Myths and facts

  • This - It is a misconception that hydrocyanic acid smells like almonds. This is what the ancient pharmacists decided. They noticed the smell when they obtained a weak solution of hydrocyanic acid from almond kernels by distillation. Yes, during the distillation the smell of bitter almonds appeared, but it had nothing to do with hydrogen cyanide. The fact is that benzaldehyde is also distilled with water vapor. This is what gives the smell of almond bitterness. And hydrogen cyanide itself smells less pleasant - its smell is heavy.
  • The French first used hydrocyanic acid as a toxic agent in warfare in 1916.
  • Hydrocyanic acid was used by the Nazis. They included it as the main component in the drug Zyklon B, notorious for its use during the Second World War in concentration camps.
  • Hydrocyanic acid is not only a strong poison. Hydrocyanic acid is used in many industries. For example, in electroplating, gilding and silvering. And also in the production of aromatic substances, rubber, organic glass.

Watch the video on this material at the end.

Almost every day we eat foods made from plants containing deadly poisons. Many of us believe that nothing can happen healthier than fruit and vegetables, but sometimes we are not aware of the hidden threat that lurks in them. Of course, most of the time we don't need to worry, but there have been cases where people have accidentally killed themselves by eating a poisonous part of a plant or fruit. Here are 10 fruits and vegetables you should be careful with.

(Total 10 photos)

1. Almonds.

Almonds are considered a dry fruit and not a nut, as many people think. He has unique taste and is one of the most popular ingredients in the preparation of desserts and other dishes.

The most fragrant is bitter almonds, which contain poisonous cyanide. This is why bitter almonds are usually processed to remove the poison. Additionally, heating also destroys the venom.

In some countries, such as New Zealand, the sale of bitter almonds is prohibited by law.

Cashews are seeds, not nuts, that grow from the fruit or “apple” of the cashew.

The cashews sold in the store are not raw and are pre-steamed. This is because raw cashews contain a substance called urushiol, which can also be found in the poison ivy plant and causes allergy symptoms.

Consumption large quantity urushiola can be fatal. Although cashew poisoning is quite rare, workers who shell the nut often experience unwanted side effects, such as skin irritation.

3. Cherry. Cherry pits

Cherries, as well as apricots, peaches and plums contain cyanide in their pits. If you chew, chew, or otherwise damage a seed, you are exposing yourself to hydrogen cyanide.

Of course, if you swallow a few seeds, nothing bad will happen, since our body can handle a certain amount of cyanide, but in large quantities it can be dangerous.

Symptoms mild poisoning include headache, dizziness, confusion, anxiety and vomiting. In large doses it can lead to breathing difficulties, increased blood pressure and heart rhythm and kidney failure, even death.

4. Asparagus.

Asparagus is a vegetable that produces a fruit that, by the way, is poisonous. The fact is that a vegetable is, as a rule, edible part plant, which can be leaves, stem or root.

Asparagus has been used since ancient times as a vegetable and medicine, thanks to good taste and diuretic properties. The fruit is small red berries with a diameter of 6-10 mm, which are poisonous to humans.

5. Tomatoes. Green tomatoes

Fun fact: In the US, tomatoes are considered a vegetable, while in the rest of the world they are considered a fruit, or more accurately, a berry. The reason for this was a tax on vegetables, but not fruit.

Tomato leaves and stems contain a substance called "glycoalkaloid" which can cause extreme nervousness, headaches and stomach upset. Green tomatoes also contain some amount of this substance, but usually not much.

6. Nutmeg.

Nutmeg contains a psychoactive substance – myristicin. Too much of this substance can cause vomiting, sweating, dizziness, hallucinations and headache.

However, no need to worry. The amount used in cooking is not enough to cause any of these symptoms. However, recently teenagers have been using nutmeg as a soft drug, which often has not very good consequences.

7. Mushrooms. Edible and poisonous mushrooms

Mushrooms are considered a delicacy in many countries around the world where they are grown commercially. But, as you know, there is also a family poisonous mushrooms.

Many people believe that there are obvious signs of poisonous mushrooms, such as a ring on the stem, bad smell and bright colors. However, the only the right way distinguish edible mushroom from poisonous means knowing and understanding mushrooms well.

Signs of mushroom poisoning may appear after 1-2 hours, sometimes after 8-12 hours, and include abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea and diarrhea. You can also be poisoned by poorly prepared and spoiled edible mushrooms.

8. Chocolate.

Although chocolate is not poisonous to humans, the ingredient theobromine found in chocolate is dangerous to dogs and cats. Just 40 grams can cause serious poisoning in them, so don’t leave them chocolate sweets in a place accessible to your pets.

Although the dose of theobromine contained in chocolate is too small to cause undesirable consequences, some older people do not tolerate chocolate well.

9. Green potatoes

Potatoes are one of the most common vegetables around the world. Like tomatoes, potatoes contain glycoalkaloids in their stems and leaves. The tubers themselves are safe to eat unless they have turned green or sprouted.

Green potatoes contain solanine, which is produced when exposed to ultraviolet light.

When consuming large amounts of solanine, signs of poisoning may appear: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and in severe cases lead to coma and even death. This is why potatoes need to be stored in a cool, dark place.

10. Apples. Apple seeds

Apple seeds, as well as cherries and almonds, contain cyanide in small doses. However, to cause symptoms of poisoning, you need to eat a large number of seeds.

If you accidentally swallow a few seeds whole, there will be no impact on your health as our bodies can handle small amounts of cyanide. However, chewing the seeds makes them more dangerous, especially for children and pets, for whom a smaller dose of this substance is enough.

Many people know the taste of spicy, tasty kernels from apricot kernels. But not everyone understands that this seemingly harmless natural product contains an unsafe component - hydrocyanic acid.

Let's try to figure out in order what effect hydrocyanic acid has on the body, its properties and precautions.

Hydrocyanic acid, together with compounds, constitute a group of cyanides, which are a natural insecticide. This substance can protect plants from harmful insects and microorganisms. Cyanide is found in many edible and inedible fruits and leaves of plants. The substance itself has no color, but tastes like bitter almonds. Hydrocyanic acid is a highly toxic substance of high volatility and low density.

In the pits fruit trees it occurs naturally and is part of low-toxic glycosides as long as the seeds are dry and intact. If these conditions are violated, chemical reactions begin to occur that promote the release of hydrocyanic acid.

Moisture affecting fruit seeds: cherries, plums, apricots, rowan berries, apples, almonds, forms hydrocyanic acid. Since all of the above plants are Rosaceae, they contain glycosides that release a toxic substance.

Grapes, for example, do not belong to this family, therefore they do not tend to release hydrocyanic acid, and wines are made from grapes, and from all fruits containing a strong acid in whole the drink will be poisonous.

Which plants contain hydrocyanic acid?

Probably everyone is interested in how much hydrocyanic acid is present in each of the fruits. So, its share in these “poisonous” fruits is as follows:

Thus, the apple tree contains the least concentrated content of the toxic substance, therefore, you can be poisoned by it much less often than, for example, by almonds.

What dose is fatal to the body?

According to scientists and the results of long-term experiments, it was possible to find out that human body and the body of warm-blooded animals is more susceptible to the effects of this substance. in the body of cold-blooded creatures its compounds are destroyed naturally, do not lead to poisoning.

Scientists have been able to find out what is the most deadly or most dangerous dose poison can be the consumption of bitter almonds in the amount of 40 grams, if you eat more than 100 apricot kernels, or 60 grams of those kernels that contain amygdalin.

If we translate these data into pure hydrocyanic acid concentrate, then it is most dangerous when consumed from 1 mg per kilogram.

Do not forget that prepared wine from fruits and berries that have not been separated from the seeds is very dangerous and can cause not only acute poisoning, but also lead to death.

If we talk about compotes and jams, things are different. With a high concentration of sugar in these dishes, hydrocyanic acid is neutralized, since it is its antidote.

With an excessive concentration of this substance (from 0.24 to 0.97 mg per liter) in the human body, intoxication of this substance occurs, causing acute poisoning.

In case of poisoning as a result of eating apricot kernels or other kernels, energy loss occurs and function is impaired. respiratory tract. This negatively affects the functioning of the central nervous system, especially the brain.

Lack of energy greatly affects work nervous system, which leads to a change in the structure of its cells. It also happens that poisoning and death occur regardless of the oxygen saturation in the blood. This is evidenced by the pleasant reddish color of the skin of victims of fatal poisoning.

Energy starvation of the brain occurs due to the action of the poison, which stimulates the release of blood cells from the spleen. Scientists claim that this process occurs due to a reflex effect on the spleen. Simply put, the body mistakenly believes that energy deficiency occurs due to a lack of oxygen, so it tries to restore homeostasis on its own.

Nevertheless, the remaining organs and systems of the body cope with their functions quite well. As practice shows, after opening the bodies of people poisoned with hydrocyanic acid, there is no change in the functioning of the heart, liver, or kidneys, which cannot be said about disorders of the nervous system. if the poison acts in the body long time, then later changes occur in the functioning of the heart and other organs due to the formation of oxygen starvation.

The accumulation of oxygen in the blood leads to disruption blood pressure. In addition, if severe poisoning occurs, venous blood becomes externally similar to arterial blood, that is, it acquires a scarlet tint.

Although hydrocyanic acid is not a highly acidic substance, it is capable of reacting with many compounds present in the body. But, given that these reactions do not develop so quickly, and the process of the poison’s effect on the body occurs very quickly, a person may die.

To summarize, it is worth saying that the kernels of Rosaceae should not be eaten. Compotes and jams are best prepared from pitted berries and fruits. The exception is grapes, which are used to make wine whole, since their seeds do not contain hydrocyanic acid.

These very simple precautions will help maintain your health and the health of those close to you.

The effect of hydrocyanic acid on the human body.

Hydrocyanic acid is quite weak, but it can cause serious poisoning. Few people know that this compound is found in multi-colored seeds. It is found in abundance in bitter almonds, apricot seeds, cherries and even apples. In this article we will take a closer look at the compound and its effect on the body.

Hydrocyanic acid in fruit seeds: why is it harmful, what effect does it have on the human body?

In general, the substance itself can cause severe poisoning. But in order for this to happen, it is necessary to consume a decent amount of seeds of various fruits. Bitter almonds contain the most hydrocyanic acid, which is why this product is the most dangerous. There is a little less substance in apricot kernels, which small children love to eat.

The effect of hydrocyanic acid on the body causes oxygen starvation. At the same time, the venous blood is saturated with oxygen as a result of the body’s response. This is why they turn red skin and mucous membranes. Thus, the larynx may become somewhat swollen and engorged with blood. In order for death to occur, a sufficiently large amount of hydrocyanic acid is required, which corresponds to approximately 100 grams of eaten almonds or 40 g of apricot kernels.

Hydrocyanic acid has an interesting and unusual smell. It smells like almonds. Many of us have felt it more than once during the process when we broke an apricot pit. You can smell an interesting bitter smell. This is the aroma of hydrocyanic acid.

What is the antidote for hydrocyanic acid?

There are several types of antidotes for hydrocyanic acid.

Antidote options:

  • Those that bind hydrocyanic acid to form safe substances. These include glucose. This substance binds with acid and forms salts that are safe for the body, which are removed from it.
  • There is another group that promotes the formation of methemoglobin. Such substances include salts and esters of nitric acid, as well as methylene blue.

Is it possible to be poisoned by hydrocyanic acid from cherry, plum, or apricot compote?

You cannot be poisoned by hydrocyanic acid from cherry compote or jam, because these products contain glucose, which is a natural antidote to hydrocyanic acid. Therefore, nothing bad will happen. But still, if possible, try to prepare compote and jam by first peeling the seeds from the fruit. This will reduce the risk of possible hydrocyanic acid poisoning.

Is it possible to be poisoned by hydrocyanic acid from cherry, plum, or apricot wine?

The risk of poisoning with acid, which is part of apricot or cherry wine, increases. If it was prepared using seeds. Because the process of fermentation and cooking is significantly different. But most often, cherry and apricot wines are dessert wines and are quite sweet. It contains a lot of glucose, so drinking the drink is quite safe. Try not to overuse the product and take it in the wrong large quantities.

Is there hydrocyanic acid in grape seeds?

Grape seeds also contain hydrocyanic acid, but the fact is that it is released rather poorly. Therefore, during wine production, it is stored in the seeds and removed from finished product along with the cake. IN ready wine hydrocyanic acid is a very small amount. We can say that it is practically not there.

Is there hydrocyanic acid in the pits of frozen cherries, plums, and apricots?

The concentration of hydrocyanic acid in frozen pits of apricots, cherries and apples depends on the correct storage and freezing of these fruits. The fact is that with high humidity and its increase, the content of hydrocyanic acid increases. It is released from the seeds. Therefore, you cannot store frozen cherries for a long time under normal freezing conditions. Similar products It is allowed to freeze only using dry freezing. Regular freezing increases the moisture in the seeds and releases hydrocyanic acid.

Is it possible to get poisoned by fresh apple or lemon seeds?

In fact, in order to become poisoned by apple and lemon seeds, you need to eat a fairly large amount of them. Scientists have conducted a number of studies and found that to get poisoned you need to eat 85 g of apple seeds. This is about half a glass. This is the number of seeds contained in 100 apples. That is, you need to eat 100 apples in a fairly short period of time. And this is actually impossible. The most interesting thing is that if you do not chew the seeds, the hydrocyanic acid remains inside them and they will then leave the body unchanged along with the feces. Therefore, there is no risk of being poisoned by the seeds of an accidentally eaten apple or lemon. There is no need to worry or worry, or take antidotes.

Does hydrocyanic acid decompose when heated?

Hydrocyanic acid does not decompose when heated. The melting point is quite low, at 27 degrees Celsius. The most interesting thing is that when heated, an increase in humidity is observed. Part of the hydrocyanic acid from the fruit seeds goes into solution, that is, compote. Therefore, the concentration of acid in the compote increases, but is not dangerous. After all, compote contains sugar, that is, glucose, which is a natural antidote.

Signs and symptoms of hydrocyanic acid poisoning: description

There are several signs by which you can identify hydrocyanic acid poisoning.

Signs of poisoning:

  • Sore throat
  • Nausea
  • Vomit
  • Panic attacks
  • Nervousness
  • Rapid, intermittent breathing
  • Cardiopalmus
  • Dizziness
  • Possible seizures

What is the lethal dose of hydrocyanic acid for humans?

The lethal dose of hydrocyanic acid is 1 mg/kg of human weight. That is, a 60 kg woman can die from 60 mg of hydrocyanic acid. This is a fairly large amount, which is difficult to obtain from the kernels of bitter almonds or fruit seeds. Therefore, the risk of poisoning with this substance is quite low. Poisoning can only occur if you eat about 100 grams of bitter almonds. This is almost impossible to do due to the unusual, rather sugary taste of the product.

Bitter almonds are mainly found in cookies and various baked goods in small quantities. Therefore, it is very difficult to eat 100 grams of this product. It is almost impossible to get poisoned by bitter almonds or apricot kernels. After all, the lethal dose of hydrocyanic acid is high and difficult to obtain from the seeds of cherries, apples or apricots.

Hydrocyanic acid is a rather harmful compound that can cause poisoning. If you do not overuse almonds, and also properly freeze fruits and cook compote with a decent sugar content, you will never be poisoned by hydrocyanic acid, which is part of the fruit seeds.

VIDEO: Hydrocyanic acid for the human body

Hydrocyanic acid in seeds? Sweet almond, Apricot, Peach, Cherry, Plum, Apple, Pear.

Description of the plant:

BITTER ALMOND AMYGDALUS (Prunus dulcis var. amara). Family Rosaceae. The name "amygdala" was given to almonds in the 1st century AD. Columella. There are about 40 species growing in the countries of Eurasia and North America. Almond grows as a bush or tree with reddish branches. It reaches a height of 3 - 8 m, similar to a cherry. The leaves that grow after flowering are oblong. The flowers consist of a goblet-shaped calyx and a pink or red corolla. The fruit is a leathery, hairy drupe that splits when ripe. Its surface is smooth or wrinkled. The first fruits appear at 3-4 years of age, and fruiting continues for 30-50 years. Some plants are over 100 years old. The almond tree, with pink and white flowers, grows up to 7 meters in height and is a popular garden tree. There are two main types - bitter and sweet almonds. Sweet almonds differ from bitter almonds in the absence of amygdalin, which serves as a carrier of the typical almond taste. Three varieties are most commonly grown: 1. Bitter almonds (var. amara) contains the glycoside amygdalin, which easily decomposes into sugar, benzaldehyde and highly poisonous hydrogen cyanide. Therefore, it is not recommended to consume bitter almonds without it. pre-treatment, and generally should not be eaten by children. For a child, the lethal dose is 10 tonsils, for an adult - 50. During the process of frying, calcining and boiling, hydrogen cyanide disappears. 2. Sweet almonds (var. dulcis) with sweet seed and low amygdalin content. Its spiciness is much weaker. Used when frying fish, especially trout. 3. Brittle almonds (var. dulcis for. fragilis) with fruits that have thin and fragile shells and sweet seeds. Sweet and brittle almond seeds can be eaten without prior heat treatment. Sweet almonds do not produce aromatic oil. Aromatic oil: Light colorless liquid with a characteristic “marzipan” smell. Used as an analgesic, antispasmodic, narcotic, anthelmintic. Contains the well-known poison cyanide, hydrocyanic acid in the seeds. It is not recommended to use at home. Bitter almond seeds contain 45-62% non-drying fatty oil, which includes glycerides of oleic and linoleic acids, about 20% protein substances, 2-3% sucrose and amygdalin glycoside. When this glycoside is broken down (under the influence of the emulsin enzyme), it releases hydrocyanic acid- one of the most toxic substances. Therefore, bitter almond seeds, which contain up to 3.5% amygdalin, should not be eaten. You should also not eat, especially for children, large quantities of sweet almond seeds and other fruits that contain amygdalin: apricot, cherry, plum, apple, pear. Overuse of them can also cause painful disorders. Common almond (Amygdalus communis L.) The homeland of almonds is probably the Caucasus and North Africa, from where its culture spread to Europe. The primary source of formation is located in Western Asia and adjacent areas, including the Mediterranean and Central Asia. In these areas, almond culture arose many centuries BC. Currently, the largest almond plantings are in the Mediterranean region, China and America. It is also grown in the warm regions of Slovakia, most often in vineyards, as well as in South Moravia and in the Czech Republic in the vicinity of Litoměřice. Georgian almond - Amygdalus georgica Desf. Low or wall almond (leguminum) - Amygdalus nana. APRICOT KITS APRICOT ARMENIACA family Rosaceae. It received its Latin name from “Armenia”, which was previously mistakenly considered the birthplace of apricot. From ancient Sogdiana (Central Asia), where apricot was widely cultivated, it was transferred by the Arabs to the Mediterranean countries. The Arabs called it "attaikuk", the Spaniards remade it into "albaricoque", the French in their own way renamed it "abricot", hence the German "Abrikosse" and the Russian "apricot". Contains 8 species growing in Eastern, Central, Middle and Minor Asia, the Caucasus. These are small trees 5-12 m tall or large shrubs with a wide crown and deep root system. The leaves are simple, up to 12 cm, oval, pointed, on long petioles. The flowers are regular, large, white-pink, with pleasant smell. The fruits are yellow or orange, fleshy or dry drupes, mostly velvety. Apricot fruits contain up to 20% sugars (mainly sucrose), up to 2.6% acids (malic, citric, very small quantity salicylic and tartaric), up to 1% pectin, quite a lot of vitamins A, B1 and B2. They are used in fresh, dried in large quantities for compotes, processed into marmalade, marshmallows, filling for candies, jam, preserves, and wine is made from them. Fresh and dried fruits put as a seasoning in many dishes. The seeds contain up to 40% fatty, non-drying oil, similar in properties to almond oil, over 20% proteins, and over 10% carbohydrates. Wild apricot seeds are bitter, as they contain 1-3% amygdalin, inedible, suitable only for replacing bitter almonds. Cultivated and wild apricots have sweet seeds that are quite suitable for eating fresh and dried, as well as for extracting edible oil. The shells of the seeds are processed into activated carbon. Previously, black carpet paint was prepared from it. Apricot is a source of gum - Gummi Armeniacae. It was included in the pharmacopoeia IX-X editions. It was used for the production of emulsions, replacing imported gum arabic. The seeds are used to produce fatty oil (Oleum Persicorum), used in medicine as a solvent. The oil consists of triglycerides of arachidic, linolenic, myristic, oleic, and stearic acids. Included in domestic pharmacopoeias VIII-X editions. Honey plant, but blooms for a short time. In addition, the fruit tends to stimulate appetite, but Before eating, the seeds must be removed, because... Poisonous hydrocyanic acid is contained in the seeds of these plants. Common apricot - A. vulgaris Lam. Manchurian apricot - A. mandshurica (Maxim.) Skvortz. Siberian apricot - A. sibirica (L.) Lam. CHERRY PIT CHERRY CERASUS fam. Rosaceae. The Latin name of the genus comes from the name of the city of Kerak, now Kerasunt, on the Black Sea coast of Asia Minor, from where, according to legend, it was first brought to Rome. Contains about 150 species growing in East Asia, Europe and North America. Deciduous trees or shrubs with oblong-ovate leaves; white, sometimes pink, fragrant flowers collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences. The fruits are drupes, juicy, mostly edible, red or black. There are mainly two varieties of cherries: sour cherries and sour cherries. Cherries are also divided into table and early ripening, which in turn are divided into heart-shaped and cartilaginous. Even bird cherry (for example, shattenmorelle) and bright red Amarellen cherries are considered to be varieties of cherries. Cherry does not contain ballast substances and is a source of vitamin A. Common cherry - C. vulgaris Mill. Bird cherry, or Cherries.- C. avium (L.) Moench Tree up to 30 m tall, with an ovoid crown and reddish-brown shoots. The leaves are elongated-ovate, pointed, serrated along the edge, with long petioles. Flowers are up to 3 cm in diameter, with reddish sepals and white petals that turn pink when flowering, in few-flowered umbels. The fruits are dark red or almost black, rarely yellow, in wild plants up to 1 cm in diameter. It blooms simultaneously with the leaves blooming, in April-May, the fruits ripen in June-July. Propagated by seed. The seeds are carried by birds that eat the fruit. Wildly distributed in Ukraine, Moldova, Crimea, and the Caucasus. Under natural conditions it grows as an admixture in lowland and mountain oak, hornbeam, beech, and chestnut forests. In the Caucasus it is also found in coniferous-deciduous forests on mountain slopes and in alder forests along river valleys. Quite demanding on soil fertility and moisture, shade-tolerant. In the mountains it rises up to 2000 m above sea level. Introduced into culture and bred in all southern regions of the CIS. Fruit wild cherries mostly bitter, less often bittersweet, only on a few trees quite sweet. Sweet fruits are edible fresh; they are used to make jam, compotes, etc.; bitter fruits are used only for wine. The seeds contain up to 30% fatty oil, which can be of technical use, and up to 1% essential oil, used in perfumery and liquor production. The leaves contain up to 250 mg% of vitamin C. The plant produces a lot of gum, which is used in textile production and fabric finishing. The bark contains 7-10% tannins, which allows it to be used for tanning leather. The bark and roots were previously used to dye wool and fabrics. The wood is suitable for carpentry; hoops are made from young trunks. Smoking pipes and mouthpieces made of cherry are well-deservedly famous. A good honey plant, very decorative. Japanese cherry - C. japonica (Thwib.) Lots. PLUM PIT PLUM PRUNUS fam. Rosaceae. The name "Primus" was widely used for plums in ancient Rome; it combines the Greek "prounus" and the Latin "prunia" - "frost", which indicates the presence of a light waxy coating in many fragrant fruits of species of this genus. There are 36 species distributed in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Deciduous trees or shrubs with short shoots that end in spines. The flowers are large, solitary or in few-flowered inflorescences. The fruits are juicy and edible. Prickly plum, or Thorn - R. spinosa L. Spreading plum, or Cherry plum - R. divaricate Ledeb. Chinese plum - R. salicina Lindl. Black plum, or Canadian plum - R. nigra Alt. You should know that the seeds of APPLES and PEARS also contain the glycoside amygdalin, which is capable of releasing hydrocyanic acid (hydrogen cyanide) in the intestines. But it is clear that you need to eat quite a lot of them to become poisoned. APPLE TREE MALUS fam. Rosaceae."Malus" is the Latin name for the apple tree, from the Greek "malon" = "melon" - apple. The genus includes 50 species growing in temperate and subtropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Small, up to 10 m tall, fruit and ornamental trees, often with an irregular, rounded crown, less often shrubs. The trunk bark is dark gray. The leaves are elliptical or oblong-ovate, up to 10 cm long, dark green in summer, yellow or reddish in autumn. Flowers are up to 3-4 cm in diameter, fragrant, white, pink or carmine, on pubescent pedicels, collected in umbellate inflorescences. The fruits are apple-shaped, brightly colored in many species, and vary in shape and size. Inside the fruit there are 5 nests formed by leathery valves containing seeds; the pulp is formed due to the expanding, fleshy receptacle. Apple is exceptional healthy fruit, and can be consumed with peel and even grains (if the amygdalin content is low). It contains many useful minerals and vitamins, a lot of iodine, calcium and potassium. Hybrid apple tree - M. hybridus. Forest or wild apple tree - M. silvestris (L.) Mill. Berry apple tree, or Siberian apple - M. baccata (L.) Borkh. PEAR PYRUS fam. Rosaceae. Name: "Pyrus" is the ancient Latin name for pear. Pear trees can reach heights of 20 meters and age over 100 years. In total, more than 1000 are known different varieties pears Distinguish creamy pears, Bergamott, bottled, pharmacy and “butter” pears. Pear varieties are also divided into summer, autumn and winter. Most famous variety"Williams Christ" belongs to the autumn varieties and is a creamy pear. Pear is not high in acids and is therefore very healthy. Pears are rich in iron and also contain potassium and phosphorus. It can be eaten fresh, pickled, served with cheese and alcohol. In dessert and dairy products, pear combined with apple is a wonderful treat. Common pear - P. communis L. Pear pear - P. elaeagrifolia Pall. Stone fruits garden plants.
These include apricot, almond, peach, cherry, and plum kernels, which contain the glycoside amygdalin, which can release hydrocyanic acid (hydrogen cyanide). Poisoning is possible either by eating large quantities of seeds contained in the seeds, or by consuming alcoholic beverages prepared with them. Children are more sensitive to the action of hydrocyanic acid in pits than adults. Sugar weakens the effect of the poison. HYDROCYANIC ACID(Hydrocyanic acid: HCN)
It is a clear liquid with a characteristic odor of bitter almonds. Dissolves in water in any proportions. Easily dissolves in alcohols, gasoline and other solvents. Lethal dose 0.05 g.

Signs of poisoning:

Hydrocyanic acid disrupts tissue respiration. Due to oxygen starvation, especially sensitive cells of the central nervous system are primarily affected. Severe disturbances in the activity of vital centers of the brain occur: respiratory, vasomotor and others. Death from hydrocyanic acid poisoning occurs from respiratory arrest. Suffice it to say that only 10-15 seeds of bitter almonds can cause severe poisoning in children. Symptoms of mild poisoning: metallic taste in the mouth, weakness.
In case of severe poisoning - complaints of headache, tinnitus, heart pain.
Admission inside lethal doses causes an attack of convulsions, sharp blueness of the skin and mucous membranes. A few minutes later - death from respiratory arrest. At lower doses - headache, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, general weakness, shortness of breath, palpitations, agitation, convulsions, loss of consciousness. Death - a few hours later from cardiovascular failure.


When ingesting hydrocyanic acid, immediately lavage the stomach with a solution of potassium permanganate with the addition of activated carbon or 1 - 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, or 5% solution of sodium thiosulfate. Inhalation of oxygen, artificial respiration if necessary. In case of hydrocyanic acid poisoning, take the antidote AMINITRITE.
In severe cases, the antidote is taken again.


Gorky and sweet almonds: Bitter and sweet almonds are used as medicine, cosmetics, nutrition and as a spice. In the pharmaceutical industry, galenic preparations are produced from them. The green fruits of sweet almonds are pickled or candied into jam. Mature kernels are used in the confectionery industry. Bitter and sweet almonds are used in various dough products, sweets, for the preparation of liqueurs and dishes with delicate taste. It occupies a special place in Chinese and Indonesian cuisine, in which nuts, almonds and citrus fruits are added to a wide range of dishes, especially rice, fried poultry, various types meat, etc. Roasted salted almonds complement drinks well. From the cake that remains after squeezing the oil from the kernels, flour is prepared, used for making medicines and confectionery. Sometimes animals are fed with this flour. The base oil (not aromatic) is obtained from both bitter and sweet almonds by pressing. Unlike fragrance oil, there is basically no benzaldehyde, and it is widely used in medicine and cosmetology. It is used as a laxative and as a medicine for bronchitis, cough, heartburn, diseases of the kidneys and bladder, and bile ducts. It helps reduce muscle pain and has a softening effect on the skin. Bitter almond oil is not used for medicinal purposes. Rectified almond oil used in the food, mainly confectionery, industry. When aromatizing food products natural oil increasingly being replaced by synthetic benzaldehyde.

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