Is it possible to freeze peppers? How to properly freeze fresh bell peppers for the winter: whole or in pieces? Cooking stew from frozen assorted meats

Bell pepper is considered one of the healthiest foods in the daily diet. In terms of the amount of nutrients, no vegetable can compete with it. Dishes prepared with fresh bell peppers are especially tasty and aromatic. The red color of the vegetable gives a festive look to any salad. In order for such a special product to bring benefits and delight you with its taste all year round, you should learn how to properly store and freeze it at home.

How to freeze bell peppers for the winter

The main type of storage of vegetables with a high juice content is considered to be freezing. This process ensures the preservation of nutrients, color and shape of the product. The main difference in the types of freezing bell peppers is the method of their preliminary preparation. When choosing, first of all, they start from dishes that will later be prepared on the basis of semi-finished products. It is also worth considering the volume of the freezer and its shape.

There are three types of freezing peppers:

  1. in pieces
  2. entirely
  3. in the form of a complete semi-finished product

The first type is used for further preparation of soups, stews and salads. Its main advantage is significant space savings in the freezer. Densely compacted pieces allow you to prepare a large amount of pepper for the winter. In this case, the product will not interfere when opening the door and will not create additional inconvenience.

The second type is suitable for stuffing and decorating holiday dishes. Once thawed, whole peppers can be sliced ​​and garnished on salads and other appetizers. The cavity inside can be filled with minced meat, cheese or fried vegetables. In any case, everything depends on the imagination and skills of the cook. This type of storage makes it difficult to prepare large quantities of product and requires a larger storage chamber.

The third type is suitable for long-term storage and helps to significantly save time, which will later be spent on cooking. After processing and drying the whole sweet pepper, minced meat, fried vegetables and rice are placed inside. You can fill the preparation with boiled carrots and spices. Peppers stuffed in this way are completely ready for further processing. It can be prepared in any way: boiled, stewed or fried. Next, the semi-finished product is packaged and sent to the freezer. Such preparations will require a lot of space, but using the method can significantly speed up and facilitate the culinary process.

How to properly freeze bell peppers? Freezing instructions

The process begins with selecting fresh and large fruits without damage. Any damaged parts must be cut off during preparation. It is important to choose high-quality peppers with the thickest walls. Such vegetables freeze better and retain a large amount of nutrients. Priority should be given to fruits from your own garden. Store-bought bell peppers are most often waxed and treated with chemicals for better storage.

Next comes the turn for cleansing. It is imperative to thoroughly rinse each fruit. After this, they begin cleaning: the partitions and seeds are removed, and the legs are carefully cut off. To remove the insides of the pepper and not damage its juicy walls, everything is done by hand. At this stage, it is worth making sure that there are no seeds left inside. To do this, the workpieces are additionally rinsed in water.

The next step is drying and getting rid of any signs of moisture. You need to properly place all the vegetables on a dry towel and wait until they dry completely. You can speed up the process using napkins and a towel, but it is recommended to let the pepper dry in the open air for at least an hour. After this, start cutting into pieces or slices. The type chosen depends on which housewife liked the recipe.

After thorough preparation, the peppers are placed on a towel or kitchen napkin made of fabric, which is spread to the bottom of the freezing chamber. You can use a special plastic tray. Whole peppers are placed one inside the other in a pyramid shape. This will save space and prevent the edges from getting damaged. It is advisable to cover the stacked vegetables with a cloth so that air does not enter them when the freezer is opened. The preparations are left in the freezer for two days, after which the frozen peppers are taken out and packaged in thick plastic bags or special containers for frozen vegetables. This storage method will provide vitamins throughout the winter and is perfect for enriching a variety of recipes.

The optimal temperature for quick freezing of fresh bell peppers is considered to be 20 degrees below zero. With this mode, the products do not lose nutrients and remain more elastic during subsequent defrosting. The shelf life of such stocks can range from six months to 10 months. It all depends on the initial condition of the fruit and compliance with all harvesting rules.

Secrets of cooking dishes based on frozen bell peppers

To prepare first courses, semi-finished products are added to hot water immediately after they are taken out of the freezer. This way the vegetables give off all their flavor and do not lose their bright, rich color. It is important not to keep them in boiling water for a long time, so that all the beneficial substances remaining in them are preserved in sufficient quantities. Frozen peppers are best suited for making vegetable puree soup. At the same time, the consistency of the dish is complemented by an aromatic and bright taste.

A side dish of frozen vegetables goes well with sour cream and spices added to taste. There is no need to defrost the workpieces first; just lower them onto the hot bottom of the frying pan. There is also no need to add water; the amount released during thawing is enough. This method of stewing will provide the vegetables with an elastic shape and will not allow them to lose their original appearance.

Freezing bell peppers is an easy and simple process that will provide many benefits in the future. Peeled and chopped vegetables will be useful to any housewife. This will speed up the cooking process and reward the efforts spent in the summer with a beautiful look and taste of the dishes. And the main advantage will be vitamin recipes, which can now be prepared at any time, with pleasure and quickly.

How to freeze bell peppers for the winter? This question worries almost all housewives at the beginning of autumn. After all, it is in the fall that sweet peppers are massively harvested from the fields, which becomes the reason for their low price. It’s a pity that the pleasant cheapness does not last long: with the arrival of the first frost, the price of peppers will rise sharply. And if you haven’t stocked up on it at least frozen, you will be very sorry. Despite the fact that there are a huge number of freezing methods - just have time to choose!

What do you need frozen bell peppers for? It is used in most dishes, namely:

  • in first courses (borscht, soups, stews, goulash);
  • in gravy for stewed or fried meat;
  • in various vegetable side dishes;
  • in potato-based dishes;
  • in scrambled eggs and omelettes;
  • and also stuffed with meat and rice, mushrooms with cheese and other fillings.

Buying this product in winter is still an expensive pleasure, and for each dish separately it is generally a waste of money. It would be more logical to freeze bell peppers in several ways at once. Freezing vegetables is a method that has many advantages. With this storage method (especially if the snow is dry), vegetables practically do not lose their vitamins and nutrients and retain their original appearance and taste.

Making preparations for stuffing

Stuffed peppers with various fillings, especially meat ones, are a dish that pleases consumers not only in everyday life, but also at holiday feasts. This looks especially impressive during the period of lack of fresh vegetables. The piquant taste and pleasant aroma of sweet pepper brings gourmets back to warm summer days filled with vegetable diversity, brings tangible benefits to the body and a feeling of fullness. In addition, the presence of preparations for stuffing significantly saves the housewife’s time on preparing the dish. After all, you can simply fill the frozen “cups” with the filling and simmer with gravy. No fuss with vegetables, just pure pleasure.

Instructions for preparing and freezing peppers for stuffing

1. Buy only large varieties of bell peppers. If you have a vegetable garden and such fruits, harvest from the garden bed. You will also need a sharp knife, plastic bags or special bags for freezing (sold in hardware stores).

2. Wash the vegetables and carefully, without touching the pepper, trim the stalk. Manually, without using a knife, remove the internal partitions and seeds.

3. Rinse the inside of the peppercorns again, then remove any moisture. A paper towel or napkin will help do this.

4. Peeled and dried peppers are placed inside each other. This method helps save space in the freezer and allows the housewife to distribute vegetables into portions for further cooking.

5. To save more space in the freezer, you can add a little grated carrot to each pepper. In winter you will need it to prepare the filling - and just shake the glass to get a portion of carrots for stewing with meat and rice.

Freezing peppers in pieces

Despite the convenience of the first method, housewives cannot always boast of having a separate freezer and a large refrigerator capacity. So there is simply nowhere to store whole peppers. Freezing chopped and chopped vegetables is the best option for such cases.

This method saves space in the freezer compartment and is convenient for use in further preparation. Bell peppers, cut into pieces and frozen, are used in preparing first courses, added to vegetable and meat side dishes, in general, do everything the same as with fresh ones.

Instructions for freezing bell peppers in pieces

1. For this method you will need peppers of any size and shape, bags for freezing vegetables, and a sharp knife. A very smart step is to choose vegetables in several different colors. This will allow the finished dishes to look bright and appetizing in summer.

2. As in the previous case, the vegetables are washed, peeled and dried with a paper towel.

3. Next, the prepared sweet pepper should be chopped. Initially, think about where you will add this product. If for goulash or first courses, cut into small cubes. Shredding in half rings or whole rings is suitable for stewing with other vegetables, meat, and cereals.

4. At the last stage, the vegetable slices prepared for freezing are put into bags and placed in the depths of the freezer.

How do you freeze bell peppers for the winter? Do you clean it from seeds and prepare it for stuffing? Or cut into pieces and then store in the freezer? What cutting form do you use? Tell us about it in the comments!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Now is the most wonderful time in the yard - summer has just ended, autumn is gradually coming into its own. The earth gives us generous harvests. And every day we create culinary masterpieces from vegetables in our kitchens. One of these masterpieces is stuffed peppers. Although this is painstaking work, how delicious it turns out and how everyone in the household loves this dish!
In cooking, too, progress does not stand still; everything new is being invented and introduced into our kitchens. For some time now it has become fashionable to freeze fresh vegetables and fruits for the winter. Sweet peppers are no exception. Why not continue to pamper your family with stuffed peppers even during the frosty winter or early spring? You can seal pepper and vinegar in jars for this purpose. But we will look at a simpler method - how to freeze peppers for the winter for stuffing.

For the preparation you will need:

- sweet pepper – 1 kg;
- clean water – 2-3 l;
- bags for freezing – 5-6 pcs.

Recipe with photos step by step:

1. You will need fresh bell peppers, not limp or spoiled, preferably the same size. Vegetables must be washed well, cut off the stalk, remove all the seeds inside and rinse again.

2. Place a pan filled with water on the fire, at the moment of boiling, put the prepared peppers in it and hold for 1.5-2 minutes.

3. Remove the boiled vegetables from the water, place them until all the water is inside the glass, and dry a little.

4. Place the cooled peppers one by one in a pile of 5-6 pieces.

5. Place each stack in a double plastic bag and put it in the freezer. This method makes it possible to make the peppers softer and not brittle. As a result, they can be placed in piles and much more pepper can be frozen. For those who have large freezers, you can freeze the peppers whole or already stuffed.

We also suggest you prepare a very simple one, and the appetizer turns out simply delicious!

In winter, take out bags of pepper and let them freeze. Prepare the filling - traditionally it is rice with minced meat; rice with vegetables or buckwheat with minced meat are also very popular. And Bon Appetit!
Many people freeze peppers for borscht. Cut fresh peppers into small cubes, put them in a bag and in the freezer. It is advisable to do this in single portions - so that you can get a bag for one borscht, put it in a pan and feel the breath of summer. Almost all the beneficial substances found in pepper are preserved using these freezing methods.

And if you want to know how it is prepared, follow the link.

Now that you know how to freeze peppers for the winter for stuffing, be sure to try it. There are so many advantages at once. First, frozen peppers at low summer prices. In winter, if you want to stuff it, you will have to spend money. Secondly, vitamins are preserved. Summer vegetables are much more valuable and tastier than winter vegetables grown in greenhouses.

August is the season for harvesting bell or sweet peppers. During this period, the price of vegetables is the most affordable. We suggest you try preparing peppers using any of the freezing methods presented below. Frozen vegetables retain maximum nutrients and will certainly come in handy for preparing various dishes during the winter months.

The process of preparing peppers for freezing includes several stages:

  1. Wash the vegetables thoroughly under running water.
  2. Using a sharp knife, cut out the core and remove all the seeds and veins inside the pods. If you leave the light parts of the pepper, then the dish prepared from such a vegetable will be bitter.
  3. Once again we wash the pods to remove any remaining seeds and cut fibers.
  4. Dry the peppers with a paper towel or cotton cloth. Dry vegetables will retain their shape better when frozen, and the freezing itself will be crumbly.

In the video, Elena Deberdeeva will tell you about two ways to quickly peel peppers.

Four ways to freeze sweet peppers

Method one - freezing whole bell peppers

This method of freezing peppers is probably the easiest. Prepared whole peppers just need to be stacked on top of each other, forming a “pyramid”. To prevent the peppers from sticking together, each pod must be wrapped in a small piece of cellophane. To do this, you can cut the packaging bag into several pieces, approximately 10 centimeters in size on each side. The pepper pyramid is placed in a freezing bag, all the air is removed from it as much as possible, and placed in the freezer for storage. Peppers, frozen whole, are later used for stuffing.

Method two - freezing peppers into cubes or strips

This freezing method will also not cause you any difficulty. The peeled, washed and dried pepper is first cut in half lengthwise, then each half is cut lengthwise again. Now you need to cut the resulting pepper slices crosswise into thin strips or cubes. The size and shape of the cut depends on what you plan to make from this pepper in the future. For pizza and soups, for example, it is more convenient to use peppers cut into strips, but for vegetable stews - into cubes. The crushed peppers are placed in a freezer bag and placed in the freezer. After a couple of hours, you can shake the bags so that the slightly frozen vegetables come unglued, and the frozen vegetables are ultimately crumbly.

Method three - freezing baked sweet peppers

With this method, the peppers are first baked in the oven. To do this, the pods are washed without removing the stalk with seeds. The peppers are placed on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil and placed in the oven for approximately 40 minutes. As soon as the vegetables are browned, take them out, put them in a saucepan and cover tightly with a lid for 15 minutes. After this, holding the pods by the stalk, remove the skin, and then remove all the insides. These peppers are surprisingly aromatic and tasty, so when peeling the peppers, you must try to preserve the juice that will be released from them. Next, the peeled peppers are cut into small pieces, placed in containers, and poured with the resulting juice. The workpiece is stored in a freezer. These frozen peppers are ideal for salads.

Method four - freezing stuffed peppers

This method is used to freeze peppers already stuffed with minced meat. At the same time, peppers can be stuffed either “raw” or previously blanched in boiling water (about 1 minute). Blanching makes the vegetable softer, which allows it to be filled more densely with minced meat. Ready stuffed peppers are frozen in the freezer on a flat surface for 24 hours. Then they are transferred to freezer bags and stored in the freezer for long-term storage.

Temperature for freezing peppers and shelf life

The optimal temperature for freezing is from -19°C to -32°C. The shock effect of temperature allows you to best preserve all the beneficial properties of products.

Maintaining this temperature regime will allow the peppers to survive all winter, until the next harvest.

See the video recipe for freezing bell peppers from the channel - “How to Cook”.

See video: “How to freeze peppers for the winter. Two ways."

When summer has already come to its logical end, the question becomes urgent - how to preserve more fresh vegetables for future use, so that in winter you can have tasty and healthy products in stock?

One of the most common methods is freezing vegetables. There are a number of nuances that must be observed to achieve the best result. Find out how to freeze bell peppers for the winter, how much and under what conditions to store them - our photos and video instructions will help with this.

Frozen Pepper Recipe

Let's start with the simplest thing - freezing chopped vegetables. In this form, it is added to soups, all kinds of main courses and even fresh salads.

This is interesting: In addition to sweet peppers, you can also freeze bitter pods for the winter. Hot peppers can be frozen either whole or cut into cubes. You can store it the same way - in the freezer.


Servings: – + 5

  • Bulgarian pepper 500 g

Per serving

Calories: 24 kcal

Proteins: 1.3 g

Fats: 0 g

Carbohydrates: 4.7 g

20 minutes. Video recipe Print

    Rinse the peppers well in running water. Check each fruit for spoiled areas and cut them off if necessary. Remove the seed pod and any rough partitions inside.

    Place the peppers on a kitchen towel and allow time to dry. You should place the vegetable in the freezer without moisture to prevent an ice crust from forming.

    Cut the peppers into strips or cubes and pack them into bags. Calculate the approximate amount needed to prepare one serving. Periodic defrosting adversely affects the beneficial properties of the vegetable.

    Place the bags in the freezer. If your refrigerator has a blast freezing function, use it, but with the usual camera parameters everything should work out just fine.

    Frozen Bulgarian Pepper Recipe

    For everyone, the most common way to stuff a pepper is to fill it with minced rice and vegetables. Prepare a Bulgarian dish that will amaze anyone with its flavor palette and will save time in the kitchen.

    Number of servings: 2

    Cooking time: 35 minutes

    Energy value

    • calorie content – ​​346.9 kcal;
    • proteins – 21.3 g;
    • fats – 24.7 g;
    • carbohydrates – 10.2 g.


    • sweet pepper – 2 pcs.;
    • egg – 2 pcs.;
    • minced meat (pork + beef) – 150 g;
    • parsley, herbs - to taste;
    • cheese (brynza) – 150 g;
    • breadcrumbs – 150 g;
    • flour – 100 g;
    • salt - to taste;
    • garlic cloves – 2 pcs.

    Step-by-step preparation

  1. First you need to remove the skin from the peppers. To do this correctly and not spoil the fruits, you can resort to the blanching method. We offer you a slightly different option - bake peppers. To do this, place seeded vegetables on a baking sheet, grease them with a small amount of vegetable oil and bake for no longer than ¼ hour at 200 degrees.
  2. At this time, grate the cheese using a coarse grater and add it to the minced meat (it is preferable to grind the meat yourself). Add garlic passed through a garlic press, 1 egg, salt and finely chopped herbs. Mix the minced meat thoroughly.
  3. Place the fried peppers in a regular plastic bag, tie it and leave it like that for a couple of minutes. Due to the hot steam inside, the skin will come off as if by magic. Remove the skin.
  4. Stuff the peppers with the prepared minced meat, place them on a kitchen board and place in the freezer. When the workpiece becomes sufficiently hard from exposure to temperature, place the dish in bags. When using the homemade semi-finished product in the future, all you have to do is roll the baked peppers in egg, flour and breading, add tomato sauce and simmer. You don't need to stuff anything, just cook it in the tomato.

This is interesting: choose red peppers for cooking. They, unlike green ones, have denser and fleshier walls and have a rich taste.

Whole Frozen Pepper Recipe

Many housewives love to delight their households with stuffed peppers. In most cases, this dish is a vegetable stuffed with rice and meat, stewed in sauce. Holiday snacks are also often prepared with peppers, cut into circles. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to buy peppers in winter - the price tag increases significantly. There is an alternative - freeze the peppers yourself.

Number of servings: 5

Cooking time: 25 minutes

Energy value

  • calorie content – ​​28 kcal;
  • proteins –1 1.3 g;
  • fats – 0 g;
  • carbohydrates – 5.7 g.


  • bell pepper – 500 g.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. It doesn’t matter in what form you freeze the peppers, in circles or whole, the procedure is identical in both cases. First of all, you need to wash and remove seeds from the pepper. Afterwards, dry it.
  2. Now place the vegetables on a cutting board (its dimensions should match the size of the freezer) and place in the refrigerator for 1.5 hours. During this time, the vegetable will set from exposure to low temperatures and will not lose its shape during subsequent storage.
  3. Take out the frozen peppers, put them in bags and send them to a permanent storage location.

This is interesting: If you prepared pepper in pieces for preparing hot dishes, then it is not necessary to defrost them first. But for stuffing, you should still let the vegetable thaw at room temperature.

Preparing vegetables for future use by freezing is the easiest way to preserve vitamins. Use these step-by-step instructions to bring healthy food to your household!