Is it possible to store cereals in plastic containers? How to properly store cereals

Thriftiness is a trait inherent in both the real owner and the person. Unfortunately, there are not always conditions for long-term storage of various cereals and other products in large quantities and for a sufficiently long time.

But turning to the old folk recipes You can find ways to store not only apples, potatoes or tomatoes, but also various types of cereals, which are without a doubt one of the most consumed products. As an example, we will prepare buckwheat, and instead of a basement we will use an ordinary balcony for this.

Using a freezer, even after three days, cannot guarantee the extermination of pests, therefore, to be completely sure of the result, it is better to use an oven. To do this, pour the cereal in an even layer onto a baking sheet and place it in the oven. But do not pour more than 1 kg at a time. This is necessary so that the buckwheat heats up evenly, both in the middle and on top or bottom. Set the temperature to 150 degrees and, stirring as it heats, hold it for 30 minutes. Some “craftsmen” use a microwave instead of an oven. It is strictly not recommended to do this, since almost immediately the cereal begins to burst the way popcorn does.

To prevent the cereal from becoming damp during long-term storage

Let the buckwheat cool on its own, after which we prepare a napkin bag in which we wrap 3 tablespoons of table salt.

If you do not want the bag to unfold and the salt to spill out, tie it with regular thread, but do not forget that its size should be such that it fits freely into the neck of the prepared bottle.

If you are afraid that the napkin may tear, replace it with a cotton rag or gauze, which needs to be rolled up in 2-3 layers.

Such a bag will absorb all the moisture, thanks to which the cereal will be stored long time and will not get damp. For complete stuffing, tape more tape to an emergency storage container.

Our grandmothers as antiseptics for long-term storage croup garlic was often used Bay leaf, adding them to the container. They put a few cloves of garlic or a sprig of bay leaf in the bags, and thus prevented the appearance of worms and other insects in them.

Although most cereals are quite cheap, many people get very upset when they find bugs and midges in their kitchen cupboards. These insects multiply very quickly: if they start in a bag with one cereal, then within a couple of weeks they will “occupy” the entire cupboard.

If insects are found, you have to throw away all the contents. kitchen cabinet. You can not only fight bugs and midges, but also prevent their appearance. The rules for storing cereals are quite simple, and if every housewife adheres to them, she will not have to constantly throw away fresh food.

How to deal with bugs?

Cereals are ideal products for the reproduction of insects such as bread borers, Suriname flour beetles, granary weevils. They quickly leave traces of their vital activity, which not only spoils the taste of food, but also often leads to poisoning. What causes bugs to appear in cereal bags? They may already be in the cereal when you buy it at the store. Manufacturers are required to process cereals before packaging, but, unfortunately, they do not always do this.

Many housewives, after purchasing cereal, warm it up in or put it in a freezer. So, if you buy cereal by weight, such manipulations will help reduce the risk of bugs breeding.

It should be noted that bugs appear not only in cereals, but also in dried fruits brought from Central Asia. Before storing, rinse and dry prunes, raisins and dried apricots in the oven, and then store dried fruits separately from cereals.

Shelf life

  • Semolina, rice, buckwheat and flour can be stored at home for no more than six months.
  • Hercules, oatmeal, kernels and millet are stored for only four months.
  • And polished rice can be kept on a shelf in a cupboard for several years.
  • Millet, rolled oats, oatmeal and buckwheat are stored only in a cool place at a temperature of 18 degrees. These cereals contain vegetable fats oxidizing in heat. If you store them at high temperature, over time they will become bitter.

Best packaging

The best “packaging” for storing cereals is linen bags boiled in a salty solution. The fabric allows the grains to “breathe”, and the salt prevents mold and insects from entering the bags.

Another a good option for storage - plastic or glass containers that are hermetically sealed with lids. To prevent worms from appearing in cereals, place a clove of garlic in the container with the product. IN winter period Cereals can be stored on the balcony in large, tightly closed containers.

Many young housewives at first don’t really bother about storing cereals, especially since now almost everyone buys them in special packages and stores them in them.

True, from time to time such packs tend to tear and disperse, after which all the cereal ends up outside, filling up the cabinet in which these packs were standing, or even scattering throughout the kitchen if at that time the pack was simply on the table or in your hands.

But this is not the most important problem; what is more serious are bugs that can start in the most different types croup, and then there is nothing left to do but simply throw out the whole pack, because porridge with insects is not the most pleasant sight.

Since porridge is a very healthy and required product, which should be present in the diet of any person who wants to lead healthy image life, then we usually store them in considerable quantities and in various types: buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, oatmeal, semolina, Wheat groats and any other.

But, unfortunately, not everyone can boast of a large space where all this could be placed and arranged, because the standard kitchens in our apartments do not allow much wandering.

To avoid all these problems, and also to be considered a good housewife, you need to figure out how to properly store cereals, because it turns out that even such a thing has its own useful recommendations and advice.

Surely, many of us remember grandmother’s mezzanines and kitchen cabinets, in which entire rows were lined up three liter bottles, filled different cereals and pasta.

In fact, the idea still remains the same, it’s just that progress is moving forward and the containers for storing cereals have changed and transformed somewhat, they can be selected in accordance with the decor of your own kitchen, for every taste and color. But which containers are best suited for such purposes? Let's figure it out.

What types of containers are there for storing cereals?

  • Metal jars. They, of course, look stylish and high-quality, but such containers have their own drawback - they can easily rust, and this will not happen from water, but simply over time. Not only does it look ugly, it also harmful processes oxidation will be dissipated onto your cereal, thereby not adding useful and taste properties, but rather the opposite. Another option is stainless steel jars, but such containers will most likely make your wallet much lighter, which is also not always appropriate.
  • Plastic ones are a completely convenient and appropriate option; they often have an attractive appearance, and also boast an important advantage - they are very light, which is why the load on the cabinets is minimal. When there are 10 jars on one shelf, then, you know, this fact will play a significant role in literally this word.
  • Glass containers. Probably one of the best and most optimal options. Modern glass jars for cereals have a stylish design; they may differ in price, but if you don’t chase brands, you can choose a completely decent option at a very reasonable price. And in general, it is believed that ordinary jars with lids can also be used as containers for storing cereals, it’s not for nothing that our grandmothers and mothers did this, and in order for them to look beautiful and unusual, they are even decorated with their own hands, which we will talk about a little Later.
  • Ceramic containers. Also an excellent and very stylish option, it is believed that this is the best solution for storing any bulk products.

Naturally, all these containers must have a good sealed lid that will close tightly without leaving any gaps. By the way, in addition to special containers, ordinary linen bags are excellent for such purposes, which must first be soaked in saline solution and then iron it with an iron. You can put the cereal in a bag directly into a glass or any other container, so you will definitely forget about bugs and other annoying insects.

Secrets of storing different cereals

We sorted out the containers, everyone made their choice, but that’s not all. It turns out that in order for cereals to be stored for as long as possible, and at the same time, everything will be done without bugs, as well as the occurrence of unpleasant odors, you need to resort to some tricks.

It turns out that not all cereals are stored for the same long time.

For example, rice can easily be stored for years without harming it, but buckwheat be stored no longer than 20 months. Millet is not long-lived at all, but in order for the porridge to turn out tasty, it can be stored for no more than 4 months, otherwise later the cereal will taste bitter and taste bad unpleasant smell. Cereals They also don’t last long, optimally 4-5 months, especially if it’s muesli with various additives.

To prevent bugs from infesting the rice and to prevent it from giving off a musty smell, place a pod in the container with it. hot pepper. If there is no pepper, then a few cloves will do, and you don’t need to peel off the top skin from them.

Another method that is suitable for all cereals is to use gauze bags of salt, which can be placed at the bottom of the container. Some housewives add dry bay leaf or lemon zest, which is also very effective.

It is also necessary to treat the cabinet itself, where the cans of cereal are located, so that no living creatures appear in it. To do this, simply treat it with vinegar and then lay out pads soaked in lavender oil. Don't worry, the smell will go away quickly.

Another the right way, the success of which does not depend on what your semolina, buckwheat, rice or oat groats, is not to be lazy immediately after purchasing the cereal, heat it in the oven, and then sift through a sieve. Another way is to put a bag of cereal in the freezer for a day, then the likelihood of insects appearing is reduced to almost zero.

Decor and beauty

Even the most ordinary bottles can be decorated; this requires a little imagination and perseverance. It is better, of course, to use rectangular jars; they are easier to arrange in a cabinet, as a result of which they take up much less space.

For each jar, you can come up with a beautiful signature: sign your jar in a curly font on a bright piece of paper, and then glue it onto the container itself. You can cover the jars with cutouts from old magazines depicting food and dishes, this will make them look more fun and cute.

Some housewives cover jars with lace, pieces of fabric, use decoupage techniques, but what can I say, there are many options, try it yourself, and you will understand that the main thing is desire!

Gone are the days when buckwheat, flour and sugar were stored in bags just in case. Nowadays you can find any product on sale, but many still buy cereals from more than you need for a week, for example, in order not to go to the store often or products were purchased at a discount. In this case, information on how to store food will be useful, because if you treat this with disdain, then soon there will be bugs in buckwheat or rice, and moths will have fun fluttering around the kitchen. In this case, the consequences will be irreversible, and therefore you will have to throw away all purchased products. Let's look at how to store certain bulk products.


Flour is a product that should be in any home. Even those housewives who are not particularly keen on baking have reserves of flour, which is used to prepare many dishes. Very often, bugs and other “living creatures” grow in flour, and this happens due to high humidity. Before storing flour, it must be checked for moisture. And they do this with the help of their fingers - rubbing a pinch of flour between them. If it squeaks between your fingers, then the flour is dry, if not, it is wet, and still dried flour is warm to the touch, and wet flour will be cool.

If there are bugs and worms in the flour, it must be sifted through a fine sieve (preferably a couple of times), and then poured onto a baking sheet covered with clean paper in a layer of 3-4 centimeters and dried in a heated oven. It is important to follow the correct temperature regime– up to 40-45 degrees Already at a temperature of 50 degrees, the content grains of wheat“brewed” and baking from such flour becomes impossible.

It is better to put the dried flour in a fabric or paper bag, preferably two. In the second, larger bag, dried calendula flowers are poured into the bottom. This plant repels insects well and the flour is not saturated with the smell of calendula. You can also use a clove of garlic to repel bugs, but in this case the smell will be present. You can replace garlic with the “heel” of onion, which is usually thrown away during the cleaning process, but actually contains a large number of phytoncides.

If the stored flour has already gone rancid, then it can no longer be used for baking, but you can use it to make paste or wallpaper glue. By the way, if you add a decoction of wormwood to such a paste, then the bugs will not get between the wallpaper and the walls.


Usually millet can be stored without loss taste qualities for four months, after which the cereal may become bitter and unsuitable for consumption. This occurs due to the fact that the outer shell of the millet grains deteriorates. In order to get rid of the bitter taste, the shell must be removed. To do this, millet is first washed in cold water, and then pour it hot and leave for 3-4 hours. Then the water is drained, the millet is filled with warm water, per liter of which 1 teaspoon of baking soda is added. After this, the grains of millet must be rubbed between your hands. Next, the millet is thoroughly washed again, dried in an oven preheated to 35 degrees and can be used for another month, no more.


Semolina, in which worms have infested, is sifted through a sieve, poured with cold salted water and waited until the larvae and worms float to the surface. Dry semolina very problematic, but you can add it to cutlets and meatballs and casseroles.


Everyone knows that this cereal needs to be sorted out in order to get rid of unrefined buckwheat grains. After this, it is thoroughly washed under running water. cold water and put into the oven for calcination at a temperature of approximately 60 degrees. Then, after cooling, the cereal is placed in a fabric bag and taken to a cold place (can be on a balcony, cellar or barn).


Rice that has been stored for a long time may be affected by the pupae of worms or cereal elephants. To get rid of them, the cereal must be mixed in a sieve until the rice grains are freed from the cobwebs, and after that the rice must be thoroughly washed several times and dried.

  • When buying cereal, you can put the entire package (without opening it) in the freezer for a day, and then pour the cereal into a plastic bottle with a wide neck. These containers close tightly, so cereals are stored in them perfectly.
  • For better storage flour, starch and cereals, you can put gauze bags filled with salt on the bottom of the selected container.
  • Instead of a clove of garlic, you can put a bay leaf or dry lemon zest on top of the cereal poured into the container - their strong smell will repel insects.
  • A piece of metal foil (or even just an iron spoon) immersed in the cereal will also protect against the appearance of bugs. It is convenient to place a spoon in a container with flour - it will not only protect against insects, but will also serve to pour flour.
  • A pod of red hot pepper is placed in the rice for storage, which will also prevent a musty smell from appearing.
  • It is best to store cereals in glass or plastic containers with a tight-fitting lid.

Every good housewife should have an idea of ​​how to properly store certain food products in her kitchen. It is important to know how to approach the issue of storing bulk products and cereals. Very often, young, inexperienced housewives store cereals in purchased packaging, and this is not entirely correct.

Firstly, it's not entirely convenient. Due to the violation of the integrity of such packaging, cereals often spill onto the floor or table, in a cabinet, or anywhere.

Secondly, when storing cereals in unsealed packaging, all sorts of beetles and worms can appear. This means that you can safely throw the supplies in the trash bin, or do a good deed - feed the birds. So how to store cereals?

Now in stores you can find a large assortment of various sealed containers designed for storing cereals and bulk products.

Modern manufacturers produce various beautifully designed jars that will fit well into any kitchen interior.

Whether it's modern high-tech or classic sunflowers on wallpaper - you can purchase the necessary containers in almost any hardware hypermarket. However, what is important to know about the cereals themselves?

When storing cereals, it is important to understand that their sales periods are different. For example, rice can sit quietly for a year and a half and retain all its beneficial features and will not deteriorate, provided, of course, that it is stored correctly.

But millet should not be stored for more than 4 months, since after this period, the grain may turn rancid and have an unpleasant aftertaste.

Buckwheat can be stored for a long time, about 20 months, but semolina needs to be used up within 14 months. It is not recommended to store oatmeal for more than 5 months; this also applies to muesli.

Types of containers for storing cereals

Very often they are attractive appearance, practical, comfortable and very light. Their weight plays an important role, because, for example, if you put a lot of these containers filled with cereals on a shelf, then the load on the cabinet will be minimal.

  • Metal cans

Good, beautiful and high-quality containers, convenient for storage various cereals. Unfortunately, there is one drawback to metal cans; over time, rust stains may appear on them. And such containers automatically become unsuitable for storing food.

  • Stainless steel jars

Stylish and modern version for storing bulk products, but quite expensive.

  • Glass containers

An excellent, beautiful and convenient way to store cereals is to keep them in a glass container. There are many glass jars of different designs in stores.

You can store cereals in regular glass jars with lids like our grandmothers used. And you can style them to match the design of your kitchen with your own hands. You just need to use your imagination and buy a couple of jars of acrylic paints, stained glass contours or glass paints.

  • Ceramic containers

Ceramic containers are considered the best for storing cereals and bulk products.

  • Plastic bottles

Can adapt regular plastic bottles for storing cereals.

Important! Any cereals should be stored in a hermetically sealed container.

Folk secrets for long-term storage of cereals

Take advantage of these simple tips for storing bulk products and then in your food supplies there will be no uninvited guests.