Is it possible to have pea soups while breastfeeding a baby? Can a nursing mother have pea soup?

Soups are one of the main components of the human diet. They have a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system. Many families love to cook pea soup. There is hardly a person who has never tried such a dish. After all, the soup has a special taste and aroma. In hot weather, a plate of such a dish will compensate for the lack of fluid in the body, and in winter it will warm you up and calm your nerves.

Composition and calorie content

Pea soup contains:

  • minerals(potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine, iron, iodine);
  • vitamins B, A, PP, C and E;
  • folic acid;
  • lipotropic substances (methionine, choline and lecithin);
  • inositol;
  • sugar (fructose, glucose).

The nutritional value of soup with the addition of fresh peas is only 30-40 kcal.

Due to its low calorie content, the dish is often included in dietary meals.

Beneficial properties of pea soup

The dish not only has excellent taste qualities, but also thanks to the composition, brings next benefit to the body:

  1. Due to the lack of fat, the soup can be consumed by people who want to lose weight. excess weight.
  2. It helps prevent sleep disturbances and depression.
  3. Light soup can improve metabolism and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  4. When hot, the dish has a positive effect on the nervous system.
  5. It can be included in the diet as a prophylactic for colds.
  6. The soup will help relieve vascular spasms, which will improve blood circulation.
  7. The dish is useful to eat for patients with arterial hypertension and ischemia.
  8. Soup can increase the body's defenses and reduce the risk of tumors.
  9. It improves the condition skin, as well as hair and nails.
  10. The dish can be included in the diet of patients with diabetes, because the sugars in it are glucose and fructose.
  11. The soup contains antioxidants that can slow down oxidation processes at the cellular level.
  12. With regular use, the functioning of the digestive system improves.

Pea soup thanks to its positive properties, can become one of the healthiest dishes, both in regular and dietary meals.

Use in cooking

Pea soup is one of the few first courses that, even without meat in it, is different great taste And pleasant aroma. In his traditional recipe present: peas, potatoes, onions, oil for frying vegetables and herbs. The calorie content of 100 g of soup is only 66 kcal.

Despite the fact that Lenten dish has excellent taste, gourmets are trying to further improve its recipes. It may include smoked sausages, ribs, pork, lard, etc.

One of the special dishes is pea soup with cracklings. Fried lard, included in its composition, gives spicy taste. In this case nutritional properties soup are improved, allowing the body to quickly absorb it.

The energy value of such a dish increases sharply and amounts to 300 kcal. People watching their weight will definitely not like this soup. Therefore, most often they prefer vegetarian pea soup.

The creators of this diet claim that positive qualities Ah, peas were already known to our ancestors. Therefore, it has always been widely used in cooking for preparing various dishes(soups, salads, side dishes). Pea soup with water - excellent dietary dish. The absence of fat in it allows it to be consumed by all people who want to lose weight.

The advantages of this diet include:

  1. Peas are low in calories, but at the same time quickly saturate the body.
  2. It is rich in useful substances, ranging from zinc to potassium. When peas are eaten, the human body produces the amino acid lysine.
  3. It can replace meat for vegetarians.

The essence of the diet is that someone losing weight replaces a high-calorie dish in their diet with pea soup. The dish is cooked with the addition of fresh, not dry peas.

When refusing to drink alcohol, fried, salty and spicy dishes, weight loss in 7 days will be about 3 kg.

The main limitation of the diet is the refusal meat dishes. Thanks to the leadership of peas in protein content among others plant products, it will be able to satisfy the body's need for proteins.

Harm of pea soup

Despite its many beneficial properties, pea soup has the following limitations:

  1. In some cases, the dish can cause discomfort in the intestines. This is explained by the fact that peas contain enzymes that prevent seed growth. Even when boiling, they do not boil soft and inhibit the process of breakdown of plant proteins. As a result, after eating you feel heaviness in the intestines and flatulence.
  2. Because of these characteristics of peas, patients suffering from hemorrhoids or constipation are not recommended to eat them.
  3. Some people experience individual intolerance and allergy to peas. In this case, pea soup is prohibited.

To avoid this condition, you need to eat soup in small portions. If you cook a dish from green peas, flatulence does not occur.

To reduce negative consequences, it is best to soak peas in water overnight and then cook for a long time.

Pea soup – healthy dish, which saturates the human body with vitamins and minerals. It is widely used in cooking. There are many recipes for making pea soup. It is actively used in dietary nutrition. Despite many positive qualities, pea soup has contraindications that must be taken into account when eating it.

Video: how to cook pea soup

Pea soup is a tasty, satisfying and healthy dish, but it is not recommended for complementary feeding of a small child, at least up to 1 year. Many pediatricians do not recommend introducing peas into the menu of a child under two years of age. Therefore, parents have a question whether their child can have pea soup. It is possible if you follow the rules for preparing and introducing this product and dish into complementary foods.

Age restrictions are due to the fact that legumes put a double burden on the still immature digestion of the baby. As a result, the baby may experience increased gas formation, pain, heaviness and cramps in the tummy, deterioration in well-being and abnormal stool. In this article we will look in detail at what age you can give pea soup to a child. And we will learn how to properly and safely prepare this dish for babies.

Composition and properties of peas

Peas contain a large number of useful substances and elements, including protein, vitamins B, PP, A and C. This legume contains selenium and pyridoxine (vitamin B6), natural oxidants and amino acids, thiamine, iron, fluorine and other important minerals. Due to this composition, peas have a positive effect on the functioning of nerve cells and the brain. It prevents the appearance of worms. In addition, it is an excellent prevention of cancer and heart disease.

Peas perform the following beneficial functions:

  • Stimulates and develops brain function;
  • Relieves fatigue and nervousness, calms and gives strength;
  • Replenishes expended energy and is perfect for feeding active kids;
  • Improves skin condition, helps with dermatitis, skin rashes and allergies;
  • Promotes the development and growth of the child;
  • Increases immunity;
  • Strengthens bones and teeth;
  • Accelerates material metabolism;
  • Suppresses inflammatory processes;
  • Cleanses the body and removes toxins;
  • Positively affects the condition of hair and nails;
  • Prevents the occurrence of tumors and worms, the development of heart diseases.

Peas will also be useful for a woman after childbirth, as it restores strength and helps cope with fatigue, depression, and improves the condition of hair, nails and skin. Besides, this product helps to lose excess weight and slows down aging.

However, a nursing mother should not rush to introduce peas into her diet, at least for the first three months. Since this product can also cause gas formation and flatulence, and increase colic in infants. For more information, from how many months can a nursing mother eat pea soup and pea dishes, read.

When can you give pea soup to a baby?

Complementary feeding with pea soup begins at 1-1.5 years. In this case, the dish should be a liquid puree and have crushed components. Complete pea soup for a child is prepared after two years. For the first time, give the baby one teaspoon of the prepared dish to try and watch the baby for two days.

If there is no negative reaction or disturbances, digestion is working normally and the stool remains stable, soup can sometimes be prepared for the child. You can give dishes with peas no more than twice a week, while the daily intake of soup for a child 1-1.5 years old should be 180-200 ml, for children 1.5-2 years old and older it increases to 200-220 ml .

First of all, green pea dishes are introduced. Regular ripe dry peas are not recommended for children under three years of age. Such a product is very difficult and takes a long time to digest, which is contraindicated for a child during the first, second and third years of life.

In addition, first course recipes should not contain onions, seasonings or salt. Then, when preparing the soup, you can add a little onions and salt. It is important to cook the dish correctly so that it is easily digestible and digested in the baby’s body without complications.

How to properly prepare pea soup for babies

  • For children, the recipe should include fresh or frozen peas;
  • Do not use when cooking smoked ribs, sausages and meat, as well as fatty varieties meat and meat products;
  • Under no circumstances should you use spices or bouillon cubes, do not add a large amount of salt to the dish;
  • For one year old child The soup is prepared with vegetable or meat broth. For meat broth use lean chicken, turkey or beef;
  • First, puree soups are prepared. Then, when the baby learns to swallow well and confidently, the consistency is made more liquid with more large pieces vegetables;
  • Peas in the soup should not exceed ⅓ of the soup;
  • The first soups should include only peas, potatoes and carrots. You can also add zucchini and pieces of meat;
  • Do not give your child raw, fresh green peas. Give the product only after heat treatment. He will save beneficial features fresh vegetable, but at the same time it will be easier and faster to digest and will not cause a negative reaction;
  • To prepare meat and meat broth for babies, cut it into pieces and place in cold water, bring to a boil and drain the broth. Then rinse the meat pieces, add fresh boiling water and cook the chicken or turkey for another half hour, cook the beef for an hour and a half. This broth can now be used.

Recipes for pea soup for babies

Pea soup with chicken

  • Chicken or turkey fillet – 300 g;
  • Carrots – 1 piece;
  • Zucchini – 200 gr;
  • Potatoes – 2 pieces;
  • Onions – ½ onion;
  • A small bunch of fresh herbs.

Cut the fillet into pieces and cook. For children under three years old, use a second broth! Remove meat from broth. Peel the zucchini and potatoes, cut into cubes, add to the boiling broth. Peas are washed in cold water and add to the soup ten minutes from the start of cooking the vegetables.

The onion is peeled and finely chopped, the carrots are grated. Vegetables are lightly sautéed in oil and added to the pot of soup. The boiled meat is cut into pieces and dipped into the broth, and cooked for another five minutes. The finished dish is sprinkled with chopped fresh herbs. If necessary, the dish can be blended in a blender until pureed.

Vegetable puree soup

  • Green peas – 4 tablespoons;
  • Rice – 2 tablespoons;
  • Butter – 1 piece.

Sort and rinse the rice, pour into a saucepan and pour a glass of boiling water. Cook until the cereal is ready. Separately, cook the peas with a glass of water. Combine rice and peas, add the liquid that remains after cooking the peas, or other vegetable broth. Grind the ingredients in a blender and bring the resulting mass to a boil. IN ready dish add butter.

Green pea puree

  • Apple – 2 pieces;
  • Green peas – 50 grams;
  • Chopped spinach – 50 grams.

Peel and cut the apples, place the ingredients in a double boiler or cook in a water bath under the lid for ten minutes. When the ingredients have cooled, place in a blender and blend until smooth. You can also add peach instead of apple.

Pea soup is a favorite dish for many. It is tasty, inexpensive and very healthy. A bowl of pea soup contains a lot of B vitamins, vitamins A, PP and E. Fresh green pea soup is also rich in vitamin C. Pea soup contains useful microelements and minerals. It is especially rich in potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and chlorine. This dish is a source of easily digestible protein and carbohydrates.

Calorie content

Dry pea soup has more calories than fresh pea soup. In 100 gr. soup cooked in water contains approximately 65 kcal. The calorie content of soup with meat broth is not much higher - no more than 75 kcal. Green pea soup contains only 30-40 kcal. But the calorie content of soup flavored with smoked meats, pieces of sausage, sausages or cracklings reaches 119 kcal per 100 grams.

Benefits of pea soup

Pea soup with water is an excellent dietary dish. It contains virtually no fat, so anyone who wants to lose weight can eat it. overweight. By including this dish in your diet, you can get rid of depression and insomnia. Light soup helps improve metabolism, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and is recommended for people with headaches.

Pea soup is good for hypertensive patients and people suffering from coronary heart disease. It eliminates brittle nails and prevents hair loss. A bowl of hot soup improves skin condition and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Regular consumption of pea soup can relieve vascular spasms, thereby improving blood circulation. A dish of fresh and dry peas is an excellent prevention colds. Such soups increase immunity and significantly reduce the risk of certain tumors.

Specific harm of pea soup

Quite often, pea soup causes an unpleasant sensation in the intestines. This is due to the fact that peas contain special enzymes that are responsible for inhibiting seed growth. Even in boiling water they are not destroyed and inhibit the breakdown of plant proteins. As a result, after eating, a feeling of “bloating” of the intestines occurs and, as a result, flatulence.

It is because of this feature that pea soup should be eaten with caution by people suffering from constipation or severe hemorrhoids. However, it is very easy to avoid unpleasant consequences - just soak the peas overnight in water and only then boil them thoroughly.

In any case, if you are aware of the “sensitivity” of your intestines, eat soup in small portions. By the way, green pea soup does not cause flatulence. Therefore, it can be used even by those who have chronic diseases. gastrointestinal tract.

  • legumes increase gas formation, and this can cause abdominal pain in the baby;
  • The protein in peas is difficult to digest. Quite a lot of energy is spent on it. The work of the enzyme system of the intestines and stomach is quite intense.

From how many months can you give pea soup to your baby?

Most pediatricians advise giving peas from the age of 1.5 years. But it is better to introduce pea soup from 2 years of age, when digestive system The baby is ready to digest this product.

Many parents give their children pea soup at 9 months. It is not advisable to do this.

How to start complementary feeding with peas?

The administration regimen corresponds general rules introduction of new dishes:

  1. We let him eat pea soup before lunch, so that during the day there will be an opportunity to see the baby’s reaction to New Product.
  2. We start with ½ teaspoon, gradually increasing to 100 ml.
  3. There is no need to add smoked meats to pea soup until it is ten years old.
  4. You can add sour cream.

Be sure to rinse the peas (about ½ cup) under running water. Next, you need to soak it in cold water for 40 - 60 minutes. After this, in an enamel bowl, pouring 1.5 liters of water into it, boil the peas.

Pea soup can be cooked with beef or chicken broth.

Cook for quite a long time - 20 - 30 minutes. The readiness of peas can be determined by the fact that they begin to fall apart, or by tasting them.

It comes from peas delicious creamy soup. After preparing the soup, pass it through a blender to the desired consistency.

Pea porridge

You can give porridge to children. We also soak the peas before cooking. After this, boil it, you can skip it ready-made porridge through a blender. Add ½ teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Personal experience! Natalya, 23 years old: “I started introducing peas to my son when he was 2 years old. He liked him immediately. We tried it in the form of soups, porridges, purees. I also added it to salads in the form of green peas. I didn’t notice any allergic reactions.”

Also pea porridge can be mixed with vegetables or minced meat, which will only improve its taste.

Signs of pea intolerance

  1. Bloating, colic, bowel movements, constipation.
  2. Hives all over the body.
  3. Swelling.

If these signs appear, you should consult a doctor.

Children's first introduction to pea soup is very important. After all, peas are a treasure trove nutrients and minerals.

We should not forget that this dish causes increased gas formation, so it is better to serve it for lunch, no more than 2-3 times a week.

It should also be taken into account that if the baby does not want to eat a new product, then it is better to remove the peas for a while.

Pea soup is delicious and nutritious dish, and also relatively inexpensive. One plate contains a whole bunch of B vitamins, nicotine and folic acid, vitamins A and E, as well as various trace elements and minerals. Dish with green peas In addition, it contains some vitamin C.

Pea soup is a source of easily digestible carbohydrates and protein, while the presence of fat in it is minimal. It contains about 35 milligrams of magnesium per cup. This represents about 9 percent of daily value this important mineral for the proper functioning of muscles, including the intestines, and stabilization blood pressure.

Peas are rich in potassium, another mineral used to regulate blood pressure, so just one plate can contain more than 400 milligrams of potassium, or about 10 percent of daily norm.

This dish contains about 1.9 mg of iron, or 11 percent of the daily value, which has a beneficial effect on red blood cells.

One serving of yellow or green pea soup contains about 5-10 grams of fiber, which lowers cholesterol in many food products plant origin.

Fiber has a mild laxative effect and reduces the risk of constipation.

Another advantage of dishes with high content fiber is to stabilize blood sugar levels, which helps reduce the risk of developing diabetes mellitus 2 types. For normal functioning of the body, a person should receive from 25 to 38 grams of fiber per day. Add to soup to increase fiber various vegetables.

Cons of pea soup

There are a couple of disadvantages to such a healthy pea soup. After it, unpleasant sensations often occur in the intestines - bloating, flatulence, fermentation. This is due to the fact that peas contain protease blockers - substances that, when combined with digestive enzymes, do not allow them to act.

When eating dishes made from legumes, they enter the human body, bind to digestive enzymes and partially block their work.

Therefore, some of the proteins enter the intestines undigested and are broken down by bacteria there. For them, this is an additional amount of work; moreover, during splitting, particularly “aromatic” gases are formed - hydrogen sulfide and ammonia, which leads to bloating and increased gas formation.

If you have regular constipation and hemorrhoids, such foods should be consumed with caution. Besides pea dishes Not recommended for those who have gastrointestinal diseases.

Is it possible to use pea soup for constipation?

All unpleasant sensations after eating pea soup can be avoided if you follow a few rules when preparing it:

  1. Soak dry peas for several hours, and then just cook them.
  2. If your body is particularly sensitive, use only green soup for soup. fresh peas or freezing.
  3. Prepare the soup using vegetable broth, water, beef or chicken broth.
  4. In addition to peas, there should also be vegetables (carrots, potatoes, etc.).
  5. There should not be a lot of peas in the soup.
  6. The portion should be small.
  7. Excellent digestibility pureed pea soup.
  8. Do not use in cooking canned peas.
  9. Avoid smoked meats in the soup.
  10. Salt after full readiness peas

Pea soup for children with constipation

Pea soups are introduced into complementary foods for children no earlier than two years old, starting with one or two tablespoons liquid puree. If you are prone to constipation, prepare it only from green milk peas or from frozen semi-finished products.

It promotes gentle cleansing intestines and regulates peristalsis. If a child suffers from frequent constipation, then a quick effect can be achieved from a laxative if given along with pea soup.

Mature legume grains and canned food is used in food only after three years, given very rarely and in pureed form.

For constipation in a child, peas are given in small quantities, and only green ones.

Pea soup recipes for babies:

  1. Simplest classic recipe prepared on the basis of vegetable or meat broth. Add peeled and diced potatoes, stewed carrots and onions, and fresh or frozen green peas to it. Only after everything is cooked, add salt to taste and pieces boiled meat. For kids, this soup is ground in a blender until pureed. For children over three years old, you can add herbs and spices to the dish.
  2. This recipe includes broth (beef, vegetable or chicken), carrots, cauliflower, onions, potatoes, green peas, peppers and herbs. All vegetables, peas and carrots and onions stewed in oil are thrown into boiling water or broth. Boil until tender, salt to taste, add spices and herbs. Served with a spoon store-bought sour cream.
  3. Many children will like pea soup with meatballs. It is prepared in the same way as in the first recipe, only we first put the meatballs and rice into the broth, and then everything else. Before serving, sprinkle the soup with herbs.

Pea soup during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman’s body is rebuilt, the load on all organs increases, and there is also a tendency to constipation and the risk of hemorrhoids.

With the right balanced diet and consuming foods high in fiber can avoid many of the hardships of this difficult time for women.

These dishes include pea soups. They are rich in vitamins, microelements, easily digestible carbohydrates and proteins, and of course vegetable fiber. It is very satisfying, stabilizes intestinal function, reduces the risk of constipation, and has a beneficial effect on the entire body and the fetus.

Ideal option if they have frequent constipation, they will have soup with fresh green or frozen peas, with bell pepper, without meat, with a small amount olive oil.

Recipes for making pea soup for constipation in adults

Cream soup with croutons and ham

It will require:

  • 75 milliliters of vegetable or meat broth;
  • two tablespoons of olive oil;
  • bulb;
  • peeled and chopped carrots;
  • two small cloves of garlic;
  • one and a half cups of dry crushed yellow or green peas;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • some boiled meat and ham, crackers.
  1. The peas are washed and soaked for a couple of hours, pour three glasses of boiling water and cook until tender.
  2. Separately, simmer the onions and carrots, add garlic to them and fry for one minute.
  3. Add fried vegetables to the cooked peas and dilute with a small amount of broth, add salt and pepper, and bring to a boil.
  4. Then everything is sent to a blender or food processor and scroll until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  5. Pour into a saucepan, add the remaining broth and heat over low heat.
  6. Pour into plates and add a little meat, ham and crackers to each.

Pea soup with watercress

For this dish you will need:

  • one and a half liters of vegetable or chicken broth;
  • one onion;
  • a bunch of frozen or fresh watercress;
  • large peeled potato;
  • two cups frozen peas.
  1. Peeled and chopped garlic and onions are stewed in a small amount of water or broth.
  2. Cut the potatoes into cubes and add them to the broth, and add stewed onions and garlic.
  3. Cook over low heat until the root vegetable is completely cooked.
  4. Add frozen peas to the soup and cook for another three minutes at a low boil.
  5. One minute before the end of cooking, add watercress.
  6. Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly.
  7. Pour the contents into a blender and grind until smooth.
  8. Season with salt and pepper to taste, you can also add a little cream or sour cream.

Light squash cream soup with green peas

It is prepared on the basis vegetable broth.

  1. Coarsely chopped young peeled zucchini, half a carrot and an onion are placed in it.
  2. Boil until carrots are ready, add frozen peas.
  3. Boil for about three minutes. Pass the resulting mass through a blender.
  4. Before serving, season with cream, sour cream or a small amount of olive oil.

This soup will be appreciated not only by adults, but also by children.


For frequent constipation caused by poor diet, stress, sedentary lifestyle, physical activity If you are a vegetarian, you can eat pea soup (even necessary).

If intestinal problems are caused by any diseases, then it is best to coordinate the diet with your doctor. If the diagnosis is unknown, it is advisable to eat dishes with legumes exclude them from the diet or consume them extremely rarely.