Monastic collection for weight loss: composition of herbs, pharmacological action, results of clinical trials. Monastic tea for weight loss, who's for it?

I want to tell you about how I literally lost a lot of weight in just a month by taking one new product - as you understand, we are talking specifically about the monastery weight loss tea that I purchased. Today there is simply great amount various drugs for weight loss, but no matter how much I took them, sooner or later my weight returned. And so I decided to purchase a unique (according to my friend) product.

My impressions of the monastery tea

I’ll say right away that I didn’t believe in its super action, despite the promising advertising on the Internet. I read a lot of reviews on this product before purchasing this drink. There were reviews of it online, both positive and negative, so I was completely at a loss.

I had to study a lot of information about this product for weight loss. In the end, I finally purchased the product as my last hope to lose my excess weight. My body weight was quite large - 85 kilograms.

At the beginning, there was not only distrust of tea producers, but also fear for one’s own health. What if tea can somehow have an extremely negative effect on my health while drinking the drink? Feedback from doctors assured me that with my well-being while losing weight, my health would not only not worsen, but, on the contrary, would improve. After I bought monastery tea on the official website of a company representative and started taking it, I really felt it healing power. First, I’ll tell you about the composition of herbs in tea.

Monastic tea: the composition of herbs surprised me with its simplicity!

When you take it hot drink, there is a very pleasant herbal taste - especially peppermint. I have loved mint since childhood, and used to often add it to regular black tea.

  1. Mint. It calms and relaxes the central nervous system and muscles. Evening mint tea always brings me a lot of pleasure. Therefore, I really liked the taste of the monastery tea. It turned out that this ingredient in the product completely eliminates hunger and the feeling of malnutrition. Taking the tea, I noticed that the feeling of hunger completely disappeared.
  2. The second component of monastery tea is fennel. I've never tried this herb before. It turned out that fennel perfectly improves digestion - my intestines began to work like clockwork, and the frequent stomach pains of unknown origin went away. After these excellent changes in my body, I realized that monastery tea is the truth, and not a scam.

The tea contains plants such as:

  • dandelion;
  • black elderberry;
  • the usual chamomile;
  • hay grass;
  • linden inflorescences.

So, their extracts really calmed my emotional condition– they literally stabilized my female hysterics and dissatisfaction with the world around me in a couple of weeks. Sometimes the bad mood that arises after ten days gives way to inner peace. And this is without taking valerian tablets. I just drank delicious herbal tea, lost 7 kilograms during this time and got a lot of pleasure from the taste of the drink and the positive result of losing weight. It was nice to step on the scale and watch how I gradually and without harm to my health lost excess weight.

Chamomile perfectly cleanses the intestines, soothes and quickly removes toxins. Linden restores perfectly hormonal balance. But black elderberry, which is included in the monastery tea, burns fat. After three weeks, my body began to feel incredible lightness - firstly, from the lost kilograms, and secondly, from improved well-being. The heaviness in my stomach disappeared, and I finally began to fit into my favorite jeans!

Reviews that I found on the Internet

While studying numerous reviews about monastery tea, I have repeatedly come across negative ones. I’ll say right away that sometimes I believed them. For example, one girl wrote:

“Total scam. I only lost 2 kg in a month. I won’t buy again and I don’t recommend it to anyone.”

Having personally tried the effects of the drink on myself, I began to misunderstand those people. They probably took gulls because they had some abnormalities in their bodies or despite contraindications to herbal drink. As for this Vicky's review, I think that the girl is simply not very heavy weight. After all, the lower the initial weight, the slower they go away. overweight. The tea definitely helped me not only lose 7 kilograms in three and a half weeks, but also literally brought me back to life! But my weight was as much as 85 kg! I became very attractive, my figure became slim, and my body got rid of toxins. The men around me began to pay attention to me, and I began to like myself! Therefore, I do not understand the negative opinion of people when I come across negative reviews about monastery tea. I will say this, personally, monastery tea for weight loss helped me a lot to restore my well-being. I lost the extra 15 kilograms pretty quickly - they were gone in about 4 months. I was not going to stop at the achieved result of losing weight and continued to drink this tea. Then the weight came off more slowly, but it went away! By the way, you need to maintain your weight even if you have already lost (in your opinion) all the extra pounds. That is, I advise you to continue drinking the drink regularly, at least every other day!

My results are encouraging, I got:

  1. Minus 15 kg.
  2. Feeling of lightness.
  3. Digestion has improved.
  4. Skin color improved, face became cleaner.
  5. The chair has improved.

Monastic tea for weight loss: reviews from doctors that I was able to find out

The natural composition of the tea does not cause any side effects. Before purchasing, I listened to the reviews of two doctors - professor of the Department of Dietetics Averin Kirill Anatolyevich and a simple nutritionist Maxim Shapovaly. They spoke very positively about the effect of the herbal collection “Monastery Tea”.

“This weight loss product has all the necessary quality certificates, and has been clinically tested more than once, showing excellent results in losing weight. excess weight. The extra kilos don’t come back.”

I was convinced with my own health that it is not in vain that they praise the drink. Literally after 10 days, my body’s digestive processes were restored. And this is without any dietary supplements. An excellent result - after three weeks of drinking the tea, the intestines were completely cleared of waste and harmful toxins: a feeling of lightness, daily normal bowel movements. Moreover, my allergic rashes disappeared.

Thanks to tea, I lost weight, and this is exactly the result for which I actually purchased the drink. The product is completely safe for health - doctors are absolutely right in this regard!

What do people generally say, and what actually happens?

Monastery tea - truth or scam, reviews of this drink on the Internet today can be found radically different. Having personally experienced the effect of this herbal mixture, I can confidently say that the drink really helps to quickly and safely get rid of obesity! Now I don’t consider the numerous advertisements of this product to be a scam on the Internet. Delicious drink - real way Eliminate excess weight, restore your health and change your life for the better!

In fact, the effect of the extract black elderberry provokes rapid burning of fat deposits in tissues. This component, which is part of the drink, not only improves digestive processes, but also has the most beneficial effect on the endocrine system.

Linden inflorescences, which are also present in the collection, eliminate swelling, which often causes excess weight. Luckily, I didn’t have any swelling. But on my advice, my best friend, who has a cardiovascular disease and often suffers from swelling of her legs, began to take the tea. So, my friend’s swelling went away after ten days regular use monastery tea. And this is not a scam, but the truth. I even found this review:

“I received tea in some strange packaging. I drank it for 2 days, my legs were terribly swollen. Either it doesn’t suit me, or I came across a fake.”

It is enough to drink a cup of healing herbal tea two or three times to get back into excellent shape and restore not only your figure, but also the health of all body systems. Of course, scams are often found on the Internet - due to the great effectiveness of the means, they simply began to be counterfeited. This means that the composition of the herbal mixture is no longer the same! That is, the so-called monastery tea, but simply a fake unique product It does not work. That's why people don't feel any weight loss.

Today I am very pleased with all the results obtained. I'm glad that I finally found exactly what is safe and natural remedy, which literally brought me back to life.

What women don’t use to lose weight and how nutritionists and marketers don’t use it. More recently, the Internet has exploded with a new product for weight loss - monastery tea. Let's see if it is so useful.

Monastic tea for weight loss: reviews from doctors

Having studied hundreds of pages, it cannot be said that doctors are clear in their answer regarding the benefits and effectiveness of monastery tea. On the contrary, many argue that there is not a single fact that confirms that after drinking tea, the subjects easily lost the hated kilograms.

But there are still experts who actively support the use of such tea and consider its effect fantastic. Naturally, marketers and sellers unanimously claim the incredible effect after drinking tea. But now you will learn about the composition of the drink and draw your own conclusions about the benefits or pointlessness of drinking monastery tea.

Effect of monastery tea for weight loss

One of the huge advantages of tea therapy is the fact that this drink has no contraindications. There are several options for the origin of the drink - these are Ukraine, Krasnodar Territory and Belarus.

According to the resolution of some doctors, monastery tea has the following effects in the body:

  • Intensively burns accumulated fat
  • Slows down the formation of new deposits
  • Helps reduce appetite
  • Improves metabolism
  • Creates a drainage effect
  • Maintains your weight loss results

On average, men and women who drank monastery tea for a month lost up to 10 kg of weight. In addition to the above positive actions, those losing weight also noted the following positive changes in their body:

  • Improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Normalization of water balance
  • Reducing swelling
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Improved mood
  • Disappearance of depression and nervous disorders
  • Improving skin color, hair and nails condition

Judging by the excellent results and reviews, one could already draw positive conclusions and stop. But we do not stop there and will further comprehensively study the composition of the drink.

What is included in monastery tea for weight loss?

Which primarily cleanse the body of toxins and harmful toxins. The set of plants is chosen so optimally that a decrease in appetite is observed almost after the first cup of tea.

The monastery tea contains 7 herbs with healing properties. Even alone, they have certain effects on the body. And in totality and in a clearly indicated proportion, the action is simply phenomenal.

Besides that herbal tea curbs appetite and promotes fat burning, it also has a mild laxative effect. So we come to these wonderful 7 herbs, including:

  • Fennel– Fennel fruits taste like anise and are used in cooking as a spice. This component is also added to monastery tea, with its help it reduces cravings for sweets, reduces appetite and prevents the re-formation of fatty deposits
  • Mint as part of tea, it not only gives a rich aroma, but also improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, in addition, it speeds up the digestion of food and allows you to get enough of a smaller portion. There is a dulling of the feeling of hunger.
    Linden blossom, which promotes a laxative effect and at the same time normalizes hormonal levels
  • The body will be freed from toxins and waste by adding it to tea. senna herbs
  • No matter how beautiful the dandelion flower is, leaves must be added to monastery tea. It contains a lot of heart-healthy potassium.
  • Chamomile flowers also contribute to accelerated processing and rapid removal of food from the body
  • Black elderberry flowers fight problems in the endocrine system. Elderberry blossoms enhance the effect of all components in the herbal mixture

How to take monastery tea for weight loss?

If you are already determined to buy useful collection, then they are naturally interested in the process of taking a medicinal drink. Let's figure it out, first of all, to feel the effectiveness of the collection you should:

  • Strictly observe the time and number of appointments
  • Don't expect quick results. They will only appear after proper regular use
  • If you start to see results at the end of one course, start another. This way you will achieve better results
  • Don't indulge in gluttony while drinking tea, otherwise you will never see the result

Believe in the result and with faith in the battle! And now you have the treasured box, you now need to understand three nuances - brewing, receiving and storing. Let's start with the first one:

  • The brewing recipe is not very different from the process of preparing any tea.
  • For a glass of boiling water, 1 tsp of dried collection is required
  • Do not cover the teapot tightly - air must flow into the tea
  • You can brew in a thermos or teapot, or in a cup
  • If you brew in a cup, then you need to put the tea leaves in a strainer and pour in like regular tea.
  • You can also brew tea using coffee brewing technology - pour into a Turk cold water and add the mixture, bring to a boil over low heat and leave to cool under the lid
  • You can prepare tea in a thermos if you need a large volume of the drink, but remember that you can store the brewed drink for no more than 2 days and only in the refrigerator

IMPORTANT: Under no circumstances should you heat tea by steaming or in the microwave. It is only allowed to dilute the drink with boiling water

Now you have already learned about brewing, but an equally important question remains - how to take the drink:

  • Drink 1 cup of tea 3-4 times a day. This amount is determined for both treatment and prevention
  • After brewing, leave for no more than 15 minutes.
  • Brew tea twice, it is more economical, but the tea will be no less effective and healthy
  • You can brew tea in the morning and drink it all day
  • Drink only one monastery tea, without mixing it with other beneficial herbal teas
  • You can add honey or lemon to a cup of tea, it will be tastier and healthier.
  • You can drink this drink both before and after meals, before meals - it will dull hunger, after - it will improve metabolism and speed up the process of food processing

To prevent tea from losing its beneficial properties, you should follow the right technology storage, namely:

  • Store herbs only in a dark and dry place, at a temperature not exceeding 20ºС
  • After you have opened the package, you should pour the herbs into a container with an airtight lid or a well-tied bag
  • Try to consume the tea within 2.5 months. Manufacturers do not provide for a longer shelf life for tea.

IMPORTANT: Do not use plastic bags or plastic containers for storing monastery tea, because a reaction occurs that forms dangerous substances in the tea

How to make monastery tea for weight loss at home: recipe

A very useful and effective herbal mixture can be made at home and it will be no worse than store-bought analogues. The recipe for this tea is not at all complicated; you can use the ingredients mentioned above. But there is a composition that is more accessible, but no less effective:

  • elecampane– you need the root of the plant, which cleanses the liver and kidneys and strengthens the immune system
  • to improve your mood and add aroma, use tea leaves
  • protects against depression and normalizes functioning nervous system St. John's wort. It also improves memory and brain function, helps with insomnia
  • Rose hip, which is also included in tea, has a general strengthening effect on everything internal organs and the body as a whole. Helps rejuvenate and strengthen the immune system
  • Oregano helps cope with existing infectious diseases and prevents the occurrence of colds

In monastery tea, each component is useful individually, but together they have the most powerful impact and effect. At home, tea is prepared according to the following proportions:

  • Elecampane, St. John's wort, rose hips, oregano - 2 tbsp.
  • Tea leaves – 2 tsp
  • Boiled water – 1 l

The cooking process at home is as follows:

  • In a water bath, pour elecampane and rose hips into the upper container, fill with water and cook for 20 minutes.
  • After this, add St. John's wort and tea leaves, turn off the heat and leave to steep for 30 minutes.
  • Strain and add another liter of boiled water
  • You should drink this drink 1 day before or after each meal. To keep your tea hot longer, brew it in a thermos.

Monastery tea is affordable way get rid of excess weight, in addition, the components of tea are good for health in general. Since the tea contains only natural ingredients, it has virtually no contraindications. Therefore, feel free to drink the drink and be healthy and beautiful!

Monastic tea for weight loss - an effective remedy in the fight against excess weight

Excess weight is one of the most common problems of modern people. Exhaustive diets, fasting, fat burning pills and fasting days cause enormous harm and weaken the body, but do not give the desired results. To quickly and effectively get rid of problems, teas that have been known for many years and have recently appeared on the modern market - monastery teas for weight loss - help to get rid of problems. Customer reviews are only positive, and nutritionists recommend it as an effective and safe remedy. The weight comes off gradually, on average about 5-7 kg per month.

This decoction actively burns fat, activates metabolism, and helps get rid of slagging and excess fluid. This is an effective and gentle approach to losing weight.

The history of the appearance of healing monastery tea for weight loss

Medicinal herbs have been used in the fight against obesity for centuries. The monks used healing tea to maintain general body tone, treatment various diseases, strengthening the immune system, getting rid of obesity that interferes with active work, leading an ascetic lifestyle. Long centuries recipe monastery teas for weight loss was kept secret, but today they are known to the whole world.

Often excess weight appears due to metabolic disorders, chronic diseases, and a sedentary lifestyle. Traditional healers and herbalists of ancient monasteries collected a complex of plants to solve this problem. It can consist of 7 or 16 herbs, which are harvested in environmentally friendly areas, away from roads and power lines during their most active periods.

Many people are interested in where to buy this tea. The answer is simple - and it will be immediately delivered to any corner of the country.

Excess weight: reasons for its appearance

Today, obesity causes a huge number of diseases:

  • Cardiac – the formation of fat in the abdominal area increases the possibility of developing coronary disease and heart attack.
  • Diabetes mellitus is very often manifested due to overeating and a sharp increase in body weight.
  • Infertility - the body does not produce required quantity sex hormones.
  • Asthma - obese people experience a constant lack of air, the lungs do not work at full capacity due to the fact that they are compressed by the fat layer.
  • Arthritis - excess weight puts strong pressure on the joints, which leads to deformation, destruction of cartilage and various microtraumas. A what is the price make an effort for such people to work out in the gym. Due to a sedentary lifestyle, weight continues to increase and the disease progresses.
A good way for those who want to enjoy life is monastery teas for weight loss. Real reviews from doctors confirm that tea has no side effects.

Problem solution: drink monastery tea for weight loss

Herbal remedies for weight loss are effective in combating a number of problems:

  • Actively burn fat.
  • Remove excess water.
  • Improves metabolism.
  • Restore metabolic disorders.
  • They have a drainage effect.
  • Gives a false feeling of satiety.

The whole truth is that the body replaces diseased cells with healthy ones and completely recovers.

What an impact medicinal herbs on the body?

Additional properties of herbal infusions include:

  • Saturation of cells with minerals and vitamins.
  • Strengthening the body's protective functions.
  • Increased performance.
  • Improved mood.
  • Release from toxins.
  • The water-salt balance returns to normal.

Herbal mixtures for weight loss (recipes are kept secret, and reviews can be easily found on the Internet) have a strengthening effect on the body and help eliminate the causes of excess weight gain: they normalize metabolism, reduce the production of hormones that interfere with weight loss. Only from natural ingredients consists of monastery tea for weight loss. The price of such a drug is affordable for everyone; there is no need to spend money on expensive tablets, powders or other dietary supplements that do not benefit the body or even negatively affect its condition.

What plants are included in the monastery collection for weight loss?

All herbs are selected ideally and ensure the achievement of weight loss and health improvement goals:

  • Fennel - reduces appetite and cravings for carbohydrates, actively stimulates metabolic processes, metabolism and prevents the formation of fat.
  • Chamomile – improves food absorption processes, activates fat burning, and has a cleansing effect.
  • Linden flowers - remove toxins, equalize the amount of hormones.
  • Black elderberry flowers activate the interaction of plants and normalize the functioning of the endocrine system.
  • Peppermint – promotes quick satiety.
  • Dandelion is a good diuretic and fills the body with potassium.
  • Senna is a mild laxative that prevents fat from being absorbed.

All medicinal herbs help cleanse the body, burn fat, normalize metabolism, and have a moderate laxative effect. Intolerance to individual components or allergic reactions is a contraindication for the use of the drug. During pregnancy and lactation, it is recommended to consult a doctor about the use of teas for weight loss.

Decoction: recipe and course of treatment with monastic collection for weight loss

The drink is prepared daily in the morning: a teaspoon of the collection is poured into a teapot and poured with boiling water. Herbs must breathe, so tea must be infused in an open container for at least 10-15 minutes. It is not recommended to heat the drink; if necessary, it can be diluted hot water. You should drink it two to three times a day. The kilograms disappear gradually, so the recovery course should last at least 3-4 weeks, following the recipe and dosages.

Already after the first week of taking the drug, obvious weight changes can be observed, and in combination with a light diet and minor physical activity the effect of monastery tea will be achieved much faster. It is not recommended to use more than three times a day. Herbs should be stored in a glass, ceramic jar or cardboard box in a cool, dark place at a temperature of no more than 20 degrees.

The main beneficial properties of the monastery collection for weight loss

The ability to wear fashionable clothes, feel confident and receive compliments from others is easy - you just need to undergo a course of therapy with herbal tea for weight loss. Reviews about him confirm the reality of realizing the dream of becoming slim, having a seductive figure and excellent health. To achieve maximum results, it is important to follow the recommended dosages and not skip taking the healing drink.

Each modern woman knows many ways to deal with overweight. But not everyone has heard about the benefits of monastery tea for weight loss. This drink consists exclusively of natural ingredients. Tea will help not only to lose weight, but also, thanks to its balanced composition, to maintain your weight and good health.

Composition of monastery tea

The name of the tea speaks for itself. It was created by Tibetan monks back in the 19th century. Thanks to tea, they kept themselves in good shape and in good physical shape for active work. This product for weight loss and normalization of general health includes 7 herbs. Each of them has unique properties that help the body in the fight against excess weight.

Composition of tea, effect of herbs

  1. Senna. This is a famous herb. It's no secret that it has a laxative effect on the body. But few people know that it is this herb that prevents fat from being absorbed and attached to the walls of blood vessels. The component can be useful not only in monastery tea, but also in an independent decoction for the treatment of constipation. In the healing drink, senna is present in such quantities that it does not cause a laxative effect, but improves digestion.
  2. Chamomile. The flower helps digestion useful products and helps remove toxins and waste from the body. Cleansing occurs gently, without any side effects.
  3. Linden flower. The plant in the monastery tea promotes the active removal of excess fluid from the body. This property is extremely useful for people suffering from edema. In addition, linden normalizes general hormonal levels.
  4. Dandelion. A cheerful summer flower complements the action of senna, as if balancing the effect. Dandelion contains a lot of potassium, which is necessary for weight loss. Has a mild diuretic effect. IN folk recipes This component is used very often, as it has a very beneficial effect on the entire digestive system.
  5. Fennel fruits. Essential component monastery tea. The plant speeds up metabolism and prevents fat from being absorbed. At the same time, fennel also reduces appetite. It makes the process of losing weight less difficult and painful.
  6. Black elderberry inflorescences. The component is the binding link of all other herbs. Elderberry fights problems associated with endocrine system and helps burn unnecessary fat.
  7. Peppermint. Gives monastery tea satiety and taste, respectively, immediately.

All of the listed components indicate that monastery tea truly has excellent healing properties.

General benefits of taking:

  1. Monastic tea excellent remedy for diabetics. The liquid normalizes sugar levels and the amount of carbohydrates. After systematic consumption of tea, insulin begins to be actively absorbed by tissues.
  2. If dysfunction of the pancreas appears, then the recipe of the Tibetan monks will restore the functioning of the organ in a short time.
  3. General health also improves in people with cardiovascular diseases. Tea normalizes blood pressure and relieves pain.
  4. An incredible amount of minerals and vitamins in tea is useful for osteochondrosis. When treating this disease, potent drugs that have a detrimental effect on the liver are usually prescribed. Monastic tea has a healing effect without harming other organs. Tea restores cartilage and joints and prevents hernias. Its main effect is to saturate the periarticular tissues with essential nutrients. This improves metabolic processes and prevents the development of osteochondrosis.
  5. Those suffering from hypertension experience a noticeable improvement in their health thanks to the healing decoction.
  6. Tea normalizes hormonal balance. This prevents premature aging and disruptions in menstrual cycles.
  7. Tea often helps with infertility. But it is necessary to comply correct procedure tea preparation and number of receptions.
  8. The decoction helps with asthma.

Monastery tea is an amazing remedy. This is not the entire list of diseases that can be cured with tea. The drink lifts your mood, improves blood circulation and gives the body vital energy.

Is tea effective for weight loss or not?

For many decades, collecting medicinal herbs has been the safest and most popular means of losing weight.

Tens of thousands of people have already appreciated the effectiveness of monastery tea for weight loss. These issues have even been of interest in scientific circles more than once. All researchers came to one conclusion - there is no doubt about the positive effect of tea on weight loss.

The effect is achieved through the following actions:

  1. The components of the tea immediately begin to burn accumulated fat deposits.
  2. Appetite decreases.
  3. Prevents the growth of new fat cells, slows down their development.
  4. Metabolism improves.
  5. A drainage effect appears.
  6. If some of the weight has already been lost, it supports it and prevents it from returning.
  7. The body receives the missing microelements and vitamins.
  8. Removes waste and toxins.

Thanks to improved performance digestive system, restoration of salt and water balances, a person receives the following health bonuses:

  1. The immune system becomes stronger. Less chance of infections and other diseases.
  2. Cheerfulness appears.
  3. Nervous disorders disappear. Thus, stress and depression bypass a person.
  4. The skin of the face acquires a pleasant color. Acne goes away.
  5. Nails and hair become stronger.
  6. Working capacity increases, endurance increases.
  7. Self-confidence appears.

Weight loss is promoted not only by the direct effect of tea on the organs, but also by an improvement in psycho-emotional mood.

Many people can’t even lose weight just because they stop believing in themselves and give up. Often, without seeing immediate weight loss, a person may quit dieting or exercising. But monastery tea does not allow a bad mood to take over.

How to prepare and take tea

In order for tea to have only positive effects on the body, it is necessary to brew it correctly.

Monastery tea recipe

  1. Take one tablespoon of monastery tea. All ingredients must be mixed in absolutely equal quantities.
  2. It is necessary to boil purified water and pour 200 ml of boiling water into the mixture.
  3. The dishes must be ceramic or glass. But under no circumstances brew tea in metal vessels.
  4. The tea should steep for at least 15 minutes with the lid open.
  5. You can use the prepared drink.

According to some recipes, it is enough to let the tea sit for 5-6 minutes. But for the best effect, the herbs must interact with each other, and this requires more time.

  1. While the herbs are infused, you can cover the kettle with a linen napkin. She will delay essential oils inside.
  2. For maximum satiety and taste, steep the tea for at least 20 minutes.
  3. Keep an eye on the shelf life of your tea ingredients.

How to use

For almost any disease, it is necessary to take tea at least 2-3 times a day. For weight loss, it is recommended to drink the drink half an hour before each meal. You can add a small slice of lemon to your tea.

To maximize the effect of tea, you should not drink it with others at the same time.

Monastery tea should be consumed hot or warm. If you take it out of the refrigerator, do not heat it - just add a little boiling water.

Some tea lovers who have lost weight with it recommend using morning appointment drink eat a spoon natural honey. Tasty and healthy. The properties of tea are not interrupted by this sweetness, but, on the contrary, are enhanced.

It is recommended to take monastery tea for weight loss for a month. After which it is advisable to take a short break - 1.2 weeks will be enough.

Alternative version of monastery tea

You can take charge of your health at any time. But finding the necessary herbs for the monks' recipe is harder in winter. Some of the herbs may simply not be available in the pharmacy. Then you can consider some ingredients that do not worsen general properties tea.

  • Rose hip.
  • Elecampane.
  • St. John's wort.
  • If you can't find peppermint, you can add a little regular black tea to your tea. This will also contribute to the satiety and taste of the drink.
  • Meadow geranium.

Mix herbs in equal quantities. As well as classic version monastery tea, take 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals. Be sure to drink hot or warm.

Contraindications for taking tea

Losing weight with the help of monastery tea occurs without any complications or side effects. But it is important, when taking the drink, to monitor the general condition of your body and not to exhaust yourself with diets. It is advisable to combine healing drink with sports exercises. But there are some restrictions for a number of people.

  1. If you have serious illnesses, it is better to consult a doctor before drinking tea.
  2. If you are allergic to a component of the drink, you should either replace it or not drink the tea.
  3. Pregnant women are not recommended to drink tea.
  4. Nursing young mothers can take no more than a tablespoon of tea per day to normalize blood pressure.

This is due to the fact that the components can pass into the baby through breast milk.

Reducing the amount of adipose tissue in the human body allows you to solve several problems at once: reduce the load on joints and organs, increase the endurance of the body, and give it a youthful and aesthetic appearance. At the same time, the main emphasis when losing weight should be on health and its maintenance. A proper weight loss program includes active physical activity, a reduced diet, and the use of various nutritional supplements. For example, it can be used as part of complex therapy to combat obesity.

All people starting the fight against excess weight should be aware that the separate use of each method does not bring the desired results. In addition, independent use of any one method can be harmful to health and have low effectiveness. For example, using only it is impossible to achieve lasting weight loss results.

Physical activity and diet

These components are the main ones in any program designed for weight loss. Modern dietetics offers many options for medical diets that are designed to correct weight, taking into account the individual characteristics of each organism. This is important to ensure that weight loss occurs safely, effectively and without causing pathological changes in the body. A diet for obesity includes a certain ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which allows you to lose weight slowly, consolidating the result. A mandatory action in the first stages is to count calories and ratio nutrients. Such an event allows you to build proper diet, which will ensure no weight gain and form new eating habits. As an additional means you can use monastery tea, which contains a wide range of useful components.

Monastic tea for weight loss

Natural ingredients and unique properties tea allow us to speak with confidence about its benefits. The fennel contained in the composition can suppress appetite and increase the metabolic rate, and linden ensures the removal of excess fluid and reduces the formation of edema in body tissues. Monastic tea for weight loss contains dandelion, rich in calcium, which is actively removed from the body during weight loss along with excess liquid. Senna provides a mild laxative effect, which is important when changing diet. This kind of tea It has pleasant taste, which is ensured by the presence of mint and chamomile. Chamomile flowers have a slight calming effect, which can indirectly reduce appetite by reducing body activity.

Monastic tea for weight loss: method of application

Despite the fact that tea is auxiliary food additive in an excess weight correction program, you should follow the instructions when using it. Monastic tea Brew at the rate of 2 tablespoons of dry mixture per half liter of boiling water. After brewing, the tea is infused for 5 minutes, which allows beneficial herbs reveal your properties in full. Monastic tea for weight loss can be taken up to 4 times a day, in between meals. Due to the fact that it is able to reduce appetite, losing weight is easier and more enjoyable, without bouts of hunger and unnecessary meals.

Applying monastery tea in combination with a balanced diet and physical activity, it makes it easy to lose weight while maintaining vigor and health.