Milk porridge is ready. Modern porridges for children

Pediatricians strongly recommend that the first complementary feeding should begin with cereals, as they are rich in vitamins, microelements and are well absorbed by the baby’s body. This product should be constantly in the baby’s diet, starting from 6 months. You can make porridge yourself or buy it in packages. From the article, parents will learn which cereals are best to buy for the first feeding and nutrition of the baby. A table with an overview of the best manufacturers of cereals for baby food will help you navigate the diversity of these products.

Which cereals are better for baby food and complementary feeding - comparison of different types of cereals

If a mother decides to feed her child store-bought cereals, then she needs to understand the huge range of cereals offered by baby food manufacturers. The tables below will help with this.

Table No. 1. Varieties of baby food porridges

Types of porridges Features of the composition Recommendations for use Advantages and disadvantages
Dry Dry porridges can have different compositions: gluten-free, dairy-free, dairy-free. Depending on the age of the baby, the optimal product is selected. Dry porridge is ground to flour and diluted with boiled water before use. Such cereals are good to give to children for the first feeding and are recommended as the main food until the baby masters real adult food. Pros:

Easy to use, affordable, and kids love it.


Personal intolerance to one or another porridge may occur.

Ready Such porridges can be prepared from any grain. Canned porridge in jars can be with the addition of fruit, cottage cheese or yogurt. Usually these cereals are used by mothers in case of lack of time. You can simply open them and feed your baby. Pros:

Quick and easy to use porridge.


Porridge has a limited shelf life. After opening, you need to consume the porridge within 6 hours, provided that the remainder of the product is stored in the refrigerator.

Dairy Dairy porridges are introduced after dairy-free ones. They contain cow's milk or are made with a partially adapted milk formula. You can consume such cereals from 7-8 months. Basically, if you add milk mixture to a dairy-free porridge, you get milk porridge. Sometimes mothers do not introduce this type of porridge into the children’s diet, but immediately switch to adult food. Pros:

The porridges are tasty and aromatic, children like it.


Almost any milk porridge contains sugar.

Dairy-free These porridges are cheaper than dairy ones, they do not contain sugar, but they are not as pleasant to the taste and aroma as dairy ones. Dairy-free porridges are recommended for children with allergies who cannot tolerate cow's milk. And also for those kids who suffer from lactose intolerance. Used for feeding children from 6-7 months. Pros:

Well digestible and good for health.


Children often refuse dairy-free porridge because of its neutral taste.

Gluten-free Gluten-free porridges include buckwheat, corn, rice, etc. They do not contain vegetable protein, which is why they got their name. Porridge is recommended for children's first complementary foods, since gluten (vegetable protein) is difficult for the baby's “inexperienced” stomach to digest. Buckwheat porridge is rich in iron and calcium. Rice porridge is recommended if the baby has bad stool.


Does not cause allergies, contains vitamins and nutrients.

There are no cons.

Gluten Gluten porridges contain wheat protein, which is difficult for the baby’s body to digest. Therefore, such a product is introduced from 11 months. Gluten from English language is translated as “glue”. These cereals can cause allergies and celiac disease (damage to the mucous membrane of the small intestine) in a child. Pros:

Manufacturers make aromatic and tasty gluten porridges. They're cheap.


Allergies and celiac disease may occur.

With 1 grain The porridge is based on 1 grain (buckwheat, rice or corn). This kind of porridge can be given at the age of 8 months. Pros:

Useful, well absorbed by the body.


May contain sugar.

With 2 grains Any two nutritious grains are added to the porridge, which makes it nutritious and rich. If the child tolerated feeding porridge with 1 grain well, you can give him porridge with 2 grains. Pros:

Nutritious, satisfies hunger for a long time.


Contains gluten or sugar.

Multigrains These porridges contain several types of grains. Vitamins and minerals are also added for the development of the child. It is recommended to consume such cereals after one year. They are rich and can be the main lunch or breakfast. Pros:

The crushed grains are prepared with high quality. When mixing cereals yourself, it is very difficult to ensure that the porridge is completely cooked. The porridge is tasty and nutritious.


There is sugar.

With pieces of fruit Dried fruits, ground to flour, are added to the porridge base, which enhances the taste and makes the porridge more enjoyable. It is recommended to try such cereals no earlier than 7 months. Pros:

Fruits make porridge more nutritious, which increases its value.


Some manufacturers add sugar to porridge.

Rating of the best 12 cereals in the diet of children under one year old

Table No. 2. Review of cereals from popular manufacturers

Brand of baby cereal/price Advantages Flaws
Agusha (manufacturer Wimm-Bill-Dann)

95-100 rub.

Agusha porridge dissolves well and has a pleasant taste. Reasonable price, but small packages. Also, porridge quickly spoils after printing.
Baby (Slovenia, Droga Kolinska company)

75-115 rub.

Natural composition, budget price, large assortment of cereals, pleasant taste. Baby cereals are consumed faster than other brands. It takes a lot of powder to make porridge.
Vinny (Russia, Infaprim CJSC)

Up to 95 rub.

Contains vitamin B, prebiotics. Easily absorbed by the child's body. Delicious. Some cereals contain sugar.
Karapuz (Ukraine)

70-90 rub.

Dissolves quickly, uses less powder than other brands of cereals. The grain grinding technology is no worse than in foreign cereals. Budget price. Some cereals are healthy, but have a repulsive smell. The child sometimes refuses to eat them.
Baby (Holland "Nutritsia")

71-120 rub.

Affordable price. Pleasant aroma, cooks quickly. The porridge sometimes forms lumps.
Nestlé (Switzerland)

85-132 rub.

Porridges are prepared using a special technology, carefully breaking down the grains. There are supplements, vitamins, bifidobacteria, probiotics. Large assortment of cereals. They are tasty and healthy. There is lecithin, which can cause allergies in the baby.
Samper (Switzerland)

50-150 rub.

The technology for preparing porridges includes special processing of grain and the process of enriching the product with vitamins and minerals. The porridges are tasty and healthy. The price is too high.
Spelenok (Russia)

60-100 rub.

The porridge is cheap and comes in a wide range of flavors. It is prepared without lumps and dissolves well. Allowed from 4 months. Some types of cereals contain sugar, but these products already contain enough carbohydrates.
Frutonyanya (Russia, Progress JSC)

35-96 rub.

Affordable price. The cheapest baby porridge. The porridge is delicious. The packaging is convenient. Some varieties of cereals have a high gluten content.
Heinz (Heinz baby company)

95-133 rub.

The porridges are prepared quickly, without lumps. Heinz has a pleasant taste and aroma. Children like it. Some varieties have a lot of unnecessary additives. Read the ingredients of the porridge on the packaging.
Hipp (Austria)

66-150 rub.

The porridges have a natural composition without impurities, have a pleasant smell and taste. Some cereals include a wide range of useful components: vitamins, probiotics, minerals. Some types of cereals have a neutral or even bland taste.
Humana (Germany)

85-135 rub.

Humana porridges contain healthy vitamins and minerals. Dissolves well. There is a wide selection of cereals for any age. There are no particular disadvantages, except for the high price.
  1. Hantz and Malyutka.
  2. Nestlé.
  3. Agusha.
  4. Humana.
  5. Frutonyanya.
  6. Samper and Baby.
  7. Vinnie.

What should you consider when choosing porridge for your first complementary feeding?

  1. For babies 4-6 months old, it is not recommended to include gluten or dairy porridge in the menu. Better opt for dairy-free porridge.
  2. Dry cereals are more convenient to give in the first days of complementary feeding , since you can regulate what dose to dissolve for your baby yourself. This will save your budget and product consumption. Also, such porridges are quickly prepared. They can be done before starting feeding, and not in advance.
  3. The first complementary food should be porridge made from rice, buckwheat or corn. . These cereals are better and easier to digest by the baby’s body and do not overload the stomach.
  4. If your baby is allergic to cow's milk or suffers from lactose intolerance, buy him dairy-free porridge and dilute with water adapted for infants or boiled.
  5. The first porridge should not contain salt or sugar . The manufacturer always indicates the full composition of the product on the packaging.
  6. Choose cereals with PREbiotics . They create optimal microflora in the intestines, overcoming constipation and stool disorders. When entering, you need to take care of the baby’s well-being in advance.
  7. Porridges should be introduced gradually, even if the baby eats them willingly. Sometimes mothers, rejoicing at how the baby eats deliciously, overfeed the baby and give more than prescribed.

Many mothers wonder which cereals are better: purchased or home-cooked. Today, purchased cereals fully comply with all quality standards. They are useful and can be used for feeding children. If a mother wants to cook herself, that is her right, but if she prefers ready-made or dry porridge, then there is nothing terrible or shameful here. It all depends on personal preferences and circumstances.

Published on September 3, 2017

In order to cook delicious porridge with milk, you need to know the proportions and follow them. Porridge with milk is very often prepared for small children, since milk contains a lot of necessary substances for a growing body, and the cereal crops from which porridge is made also contain a huge treasure trove of vitamins and minerals. That's why they are combined together.

In our country, milk porridge, and porridge in principle, is considered a national dish. Remember there is even such a saying. “Shchi and porridge are our food.” So not only children, but also adults need to eat porridge. Porridge is an excellent solution for breakfast.

Of the huge selection of cereals, rice porridge is for some reason the most popular. There are many recipes for making rice porridge. We previously published an article on our blog about how to cook rice porridge. And you can follow the link and read.


  • 1 cup clean rice.
  • 1.5 glasses of milk.
  • Salt and sugar to taste.
  • 30 grams of butter.

Cooking process.

1.Rinse the rice several times. Place in a saucepan and add water 2-3 cm above the rice.

2. Add salt and put the pan on the fire.

3.Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally.

4. As soon as the water in the pan with rice boils, set it to 12-15 minutes.

5. Cook the rice for 12-15 minutes until cooked. Depending on the brand of rice.

6.After the time has passed, taste the rice to see if it is done. As soon as the rice becomes soft, pour in the milk, add a little sugar, stir and bring to a boil.

7. Cook for literally 2-3 minutes and turn off the heat under the pan.

8. Leave the rice porridge for 3-5 minutes under the lid so that the rice finishes cooking.

9. Rice porridge with milk is ready. You can put the butter directly into the pan and stir so that the butter is distributed throughout the porridge. Or you can divide it into small pieces and put it on the table so that everyone can put as much as they want on their plate.

This is the easiest way to cook rice porridge with milk. You can read more about rice porridge. The porridge is ready. Enjoy your meal.

Wheat porridge with milk

Now let's touch on such a cereal as millet, not to be confused with wheat. There are also a lot of recipes for cooking wheat porridge with milk. Can be cooked with the addition of pieces of fruits and vegetables. For example, prepare porridge with the addition of apples, raspberries, strawberries, and pumpkins.

But we will look at the basic recipe. So to speak, a classic recipe for porridge with milk.


  • 1 glass of millet.
  • 2 glasses of milk.
  • 2 glasses of water.
  • 50 grams of butter.
  • Salt and sugar to taste.

Cooking process:

1. The very first thing you need to do is rinse the cereal well. No matter what the manufacturer writes on the packages, it is still necessary to rinse the cereal.

2. After washing the cereal 3-4 times. Place it in a saucepan, fill it with water and put it on the stove to cook until done. Don't forget to add a little salt.

3. Some housewives advise pouring boiling water over it before starting to cook millet in order to remove a slight bitterness. I don't do this, but the choice is yours.

4.And so we cook the millet until done. The cooking time for millet is much longer than for rice and is about 20 minutes. So it will take a little longer.

5. And so 20 minutes have passed, we taste the millet for readiness and if the grains have become soft and they can be chewed without problems, the millet is considered ready.

6. Drain the remaining water, wash the millet and fill it with milk. Stir, add salt and sugar and put back on the stove. While stirring, bring to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer the porridge under the lid for about 5-7 minutes.

7.After a while, turn off the heat under the pan, remove the lid and add butter. Mix well, leave the porridge for 3-4 minutes so that it reaches a little consistency.

8. The millet porridge is ready, you can put it on plates and invite everyone for breakfast.

Bon appetit.

Semolina milk porridge

Semolina itself is not rich in many vitamins. But it contains useful fiber, which is very easily absorbed by the body. Semolina also helps strengthen bones and teeth very well. Because it contains calcium. In general, the benefits are obvious. And I don’t see any obstacles to not making semolina porridge for breakfast. Moreover, in my opinion, this is the simplest porridge in the world, which takes record time to prepare.

There is only one thing. Semolina burns very quickly to the walls of the pan. So to cook it you need to take dishes with a non-stick coating or at least with thick walls. Otherwise, be prepared to wash the pan after semolina.


  • 1 glass of milk.
  • 3 tablespoons of semolina.
  • 30-40 grams of butter.
  • Salt and sugar to taste.

Cooking process:

The recipe is very simple and the porridge turns out without lumps.

1. Before preparing semolina porridge, my grandmother always wet the pan with cold water and only then poured milk into it. She said that this way the milk and cereal would not burn to the walls.

2.And then rinse the pan with water. Pour milk into it and put it on the stove.

3. A glass of milk will boil very quickly, so you shouldn’t go far.

4. While the milk is boiling, you can add salt and sugar, stir and wait until the milk starts to boil. It will just start, not already boil.

5. At this moment, we begin to gradually add the cereal. To prevent the semolina from forming into lumps. Sprinkle the cereal in a thin stream and continuously stir the milk. It is very convenient to do this with a whisk.

6.And so the cereal in the milk remains a little, literally 2-3 minutes, boil the porridge and it is completely ready.

7.When cooked, semolina swells quickly and it may turn out that there will be a lot of cereal and the porridge will become thick almost immediately. It's not scary. Turn off the heat, cover with a lid and leave the semolina for 3-4 minutes; the porridge will come to readiness on its own.

8. Before serving, add a piece of butter to the still hot porridge, stir, and you can serve the porridge.

9.You can also always add raisins or finely chopped prunes to milk porridge before serving.

Semolina porridge is ready. Enjoy your meal.

Oatmeal with milk

Properly prepared oatmeal can become your favorite breakfast dish. In addition, this milk porridge can very well cleanse the body of toxins. Saturate it with fiber, proteins and carbohydrates. What else do you need for the perfect breakfast?


  • Half a glass of oatmeal.
  • A glass of milk. Preferably natural.
  • 30-50 grams of butter.
  • 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar.
  • A handful of raisins.
  • A pinch of salt.

Cooking process:

To prepare oatmeal, it is better to use dishes with thick walls or a pan with a double bottom.

1. Pour cold water over the raisins and let stand for 15-20 minutes, drain the water.

2.Pour milk into a saucepan and place it on the stove.

3. Bring the milk to a boil, add oatmeal, salt and sugar.

4.Cook for 5-7 minutes, stirring occasionally.

5.2-3 minutes before readiness, add raisins and stir.

6.When the porridge is ready, put butter in the pan and cover with a lid. Give the porridge 3 minutes to rest and you can serve.

7. Oatmeal porridge with milk and raisins is ready. Bon appetit.

Buckwheat porridge with milk

Buckwheat, like all other cereals, is very healthy and nutritious. Having a snack of buckwheat for breakfast, you can easily hold out until lunch. Buckwheat is often prepared as a side dish for main courses and rarely for breakfast. This is all due to the fact that many housewives do not dare to bother and cook buckwheat for a long time in the morning.

Although buckwheat can be said to be one of a kind in that it requires very little cooking. Basically, this cereal reaches readiness on its own with virtually no human intervention.


  • 1 glass of buckwheat.
  • 3 glasses of milk.
  • 1.5 glasses of water.
  • Butter.
  • Salt and sugar to taste.

Cooking process:

1. In order to prepare crumbly buckwheat porridge, we take the most ordinary dishes. There is no need for non-stick coatings or thick walls with a double bottom. We take a very ordinary saucepan with a lid.

2. And so, before cooking, inspect the cereal; if there are foreign impurities in it, sort it out and rinse the cereal.

3.Pour the cereal into a pan, pour some water, add a little salt and put it on the stove.

4. Bring to a vigorous boil and cook for 5-10 minutes until all the water has boiled away. When all the water has practically boiled away. Turn off the heat under the pan, cover it with a lid and leave for 5 minutes.

5. During this time, the buckwheat will be ready.

6.After 5 minutes, pour in milk, add sugar, stir and bring to a boil.

7. Boil for 2-3 minutes. Turn off the heat, add butter, cover with a lid and let the porridge stand for 3-4 minutes.

8.Now you can call the others for breakfast and serve fresh buckwheat porridge with milk. Bon appetit.

Milk porridge made from corn grits

Not long ago there was a corn boom in our country and everyone knew the benefits of corn. I think that your mothers and grandmothers still remember this time. Well, for those who are younger, let me remind you that corn contains a lot of natural sugar, vitamins and carbohydrates.

Corn porridge is not often seen on tables. The reason for this is that few people know how to properly prepare corn grits. Very often it turns out hard and thick. But if you approach the problem correctly, then I think you can prepare a tasty and satisfying porridge for the morning.


  • A glass of corn grits.
  • Two glasses of milk.
  • Three glasses of water.
  • 1-2 spoons of sugar.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Dried fruits to taste.

Cooking process:

1.Before cooking, rinse the cereal well.

2.Place in a saucepan, add water, add a little salt and place on the stove.

3. Bring to a boil, reduce heat by 40%. And cook until all the water has boiled away. Make sure that the cereal does not burn to the walls of the dish. You need to stir the corn constantly.

4.When the water has almost boiled away, pour in the milk, add sugar and butter, mix and cook for 3-4 minutes.

6.In 5 minutes you have delicious and nutritious corn porridge on your table.

Bon appetit.

FrutoNyanya porridge is a valuable product for children. Dairy and dairy-free, they do not cause allergies, and are enriched with various vitamins and minerals. They do not contain substances such as sugar, gluten and milk protein. Ideal for first feeding. Kids eat them with pleasure. In addition, porridge is easily absorbed by the body.

Food line from FrutoNyanya

For thirty years, the Lebedyansky plant has been producing baby food, including FrutoNyanya porridge. The products are absolutely safe and have passed all clinical tests. Approved not only by mothers, but also by the Scientific Center for Zete Health. Recommended by the Russian Union of Pediatricians.

During the manufacturing process, no dyes, preservatives, artificial chemical additives or thickeners are added to the porridge. Allowed for use from the age of four months.

The FrutoNyanya line includes:

  • fruit juices and nectars;
  • fruit and fruit and berry puree;
  • drinking cocktails made from berries and fruits;
  • vegetable puree, ideal for first feeding;
  • meat puree;
  • purified water for children;
  • jelly;
  • fruit drinks;
  • milkshakes;
  • vegetable nectars;
  • dairy and dairy-free porridges;
  • liquid porridge.

All have a low level of immunogenicity and do not cause allergies. They are reliable assistants in child care.

Dry dairy-free porridges: assortment

FrutoNyanya dairy-free porridge is ideal as a first complementary food. Its hypoallergenicity is clinically confirmed. The composition is enriched with vitamins and minerals necessary for the baby to fully grow and develop. Does not contain GMOs, dyes, preservatives and gluten, which can cause allergies in young children. Added prebiotics to improve digestion.

The assortment of this category is not rich and includes two types of products: buckwheat dairy-free porridge “FrutoNyanya” and rice. They do not require cooking; just dilute the porridge with hot water, following the proportions indicated on the package, and the product is ready to eat.

The packaging of the cereals is white and pink and has a round red label “FrutoNyanya”. This design makes the products stand out from the rest.

About milk porridges

Milk porridge "FrutoNyanya" has a richer composition compared to dairy-free. Enriched not only with vitamins and minerals, but also with fruits, vegetables, and berries. They significantly improve the taste of the dish. The range of these products is quite extensive, this is porridge:

  • multigrain (buckwheat, corn, wheat, oatmeal);
  • oatmeal;
  • buckwheat;
  • rice;
  • and bananas;
  • rice with pumpkin and apricots;
  • wheat with apples and strawberries;
  • oatmeal with peaches;
  • buckwheat with peaches and apricots;
  • wheat with pumpkin;

This “FrutoNyanya” porridge improves digestion, contains only natural ingredients, and is enriched with all necessary vitamins and minerals.

All are packed in a blue box. Products without added fruits and vegetables have a blue “FrutoNyanya” icon, while products with vegetables and fruits have an orange one. This design makes it easy to find the right option.

How to properly breed dry cereals

FrutoNyanya porridge is tasty and healthy, and its preparation does not require significant effort. The product cannot be prepared for future use. Only for one time and immediately before feeding the baby. Leftover porridge cannot be stored.

The daily amount of porridge for a 4-6 month old child is 150 grams, by eight months it increases to 180 grams, and the baby is given 200 grams per year.

Porridge can be diluted with breast milk, water, artificial formula, whole, skim or diluted milk.

Preparing baby food is carried out in four stages:

  1. It is necessary to wash your hands thoroughly and make sure that the utensils are clean.
  2. Pour 200 ml into the prepared dish at a temperature of 40-50°C.
  3. Add three tablespoons of dry porridge to the water, without a slide. The excess should be removed with a knife.
  4. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

If you consume 200 grams of the product per day, then the package is enough to prepare six servings of milk porridge and eight servings of dairy-free porridge. Single-component cereals are introduced into the diet from the age of four months, multi-component cereals - no earlier than six months.

Ready-to-eat cereals

Liquid porridge "FrutoNyanya" is simply an irreplaceable product. It is convenient to take it for a walk or on a trip. It can serve well at night, when the child demands another portion of food, and there is no time to cook ordinary porridge.

Most products in this category contain inulin. This is a prebiotic that not only improves digestion, but also stimulates the development of all the necessary bacteria in the walls of the digestive tract. Normalizes stool. Useful for children suffering from constipation.

Ready-made porridge “FrutoNyanya” comes in two types: night and day. The first package is dark blue, and the second is white. Recommended for babies from six months of age. At six months they give 120-150 grams of liquid porridge per day, by one year the volume of product consumption reaches 200 grams.

Before use, the product is poured into a feeding container. Heat in the microwave or in a water bath. Porridge in its original packaging cannot be placed in the microwave. Before feeding, baby food is mixed. If a child eats porridge from a bag, shake it well before eating.

There are three types of porridge in blue packaging: rice, buckwheat and cereal (buckwheat, corn and rice), and three types in white packaging: oatmeal, oatmeal with banana and buckwheat with apples.

The company produces two more types of ready-made porridge in glass jars. These are thicker foods that are not meant to be drunk and are eaten with a spoon. Before eating, transfer the porridge into a bowl and heat it up. Can be heated in a glass jar in the microwave.

Porridge "FrutoNyanya": composition

All cereal products are excellent for first feeding. FrutoNyanya rice porridge is no exception. Healthy and quick to prepare, they have the following composition:

  • whole milk powder (only in milk porridges);
  • finely ground cereal;
  • 12 vitamins and 3 minerals;
  • prebiotics;
  • fruits and vegetables, with the exception of one-ingredient cereals.

All ingredients are natural. This porridge not only satisfies hunger, but also enriches the body with all the necessary nutrients and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The composition of ready-made porridges is somewhat different from dry ones. Here the main ingredients are:

  • whole milk;
  • cereals;
  • inulin;
  • maltodextrin;
  • thickener in the form of corn starch;
  • acidity regulator - sodium citrate;
  • drinking water.

Ready-made cereals in glass jars contain:

  • boiled cereals;
  • berry and fruit puree;
  • sugar;
  • water.

The range of FrutoNyanya cereals is huge, and everyone can choose the most suitable product for their baby.

Positive sides

The products in question have the following advantages:

  • “FrutoNyanya” porridges are enriched with a vitamin and mineral complex;
  • the presence of prebiotics that accelerate the digestion process;
  • ease of preparation;
  • quickly absorbed by the child's body;
  • are diluted without lumps, forming a tender and airy mass;
  • contain only natural substances;
  • does not contain harmful components such as preservatives, thickeners, dyes, sugar and artificial flavors;
  • the taste of the porridge is improved by natural fruit, berry and vegetable ingredients;
  • manages to save time spent on cooking.

Without a doubt, the porridges from the FrutoNyanya company are tasty and nutritious. Dairy-free buckwheat porridge especially stands out from the rest. It is rich in digestible vegetable proteins, contains many complex carbohydrates, which charge the body with energy and give a feeling of satiety. It also contains fiber, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, a lot of iron and B vitamins. Doctors recommend eating it if your hemoglobin level is low.

The products packaged in special bags do not require special storage conditions, so it is convenient to take them on a trip, to the country house or to nature.

Disadvantages of instant cereals

Let's dwell on one negative point. It is based on careful grinding of grain. As a result of crushing, grinding, cleaning and heat treatment, raw materials lose the lion's share of useful substances. For example, when oats are converted into flakes, the integrity of dietary fiber is disrupted, and, accordingly, instant cereals ground into flour are less beneficial for the body. It is for this reason that the manufacturer often enriches porridge with artificial vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber and prebiotics.

“FrutoNyanya” buckwheat and rice porridge without milk, like other single-ingredient porridges (millet, oatmeal), is the most preferable for first feeding. Introduce the product into the diet gradually, starting with one teaspoon.

Porridge for children of the first year of life should not contain sugar, as it contains a sufficient amount of carbohydrates. Flavor enhancers, flavorings and other chemical additives are also prohibited. The product must be enriched with vitamins and minerals necessary for the successful growth and development of the child.

You can choose porridge with or without milk. Here, each mother decides for herself, based on the individual preferences of the child. Dairy-free is recommended for children with lactose allergies. At first, it is better to eat gluten-free cereals, as this substance often causes an allergic reaction. The presence of prebiotics, which are added to almost all FrutoNyanya brand cereals, is also one of the important selection factors. They help the child’s body absorb the product. Fruit additives improve the taste of porridges, but, in turn, can cause allergies, and are not suitable for all babies in their first year of life.

You should not introduce complementary foods before 4-6 months, since only from this moment the baby’s body is ready to process more solid food.

Shelf life

If the integrity of the packaging is not compromised, then such porridge should be stored in a dry, fairly cool place, protected from the sun, at a temperature no higher than +25°C and air humidity no more than 75%. such a product is one year from the date of manufacture.

An open package is stored in the same conditions as an unopened one, but no more than twenty days. After each use, the bag should be tightly closed.

Cost of grain product

The price of dry cereals “FrutoNyanya” fluctuates around one hundred rubles per 200 grams. Liquid porridge costs around 30 rubles. The finished product in glass jars can be purchased for 45-50 rubles. The cost varies depending on the markup of the retail outlet.

Porridge "FrutoNyanya": reviews

Porridges from the FrutoNyanya brand have caused many controversial reviews. It was noted that they are diluted without lumps and are easy to prepare. There are mothers who complain about the bland taste and color of dairy-free buckwheat porridge. They say it is more like glue than porridge for children. It has a strange smell, despite the fact that its composition is significantly superior to other brands. Milk porridges with added fruit cause allergies. Rice porridge, according to parents, is more suitable for children who are not prone to constipation. For some, it causes constipation lasting up to four days.

For some, FrutoNyanya porridges have become their favorite. Reviews mention that children eat them with pleasure. The products are tasty and healthy, containing vitamins and minerals. Completely natural. They contain prebiotics that improve the digestion process. Do not cause allergies. Promote active growth and development. Convenient to prepare and significantly save time.

Porridges from FrutoNyanya provide a tasty, healthy and nutritious meal for children. They provide energy and saturate the body with all necessary substances. Contain a large amount of carbohydrates. Provides a feeling of fullness for a long period.

Milk porridge is a traditional and healthy dish for children, but it is better to cook the first portion of porridge for a baby in water. After checking the body’s reaction to the selected cereal and making sure that it is positive, the mother can begin preparing the dish with milk. It turns out to be high in calories and has high nutritional value. Most children love milk porridges and eat them with pleasure.

Most kids enjoy eating milk porridges

When can you introduce milk porridge into a child’s diet?

A question for which there is no clear answer. For many housewives, the “milk porridge” dish involves the use of a certain type of cereal and milk. We often cook rice, oatmeal, and millet cereals, and not only for children. Preparing such a dish for babies is significantly different from the usual recipe.

You can cook the cereal yourself or use a ready-made mixture. Stores offer a wide selection of baby cereals that are not cooked. The variety of methods, of course, pleases, but we must not forget about the characteristics of the body of a small child.

The timing of introducing a new product into the baby’s menu depends on its composition and the baby’s reaction to the new food. Some babies are ready to eat porridge as early as six months, while others eat only mother’s milk for up to a year.

When to start feeding milk porridges?

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Let's start the conversation with ready-made baby food products that arrive on our shelves. Today, unique recipes for gluten-free and dairy-free hypoallergenic porridges have been developed. They are based on breast milk and formula, thereby minimizing the risk of food allergies in a child. Pediatricians believe that milk porridges with these properties are ideal for feeding infants as complementary foods.

If your baby has already tried cereals cooked in water and is used to it, you can introduce milk porridge with gluten-free (buckwheat, corn, rice) cereals into his diet.

If your baby likes porridge with water, you can switch to dairy-based gluten-free porridge.

For example, your baby happily eats buckwheat with water, which means it’s time to let him try the same, but with a 1:1 mixture of milk + water. Doctors believe that when breastfeeding, this type of complementary feeding can be introduced from 8 months.

Let’s clarify a small nuance: first, prepare the dish in water. Once you reach the age of 8 months, you can partially eliminate water and cook a dairy dish (using special baby milk).

Early complementary feeding may be due to other reasons that do not depend on the wishes of the nursing mother. Porridge is added to the baby’s diet if:

  • little breast milk is produced;
  • the child is not gaining weight well;
  • a deficiency of B vitamins was identified;
  • There are reasons why it is impossible to feed the baby with breast milk or formula.

Ready-made milk porridges for baby food

To buy or not to buy a ready-made baby food product is a choice that causes justifiable controversy. Ready-made, balanced porridge that does not require long cooking helps the mother to introduce the baby to a new product and provide him with adequate complementary feeding. Manufacturers are sophisticated in culinary delights, and on the shelves we see compositions with fruits and cereals, berries and vegetables. There is a temptation to buy such a dish and not bother with home cooking. However, if you breastfeed or formula feed your baby, or feed him cereals cooked in water, there is no need to take the product from the store.

If the baby is breastfed, you can also prepare porridge for him yourself

You should take into account the fact that porridge from the store, which contains milk (cow or goat), is boiled in water. The time when they can be used as complementary foods is determined by the type of milk from which they are made (more details in the article:). The methods of using them are different and are indicated on the product packaging. Manufacturers produce both liquid types of products, and those that should be diluted with water, and in a dry version.

Features of porridges made from whole and normalized milk

Let's look at the features of both types of milk. Whole milk is a dry version of unmodified cow's milk. When producing a normalized type, they resort to bringing its fat content to a certain level necessary for the child’s body.

Both types are saturated with mineral elements that can overload the baby’s excretory system. The protein content deviates from that of breast milk; they also contain allergenic proteins, and therefore pediatricians do not recommend using cereals made with these types of milk for starter feeding.

Such products are suitable for feeding 8-9 month old children. If before this age the baby’s digestion reacted negatively to new dishes, replace it with others made from a simplified mixture.

The composition of goat's milk is better correlated with the composition of mother's milk, but its absorption requires time for the child's body to adapt. If you are not lactose intolerant, you can get by with regular cow's milk.

Porridges that are prepared at home and those produced on an industrial scale are introduced at the same age.

If the baby is healthy and digests cow's milk normally, there is no need to switch to goat's milk

Since the range is large, we studied the properties of the products of the most popular brands that make their products using whole and normalized milk. Our detailed review will help you shop wisely and make the right choice for your baby. Pay special attention to the composition, at what age you can start using it, correlate this with your needs.


Produced in Slovenia, the brand is widely known throughout the world, the raw materials are grown in environmentally friendly places in the country. Baby products are presented:

  • numerous variations of compositions;
  • made from whole milk, enhanced with vitamins, minerals, and sugar;
  • the “Premium for Afternoon Tea” series is available with berries, fruit additions and cookies;
  • porridge “5 grains with apricot and raspberry, enriched with prebiotics” due to the dietary fiber introduced into it, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the “Premium” variety, intended for night feeding, is made from oatmeal, rice and corn, containing various vitamins, sugar, minerals, extracts of medicinal plants such as lemon balm and chamomile;
  • Children under one year old are offered porridges made from whole milk and puffed cereal obtained from cereals, which help develop the child’s chewing skills.


A US brand that has been present on the baby food market since the late 19th century. Today offers:

  • Porridge is made with whole milk and contains sugar.
  • Rice and buckwheat, without fruit, wheat with vegetables (with pumpkin), containing cream.
  • All products contain prebiotic fibers derived from chicory, iron, calcium, iodine, zinc and 12 types of vitamins.
  • The “Tasty Milk Porridges” series is represented by a variety of compositions, the proportion of fruits and milk is increased in it, and berries such as currants, cherries, blueberries, and prunes are added. Helps to expand the child's diet with new tastes.
  • Easy to prepare “Drinking milk porridges”, which just need to be heated to the right temperature. The list of components has been expanded to include prebiotics, fructose and starch.
  • For one-year-old children, “Porridge Lyubopyshki” with extruded cereals and fruits, which help the baby learn to chew. Salt is added, many fruits and vegetables are included, and some types contain yogurt powder.

Produced in Switzerland according to European standards from natural raw materials. Types and features of products:

  • The entire range is made from whole grains without the inclusion of minerals and vitamins. The exceptions are wheat, rice and oatmeal varieties, to which vitamin B1 is added.
  • The raw materials for Fleur Alpin products are grown without the use of various growth stimulants.
  • Milk from a cow or goat is used and maltodextrin is added.
  • The Alpine Goat series includes rice, oat, buckwheat and spelled cereals. There are no fruits in the composition. Made with goat milk, which is less allergenic than cow milk (we recommend reading:).
  • The assortment of the “Bavarian Cow” line includes buckwheat with apple, rice, oatmeal with pear, and a mixture of cereals.

Well-known domestic brand of baby food. Features of “Fruttonyanya” porridges:

  • A mixture of two types of milk (skimmed and whole) is used. Added 12 vitamins, sugar and three minerals.
  • Most of the range contains cream; several types are enhanced with fruit-derived fillers.
  • Rice and buckwheat varieties are made with inulin (a prebiotic).
  • Dry and liquid types are made from dry raw materials, containing maltodextrin, starch, fructose, inulin and fruit. Types are also available without flavoring additions.
  • Interesting “Millet milk porridge with fruit”, made from boiled wheat flour, fruit purees and fructose are added. Fruttonyanya porridges are made without the introduction of vitamins and minerals.

Belarusian brand that produces inexpensive and high-quality baby food. Product characteristics:

  • A normalized type of milk is used, sugar, vitamins, and mineral components are added.
  • Varieties are presented, supplemented with fruit fillings.
  • Dairy varieties are produced without inulin. Dairy-free is fortified with this prebiotic.


The Russian baby food brand Agusha was founded by Wimm-Bill-Dann. Main products:

  • Dry porridges made from whole milk. To enhance the beneficial properties, they are fortified and mineralized, contain fructose and salt.
  • The product “Rice-corn porridge with banana and milk” is produced with fruit filling and prebiotics (FOS, fibregam) (see also:).
  • The “Zapyka” series includes “Milk-rice with apple and pear” and “Milk-buckwheat”, which do not need to be cooked (see also:). The main component is normalized milk, there is sugar and prebiotics. The Agusha brand does not produce dairy-free porridge.

Domestic brand with a wide range of products. What kind of cereals does it produce:

  • “Vinny” porridges are made from whole milk (powdered). Sugar is added for taste, vitamins and minerals are present.
  • Series with prebiotics and fruit supplements are offered. The presence of additives is indicated on the product packaging.
  • There is also a selection of dairy-free products with fruit.

Brands of cereals made from skim milk

By offering low-fat cereals to children, the manufacturer means replacing milk fat with vegetable fat, which contains a lot of polyunsaturated acids. Such acids are necessary for the baby for good development and successful growth. The porridges are balanced in fats, but retain the entire set of proteins. Products with a low-fat base are not suitable as first complementary foods. Among the manufacturers, we will highlight two: “Nestlé” and “Humana”, and we will consider them.

The most famous Swiss brand, offering baby food for more than 150 years. Product Features:

  • Porridges made from gluten-free cereals contain traces of gluten.
  • All types of products contain BL prebiotics, which can improve microflora and work to strengthen the immune system.
  • The Pomogayka series is porridge with a milk yogurt base. A product that improves digestion and strengthens the body's defenses with the help of live yogurt cultures, bifidobacteria, mineral components and vitamins introduced into it.
  • The Shagayka line is offered to children 10-12 months old. To master the chewing skill, pieces of fruit are added to the porridge.


A German brand distinguished by a variety of products suitable for first feeding and for children aged one year and older. Product Features:

  • all types of porridges are prepared using raw materials from which fat has been removed;
  • composition includes 13 vitamins and mineral elements;
  • Porridges with fruit are produced, varieties with the addition of biscuit flour and crackers are presented, some types contain sucrose.

Porridge made from whey or adapted mixture

Adapted or simplified formulas and whey are devoid of casein protein, which suggests they are safe in terms of food allergies. However, children who are prone to it should not be given these types of cereals. For them, experts recommend using dairy-free porridges or those prepared with breast milk. Let's see what products can be found on the baby food market today and what their features are.


The oldest German company Hipp (HiPP) has been involved in baby food for a long time. What are the features of its products:

  • cereals for their products are grown without chemical and synthetic additives;
  • the basis is dry infant formula, the contents of which are enhanced with vitamins and mineral elements;
  • products contain prebiotics and lactose and have a sweet taste;
  • BIO cereals are produced without adding maltose and glucose;
  • The “Good Night” line is desserts made on an adapted basis with cereals, vitamin B1, they contain chocolate, cookies and sugar.


The most popular Russian brand, which many mothers know and love. To make porridges, a partially simplified (adapted) mixture is used. The list of components has been expanded with vitamins, sugar, maltodextrin and mineral elements. Several items in the product range include fruit fillings. A traditional product for the Russian market, “Malyutka” has proven itself well when feeding small children.