Wheat germ oil: reviews. Application in cosmetology

Wheat is the most common cereal plant. It contains many useful substances, thanks to which it has acquired beneficial properties. Wheat germ oil is used to rejuvenate and maintain body tone. The use of this product in cosmetology and medicine allows you to support and treat the body.

Useful qualities

Wheat germ oil helps maintain beauty and allows women to look well-groomed.

It also has the following properties:

  • cleanses the skin;
  • removes toxins;
  • normalizes and tightens the skin;
  • reduces the number of pimples, blackheads;
  • fights skin inflammation;
  • rejuvenates the skin;
  • improves the color of the epidermis;
  • nourishes and moisturizes the skin of the lips;
  • heals small cracks and jams;
  • prevents the appearance of cellulite.

Wheat germ cosmetics are suitable for all skin types. Its use is permitted even when the skin type on the face in different areas is different. The oil moisturizes, nourishes dry skin, reduces, and prevents the appearance of acne and inflammation on oily skin.

Toning properties prevent the appearance of fine lines or premature age wrinkles.

Composition of wheat oil

Wheat germ oil contains many vitamins - E, PP, A, B and F. They can improve the condition of the epidermis and preserve beauty, as well as prevent aging. Using the product for cosmetic purposes can reduce the risk of developing certain diseases of the epidermis, tighten and smooth it, and also improve the condition of the hair. It also contains triglycerides, phospholipids, zinc, iron and selenium. They enhance properties and are natural antioxidants.

Application of oil

In its pure form, wheat germ oil is rarely used in cosmetology. For skin care, it is combined with other oils of lighter forms.


Rejuvenating mask. Anti-aging properties are achieved by mixing several oils:

  • for a dry type of epidermis, add extracts from peach and apricot kernels;
  • for normal and combined types of epidermis - olive oil;
  • for oily epidermis, grape seed extract is added.
  • The oils are mixed in a 3:1 ratio, where 1 part is wheat germ oil. It should be applied to dry, clean skin and left on for about 40 minutes. Afterwards, the mixture is removed from the body or face with warm water.

Nourishing mask

Its moisturizing properties are most effective in winter. You can add an extract of orange wood and sandalwood to it. Wheat germ oil for the face will moisturize the skin around the eyes and also remove fine wrinkles.

Cleansing mask

To cleanse the epidermis and fight pimples or acne, a mask with the addition of cedar extract and oils from lavender and clove is suitable. To a tablespoon of the main component, add a couple of drops of the remaining components. Apply it for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This cosmetic mask will help cleanse the epidermis.

Moisturizing mask

If your face and neck have a dry type of epidermis, then you should apply a thin layer of wheat germ oil to it daily. If desired, you can add extracts of roses and lemon balm to it. There is no need to wash it off. Wheat germ oil for the face is an indispensable facial care product.


If you carry out massage sessions for two or three weeks and use this remedy from wheat germ, this will be an excellent prevention of cellulite and will reduce the defect that has already appeared. Massage is carried out daily for 10–15 minutes.

The use of such a recipe helps not only prevent cellulite, but can also make stretch marks (stretch marks) less noticeable or even prevent their formation. This mixture is especially recommended for women during pregnancy or sudden weight gain.

Wheat germ oil can help moisturize your skin. Nutritional properties will help saturate it with vitamins and minerals that are part of this product.

Nails and hands

Using a mixture of oils will help strengthen the nail plate after daily rubbing. The course lasts 8 days. Also, when adding extracts of lavender and bergamot to wheat germ oil, you will get the effect of soft and well-groomed skin around the nails. Before the procedure, do not forget to remove the polish and clean your nails.

To care for the skin of your hands, lubricate them with the mixture described above and massage until completely absorbed. Before applying, wash your hands with soap and then wipe dry. After the procedure, avoid contact with water for 60 minutes.

Eyelashes and lips

The only purpose for which pure wheat germ oil can be used in cosmetology is to care for eyelashes and lip skin. They can be used to remove makeup or apply after cleansing. After about a month of use, the eyelashes become fuller and noticeably lengthen. Lips can be protected or treated with oil. When you apply the product a couple of times in 24 hours, they will become soft, moisturized, and small cracks will heal.


Using a wheat germ mask for a month before washing your hair will help make your hair healthy. Apply it to your hair and rub in with soft circular movements, and also massage your scalp, so you distribute it evenly throughout the entire length of your hair.

After this procedure, after 30 - 40 minutes, rinse your hair with simple shampoo and warm water. These steps should be repeated 2 or 3 times a week. After this, they will have a healthy appearance and natural shine. You can add extracts and extracts of ginger, pine, eucalyptus, orange or thyme to the oil, 2 drops each.

To accelerate growth and prevent fragility, cosmetologists recommend making a mask of wheat oil and hair balm in a 1 to 1 ratio.

It should be used 45 minutes before washing your hair, and then rinse your hair with warm water and shampoo. To eliminate fragility and hair loss, repeat the procedure 2 times a week, and for prevention 1 time. By adding 4 drops of rosemary, you can enhance the properties of this mask.

To moisturize and nourish the lower part of the hair, you can make a mask that has wonderful properties. To do this, you need to take wheat germ oil and mix it with peach and almond oil. The mixture should be warmed up a little, and then applied to the roots of the hair and distributed evenly over the entire length. The ends should be lubricated more generously.

Regular use of masks will make your hair beautiful, healthy and protect its structure.

Medical properties

Wheat germ oil is not a medicinal product, but it has some properties that help maintain human health.

  • It helps mitigate hormonal imbalances in women, especially with cervical diseases and mastopathy.
  • Biologically active substances contained in this product have a beneficial effect on the vascular system and help normalize the blood count when cholesterol increases.
  • It has preventive properties, helps prevent diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Helps strengthen the nervous system and improves memory in people, especially in old age.
  • Vitamin E, which is part of the oil, when used, allows men to increase potency and the entire functioning of the reproductive system as a whole.
  • With high sugar levels (diabetes mellitus), it helps slow down the development of complications that affect vision.
  • It is able to remove toxins and waste from the body, thereby cleansing it and improving the condition of the body.

For prevention, use 1 teaspoon (teaspoon) of oil per 24 hours. To treat inflammatory processes and small, shallow burns, it is necessary to lubricate the affected area with a heated product several times in 24 hours. The use of the remedy for the treatment of bruises should be followed by massage courses using wheat germ oil.


It is not recommended to use wheat germ oil on the face and body when a person has an individual intolerance. And also for diseases of the urinary system and a tendency to form kidney stones or their presence in the body.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are not a contraindication for the use of this product.

Oil storage

Video: Beneficial properties of wheat sprouts

Our ancestors noticed an amazingly useful plant - wheat - long ago. They learned to obtain oil from the germ, which later became a valuable product used for various purposes. Over time, when more modern technologies appeared and science moved far forward, its beneficial properties were studied in more detail. As a result, it turned out that it is a storehouse of vitamins, nutrients and microelements. So wheat germ oil began to be actively used. Let's talk about the benefits of wheat germ oil, consider its properties and uses as a product.

Beneficial properties of wheat germ oil

The oil obtained from wheat germ seeds contains various vitamins: A, C, B, E, D, as well as antioxidants in the form of squalene and octacosanol. It also contains unsaturated fatty acids, omega-6, and amino acids. Allantoin and lecithin give the product bactericidal properties, and the mass of active components increase its value as an anti-aging and regenerative substance. Beneficial microelements include zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, thiamine, as well as folic and pantothenic acids.

The uniqueness of this product lies in the fact that it can be eaten and also used externally. Valuable components make it possible to improve the saturation of all tissues and cells with oxygen, and this helps to improve metabolism and metabolism, and increases the stress resistance of the body as a whole. Vitamins of the E complex are an effective prevention of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and premature aging. Wheat germ oil has a positive effect on the immune system, prevents the formation of blood clots and lowers the level of bad cholesterol.

Regular sprout oil is dark amber in color and has a light nutty aroma. Due to its strong scent, it is mixed with essential and aromatic oils; it goes well with the aroma of patchouli.

About how and when wheat germ oil is useful (use in different ways)

The scope of application of wheat germ oil is quite wide. This includes medicine, cooking, and cosmetology.

By itself, it has a very thick consistency, so before using it for massage procedures and applying to the skin, it is better to dilute it with other ingredients, for example, with olive, fir, coconut, peach, almond or other oil. In addition, it can be added to your favorite cream or lotion to improve the properties of the cosmetic product. Let's look at a few useful recipes:

For dry skin. You need to take wheat germ oil and mix it in a 1:3 ratio with peach or. Apply this composition to the skin as a mask, leaving for 20-30 minutes. You need to do the procedure 2-3 times a week.

For wrinkled and aging skin. Take one tablespoon of sprout oil, add one drop of mint oil, and two drops each of orange and sandalwood oils. Mix everything well, apply on a clean napkin, apply to your face for 25 minutes. At the end of the procedure, do not wash off the remaining mask; all components must be absorbed without residue.

For the treatment of acne. Mix a tablespoon of the main product with cedar or lavender. Apply to problem areas, leave for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

For skin with freckles and age spots. Take one tablespoon of wheat oil, add a teaspoon of fresh, a drop. Soak a napkin with the resulting composition, apply to the skin, and leave for 30-35 minutes.

Wheat germ oil can be used at home for healthy hair. Its components stimulate the growth and strengthening of the hair structure, soften and nourish. It is very useful for hair loss, as well as for women who constantly use styling products and a hairdryer. The product should be rubbed into the scalp, leaving for 30-35 minutes. Then rinse your hair well as usual. The oil should be well absorbed and penetrate into the roots and hair follicles. After some time, you will notice how your hair has become thicker and silkier.

A common problem for many women is stretch marks on different parts of the body and the formation of cellulite. And this issue is easily resolved by regular use of a valuable product. The oil, which we continue to talk about on this page www.site, normalizes intracellular metabolism and stimulates the production of collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin. Before use, the main component must be mixed with a few drops of any essential oil to improve the consistency and aroma. Rub into problem areas of the body using gentle massage movements until completely absorbed. Procedures should be carried out regularly, preferably daily after taking a bath.

Correct and skillful use of the means that nature itself has given us allows us to get rid of many problems and prevent them. And remember that prevention and timely care for your appearance and health is always easier than treating an already advanced disease.

Among plant products, wheat germ oil is considered a unique remedy that preserves health and maintains beauty. Its composition is enriched with powerful antioxidants, in particular vitamin E and a host of active substances that have a beneficial effect on our health and help improve the quality of the skin. This oil is extracted using a cold pressing technique from sprouted wheat, directly from its sprouts. Nowadays, it is widespread almost everywhere; it is used in the field of cosmetology, food and for medicinal purposes.

Useful properties and composition of wheat germ oil.
Wheat germ (sprout) oil is a means of concentrating a mass of various vitamins (especially groups B, C, A, E, D, etc.), antioxidants (in particular squalene, octacosanol) and active substances that determine its amazing properties and prevalence applications in the field of cosmetology. It is especially valued for its regenerative and rejuvenating properties, thanks to which we are able to keep the skin young and elastic and maintain its healthy condition.

Wheat germ oil contains many essential and essential unsaturated fatty acids (omega 3, 6, 9), essential amino acids, lecithin, allantoin, which provides the product with anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, various microelements, etc. All these substances and elements in complex work have a positive effect on the functioning of the organs and systems of our body. The constant inclusion of wheat germ oil in food leads to improved functioning of the digestive, endocrine, cardiovascular, reproductive and nervous systems, helps strengthen defenses, restore hormonal balance, regulate lipid metabolism, and also stimulates general cleansing of the body and the processes of removing accumulated toxins and other harmful substances. The beneficial effect of wheat germ oil on the internal functioning of the body has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the skin, hair, and nails.

The interaction of certain components in the composition of wheat germ oil, when used, helps strengthen blood vessels, normalize blood pressure, remove bad cholesterol, preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and the formation of blood clots. Systematic intake of wheat germ oil has an anti-inflammatory effect, serves as a means of protecting the heart and blood vessels from the influence of free radicals, preventing the development of cancer. This useful product combines many substances required for the synthesis of hemoglobin. All these properties are confidently used for medicinal purposes and disease prevention (anemia, stroke, atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart attack, diabetic retinopathy, cardiac ischemia, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids).

Wheat germ oil can be used in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, because it contains substances involved in the production of insulin.

The oil is useful for maintaining healthy bones, teeth and joints, which is due to the vitamin D content. Consumption of wheat germ oil is effective for vision problems and nervous system disorders.

The systematic inclusion of wheat germ oil in food also has an effect on the reproductive system. Thanks to the presence of phytosterols, wheat germ oil restores hormonal levels, fatty acids have a protective effect on cells, vitamins stimulate libido and potency. Its systematic use increases the quality and quantity of sperm, and is an excellent means of preventing various kinds of disorders in men, including sexual ones. In women, the use of wheat germ oil regulates the ovarian cycle and prevents the development of inflammation in the genital organs. Wheat germ oil is a highly effective means of preventing and treating infertility and various female diseases (vaginitis, mastopathy, endometriosis, cervical erosion).

Ingestion of wheat germ oil has a protective effect on liver cells, restores the functioning of the digestive system, regulates the acidity of gastric juice, and has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. Against this background, it fights heartburn, constipation, restores healthy intestinal microflora, is a preventive and therapeutic agent for peptic ulcers, colitis, gastritis, hepatitis, dysbacteriosis, enterocolitis, cholecystitis, etc.

It is extremely beneficial to drink wheat germ oil or add it to salads during pregnancy and lactation, during menopause and the premenstrual period. The unique and balanced composition of wheat germ oil helps the full development of the fetus and prevents various pathologies. During breastfeeding, this herbal product increases breast milk production and increases its fat content.

The use of wheat germ oil in care will bring obvious benefits: hair, skin, nails will immediately shine with natural beauty. The oil is ideal for caring for any skin type; it has a nourishing, moisturizing, softening, and rejuvenating effect. It perfectly combats various skin problems, in particular excessive dryness, flaking, roughness, loss of firmness and elasticity. Daily use of wheat germ oil has a beneficial effect on aging and aging skin, tightens the oval of the face, tones, smoothes wrinkles and increases skin elasticity. The oil is also a good cleanser that stimulates the removal of toxins from the skin.

The anti-inflammatory properties of the oil give good results in the treatment of acne, pustular wounds and various inflammations, skin diseases such as dermatitis, eczema, neurodermatitis. For burns, injuries and various skin damage, wheat germ oil accelerates their healing. It can be successfully used for nutrition and lifting of eyelids, lip care (effective for peeling, cracking and seizing). Wheat germ oil is often recommended for skin care of the chest, abdomen and thighs during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Its regular use moisturizes the skin, increases its elasticity, preventing dryness and the appearance of stretch marks, and lightens age spots and freckles.

The use of germ oil internally in the treatment of various diseases.
Wheat germ oil can be effectively used for both medicinal and prophylactic purposes in relation to organs and systems of the whole body (especially nervous, endocrine, sexual, reproductive and digestive). It is effective in the period after complex operations, a course of chemotherapy, perfectly strengthens the immune system, relieves insomnia, stress, improves mood, helps cleanse the body and get rid of excess weight, which is due to the ability to regulate carbohydrate and fat metabolism. This oil is recommended for athletes, people living in unfavorable environmental conditions, and also working in hazardous industries. If there is insufficiency or deficiency of vitamin E in the body, it is effective to use wheat germ oil.

To prevent aging and rejuvenate the skin, and simply for skin care, wheat germ oil is valuable; it fights various damage, inflammation, and skin diseases.

For the purpose of general health, disease prevention, and also as a supplement to general treatment, it is recommended to take one teaspoon of wheat germ oil internally in the morning and evening twenty minutes before meals. This therapeutic and health-improving course can be continued for no more than two months. If for some reason you cannot drink oil, you can season various vegetable salads and cereals with it, but you cannot heat it or use it for frying, as it loses its value.

To prevent the development of gastritis, peptic ulcers, and colitis, it is recommended to take wheat germ oil on an empty stomach in the amount of a teaspoon. The treatment course includes thirty days.

To heal skin damage (abrasions, cuts, burns), the oil is applied in its pure form, slightly warmed beforehand, to the affected areas. Oil compresses are no less effective: simply moisten a napkin and apply to the damage, securing the bandage.

To alleviate the condition, reduce or relieve pain from bruises and sprains, heated oil is good to use for massage purposes.

For general health, pregnant women and children from 5 to 15 years old are recommended to drink half a teaspoon of wheat germ oil in the morning and evening before meals for fourteen days.

The use of wheat germ oil in cosmetology.

Wheat germ oil for the face, recipes for use.
To eliminate cosmetic problems and rejuvenate, it is better to apply pure oil to a previously cleansed face. Due to its heavy consistency, wheat germ oil in skin care is best combined with other vegetable, cosmetic and essential oils, used as a night remedy and in the form of masks.

Mask for fading and aging skin.
Add essential oils of mint, sandalwood and orange, taken one drop each, to a tablespoon of wheat germ oil. Take a cosmetic napkin or a regular piece of gauze, soak it in the mixture and apply it to a cleansed face. After twenty minutes, beat in the excess oil (there will be a little of it) with your fingertips. Apply this mask in the evening two to three times a week, for medicinal purposes - daily until problems are eliminated, before going to bed, blot the skin with a paper napkin.

Mask for problematic skin prone to irritation, pimples and acne.
Combine one tablespoon of wheat germ oil with essential oils of clove, cedar and lavender, taken one drop each. The mask should be used in the same way as described above.

Mask against freckles and age spots.
Mix a tablespoon of base oil with bergamot, lemon and juniper essential oils, just take one drop each. The method of application is the same, you can do it twice a day.

Mask against wrinkles and puffiness under the eyes.
For a tablespoon of wheat germ oil you will need one drop of sandalwood and neroli, or just add two drops of rose oil. Using the composition, self-massage all areas of the face, including the skin of the lips (in the direction of the massage lines, gently, without stretching the skin). After the massage, leave the oil on your face for half an hour, then soak the excess with a paper towel.

From crow's feet.
In 5 ml of wheat germ oil, add 15 ml of grape seed, four drops of vitamin E, add three drops of grapefruit and rosemary. Combine everything and pour into a clean bottle with a lid. The composition removes makeup residues well (drop two drops of the finished product onto a damp cotton pad). To prevent and eliminate wrinkles around the eyes, apply a couple of drops of the product to the problem area and rub in with your fingertips until completely absorbed.

Or this recipe: add one and a half teaspoons of rosehip oil to half a teaspoon of wheat germ oil.

Mask for dry and aging skin.
Mix wheat germ oil (half a teaspoon) with the addition of any vegetable oil in the amount of two teaspoons (olive, peach, flaxseed, apricot, almond). Apply to a clean face, combining with massage. After half an hour, remove excess oil with a napkin.

Mask for oily and problem skin.
Combine wheat germ oil (half a teaspoon) with grape oil (one and a half teaspoons). Use as a night care product. You can also make a mask.

Mask for any skin type.
Add a tablespoon of crushed rolled oats flakes to warm milk until a mass is formed that resembles non-liquid sour cream, into which add a teaspoon of wheat germ oil. Leave the composition for twenty minutes, rinse with warm water.

Mask for combination skin.
It is good to combine wheat germ oil with peach oil in equal proportions. Apply for twenty minutes, the residue can be massaged into the skin, or can be removed with a napkin.

Skin cleanser.
Wheat germ oil can be used undiluted or combined with peach and almond oils. Soak a cotton pad in hot water, apply a mixture of oils with a swab and wipe the skin.

Based on this unique herbal product, it is good to make homemade creams and add them to ready-made cosmetics (a couple of drops for one-time use).

Wheat germ oil is excellent for caring for the delicate décolleté and bust area. The skin in this area returns smoothness, youth and elasticity.

Wheat germ oil for hair, recipes for use.
Wheat germ oil helps restore damaged, overly dry and brittle hair. To do this, it should be applied undiluted to the roots, rubbing into the scalp and ends. It is recommended to do this forty minutes before washing your hair. Wash your hair with shampoo. For visible results, apply this mask every other day for three weeks. This recipe can be slightly improved by adding two drops of ginger and pine, or cedar and eucalyptus, or thyme and orange to wheat germ oil (1 tbsp).

For rapid growth and elimination of hair fragility, it is effective to add wheat germ oil to ready-made care products (conditioners, balms, masks) (1:1). Apply the product forty minutes before washing your hair, with a film and a towel on top. Wash off the mask as usual. As a preventive measure, you can do it once a week. You can also add a drop of rosemary oil to the recipe to enhance the effect.

Or this recipe: mix a tablespoon of wheat germ oil and almond oil, add a teaspoon of peach oil. Heat the mixture, rub into the roots and scalp, then apply evenly over the entire length, paying attention to the ends. Wrap the top with polyethylene and a towel. After an hour, wash off with shampoo.

To nourish the ends of your hair, pure oil can be applied at night and washed in the morning. After a week of daily use, you will notice a noticeable difference. Regular use of this oil serves as a means of protecting the hair structure from damage due to regular use of hair styling products and devices.

Wheat germ oil for hands and nails.
Massage your hands and nails with heated oil every evening. The oil can be enriched with essential oils (bergamot, lavender), three to four drops per tablespoon.

Wheat germ oil for stretch marks and cellulite.
Massaging problem areas of the body with wheat germ oil, both in pure form and in combination with essential oils, will help prevent the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks, smooth the surface of the skin and add elasticity and firmness. Mix a tablespoon of base with the same amount of jojoba oil, or with three drops of essential oil (rosemary or orange), or add three other essential oils drop by drop (grapefruit, juniper, lemon).

Contraindications to the use of wheat germ oil.
Individual intolerance, which occurs very rarely, is practically the only prohibition on the use of this amazing herbal remedy. Patients with urolithiasis and cholelithiasis should consult their doctor before using it.

You can store the oil in a cool, dark place, tightly closed, for no more than a year. Once opened, store exclusively in the refrigerator.

Wheat germ oil is a storehouse of vitamins and other biologically active substances given to the grain by nature itself. A valuable product is produced by cold pressing fresh wheat sprouts, which are a source of protein. According to scientists, wheat germ contains 350 times more vitamins than grown cereal.

Valuable composition of the oil

Wheat germ oil, which is rich in a complex of vitamins and other organic compounds, is widely used in cosmetology. This is not surprising, because the product contains vitamins A, B, D, E, F. The oil also contains glycolipids, fatty acids Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9, phospholipids, triglycerides, octacosanol, macro- and microelements: zinc, selenium, iron, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, iodine and sulfur. Valuable oil is effective in slowing down the aging process and eliminating inflammation. The natural product is used for daily nutrition and moisturizing of the body, including facial skin.

Beneficial features

According to cosmetologists, wheat germ oil, the properties of which we will now consider, has a positive effect on both dry and oily skin. It stimulates metabolic processes in cells, prolonging their youth. The oil gives the dermis elasticity and a fresh appearance. If you use it in regular care, then even in adulthood your skin will glow with health and beauty.

Thus, wheat germ oil has the following properties:

  • anti-inflammatory,
  • anti-cellulite,
  • wound healing,
  • cleansing.

This valuable product is not only used to improve the condition of the skin, it is also widely used to treat many ailments. The oil is taken as a dietary supplement during the treatment of diseases of the heart and nervous system. It shows its effectiveness in the treatment of anemia, obesity, and allergies.

Wheat germ oil, the price of which makes it an affordable product, is recommended for use by patients suffering from impotence and infertility. Women, as a result of using the dietary supplement, get rid of many gynecological problems.

Oil efficiency

External use of the product gives the following results:

  • accelerated hair growth;
  • getting rid of acne, eczema, dermatitis;
  • healing wounds, cuts, sun and household burns.

Wheat germ oil contains vitamin E in abundance. This natural antioxidant restores health to the body. It cleanses the blood of toxic substances and stimulates regeneration processes. Valuable oil strengthens capillaries and blood vessels, fighting rosacea.

With the help of a wheat product, people have long removed swelling of the skin, got rid of peeling, itching and other irritations. It contains allantoin, which evens out skin tone and microrelief. It softens, refreshes and soothes the dermal layer.

Even the people of Ancient China used wheat germ oil for their faces. The use of a valuable product prolonged youth and gave the skin incredible smoothness. used to maintain health. With its help, the Chinese treated inflammation in intimate places and got rid of hemorrhoids.

Pregnant women use it for enhancement. The oil perfectly protects against stretch marks and eliminates sagging. The product is applied with massage movements to the skin of the chest, thighs and abdomen.

Wheat germ oil in cosmetology

The herbal remedy is an ideal product for the care of fading and aging facial skin. It maintains the softness and elasticity of the dermis due to its ability to maintain peripheral blood circulation.

The oil has shown its effectiveness against facial wrinkles and problem skin. It perfectly copes with rough and rough areas, moisturizing and nourishing them. Use it to eliminate dryness on chapped lips. Buying wheat germ oil at a pharmacy is not difficult.

Recipes for applications and face masks, reviews

Every woman dreams of looking great at any age. To achieve this goal, representatives of the fair sex are ready for a wide variety of tricks. One of the most accessible and popular methods of rejuvenation are anti-aging masks made from natural ingredients. Since wheat germ oil in its pure form is heavy and very thick, it is most often used diluted.

Anti-aging oil mask at home

1. Wheat germ oil should be mixed with sour cream in a 1:1 ratio. Apply the resulting nourishing mixture to the skin of the face. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. The skin will become so nourished that after washing you won’t even need a moisturizer. Vitamin super moisturizing application will make your face rested and refreshed. According to reviews of this mixture, its regular use allows you to get rid of wrinkles and even out your complexion. A rejuvenating mask at home is an affordable and effective remedy for restoring youthful skin.

2. The following recipe is recommended for use on the skin around the eyes. Fine lines, sagging skin, and dark circles under the eyes often reveal a woman’s age. Delicate skin needs special care: regular moisturizing and nutrition. To prepare this wonderful mixture, you will need wheat germ oil, jojoba oil and a solution of tocopherol acetate in oil (vitamin E). These components should be taken in equal parts and mixed thoroughly. Apply to the area around the eyes using your fingertips. After 30 minutes, remove the remaining mixture with a napkin or cotton swab. According to women, a nourishing mask should be done at night. During sleep, relaxed facial muscles allow the nutritional composition to better penetrate the skin.

Wheat germ oil for the face: use for various skin types

Home cosmetology also knows other recipes with wheat germ oil. By properly combining the product with certain components, you can get excellent masks that solve many skin problems.

Mask for sagging skin

To tighten and smooth the skin, and make the facial contour clearer, you need to apply the following mask several times a week. Combine three teaspoons of wheat germ oil with sandalwood and lemon essential oils (one drop of each oil). The resulting mass should be spread evenly on a paper towel and applied to the face. 20 minutes is enough for the ingredients to have a beneficial effect on the skin. After removing the napkin, there is no need to wash off the oil mass. To achieve a pronounced result, the remainder of the mixture must be allowed to absorb.

Mask for dehydrated skin

A mask consisting of three oils: olive, wheat germ and peach kernels perfectly moisturizes dry skin. It is necessary to take these ingredients in a ratio of 1:3:1 and mix thoroughly. The resulting mixture should be applied instead of moisturizer at night. After using such a leave-in mask, the skin becomes smooth, looks healthy and beautiful.

Mask for oily skin

There is a misconception that oil masks are not suitable for oily skin. Properly selected components can significantly improve the condition of this skin type, make the face more matte, narrow enlarged pores and prevent inflammation. This mask consists of only two components: wheat germ oil and grape seed oil (1:2). Having combined the components, they must be applied to the face. The mask is washed off after 20 minutes with warm water. After several procedures, you can be sure that wheat germ oil (the use of this product for the face is justified) has significantly improved the condition of sebaceous skin.

Mask for problem skin

To get rid of acne and post-acne spots, cosmetologists recommend using the following product. Add one drop of essential oil to one teaspoon of wheat germ oil. Oils such as lavender, cedar or cloves are equally good for problem skin.

Mask to even out complexion

Many women are concerned about age spots, freckles and acne marks. To get rid of uneven shade, you should regularly apply the following mask. Wheat germ oil (5 ml) must be combined with juniper and bergamot. This mask gives great results if you use it as a course per week. It is recommended to apply the application for 20 minutes in the morning and evening.

Mask for beautiful eyelashes

It’s hard to argue that no makeup can give your look more expressiveness and attractiveness than thick and long eyelashes. Not many people are given such beauty by nature. And extensions and coloring give only temporary results and often only worsen the situation.

However, the condition of eyelashes can be improved using natural methods. To do this you need to properly care for them. How can you use wheat germ oil for eyelashes? This component should be mixed in equal parts with linseed and almond oil. The resulting mass must be poured into a separate bottle.

It is recommended to lubricate eyelashes with the mixture at night. To do this, you can use a regular clean brush from an old eye mascara. With its help, it is very convenient to distribute the oil mass along the entire length of the eyelashes - from roots to tips. During application, avoid getting the mixture into your eyes.

Wheat germ oil for eyelashes should be used daily. Very soon, not only you, but also everyone around you will notice an excellent result. Lush and thick eyelashes will receive a beautiful curve and will be more elastic and resilient. It is noteworthy that wheat germ oil for the face, the use of which we have just discussed, is often used in homemade hair masks.

Where to buy oil and how to store it correctly?

Wheat germ oil in capsules and bottles can be purchased at almost every pharmacy. The cost of the nutritional supplement depends on the manufacturer. So, 100 ml of the product can be purchased for 90 rubles. The capsule form of the product will cost a little more - about 130 rubles. However, judging by the capsules, it is in great demand. It is convenient to take. In this form, it retains its healing properties longer.

Wheat oil rarely causes allergic reactions. However, it is not recommended to take it internally for those people who suffer from diseases of the genitourinary system. Wheat germ oil, the price of which justifies its wonderful properties, should be stored in a tightly closed bottle in a dark place or in the refrigerator.

Thus, we were able to make sure that the natural product we are considering is a unique concentrate of vitamins and biologically active substances. By using oil correctly, you can restore beauty to your skin and prolong its youth.

Wheat germ oil was previously and is valued all over the world; the properties and applications of this product can hardly be overestimated

Wheat germ oil was previously and is valued all over the world today; the properties and applications of this product can hardly be overestimated. Thanks to its unique composition and effect on the body, wheat germ oil has found its use in cosmetology, cooking, and medicine.

Useful properties and composition

Three particularly important and active components: antioxidants, tocopherols and carotenoids of the oil determine its unique composition and are considered a storehouse of substances beneficial to the body. In terms of vitamin E content, the product is recognized as a record holder, especially in cosmetology. Those who strive to always look young and beautiful should take a closer look at this oil.

The oil stimulates and renews the skin at the cellular level, moisturizes it, nourishes it with useful microelements and vitamins. Scientists have proven that rejuvenation can be achieved even with systematic care of old, rough, flaky skin that has lost its firmness, softness and elasticity.

When listing the components that make up wheat germ oil, it is worth highlighting an important fact. 100 grams of oil contains not one daily requirement of useful vitamins and microelements, but several. In addition to a huge amount of vitamin E, it also contains the vitamin B complex, as well as:

  • nicotinic acid;
  • choline;
  • biotin;
  • pantothenic and folic acids.

The oil consists of:

  • Vanadium, silicon, boron and manganese. 100 g contains 3 daily norms of these nutrients.
  • Zirconium, selenium, cobalt, copper and phosphorus are half the daily requirement.

Important! The list of microelements and vitamins is supplemented by proteins, amino acids and carbohydrates. And tocopherols give the oil antioxidant properties.

Use for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes

The oil itself is not considered a drug, but its role as a dietary supplement is invaluable for health. For what purposes are the properties of wheat germ oil used in medicine? Internal and external use is indicated for:

  • stimulation of metabolic processes;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • cleansing the body of toxins and other harmful substances;
  • as an anti-inflammatory agent;
  • combating skin diseases: acne, acne and other rashes;
  • accelerating the healing of wounds, scratches, burns, abrasions and so on;
  • optimization of the circulatory system;
  • therapy of diseases of the cardiovascular system and central nervous system;
  • normalization of the functions of the reproductive system, treatment of prostatitis, infertility, increasing potency;
  • activation of the immune system;
  • has a sedative effect on the peripheral and nervous systems;
  • normalizes hormonal balance, reducing the likelihood of disruptions;
  • preventing the development of varicose veins, strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

For all preventive or therapeutic purposes, the oil is used no more than 2 teaspoons and no more than 2 times a day. When treating not very deep burns, the affected area is lubricated with a slightly warmed product. For bruises or sprains, massage the affected areas using warm wheat germ oil.

The oil is very useful for people with gastrointestinal problems:

  • For stomach ulcers, taking 1 teaspoon of oil orally before meals will help protect the walls from the aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid.
  • To prevent gastritis, it is enough to consume a teaspoon of oil in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Taking sprouted wheat extract is also beneficial for bodybuilding athletes. Taking 2 tablespoons of oil per day helps increase the body's tolerance to increased stress.

Advice! Wheat germ oil helps women cope with such unpleasant gynecological diseases as mastopathy, vaginitis and cervical erosion.

Wheat germ oil: contraindications

There is a list of warnings and restrictions on the use of wheat germ oil:

  • You cannot use it if you have an individual intolerance, which is extremely rare.
  • People with a predisposition to the formation of stones in the urinary system or kidneys and those who already have stones.
  • Women during pregnancy or breastfeeding are allowed to use oil, but only after consultation with their doctor.
  • Children under and under 6 years of age should use and take the oil very carefully.

Application in cosmetology

Since it is considered viscous and dense in structure, it should be diluted with lighter vegetable oils before use. Oil from olives, almonds, and avocado in proportions of 1:4 are well suited for these purposes. Wheat germ oil is used only on specific areas, for example, on wrinkles, rough areas of the skin, wound, inflammation or burn.

Advice! To achieve the desired effect, you need to take it not just once, or whenever you want, but systematically - over a long period of time.

For wrinkles on the face

Pharmacists, as a means of rejuvenation, recommend using wheat germ oil extract as part of masks. Dilute with essential substrates: peach, almond, grape or olive oil in a ratio of 1:3. Apply every day.

To enhance hair growth

Sprouted grain oil is widely used to strengthen and enhance hair growth. For seborrheic dermatitis, dryness, hair loss or brittleness, as well as split ends. The oil, penetrating deep into the epidermis to the bulb, increases blood flow, helps restore damaged areas, and removes oiliness and dandruff.

Using oil as shampoo is also effective. Pharmacists recommend mixing oil and other essential substances in equal proportions. The main thing is to adhere to the desired consistency - it should be thick (like shampoo). The application procedure is very simple:

  • The oil composition should be evenly distributed over the hair and scalp, wrapped in plastic wrap, and a rubber cap placed on top.
  • Then wrap your head in a thick cloth or towel and hold for 30 minutes, warming your head with a hair dryer as it cools.
  • Finally, wash your hair and hair with traditional shampoo several times. This is very important, since this oily substance will not be washed off the first time.

Advice!If the oil is used for the first time, you need to test for an allergic reaction before use. To do this, apply a few drops of the product to the skin of the upper limb just above the elbow. Leave for 40 minutes at rest. If swelling and redness are clearly visible, the allergy test is positive and it is strictly not recommended for this person to use it.

Masks for oily and dry hair

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of oil with 4 tablespoons of yogurt (low-fat) and a small amount of banana pulp.
  • Mix the mixture thoroughly, distribute evenly throughout the hair, leave for 30 minutes and rinse.

Split ends can be restored with the following mask:

  • Mix two tablespoons of oil with a spoon of honey.
  • Dissolve the resulting composition in a water bath.
  • Distribute over the entire length of the hair, rinse after half an hour.

A kefir-oil mask will help improve the condition of oily hair:

  • Mix three tablespoons of kefir with a spoon of wheat germ oil and freshly squeezed juice from one medium-sized lemon.
  • Apply to hair, leave for 20 minutes and rinse.
  • To improve the resulting effect, it is recommended to rinse your hair with a chamomile decoction.

Eyebrow and eyelash care

You can improve the condition of your eyebrows and eyelashes with a simple mask:

  • Combine half a teaspoon of wheat germ oil with the same amount of castor oil.
  • Apply the composition to the eyebrows and eyelashes using a makeup brush.
  • Leave for 30 minutes and rinse.

Advice! Under no circumstances should you leave the composition on your eyelashes or eyebrows all night - this can cause swelling on them.

Skin of the eyelids and around the eyes

The skin in these areas is very sensitive and delicate, so it needs to be regularly nourished with vitamins and moisturized. If you don’t do this, then the appearance of wrinkles in these areas will not take long. You can prevent this unpleasant phenomenon with the help of an effective and very simple mask:

  • Mix two teaspoons of strong tea with one spoon of wheat germ oil and four drops of vitamins E and A (each).
  • Apply to the skin around the eyes and eyelids, leave for 10 minutes, rinse.

Stretch marks in pregnant women

Wheat germ extract will also help get rid of stretch marks during pregnancy. Starting from the second trimester, caring for the skin of the abdomen is very important. A bath with wheat germ oil will significantly improve its condition. In addition, it will relieve tension and help you relax. Method of preparing and using the mask:

  • Mix one tablespoon each: wheat germ oil, lavender extract and neroli.
  • Fill the bath with warm water (not higher than 38 degrees).
  • Add the resulting oil composition at the rate of 1 drop per 20 liters of water.
  • Immerse yourself in water for 15 minutes.
  • After the water procedure, do not dry yourself with a towel, but let the body dry naturally.

Advice! You can also protect and heal chapped lips with wheat germ oil. It can heal microcracks; you just need to reapply the product on your lips several times a day.

For cellulite

Many women try in every possible way to get rid of this unpleasant problem. A variety of creams, masks, ointments and other means are used. Do they really help? No one will give a definite answer - for some, yes, but for others, it’s a waste of money. The properties of wheat germ essential oil and its use as an anti-cellulite agent have been known to many for a long time. It is used for massage. The properties of essential oil from wheat germ and its use as an anti-cellulite agent have been known for a long time to many

The simplest and most effective recipe for preparing a mask: mix a couple of drops of citrus extracts (all that you can buy) with a tablespoon of oil. Use the resulting composition for a firm massage of problem areas of the skin.

Advice! Wheat germ oil has a whitening effect. This fact will be valuable to people who want to get rid of freckles or age spots on the body and face.

How and where to store oil?

The storage conditions for this extract require the fulfillment of certain rules and requirements:

  • the oil is stored in a shaded and cool place;
  • prolonged contact of the substance with air should not be allowed;
  • the storage period should not exceed 12 months;
  • the temperature in the room where it is stored should not exceed +15C;
  • Do not store an open container of oil in the refrigerator.

Advice!If storage conditions are violated, the oil substance may lose most of its beneficial properties and become a dangerous mixture instead of a useful one. Under no circumstances should you use a rancid extract of sprouted sprouts or one that has become unusable due to its expiration date.

The oil is stored in a shaded and cool place