Marmalade bju kcal per 100 grams. Fruit and berry marmalade

Marmalade is an excellent treat for those who want to lose weight, but find it difficult to give up sweets. The calorie content of marmalade, unlike chocolate, candies, ice cream and other desserts, is quite low. And some ingredients of this healthy sweet even promote weight loss.

Calorie content of 100 grams of marmalade of different varieties

The energy value of 100 grams of fruit and berry marmalade in chocolate is 350 kcal, chewing marmalade is 340 kcal, “Lemon drops” is 325 kcal, fruit and berry marmalade is 295 kcal. The lowest calorie marmalade is homemade, prepared without added sugar - it contains less than 50 kcal. The calorie content of marmalade increases if the finished product is rolled in sugar, so it is advisable to buy this dessert without a “weighting” additive.

The benefits of marmalade

Marmalade is one of the most popular delicacies in the world. In different countries, different bases are used for its preparation: in England - oranges, in Spain - quince, in Russia -. In the East, marmalade is prepared from various fruits, with the addition of honey and rose water.

Natural marmalade, without added flavorings or flavor enhancers, is very healthy. It contains carbohydrates, organic acids and amino acids, dietary fiber, and starch. Marmalade contains a small amount of proteins, and fats are completely absent. Marmalade contains vitamins (C and PP) and minerals (phosphorus, iron, magnesium, sodium, calcium and potassium).

Molasses, agar-agar, pectin or gelatin are added to marmalade as a gelling agent. Molasses and pectin help cleanse the body, reduce cholesterol, and remove heavy metals. Agar-agar has a beneficial effect on many organs, but especially on the liver and thyroid gland. In addition, it is a source of vitamins and minerals that are very valuable for the body. Gelatin is an animal product similar in composition to collagen, so it helps strengthen hair and nails, and also makes the skin smoother and more elastic.

Marmalade and marshmallows for weight loss

Marmalade in composition is a close “relative” to another healthy dessert - marshmallow. If you want to lose weight, you need to choose these sweets according to similar principles. These desserts should not have unnatural colors - bright red, green, lemon yellow shades indicate that dyes have been added to the product. And the strong smell of the delicacy indicates the addition of synthetic flavors.

Natural marshmallows and marmalade have dull pastel shades and a slight odor. A high-quality product has a uniform structure, without inclusions and moisture. Such a dessert should not be too cheap - the low price indicates that gelatin has been added to the product, which is higher in calories and less healthy, unlike pectin and agar-agar. Additional additives - chocolate, sugar sprinkles, etc. increase calories in marmalade or marshmallows.

How to make homemade marmalade?

Homemade marmalade can be a good alternative to store-bought sweets. There is much less of it - about 40-50 kcal per 100 g, which will definitely have a positive effect on your figure.

To make homemade marmalade, peel and core 3 apples and bake them in the microwave or oven. Beat soft apples into puree, add cinnamon on the tip of a knife. Dilute a tablespoon of gelatin in 50 ml of water, let the gelatin swell and heat the mixture in a water bath. Mix the dissolved gelatin with the fruit puree, pour the mixture into molds and put the marmalade in the refrigerator to harden. Instead of apples, you can use the pulp of pineapple, peaches, and plums for this recipe.

The healthiest and safest sweets for your figure are marshmallows and marmalade, whose calorie content is considered low. Today we'll talk about marmalade. Is its energy value really as low as many people think? And doesn't sugar sprinkles threaten your figure?

Composition of marmalade

Marmalade was first made in France, but the prototype was the eastern Turkish delight, which began to be made hundreds of years ago from fruits and honey.

The ideal composition of marmalade: fruit puree, sugar and pectin. The latter is used as a thickener. It is not a synthetic substance, but a natural component of most fruits.

Natural marmalade is quite expensive, so there are budget options made using gelatin. Gelatin is made from animal cartilage and bones. It is much cheaper than pectin, and the delicacy with it is higher in calories.

Bright multi-colored marmalade looks beautiful and appetizing, but most often this is the result of artificial colors, which are of no benefit. The more inconspicuous the delicacy, the more attention it deserves, but in any case, carefully read the composition.

Varieties of marmalade

There are many ways to make marmalade. Calorie content per 100 grams depends on the type of treat. At a minimum, one should distinguish between jelly marmalade, jelly-fruit, fruit and berry, chewing and sandwich. There are also natural products and inexpensive options that are made using various additives.

Now about the energy value. The stereotype about the low value arose about thirty years ago, when marmalade was natural and its calorie content was really only 220-270 kcal per 100 grams.

Today, manufacturers use flavor enhancers, flavors and preservatives, which not only call into question the usefulness of the product, but also increase its nutritional value. The calorie content of marmalade in sugar, in chocolate, with fillings ranges from 350-450 kcal or more, depending on the ingredients.

At the same time, there is no fat in marmalade, which gives it an advantage over most other desserts. It is sweet enough that you can't eat too much of it, and one cube weighs about 15 grams and contains 35-60 kcal.

Marmalade slices

Marmalade “Dolki”, whose calorie content is about 330 kcal per 100 grams, is also now not what it was before, when it was produced using natural citric acid.

At best, flavors and dyes identical to natural ones are now used, rather than lemons and oranges themselves. But synthesized components make the price of the delicacy affordable.

Chewing marmalade

People who prefer desserts that are not too sweet choose chewing marmalade, the calorie content of which ranges from 338-400 kcal per 100 grams. Another plus is that the treat does not stick to your hands.

The composition includes molasses, sugar, citric acid, gelatin, pectin and a wax-fat mixture (90% vegetable fat and 10% wax). The latter is needed so that the sweetness has a shiny and non-sticky surface.

Dessert is a good substitute for chewing gum after eating, as it cleans and whitens teeth.

Homemade marmalade

If you want marmalade that is truly low in calories, make it yourself.

Take three apples, a tablespoon of gelatin or pectin, a pinch of cinnamon (optional). Peel the apples and cut into slices. Microwave them for 10 minutes, then puree them. Add cinnamon, gelatin and stir until the latter is completely dissolved.

Place the resulting mass into molds. Let it cool to room temperature. Next, place it in the refrigerator and keep it there until it hardens. As a result, you will get apple marmalade, the calorie content of which is only 60 kcal.

If you want to prepare a sweet that resembles the “store-bought” version, then prepare 300 ml of any juice (freshly squeezed or from the store), 150 ml of water, 400 g of sugar, 50 g of gelatin.

Pour the juice into a saucepan, heat, add gelatin and cook for 7 minutes. In another saucepan, combine water and sugar, bring the mixture to a boil and simmer over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then pour the boiling syrup into the first pan and stir thoroughly to dissolve the gelatin. Strain the resulting mass, pour into molds and let cool. Once hardened, remove the marmalade from the molds and roll in sugar.

It is clear that this will no longer be dietary marmalade. The calorie content will be at least 250 kcal per 100 g, depending on what juice was used.

Sandwich marmalade

This delicacy, as the name suggests, is intended to be spread on bread, and therefore looks like a bar similar to butter.

The structure is slightly different from regular marmalade: the sandwich version is a little softer and easily spreads on the surface of the bread. But the caloric content is approximately the same - 310 kcal per 100 grams. However, the remaining components of the sandwich should be added to this figure, and if you are watching your figure, then God forbid that this is yeast-free bread with bran, and not a fresh bun greased with butter.

Beneficial properties and harm

Marmalade contains vitamins B2 and PP, as well as phosphorus, iron and calcium.

Pectin normalizes intestinal microflora, improves digestion, removes harmful substances from the body, has a bactericidal effect, and reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol.

If the composition includes gelatin, it helps improve the condition of the skin and hair. If agar-agar is used as a thickener, such marmalade has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, improves intestinal motility and normalizes liver function.

The dessert also has a mild diuretic effect, which helps cope with swelling.

Finally, marmalade helps relieve stress.

Dessert can only be harmful if you have an individual intolerance. In other cases, problems can arise only with excessive consumption: those with a sweet tooth will easily develop caries. Diabetics should only eat marmalade that uses fructose instead of sugar.

Now you know the whole truth about marmalade. Bon appetit!

It is believed that marmalade can be used as a substitute for buns and chocolates. Since it is made from applesauce or other fruits and is lower in calories than other sweets. You can fully enjoy the taste by drinking hot black tea.

But still, the usefulness of this product is still controversial; some advise using it when losing weight, while others prohibit it, believing that it contains many harmful chemical components.

Composition and beneficial properties

It is worth noting that not all marmalade is the same; there are three types:

  • Berry - fruity;
  • Jelly;
  • Fruity-jelly.

The composition necessarily includes agar-agar and pectin. It happens that gelatin, sugar syrup, flavorings and dyes are added.

Useful properties of the components:

  • Pectin is a natural ingredient obtained from berries and fruits. It helps the body get rid of various harmful substances, toxins, and heavy metals. It has a beneficial effect on intestinal function and lowers cholesterol levels.
  • Agar-agar is a useful substance that is extracted from algae. It rids the body of toxins. Eliminates problems with the thyroid gland and liver. Helps cleanse the intestines and contains many vitamins: E, B5, K. As well as iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium.
  • Gelatin is quite viscous in consistency. It is extracted from bones and tendons by boiling. Its main property is the ability to harden. It has many positive aspects: it has a good effect on the condition of the skin, strengthens nails, and improves hair growth.

Many years ago, many enterprises produced marmalade in our country. It was then that the debate about the calorie content of this product first began. It had to be produced in strict compliance with standards, using only natural ingredients. This is where the most popular myth regarding the benefits and harms of marmalade for the figure comes from.

Once upon a time it was really useful and did not have a high calorie content, only 220 per hundred grams. But then it was produced on the basis of fruit purees and juices, adding only natural dyes. And for thickness, an extract from algae was added.

At the moment, it is difficult to talk about the usefulness of marmalade, because it is impossible to find a real natural product. We began to use various flavors, flavor enhancers, additives, and preservatives. The nutritional value also increased, from 220 to 425 calories. Instead of healthy fruits, the ingredients now include flavor substitutes and bright chemical dyes.

This product may not be brightly colored. Its color will be dull, its shape will be simple and elastic. The maximum permissible caloric content of marmalade of the highest category is no more than 330 calories per hundred grams.

Calorie content of marmalade

We discussed above what the calorie content of pure marmalade is. But now manufacturers are adding more and more additives to improve taste and appearance, which helps increase energy value.

Calorie table

How to make homemade marmalade

If you want real, truly healthy marmalade with natural ingredients, you can make it yourself at home.

Citrus marmalade

Beautiful, tasty, and most importantly – a natural product. Without dyes and preservatives. It's not difficult to prepare, but it takes time. The approximate calorie content per 100 grams is 350 kcal.

Required Products:

  • Orange juice, not purchased – approximately 180 ml;
  • Lemon juice – 175 ml;
  • Fifty grams of gelatin;
  • Granulated sugar – 400 grams;
  • Grated lemon and orange zest - one tablespoon each.


  1. To begin, take about 80 cm of one and the other juice, add zest to them and mix everything.
  2. Bring all this to a boil, then reduce the heat and cook for about five more minutes. After this time, strain.
  3. Add all the gelatin to the resulting mixture and stir thoroughly. Wait until the gelatin is completely dissolved and add sugar. Stir the whole mass and add the remaining juice.
  4. Leave the liquid until it cools. Find some rectangular container. Pour the future marmalade into it and cover with baking paper. Place the product in the refrigerator to harden. It will take approximately ten hours.
  5. After time has passed, the marmalade can be carefully removed from the mold and cut into pieces. If desired, they can be dipped in sugar. The remaining product is best stored in the refrigerator to prevent it from melting.

A delicacy prepared in this way is in no way inferior in taste to desserts based on fresh berries. If you have jam or jam that you are tired of or no one eats, then it’s time to make marmalade from it. Children will appreciate the sweetness. The calorie content will depend on the base you use for cooking and how much sugar it contains.

Required ingredients:

  • Approximately 40 grams of gelatin;
  • Jam or jam - half a liter jar;
  • Some water.


  1. First you need to dilute the gelatin. Take all forty grams and some water. Wait until it swells well.
  2. Prepare your base - jam or preserves. They should not be very thick. If necessary, dilute with a little water. If the berries are too sour, sweeten with sugar
  3. Heat the base and blend in a blender. You can also grind it through a sieve so that the mass is completely homogeneous.
  4. Pour the swollen gelatin into the resulting mass and place everything on the stove.
  5. After boiling, reduce the heat and keep the mixture on the stove for about three minutes.
  6. Let the marmalade cool slightly, pour it into the prepared molds and refrigerate until completely set.

If you don’t have jam, but have natural juice, then it is also quite suitable for making marmalade. The only thing is that it is better to use agar-agar as a thickener rather than gelatin.
The cooking recipe is almost the same as described above. Agar-agar is mixed with juice, sugar is added, everything is boiled on the stove, poured into molds and put in the refrigerator.

You can use anything as a base for homemade marmalade, even milk, chocolate or wine.

As you can see, the calorie content of real marmalade is not that high, especially since it contains useful minerals and vitamins. Another thing is that finding really high-quality marmalade is now almost impossible. And if it is sold, then its price will not be small.

It is much better to prepare a delicious treat yourself at home. Then you will be completely confident in its benefits and taste properties. The dessert will be natural, without preservatives and other harmful additives. This product is not scary to give even to children.

About the benefits, harm, composition and calorie content of marmalade in the following video:

If you nevertheless decide to purchase ready-made marmalade in the store, then pay attention to its appearance. Good marmalade cannot be bright in color. This speaks of artificial colors. It should be transparent and even in structure.

In contact with

A favorite treat for adults and children, marmalade often becomes a victim of nightly trips to the refrigerator, and sometimes even replaces a full breakfast. Are such experiments good for health? Let's check the facts!

Marmalade is usually made from applesauce, although sometimes berry or other fruit puree is added to it. The jelly-like consistency of marmalade is given by gelatin, agar or pectin, as well as thick syrup made from. Most of the marmalade ingredients are high in calories, which, of course, affected the delicacy itself.

How many calories are in marmalade?

The answer to the question that has arisen will hardly seem optimistic. One hundred grams of dessert contain about 300 Kcal, so that extra pounds with frequent consumption of marmalade are ensured seriously and for a long time. Therefore, the best option is to introduce your stomach to marmalade not too often and preferably not in the middle of the night. However, you should not exclude marmalade from your diet because of this. Of all types of desserts, it is the most harmless, healthy and outperforms cookies, chocolate, cakes and other popular sweets.

Why shouldn't you say goodbye to marmalade once and for all? It's simple! This delicacy has significant benefits. Despite how many calories there are in marmalade, the product does not contain fat at all, and it contains pectin and agar. Both of these substances do a good job of removing toxins from the body and effectively cleanse the liver. In addition, pectin improves digestion and can normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood. Agar is a good source iodine, potassium, iron, magnesium and vitamins E, K, B5. But that is not all! Marmalade contains a fair amount of gelatin, which strengthens hair and affects the condition of the skin, improving it. Finally, we’ll tell you about the most interesting fact for fitness lovers: 100 grams of marmalade contain a fair amount vitamin C, which improves immunity and is an excellent antioxidant.

A special word should be said about chewing marmalade. Such a delicacy is usually covered with a special glaze made from vegetable fat and beeswax. While chewing, this marmalade will help whiten and clean your teeth after a heavy dinner. In addition, recent research has confirmed that chewing marmalade or gum will help you better cope with stress and calm the nervous system.

Summarizing all the beneficial properties of marmalade, it is worth saying: despite the number of calories, the product has undeniable benefits. Therefore, the best option is to leave marmalade in the diet, but limit its quantity.

Correct marmalade

Now that we know how many calories are in marmalade and how it can be useful to us, let's try to choose the right marmalade that will not be harmful to health and will not leave you alone with the toilet for a long time.

The color of real marmalade, prepared without the use of dyes, must be dull and resemble the color of berries, grapes or apples. Therefore, you can safely discard options for acidic colors with a pungent odor. To determine a good marmalade, you can do the following experiment: squeeze the bag of marmalade and release it. If the marmalade has changed its shape, and part of the treat has stuck to the bag, then most likely the treat contains a large amount of dyes or foreign chemicals. Therefore, after the experiment, it will not be amiss to carefully read the treasured label on the package.

Marmalade is a product with a thick jelly-like consistency, made from the pulp and juice of fruits by thickening them in the process of evaporating water. Traditionally, apples are the raw material for making marmalade, but in England marmalade is most often made from oranges, and in Spain from quince. The calorie content of marmalade varies depending on the ingredients and raw materials. The high content of pectin and other gelling substances in these fruits makes it possible to produce marmalade without artificial additives, and if the fruits are sweet, then without added sugar.

How many calories are in marmalade

The manufacturing technology of modern marmalade, in addition to prescription components, allows for the use of various additives that make it possible to produce cheaper and more accessible types of marmalade. How many calories are in marmalade depends on the presence of the type of additives in the final product and the method of its manufacture.

As a gelling component in modern marmalade production, pectin, found in many fruits, is used, agar-agar is an extract from seaweed, and gelatin is a substance extracted from fat-free cartilage, bones and veins of animals. The average calorie content of marmalade per 100 g of finished product is 320 kcal, it contains 0.1 g of proteins, 0.1 g of fat, 79.3 g of carbohydrates.

Depending on the gelling agent used to produce the dessert, marmalade is produced:

  • Fruit and berry;
  • Jelly;
  • Jelly-fruit;
  • Chewing.

Fruit and berry marmalade: calorie content

Pectin is used as a thickener for fruit and berry marmalade, which is produced from the peels of citrus fruits, apples, quinces, watermelons, sugar beets and sunflower baskets. The calorie content of pectin-based marmalade per 100 g is 293 kcal, the product also contains 0.4 g of proteins, 0.0 g of fat, 76.6 g of carbohydrates.

Despite the fairly large number of calories, pectin-based marmalade is very healthy, since pectin has the following properties:

  • Reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • Promotes the removal of radionuclides, anabolic steroids, xenobiotics, metabolic products;
  • Participates in the normalization of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • Used in the treatment of atherosclerosis and dysbacteriosis;
  • Normalizes the functioning of the pancreas and liver;
  • Used as a natural sorbent, which is more effective than activated carbon;
  • Promotes tissue restoration in wound and burn injuries.

Jelly marmalade: calories

Jelly marmalade is more delicate in consistency, while dry agar-agar (seaweed) powder is often used as a thickener, in addition to pectin. The composition of jelly marmalade also includes sugar, molasses, fruit essence, food coloring, citric acid, and flavorings. Jelly marmalade based on agar-agar has a brighter color and a beautiful break.

The calorie content of jelly marmalade depends on the composition and can be from 280 to 350 kcal; jelly marmalade is called a carbohydrate dessert, since the protein and fat content in it is zero, and carbohydrates in such marmalade can be from 75.0 to 80.0 g.

Derived from seaweed, agar-agar contains no calories; swelling in the stomach, fiber improves peristalsis, normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and facilitating the functioning of the liver. The main beneficial qualities of agar-agar:

  • It is a source of iodine, which the body needs for normal functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • The high content of vitamins B5, E, K and iron, calcium, magnesium, copper provides the body with these essential elements;
  • Helps eliminate toxins.

Often, when making marmalade, agar-agar can be replaced with gelatin - this is a thickener of animal origin, which is extracted from the veins, cartilage and bones of animals (vegetarians should know about this). This replacement slightly increases the calorie content of marmalade, since gelatin contains fats, but excludes it from the menu of strict vegetarian diets. Useful properties of gelatin:

  • Helps improve the condition of hair, skin, nails;
  • Participates in strengthening the skeletal system and cartilage.

Chewing marmalade: calories

Recently, chewing marmalade has become especially popular, the use of which, in addition to beneficial nutritional properties, during chewing helps to calm the nervous system, relieves tension and irritation, and reduces the risk of neuroses and stress. Chewing marmalade is coated with a glaze containing natural wax and vegetable fats. Chewing such marmalade cleanses the oral cavity, whitens teeth, and activates digestion.

The calorie content of chewing marmalade per 100 g is 335-350 kcal, it also contains 4.0-4.1 g of proteins, about 0.1 g of fat, 79.0-80.0 g of carbohydrates. Chewing marmalade contains large quantities of:

  • Vitamins C and B;
  • Calcium;
  • Vegetable fats;
  • Beeswax;
  • Amino acids.

The presence of vitamins and other useful substances helps strengthen the immune system, increases the body's resistance to colds and infections, reduces chronic fatigue, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and stimulates mental activity.

Despite the significant calorie content, marmalade is recommended to be included in the menu of many diets in moderation due to its beneficial properties. Preference should be given to natural marmalade - this classic dessert is more expensive, but does not contain additives in the form of dyes, flavors, thickeners and is healthier.

The color of natural marmalade is of natural shades, dull, the smell is moderate, the structure is glassy, ​​after compression it does not change shape and does not stick to the packaging. The calorie content of natural marmalade is low, up to 270 kcal.

A new type of marmalade was produced using stevia extract, a perennial shrub that grows in countries with warm climates, as a sweetener. It is a natural low-calorie intense sweetener. Thanks to this replacement, the calorie content of marmalade is reduced to 250-260 kcal, and the nutritional value increases due to the high content of pectins, polysaccharides, vitamins, microelements and antioxidants in stevia. It is this kind of marmalade that is preferable to use in dietary nutrition.