Marinated zucchini in chili ketchup. Zucchini with chili ketchup - a tasty and aromatic winter snack

This story is about how we can preserve zucchini with chili ketchup for the winter. Previously, we only covered them with caviar, and marinated mainly cucumbers and tomatoes. But one fine year there was such a terrible summer: it was cold, it was constantly raining, nothing grew in the garden beds. Therefore, we decided to put at least something in jars so that we wouldn’t go hungry all winter. We accepted and decided to prepare pickled zucchini with hot chili ketchup; we didn’t have a recipe for the winter, so we covered it in the same way as cucumbers.

You know, when a few months later we opened the first jar, we did not regret the time, effort and resources spent. After all, they turned out really very tasty, crispy, with sweet and sour taste and spicy spiciness.

My dad liked the cucumbers prepared this way even more than them. Just what you need for a snack. Now, in order.

Zucchini with chili ketchup for the winter

The products are simple, affordable, we used Torchin chili ketchup, a trusted company, their price is reasonable. You can take any you like, as long as it is spicy.


  • Zucchini – 1 – 1.5 kg;
  • Water – 3 tbsp;
  • Chili ketchup – 4 tbsp. lodge;
  • Vinegar 9% - 30 ml;
  • Cloves – 8 buds;
  • Black peppercorns – 8 pcs;
  • Salt – 1 tbsp. lodge;
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp. lie

How to prepare the recipe step by step with photos at home

Everything is very simple, and the step-by-step process will help you visually remember everything down to the smallest detail.

Preparing jars and lids

The container in which the workpiece will be stored must be washed well with soda or laundry soap. I do not recommend using modern detergents, because they are poorly washed off with water, which can negatively affect the taste of the product. Sterilization is not necessary. Boil the metal lids in water for 5 minutes. This time I rolled them into 0.5 liter jars, but you can store the workpiece in liter jars or even larger ones. It depends on your appetites and preferences. At the bottom of each, put 2 buds dried cloves, black peppercorns.

From this amount of products, 2 liters of the product or 4 jars of 0.5, or 2 liters are obtained.

Choosing zucchini

They should be young, elastic, with as small a diameter as possible. For this preparation, I used green zucchini for future use. Cut into slices.


Divide into jars.

IN cold water dissolve sugar, salt, add spicy ketchup, mix.

Pour into jars.

Please note that we fill it with cold filling, this is necessary so that the workpiece turns out crispy.

Sterilize and roll up

Place a clean piece of cloth or a towel on the bottom of a large saucepan, place the jars, and cover with metal lids (no need to screw them in). Pour water into the jars up to the waist, put it on the fire, and after boiling, sterilize it for 5-7 minutes. Roll up tightly and turn upside down. Wrap it in a warm blanket and leave it until it cools completely.


This preparation is perfectly preserved in a city apartment. But it’s better to put it away from the sun’s rays or even take it to a cellar or basement.

This is how we preserve zucchini with Chilli Torchin ketchup for the winter - it’s incredibly delicious

Today we are preserving for the winter very delicious snack from zucchini with the addition of chili ketchup. Zucchini is a universal vegetable, capable of masterfully transforming itself. We stew it, fry it, make salads, marinate it. IN spicy pouring According to the proposed recipes, the vegetable turns out to be sweet and sour, wonderfully crispy. I offer two recipes instant cooking- for the winter, and without sterilization for instant consumption.

I advise you to take vegetables that are milky ripe, with unformed seeds and thin skin.

Recipe for zucchini with chili ketchup

Take to the 3rd floor liter jars:

  • Zucchini – 1 kg.
  • Torchin, Baltimore, Hines brand chili ketchup - 4-6 large spoons.
  • Horseradish leaf.
  • Dill umbrellas – 3 pcs.
  • Salt - Art. spoon.
  • Table vinegar – 100 ml.
  • Peas allspice– 6-8 pcs.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Water – 500 ml.
  • Sugar – 100 gr.

Tip: if you take a regular one tomato paste or not too spicy homemade sauce, put garlic cloves, a stick of cloves and a pinch of hot red chili pepper into the jars.

How to preserve zucchini:

  1. Wash small zucchini; do not remove the skin. If the vegetable is getting older, then do this.
  2. Chop into circles up to 1 cm thick and no more than 1.5 cm. Remove the core if the seeds have already formed. If you want to fit more into the jar, then cut into cubes.
  3. Place a bay leaf, horseradish, and 2-3 peppercorns on the bottom of the jars.
  4. Place the pieces tightly.
  5. Cook the marinade from water with sugar and salt. At the end, when the spices have dissolved, add ketchup.
  6. Let it boil, remove from the burner and pour in the vinegar.
  7. Without delay, pour in the marinade.
  8. Sterilize half-liter jars for 10-15 minutes from the moment the liquid boils in the pan.
  9. Roll up and cool upside down. Keep it in an apartment for a day, then send it to winter storage. You can start trying in a month.

Zucchini chili rings without sterilization

A delicious snack can be made without sterilization, for quick consumption. After an hour, sharp, crispy rings will appear on the table.

You need to take:

  • Vegetable – 2 kg.
  • A bunch of parsley.
  • Black peppercorns.
  • Chili ketchup – 150 ml.
  • Apple cider vinegar - a glass.
  • Salt, sugar - 3 large spoons each.

How to make instant zucchini:

  1. Cut the vegetable into thin rings. Soak in water for a couple of hours.
  2. Place 4 peppercorns in jars and add a sprig of dill.
  3. Cook the marinade by adding ketchup and spices to the water. Vinegar can be poured directly into the jar (divide by the number of jars), or into the marinade after turning off.
  4. Pour, cover and wait for the appetizer to cool.

Video recipe delicious preserves with a step-by-step story about preparing chili zucchini for the winter. Good luck with your preparations.

Zucchini is the most masterly pretender of all vegetables. Marinate it in vinegar and oil with dill and garlic - you will get a skillful fake of milk mushrooms. Well, one to one, if you eat the dish with your eyes closed, of course. A dozen or two cherry plum berries and a little sugar turn a neutral-tasting vegetable into an “exotic” one. canned pineapple. So I took into account the ability of zucchini to transform taste, a handful of allspice, a couple of dill umbrellas, a little ketchup and other means of culinary expression to prepare an unusual and tasty appetizer. Vegetable pieces absorb the aromas of savory spices like a sponge, but even after long-term storage remain crispy and juicy. I definitely recommend preparing zucchini with chili ketchup for future use (for the winter). Just a song, not a snack!

To prepare you will need:

Exit- 3 semi liter jars.

How to prepare zucchini with chili ketchup ("Torchin", "Heinz") for the winter:

I’ll say right away that overripe zucchini no good. Better make caviar from them or zucchini adjika. Young vegetables with thin skin and soft small seeds inside are suitable. Wash them. Cut off the ends. There is no need to remove the peel. Slice the zucchini however you like. If vegetables small size, you can chop them into circles 1-1.5 cm thick. Turn larger fruits into neat cubes. This way more of them will fit in the jar.

Rinse half-liter or liter jars well inside and out. Dry upside down on a kitchen towel. At the bottom of each jar, place an umbrella of dill, 2-3 peas of allspice and a piece of horseradish leaf. I don’t add other spices because chili ketchup already has too much of them, and the pickled zucchini turns out spicy, piquant and aromatic. But if you are using a mild store-bought or homemade sauce, you can add an additional whole peeled garlic clove and a small pinch of red garlic to the jars. hot pepper and a carnation bud. I also saw in some recipes Bay leaf. But I didn't really like this idea.

Place sliced ​​zucchini on top of the spices.

Prepare the chili ketchup marinade. Pour clean drinking water into the pan.

Add salt.

Add sugar. Place the saucepan on the stove. Wait for the liquid to boil. To make sugar and salt dissolve faster, stir the water with a spoon.

Place ketchup in a saucepan. Needless to say, tomato sauce must be of high quality and tasty. I like the products of the brands “Torchin”, “Heinz” or “Baysad” most of all. Better yet, use your own brand of sauce. Such a product will certainly not have harmful additives. Stir the marinade. Once it returns to a boil, turn off the heat.

Pour in table vinegar.

Pour the hot marinade over the zucchini. The liquid should completely cover the vegetables and reach the edges of the jar's rim. Sterilize the workpiece for 10-15 minutes. I prefer to sterilize preserves in the oven. Place jars on medium COLD. oven. Turn the heat up to 140-160 degrees. When the oven has warmed up to desired temperature, time it for 10-15 minutes. Then carefully remove the zucchini and roll it up. You can also sterilize zucchini in a large saucepan of boiling water. Just make sure that the liquid does not boil too much, otherwise the marinade will turn out cloudy. The sterilization time is counted from the moment the water boils.

Roll up the jars of zucchini or cover them with twist-off lids. Turn the bottoms upside down (containers with screw caps cannot be turned upside down). Wrap yourself in a thick, warm blanket. After 24-36 hours, store the zucchini in chili ketchup in a cool, dark place until winter.

Although you can try the snack after 3-5 weeks. The zucchini turns out crispy, moderately spicy and very aromatic.

Bon appetit and good mood!

Cucumbers canned with ketchup, which housewives used to surprise their guests a couple of years ago, have now become quite a familiar dish, and here are the zucchini similar recipe Few people close. Depending on the sauce used, you can adjust the spiciness ready-made snacks, one thing in common – crunch and aroma. Try cooking zucchini with chili ketchup for the winter, believe me, you won’t regret it.

It’s not just the sauce that matters, but also the quality of the fruit itself. It is best to choose young ones, so that the seeds are not yet formed inside, so that there is no need to peel the peel.


  • small young zucchini – 2 pieces;
  • chili ketchup – 1 heaped tablespoon;
  • allspice in peas - 2 pieces;
  • basil - to taste;
  • ground salt – 1 teaspoon;
  • table vinegar 9% – 2 tablespoons
  • water.
  • From the specified amount of products, a half-liter jar of canned zucchini is obtained.

Zucchini with chili ketchup for the winter recipe with photos:

Any variety of zucchini is suitable for this recipe. These can be green, yellow fruits and even squash. The main condition is freshness. It is clear that when picking zucchini in your own garden, quality issues will not arise, but when purchasing at the market or in a store, you should pay attention to

Season. Zucchini should be purchased from late May to mid-July. Previously, the fruits have no benefits and in most cases are treated with pesticides and special growth stimulants, and later they are simply useless, and are also difficult to process, because have a thick skin and large quantities hard seeds inside;

That's when the fruit was picked. 12 hours after harvesting, zucchini lose their abilities and become simply useless. You can tell the freshness by the tail. Small droplets should remain on it, if it is dry or wilted, the fruit is not fresh;

Size and weight. The optimal parameters are 300 g and 15-20 cm length. Larger fruits are considered overripe.

Of course, zucchini should have a smooth skin of a uniform color without spots or dents, as well as a light aroma characteristic of the vegetable.

Rinse the zucchini with running water, cut off the tails; if there are scratches, cracks, small spots, they should be carefully cut off with a knife.

Afterwards the vegetable should be chopped. There are plenty of shredding options. You can chop it into rings, cubes, strips, you can even grate it. The main thing is that they are the same size and marinated at the same time.

Immediately place the zucchini into pre-sterilized jars. You should also remember to wash the lids thoroughly and boil them or hold them over steam for a few minutes.

In a small saucepan, dilute 200 ml of water and ketchup, add salt, spices and basil. If you want to use greens, it is better to give preference to dry ones. This way the jars are stored better.

Bring the marinade to a boil over low heat.

Fill the jars with zucchini with boiling marinade, add vinegar. Roll up.

Not so long ago, many housewives began to add ketchup to various marinades. Cucumbers, tomatoes and zucchini can be preserved with it. In our photo recipe we will tell you in detail about pickled zucchini with chili ketchup for the winter. We suggest not adding a lot of different herbs and spices, let’s make do with the minimum, classic line-up ingredients for marinade. The zucchini turns out perfect, without pronounced spiciness, with a gentle tomato taste. They are perfect for meat dishes, poultry and fish dishes. Also, such zucchini would be useful for festive table, because in addition to taste they have a rather presentable appearance.

Taste Info Zucchini for the winter


  • 2 medium sized zucchini;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon with a heap of ketchup;
  • 1 dec. spoon of salt;
  • 40 g sugar;
  • 6 black peppercorns;
  • Parsley sprigs;
  • 30 g vinegar.

From these ingredients, 0.7 liters of the finished product is obtained.

How to cook canned zucchini with chili ketchup

Take medium-sized zucchini and wash them well under running water. Cut into slices 1 centimeter thick.

We fill the prepared sterile jars with zucchini circles, shake them a little so that they fit tightly together. Throw aromatic black peppercorns into the jar.

Let's prepare the marinade. To do this, pour a portion of water into the pan, add ketchup, salt and sugar, stir and put on fire. Cook the marinade for about three minutes. The salt and sugar crystals should dissolve.

At the end of cooking, pour a measured amount of vinegar into the marinade, bring it to a boil again, then quickly remove from the heat and pour in the zucchini slices. Place a sprig of parsley on top.

Sterilize the jars without sealing for 8 minutes.

Seal the jars hermetically with sterile lids. Cool under a warm blanket, after turning them upside down.

We store pickled zucchini with ketchup in the pantry/cellar.

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Recipe No. 2. Zucchini with ketchup for the winter “You will lick your fingers”

Zucchini snack sticks with ketchup are an excellent addition not only to a lunch meal, but also to festive dinner. These zucchini can be sealed in jars and enjoyed in the winter, or you can marinate in the refrigerator for a day and eat them the next day. To create this appetizer, it is better to use young zucchini. You need to take standard ketchup, without any additions.

What is necessary:

  • 500 grams of zucchini;
  • 250 milliliters of clean water;
  • 75 grams of ketchup;
  • 4 pieces of allspice;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 50 grams granulated sugar;
  • 0.5 tablespoon of salt;
  • 50 milliliters of vinegar;
  • a pinch of hot pepper mixture.

How to cook delicious zucchini with ketchup for the winter without sterilization:

First you need to start sterilizing the jars. Before starting this process, the jars need to be washed well with soda and dried a little. Then treat them over steam, boiling or microwave oven.

When the container is ready, you can start preparing the dish itself. Remove from zucchini upper layer, rinse with water, chop into long strips, as indicated in the photo.

Place zucchini slices tightly into prepared jars and pour hot water to the brim, leave in this state for a minute.

Then pour the water from the cans into a saucepan of suitable volume, which must be immediately placed on the stove. Load into container specified quantity ketchup, stir the mixture.

Throw in all the necessary spices: bay leaf, peppercorns, Adyghe salt and a mixture of peppers.

Closer to the boiling stage, add a measured amount of vinegar and granulated sugar. Once the granulated sugar and salt crystals have dissolved, remove the saucepan from the stove.

Hot marinade pour back into the jars with the contents. At the same time, do not forget to remove the bay leaf so that the zucchini does not become bitter.

Seal the jars tightly with sterile lids, turn them upside down, cover with a thick cloth and put away until the glass cools completely. Then move it to a secluded place where the preserved food is stored.

Zucchini marinated in ketchup can be served as independent snack or use for preparing vegetable salads.

They turn out very tasty canned cucumbers and zucchini with chili ketchup for the winter. The recipe is quite simple and does not require sterilization. To prepare, you need to cut 0.6 kg of cucumbers and 0.9 kg of zucchini into slices, add to them 1 pack of Torchin ketchup (300 g), 70 g of sugar, 18 g of salt, 60 ml of vinegar, mix and let marinate a little. Then bring to a boil and simmer (shortly) until the cucumbers begin to change color. Turn off the heat, place the cooked vegetables with the marinade in sterile jars and seal. If desired, along with other ingredients, you can add about 60 g of garlic to the zucchini with cucumbers, which must be passed through a press. The workpiece will acquire a new spicy taste. In addition, if you are not a fan of spicy things, then chili ketchup can be replaced with any other depending on your taste.