Modeling from salt dough - “Salt dough - toys, magnets, souvenirs for the New Year! My salt dough crafts! Fast, cheap, original, environmentally friendly and do it yourself! Lots of photos and useful tips!” DIY salt dough magnet



Recipe No. 1 - for simple crafts.

200 g = (1 cup) flour
200 g = (0.5 cup) salt (fine, NOT rock).
125 ml water

Please note that salt is heavier than flour, so they are the same in weight, but salt in volume
takes about half as much.
Salt dough - recipes and modeling methods

For thin relief figures, add your choice:
15-20 g (tablespoon) PVA glue or
starch (tablespoon)
wallpaper glue (mix it with a small amount of water first)

Recipe No. 2 - Strong dough for large products:
200 g flour
400 g salt
125 ml water

Recipe No. 3 - Dough for delicate work:
300 g flour
200 g salt
4 tbsp. glycerin (can be purchased at a pharmacy)
2 tbsp. glue for simple wallpaper, pre-mix 125-150 ml of water.

It is better to use a mixer for kneading - this will simplify the task, and the dough will turn out better.
Universal recipe salt dough: 2 cups of flour; you can put it into flour without going beyond the norm of two
glasses, add dry starch. For example, 1.5 cups of flour 1/2 tbsp. starch. With added starch
the dough will become more elastic. This dough is particularly good at making fine parts, for example:
flower petals.), 1 glass of salt, 1 half glass of water, approximately 180 g, you can add 2 table. spoons
PVA glue. Instead of water, you can cook a starch paste.
Mix all ingredients. Knead the dough until the mass becomes homogeneous and elastic,
If the dough turns out watery, then you can knead it further, adding a little flour until
until it becomes elastic.

Water can be replaced with starch jelly, then the mass will be much more plastic.
Kissel is made like this:
Dissolve one tablespoon of starch in 1/2 cup of cold water. Heat another 1 glass of water in
small saucepan until boiling. Pour the starch solution into boiling water, stirring. When content
pan thickens and becomes transparent, turn off the heat. Let the jelly cool and pour it into the flour mixture
with salt instead of water.


You can tint salt dough food coloring, watercolor or gouache. You can also paint
when preparing the dough, adding dye during kneading, and then ready product- on the surface.
An excellent chocolate color is obtained by adding cocoa. You can experiment with others
natural dyes - soot, beet juice, carrots, ocher, etc. Can be a product made from salt dough
Brown in the oven for natural color.
When tinting, you must take into account that after drying the color will become less saturated, but if you cover
craft with varnish - it will become brighter again. What varnish can I use? Acrylic and artistic are
Very good. It is also possible to use a regular water-based construction material for breathable surfaces.
those. for parquet or wood.


There are a few things you can't do with salt dough. So, for example, you can’t add it to salty
pancake dough (or flour with any other additives), since the figures will rise like
good dough for pie and crackle.
Also, do not add iodized salt; large inclusions do not dissolve, and subsequently the dough will not
homogeneous - into a grain. Likewise, you cannot add rock salt without prior dissolution.
About the water. So, in the test it is best to use very cold water; be sure to add in parts
50 ml after each addition, stir (due to the fact that for different flours, may be needed
different amounts of water).

Salt is first mixed with flour, and only then in ready mass pour water.
Salty dough Store in a plastic bag or tightly closed container. Salt dough from
It is better to take out the plastic bag in small pieces, since lumps of dough quickly
become covered with a crust and when rolled out or molded, these dry crusts spoil the appearance.
And one more thing, if the figures are thick (more than 7 mm), then after the first stage, you need to reverse
remove the excess dough from each side (the picture is in Khananova’s book, on the page in the books)

The dough may be too soft. Then proceed as follows: mix at the bottom of the bowl
a tablespoon of flour with a tablespoon of salt. Press the ball of dough into this mixture and then scrunch it up.
Do this until the dough becomes more dense.
You can sculpt or cut out figures directly on a baking sheet. The baking tray should be moistened first
water, in this case bubbles do not form between the product and the surface of the baking sheet, therefore,
the surface of the product will be smooth and stable.
Everything that falls off is simply wonderful and, most importantly, it is glued invisibly with PVA glue.
Swelling or cracking of salt dough crafts occurs in three cases:
If the flour is chosen incorrectly. For greater strength, you can add it to the dough rye flour(color will be
warmer and there should be no cracking) (for example, a glass of regular glass of rye, 1 to 1),
50 gr. starch - also gives the dough elasticity and prevents it from cracking. You can also add PVA glue,
since it also gives plasticity and prevents the dough from rising.
If drying is not carried out correctly (see next section)
If cracking occurs after painting, this means that the product has not completely dried (the product
continues to dry and the air has to go somewhere) so the surface of the paint or varnish cracks.
Take your time to paint or varnish the product, so as not to regret it later and not to redo it.


It is best to air dry under natural conditions, but this takes a long time (complete drying may take
a week or more - especially if the humidity during drying is high - since salt attracts moisture),
Therefore, you can dry it in the oven, following a few rules.
The oven should be at minimum temperature
It’s good if drying goes with open lid ovens
Products must not be placed in hot oven immediately, heating should occur gradually. As well as
remove the product from the oven, it is better if it cools gradually instead of with the oven
It is ideal to dry in several stages: let it dry for an hour on one side, turn the craft over,
dries from the inside out. I also take breaks between drying, it dries in the oven for an hour - it dries on its own for a day -
then again for an hour and a half in the oven on the reverse side.
The drying time for a salt dough product depends on the thickness of the product itself. And also from the applied
manufacturing recipe. So, dough containing butter, cream, etc. takes much longer to dry without dough
oil-containing additives.
To avoid cracking of the product, you can dry it in three to four stages, in the oven at
at the very minimum and always with the lid open for about an hour and a half, then an hour break
for two - three, or all night, the craft dries itself, and then turn the oven back on to low
with the lid open.
During natural and oven drying, the craft must be rotated at each stage of drying, i.e.
It dries with the front side up for an hour, rests, at the next stage they turn it over and it dries already reverse side.


I suggest everyone try to make these magnet cats. It's very easy to do. First applied
sketch of the kittens themselves on foil, molded, dried (about 5-6 days). Then I painted it with watercolors and gouache.
I opened it with varnish. I glued cardboard to the back and then magnets onto it.

Magnet cats (MK painted)
Larisa Ivanova

These cute kittens will live on the refrigerators of their new owners next year)))


The modeling is very simple, I won’t go into details. Many people are interested in the painting, here it is
and I'll stop...

I use the most common watercolor paints.

Take a kitten and start sculpting)))

The kitten will be red...

Leave the tummy, paws and part of the muzzle white

Now we add yellow and dilute with plenty of water.

We apply new shade around the belly and touch the chest a little

We draw a circle around the “cheeks” and paint the bangs

Now a little brown...

We apply a damp brush with this shade over the bangs, paws, and chest. Paint the eyelids with a drier brush

Don't forget about the sausage)))

Now we take white gouache and draw the eyes, the stomach in the middle, mark the paws with strokes, the middle
"cheeks" and fur on the chest...

Let's draw the pads)))

Now stripes and nose

Green eyes...

Add a few more stripes and highlights on the sausage with white gouache. Black watercolor - pupil.

I dip a toothpick in white gouache and apply highlights to the eyes and nose. That's all)))

I suggest everyone try to make these magnet cats. It's very easy to do. First, I applied a sketch of the kittens themselves onto foil, molded them, and dried them (about 5-6 days). Then I painted it with watercolors and gouache. I opened it with varnish. I glued cardboard to the back and then magnets onto it.

Happy viewing and good mood everyone!!!

On the eve of the New Year, each of us begins to stock up on gifts for loved ones! And today I want to suggest making small gifts for your dear people with your own hands - these are New Year magnets « Winter hut" We will make them from salt dough (can be replaced with self-hardening clay). I chose salt dough because... the ingredients for it are available to everyone, and you can make such products with your children!

For work we will need:

- salted dough (the recipe I use will be below);

- stack, stationery knife;

- toothpicks, needles;

- a plasticine board or ceramic tile (where we will roll out the dough);

- acrylic paints (if there are metallic colors);

- gouache (black and ocher);

- brushes;

- felt;

- magnet;

- varnish (I used colorless Varnish XB-584);

- rhinestones (I have a diameter of 3 and 5 mm);

- glue (Moment, PVA);

- optional white glitter;

- sponge.

Salt dough recipe (I’ve made it many times already):

1) 150 g of water + 1 tbsp. l. Mix simple wallpaper glue and let the glue dissolve thoroughly;

2) 200 g flour + 200 g fine salt + 2 tbsp. l. (with top) potato starch mix separately;

3) combine everything + 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

For several magnets, the amount of salty ingredients can be divided in half.

It’s better to prepare the dough in advance (I make it the night before and put it in the refrigerator overnight, wrapped in 2 bags).

Important! When working with salt dough, always keep the bag closed, the dough dries quickly!

We will have two versions of magnet huts!

Magnet “Winter Hut” with two Christmas trees

1. Roll out the dough, cut out the blank for the huts according to the template (the edges can be trimmed with a brush and water). Let's outline where the logs, roof, and snow will be. We make a sausage from 4 mm dough, cut it into approximately equal parts, lubricate the workpiece with some water and begin to place our logs, flattening them a little.

2. While our logs are not dry, we go over them with a needle, we get an imitation of wood. Make two more sausages, flattening them a little. Using a needle or toothpick, we make curves on one edge and transfer our blanks to the hut, having previously lubricated the places with water, then we make indentations on the rounded blanks (I did it with a dots, but you can also use a regular toothpick). We make a pipe over the roof, go through the dough with a needle, imitating bricks. Next, we roll the ball, flatten it, cut it in half, we only need one part (this will be the window above the roof), attach it to the hut, make indentations, and we get a window.
3. Make a thin sausage, smear water around the window, wrap it in the sausage - it turns out to be a cashed-out window, flatten it a little.
4. In the middle of the hut there will be a main window made of a rectangular piece of dough; we make indentations in it. We roll the sausage, divide it into four parts according to the size of the window - these will be the platbands. We flatten the workpieces and transfer them to the hut, not forgetting to lubricate the gluing areas with water.
5. Now you can sculpt the Christmas tree. Cut out three trapezoidal blanks different sizes, we round each piece, cut the bottom edge into three parts and round it with a toothpick (you get twigs). At the beginning, we place the largest piece down and in increasing order. We go along the edges of the branches with a needle.
6. We will get two Christmas trees, tall on one side and smaller on the other. We make indentations in the Christmas tree that are slightly larger than the rhinestones themselves, because as the salt dough dries, it becomes smaller. We make snow on the roof, in front of the hut, on the windows.
Magnet “Winter hut” with snowman and Christmas tree

Let's move on to the next version of the magnet. The first stages of modeling are the same as for the first hut.

1. Let's make the platbands at the roof a little differently, small curves at the edge and indentations in them using a toothpick. We roll the ball, make an oval, cut off a little at the bottom, we get a semicircular blank for the window. We attach in the middle of the hut and indentations

2. Take a strip of dough, place it over the window and flatten the edges a little with a knife or stack.
3. We do the same at the bottom of the window. Next we make shutters: cut out two rectangles, cut them at an angle and attach them to the hut.

4. Let's make a snowman. We roll three balls of different sizes, flatten each ball and start attaching it to the hut from the largest one, roll four balls, these will be the arms and legs of the snowman :) We make a hat from a triangle of dough, a scarf from two stripes. The nose is a triangle-shaped carrot made of dough. The Christmas tree is molded in the same way as on the first hut.

Our blanks for the magnets are ready, let them dry thoroughly (I leave them on the battery for 2 days). First, they are dried on foil, and when they are dry, I transfer them to cardboard, because... the foil does not allow air to pass through, and the workpiece does not dry out.

Our huts have already dried, now we cover them with black gouache (brown is also possible). When the gouache has dried, we begin to carefully wash it off, so the product turns out to be embossed. The blanks have dried out from the water. Let's start painting. Take brown acrylic paint and with a thin brush we go over the logs of the hut. Next we cover the platbands: for the first hut we cover the platbands with gouache (ochre), for the second - with acrylic of blue color, and the snowman’s outfit is also blue.

When the paint has dried, we paint the frames of the windows with white acrylic, and we tint the trim of one hut with white.

Then mix green and a little brown and cover the Christmas trees with it.

We need to make “frozen” windows. We drop blue and white paint directly into the window, quickly mix it with a needle, and add a little more white around the edges. We additionally cover the platbands painted with ocher with paint of a different color (I have acrylic metallic bronze, if this is not available, you can mix acrylic paint of brown and yellow flowers- you will get beige trims). Paint the snowman with white paint. Next, we take a sponge and begin to swab with white paint where we will have snow (I also went over the logs with a brush). We make the eyes and mouth of the snowman. We tint the snowman's hat and scarf with silver paint.

First we coat one side of the magnet with varnish, when it has dried, we coat the other side (the varnish that I use gives a little yellowness to the white color, after drying the varnish the snow was again covered with white paint). We take felt, trace it, cut it out, this will be the back side of the hut.

Where there is snow on the huts, cover them with a thin layer of PVA glue and sprinkle with glitter (you don’t have to cover them with glitter). After the “snow” has dried, glue the rhinestones onto the Christmas trees (they can be glued with Moment or superglue).

Glue the felt blank and magnet.

That's all, our two huts are ready! :)

I used the same method to make Babok Yozhek’s magnetic huts :)

I will be glad if you liked my master class and you make your own little huts based on it!

I wish you creative inspiration, comfort and warmth in your home! May all your dreams be in New Year will definitely come true!

Do you want to learn how to make quickly, cheaply, and most importantly with your own hands, original souvenirs, Christmas tree decorations, and refrigerator magnets?

For example, this cat.

Or a monkey with a snowman.

Or a house for luck.

Look how many different things you can do!

So do you want to learn? Yes? Then let's begin! Right now. It is not difficult.


All this is done simply from salt dough. Take regular flour. It’s better to take the cheapest one so that it won’t be expensive. The quality of flour does not affect the final product in any way. The main thing is that it is wheat.

Take salt.

The smaller the better. Even better grind the salt into powder. By the way, here is a good coffee grinder with which you can do this.

Mix salt and flour into a dough using water. Mix salt and flour in a one to one ratio. Place a glass of salt on a glass of flour. Add water as in regular dough. LITTLE SECRET!!! To make the dough better, you need to add a tablespoon to this mixture. sunflower oil and a spoonful of PVA glue,

Well, that means we kneaded it and got a bun like this.

In appearance, this dough is similar to the one from which bread is baked. It is not suitable for food because it is very, well, very salty. But it does not stick to your hands and generally has, unlike regular test in a bunch unique properties. The most important thing is that it is ideal for sculpting. After preparation, the dough must be kept in the refrigerator for a day. This is necessary so that the salt is completely dispersed. Only after this can you start sculpting.


So, the raw materials are ready. Now let's begin the sculpting process itself. I think when I was a child, everything was sculpted from plasticine. Everything is the same here. There is nothing fundamentally new. Take a board and sculpt. Roll “balls”, “sausages”, etc. It all depends on your imagination and your hands. Well, since not everyone was born professional sculptors, There are tools that will make things easier for your hands.. Here, for example, are stacks that can be carefully cut, shaped, etc.

A set of such tools costs 75 rubles. Sold in any art store.

Or these little devices. They can be used to make all sorts of patterns, eyes, nostrils, ears (if you are sculpting someone alive). These things are also inexpensive.

If you don’t want to buy a special tool, you can instead make do with what you have on hand in every home. An ordinary ballpoint pen, a penknife, or even better, a stationery knife will do.

And so, we sculpt. We are making mushroom houses.

Baskets with flowers.


Teas with buns.

And a lot more stuff.


You have put together many, many wonderful things. What's next? Further them needs to be dried. Place it on a board and dry it on the radiator.

The drying time depends on the thickness of the product. Small things dry in three days. Large and thick ones have to be dried for about a week.

You can tell when your toy is completely dry by its color.. The dough turns white when it dries. First at the edges, then more and more. When the whole thing acquires a uniform whitish tint, then it has dried. You can also determine it by hardness. A completely dry item becomes very hard.


So. To dry, our toys are dry. But they are so ugly! White, lifeless, as if from some kingdom snow queen. But our world is a world of colors! Means what? This means that our toys need to be decorated! And this is also quite simple. Even for those who got a C in drawing at school!

Let's start decorating. First thing we need brushes. At least that much!

Or at least that much.

Are you scared? Well, in vain. I was joking. In fact, all you need are these thin brushes.

And to finally reassure you, I’ll say that, in principle, just one thin brush will be enough for you. Something like this.

You can also use oil paints.

Well, let's decorate!

And our toys begin to smile, laugh and display all the colors of the rainbow.

Now, to prevent the paint from peeling off, all that remains is varnish them. I use this one. I don’t remember where and when I bought it.

But you can use any other varnish - it doesn’t matter at all. I think it’s even suitable for nails.


It may happen that some of your toy accidentally breaks. Well, drop a snowman or a monkey, for example, and the head will break off. This happens sometimes because small things are quite fragile.

So, if this happens, don’t rush to cry and throw your work in the trash. Everything is fixed, quickly and easily.

Take this PVA glue.

And glue it. It sets quickly, leaving no traces of connection.


Most interest Ask. What are these toys for? Well, it all depends on your imagination and your needs. You can make such Christmas tree toys. Then, during modeling, while the dough is raw, you need to make a hole, where you will then thread the thread to hang it on the tree. On New Year's Eve, such toys are very relevant. Snowmen, Santa Clauses, monkeys - after all, the year of the monkey is coming.

Small things can be refrigerator magnets. Then you need to glue a magnet on the back side of the already dried and decorated toy. Magnets are sold in craft stores. Glue with any glue. The main thing is to hold on. It can be for PVA, it can be for a moment. This is roughly how it works.

Horseshoes can be hung above the door of the house. Hearts can be hung in the car. Large toys can simply be placed on the table as souvenirs. In general, the range of applications is very wide.

If you have small children, then the main thing in modeling salt dough may not be the result, but the process itself. Children really enjoy making things like this. And at the same time, you and your child will improve your skills and become a pro in sculpting.

And most importantly, think How nice it will be to give such little things to your loved ones! Not just a refrigerator magnet, not just Christmas tree decoration, but a handmade magnet and toy. Original, unusual, existing in a single copy! When you give it, you can also joke that your gift is the most environmentally friendly it can be. And this is not just a joke! This is true! Because your gift is made from dough containing flour, salt and water. Even if you eat it, you won’t get poisoned. Try chewing on a toy from the store...

Do you like doing something with your own hands? Then . By the way, this is easier and faster than sculpting from salt dough. But no less interesting.

Thank you for reading to the end! Good luck to you! And trust your hands more than stores!

DIY decoupage of the “Dogs” magnet from salt dough. Step-by-step instruction with photo

Pavlukhina Vera Aleksandrovna, teacher of additional education, MAOU DO Youth and Youth Center “Zvezdochka”, Tomsk
Target: making a magnet using salt dough.
- introduce the technology of making a magnet from salt dough using the decoupage technique;
- convey your experience through direct and commented demonstration of consistent activities;
- increase motivation and creative activity of participants master class To this species creativity
Description: simplicity and accessibility are the main advantages of this master class. Even five-year-old children can cope with this task; adults will only need a little help in cutting and preparing the dough. Work with a glue gun and varnish under the guidance of an adult. Such a magnet can be made with children of primary school age in 45 minutes, after making a base of salt dough.
Purpose: gift to relatives and friends.
Necessary materials:

primer, napkin, decoupage glue;
contours, scissors, varnish, magnet, brush, base
Preliminary work
Joint activity between an adult and a child
Preparing the dough

7 tablespoons flour;
7 tablespoons fine salt;
1 tablespoon PVA glue;
Mix flour and salt thoroughly, add glue and a little water. Mix everything well. Roll out the resulting mass and make round molds. We dry it at home for 2-3 days.
There are several basics you can do.

Cover the base with acrylic primer.

Cut out fragments from a napkin. Separate upper layer with a picture and create a composition based on it.

Use decoupage glue to glue the pictures to the base.

We decorate some parts of the picture with contours. We frame the edges.

As soon as the contours are dry, use a glue gun to secure the magnet on the back side.

Cover with varnish.

The magnet is ready.

Instead of a magnet, you can glue a badge base to create a children's badge.

Options for children's work.

The kitchen is a sacred space for any housewife. It also plays an important role for other family members. After all, this is not only a place to eat food, it is also cozy corner, where the whole family gathers and shares their thoughts and experiences.

That’s why the kitchen is decorated with flowers, and the refrigerator with various magnets. Since often, they can tell a lot about the life and character of the owners. However, you can make a magnet yourself.

Let's try to make a heart-shaped refrigerator magnet. For this we need:

3.Acrylic paint (gold);
5. Scissors;
7. Super glue MOMENT.

So, let's begin:

1. First, take salt and flour and mix them in equal proportions, adding a little water. In this case, we can take 1/3 of a small glass. In total, you should get a mass similar in consistency to plasticine.

2. Next, from the resulting “dough” we make a flat cake, from which we later cut out a heart. In order to make your work easier and cut out the shape as beautifully as possible, you can first draw the outline of the heart with a toothpick and then cut it out with a knife.

3. Also, do not forget to remove excess dough with a knife.

4. Now let's get down to no less important point and make letters for the word “LOVE”. After all, with words of love our heart will become more attractive. We make a small thin sausage from which we will get the first letter.

6. Then, according to the type of the first letter, we make the last two. So, the word “LOVE” is ready.

7. We mold letters onto a heart made of salt dough and decorate it with a dotted pattern.

8. Then put the salted dough in the oven for 15 minutes on low heat.

9. After we have taken the heart out of the oven and it has cooled down, we paint it with acrylic gold paint (dries quite quickly).

11. After we have glued all the layers, wait for them to dry completely.

12. Take the MOMENT glue again and apply it to the shape of the golden heart, press it and wait again until the glue dries.

This is such a wonderful and sunny heart-shaped salt dough made from salted dough. Surely it will find its place among other refrigerator decorations.