Chicken rolls with bell pepper. Chicken roll with cheese and sweet pepper

The situation of my close friend. Crying, doesn't know what to do. I’ll ask here, I’ll give you some sensible advice, she doesn’t have the Internet, she’s not friends.

The woman is 50 years old, medical specialty, salary is very modest. The son got married, had a child, and live with his mother in a small two-room apartment. And then the son suggested that his mother move into a one-room apartment, which she would buy for herself with a mortgage, and they would help her pay off this mortgage. My son’s salary is unofficial, my daughter-in-law is on maternity leave, they won’t be given a mortgage.

And so they started choosing an apartment for her. Realtor, sister-in-law. A friend of mine wanted a large one-room apartment, with a spacious kitchen, and a separate bathroom. The realtor says there are no such people, and only gives her a bunch of Khrushchev-era apartment buildings in inconvenient areas. She even went and looked at one, it was terrible, dark, dirty, low ground floor, next to a diner. A public toilet in the bushes right under the windows. She refused in horror. The daughter-in-law called and started shouting at her that for that kind of money they would no longer find an apartment, it was almost nothing. They should be paid! To which my friend was at first confused and almost gave in to sign the contract, and then called me.

I invited her to my place, we immediately found a bunch of wonderful options for spacious one-room apartments right on Avito. The realtor began to say that there were difficulties with them, rejected all the options one by one and again persuaded her to take that cheap Khrushchev house as soon as possible, otherwise they would take her away. But she doesn’t want to go to this Khrushchev building! The daughter-in-law calls again and hurries. The son remains silent.

And she and I sat down and thought. Why the hell is she being forced out of her own apartment to a place where she doesn’t want to live? I called my son. He says - oh, so mom, since that option doesn’t suit you, it means you’re not my mother. We will pay, but you want to sell your own son for money, you are looking for the most expensive apartment!

Here my friend and I were completely blown away. I then suggested that she not move anywhere at all, she has an excellent two-room apartment in a convenient location, close to work, a wonderful yard with greenery, and wonderful neighbors. Her son needs a two-room apartment - then let him buy it himself. And she already has everything.

As a result, her son and daughter-in-law don’t talk to her, they don’t let the child hang out, they have pointedly allocated a separate shelf for themselves in her refrigerator, and they don’t eat what she cooks. And it's been like this for a week.

She asks me what to do. What are your thoughts, dear forum? The situation at her home is unbearable, she cries and is ready to go to any ruins just to make peace with her son.



Hello. I want to speak out, otherwise I just don’t know. Maybe it will help.
So, I describe the situation. A 5-year-old child absolutely takes a long time to get dressed. We are late everywhere and always. It started in September. He dresses very slowly, incredibly slowly. Now there’s a new joke - he doesn’t want to wear old things because “they’ve been touched”

The child is hysterical.
1) we have been to two neurologists already. Physiologically, there are no special reasons for hysteria (one said that it is possible that asthenic syndrome is due to frequent ARVI). We have been taking nootropics, which have a calming effect, for a month now.

There is a weak effect.
2) we saw a psychologist - there was advice to change the group, but of course I can’t do that at the moment.
3) won’t let me dress myself. Only herself. If by force - no, he will remove everything, it is absolutely impossible.
4) we get up 1.5-2 hours before the garden.
Just talk, no slippers.


Difficulties with nickname)

Girls, happy new year everyone)
Share your experience if you have one or maybe there are doctors here.
Given: a 90-year-old grandmother, in January 2019 she underwent 2 surgeries on the femoral neck, and quickly got back to her feet. After the operations there was a slight clouding of reason, they said that anesthesia affects the elderly. By May, everything became normal and until mid-October she lived well, took care of herself completely, although she did not leave the house (not a private house), but she moved around the house calmly everywhere. She could cook food, wash something by hand, and so on.
In mid-October, her back hurt and she couldn’t straighten up. At the same time, some kind of infection in the urinary tract and osteochondrosis. Treated. It seems like she has no complaints, but she also doesn’t have the strength to live. and I began to forget a lot. She can get up, wash herself and go to the toilet by herself, eat the food placed on the table herself and control her pill intake and blood pressure. She lives in one small room of 10-12 sq.m., where everything is adapted for her; she can no longer go out into the next room. That's probably all the skills. Often lies, or rather most of the time.
My back doesn’t seem to hurt, but it can no longer fully straighten (until October I even did gymnastics and was quite active). He can barely lift his legs when walking or simply drags them (he walks with a walker).
I drank mildronate and ginko biloba, but it didn’t add any strength or memory.
Among his regular medications, he takes Lorista and Lortenza for blood pressure, atorvastatin and cardiomagnyl.
He really wants to live some more, or rather live out his life in his mind and on his feet. Doctors are indifferent. What else can you do to help?



Hello everyone, this topic will be anonymous. I have been buying from a well-known online store for a long time, but today’s situation is new. I became a witness. The buyer was accused of forgery. And all this with shouting and swearing. The girl stated that they sent her the wrong down jacket (you can imagine the size of the item). The saleswoman threateningly stated that this was a fraud by the buyer.
In my memory, the store screwed up terribly with non-core investments. And now they blame it on the buyer? How to protect yourself? Check directly at the cashier's desk? Under the camera?


Step-by-step photo recipe for chicken rolls stuffed with bell peppers from the magazine "site"

Chicken chops can be called a true classic of culinary recipes. Unfortunately, this dish is difficult to include in a holiday menu, because a simple and familiar recipe is more suitable for an everyday meal than for a celebration.

However, do not rush to exclude chicken breast from the list of delicacies, because any recipe can be complicated, turning a banal dish into a real culinary masterpiece! For example, from simple chops you can make spectacular chicken rolls with bell peppers or any other filling. This dish can also be served for a festive feast, because it looks very bright and presentable!


  • Chicken breast – 1 pc.
  • Bell pepper – 1 pc.
  • Garlic – 2-3 cloves
  • Cheese – approximately 50 g
  • Parsley - a small bunch
  • Salad leaves (for serving)

Step-by-step recipe with photos

1. Cut the chicken breast into 2 parts, remove the skin, remove the bones. Wrap the chicken fillet in cling film and carefully beat it on both sides, being careful not to tear it. The result should be thin and long plates of chicken meat, which need to be salted and peppered. If desired, you can sprinkle the chicken with your favorite spices.

2. Let's start filling for future rolls. To do this, finely chop the garlic, chop a bunch of parsley with a knife (or tear the greens with your hands).

3. Cut the bell pepper into thin and long strips, then fry until soft. It is better to take a bright red pepper, because with it the finished rolls will look most impressive, but you can make a kind of “mix” by mixing peppers of different shades.

4. We begin to form rolls. Spread a mixture of garlic and parsley on the chicken meat, place cheese slices and fried pepper slices on top.

5. Carefully roll the chicken fillet into a “tube”, holding the filling with your fingers. We tie the finished rolls with thread so that they do not lose their shape during cooking.

6. First, fry the chicken rolls in a frying pan until golden brown, and then put them in the oven (temperature 180 degrees) for 20-25 minutes.

7. Cut the finished rolls into thin rings, first getting rid of the thread. Place on a flat plate covered with lettuce leaves.

You can serve rolls with peppers as an appetizer, or you can add chicken meat as a side dish and serve it as a hot dish. Bon appetit!

Wash the chicken fillet, dry it and beat it. Rub the meat with a mixture of pressed garlic (1 clove), salt, a mixture of peppers and curry. Leave the meat to rest for 10-15 minutes.

Meanwhile, prepare the filling for the chicken rolls. Cut the pepper into small cubes, add finely chopped onion and garlic through a press. Add a little salt and pepper mixture and fry lightly with a little olive oil.

Place the vegetable filling (leave a little filling) on ​​one edge of the chopped meat.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Grease the pan with olive oil, place the chicken rolls in the pan, add the remaining filling, chopped olives, sprigs of rosemary and thyme.

Cover the pan with foil and bake the chicken rolls for 30 minutes.

Remove the foil, sprinkle the chicken rolls with cheese and bake them again for 10 minutes.

Serve chicken wraps with cheese, peppers and olives with your favorite side dish, such as red rice. After all, red rice is one of the healthiest varieties of rice, containing many antioxidants and dietary fiber, which, in turn, makes it the basis of a healthy diet.

Bon appetit! Eat with pleasure!

Delicious chicken fillet rolls will turn out much juicier if:

1. Take chicken fillet, cut from the thighs and legs.

2. Wrap the chicken roll in a strip of bacon, which will preserve the juiciness of the chicken.

You can come up with a huge variety of fillings for such rolls. Today I suggest using bell pepper strips, preferably several colors, and Mozzarella cheese as a filling. Smoked paprika will add a special taste to the rolls.

Prepare ingredients for preparing chicken rolls with bell pepper and mozzarella according to the list. My chicken fillet from the legs and thighs was cut off the bones already in the store.

Separate the thigh from the leg. Remove the skin from them. Make cuts on one side of the chicken flesh and cut the meat so that you get these strips of meat. Cut the strip of meat cut from the thigh in half lengthwise. As a result, from two legs we will get 6 strips of chicken fillet.

Sprinkle the meat with salt and pepper, add smoked paprika and roll well in spices on all sides.

Depending on the size of the chicken, you can use either 1 or 2 strips of bacon, whichever you prefer.

Place strip of bacon on cutting board.

Stepping back a little from the edges, place a strip of chicken fillet on the bacon.

Cut the bell pepper into strips.

Remove the mozzarella from the packaging, blot the liquid with a napkin and cut the cheese into cubes.

Place a couple of pepper strips and a block of mozzarella on the chicken fillet.

Roll the roll. Secure the edges of the bacon with wooden skewers.

Repeat this procedure with all pieces of meat, bacon and stuffing. Place the finished rolls on a baking sheet.

Place the baking sheet with chicken rolls in an oven preheated to 180 degrees C for 25-30 minutes.

Serve ready-made chicken rolls wrapped in bacon with bell peppers and mozzarella as a hot appetizer or main course.

Bon appetit!

Step 1: beat the fillet.

First, each chicken fillet needs to be divided into two parts lengthwise, and then beat off each piece. To prevent the meat from sticking to the hammer and tearing, cover it with cling film.
Season the chicken chops with pepper and salt to taste; you can also add aromatic herbs and other spices if desired. Let the chicken sit in the spices at room temperature (only if it's not hot) for 10 minutes.

Step 2: add filling.

You can take hard or melted cheese, the main thing is that it is cut into thin slices. Place the cheese slices on top of the chicken cutlet and then place a slice of pepper on top of the cheese. Carefully roll everything into a roll so that the cheese and pepper are inside.

Step 3: fry the chicken roll with pepper and cheese.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan.
Take one of the chicken rolls, dip it first in flour, then in egg, then again in flour and place it in the frying pan. Do the same with the rest of the rolls.

Fry everything until golden brown on all sides for about 6-7 minutes. The main thing is that there is enough oil, and that the rolls do not touch each other, but lie freely in the pan.
Dip the finished rolls with a paper towel to remove excess fat and serve.

Step 4: Serve the chicken roll with peppers and cheese.

Chicken rolls should be served hot, while the cheese inside is melted. This is an excellent appetizer and a hearty hot dish. As a side dish, it is best to choose some light vegetable salad. You can also offer garlic or tomato sauce for the rolls.
Bon appetit!

Instead of fresh pepper, you can put pickled pepper inside the roll.