Cooking German cuisine dough adit cooking. Christmas stollen – traditional German yeast cake

Stollen is a German baked product with the addition of candied fruits, raisins, poppy seeds, etc. to the dough. The more imagination, the more stollen recipes.

Christmas Stollen

Typically, Germans bake at least two stollen - one for the family, the other for guests.
Therefore, all the ingredients in the traditional recipe are designed for two large stollen.

Required Products:

  • 1.5 kg flour,
  • 0.5 kg butter,
  • 0.4 l milk,
  • 100g yeast,
  • 100g each of candied lemon and orange peels,
  • 1 lemon,
  • 0.7 kg raisins,
  • rum (or cognac)
  • 0.5 kg almonds (sweet),
  • 1 tsp salt,
  • powdered sugar,
  • vanilla sugar and cinnamon - to taste,
  • 200g butter.


  1. Soak the raisins in cognac and leave overnight.
  2. Dissolve the yeast in warmed milk and add a little sugar. Leave in a warm place for 30 minutes.
  3. Stir flour, remaining sugar, butter and salt into the brewed dough.
  4. While the dough is rising, make the filling: chop the almonds, peel the zest from the lemon and squeeze out the juice, squeeze out the raisins.
  5. Stir nuts, lemon zest, vanilla sugar, candied fruits, raisins, cinnamon and lemon juice into the dough.
  6. Leave for 2.5-3 hours in a warm place.
  7. Divide the present dough into two parts. Form two loaves from the dough and place on a baking sheet.
  8. Make an incision along the entire length, slightly on the side. Leave for half an hour.
  9. Bake at a temperature of 200 degrees for 150 minutes, then bake at a temperature of 170 degrees for 35-40 minutes.
  10. Once completely cooled, wrap in foil and refrigerate for about three weeks.

Classic recipe

The proportions for oil stollen, according to the ancient recipe, are as follows:

for 1 kg of flour 0.4-0.5 kg of butter, at least 7 parts of dried fruits, some can be replaced with marzipan or almonds.

Required Products:

  • 500g flour,
  • 100g almond flour,
  • 300g butter,
  • 250ml milk,
  • 50g yeast,
  • 85g granulated sugar,
  • 1 tsp spices - ginger, cinnamon, pepper, cardamom - to taste,
  • a pinch of salt,
  • 100g dates,
  • 200g raisins,
  • 100g nuts,
  • 100g dried cherries or cranberries,
  • 1 orange,
  • 1 lemon,
  • 100 ml of alcohol (brandy, rum, cognac or other),
  • powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix raisins, cherries (cranberries), chopped nuts into large pieces, finely chopped candied fruits and dates.
  2. Add lemon and orange zest.
  3. Squeeze the juice from the orange and pour it into the mixture along with alcohol. Mix all.
  4. Leave to infuse for 10-15 hours.
  5. For the dough, mix yeast and sugar.
  6. Pour in half the milk, preheating it. Stir until the yeast dissolves.
  7. Leave until the dough begins to foam strongly.
  8. Separately, mix the flour with the remaining sugar, salt and spices.
  9. Pour in the second part of the milk and mix for 10 minutes.
  10. Stir in butter. Leave for 1-1.5 hours.
  11. When the dough is ready, add almond flour and the filling mixture. Mix everything well.
  12. From the finished dough, make two layers approximately 2 cm thick.
  13. Stepping back 2/3 from the edge, make a dent with the edge of your palm and bend the dough along it.
  14. Cover a baking sheet with parchment and place the dough on it. Leave in a warm place for 35-45 minutes.
    At a temperature of 190 degrees. bake for 60-70 minutes.
  15. Grease the finished pies with butter and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
  16. Once the pie has cooled completely, wrap it in foil and store in a cool place for about three weeks.

Dresden Stollen

The name Dresden stollen is only given to stollen that was produced by hand in the vicinity of Dresden with strict adherence to all proportions.

Required Products:

  • 300g almonds,
  • 0.5 kg flour,
  • 60g yeast,
  • 3 eggs,
  • 90g sugar,
  • 150ml milk,
  • 3 tbsp. Roma,
  • 0.5 tsp. salt,
  • 400g butter,
  • 175g raisins,
  • 100g candied apples,
  • 100g candied orange peels,
  • 1 lemon,
  • 100g powdered sugar,
  • 175g dried quiche mish,
  • 1 packet vanilla sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix nuts (first chop half in a blender), raisins, candied fruits, quiche, vanilla sugar, grated lemon zest. Leave the prepared mixture overnight.
  2. Grind the yeast. Heat the milk.
  3. Place yeast, milk, sugar and salt in the center of a bowl with flour. Mix all.
  4. Place 250g pieces of butter around the edges of the bowl, beat in the eggs and mix everything well.
  5. Leave the dough for 40 minutes. Add the filling mixture to the dough.
  6. Grease the mold with butter and sprinkle with flour.
  7. Roll out 4 squares of 30x40cm from the dough.
  8. Fold one edge of the square towards the middle so that 2/3 of the edge is closed.
  9. On the other hand, fold the dough overlapping. Make a hollow in the center, pressing lightly with a rolling pin. Leave for 30 minutes.
  10. At a temperature of 175 degrees. bake for 40 minutes.
  11. Coat the finished pies with butter and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
  12. Once cooled, wrap the pie in foil and refrigerate for about three weeks.

Curd stollen

According to the rules, curd stollen contains at least 400 g of cottage cheese or curd products and 200 g of butter or margarine per 1 kg of flour.

Required Products:

  • 225g low-fat cottage cheese,
  • 180g flour,
  • 1 egg,
  • 75g sugar,
  • 1 tsp lemon zest,
  • 1 tbsp chopped almonds,
  • 4 tbsp. raisins,
  • 50ml. cognac,
  • 8g vanilla sugar,
  • 2 tbsp. butter,
  • 1 pinch of salt,
  • 1 tsp baking powder,
  • 2 tbsp. powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the nuts in a blender.
  2. Soak raisins in cognac for half an hour.
  3. Beat sugar, egg and vanilla sugar.
  4. Add cottage cheese and mix well.
  5. Squeeze the raisins and stir them together with the almonds and zest into the mixture.
  6. Add sifted flour, salt and baking powder.
  7. Lightly sprinkle the mold with flour and place the dough on it.
  8. Bake at 180 degrees for approximately 40-50 minutes.
  9. Coat the finished pie with butter and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
  10. Once the stollen has cooled completely, wrap it in foil and put it in a cool place for about a week.

Recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya

Required Products:

  • 350g butter,
  • 350g brown sugar,
  • 350g flour,
  • 5 eggs
  • 100g hazelnuts,
  • 200g prunes,
  • 200g dried apricots,
  • 200g raisins,
  • 200g dried cranberries,
  • 200g dried figs,
  • 1 tsp baking powder,
  • cognac - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. First you need to finely chop the dried fruits and grind the nuts in a blender.
  2. Cream butter and brown sugar, add eggs.
  3. Add dry ingredients and mix well.
  4. Grease the mold, lightly sprinkle with flour and place the dough.
  5. Bake at 180 degrees for an hour.
  6. Bake for the next 2 hours at 160 degrees, covered with baking paper.
  7. Sprinkle the finished stollen with cognac and sprinkle with powdered sugar or cover with glaze.

Stollen cupcake - a DIY German Christmas treat

Christmas is a special holiday for many people living in different parts of our vast globe. Each country has its own traditions and customs. Germany is no exception. This holiday has been celebrated in the country for many centuries, and during this time its symbols and traditions have been passed on from generation to generation. Like any other holiday, Christmas is not complete without a generous and rich table. As a rule, there should be seven or nine dishes, among which the famous Stollen Christmas cake stands out.

The famous Christmas cake was originally called Striezel. The first mention of it was found in documents dating back to 1329. On holidays it was presented as a gift to the bishop. Lenten products were used to make the pie in those days. It contained water, flour, oats and rapeseed oil. This was due to the fact that according to the laws of the Catholic Church, only products of plant origin could be used during the fast before Christmas. The taste of Christmas cake was not liked by the local nobles. Therefore, the brothers Albrecht and Ernst of Saxony in 1430 decided to ask the Pope to allow milk and butter to be added to the holiday cake, but he refused them. And only 60 years later, the head of the Catholic Church gave his consent to add butter and milk to the pie. His message is known as the “butter decree.” In return, the Pope ordered that a certain amount of donation be paid for the needs of the church. Since then, the taste of the cupcake has changed significantly, and its fame instantly spread throughout the country.

What is a Stollen cake?

The German Stollen cake is rightfully considered the hallmark of Christmas. After all, according to legend and tradition, he personifies the newborn Jesus, wrapped in white sheets. It contains candied fruits, poppy seeds, raisins, nuts, marzipan and other ingredients. A distinctive feature of this culinary masterpiece is the presence of a large amount of butter or margarine. Therefore the dough turns out very heavy. When mixing it, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions. The dough, mixed with 10 kg of flour and 3 kg of butter, should contain at least 6 kg of candied fruits, and eggs should not be placed in it. They start baking the cake in early December during the Nativity Fast. Stollen can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 months.

The taste of “Stollen” is reminiscent of our Russian Easter cake, but it is richer and heavier.

What types of Stollen cake are there?

The idea of ​​adding chopped nuts, candied fruits, and raisins to the Stollen cake belongs to one of the German court bakers. It is to him that the inhabitants of Germany owe this refined taste of baked goods.

Today there are many varieties of Stollen cake:

I would especially like to highlight the Dresden “Stollen”. It also has its own history, which is inextricably linked with the city of Dresden. There was a tradition according to which Dresden bakers presented Stollen cupcakes to the princes of Germany, who had the right to choose the emperor, before Christmas. It wasn't just any pie. Its length had to be at least one and a half meters, and its weight reached 18 kilograms. History knows the fact that in 1730, bakers baked a Christmas cake weighing 1800 kg. One hundred people took part in the creation of this Christmas culinary miracle. A special oven was built for the pie, in which it could fit. It took 6 hours to bake. More than 20 thousand people were able to taste this work of culinary art.

In order to be able to cut the Dresden cake, a special knife was made, the length of which was 1.6 meters.

Types of Stollen cake in the photo

Where can you buy Stollen cake in Germany?

It is difficult to describe the beauty of German cities on Christmas Eve. Everything sparkles in colorful lights, the streets and squares are filled with cafes and stalls, from which emanate an extraordinary, incomparable aroma of gingerbread, muffins, and all kinds of spices. Christmas markets in the country are filled with bustle, fun and joy. This atmosphere is transmitted to absolutely everyone who is there. The stalls sell amazingly beautiful souvenirs and crafts that you can hardly take your eyes off. And, of course, on “every corner” you can buy the famous symbol of Germany – the Stollen Christmas cake. The Christmas market in Germany, Striezelmarkt, is named after him. If translated literally, it would mean the market where Striezel is sold. Its extraordinary taste will conquer even those who are indifferent to sweets.

How to make Stollen cake at home

In order to prepare a Christmas cupcake you need to collect the following set of products:

  • 750 gr. flour;
  • 200 ml milk;
  • 250 gr. butter;
  • 50 gr. yeast;
  • 05, teaspoon salt;
  • 250 gr. Sahara.

These are the main components for preparing the dough. You also need to add 300 grams of raisins, 200-250 grams. almonds, 50 gr. candied orange and lemon peels, juice and zest from one small lemon. Prepare the spices: salt, cinnamon and vanillin. Before preparing the dough, it is recommended to soak the raisins in skate or rum.

In slightly warmed milk you need to dilute the yeast and add a little sugar. Set the saucepan aside for half an hour. After the dough has risen, you need to add the rest of the ingredients and knead the dough without candied fruits, nuts and juice with lemon zest.

After preparing the dough, you need to squeeze out the raisins and chop the almonds. Add them, cinnamon, vanilla, candied fruits and juice with lemon zest to the finished dough and knead well. The dough turns out dense and heavy. It should stand for about 3 hours. During this time, you need to knead it 2-3 times. Next, a loaf is formed from the dough. In order to get a beautiful shape, it is recommended to make a rim out of foil. Place the loaf on a baking sheet and let it rest for half an hour. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 200°C for 15 minutes. After this, reduce the temperature to 170-180 °C and bake for 40 minutes. After the cake has cooled, soak it generously in melted butter and sprinkle powdered sugar on top. To store the finished cake, wrap it first in foil and then in a plastic bag. Place it in a ceramic bowl and put it in the refrigerator.

This simple recipe will allow you to experience the mystery of Christmas exactly as the Germans are used to doing it. And remember that these are not just holiday baked goods - they are a symbol that has passed through the centuries and reminds us of the true roots of Christmas.

Video about making Stollen cake with your own hands

", etc., we recommend taking note of this step-by-step recipe with a photo of Stollen - a traditional German cake. It is prepared 3-4 weeks before the holiday, and then calmly waits in the wings. During this time, spices and all additives reveal their aroma to the maximum, and Stollen acquires a complete, balanced taste. Of course, no one forbids you to eat the cupcake right away, but it’s better to be patient and evaluate the final result!

For Christmas Stollen, yeast dough is mixed with a huge content of almonds, as well as candied fruits, dried fruits and raisins soaked in rum. Freshly baked cupcakes are coated with butter and generously sprinkled with sweet powder.


For the test:

  • milk - 300 ml;
  • butter - 350 g;
  • dry instant yeast - 14 g (two small bags);
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • flour - 1000-1200 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 8 g.
  • a mixture of various candied or dried fruits (pineapples, dried cranberries, cherries, etc.) - 300 g;
  • dark raisins - 150 g;
  • light raisins - 150 g;
  • almonds - 200 g;
  • rum (any) - 100 ml;
  • ground ginger - 2 teaspoons;

For registration:

  • butter - 50 g;
  • powdered sugar - about 80 g.

Stollen step by step recipe with photos at home

  1. Let's start with the mandatory additives for Christmas Stollen. Thoroughly wash and dry all the raisins and the candied/dried fruit mixture. Place in a deep bowl, add rum and leave for at least 3 hours. It is advisable to select additives of different colors when preparing Stollen so that the cake looks brighter and more appetizing. In our example, we use a mixture of light and dark raisins, 100 g of candied pineapples, 100 g of dried cranberries and 100 g of dried cherries.
  2. Pour boiling water over all the almonds and leave for 5-10 minutes. Next, we clean the nuts - remove the soft, steamed skin. If the almonds are difficult to peel, add boiling water again.
  3. Grind the shelled nuts using a blender.

    How to make dough for Christmas Stollen

  4. Pour slightly warmed (not hot!) milk into a bowl. Pour in the yeast, add a tablespoon of sugar. Stir vigorously and leave for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Then add 200 g of sifted flour and mix thoroughly.
  6. Cover with a napkin and place the bowl near the radiator or in any warm place for 20-30 minutes (until the dough rises).
  7. Let's start kneading the dough (take a large container). Combine eggs, vanilla and simple sugar. Stir vigorously with a whisk.
  8. Add the risen dough to the resulting sugar-egg mixture. Gradually stir in 500 g of sifted flour. As a result, we get a thickened, viscous mass.
  9. Cover the dough with a napkin and place in a warm place. We wait for the mass to rise for 30-50 minutes.
  10. Add soft butter that has melted at room temperature (not melted) to the fluffy dough. Next, add 200 g of flour. Knead the dough into a soft and homogeneous dough - it may remain a little sticky, but do not add additional flour yet. Cover the container again with a napkin, and for the last time send the flour mass to “rest” in a warm place (30-50 minutes).

    How to make Christmas Stollen - step-by-step recipe with photos

  11. To the “grown” dough add spicy ginger, chopped almonds, raisins, and a mixture of candied fruits/dried fruits. We also pour the entire portion of rum in which the additives were soaked into the flour mixture. Knead thoroughly, add flour if necessary - the finished dough should not stick to your hands. There are a lot of additives in Christmas Stollen - they may crumble when kneading, but you must try to thoroughly mix all the candied fruits/dried fruits, raisins and nuts into the dough. For convenience, the flour mass can be divided in half and knead each part separately.
  12. Divide the dough into the desired number of parts. Christmas Stollen is baked in different sizes - you can form 3-4 large cupcakes or make many small ones. Roll out each piece into an oval. Stepping back a couple of centimeters from the middle, press the indentation using a spoon or kitchen spatula.
  13. We roll up Stollen.
  14. Place the pieces on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. In our example, there are 2 large cupcakes and 6 small ones (2 baking sheets in total). Cover with a napkin, leave for 15-20 minutes, and then place in a preheated oven. We bake Christmas Stollen at 160-170 degrees for about 40-60 minutes. Check readiness with a skewer by piercing the cake (the skewer should remain completely dry).
  15. Coat hot muffins with melted butter (50 g).
  16. Next, sprinkle very thickly with powder sifted through a fine sieve.
  17. After cooling, wrap each cupcake very tightly with parchment and store in a dry place at room temperature. You can try Stollen right away, but, as already mentioned in the recipe description, it is better to let the baked goods rest for 2-4 weeks before the holiday. Don’t worry - the cupcakes won’t spoil during this time, it’s been tested in practice!

Christmas Stollen is ready! Happy holidays and bon appetit!

Every housewife can surprise her loved ones and please them with a delicious delicacy during the New Year holidays. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the recipes for sweet adit in this article.

Real Christmas Dresden adit with marzipan: classic step-by-step recipe with photos

Not everyone is familiar with such a delicious sweet dish as adit. This product is traditionally baked in Germany and Austria, most often during the Christmas season. Shtolen can have different fillings, but the most popular is filling with candied fruits, various widow nuts, poppy seeds and marzipan.

The peculiarity of baking is that it is prepared from a “heavy” dough with a yeast base. In addition, be sure to follow the proportions of the filling when baking. After the adit is ready, it must be coat with melted fat butter and sprinkle thickly with powdered sugar.

INTERESTING: Shtolen is a very unusual pastry, if only because bake it in advance. It has a fairly long shelf life (up to three months). If you need a gallery for Christmas, it can be baked about a month in advance and stored in a cool place during this time. The longer the adit “ripens”, the tastier it becomes.

Dresden adit It is distinguished by its strict adherence to proportions and the filling of candied fruits along with marzipan. To prepare a adit, you must first prepare a dough for it.

You will need:

  • Yeast – 42 g (use only fresh)
  • Flour – 400 g (only wheat and only the highest grade, be sure to sift).
  • Milk – 4 tbsp. (2.5% fat content)
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp.


  • Pour the milk into a small bowl and heat in the microwave for a couple of minutes until warm.
  • The yeast should be covered with sugar and left to stand until it melts.
  • After a while, add the remaining ingredients: flour and milk.

IMPORTANT: Prepare the candied fruit filling. Pour boiling water over them and let them brew. When the candied fruits soften, drain the water and pour rum over the candied fruits.

For the adit you need to prepare candied fruits:

  • Orange and lemon (any) – 80 g.
  • Raisins – 260 g (you can add any: dark or light).
  • Citrus zest – 1.5 tsp.

In the adit it is also necessary:

  • Vanilla extract – 0.5 tsp. (essence or vanilla sugar – 1 sachet).
  • Cloves - a pinch (ground only!)
  • Almond crumbs - 60 g (can be replaced with almond flour - marzipan).
  • Rum – 50 ml. (dark)
  • Salt – 1 tsp. (large, preferably sea)
  • Lemon essence – 2 ml (0.5 tsp)
  • Cardamom – 0.5 tsp.
  • Butter – 200 g (at least 73% fat content)
  • Milk – 125 m (fat content 2.5%)
  • Pepper – 1/3 tsp.
  • Sugar – 100 g.


  • After steeping the dough, you should start kneading the dough.
  • Gradually add spices to the dough one by one, without ceasing to knead it.
  • After the spices, stir in the almond crumbs.
  • Melt the butter a little in the microwave
  • Knead the dough with butter and gradually pour milk into it.
  • It is best to knead the dough with a mixer
  • After kneading, cover the dish and leave to “rest” (no more than two hours).
  • Then stir in the candied fruits along with the alcohol.
  • The mass should be quite fatty
  • Form the loaves
  • Place the adit into the oven (temperature 190)
  • Bake for exactly 15 minutes. Then take it out, brush the bread with butter and put it back into the oven.
  • Keep the product in the oven for another half hour until it is completely ready.
  • At the end, you should grease the finished baked goods with oil.
  • The adit is generously sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Christmas treat

Festive cake shtolen curd with raisins with yeast: recipe, photo

You will need:

  • Flour – 650 g (sift, use premium flour)
  • Sugar – 200 g
  • Cottage cheese – 270 g (use soft curd mass)
  • Butter – 270 g (73%)
  • Candied fruits – 160 g
  • Nuts – 150 g (preferably almonds)
  • Rum – 175 ml (preferably dark)
  • Lemon – 1 pc. (small size)
  • Baking powder - 1 package (about 15 g).
  • Vanillin optional

IMPORTANT: To coat and sprinkle the adit, you will need butter - approximately 100 g, and a pack of powdered sugar (100 g).


  • Before kneading the dough, soak the raisins in rum.
  • First of all, you should give the oil time to soften.
  • Soft butter should be mixed with sugar in a mixer
  • Gradually beat in the eggs and keep kneading the mixture.
  • Add the curd mass or rub the curd through a sieve.
  • Gradually sift and add flour
  • Add the filling
  • The dough should be given a characteristic adit shape - a loaf (see photo).
  • The gallery is laid out on parchment
  • It should be baked for an hour. The temperature in the oven should not exceed 180.

Important: If after an hour it seems to you that the adit is not ready, hold it for another ten to fifteen minutes. Remove the adit and, without allowing it to cool, grease it with butter. Sprinkle a generous amount of powdered sugar on top of the liquid butter.

Shape of the adit

Chocolate stollen: recipe

For marzipan you will need:

  • Chopped almonds or flour – 100 g.
  • Powdered sugar – 50 g.
  • Granulated sugar – 150 g.
  • Water – 40 ml.


  • Sugar should be dissolved in water and put on fire
  • The mass is heated over low heat and after boiling, cook for 5 minutes.
  • The mixture should be thoroughly kneaded for five minutes so that it does not burn.
  • After this, add almond crumbs or flour and stir the mixture for another 4 minutes.
  • Place the finished mixture on a cold surface and knead the marzipan.

IMPORTANT: Well-kneaded marzipan should be placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

For the chocolate gallery you will need:

  • Flour (premium grade) – 0.5 kg (sifted)
  • Sugar – 100 g.
  • Cocoa – 25 g.
  • Cottage cheese – 250 g (mashed through a sieve, or soft curd mass)
  • Butter – 200 g (butter, 73% fat, one pack)
  • Vanillin for aroma – 1 package
  • Baking powder – 2 sachets (about 3 tsp)
  • Cognac – 3 tbsp.
  • Egg – 2 pcs. (preferably homemade)
  • Dried cherries

IMPORTANT: Before kneading the dough, soak the cherries in boiling water, drain the water and pour boiling water over it.


  • Mix soft butter with sugar.
  • Gradually beat in the eggs and knead the dough.
  • Add curd mass.
  • Add cocoa and continue stirring.
  • Add vanilla and baking powder to the dough.
  • Stir and gradually add flour.
  • At the last stage, add cherries and diced marzipan to the dough and form a characteristic loaf.
  • Place the stollen on parchment paper and place in the oven for 45 minutes. The oven temperature should not exceed 180 degrees.

IMPORTANT: The baked adit is greased with butter and sprinkled with powdered sugar while hot.

Shtolen with cocoa

Recipe for stollen without yeast on sourdough

You will need:

  • Sourdough – 300 g.
  • Flour – 850 g (sifted)
  • Milk – 350 g (fat)
  • Oil (at least 73%) - 200 g
  • Sugar – 75 g (the adit will be moderately sweet)
  • Egg – 4 pcs. (preferably homemade)

For the filling you will need:

  • Light raisins – 180 g (can be replaced with dark ones)
  • Dry cranberries - 100 g (if desired, you can replace them with other dried berries, for example, cherries).
  • Orange zest – 100 g (if you don’t want a strong aroma, reduce the amount to 50 g).
  • Almond crumbs or petals – 60 g.
  • Rum (for berries) – 4 tbsp.

Preparing the starter:

  • Wheat sourdough – 30 g (fresh)
  • Flour – 150 g.
  • Water (purified) – 150 g.

IMPORTANT: All ingredients should be mixed and left to ferment for some time (at least 10 hours).


  • Before cooking, soak dried fruits in boiling water, drain and add alcohol to absorb.
  • Sourdough and milk are poured into a large basin.
  • Gradually beat in the eggs and begin kneading the dough.
  • Add the butter melted in the microwave.
  • Gradually sift and stir in the flour.
  • Add the filling.
  • Let the dough rest in a warm place for half an hour before baking.
  • Form a characteristic loaf (or a couple) and place on a baking sheet in the oven.
  • The adit should be baked for half an hour in the oven, where the temperature is no more than 190 degrees.
  • The finished adit is poured with melted butter and generously sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Sourdough recipe

Stollen without rum and alcohol: recipe

You will need:

  • Flour – 0.5 kg.
  • Butter (butter, at least 73% fat) – 300 g (1.5 packs).
  • Milk – 250 ml. (1 glass)
  • Almond flour – 100 g.
  • Yeast – 50 g (necessarily fresh)
  • Sugar – 85 g.
  • Spices to taste. You can add cinnamon, cardamom, cloves or even pepper).
  • A pinch of salt


  • Raisins – 1 cup
  • Dates – 0.5 cups (pitted)
  • Candied fruit – 100 g.
  • Nuts – 100 g.
  • Lemon or orange zest from one fruit
  • Dried cherries – 100 g.
  • Cognac or rum – 100 ml. (for pickling berries)


  • The yeast is covered with sugar. You need to wait for them to melt.
  • Heat the milk, add yeast and remaining sugar.
  • Add soft butter and almond flour to the mixture
  • Gradually add flour to knead the dough
  • Add spices to taste
  • Add nuts, zest and soaked berries
  • Knead the dough with your hands, form the loaves and place them on a baking sheet.
  • Let the loaves sit in a warm place for about 40 minutes to rise.
  • Place the adit in the oven for 70 minutes
  • It is necessary to bake adit at a temperature of no more than 190 degrees.
  • The hot adit must be greased with oil and sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Recipe without alcohol

Stollen from Yulia Vysotskaya: recipe

You will need:

  • Flour – 700 g (sifted)
  • Yeast – 25 g (necessarily fresh)
  • Milk – 1 glass
  • Sugar – 1 cup (can be reduced to 200 g)
  • Butter (at least 73%) – 300 g.
  • Honey – 1 tsp.
  • Egg – 2 pcs. (preferably homemade)
  • Almonds (can be replaced with any other nuts) – 100 g.
  • Rum – 100 ml. (can be replaced with cognac)
  • Raisins (light) – 150 g.
  • Candied fruits – 150 g (any)
  • Orange zest - from one fruit
  • Ginger root – 15 g (fresh, grated)
  • Cardamom – 0.5 tsp.
  • Vanillin – 1 package (or fresh pod)
  • Salt – 1 pinch


  • Candied fruits and berries are soaked in slightly warmed alcohol for half an hour. Add a spoonful of honey, zest and grated ginger root to them.
  • Melt yeast with sugar
  • Add yeast and remaining sugar to warm milk. Add eggs and mix everything thoroughly. Add 250 g soft butter.
  • Add almonds to the mixture and begin to gradually add flour, kneading the dough.
  • Add the filling to the dough, continue adding flour and kneading the dough.
  • Form two loaves from the resulting dough. Leave them to rise at a warm temperature on a baking sheet.
  • After half an hour, place the bread in the oven. Bake them for about 50 minutes. The oven temperature should be no more than 180-190 degrees. When a beautiful golden crust appears on the adit, the baking is ready.
  • Grease the hot adit with butter and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya

How to store adit?

Shtolen is a baked product with a long shelf life. However, it only needs to be stored at sub-zero temperatures. If you leave the adit in the refrigerator, then its shelf life should not be longer than 1.5 months (taking into account that the temperature in your refrigerator is minus 18-20 degrees).

IMPORTANT: The adit can be stored for more than two months (up to three). To do this, wrap it in food foil and place it in the freezer.

Video: “Christmas adit”

Dresden Christmas Stollen is an incredibly delicious, luxurious holiday cake with dried fruits, nuts and spices. This cupcake is a great homemade gift option, a great addition to a cup of coffee or tea, and, of course, a wonderful holiday treat.

Quite unprepossessing in appearance (for which it received the nickname “Dresden Monster”), stollen is incredibly seductive in cut and completely unforgettable in taste. Loaded with nut and fruit filling, flavorful and juicy, this cake captivates with its texture and taste from the first bite. Try it!

Prepare the ingredients according to the list.

The day before baking, prepare the filling. Peel the almonds. To do this, pour boiling water over the nuts and leave for a few minutes. Then drain the hot water and pour cold water over the nuts. After such a “contrast shower”, peeling the nuts will be very easy.

Place the peeled nuts in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and, stirring, fry until golden brown.

Chop the roasted nuts with a knife or grind in a blender in pulsation mode. Don't try to get a very fine grind, let some of the pieces remain coarse. This will give the taste of stollen additional charm.

Combine all filling ingredients: raisins, prepared almonds and candied fruits. I add chopped, and also, for variety, some dried cranberries and candied pineapple. You can use a mixture of candied fruits or just candied citrus fruits from lemon and orange peels - in any case it will turn out very tasty. Mix everything thoroughly and place the mixture in an airtight container or jar.

Pour in rum or cognac, seal the container tightly and let the mixture sit for at least a day.

On the day of baking, first take the butter out of the refrigerator - it should warm to room temperature. Sift the wheat flour.

Separate about 150 grams of flour and add half the sugar, yeast and a small pinch of salt.

Pour in warm milk and mix everything thoroughly.

Cover the container with cling film and a towel and place the mixture in a warm corner of the kitchen for 40-50 minutes.

Then add warm butter, the remaining half of the sugar and another 200-300 grams of flour. Mix the ingredients and knead into a smooth soft dough. Knead the dough for 5-10 minutes.

Place the dough in an oiled container, cover with a towel or cling film and let rest for another 35-50 minutes.

Meanwhile, add the juice of half a lemon (you can add zest), as well as ground cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla sugar or essence to the prepared filling.

Add the filling to the risen dough. There is more filling than dough - this is the hallmark of a good stollen. At first it may seem that the dough simply cannot accommodate such an amount of filling, but this is not so. Add the filling in small portions, gradually mixing it into the soft dough, and everything will work out.

Also, adding in small portions, knead the remaining third of the flour into the dough and form a ball of smooth soft dough.

Place the dough in a greased pan, cover with a towel or cling film and place in a warm corner of the kitchen for another 3.5–4 hours. During this time, lower the dough two or three times, kneading it for about 1 minute.

Line the bottom of a baking dish with 2 layers of foil. Also, unwind a piece of foil twice as long as the pan and fold it 3-4 times horizontally, forming a strip about 8-10 cm wide. This strip of foil will become a kind of cake pan.

Knead the dough for about 1 more minute. Then divide into 2 parts and form each of them into a ball. Place the first part of the dough in the bowl again, and form the second part into a stollen.

Roll out the dough into an oval shape about 1 cm thick. Then fold the dough almost in half, but slightly offset. So that the top half of the dough covers the bottom by about 2/3. Place the cake in the prepared pan.

Following the contours of the cake, place a strip of foil. Tighten the ends so that the foil holds the desired shape.

Let the cake sit for another 15 minutes, meanwhile preheat the oven to 220 degrees.

Place the cake in the oven and bake for 10-15 minutes at 220 degrees. Then, when the cake is golden brown, reduce the temperature to 170 degrees and bake for another 30-35 minutes.

Check readiness by piercing the cake with a wooden skewer; if the skewer comes out clean, the stollen is ready.

Generously brush the surface of the hot cake with butter.

And then sprinkle with a thick layer of powdered sugar.

This cake can, of course, be served immediately, but it is also designed for long-term storage. Traditionally, stollen is baked 3-4 weeks before Christmas, as it becomes even tastier once it has steeped.

To store: Cool the cake completely, then wrap it in 2-3 layers of foil and cover with a kitchen towel. Place the cake in a wooden box or enamel pan and store in a cool, dry place. I store the cupcakes in the kitchen cabinet at about 20 degrees.

Dresden Christmas Stollen is ready! Bon appetit!