Large nut. The best types and varieties of walnuts (with photos)

These are the fruits of mainly trees or shrubs that grow with shells, including soft ones. The value of such products is that they consist of 50–60% fats, healthy, unsaturated fats. Such substances reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol and protect the heart and blood vessels. In addition, nuts contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are necessary for brain function (these are only found in fish and seeds).

For health, it is enough to eat 5 nuts daily.


Peanut (groundnut) is an annual low herbaceous plant of the legume family, growing in countries with a warm and humid climate. The peanut flower, on a long stalk, emerges from the axil at the base of the leaf petiole attached to the stem. The yellow groundnut flower blooms for only one day. After pollination, an ovary is formed, and the long pedicel begins to gradually descend to the ground. The ovary of the future fruit reaches the soil and buries itself in the ground. This is where the peanuts ripen.

Brazilian nut

This is one of the largest tree nuts. The fruits of the Bertholetia tree are round or oval shape with a hard woody shell. The fruit sizes reach 10-15 cm in diameter and 1-2 kg in weight. Inside the nut there are from 8 to 24 kernels with a thin leathery skin and tasty pulp inside. After pollination, the kernels mature within 14 months. They are the ones that are used.

water chestnut

Rogulnik, Chilim floating(lat. Trapa natans)
annual plant growing in water. The flexible stem is attached to the bottom by last year's nuts, like an anchor. When the water level rises, the stem breaks away from the ground and becomes free-floating until it takes root again in shallow water. The water chestnut has been known since ancient times - its shells are even found in excavations from the interglacial period. Previously, chilim was also extremely popular in Russia - it was sold in the markets by the whole cartload.


Tree of the nut family, height from 4 to 25 m or more, trunk diameter reaches 1.5 m. The crown is dense, wide-rounded. Leaves are large, up to 20 - 40 cm long, imparipinnate, falling off in winter, fragrant (from essential oil). The fruits - walnuts - have a thick leathery-fibrous skin and a strong stone; When ripeness approaches, the fruit peel dries, bursts into two parts and separates by itself, the seed does not open by itself.


There are about 30 species of these trees or shrubs. It has long been bred for its fruits, sometimes reaching a great age, up to 1000 years. The wood is very durable and is used for cooperage and carpentry. Mealy and sweetish chestnut fruits are a trade item in southern countries. Now you can buy different varieties chestnuts, but the most popular Christmas variety is sweet chestnuts. They are grown in many parts of the world, but be careful not to try the ornamental varieties growing on the streets.

Pine nuts

The generalized name for the seeds of several species of plants from the genus Pine, the so-called cedar pines, which produce edible seeds. In Russia, the seeds of the Siberian pine (Pinus sibirica) are most often called pine nuts. Pine nuts are small, pale yellow kernels with bright taste, they are almost always sold shelled. Spicy taste Pine nuts become brighter when toasted when they begin to release their oil.


An evergreen heat-loving tree of the Sumakhov family. The homeland of cashews is Brazil and other countries. South America. But thanks to the excellent taste of its fruit, cashew has become widespread and is currently grown in almost all countries of the world with a warm climate. The largest exporters of cashews are Brazil, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Vietnam, Thailand, as well as countries in Central and South America.
The cashew fruit consists of two parts: the fruit itself, the so-called cashew apple, and the hard-shelled nut attached to the top of the fruit.


A large, round fruit of the coconut palm with a hard, fuzzy shell, thin brown rind, and white flesh, eaten fresh or dried, flaked or grated. A good coconut should definitely have milk splashing around, you can hear it clearly. Coconut is a plant of the Palm family (Arecaceae) and the only species of the genus Cocos. Don't forget that coconut is a good laxative.


Kola nut growing on evergreen beautiful tree, which is classified as a stekulium plant. It can reach a height of 20 meters, and in appearance it somewhat resembles a chestnut. This tree begins to bear fruit only in the tenth year and produces about 40 kilograms of nuts per year. The fruit is quite large and can reach a length of about 5 cm. Each of them contains almost ten rose-smelling seeds, which are kola nuts. Initially, these seeds may seem bitter, although you quickly get used to their taste. It is worth noting that the fruit contains three times more caffeine than coffee beans.


high-calorie Australian walnut. This type of nut is considered the most expensive in the world because it is difficult to grow, it is susceptible to pest attacks, and the tree itself begins to bear fruit only in 8-10 years. Macadamia ripens under the hot sun for 6-7 months. A ripe nut has a spherical shape and a diameter of 1.5-2 cm. The kernel is covered with a hard-to-remove leathery green-brown shell. In factory conditions, an automatic line with two rollers is used to remove the shell. The distance between the shafts is specially made smaller than the average size nut, as a result the shell bursts and crumbles, but the kernels remain intact and move for further processing.


Shrub or small tree from the subgenus Almond (Amygdalus) of the genus Plum. Almonds are often classified as nuts, although they are actually stone fruits. Almonds are similar in size and shape to peach pits.
Almonds grow on rocky and gravelly slopes at an altitude of 800 to 1600 m above sea level (Bukhara almond reaches 2500 m), preferring soils rich in calcium. It grows in small groups of 3-4 individuals, spaced 5-7 meters from each other.


This is the core of the bony part of the fruit nutmeg, which grows for almost 100 years, but actively bears fruit only for the first 40 years. In one fruitful year, the plant can produce more than 10 thousand fruits, which have the color and size of a large apricot. When fully ripe, the fruits burst in half. The nut itself is nothing more than a seed inside a seed and to separate it, the seeds are first dried in the sun and then peeled from the tree-like shell.


Tree of the genus Caria, nut family. The height of this tree can reach 50 m or more, and the diameter up to 2.5 m. The pecan’s homeland is considered to be North America, where it has long been cultivated for its fruits (“nuts” with tasty, nutritious seeds). In the USSR, pecans were cultivated in small areas, mainly in the Caucasus. In the central southern part of the United States, pecans have been a staple product of the Native Americans since ancient times. The American Indians knew that they could harvest this valuable nut, rich in what we today call "nutritive values", and store it long time in a shell that seals valuable properties, prevents spoilage and blocks access to oxygen and pests that destroy the nut.

Nut classification

Nuts are a separate group food products. In science, nuts are the fruits of plants of the nut family, and in cooking they are edible parts of plants, mainly fruits, seeds, and cuttings.

What types of nuts are there?

Fruits from the order Beeceae

1. Hazelnuts belonging to the Birch family. The fruits are true nuts!

1) Hazelnut (hazel) - delicious treat. Walnut has a high nutritional value, therefore it easily replaces meat during fasting periods and in the diet of vegetarians.

2) Hazelnut (Lombard).

3) Turkish nut (bear).

To find out whether it can be eaten or not, shake the fruit:

  • if the nut rattles, then it is spoiled;
  • If the nut is held tightly in the shell, then it is ready for consumption!

2. Typical nuts, which are divided into edible (Walnut family) and inedible (Beech family).


1) Walnut- one of the most common types of nuts both in consumption and in cultivation.

Places of growth:

  • Caucasus;
  • Crimea;
  • Middle Asia;
  • Moldova.

Beneficial features:

  • relieves gum inflammation;
  • fights skin diseases;
  • heals wounds;
  • increases mental abilities.

2) Pecan- a type of nut that tastes like a walnut. Homeland of growth - USA.

Beneficial features:

  • Increased hemoglobin levels;
  • increased attention;
  • increase in performance.

4) Manchurian;

5) Bitter nut.

Inedible - not considered nuts in cooking

1) Chestnut;

2) Beech nut;

3) Acorn.

Nuts from other orders

These nuts are not true nuts, or incorrectly called nuts.


1) Almonds(family Rosaceae) - the seed of the almond tree.

It is native to Western Asia and North Africa. There are two types of plants:

  • bitter almonds, from which a spicy aromatic oil is obtained;
  • sweet almonds.

What are almonds used for?

  • As a seasoning in various dishes.
  • Almond shells are used as a coloring for wines and in the production of cognacs.
  • Almond oil used as a skin care product.
  • To add to perfume.
  • To treat diseases:
  1. insomnia;
  2. cough;
  3. headache;
  4. seizures;
  5. anemia.
The Sumacaceae family is divided into the following species:

1) Cashew- a cutting of the fruit of the cashew tree, and not a nut at all!

Cashews are never sold raw because they require long and difficult processing - roasting over fire, since the nut shell contains resin that causes skin irritation.

Cashews can be stored for a long time:

  • up to 7 months in container;
  • 1 year in freezer.

2) Pistachio- a close relative of cashew.

How can you tell if a pistachio is ripe? ABOUT The edge should be slightly open at one end. HI eat the greener the nut, the riper it is.

Family Legumes

1) Peanuts (groundnuts)- a fruit of the legume family.

It is a nut with a thin pinkish skin, located in pods with thick walls.

The homeland of this species is Latin America.

Peanuts are very nutritious and healthy nut, because it contains unsaturated fatty acids, a lot of protein, carbohydrates and sugar.

2) Fenugreek.

Family Lecithisaceae

1) Brazilian nut - famous for its highest content of selenium, which, when consumed daily, has a powerful immunomodulatory effect.

2) Paradise nut.

Family Proteaceae

1) Macadamia.

2) Chilean hazelnut.

3) Philippine canarium(Burzeraceae family).

4) Tropical almonds(Combretaceae family).

5) Malabar chestnut(Malvaceae family).

6) Mongongo(family Euphorbiaceae).

Palm family

1) Coconut- tropical fruit, differs from other types of nuts by its large size and the presence of liquid. Used:

  • to restore strength;
  • for the treatment of inflammation.

2) Seychelles walnut(royal).

Pine nuts

Pine nut(Pine family) - the seed of a cedar pine cone. It was named nut because it has a nutty taste and oiliness.

Everyone knows that pine nuts are a medicine that can cure diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Many of us buy Pine nuts in purified form. But to extend their storage time, experts advise following the following rules:

  1. buy pine nuts unshelled and from trusted sellers;
  2. Store in tight, sealable containers:
    1) in the refrigerator - about 2 months;
    2) in the freezer - up to 4 months.

Real nuts and imaginary “nuts” diversify the human diet and are great source mineral microelements that are beneficial for health and the treatment of many diseases.

Walnut is one of the oldest food products. Mentions of him are found in epics, legends and myths of all cultures of the world. The product also occupies a special place in Slavic folklore. Our ancestors also noted its special nutritional properties. This product is stored for quite a long time, and for many centuries it has been used as a preparation for the winter. There are many types of nuts that differ from each other in size, shape, taste qualities and growing environment.

Product Definition

Nuts are the fruits of shrubs or trees. They are a box that consists of an edible core and a shell - the shell.

According to botanical definition, a nut is an unopened fruit with a pericarp, inside which is a seed or kernel.

There is a whole family of plants - nuts. However, the crops only look like nuts, but are not biologically nuts.

There is also a whole family of nuts that look like nuts, but, from a botanical point of view, they are not. Popular nuts(types and names):

  • Nuts - walnuts, Manchurian, black, bitter nuts, hazelnuts;
  • Birch - hazelnuts, hazel, Turkish walnut;
  • Beech trees - plane tree, chestnut, acorn.

There are many other varieties, among them earthen and. It is noteworthy that it is the fruit and seed of plants.

Classification and features

There are hundreds of varieties of nuts, but there are several dozen that are edible and used for food. It is worth highlighting the most popular types, which humanity cultivates industrially. These nuts can be found on store shelves:

You should eat nuts because they: a) are delicious and b) boast an incredible concentration of vitamins and minerals. In this article we talk about nuts that you most likely have never heard of.


Let's start with one of the most expensive nuts with a melodious name - macadamia. In Australia, at home, a kilogram will cost $30, but when they come to Europe they are already more expensive – $60. In addition to taste and nutritional value, the price of the nut is determined by the difficulty of growing (constant hurricane winds from the ocean), the difficulty of extracting the nut from a strong shell, as well as the small number of plantations.

The tree begins to bear fruit at the age of 10, but it also gives fresh nuts up to 100 years. The taste is moderately sweet, some compare macadamia with cashews, others with hazelnuts.

Mullimbimby (one of the local names) has long been used in the Aboriginal diet and was valued as a particularly nutritious product. 100 g contains 718 calories! And also 76 g of fat, 368 mg of potassium, 14 g of carbohydrates, 8 g of protein. Essential oil, vitamins B and PP - all this makes macadamia one of the most valuable nuts for humans.

Despite their calorie content, nuts promote weight loss because they remove cholesterol from the body. Substances contained in macadamia help normalize work of cardio-vascular system And internal organs. This nut can be eaten roasted or as an additive to any dish.

But be careful - macadamia nuts are poisonous to dogs!


Yes, yes, the familiar chestnut that children love to play with. Well, to be honest, not exactly the same: most often we see horse chestnut, but it is not edible. But the second type - noble chestnut - is readily consumed in the diet. In France it is a national delicacy.

154 calories, 14 mg of sodium, 329 mg of potassium, 2.25 g of protein and 0.53 g of fat - this is the composition of the chestnut. And of course vitamins B6, C, thiamine, minerals iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and others.

Chestnut contains a lot of tannins, which limits raw consumption nuts Chestnuts are best eaten baked: they crack slightly and create a wonderful aroma. In addition to direct consumption, chestnuts can be crushed as a spice. The nut has a sweet and slightly starchy taste.

Kola nut

In West Africa, cola trees are actively cultivated, reaching a height of 20 meters. Nuts grow in “boxes”, each of which contains 5-6 nuts. Opening a nut is not so easy - they either have to break when dropped, or they are soaked to soften them. The price of cola is quite high, and local tribes used the nuts as money in the past (and even today).

The composition contains starch, cellulose, protein, tannins, essential oils and caffeine. The nut has powerful tonic properties. The properties of cola are somewhat reminiscent of alcohol - this makes the nut popular in Muslim countries where alcohol is prohibited.

After cleaning and drying, the nuts can be eaten. In Africa, nuts are eaten as an aperitif before the main meal.

By the way, kola nut extract is used in the Coca-Cola drink.

Kukui nut

A tree native to Panama gives us the little-known “candle tree nuts.” 620 calories per 100 grams make kukui one of the most... nutritious foods on the planet.

Nuts are rich in protein, carbohydrates, fats, as well as calcium and iron. Kukui strengthens teeth and prevents anemia and bone destruction.

Eating raw kukui nuts is unacceptable - they are toxic. But after careful heat treatment they resemble macadamia. They are used as spices and as a complete product.


Unusual nuts that taste like cookies with a vanilla-chocolate flavor. IN North America Pecans are an integral part of the Indian diet. They even make “milk” from the nuts: the finely ground mass is mixed with water until a milky white liquid forms.

The tree bears fruit for 300 years.

It is best to eat pecans immediately after shelling, as the nuts spoil very quickly after shelling.

Pecans are high in calories and boast 70% fat content. In addition, it contains a lot of iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and zinc.

Helps with vitamin deficiency, fatigue and lack of appetite.

water chestnut

A plant with a scary name has a very peculiar appearance. It develops for a year, after which the dead “drupe” sinks to the bottom and becomes an “anchor” for the shoot, which will form the next year. The plant is attached to the bottom and emerges to the surface of the reservoir in a strange shape with 4 horned appendages. Often it comes off the bottom and floats freely.

Inside the “drupe” there is a white mass. It is incredibly rich in carbohydrates, phenolic compounds, flavonoids, and triterpenoids. Tannins, nitrogenous compounds and vitamins are also present.

You can eat it raw, boiled in water with salt, or baked in ash.

Pine nuts

The incredibly picturesque Mediterranean pine tree reaches a height of 30 meters and lives up to 500 years. The abundantly growing cones are filled with dark seeds (nuts). Small seeds, up to 2 cm, are covered with a thick shell and a coloring pigment. Therefore, the hands of harvesters are usually colored dark brown.

Shelled nuts are not stored for more than two weeks. Fats oxidize and nuts become bitter.

630 calories, 11 g of protein, 61 g of fat, 9 g of carbohydrates, ash, water - and all this per 100 grams of nuts. The benefits of nuts were first described by the medieval Persian scientist Avicenna.

Pine is widely used in spice mixtures for French and Italian cuisine. Nuts are especially piquant in confectionery products.


A light-loving plant from South Africa begins to bear fruit only at the age of 25, and lives on average 70 years. Growing in the desert, the tree has adapted to preserve nutritional properties their fruits: the nuts fall to the ground green and can be stored for up to eight months without loss of nutritional value.

Mongongo is steamed after harvesting. As a result, the pulp peels off from the peel and becomes available for consumption. Delicate taste reminiscent of toffee and cashew nuts. Widely used in cooking for decoration.

Black Walnut

American relative walnut. A very beautiful fruit that even grows in the south of Russia. The plant serves as a real treasure useful substances: the leaves contain a huge amount of minerals, the nut shell concentrates vitamin C, A and quinones, sugar, and the kernel consists of 75% polysaturated acids. In addition, the nut contains many rare elements such as cobalt, selenium, phosphorus and manganese.

Black walnut is used to make tinctures and jam. The fruits are added to salads and other recipes. It can be consumed both raw and cooked.

Canarium philippines

And we’ll finish with the exotic – canarium nuts, which are also called pili. They are native to the Philippines and the Pacific Islands. Oblong, similar to an elongated plum, the nuts have dense pulp and have a special astringent taste.

If you try them raw, you will remember the taste pumpkin seeds. IN fried the aroma and taste transforms into something like almonds. Nuts are added everywhere: in confectionery and chocolate, pastries and hot dishes. Raw nuts are used to make healthy oil.

The nut is very high in calories - 719 per 100 grams! Fat 79.6 grams, protein almost 11 grams. It contains many vitamins, including A, B, C, PP. There is also manganese, potassium, iron, sodium.

In the end, I would like to add that not many nuts grow in Russia. And of those listed in the article, practically none of the species are found. However, this does not mean that you cannot find the nut you are interested in in the store. Enjoy the shopping!

Dmitry Shevko

Variety nameOrigin varietiesNut weight, gTree yield, kgCore output, %Fat, %Nut shapeShell
Auroragrew up13 24 56,2 68,7 circlethin
AlminskyUkrainian8,9 37 57 68,2 ovalthick
ArcadeUkrainian10 46 52 69 ovaldurable
BosporusUkrainian11 48 52 70 circlethin, durable
Brichanskymold.16 50 oval
Bukovina bombUkrainian17,8 37 47,9 68,4 circledurable
Bukovinsky-1Ukrainian12,1 46 52,4 71,6 circlethin
Bukovinsky-2Ukrainian14,6 50 48,7 69,3 ovalaverage
BulganakUkrainian12,5 36 58 70 ovalthin
BurliukUkrainian11,5 41 52 65 ovalthin, durable
Vasionmold.18 55 70 ovalthin
Giantgrew up25 circleaverage
Virovskygrew up10 32 60 63,5 ovalthin
Dessertgrew up12,6 30 47,5 69,3 thin
Dawn of the Eastgrew up9 32 55,4 69,3 ovalthin
Elegantgrew up12,5 54,1 67,6 thin
Cossackmold.11 35 60 ovalaverage
Kalasharskymold.17 33 50 68 circleaverage
Dwarf 3Ukrainian12 5 43 ovalaverage
Dwarf 5Ukrainian10,5 6 43 oval
Kishinevskymold.10 25 50 66 ovalthin
KlishkowskiUkrainian12,1 49,4 69,2 ovalaverage
Ark-1Ukrainian17,5 52,4 71,7 circlethin
Ark-2Ukrainian27 39 71,7 ovalthin
Ark-3Ukrainian18,5 47,5 71,7 ovalthin
Kogylnichanumold.11,6 34 51,5 ovalthin
Codrenemold.14 28 50 69,5 ovalaverage
KolesnikovskyUkrainian9,1 24 64,6 68,9 ovalthin
CompetitiveUkrainian10 32 60 64 ovalthin, durable
Korzhuetskymold.11 33 49 67,5 ovalthin
Kostyuzhenskymold.14,5 33 50 70 circle
Krasnodargrew up12,7 49,1 70,1 thin
Crimean largeUkrainian12 29 63,5 65,1 thin, durable
Lara Pierralfr.12 47,5 circlethin
Lungietsemold.11,3 36 50 70 ovalaverage
Petrosyan's favoritegrew up11,8 60,6 71,4 ovalthin
In memory of PasenkovUkrainian9,8 32 58 66,3 ovaldurable
Pelangrew up10 56,3 68,2 ovalthin
Peschanskymold.11 60 ovalthin
Valentine's giftUkrainian27,3 60,5 65,1 ovalaverage
TransnistrianUkrainian11,8 53,3 70,8 circlethin
PrykarpatskyUkrainian12,4 50,7 70 ovalthin, durable
PurpleUkrainian15 27 56 oval
Five-year plangrew up9,1 56,9 67,6 thin
Speechmold.11 55 ovalthin
Ronde de Montignacfr.10 50 circle
RudkovskyUkrainian13,6 50 ovalaverage
Breedergrew up11,6 55 71,2 thin
Skinoskymold.12,5 33 50 69,7 ovalaverage
State Farmgrew up10 54 65 thin
Taisiyamold.18 55 70 ovalthin
Timofeymold.18 55 70 ovalthin
TitaniumUkrainian23,2 48 56 64,3 ovalaverage
ToporovskyUkrainian11,2 52 71,7 ovaldurable
Harvest 8,7 36 51,8 69,7 thin
Falestimold.11,5 50 circlethin
Ferzhanfr.11 40 48 circlethin
Fernetfr.12,3 52 oval
Fernorfr.12,3 50 ovalaverage
Franketfr.11,5 46 oval
ChandlerAmer.13,4 50,5 70 ovalthin
Chernovetsky-1Ukrainian11,7 52,3 69,6 circlethin
Chernovetsky-2Ukrainian12 45 50,1 69,68 thin
YablunovskyUkrainian11,8 52,2 71,7 circlethin
YarovskayaUkrainian11,4 51,5 69,5 ovalthin

The data on walnut varieties given in the table are the average indicators of the walnut mother tree, declared by the creators of the varieties or large nurseries of seedlings, and may differ depending on the area of ​​cultivation, soil fertility and abundance of watering. The yield indicator is indicated in the table for a tree at 20 years of age. The descriptions of nut shapes given in the table are not ideal, but are only close to one of the above shapes: circle - round, oval - oval. If there is information about the inconsistency of the characteristics, descriptions and photos indicated in this data table, please report this via the feedback form.

Abbreviations in characteristics:

fr. - French variety; Amer. - American variety; Ukrainian - Ukrainian variety; grew up - Russian variety; mold. - Moldavian variety; origin - origin.

The principle of choosing the right variety

The correct choice of the best walnut variety is a very important step in organizing a walnut garden or simply planting a tree at home. There are hundreds of varieties of walnuts, but how to choose the best one?

Here are the main characteristics that you should pay attention to when choosing a variety:

  • First of all, pay attention to the fruits of the rounded model,
  • with a kernel yield of up to 50 percent of the fruit weight,
  • light core color, no stains or corrosion,
  • thin shell,

It is also worth highlighting the following characteristics:

  • frost resistance,
  • drought resistance,
  • abundant yield,
  • not high demands on soil,
  • etc.

How to choose the best walnut variety? Description of some important characteristics of walnut.

Regionalization of the variety and its frost resistance.

Cold winters with low temperatures and strong winds can destroy not only annual growths, but also an entire adult tree. Therefore, in areas with very cold winters, it is necessary to select varieties with high frost resistance.

Lateral nature of fruiting.

This figure shows the morphotypes of walnut fruiting:

Decryption of signatures:

I - terminal (apical) type of fruiting and branch construction

II - mesotonic (intermediate between terminal and lateral) type of fruiting

III – arctonic (intermediate between terminal and lateral) type of fruiting

IV - lateral type of fruiting

1 - main walnut trunk (yellow)

2nd branch next year vegetation (dark blue)

3 - branch of the next growing season (third in relation to 1) (light blue)

4- pong, which was formed 3 growing seasons ago

5 — pagon of the growing season before last

6- pagon of the previous growing season

7th stage of the current season

8- fruits of the last growing season (white circle)

9 - fruits of the current growing season (green circle)

Particularly valuable are walnut varieties with a lateral type of fruiting, since they have female inflorescences, and in the future fruits appear not only on the tops of mature pagons (decoding No. 4 in the figure), but also on young branches (No. 5-7). With normal access to sunlight, each such branch is capable of bearing fruit for several years. Such biological feature influences the higher yield of trees with a lateral type of fruiting compared to the terminal one. In addition, such varieties enter commercial fruiting earlier and by the fourth year you can expect decent yields from them.

Disease resistance.

It is worth choosing disease-resistant walnut varieties, although in the future you will still need to carry out preventive spraying with fungicides. The main diseases of nuts are marsoniosis and bacteriosis.

The value of certain characteristics of nuts and kernels is determined by the strategy of sales and further processing. So, recently the nut is increasingly used to make jam and alcohol tincture. Production is quite developed in Europe nut butter. For the market unshelled nut Large nuts are popular, but for sale shelled they use “confectionery nuts” (weighing from 9-11g).