Beautiful decoration for a festive table for an anniversary. Exclusive birthday table decoration

Preparing for a birthday is very enjoyable. Such a holiday happens only once a year. Of course, people invite their loved ones and relatives on this day to celebrate this event. Naturally, a festive table is set for such dear guests and the best dishes and drinks are placed on it. But if you want to truly surprise your guests, then you should beautifully decorate the festive table. But we will tell you how to do it correctly in this publication.

How to beautifully decorate a festive table for a birthday

Choosing a tablecloth.

In this article we will try to figure out how to decorate a table for an anniversary with your own hands. Here we will offer you a description and photo of the festive tables. We hope you will be able to choose the right and at the same time elegant option for decorating the festive table.

Of course, decorating a festive table should start with choosing the right and elegant tablecloth. Here you can be guided by several options. It could be:

Tablecloth in one color. This canvas may not have a pattern, or may have a slightly visible pattern. As a rule, such tablecloths are used as a background. Such a tablecloth cannot be an accent.

A tablecloth in a bright color should be used if the birthday party will be held in a specific theme. The brightness of such a tablecloth can be complemented by: beautiful plates, festive glasses and, of course, festive dishes.

To decorate a festive table, a tablecloth that has a fringe or edging may be suitable. As a rule, it is advisable to use such a tablecloth on especially festive occasions.

How to design a background.

A difficult topic is background design. As a rule, the design depends on the preferences of the birthday person and his character. The background design is also influenced by the style and theme of the holiday. You can set a festive table for your anniversary anywhere. For this occasion, you can choose: a beautiful place in the garden among flowering flower beds or a terrace in a country house. To make the atmosphere truly festive, you need to use the following tips.

When organizing a birthday, do not forget about the little things. At such a holiday, candles, flowers and even small souvenirs will help create coziness.

The room where the birthday party will be held must be fresh and clean. It should also have a pleasant smell.

Think about the accommodations for your guests. The festive table should be located in general accessibility for guests. They must approach him without hindrance.

What to do with dishes and napkins. How to use them in design.

The most important attribute of every holiday table is dishes. However, you should not place a lot of dishes on the holiday table. But it shouldn’t be small either. Choosing cookware is also a difficult matter. In particular, when decorating a festive table, they often use dishes that have the color of the basic design. Dishes of a different color can also be used. White dishes are also suitable.

We use napkins in decoration.

If you don’t know how to decorate a table for your anniversary, look at the photo in our publication. At the end of this article you can find interesting photos with great ideas for decorating your table for the holiday. If you are decorating the table for a festive occasion, then do not forget about napkins. If you fold them beautifully and arrange them all over the table, then they will be able to please and even surprise all your guests with their appearance. Now we will present for you several schemes for creating original compositions from napkins.

Flowers to decorate the festive table.

If you have a great desire, you can decorate the festive table with fresh flowers. In particular, flowers can be placed in a beautiful vase. This vase should be placed in the middle of the table. You can also use miniature baskets with flowers. They are located along the entire length of the table. If few guests come to your celebration, then use small flowers. They are placed next to the plates or placed in the plates themselves.

Table setting.

Not much higher, we talked about the basic rules for decorating a festive table. Now it’s worth offering you photo ideas for festive table settings.

It is worth saying that absolutely every table setting that follows the same concept looks great. But if you choose some unusual composition, you can achieve an extraordinary effect. Now we will offer you some interesting design ideas.

Style a la Russian. This style has become popular only recently. Naturally, he did not have time to get tired of people. On the table it is worth installing: a samovar, nesting dolls and cockerels on sticks. Your guests will remember this table for a long time.

Rustic style. This style is mainly popular in wedding decor. However, it is also often used to decorate home celebrations.

The black-white-pink-gold color scheme, which has a print, zigzags or stripes, is also a hit of this season. It can be safely used to decorate the holiday table.

Floral motifs are also a popular theme today. Therefore, boldly use floral motifs when setting the table.

How to decorate a table in a specific theme.

If your birthday is tied to any theme, then your holiday will be doomed to success and interesting photos.

Today there are a huge number of themes for adult and children's parties. However, remember that each theme requires you to have certain accessories. Don’t think that decorating a birthday party in any theme is an expensive pleasure. In fact, you can get by with cheap items and accessories in this case.

Take a look at some examples of table settings. We think you will like them.


Today we tried to tell you about how to beautifully decorate a table for an anniversary. In addition to our original ideas, you can use your imagination in this case. We hope that you will be able to organize a festive celebration that will bring pleasant memories to all your guests.

A beautifully decorated table is the housewife’s calling card. The first thing to consider when decorating a holiday table is, of course, the theme and purpose of the holiday. The festive table for a children's party will be slightly different than at an adult party; the decoration of the New Year's table will be different from the decoration Easter table etc.

How to decorate and arrange a table for a holiday?

Decor and setting of the festive table

To make your holiday the best and most interesting, just delicious and varied dishes are not enough. You will also need to properly decorate the room, table, dishes, dishes, then dress up yourself... And the most important thing is to convey the feeling of celebration to your guests. And therefore, when they come to visit you, they should see the best, most beautiful and uniquely decorated table. Is it really possible to decorate a table without a snow-white tablecloth, intricately folded napkins, name cards, menus, candles, etc.

❧ Every housewife, when decorating a holiday party, tries to make it as good as possible. The main thing is not to overdo it: a huge number of different trinkets on the table will only irritate.

Before setting the table, decide in what style you want to do it. The choice of style depends only on the availability of dishes and tablecloths of this style. But the leading role still belongs to the dishes, since it is easier to match the tablecloth to the dishes than vice versa. For example, if you are the happy owner of a crystal set, then you should set the table with a “ceremonial” white starched tablecloth, starched napkins and beautiful, sophisticated bouquets in crystal vases. And if you have porcelain dishes, then you can imagine endlessly with it, since you can choose tablecloths of any shape and color, as well as a wide variety of accessories.

Table setting. Rules

Festive tablecloths and napkins

Interesting napkins, colored or snow-white, folded into original shapes will give the table a special solemnity. Therefore, when choosing accessories for a festive table, you must determine what color they will be: the same color as the tablecloth, or to shade and complement it. The main thing is not to forget that the tablecloth and dishes should go well with each other. If you have not yet purchased a suitable tablecloth for a table or tea set, then don’t rush - it can be made from ordinary plain fabric. This tablecloth will match any tableware, even plain colored ones. A bright “floral” service looks especially good on a plain tablecloth if the color of the tablecloth resonates with its design. If you wish, you can decorate a plain tablecloth with a silk ribbon. This will add originality to your table, especially if the color of the ribbon matches the color scheme of the service. But for a coffee service made with special elegance, a tablecloth and napkins decorated with simple lace are suitable. You can also give new life to an old tablecloth by adding beautiful tulle or sheer lurex fabric on top.

Paper napkins decorated in a special way can add some spice to your table. There are several interesting ways to fold paper napkins. Nowadays there are a wide variety of napkins on sale in various colors and with any pattern, so you can easily choose napkins for the theme of the celebration. There are special holders for paper napkins, which are usually included with large sets. If you find only white (or plain colored) napkins, then you can design them as follows: for example, roll them into shapes: rolls, triangles, “fans”, etc. For napkins decorated in this way, if there are no special holders , use a glass or crystal goblet.

Options for using napkins in table setting

More complex options for folding napkins (step-by-step schemes for folding napkins)

Simple, but no less original options for using napkins.

In this case, napkin rings are used, as well as flowers (real, artificial), ribbons, ribbons, snowflakes and other accessories.

Candles and candlesticks for a festive table setting

Burning candles on your table will add a special, romantic touch to the holiday atmosphere and will decorate any event. By the way, do not replace full-fledged lighting with candles: the festive table should be well and brightly lit. If the lighting is poor, your guests may get bored, and in this case the holiday will be ruined.

The color of the candles must match the rest of the table accessories (in the same color scheme as napkins, plates or wine glasses). White candles will add special solemnity to your holiday, and red candles in candlesticks decorated with fir branches will decorate the New Year or Christmas table. At the same time, you can arrange the candles in different ways: put them in a flower arrangement, or install them in candlesticks between bouquets, arrange candles in small groups, and also screw them with wire to flower holders so that the candles rise above the bouquets.

And you can arrange candles in various candlesticks, which can be made of a wide variety of materials: metal, glass, porcelain, ceramics, wood, etc.

❧ At the same time, remember: the candlestick must be combined with the dishes: do not place a ceramic candlestick served with crystal on a standing position.

If you don't like the way candlesticks look on your table, place the candles in low glasses where you can even pour water - this will look especially impressive. If you want to enhance this effect, then “serve” to the table a deep tray filled with water, on which a whole “sea” of candles can fit.

Candlesticks are available in a wide variety of sizes and shapes. They also come in different heights. According to etiquette, it is customary to place long candles in low candlesticks, and short candles in high ones.

And in order for the candles to stand evenly in the candlestick, they must be burned at the ends or placed in hot water, and then, when the ends of the candles become soft, they must be placed in the socket of the candlestick or pricked onto its metal needle.

You can also make a beautiful composition from candles. For example, by securing two, three or four candles of different sizes in a clay bowl, water is poured into the container, and the space around the candles is decorated with various fresh or dried flowers - and in front of you is an original “floating” floral arrangement, which is enlivened by the fire of the candles reflected in the water.

If you want to decorate the table in a special way, then place small candles in low candlesticks near each guest’s place setting, as well as boutonnieres and name cards that will fit well into the overall composition.

Typically, candles are lit before guests arrive and left to burn throughout the evening. However, you should not turn off the general lights (this can only be done at the end of the evening in order to pacify the guests after a fun celebration).

And finally to the owl t: in order for candles to burn longer, they should be placed in the refrigerator for several hours before the holiday.

Options for using candles in holiday table decor

Decorating with imagination

Additional table decoration elements will help create a special holiday atmosphere; they will also provide a topic for conversation and make the feast original. All sorts of things and objects can be used as such elements. For example, you can beautifully arrange large lettuce leaves on the table and scatter spices on them - this method of decoration will refresh the table and eliminate the need to put out salt and pepper shakers. The coffee table can be decorated with scattered coffee beans and chocolates laid out on carved paper saucers.

Silk ribbons look interesting, touching and cute on the table. They are selected depending on the color of the dishes or flower arrangement. Taking into account the space on the table, the ends of the ribbons can be made freely flowing or fastened with wire. Ribbons can be run from bouquets to devices, creating intricate lines and rings, but they should not touch the water in vases with flowers.

At parties, the festive table can be decorated with various silver figurines: as a rule, these are figurines in the form of birds, flowers, etc. Large figurines are placed next to flower bouquets or along the edges of the table, small ones - near each device.

You can make your own napkin rings that will match the color of your cutlery or table decorations.

For example, for each family member you can come up with a separate unusual ring: for dad - a smooth metal or woven wire, for mom - knitted, etc. For each holiday you can choose special rings: for a New Year's feast - rings made from an artificial branch spruce or silver tinsel; for a festive dinner - made of solid silver; for a romantic evening - from a tulle ribbon tied with a lush bow or from artificial pearls.

A tablecloth is not needed only when you have a table - in itself the highlight of the holiday: an ancient object, a modern element of furniture, the surface of which cannot be hidden from prying eyes. In any other cases, you should approach the issue of choosing a “base” with all responsibility.

Don't settle for dark colors. This range is appropriate only if all other decorative elements act as a bright contrast. A win-win option is pastel colors: they suit all variations and are universal.

Remember that the tablecloth does not have to be a classic fabric that completely covers the tabletop. You can stay with the original options:

  • a lace cut running exactly in the middle of the table;
  • for each of the guests - individual stands made of paper or wood;
  • homemade cover made of kraft paper;
  • scatterings of book pages fastened together with a stapler.

Candles - we know how to decorate a birthday table at home in an atmospheric way!

Candles are a universal decorative element that is suitable for any celebration except for children’s. In order to give the holiday an atmosphere of sophistication, a touch of romance and a pinch of creativity, no special knowledge or skills are required: decorate the table in a way that suits you. But don’t forget about basic fire safety rules!

Candles can be the basis of a festive composition: place them in the center of the table. Use both classic coasters and unusual interior items. So, “tablets” will look great in glasses/cups filled with coffee beans.

Candles can be placed near the appliances of each of the guests. An ordinary wine glass will help you with this. Turn the glass over and place the “tablet” on the stem. Original, unusual, unconventional!

Glass bottles help out always and everywhere. In our case, they will make excellent candlesticks. At the same time, it is not necessary to take the same container - take “different-sized” bottles: if there are a lot of them, this “discord” will add a touch of creativity to the created decor.

The luxury of natural elements of holiday decor

Recently, the so-called natural style has become popular. The main idea of ​​this approach is the use of natural ingredients for table setting.

You can take the most ordinary tangerines or oranges and make some figures from the skins: scatter them on the tablecloth, and your guests will gasp in surprise! However, unpeeled citrus fruits can create the desired holiday atmosphere - to do this, place them in glass containers, ceramic cups, saucers, and place them around the perimeter of the table.

Place a linen napkin on the plate of each guest, for which the vine will act as a ring.

Winter birthday? Then it would be a sin not to use the appropriate paraphernalia: pine cones and fir branches.

Well, if the holiday is summer, then there are countless options for decoration. You can put literally everything you can get your hands on on the table - rolls with jam, wild flowers, fruits and berries on a plate. At the same time, give up traditional flower vases - it is better to place daisies and cornflowers in ordinary jars (2x, 3x, half-liter).

Don't forget about flowers!

Flowers should be everywhere - in the hands of the birthday boy, on the festive table, and everywhere in the apartment. After all, roses and daisies, peonies and tulips, sunny sunflowers themselves set the right mood! And if you try, then the original decor will be created in a time or two.

Choose little-known exotic plants. This will help you get rid of template solutions, banal and hackneyed ideas.

Separate the bud from the stem - in this form you can place the plant anywhere on the table. The advantage of this kind of “serving” is that flowers without stems do not block guests from each other, do not interfere with communication, and do not clutter up the space.

You can also use petals for decoration. But don’t overdo it: if the entire surface of the table is covered with them, this will create certain inconveniences for guests: there is nowhere to put a glass or a napkin, each wave of the hand is accompanied by another petal falling to the floor. And after a couple of minutes, the table will look far from presentable - with “bald” areas.

Note to the hostess: a few ideas on how to decorate the table with paper napkins (photo attached)

Ordinary napkins can be turned into - if you wish! The main thing is not to overdo it: a pile of paper tinsel will be unnecessary. Everything is good in moderation.

  • Hang three-dimensional balloons above the table.
  • Place bright flowers made of paper in vases.
  • Place paper butterflies near the cutlery. Instead of regular warp threads, use bright ribbons.

For those who have decided on the theme of the party, we will tell you how to set the table for a birthday at home

The chosen theme for the holiday is a complete bonus for both the guests and the birthday boy: there is a clear understanding in which direction to move in decorating the celebration; all guests will come in matching outfits, which will only enhance the “Wow” effect; Photos from the holiday will be bright and unusual!

If a Hawaiian party is announced, then be sure to place pineapples and bananas on the table. Don't forget about exotic flowers. Napkins, rings for them, tablecloth - all this should be done in fresh (preferably turquoise) colors.

Or maybe you choose “Cards, money, two barrels”?.. Everything is as simple as shelling pears: get several decks of cards from the bins, buy dice, stock up on textiles in red and black colors.

Are you a fan of Italian motifs? Then a Venetian celebration is exactly what you need! The main elements of this celebration are masks and candles. Table setting should be done in pastel colors.

You can and should take candy to a sweet party. They will be everywhere - scattered on the tabletop, in vases and jars, glasses and on guests' plates. You can make a candy bar - such a corner with desserts will attract adults with a sweet tooth and children. The highlight will be the chocolate fountain in which you can dip fruit.

How to economically decorate a birthday table at home (photos of several ideas)

Instead of expensive ceramics, use disposable tableware. It’s beautiful, and afterwards there are no problems with washing all these plates and cups.

Helium balloons are a win-win option. Attach them to a salt shaker, unused glasses or a flower arrangement in the middle of the table. The main thing is not to overdo it: 3-4 balls are enough for a long table for 10-12 guests.

The most favorite holiday of any person is his birthday. Such a day happens only once a year, and it is especially pleasant to prepare for it if a round date is planned - an anniversary. This symbolic date in your life means that you have passed a certain stage in life. That is why it is customary to celebrate it on a grand scale. It is not necessary to do this in a restaurant or in a banquet hall; you can celebrate the occasion at home. True, at home you will have to do everything yourself - both cook and decorate the table. Therefore, it is advisable to think through all the nuances of your celebration in advance. We will tell you how to decorate a table for a 50th anniversary and more.

Who should you invite?

Before you think about table setting, you need to decide who you will invite to your anniversary, especially if you are turning 50 years old. This is a very round date and I want to celebrate it in a round way. It all depends on your capabilities, but if possible it is advisable to invite:

  • Work colleagues. You need to invite especially close people who helped and supported the hero of the day throughout his work.
  • Friends and family. Those whom the birthday boy wants to see next to him on such a significant day.
  • Spouse, children, grandchildren.

Important! A very diverse company will gather, but these will be those people whose congratulations and warm words will be important for the birthday boy.


To make everything look respectable and official, you need to prepare invitation cards. You can order ready-made ones from a printing house or find a suitable design and print it yourself on a color printer, if you have one. They need to be sent out in advance - about a month before the celebration. The invitation must indicate the place and time of the holiday, and note the dress code if a themed party is planned.

Important! At the end, it is advisable to make a note asking to inform about the possibility of your presence within two weeks.

Seating map

When you decide on the number of guests, make a table seating chart and individual cards that you place in front of each guest.

Important! Cards can be made to order or printed yourself on a printer. This, of course, is not necessary, but it gives the holiday a more solemn form.


You can prepare a comic menu and lay it out on the table so that guests know what kind of dishes await them. The “Starfall” salad, the “Tourist’s Breakfast” appetizer and the “Love Potion” wine will surely attract the attention of guests. Well, the dishes themselves should be:

  • bright;
  • matching;
  • varied;
  • delicious.

Room decoration

The room in which the celebration will take place must be decorated. The decoration of the holiday depends solely on the chosen style and preferences of the hero of the occasion. We can offer you several different options for decorating the room.


The numbers will emphasize the respectability of the date being celebrated, and any material for their manufacture can be used to suit your taste:

  • The numbers made from balloons are voluminous and look very impressive.
  • You can make numbers from photographs of the birthday boy.
  • Numbers made of shiny paper can be hung from the ceiling - this design is suitable for decorating a holiday for both men and women.
  • You can make numbers that are not only spectacular, but also tasty. For example, from fruits or sweets.


Bright inscriptions will fit perfectly into any room design. You can buy ready-made stretch marks, or you can make them yourself.


You can make a custom banner with a large photo of the birthday person. Or you can make something like a school wall newspaper, paste old photographs, write wishes to the hero of the day.


What's a holiday without flowers? Any flowers will add solemnity to your anniversary. You can use bouquets, compositions, it all depends on the style of the event.

Decorating the table:

  • Table decoration begins with choosing a festive tablecloth. It can be a single-color tablecloth - these are used as a background. Or a bright colored tablecloth if there is a themed birthday party. Beautiful plates, festive glasses and delicious dishes will be excellent additions to any tablecloth.
  • The most important attribute of the festive table is the dishes. Just don't put too many dishes on the holiday table. Often they use dishes that match the color of the basic table design. White dishes look good.
  • Napkins make great decorations. If they are beautifully folded and laid out on the table, then their appearance will delight and surprise your guests.
  • The festive table can be decorated with flowers. For example, place a large vase of flowers in the middle of the table. Or place miniature baskets with flowers in several places.
  • If your birthday is decorated in a certain theme, then your holiday will be remembered not only by you, but also by your guests. There are a huge number of topics. Just keep in mind that this will require certain accessories. At the same time, you don’t have to buy expensive items; you can get by with cheap ones. Based on the theme, you can come up with competitions for guests with prizes.

Important! A small fireworks display, the launch of balloons or lanterns will help to end the holiday beautifully.

For every person, his birthday is a special and long-awaited event. And even if they say out loud that they are not expecting it, they still dream that it will be something special. On this significant day, I really want to gather all my close and dear ones, set a festive table and celebrate an important event in life. And in order to surprise your guests, you need to think through all the little things, regardless of whether it is a small buffet or a luxurious banquet. It is very important that the table setting and dishes were beautiful and combined with each other. Anyone can do this with their own hands at home, if you take into account all the nuances.

    Show all

    Choosing a holiday theme

    The holiday will be successful, and those invited will receive a lot of positive emotions if the birthday celebration is tied to any theme. Themed holidays are organized not only for children; adults will find it no less interesting. But here you need to take into account the preferences of the birthday boy, what he likes. Themed holidays require accessories, which will have to be taken care of in advance. Most accessories can be made yourself.

    Choosing a background in preparing a holiday is quite difficult. In most cases, it is selected depending on the character and preferences of the birthday person. For themed holidays, it should match the shades of the chosen theme and be in its style.

    Celebration place

    The location is very different: from a place in the garden to a terrace in a country house, a restaurant or living room, a recreation center or a river bank, at work or at home. Various little things will help create a truly festive atmosphere: candles, flowers, various themed accessories.

    The room where the celebration will take place should be clean and fresh, and a pleasant aroma should be in the air.

    It is imperative to think through the placement of all guests so that everyone is equally comfortable at the festive table, so that they can easily approach and leave it.

    Table setting

    Thinking about what the table will look like for the birthday of your wife, husband, parents or child is an important point in preparing for the holiday. There are many options for decorating a holiday table, as well as decoration elements. If you are planning a themed holiday, then the table setting should correspond to the chosen theme, but there are also universal options.

    One concept for decorating a holiday will make it harmonious and beautiful. Unusual options allow you to achieve an amazing effect and can amaze everyone present.

    For example, decoration in the Russian style, when there will be a samovar and nesting dolls on the table. And the dishes will be exclusively Russian cuisine. A table set in this style will definitely be remembered by the guests.

    Floral motifs are very popular in table decoration for birthday celebrations. Using flowers, you can create an incredible decor that will delight you with its perfection.

    Teenagers really like everything modern. A good option: a Japanese party with table decoration in this style. Here you can’t do without bright colors and, of course, sushi.


    Decorating a festive table for a birthday should start with choosing the right tablecloth. We must remember that this is not an ordinary lunch or dinner, but a celebration of an important event, so the tablecloth should be elegant.

    If you want to create a background, you should choose a tablecloth that is plain or has a slightly noticeable pattern.

    But for themed parties, tablecloths of bright colors in shades of the chosen theme are more suitable.

    Tablecloths with fringe or edging will add pomp and luxury to the festive table.

    Dishes and napkins

    A festive table, even with a properly selected tablecloth and decorative elements, is impossible without dishes. Often when decorating, dishes are used that have a color that is the basic shade of the holiday, but this is not necessary. It is very important that the color of the dishes is in harmony with the overall style of the celebration.

    A universal option would be white dishes. It is suitable for both a children's party and a man's or woman's anniversary. When choosing white dishes, you need to take care of additional accessories for decoration or a bright tablecloth to create contrast.

    The table should not be filled with plates in several tiers, but too few dishes on the table are also not good.

    Beautifully laid out napkins will become a real decoration of the festive table. There are many options for creating original compositions from napkins. Doing them yourself is not at all difficult.


    Fresh flowers on the festive table will give it special freshness and originality. It is extremely important not to overdo it here. If the festive table is small, a small bouquet in a vase in the center of the table is quite enough. If you are planning a large banquet, the table can be decorated using small flower arrangements.

    A good option: place individual small flowers next to each plate.

    Features of serving and decorating a children's table

    When decorating a children's party, you can deviate from the rules and come up with something special and funny. Bright disposable tablecloths, unbreakable dishes and straws are what will bring a lot of delight to little princes and princesses.

    You need to put a lot of sweets in the middle. Never forget about such an important element as balls.

    When setting a festive table, you need to take care that the tablecloth does not slip, for which it needs to be glued or tied at the corners.

    To make each child feel like an important guest at the holiday, name cards should be laid out on the table.

    Make small dishes with goodies so that each guest can comfortably reach the treat. This also applies to dessert: small cakes are much more convenient to eat than a multi-tiered cake.

    For a children's party, you need to take care of a large number of sweet desserts that kids love so much. Strawberries, fruit jelly, peaches, pineapples, bananas, oranges and tangerines - kids will sweep all this off the table in a matter of minutes.

    Holiday theme

    Children love cartoon and fairy tale characters and want to become them. So why not make their wishes come true, because birthday is the time when dreams come true. The decoration of the table will depend on the theme of the holiday.

    Here are some options:

    • Detectives. All guests must wear formal black and white clothing. Set the children's table with a red tablecloth, and fold black napkins in the shape of a tailcoat or hat. Near each plate, lay out a task for everyone, after completing which you can receive a prize. Tasks can be placed in helium-filled balloons that will float near each chair.
    • Princess Castle. This theme is suitable for celebrating a girl’s birthday. The base color of the holiday will be pink. The dishes will be delicate and light, the tablecloth will be pink, the dishes will be white or pink, napkins and ribbons will definitely be in the same colors.
    • Pirate Party. Decorate the table in black, white and red colors. You can cover the table with a net and fold the napkins in the shape of boats. Needless to say, the dishes and cake should be in a pirate style.
    • Sailors. The main color will be blue and all its shades. Choose a white or blue tablecloth, and it is better to take white dishes. Be sure to decorate with various accessories. Perhaps it will be a ship, a steering wheel, shells, etc.

    Nowadays you can find entire sets of dishes with various characters on sale. This includes plates, cups, straws, napkins, tablecloths, head caps and much more. They are bright and will evoke a lot of positive emotions among little birthday boys. You just need to choose the right topic, depending on their preferences, and make your dream come true.

    There is nothing complicated about decorating a birthday table. The main thing here is that all the elements are in harmony with each other, then you will be able to create a truly festive table that will definitely please both the birthday person and all the guests.

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