Roe: a recipe for traditional New Year's gingerbread. Arkhangelsk Christmas gingerbread roe

I warn you right away, all the real craftswomen, as they are called - Kozulschitsy, are very protective of their recipes, pass on secrets from generation to generation, and get angry when someone replicates them without their knowledge))))
I’m not a master, I studied the topic of Kozul as a culturologist, and I’m not much of a cook at all)))) So, as a culturologist, I studied many sources with recipes, both ancient and modern, and original ones, and based on these recipes I chose the ideal one for my family, and for the classes that I taught.

I’ll write the recipe and the cooking process, I hope the real masters won’t be offended by me for this


For the test:
800 grams of granulated sugar
300 milliliters of water (boiling water)
3 chicken eggs and 5 yolks chicken eggs
450 grams butter
1.5 – 1.8 kilograms wheat flour
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking soda(can be extinguished with vinegar if desired)
ground spices: 2 parts cinnamon, 1 part each ginger, cloves, cardamom and nutmeg (2:1:1:1:1)

For the glaze:
1 egg white

200 grams of powdered sugar

2-4 drops of lemon juice

Food or natural dyes

About 10-15 gingerbread cookies are enough to decorate.


3.5 kilograms of dough - more than 100 pieces of small, thin gingerbread or 30-40 large, 1 cm thick.
Calorie content: 135 kcal per 100 grams

Operating procedure:

First, let's make “zhenka” - this is caramelized sugar, which is the basis of any gingerbread. Take 400 gr. sugar, put it in a cold, thick-walled frying pan with high sides (or saucepan), immediately put it on high heat, warm up the frying pan. Don't actively interfere. When you see that the sugar from below has begun to melt, reduce the heat and bring the sugar until completely dissolved, stirring vigorously. Don't overcook the caramel. It should be a nice brown color and not smell burnt.

As soon as the caramel is ready, start pouring boiling water in small portions and stir vigorously. Important - do not lean over the dishes under any circumstances! Water, mixing with caramel, will hiss, explode and gurgle strongly. Pour out all the water and bring the caramel over low heat until completely dissolved. Pour the remaining 2 cups of sugar into the finished syrup and also dissolve them completely until clear syrup, brownish color.

Next, put the chopped butter in a saucepan and dissolve it in the syrup over low heat. Initially the oil will float on the surface. Remove the pan from the heat and stir for a while until the oil becomes transparent. Cool.

Beat 3 eggs and 5 yolks in a shallow bowl with a whisk, as for an omelet. Pour into the cooled “zhenka”, stir vigorously with a whisk. Add salt, soda and spices. Speaking of spices. You need to take 2 parts of cinnamon and 1 part each of ginger, cloves, cardamom and nutmeg, that is, 2:1:1:1:1. But you can vary the quantity, depending on your preferences.

Start adding sifted flour in small portions. Knead with a spatula until very soft, elastic dough. Important - do not overdo it with flour. The dough should not be hard. Otherwise, after settling it will turn into a brick. Cover the pan cling film and put it in the refrigerator overnight, you can also divide the dough into portions, package it in bags and put it in the refrigerator as well, this is convenient if you don’t want to cook everything at once.

If you are in a hurry and cannot wait a day, then you can leave the dough to cool for 1-2 hours at room temperature, and then put it in the freezer for 20-30 minutes or in the refrigerator for 2-4 hours.

After the dough has rested and “made friends” inside itself, the dough becomes quite dense, elastic and does not stick to your hands. Real edible plasticine from which you can mold anything.

To make carved gingerbread cookies, you can use any shape. But to get classic gingerbread cookies depicting animals or figurines of angels, Santa Clauses, and snowmen, which are not sold in stores, you can make your own template from thick paper.

Roll out the dough like this: if you want thin, crispy gingerbreads, then 2-3 mm, if you prefer gingerbreads that are fluffy and more tender inside, then a thickness of up to 1 cm is allowed, but no more. If you cut out figures with molds, then according to ancient traditions, animal figures should look to the left, and human figures should always be in front, and animals in profile. Also, according to tradition, sometimes the figures had a stripe at the bottom - it indicated the ground.

If you made your own stencils from thick paper, then place the stencil on the dough and carefully cut it with a sharp knife.

We bake gingerbread cookies on a tray with baking paper or on a tray lubricated with oil for 10-15 minutes at 200 degrees. They dry very quickly, so be careful not to over-expose them. Place the finished gingerbreads under a towel, and when they have cooled, transfer them to a dry box.


For one glass of water - three to four glasses rye flour, knead until the dough becomes very stiff, salt to taste - 2-3 pinches, one tablespoon vegetable oil. The dough is kneaded overnight and baked in the morning. You can start rolling out the dough with your index and middle fingers - you will get three large parts at once: head, legs, torso. Then work out the small details.

Note: 1. main distinctive feature Roe from other gingerbreads is to prepare “burnt” and no honey; 2. in our family we don’t eat margarine, we only eat butter, that’s why I wrote about butter in the recipe, but most other craftswomen have just margarine; 3. These gingerbread cookies contain a lot of a large number of spices (they recommend adding them in tablespoons!), but because... I was preparing gingerbread cookies for small children, then I put in much less spices (I put them in teaspoons), I was afraid of developing allergic reactions, and in general, the taste of strong spices could repel kids; 4. I made the gingerbreads thicker and they turned out softer, the children devoured them with pleasure, and ideally the gingerbreads should be thin and hard, but you won’t break your teeth - they melt in your mouth); 5. the biggest difficulty I had was with glaze, glaze recipes great amount, here you have to choose for yourself, I chose according to my situation (I had to cook quickly and a lot), but the glaze is harmful and often does not come out as expected

I hope my explanations help.

By old tradition On New Year's Eve, in Arkhangelsk, figured cut-out gingerbread cookies are baked, decorated with colored sugar glaze. And from the moment the spicy smell of cinnamon and cloves reigns in the house, joyful anticipation of the holiday begins with the traditional ritual of decorating the Christmas tree and giving sweet gifts to children and gifts to relatives and friends “for good luck” in the new year.

Little, horny,

Doesn't turn his head

It crunches on your teeth...

Well, of course, it's a roe! And what is it? Figurines - deer, skates, bulls, cows, goats, birds, seals - made from rye dough, - have a general meaning, the common name is “roe”.

Have you ever tried northern gingerbread - roe? Delicious, crispy gingerbread with aroma herbs. Now the tradition of baking roe deer is being revived, but earlier during Soviet rule such delicious gingerbread was not available.

The first roe deer appeared on Pomeranian soil many centuries ago. Their considered the most ancient type of baked figured dough, dating back to the cult figurines of the 12th century. There is chronicle evidence that back in the 12th century, our ancestors sculpted figures of bulls and cows from dough. Gingerbread They were strips of dough woven into intricate twists. The ancient Pomeranian cookies got their name from the convoluted, snake-like shape - roe, from the Pomeranian word “roe” - snake, curl.

The image of a roe-snake was associated with the autumn harvest, or rather with its completion - with the autumn New Year or New Year (September 14). Later this tradition was transferred to winter Christmas and January New Year. And in the Kargopol region, roe deer were made in the form of serpentine curls rolled into circles called “grouse” and baked in mid-March, which also refers to a very ancient ritual dedicated to the spring equinox.
The Pomors believed that such roe-snakes would bring wealth and prosperity to the house.

There are three types of roe deer: three-dimensional Kholmogory roe deer (resembling clay figurines), Kargopol teter roe deer and painted flat gingerbread roe deer. Arkhangelsk painted roe gingerbread appeared in the Russian North when sugar and spices (cinnamon and cloves) became available to the population of the provincial center, that is, not earlier than the 18th century.

In the old days, gingerbread was also made in the form of animals - deer, horses, bulls, cows, goats, seals. The custom of baking animals originates from pagan beliefs. It is assumed that the creation of a grain herd is a modified sacrifice. There was a belief that the more people baked animal figurines, the more game there would be in the forests and livestock in the yards. On which the well-being of the people directly depended. The Slavs also believed that roe deer brought happiness to the house, so they were kept in the house for up to a year, and sometimes more. This tradition has survived to this day.

In ancient times, deer and horses were symbols of the Sun, the solar deity, associated with the image of the god Yarila. They were often depicted on a stand - a symbol of the universe. Kholmogory roe deer (made from rye flour) is a figure on four legs, a head, a bush of branched antlers, apples on the horns, birds on the apples, or rather bird wings, made of white dough. An apple with wings resembles the image of a winged sun. And its size reached 245 cm. Often the roe deer were given names: Beliana, Belek, Chernukha...

Brides and young girls were given horses with manes braided in triple braids - as a symbol of Faith, Hope, and Love. They also placed roe deer in front of the icon.

There were roes in the form of a star, an angel, a shepherd, a basket (with gifts), a bird, etc. These figures resemble Christian symbols, but the true meaning was lost over time.

In the old days, making and painting roe deer was largely of a ritual nature; our ancestors believed in the protective power fragrant gingerbread. Roe is both a talisman and a talisman.

Today Arkhangelsk roe deer- This is a beautiful, aromatic edible souvenir, an excellent gift for any holiday or anniversary.
The shapes of gingerbread cookies have become varied. There are houses and hearts, and cartoon characters, etc.

Gingerbread cookies can be stored for up to a year, so gingerbread cookies painted by you will be an excellent gift for all times!

In the old days, roe deer were baked from rye flour to obtain a characteristic dark color, in which the glaze pattern looks most advantageous. Later they began to be made from wheat flour, adding burnt sugar. The dough was prepared in advance, it could lie in the cold for weeks, and it only got better. The figures were cut out in different ways - the goat girls had their own molds, which they took care of and passed on to generations. Already baked and cooled roes were covered with glaze of two colors: white and pink, obtained by adding lingonberry or cranberry juice.
Now, along with just gingerbread, they have begun to invent different gingerbread houses, or even make models of wooden churches.

Pomeranian roe deer - recipe

Kozuli are made from specially prepared dough. Pieces of dough are shaped into various animals - goats and goats, deer, lambs, cows and bulls, as well as cats, seals and birds. The made figurines are baked in an oven or oven on a greased sheet. Kozuli is also considered a regional variety of Russian gingerbread. Based on the manufacturing method, modern roe can be classified as cut-out gingerbread.
Dough recipes are quite varied, and many families have their own recipes for making dough, which have been kept in families for decades. Roe deer are usually colorfully decorated using glaze, which is made from whipped egg whites with the addition of various natural dyes.

Roe "Solombala"

600g granulated sugar, 500g margarine, 1/2 tsp. salt, 4 eggs, 1 tbsp. l. cinnamon, 1 tbsp. cloves, 2.4 tsp. soda (quench with vinegar), 2 kg of flour.
200g. Burn the granulated sugar, gradually pour 2 cups of boiling water into it and add another 400g of sand. Remove from heat, but stir margarine and salt into the still warm mixture. Cool the resulting mass. Then add eggs, cinnamon and cloves, add baking soda, quenched with vinegar, and lastly add flour. Knead the stiff dough, cut it into pieces, roll the pieces into cakes and you can cut out figures.
Before baking, brush the products with yolk diluted with water (1/2 cup of water per yolk).
Ready-made roe deer are painted with colored glaze.
- cook syrup from 1 cup granulated sugar and 1 cup water (check readiness with a ring - bubbles should be blown out of it);
- V hot syrup pour in 2 beaten egg whites and beat this mixture until it cools;
- add 2-3 drops citric acid or vinegar essence and add color with food coloring.
Next, you can add ½ cup of honey (resting time for the dough increases to 2-3 weeks) or condensed milk (resting time for the dough for 3-4 weeks).

Murmansk roe

600 g granulated sugar. 150 g butter or creamy margarine. 3 eggs. Cloves, cinnamon, baking soda - 1 teaspoon each. 1.2-1.3 kg of flour. Burn a glass of granulated sugar in an enamel dish. When all the sugar has melted, add 1 cup hot boiled water(slowly). Mix. Then add another 2 cups of granulated sugar. When everything boils and the sugar has melted, turn it off. Add 150 g butter or margarine. When everything has cooled slightly, add 2 yolks and 1 whole egg, also add spices and water. Add flour (not all). Then pour the flour onto the table and knead the dough. Place the dough in a bag and leave it in the cold: outside in the cold or in the freezer. Can be stored for up to 1 month. Cut the dough from the refrigerator into small pieces and knead well until it becomes shiny. Do not add flour.
Roll out the dough to a thickness of 5 mm, cut out any shapes and bake them in the oven. Grease the baking sheet not greasy, but slightly so that the gingerbread does not burn.
To make the glaze, beat 2 egg whites, gradually adding powdered sugar until the glaze becomes thick. Place the icing in a bag (paper rolled up into a tube) and paint the gingerbread.

Arkhangelsk roe deer

Burn 1 glass of granulated sugar, then dissolve it in a glass hot water. Then add 2 cups of granulated sugar and stir until completely dissolved. Turn off the heat and add 150 g of butter or margarine, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, cloves and soda, cool slightly, add 1 egg and 2 yolks. After this, add about 0.5 kg of flour, knead the dough so that it does not stick to your hands. Keep the dough in a pan and cellophane in a cool place for a week. After this, add another 0.5 kg of granulated sugar to the dough and roll it out to a thickness of 0.5 cm. Cut the rolled out dough into shapes made of tin or thick paper and place on a baking sheet, greased once with oil.
Brush the gingerbread cookies with beaten egg and water in a 1:1 ratio and place in the oven. Bake for 5 - 7 minutes. Ready gingerbread let dry, then remove them from the baking sheet and decorate with glaze.

To make the glaze colored, you can use natural dyes:

* white paint: powdered sugar, milk, sour cream;
* yellow: mix lemon zest with carrot juice and oil, fry for 3 - 5 minutes until softened and strain through cheesecloth;
* green: juice from spinach;
* red and pink: juice of raspberries, strawberries, lingonberries, currants, cherries, pomegranates, boiled beets;
* orange: orange and tangerine juice;
* brown: cocoa powder.

Burn the sugar over low heat until brown, stirring so as not to burn.

In a separate saucepan, bring 1 cup of water to a boil. Once the sugar has melted and turned brown, very careful(water and sugar will boil violently), without bending over the frying pan!, pour the prepared glass in small portions boiling water and dissolve the burnt sugar. It is strictly not recommended for children under 16 years of age to do this procedure on their own!Add another 1 cup of granulated sugar and dissolve it thoroughly. You can do the opposite: boil a syrup from water and sugar and pour melted sugar into it, do as you wish, and if you don’t want to do this procedure, you can not burn the sugar, but add cocoa to the dough for color, but this will turn out to be a different recipe.

Remove the frying pan from the heat, add 150 grams of butter (or 200 grams of margarine), stir until the butter or margarine dissolves. Pour the resulting mixture into a large bowl and cool until warm. 2 eggs and 2 egg yolks mix well with a fork and add to the cooled mixture, mix again. Then add 1/4 teaspoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of finely ground spices (a mixture of cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, ginger and cardamom (2:1:1:1:1)), and 1 teaspoon of baking soda into the mixture. (I extinguish with vinegar). Then, gradually adding flour, knead the dough so that it does not stick to your hands (800-900 grams of flour may be required).

The dough should stand in a cold place for about one day to mature (if you are in a hurry, let it stand for 1-1.5 hours at room temperature, and then put it in the freezer for 20-30 minutes).

Divide the dough into several parts, roll it out to a thickness of 5-7 mm and cut out various figures using the dough recesses. You can cut a stencil out of cardboard.

Filling glaze preparing as well.
We take our base for the glaze, transfer it to another cup and dilute cold water(Not lemon juice), adding 1 teaspoon at a time, to such a consistency that when we run a sharp knife through our icing, the trace of it will completely disappear as soon as we slowly count to 10. The icing turns out like thick sour cream, and is applied over the entire surface of the gingerbread.

To prepare colored glaze, first dissolved in a drop is placed in a socket. table vinegar food coloring (or beet or carrot juice), then add the base and required amount water. For the lilac color I used 1 teaspoon of blueberry juice, and for the green I used a pinch of green food coloring diluted in 0.5 teaspoon of 9% vinegar.
The base and water should be well mixed by vigorously rubbing the mixture with a spoon along the bottom of the rosette. If there are a lot of gingerbread cookies, you can immediately prepare several bags of different colors for decoration. You can also use ready-made purchased colored glaze and immediately decorate the Arkhangelsk roe at your discretion. These are the gingerbread cookies we got.

Roe gingerbread – traditional winter delicacy northern peoples. For many centuries, on the shores of the White Sea, not a single New Year or Christmas can go by without them. Beautiful fragrant figures of deer, goats, angels, fir trees, houses from gingerbread text - all of them are called roes.

The recipe for these gingerbread cookies is passed down from generation to generation. Previously, special molds were even passed on; today they can be easily purchased in a store.

Beautiful multi-colored gingerbread cookies will suit any holiday table.

Roe - an old recipe

The name “roe” comes from the word goat; in ancient times it was a symbol of well-being and prosperity in the home. The roe baked in the form of animals– deer, goats, cats, cows. Later, figures of angels, houses, Christmas trees, sleighs, roses and clouds were added.

We approached this process responsibly; it could take more than one day. It was believed that one should bake with good thoughts and in in a great mood, wishing everyone well and smiling - otherwise the gingerbreads will not turn out. The whole family decorated the roe deer to their own taste - with different intricate patterns. Very often they were hung on the Christmas tree instead of toys. The peoples of Pomerania kept them for a whole year, then baked new ones, and fed birds and old ones.

Not a single recipe for roe deer dough is complete without sugar syrup, boiled to the consistency of caramel.

In total, to make gingerbread you will need a glass of honey, two glasses of water and sugar, 100 grams of butter, a kilogram of rye or wheat flour (preferably coarse), 1 g cinnamon and cloves.

How to bake roe

By ancient recipe honey, sugar and water are mixed and boiled over low heat until “brown” until caramelized. Then let it cool slightly and add butter, spices and flour. Place the dough in the refrigerator for 1 hour (previously it was taken out into the cold).

The dough should become plastic, any figures can be easily molded from it. They bake quickly - only 10 minutes, at a temperature of just over 200 degrees. Rye flour makes the dough more difficult to roll, but the roe deer turns out tastier.

Already cooled gingerbread cookies can be decorated. Today it is not difficult to purchase ready food colorings , and in ancient times there were only a few flowers. For white, the egg whites were beaten with sugar; for pink, jam was dripped into it; for yellow, the yolk was used.

Can make it more difficult to obtain natural dyes. Yellow made from lemon zest And carrot juice, fried on butter. The green “paint” is obtained from spinach juice, the brown one from cocoa.

All dyes - both homemade and purchased - are added to the pre-prepared glaze.

Glaze for roe deer - recipe

To do this, beat two egg whites thick foam with 5 tablespoons of sugar, and poured into cups, in which they are then made different colors. Roe deer are painted with patterns thin brush to your taste.

Another recipe for gingerbread glaze is this:

Beat 1 egg white and 100 grams of powdered sugar with a whisk or in a blender. If the mixture turns out to be too liquid, it will not become an excellent background for painting baked goods.

Arkhangelsk roe deer: recipe

They are also called northern ones; residents of Pomerania have been baking them for many centuries and are called the Christmas symbol of Arkhangelsk. The recipe for Christmas roe is a little different.

You will need three glasses of sugar, 100 grams of margarine or butter, 2 glasses of water, 8 glasses of flour, 2 spoons of soda, a pinch of ginger, cloves, nutmeg and cinnamon.

Initially Heat a glass of sugar in a frying pan or saucepan until it turns dark brown, after which two glasses of water are poured into it and the remaining sugar is added. The syrup is brought to a boil, then mixed with oil and cooled. Further - as in previous recipe– the remaining ingredients are added and the dough is kneaded.

For the glaze you will need a glass of sugar, one egg white and a small pinch of citric acid. The egg white is beaten thickly, after which the syrup, boiled in half a glass of water, is poured into it in a thin stream. granulated sugar. Then the glaze is whipped again with the addition of lemon. It is recommended to decorate gingerbread cookies with chilled glaze.

The finished roe deer should be soft on the inside and golden brown on the outside. After a day they should slightly harden. You can bake these gingerbread cookies with your whole family – it brings you together and lifts your spirits. Over time, this can become a good New Year's tradition.

Stencils for gingerbread

Everyone knows from childhood what gingerbread is. We suggest making them yourself, using the “Roe” gingerbread recipe as a basis.


For the test:

1. Butter – 1 pack (200 g)

3. Eggs - 3 pcs.

4. Sugar – 2 tbsp

5. Water - 3/4 tbsp

6. Salt – 1 pinch

7. Soda – 1 tsp.

8. Spice mixture ( ground ginger, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom) – 3 tsp.

For glaze (icing):

1. Powdered sugar – 200 g

2. Egg – 1 pc.

Cooking method:

1. First, cook the caramel. To do this, it is better to take a saucepan or saucepan with a thick bottom. Pour 1 cup of sugar into it and put on low heat. The sugar must be stirred so that it does not burn. After the sugar has turned dark brown, you need to very carefully pour boiling water into it.

The mixture must be stirred. When the mixture is homogeneous, add the rest of the sugar and keep it on the fire until it dissolves. Then remove from the stove.

2. While the mass is hot, add butter to it.

3. When stirring, a homogeneous mass is obtained - this is creamy caramel.

4. Spices are usually mixed in equal proportions. They are also added to the still hot caramel and mixed thoroughly. Next, the mixture is left to cool.

5. Beat 1 egg and 2 yolks in a bowl.

6. Egg mixture mix with warm caramel.

7. Add salt and soda to the resulting mixture.

8. Then gradually introduce . To begin with, it is better to use a whisk.

9. As the mass thickens, you will have to take a tablespoon.

10. You need to knead the dough until it becomes homogeneous and stops sticking to your hands.

11. Form a bar from the dough, wrap it in plastic film and put it in the refrigerator for about a day.

12. The finished block is cut into pieces.

14. Then cut out the gingerbread cookies. For this you can use special molds or make the templates yourself.

15. If templates are used, they are placed on a layer of dough and cut along the contour with a sharp knife.

16. Baking paper is placed on a baking sheet, and the blanks are placed on it. Gingerbread cookies are baked in a well-heated oven at a temperature of 200-220 degrees for about 5-7 minutes.

17. I made two types of gingerbread, so when the first batch of roes is ready, I put a second batch of a different type in the oven.

18. After the gingerbread cookies are taken out of the oven, they need to cool. If desired, you can make holes in some of them and use them as decorations for the Christmas tree.

19. While the gingerbread cookies are cooling, you can prepare the glaze (icing). To do this, beat the egg white with a mixer or whisk. powdered sugar. The resulting glaze is placed in cream injector or a bag and paint gingerbread cookies. You can add different dyes to the glaze, then the gingerbread cookies will turn out even more attractive and picturesque. I hope you liked the “Roe” gingerbread recipe.

Additional Information:

Almost everyone associates gingerbread with Tula, which is famous for these culinary products. However, the Arkhangelsk region is rightfully proud of its roe deer. They got their name from the Pomeranian word meaning “curl” or “snake”. Usually these are figures of animals, trees or houses, decorated with multi-colored glaze.

These gingerbread cookies were baked for New Year's or family holidays, such as a wedding or the birth of a child. Over time, they began to decorate with roe deer Christmas trees. According to beliefs, such roes were supposed to bring wealth and prosperity to the house.