Canned green peas: beneficial properties and possible harm of the product, its calorie content. Canned green peas: BZHU, health benefits and harms Canned green peas benefits and harms calorie content

Canned green peas are used to prepare soups, appetizers, side dishes, and, of course, salads; for example, the beloved “Olivier” by many is simply impossible to imagine without canned peas. Perhaps every person is familiar with the taste of this legume; back in the 16th century, people began to eat peas, and in the 19th century, production for canning this product already appeared. People who often consume this legume are interested in whether canned green peas are good for health and whether they can cause harm to the body.

Composition of canned green peas

There are no less vitamins and microelements in canned green peas than in fresh ones, because modern production has “learned” to almost completely preserve all the beneficial substances present in the “original” form of the product. So, what is rich in canned peas:

  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin B;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin H;
  • vitamin K;
  • carotene;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sulfur;
  • chlorine;
  • iron;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • starch;
  • vegetable protein;
  • natural sugar, etc.

The benefits and harms of canned green peas

The benefits of green peas were known back in ancient times, when people used them as a folk remedy to help treat various diseases. Today science has already proven the benefits of both fresh and canned green peas:

  1. Normalizes metabolic processes.
  2. Has a beneficial effect on visual acuity because... improves the “quality” of the retina and lens.
  3. Regulates all recovery processes in the body.
  4. Improves kidney function, removes stones.
  5. Reduces blood levels.
  6. Promotes the removal of “stale” decay products from the body.
  7. Significantly reduces the likelihood of cancer.
  8. Regulates pressure.
  9. Improves digestion and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  10. It is an excellent diuretic and, therefore, relieves swelling.
  11. Thanks to the presence of magnesium and potassium, peas significantly reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes, strengthen blood vessels and make them much more elastic.
  12. Positively affects joint mobility.
  13. Helps cope with vitamin deficiency, because peas have an impressive “set” of vitamins.
  14. Stimulates mental activity.
  15. It is an excellent antidepressant, improves the functioning of the nervous system, calms, relieves emotional stress, restores sleep, and helps cope with changes.
  16. Significantly slows down skin aging, making it more elastic and less susceptible to environmental irritants.
  17. It is a good remedy for bleeding gums.
  18. Cleanses the liver of toxins, thereby quickly helping to cope with hangover symptoms.

It should also be noted that the calorie content of such peas is very small and is about 50-60 kcal per 100 g, Therefore, people who are in the process of losing weight can safely diversify their menu with this tasty and nutritious product.

However, despite the numerous benefits of canned green peas, this product can also be harmful. Experts do not recommend consuming peas for people who suffer from digestive problems, especially if they have chronic flatulence. Excessive consumption of canned peas can also lead to kidney problems. Of course, green peas, like any other product, can cause harm if consumed spoiled.

Fresh and green peas - benefits and harm to the body

It’s not for nothing that this popular legume occupies an honorable place in the cuisine of many countries around the world - peas have long been known not only for their delicate taste, but also for their amazing properties that have a beneficial effect on the body.

The most popular at the moment are several varieties:

  • peeling - most often it can be found in dried form. Excellent for cooking, making porridges, purees, soups, but for this grain you need to pre-soak for several hours.
  • brain - most suitable for preservation.
  • the most famous variety is sugar, imported from France in the mid-17th century. It is ideal for fresh consumption, and Europeans often call it “mange tout” (from the French - mange tout), which literally means “eat the whole thing” - that is, not only the peas themselves are suitable, but also the pods.

Most of the grains are water, of which 100 grams of this legume contains as much as 77.9%, but despite this, peas contain many useful microelements, vitamins and other substances.

The most important thing that green peas contain, the benefits of which have long been proven, is protein. It is very similar to the animal one, but it is more easily and quickly absorbed by the body, and besides, it can be eaten during fasting. To cover the daily protein requirement, 100 grams of peas is enough, at the same time, this relatively small portion will satiate well and eliminate the feeling of hunger.

The benefits of peas for the body are invaluable due to the high content of citric acid. In this indicator, peas surpass even potatoes.

Also, this representative of the legume family contains many valuable amino acids, but it is worth noting that when cooked, only 50% of the initial content remains.

Green peas are rich in vitamins A, C, K and some B vitamins: thiamine, riboflavin, niacin.

It is difficult to imagine a more saturated food in terms of the set of microelements: there are 26 of them in peas, of which a larger percentage is given to phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron and sulfur.

Green peas: benefits and harms

If you like to eat green peas often, you probably know their benefits.

As can be seen from its composition, this culture can serve as a wonderful natural remedy for vitamin deficiency and will maintain the natural balance of microelements in the body.

In addition, the presence of pea dishes in the diet has a great effect on:

  • kidney function. Thanks to the alkaline components, namely oxalic and citric acids, decoctions from the leaves of the plant are excellent for helping with kidney stones, and also help remove sand. In addition, it has a diuretic effect (especially fresh garden peas), and is therefore recommended for people suffering from excessive swelling.
  • digestive tract. The benefits of peas in this case are due to the presence of fiber, which perfectly cleanses the intestines and removes toxins.
  • cardiovascular system. It stimulates the work of the heart muscle and is an excellent prevention of heart attacks, hypertension, and prevents the formation of blood clots. The iron and iodine contained in this legume help prevent anemia.
  • skin condition. Peas can be called a storehouse of phosphorus and phosphoric acid, which in turn improve the circulation of oxygen in the upper layers of the skin; in addition, peas are known as an antioxidant, which also slows down the aging process.
  • metabolic processes. By consuming peas in any form, you replenish the body's reserves of lipotropic substances, such as choline, lecithin and methionine. They will help normalize fat metabolism and reduce cholesterol levels as much as possible.
  • general condition of the body. Green peas contain one of the B vitamins, also known as thiamine. It is especially useful for people engaged in active mental activity, it stimulates brain function, gives a boost of energy, and normalizes the psychological state.

In addition, peas have recently begun to be considered an anti-cancer agent: scientists believe that selenium from its grains is able to resist carcinogenic cells, as well as prevent their formation.

Benefits of peas for women during pregnancy

During pregnancy, many women have doubts about whether they can eat peas in any form? Since peas are known for their ability to form gas, expectant mothers are afraid that this will create discomfort for themselves, and especially for the child. However, these worries are completely groundless. Green peas will bring only benefits to both the expectant mother and the baby.

  • Firstly, it contains folic acid. It is recommended by doctors in the first trimester of pregnancy; it promotes active cell division, RNA synthesis, and is responsible for the formation of the nervous system of the unborn baby.
  • Secondly, peas are an excellent natural source of potassium and calcium, which are so necessary for the fetus for the formation and development of the skeletal system.
  • Thirdly, among the substances that make up fresh green peas is inositol, a vitamin-like substance that is sometimes listed as B8. It normalizes sleep, relieves irritability, and promotes the growth of muscle and bone tissue. A lack of inositol can lead to infertility.

Unfortunately, even the healthiest peas have contraindications. The list of diseases in which green peas can cause harm is small, but it exists, and it is better to familiarize yourself with it before eating food containing this type of legume.

Eliminate peas from your diet if:

  • there are problems with blood circulation;
  • diagnosed with cholecystitis;
  • There are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that are in the acute phase.

Also, side effects from peas can be flatulence and bloating. To avoid this, you can add dill and fennel to your dishes, and also soak fresh peas in water for at least 12 hours - the benefits for the body will remain, and the likelihood of gas formation will be significantly reduced. This happens because pea kernels contain complex carbohydrates that are not absorbed in the body, but are taken over by intestinal bacteria - there they are broken down, but form gases. When soaking, some of the carbohydrates go into water.

Canned green peas: benefits and harms

Some people can their own peas, while others prefer a ready-made product from the store. The canned version is convenient because it is already ready for use: it can be easily added to salads, appetizers or soups. In addition, canned preserves all the beneficial substances that fresh green peas have. The benefits and harms, respectively, are the same. The only case in which preservation can be dangerous is if the contents of the jar are expired or air has entered it (then the lid of the jar will be swollen).

How to choose fresh and canned peas

The benefits of peas for the body are truly invaluable. All that remains is to choose a high-quality, good product.

If you choose fresh peas, pay attention to the pods. They should be bright green, free from stains and rot, and dry.

When purchasing a dry product, it is better to give preference to medium-sized grains 3-4 mm in diameter. The peas should be the same bright yellow or green color, free from pest damage, and smooth. It is better to buy already packaged cereals, since the packaging protects the peas from moisture.

When choosing canned peas, do not forget to carefully inspect the jar: check the expiration date, composition (optimal without impurities, preservatives, only peas, water, salt and sugar), and whether the lid is swollen.

It is noteworthy that in this case it is worth looking not only at the final date of use, but also at the date of manufacture of the preservation, because the harvest period is not so long. The best option is if the jar is dated from the end of May to mid-June - this means that fresh peas from this year were used. If the date of manufacture is different, then this suggests that dried peas were used for preservation, which were previously soaked and steamed. Of course, its taste and content of nutrients will differ significantly.

Bottom line

If you had any doubts about the benefits and harms of peas for the body, we hope that our article helped dispel your doubts and make sure that peas are truly a unique legume product that deserves its rightful place in the diet.

Dutch farmers were engaged in canning the best green grains of seed peas already in the 16th century, and another hundred years later the tradition of using this product spread throughout Europe.

In the 19th century, most developed countries operated mechanized factories, each producing tens of thousands of cans of beans daily, but demand still outstripped supply.

Let's figure out what is the reason for the popularity of green peas, what beneficial properties they have, and how preservation occurs.

Features of the workpiece

For preservation, slightly unripe fruits of brain or peeling varieties are selected.

Marrow varieties are slightly wrinkled when ripe, are more sugary and easier to cultivate, shelling varieties have a smooth surface, are slightly larger and not as juicy.

Selected products are delivered to the cannery in boxes or sealed containers filled with water.

The second option is simpler from the point of view of the technological process, but has a negative impact on the quality of the final product. At the grain plant, grains undergo four processing cycles:

  • Preservation preparation. This stage begins in the shelling machine, where the peas are separated from the pods. Behind the peeling
    impurities should be screened out using automatic sieves and winnowers.

    Cleaned grains are sorted by size, density and ripeness, then each batch passes through a washing machine and enters the conveyor. Factory workers monitor the movement of the conveyor belt and remove defective peas using special suction mechanisms.

  • Treatment. Having passed the first stage of quality control, the peas enter the blanching machine, where they are treated with hot water or steam to deactivate starch and some proteins. This prevents cloudiness and “souring” of the finished product.

    After a few minutes of blanching, it is shaken and cooled sharply to maintain integrity and density. This is followed by repeated quality control.

  • Packaging. Only the best peas make it to the packaging stage. They are distributed into glass or tin jars and filled with an aqueous solution containing 2-4% sugar and salt. The solution accounts for 30-35% of the total mass of canned food.
  • Sterilization. The jars are sent for sterilization, where they undergo heat treatment at temperatures up to 130 degrees, cooled to 40 degrees and hermetically sealed. This completes the conservation.
  • We invite you to watch a video on how to prepare fresh peas at home:

    What are the health benefits?

    For adult men and women

    The dry residue accounts for up to a quarter of the total mass, which consists of:

    • sugar – 5-8%;
    • starch – 3-7%;
    • nitrogen compounds – 3-5%;
    • fiber – 1-2%;
    • fat – 0.1-0.5%;
    • ash – 0.1-0.5%;
    • vitamins – A, B1, B2, C, K, PP;
    • lemon acid;
    • amino acids;
    • micro- and macroelements.

    Calorie content is up to 300 kcal per 100 g of product.

    Beneficial properties of the canned product for adult men and women:

    • The high content of protein and alkaline compounds makes it a good prophylactic for (due to regulation),.
    • Reduces blood pressure.
    • Regular use reduces the risk of the disease (the product is contraindicated for those already suffering from it!).
    • Consumption is recommended for people suffering from chronic obesity.
    • According to recent studies, the selenium content in legumes can prevent heavy metals, radioactive and carcinogenic substances from entering the body.
    • The product’s ability to remove toxins and stabilize the condition is useful for relieving hangovers and the consequences of poisoning.

    Eating canned peas can cause complications. For example:

    • Intestinal bloating (with individual intolerance or too frequent use).
    • Feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
    • Flatulence.

    For pregnant and lactating women

    Many people are interested in the question: are there any benefits to canned green peas when consumed by breastfeeding mothers, is it useful for pregnant women? Like other legumes, peas very useful during pregnancy, as it saturates the body with proteins, vitamins and minerals.

    In addition to general beneficial properties, it has a specific effect on the body of pregnant and lactating women:

    The product cannot cause any additional complications, but it must be taken into account that bloating is undesirable during pregnancy. Therefore, it is recommended to limit consumption to what is recommended by your doctor and not to combine it with other protein products.

    Useful properties for children

    The canned product is good for the child, speeds up and stabilizes growth processes, normalizes blood composition, strengthens bone tissue, enriches the body with micro- and macroelements.

    It will be useful for preschool children as a tasty source of amino acids; it will help teenagers overcome adolescence, cope with excess weight, and improve the condition of their skin, hair and nails.

    It is better to give grains no earlier than 1.5-2 years, after consulting with your pediatrician. It is better to choose a product of brain varieties - it is softer, juicier, and contains more protein.

    For the elderly

    Researchers claim that regular consumption of peas slows down the aging process, prevents the appearance of wrinkles and graying of hair. Weakened body tissues are restored and saturated with nutrients. Vitamins of groups C and K have a beneficial effect on the condition of bones and joints and reduce the risk of injury.

    Age itself cannot cause any additional complications from using the product, but a number of age-related changes, some characteristic diseases, which will be discussed below, can serve as a serious contraindication. It is not recommended for use by older people who lead a sedentary lifestyle..

    Watch Elena Malysheva’s program about the benefits and potential harms of this wonderful product:


    Do you know why canned peas are harmful? Most often, harm is caused by a violation of the technology of its production or storage, or the use of an expired product. Bacteria that can cause food poisoning enter the body.

    Another common cause of deterioration in well-being is individual intolerance and a tendency to flatulence. Overeating is also dangerous.

    Some diseases may be contraindications for use, for example:

    Green peas are best consumed as an independent addition to a main non-protein dish or as an ingredient in a salad.

    But in this case, it is better not to combine the salad with other foods.

    It is undesirable to use peas in dishes that are subject to heavy heat treatment - they may lose some of their beneficial properties.

    The daily dose of the product should not exceed 100-150 grams.

    It should be consumed no more than 3-4 days a week so that the intestines have time to process the food.

    Use in folk medicine

    In folk medicine, canned peas are used for the following purposes:

    • antioxidant;
    • stabilizer of the cardiovascular system;
    • gastrointestinal tract stabilizer;
    • diuretic;
    • heartburn remedy;
    • rejuvenating agent.

    Doctors do not deny the potential benefits of the product in these areas, but insist on the need for consultation before starting treatment with traditional methods.

    Use in cooking

    We offer several simple recipes that will diversify your diet with tasty and healthy dishes using peas from a jar.

    Pea and chicken salad


    Cut the chicken fillet into medium-sized cubes and place in a large bowl. Cut the potatoes into equal-sized cubes and add to the fillet. Wash the cucumber, dry it, cut it lengthwise into four parts, finely chop each part.

    Fry in butter for a few minutes. When they have cooled, grate them on a fine grater. Mix everything in one bowl. Add peas, after draining the water, add salt and mix again. Season with mayonnaise, stir until smooth. The finished salad can be decorated with a sprig of herbs.

    Pea cutlets


    Mix finely chopped carrots, peas, corn, garlic, and onions in a large container. Mash the potatoes with a fork and add to the rest of the vegetables. Mix thoroughly. From the resulting mass we make small round cutlets.

    In a separate bowl, stir the flour in the water so that no lumps form. Dip each cutlet into batter on both sides, then into breadcrumbs. Place in a frying pan with hot oil. Fry until golden brown.

    Fish pies

    To prepare, take:

    Finely chop the dry, washed onion. Combine rice, onion, peas, salt, pepper and fish in a large bowl, after draining the oil, mix well. Cut the prepared dough into small pieces and flatten.

    Place a little filling in the center of each flatbread and form into neat pies. Grease a baking dish with oil and place the pies tightly in it. Brush the top with egg yolk. Bake at 200 degrees until a golden brown crust forms.

    Let's summarize.

    Peas are an excellent product that retains its beneficial properties when preserved and does not absorb any harmful substances. It has a beneficial effect on the human cardiovascular and digestive systems, enriches the body with vitamins and minerals.

    Useful for adults and children, and recommended for elderly people and pregnant women with some restrictions.

    Green peas are used in folk medicine, used as a means of losing weight, and in many dishes it is a true decoration of the table.

    Find out how to choose it correctly in the store, what deserves attention when purchasing:

    In contact with

    During periods when fresh peas from the garden are not available, many people buy canned green peas; the benefits and harms of such preparation are known to many housewives. What are the benefits of canned green peas?

    This product is made from young fruits of brain pea varieties, therefore, it contains all the nutrients inherent in this vegetable.

    Even after going through the canning process, the vegetable practically does not lose its qualities.


    Canned green peas are suitable for dietary nutrition

    Most often, canned peas have the following composition: peas, water, sugar, salt. The absence of vinegar, preservatives and other unhealthy additives makes this product approved for dietary nutrition. Peas themselves are simply a storehouse of essential vitamins and minerals.
    Vitamins in canned green peas:

    • beta-carotene;
    • B vitamins (except B12);
    • RR, E, K, N.


    • potassium;
    • magnesium;
    • silicon;
    • phosphorus;
    • calcium;
    • iron;
    • zinc;
    • copper;
    • sulfur;
    • cobalt;
    • manganese;
    • fluorine;
    • sodium;
    • selenium;
    • chromium;

    The glycemic index of these canned vegetables is 48. This is an average value, indicating that diabetics can eat the product in limited quantities.
    Canned peas contain only 37.2 kcal per 100 g. Such a low calorie content allows you to include the product in the menu when losing weight.
    The nutritional value of vegetable preparation per 100 g is as follows:

    • proteins - 3.6 g;
    • fat - 0.1 g;
    • carbohydrates - 9.8 g.

    What's the use?

    A high-quality product will bring great benefits to the body:

    • Canned green peas are useful for women planning pregnancy. After all, it is a source of easily digestible folic acid, which is so necessary for the neuropsychic health of the unborn baby. During pregnancy, this product will also benefit the body of the mother and child. Pea protein contains important essential amino acids: cystine and lysine. Cystine improves the absorption of calcium, which, of course, strengthens the skeleton of mother and baby;
    • Thanks to the large amount of potassium, the vegetable product has a good effect on the functioning of the heart;
    • Green peas are known for their pronounced effect on lowering cholesterol levels, and their consumption also helps normalize blood glucose levels;
    • Canned food is a source of high-quality, easily digestible vegetable protein;
    • For a woman in an interesting position, it is better to choose canned peas without sugar. It has a diuretic effect and will protect against swelling;
    • A nursing mother can also include green peas in her diet, while being careful: try a small amount and monitor the baby’s reaction. You should not eat this product during the period of infant colic. You should not indulge in any canned food while breastfeeding, just like during pregnancy. However, the presence of cystine can have a beneficial effect on lactation and helps produce large amounts of milk;
    • Canned peas can be given to children from the age of 3, but should not be given earlier due to the significant amount of salt in the product. Green peas accelerate the child’s growth process, normalize metabolism, and improve the condition of bones and teeth (thanks to vitamin K). Children who regularly use this product have increased visual acuity and increased mental activity;
    • Canned peas contain relatively few calories, as we have already said, which makes them an attractive dish for those losing weight. The benefits of this product will be undoubted when dieting;
    • There are fewer carbohydrates in canned peas than in fresh ones, and they are easily digestible;
    • By consuming green peas, the chemical composition of which includes a significant range of useful elements, you can avoid vitamin deficiency when losing weight;
    • This product does not make you fat, even if you eat it at night, but even a relatively small amount will give you a stable feeling of fullness;
    • Thanks to the large amount of fiber, canned vegetables help eliminate constipation and cleanse the intestines of putrefactive toxins;
    • This product can be eaten in small quantities for pancreatitis, but it is better to avoid dry peas. For diabetes, canned peas are also not contraindicated.

    You will learn more about the benefits of canned green peas from the video:

    Eating lentils will also bring great benefits to the body.

    Possible harm

    But it would seem that such harmless canned peas also have harmful properties:

    • Due to the content of purines in it, it should not be eaten by people with urolithiasis and gout;
    • You should not eat this product if you have gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases, flatulence;
    • The amount of sugar in canned peas is higher than in fresh ones, so they should be used with caution if you have diabetes;
    • And, of course, although the product is not highly allergic, cases of individual intolerance are nevertheless possible.


    Green peas, like any canned product, should be consumed in moderation. According to the advice of nutritionists, the daily intake should not exceed 150 g.
    Green peas are appropriate to serve as an independent dish. It will fit perfectly into soup (you can also add syrup from a jar), decorate an omelette or stew, or complement a salad. Can serve as a base for sauce. Often used as a side dish, it goes well with and. It is most useful in combination with other vegetables and herbs.

    Selection and storage

    In order for a product such as canned green peas to bring the greatest benefit to the body, you need to know how to choose it. Beware of preparations made from reconstituted dry peas; they are made according to specifications; such peas will be tough and tasteless. A good product is prepared only according to GOST. The closer the production date is to the natural ripening period, the better the quality of the product. It is better if the peas are of the “extra” variety.
    It is preferable to take the blanks in a glass jar, so the quality will be immediately visible. The peas should be neat, not falling apart, one to one. The brine is fairly clear, possibly with a slight sediment. Of course, the product should not be expired. When you open the can, the smell of a quality product is pleasant. Canned food should be stored in a cool, dark place. After opening the metal can for further storage (no more than a day), the peas must be transferred to a glass container.
    With the right choice and wise consumption, canned green peas will provide maximum health benefits.

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    Today, proper, balanced nutrition has become a true fashion trend. More and more people are choosing food responsibly. But in our diet, as before, canned green peas are found. The benefits and harms of green beans is the topic of today's conversation.

    Among us there are probably many people of various age categories who simply adore canned green peas. The benefits and harms, calorie content of the product have recently become of interest to ordinary consumers.

    We are used to adding green peas to Olivier. But not only this salad can be varied with such peas. There are a huge number of snack recipes that include canned peas. The benefits and harms, calorie content of the treat will be discussed in more detail below.

    On a note! Canned green peas are among the low-calorie foods. Its nutritional value is only 58 kilocalories. Most of it comes from water.

    We mainly love green peas for their sweet taste. And such a product is often used as a decoration for gastronomic masterpieces. Few people know about the beneficial properties of canned beans. And all thanks to an amazing set of vitamins, mineral compounds, micro- and macroelements.


    • alimentary fiber;
    • beta-carotene;
    • thiamine;
    • calcium;
    • vitamin B2;
    • ferrum;
    • sodium;
    • pantothenic and ascorbic acids;
    • potassium;
    • vitamin B4;
    • vitamin K;
    • amino acids;
    • Omega fatty acids;
    • pyridoxine.

    The healing properties of green peas are inextricably linked with its component composition. Experts have found that under the influence of high temperatures, legumes lose some minerals, vitamins, micro- and macroelements. Therefore, in this form the product becomes practically useless.

    To reap the exceptional benefits of eating peas, it is best to eat them fresh.

    On a note! Do not heat-treat canned green peas. Add it to ready-made dishes.

    You were able to see for yourself how diverse the composition of canned peas is. Its benefits and harms have recently interested many consumers, because canned beans often appear on our tables. And some of us actually like to drink marinade.

    Beneficial features:

    • eliminating constipation;
    • normalization of digestive processes;
    • slowing down the processes of premature aging;
    • decreased blood pressure levels;
    • removal of toxic compounds and toxins;
    • stabilization of cholesterol concentration;
    • improving the functioning of the circulatory system;
    • promoting tissue regeneration;
    • prevention of anemia;
    • increased hemoglobin level;
    • stabilization of blood clotting;
    • prevention of liver and kidney diseases.

    The beneficial properties of canned peas do not end there. Of course, only a high-quality product will bring unconditional benefits to the body. Many housewives prefer to buy peas in glass containers.

    Green peas contain B vitamins, which together have a positive effect on the nervous system.

    On a note! If you regularly consume canned green peas as food, you can prevent the onset of diabetes.

    Many inhabitants of the planet, due to physiological characteristics, are forced to closely monitor their diet and exclude certain foods from it. Not everyone can eat canned peas.

    List of contraindications:

    • gallstone disease;
    • gout;
    • digestive disorders;
    • colitis;
    • post-infarction state;
    • thrombophlebitis.

    Important! Eating green peas in large quantities leads to bloating and increased gas production. The manifestation of such symptoms indicates that legumes should be temporarily excluded from the diet or limited.

    We can our own peas

    Many people have sweet peas growing in their garden. In its fresh form, it gives the body incredible benefits. You can harvest and can your own legumes. You can be 100% confident in the quality of such a product.


    • fresh peas – 700 g;
    • spices;
    • filtered water – 0.75 l;
    • table salt - 1 table. spoon;
    • apple cider vinegar with 6% concentration – 1 table. spoon;
    • granulated sugar – 1 teaspoon. spoon.
