Rosehip compote - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook rosehip compote

Rosehip compote is an extremely healthy drink. It is recommended to drink with kidney disease and a number of other diseases. Rosehip compote is rich in vitamin C, which is especially important during a period of acute vitamin deficiency. It is very easy to prepare rosehip compote. For these purposes, fresh berries or dried fruits are used. Rosehip does not require long-term heat treatment. Berries are poured with water and boiled for several minutes. This is how a one-component rosehip compote is prepared, which can be sweetened with sugar or honey. A richer and healthier drink will turn out if you add dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes, etc.), fresh apples, hawthorn and any other berries and fruits to the wild rose. Sometimes, for taste and freshness, a slice of lemon or orange is added to the rosehip compote. The drink is served warm or chilled. It is recommended to strain the compote before serving.

Rosehip compote - preparing food and dishes

The preparation of fresh rosehip berries is as follows: the berries are sorted out, the stalks, villi and inflorescences are cut off. Sometimes the seeds are removed. It is better to crush the berries a little. Dried fruits are also mashed, but not into powder. If dried fruits are used in the recipe, they are thoroughly washed, poured for an hour or two with cold water or steamed for 10 minutes with boiling water. the rest of the fresh berries and fruits are also sorted and washed. Cut the apples and remove the seeds from them.

From the dishes you may need: a saucepan, a mortar, a knife, a colander, straining gauze and a thermos.

Rosehip compote recipes:

Recipe 1: Rosehip compote

The easiest and fastest recipe for rosehip compote. The drink is prepared for no more than 10 minutes, and for its preparation only fruits and rose hips and water are needed, if desired, it is fashionable to add a little sugar to the drink.

Required Ingredients:

  • Rosehip (dry berries) - a few handfuls;
  • Water - a liter and a half;
  • Sugar or honey - to taste.
  • Cooking method:

Cooking method:

First, prepare the berries: pour into a deep bowl and crush a little with a mortar. No need to turn the fruit into powder - just slightly knead. Pour water into a saucepan and put on fire. After boiling, add rose hips and cook for about 5-7 minutes. Then remove the pan with rosehip compote from the fire and leave to cool and infuse.

Recipe 2: Rosehip compote with apples

A very healthy and tasty drink. Especially such a rosehip compote with apples is relevant during a period of lack of vitamins. Compote can be served both warm and chilled.

Required Ingredients:

  • Rosehip - 2-3 handfuls;
  • Water - 3 liters;
  • Apples - 3-4 pcs.;
  • Sugar - to taste.

Cooking method:

Rosehip fill with water and put on fire. After boiling, reduce the heat and simmer for about 14-15 minutes. While the rose hips are cooking, prepare the apples: we sort out the fruits, wash them and cut a few slices. Don't forget to cut out the seeds. We spread the apples in a saucepan to the rose hips. After boiling, reduce the heat and simmer for 5-8 minutes. We turn off the fire. Add sugar or honey to the drink to taste, mix and leave to infuse. Strain the cooled drink and serve. If desired, you can throw an ice cube and a slice of lemon into the glass.

Recipe 3: Rosehip compote with hawthorn

Such a drink made from the most valuable berries undergoes minimal heat treatment. Rosehip compote with hawthorn is not boiled, but steamed and infused all night. With this method of preparation, the berries retain their color, aroma and a maximum of vitamins.

Required Ingredients:

  • Freshly picked berries of wild rose and hawthorn - 1-2 handfuls each;
  • Water.

Cooking method:

We sort out the berries, cut off the stalks and inflorescences. We thoroughly wash the berries in running water, after which we recline in a colander and let the water drain. We spread the berries in a thermos and pour boiling water. Leave the thermos open for 1-2 minutes. After that, close and leave to infuse all night. We boil the next day for 10 minutes some fresh rose hips. Don't forget to skim off the foam. Strain the broth and pour into glasses. There should be little liquid - the decoction is used only for color and aroma. Then pour berry tincture through a strainer into each glass. If desired, the drink can be sweetened and garnished with a slice of lemon or apple.

Recipe 4: Rosehip compote with raisins

Very tasty and healthy rosehip compote with raisins. All you need to make a drink is dried rose hips, raisins and a little water.

Required Ingredients:

  • 3 art. l. dried rose hips;
  • 2 tbsp. l. raisins;
  • Water - 5 glasses.

Cooking method:

We boil water. Grind rose hips and pour three cups of boiling water. We insist about 20 minutes. Then the broth should be filtered through cheesecloth. Then pour boiling water over the pomace again and insist again for 20 minutes. We filter and pour both broths into one dish. Add raisins to the drink and leave to infuse.

Recipe 5: Rosehip compote with dried fruits

Such a rosehip compote with dried fruits is very useful for both adults and children. To prepare a drink, take any mixture of dried fruits, including dried apricots, prunes, apples, pears, cherries, etc. Sugar is used for sweetness.

Required Ingredients:

  • A mixture of dried fruits - 40 g;
  • Dry rose hips - 10-15 g;
  • Sugar - to taste;
  • 200-250 g of water.

Cooking method:

We wash dried fruits and fill them with cold water. When dried fruits swell after a few hours, put them to boil directly in this water, bring to a boil. We wash the rosehip, clean it from seeds, knead it with a mortar and put it into boiling compote. Add sugar to taste, cook for a few minutes and remove the pan from the heat. Let the drink cool down and infuse.

Rosehip compote does not have to be boiled, you can put the fruits in a thermos, pour boiling water and leave to tune in all night. Then the infused drink is filtered and served like regular tea or mixed with other compotes.

Vitamin and extraordinarily tasty rosehip compote is ready! You can pour it into a jar or into a decanter and serve it on the table, if desired, cool it in the refrigerator.

The benefits and harms of rosehip compote

Rosehip compote contains a large amount of vitamin C, as well as carotene, riboflavin, vitamins P, B2, K, E, malic and citric acids, sugars, essential oils, tannins, salts of calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and many more useful substances . When preparing compote, all of them are preserved. This means that this drink not only perfectly strengthens the immune system, but also has an anti-inflammatory, choleretic and diuretic effect.

Dried rosehip compote is a good prophylactic for flu and colds, and also helps with liver problems, cholecystitis, and is useful for diabetes. With pancreatitis, a decoction is often used.

However, like any medicine, it has its contraindications. This drink should not be drunk by people suffering from gastritis or ulcers, hypertension. And it is categorically not recommended for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, any problems with blood circulation. The acids contained in rosehip berries have a destructive effect on tooth enamel, therefore, after drinking a concentrated infusion, it is advisable to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth.

Is it possible to compote from rose hips for children

Rosehip infusion is allowed to be given to children, but some caution must be observed in this matter.

  1. Compote can be started to give the baby in the first year of life, but only after 5 months. Before this, it is necessary to consult with a pediatrician, so that in case of individual contraindications, do not harm the child's body.
  2. The standard dosage for children up to six months is 2 teaspoons per day. Children over 6 months old can increase the amount to 1 tablespoon 2-3 times daily before meals. A one-year-old child can drink up to a quarter cup of the drink daily, or a little more in a diluted form. However, only a specialist will prescribe the exact dosage.
  3. If the doctor has allowed a child under 3 years of age to use rosehip drink, then various sweeteners or lemon should be excluded from the recipe.

Rosehip compote during breastfeeding and pregnancy

It is no secret that the health and development of a child directly depends on what his mother eats and drinks during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Therefore, the diet of such a woman should be balanced and bring maximum benefit.

During pregnancy

Pregnancy is not a contraindication for the use of rosehip compote. You can drink it and even need it, but in moderate dosages. During the period of active development of the fetus, it is better to exclude rosehips from the diet - a woman at this moment experiences an acute lack of calcium, and the harmful effects of rosehip juice on tooth enamel can aggravate the situation. The rest of the time, this drink is very useful if the pregnant woman herself does not have individual contraindications.

When breastfeeding

Rosehip compote is very useful during lactation, mainly due to the content of iron and phosphorus in it. All these trace elements, together with milk, are received by the baby, and this is important for him. Iron maintains the required level of hemoglobin and improves oxygen circulation, and phosphorus, in turn, is involved in the development of baby's brain cells.

In addition, rosehip improves blood clotting, which is an excellent prevention of postpartum hemorrhage. It is known that many medicines are contraindicated for a nursing mother, so rosehip compote with its antiviral and immunostimulating effect will help a woman with a cold.

Rosehip is also an excellent lactation stimulant, when it is consumed, the amount of breast milk increases.

Do not forget about the beneficial effect of wild rose on the nervous system, which is very good for a woman during postpartum depression. But you still need to drink rosehip compote while breastfeeding with caution. If consumed in excess, it can cause an allergic reaction. To begin with, it is worth taking only 1 teaspoon of compote, after which you need to carefully monitor the reaction of the baby's body. If the allergy does not manifest itself, you can gradually increase the dosage to 1 liter, if necessary, otherwise it is better to limit yourself to 1 glass of drink per day.

Features of preparing compote from dried rose hips

In order to cook compote from dried rose hips, fill it with cold water and put the pan on medium heat. After boiling, cook it for about half an hour. Berries should give the drink color and sour taste. Then you need to add sugar. Its amount depends only on your taste preferences - someone likes it sour, and someone likes it sweeter. If desired, you can put cinnamon or lemon. After that, cook for another 5 minutes and remove the pan from the heat. Berries in it is better to ceiling. Cover with a lid and leave the compote to infuse. After complete cooling, the drink must be filtered, and it is ready to drink. You can drink it as is or chill it slightly.

Advice: to speed up the process, it is better to use a slow cooker. To infuse the drink, the "Heating" mode will be convenient.

Now you know how to cook rosehip compote. It's easy to do, but what a benefit you can get! With the help of various additives, the drink is given new taste qualities. It will go well with dried fruits or fresh berries and fruits. For example, an orange will give the drink a more zesty citrus flavor. You can safely experiment and please yourself and your loved ones with a delicious vitamin drink at any time of the year.

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Each housewife devotes quite a lot of time to cooking. And summer and autumn for women is a rather stressful time. After all, ripened vegetables, fruits and berries can be processed and prepared for the winter. And for blanks, you can use not only the usual and popular products collected at their summer cottage, but also various gifts from wildlife. So rose hips will become an excellent source of vitamins and minerals in winter. You can prepare berries to cook rosehip compote for the winter, which I will now tell you how to cook.

Rosehip compote for the winter will not only quench your thirst, but also saturate the body with a significant amount of useful substances. In addition, this drink has an attractive taste. However, it is worth noting that the berries from such a drink are not suitable for consumption, because they contain prickly villi that can irritate the digestive tract.

How to cook rosehip compote for the winter?

To prepare a tasty and healthy rosehip drink for the winter, prepare three hundred grams of berries and three hundred grams of sugar.

Rinse freshly picked berries thoroughly using running water. Dry such raw materials with a linen towel and pour into glass containers. Brew the prepared fruits only with boiled water and leave for half an hour.

After draining the liquid from the cans into a suitable saucepan, add the right amount of sugar there. Bring the syrup to a boil, then pour it into jars with prepared rose hips. Cover the containers with lids and send to the oven, preheated to one hundred and twenty degrees. Soak the jars for fifty to seventy minutes, then carefully cork them. Turn the jars upside down, wrap and leave to cool completely. Store the finished compote in the cellar or refrigerator for no more than one year.

Rosehip compote, which is perfectly stored outside the cold

If you do not have the opportunity to store preservation in the cold, prepare rosehip compote according to a different recipe. To do this, you will need seven hundred and fifty milliliters of water, one hundred and sixty grams of sugar, two hundred grams of fresh rose hips and literally a third of a teaspoon of citric acid.

Rinse the rosehip well. Cut the berries into halves, remove the villi, as well as the seeds. Rinse the rosehip one more time.

Send the prepared fruits to the pan, add citric acid, sugar, and also water there. Bring the mixture to a boil, reduce heat and simmer covered for a quarter of an hour.

Pour boiling compote into sterilized jars, roll up with sterile lids. Wrap well and leave to cool.

Rosehip compote for the winter - a recipe with honey

For a kilogram of fresh rose hips, you will need two and a half liters of water and a couple of glasses of high-quality honey.

First of all, rinse the berries, remove the seeds from them and boil them in water until softened. Pound the prepared rosehip with a pestle. Pour honey and the rest of the water into it, bring to a boil over a fire of minimum power, remove from the stove. Pour the prepared compote into sterile jars, seal and store in a cool place.

Compote for the winter from rose hips and apples

To prepare such a drink for the winter, you need to prepare one kilogram of apples, two hundred grams of fresh rose hips, three hundred and fifty grams of sugar and eight hundred milliliters of ordinary clean water.

Rinse the apples under running water, remove the stalks and leaves. Put the fruit on a cutting board, pierce in two or three places.

Prepare the rose hips: remove the stalks, as well as the leaves. Rinse under running water.

Boil water in two medium containers, send rose hips and fruits to each of them. Boil for eight to ten minutes.

Using a slotted spoon, place the ingredients one by one in a hot, sterilized jar. Cover with a lid.

Next, pour cold water into the pan, pour sugar into it. Bring the liquid to a boil, stir it until the sugar dissolves. Pour syrup into jars and seal. Turn the compote upside down, wrap it in a warm blanket and leave to cool.

Compote of rose hips, apples and sea buckthorn for the winter

To prepare such a tasty and very healthy compote, prepare one kilogram of apples and sea buckthorn, as well as six hundred grams of rose hips. Also use four hundred and fifty grams of sugar for every liter of water.

First of all, peel the apples, cut into slices, removing the seeds. Dip fruit in boiling water and blanch for three to five minutes. Then immediately plunge them into cold water. Cut ripe and large rose hips into halves, carefully and carefully remove seeds and hairs from them. Put all the ingredients in layers in jars: first sea buckthorn, then apples, and lastly rose hips. Fill jars up to shoulder length, then top with hot syrup. Sterilize jars for twenty-five minutes (liter), then wrap with lids. Leave upside down until cool.

To make rosehip compote have a more interesting and rich taste, cook it with other ingredients. In such a preparation for the winter, you can add apples and pears, orange zest, cinnamon, etc. To make the compote really well preserved, keep it in a cool place - in the refrigerator or cellar. Such a drink will appeal to all family members, including children.

It is difficult to find a good recipe for compote from dried rose hips, because many uninitiated people confuse tea and compote, and strongly recommend steaming berries overnight in a thermos in order to subsequently drink this drink under the guise of compote. There are more than 400 varieties of wild rose, also known as rosehip, and all of them have well-known medicinal properties.

These features of the plant have been used by different civilizations for many centuries. It is recommended to be brewed for medicinal purposes by both conservative and traditional medicine. Tea and decoction are prepared only from wild rose or additional ingredients are added to enhance the effect of brewed berries.

For people with limited financial resources, berries picked in the park can not only replace expensive imported lemons, but also have a more pronounced effect.

Rosehip tea is recommended for many diseases, berries are combined with hawthorn for cores. It is prescribed for those diagnosed with kidney disease as a diuretic, decongestant, and stimulant. Some people steam it with raisins to replenish potassium, vitamin C and vitamin K, which is responsible for the synthesis of prothrombin in the body and prevents the risk of blood clots.

It must be poured out without regret. Indeed, such a compote is especially tasty when drunk chilled, but at room temperature it also leaves the taste of sweet summer, a tea rose bush in the mouth and replenishes the body with all the useful components that the plant gives completely in such a cooking recipe.

This compote made from dried raw materials is a great recipe for children who drink it with great pleasure and ask for more. No additives in the form of lemon or currant are required. This is a real compote, not tea and not a decoction, which must be consumed in doses.

Other compote recipes are simple and delicious

There are many recipes for making rosehip compote. There are even those when the berries roll up for the winter. They certainly contain advice to add a slice of lemon, a cinnamon stick, currants, raspberries and other dominant ingredients that destroy the natural taste of a wild rose.

Only the same dried berries and dried fruits are truly compatible with the fruits of the shrub. They exist separately in the aftertaste, not clogging, but complementing each other. All three options (hawthorn, dried apples, or a mixture of apples, pears and plums) are steamed for 10 hours in a handful in half a liter of water, and then boiled for 5 minutes over low heat after boiling.

Then sugar is added, again allowed to boil and tightly covered with a lid. After 3-10 minutes, you can filter, cool and drink. Sugar is added to taste. Someone likes sweet, and someone not so much.

In the same way, you can prepare a drink from dried barberry and rose hips. If you add 2 g of citric acid or 2 tbsp. tablespoons of squeezed lemon juice, it successfully replaces cranberry juice, both in taste and in the content of nutrients.

Compotes have a general tonic, immunostimulating and preventive effect. They quench thirst well and make up for the lack of vitamins. The most delicious and healthy - triple cooking, with petals. For medicinal purposes, tea or decoction is used. They are served hot and prepared in different ways.

Is it possible to make compote from rose hips? Of course you even need to! Rosehip has long been valued for its taste and healing qualities. The fruits contain a huge amount of nutrients.

These are vitamins (C, groups B, K, E), minerals (iron, calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, cobalt, copper, chromium, molybdenum, manganese), carotene, tannins, phytoncides, essential oils and acids.

What is useful rosehip

Rosehip compote is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Its useful qualities:

  1. Increases immunity;
  2. Suitable for pregnant women;
  3. Strengthens blood vessels;
  4. Lowers blood pressure;
  5. Improves digestion;
  6. Removes waste and toxins;
  7. Has a tonic property;
  8. It is an excellent tool for weight loss due to its low calorie content (110 kcal per 100 grams of product).

Not everyone can drink such compote. It is harmful for people suffering from gastritis and stomach ulcers with high acidity, hypotension, thrombophlebitis, kidney disease, constipation. Before use, you should consult a doctor.

Don't forget the measure. Excessive consumption of decoction can lead to negative consequences, for example, cause non-infectious jaundice. 10 berries contain a daily dose of vitamin C. Rose hips can cause allergies.

Fresh rosehip compote for the winter

Recipe #1

Fresh fruit compote is the most delicious.

Ingredients for two 1 liter jars:

  • 3 cups of fresh rose hips;
  • 2 cups of sugar;
  • 5 glasses of water.

Wash fresh fruits under running water. Dry on a linen towel.

Arrange in glass jars, pour boiling water. Cover the jars with lids and leave for half an hour. Then pour the infusion into a saucepan, add sugar and put on fire.

After boiling, pour into jars, cover with lids. Then put in an oven preheated to 120 degrees for 60 minutes.

Seal, turn over and wrap with a blanket. When the compote has completely cooled, transfer to a cool place and leave for the winter.

Recipe #2


  • 450 grams of rose hips;
  • 350 grams of sugar;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 2 grams of citric acid.

Wash the berries, remove the seeds and villi.

Rinse again and pour into a pot of water.

Add sugar and citric acid.

Bring to a boil, reduce heat. Simmer for 15 minutes with the lid closed. Pour into pre-sterilized jars.

How to make a drink from berries with apples

With the addition of apples, compote acquires an excellent taste.


  • 4 cups of wild rose (preferably fresh);
  • 200 grams of apples.
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 2 grams of citric acid;
  • 2 liters of water.

Wash and clean the berries, add water, put on fire. Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Cut the apples into slices, add to the broth.

Boil until they become soft. A couple of minutes before the end of cooking, add sugar and citric acid.

How to make compote from dried berries

Dried fruit compote is no less tasty and healthy.

spiced drink


Pour the berries into a thermos and pour boiling water for 30 minutes. Then pour into a saucepan, add sugar, cinnamon. Put on fire. Bring the dried rosehip compote to a boil and simmer for about 5 minutes.

With citrus flavor


  • 1 kilogram of dried wild rose;
  • 700 grams of sugar;
  • 5 grams of cinnamon;
  • 1 orange;
  • 3 liters of water.

Soak dry fruits for 10 hours in 3 liters of warm water. Throw the berries in a colander, and strain the infusion. To do this, use gauze folded in several layers.

Put on fire and add cinnamon, sugar, zest. When it boils, add steamed rose hips (you can remove the middle ones) and orange juice.

Boil for 5 minutes, then remove from the stove and set aside the dried rosehip compote with orange to infuse for about 10 hours.

- a quick and easy recipe for a delicious dish that will be a great addition to the table.

Question answer

Where to get a rosehip?

It is sold in a pharmacy or from grandmothers in the market. It can simply be picked up. It grows in our latitudes everywhere. There are a huge number of species. The bushes look quite attractive, so many plant them in their country house or near the house.

When to collect?

The ripening period is September. Have time to collect the fruits before the first frost, otherwise all useful minerals and vitamins will be lost.

How to prepare berries?

Fresh fruits are sorted out. In some cases, the stalk, inflorescence and seeds are removed. Rosehip is desirable to crush a little.

Dried - also knead.

If you add dried fruits, you must first pour them with cold water for a couple of hours or pour boiling water for 10 minutes.

How to store?

Having collected only ripe and whole fruits, they are dried. Do it in the oven or just in the sun (several days). Berries should not stick together. Then they are transferred to a glass container, and instead of a lid, a piece of linen fabric is used.

How to diversify the taste of compote?

Firstly, compote can be prepared from both dry and fresh rose hips. Additional ingredients will help to make the taste original and expressive: raisins, dried apricots, hawthorn, lemon peel, apples, etc. You can sweeten compote not only with sugar, but also with honey.

How long does it take to cook rose hips?

It does not require prolonged heat treatment. You can drink warm or chilled. It is recommended to strain before use.

Is it possible to give such compote to babies?

Rosehip compote is allowed for children from 5 months, if there is no allergy. Moreover, at 6-7 months, teeth begin to grow. The child needs calcium, which is found in large quantities in rose hips. It is worth starting gradually with a few drops. The exact dosage can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Rosehip compote perfectly quenches thirst, invigorates, cheers up, improves appetite. The recipes are simple and do not require special expenses. So just combine tasty with useful!