When to collect fireweed and how to dry it. Step-by-step guide to collecting and preparing Ivan tea at home

Hi all. Today we will continue our “tea” theme. We will talk about a plant that has many names: breadbox, miller, fireweed. But the most famous, perhaps, is Ivan-tea.

According to one legend, a guy Ivan lived in one village. And he always wore a red shirt. Ivan loved to wander around the field and healing herbs study. People saw the scarlet color in the field and said: “It’s Ivan, tea, walking.” One day Ivan disappeared, and beautiful red flowers appeared in the field, which became known as Ivan-tea.

And the beneficial properties of this herb turned out to be immeasurable: it strengthens the immune system, has antipyretic properties, gives the body a lot of energy, has a calming effect, improves potency, and is a good antioxidant. The list can be continued for a long time. I already wanted to drink useful decoction from fireweed? Then let's find out more about the herb Ivan tea, the collection and preparation of which you will definitely like.

It would be a sin to refuse this healing drink and don't add it to your tea collection. Yes, I’m even ready to go to the forest in order to collect as much fireweed as possible. The main thing is to know where to look.

To maximize the benefits of brewing this herb, you should find an environmentally friendly place to collect the plant. It is desirable that these be areas as far as possible from the railway, highway and various factories and enterprises. This way, you will receive raw materials that are not spoiled by harmful chemicals and emissions.

Fireweed loves sunlight very much, so you should look for it in a well-lit and dry place. This could be a large clearing, a forest edge, or an area where a forest burned down. During flowering, this grass spreads out a huge, beautiful lilac carpet over very large areas. In the photo it looks simply unforgettable.

Once you've decided on a place, let's right time collection to determine. In Central Russia and its southern part, the plant blooms from late June to mid-July. But closer to the north, flowering occurs at the end of July - mid-August. Fireweed leaves need to be plucked during this period, while it is blooming. When the plant begins to fluff, this can no longer be done.

It is better to go hunting for grass in the morning. Immediately after the race has dried thoroughly on it. And this needs to be done in dry weather.

How to collect fireweed?

At the very beginning of collecting, carefully examine the leaves of the plant: they should be clean and healthy. If they have dirt, dust or any sores on them, it is better not to touch them.

In order not to completely destroy such valuable grass, it is advisable to pick or cut the stem somewhere in the middle, leaving 10-15 centimeters from the ground. Afterwards, you can safely continue collecting leaves at home. Some also prepare fireweed flowers.

There is another way. Gently pinch the stem of the plant with your fingers and draw from bottom to top. At the same time, you collect the raw materials in your hand. However, connoisseurs of healthy fireweed decoction try to use this method as little as possible, since the leaves wrinkle and lose their taste.

Fermenting the miracle plant

One of the most important stages The process of making fireweed tea involves fermentation or simply fermentation of the leaves of this plant. They do it to get the most useful substances And taste properties final tea product. There are several ways to ferment at home:

  • This method is considered the simplest and most popular fermentation method. First, the collected raw materials need to be allowed to wither. This best happens outdoors in a dark place. Once this process is complete, you need to roll the leaves between your palms into small sausages (about the size of half a sausage). As soon as the leaves darken, they need to be placed in glass jars. Cover them with a cloth soaked in water. You need to let them brew for a day and a half. After initial process fermentation, you need to finish drying the fireweed in the oven at a temperature of 100 degrees. After this, the leaves are ready for cooking

  • There is another way. To do this, you need to divide the collected fireweed into two parts. One needs to be sent to the juicer and all the juice squeezed out of it. Mix the second part of the raw material in a saucepan with squeezed juice. After this you need to press it down with something heavy. You can try using a homemade weight. Don't forget to wrap it in a bag. The fermentation process itself will last for 72 hours
  • In the latter case, you will need a damp piece of cloth. If you do not wet it, it will absorb all the fireweed juice. Place the collected leaves on it in a small layer. After this, roll your fabric into a roll, using maximum effort. To prevent it from unwinding, rewind it with a rope. Now the most hard labour: you need to twist your roll with flexion and extension movements for half an hour in order to damage the structure of the leaves. After this, let them soak in the juice for 3 hours.

Don't forget to check the temperature. If you feel your roll getting hot, the primary fermentation will soon be completed. When the first stage is over, you will need to put the leaves in glass jars in a dense layer. Leave the laid material in a cool place for several days. Once the second stage of fermentation is complete, you need to grind the leaves either by hand or using a meat grinder. Finally, let your tea brew for several hours under a damp cloth.

  • You can watch another fairly simple method in the video.

Whichever method you choose, keep one thing in mind: important point. If you crush the leaves too much, tear them or grind them, they will lose some of their taste qualities and beneficial properties

Drying Ivan tea according to the rules

After the fermentation process is completely completed, you must immediately begin drying. I would like to immediately note that you can safely skip the fermentation stage and simply dry the leaves thoroughly. But then you will end up with something simply useful herbal drink no pleasant aftertaste.

For drying, it is most convenient to use a home oven. Preheat it to 100 degrees. It is advisable to place ceramic tiles or red bricks inside. This will make the process of drying the leaves more even. Also, do not cover the oven, leave a small gap. Then take a baking tray and place your tea mixture on it. In the oven, fireweed will dry in just a couple of hours. During the process, do not forget to periodically stir the leaves.

How to properly store fireweed?

To keep the tea for a long time excellent taste, aroma and has not lost its beneficial properties, it must be stored following some simple rules.

Let's start with choosing a container:

  • Glass container. You can use a jar, bottle, container and other glass containers. The main thing is that they close tightly
  • Ceramic dishes will also be good option for storing fireweed tea. Again, there is only one condition - the presence of a lid
  • It is not recommended to put the leaves of this plant in metal containers. Otherwise, it will lose a significant part of its healing properties.

Fireweed can be stored for 2-3 years. To extend its life, try to find a place where the air humidity is between 70-80% and the temperature is 15-20 degrees.

Ivan tea is a godsend for those who are trying to take care of their health with healing properties wildlife. It would seem, why all these difficulties with collecting and storing medicinal herbs, brewing and other intricacies, when modern science offers tablets for all occasions. Nobody argues - there are a lot of diseases that cannot be cured without the use of potent drugs, but at all times doctors, in addition to traditional treatment, prescribed herbal teas, decoctions and infusions.

Useful properties of fireweed tea

Ivan tea, or fireweed, as it is designated in pharmacy instructions, has a unique set of beneficial substances and trace elements:

  1. Vitamins A, C and B - help improve immunity.
  2. Tannins coat the stomach, and this is especially valuable when gastrointestinal diseases. Thanks to tannins, fireweed tea acquires anti-inflammatory, astringent and hemostatic properties.
  3. Organic acids and trace elements of fireweed tea: boron, molybdenum, nickel, copper, iron, manganese and many others - help restore metabolism and blood circulation, get rid of headaches, normalize arterial pressure, increase vitality.
  4. Flavonoids have diuretic and choleretic effects, so fireweed drinks are successfully used in the treatment of diseases of the liver, kidneys and bladder.

At the beginning of summer, meadows and forest edges are covered with a lilac haze - this is fireweed blooming

Tibetan medicine doctor Pyotr Aleksandrovich Badmaev spent his entire life studying the effects of fireweed on the human body. He carried out experiments and experiments on himself, and whether for this reason or for some other, he lived for more than a hundred years.

According to his observations, a drink made from fireweed:

  • calms the nervous system;
  • quenches thirst well;
  • helps cope with increased physical and mental stress;
  • acts as an antiseptic for infectious diseases;
  • cleanses the body of toxins and waste;
  • provides positive effect in the treatment of endocrine disorders;
  • rejuvenates the skin and the entire body;
  • helps in the treatment of diseases of the male and female genital area.

It is believed that thanks to active substance hanerol drinking fireweed tea is a preventive measure oncological diseases, and in the early stages can be used in complex treatment.

Rules for collecting fireweed

In order for a drink made from fireweed tea to be useful, it is necessary to properly prepare the raw materials. Fireweed is collected at the beginning of flowering. Considering the vast expanses of our huge country with different climatic conditions, the opening of the plant’s flowers occurs in different time, but usually this is the end of June - beginning of July. You can collect raw materials until the flowers of the upper half of the inflorescence open.

As the flowers begin to open in the lower part of the fireweed inflorescence, they begin to collect leaves

It is advisable to collect fireweed in places far from roads, industrial enterprises and livestock grazing. You can pick both the top leaves and flowers, but the leaves must undergo a fermentation process, and the flowers can simply be dried in the shade on outdoors and add to tea when brewing.

Both flowers and leaves can be used to make tea

Leaves are collected from the middle part of the plant, leaving the lower, oldest and uppermost leaves on the stem. To speed up the collection process, the stem of fireweed is pinched with your fingers under the inflorescence and pulled down with force, while the leaves remain in the hand. You can cut the whole plant and select healthy leaves for harvesting at home. With this method, it is important not to pull out the fireweed by the roots, then the perennial healer will bloom in this place next year.

The collected raw materials are laid out in a shady, ventilated place for drying. This process will take from 2 to 20 hours, depending on the temperature and humidity.

The collected fireweed leaves can be dried and in the usual way- outdoors in the shade, but only from fermented raw materials can you prepare truly tasty and healthy drink. Raw materials that have undergone fermentation do not lose their beneficial properties during storage.

Dried fireweed tea is rubbed in the palms of the hands, rolling flagella from the grass. During this procedure, the leaves secrete juice. Plants prepared in this way are placed in a clean glass or enamel container and covered with a damp cloth. It is impossible to say exactly how long it will take for fermentation - it all depends on the quality and quantity of raw materials and air temperature. You can determine readiness by the smell - when the herbal smell disappears and the aroma of fruit appears, the stage can be considered complete.

Fermentation - necessary condition when preparing fireweed tea

Next, the raw materials are sent to the oven for an hour to dry.. The leaves are laid out on a baking sheet in a layer of no more than one and a half centimeters, and the temperature is set to about 80 o C. The dried and cooled leaves are crushed and stored.

Store fireweed leaves in tightly closed glass or ceramic containers, in a dark place, at room temperature. The workpiece should not be stored for more than a year, as over time medicinal properties disappear.

Video: fireweed - fermentation

Recipes for making fireweed tea

In order for Ivan tea to reveal its amazing qualities, and for the drink to be beneficial, it is necessary to brew it correctly.

Ivan-tea, like everyone else medicinal herbs, should not be taken uncontrollably. If you have chronic diseases, you should consult a doctor.

Currant leaves and a slice of lemon will give the Ivan tea drink a unique aroma

Eat different ways preparing the drink, here are just two of them:

  1. Pour 300 ml of boiling water over a teaspoon of dried raw materials and leave covered for 15 minutes. Drink warm or cold, as regular tea sugarless. To improve the taste, you can add berries or honey to the drink.
  2. Pour a tablespoon of fresh crushed leaves into 300 ml of warm water. boiled water and bring to a boil over low heat. Let it brew for 10 minutes.

It is necessary to collect fireweed tea during its flowering period, but before the entire cluster of flowers has completely blossomed. Because at the end of summer, beans ripen on the lower branches of the plant, which contain unpleasant fluff, which is not used in harvesting.

Traditionally, the collection of this plant begins in the last weeks of June and lasts until autumn. In particular, in the south of Russia this happens at the end of June, in the central part - at the beginning of July, at the end of July - beginning of August - in the northern regions.

Young shoots of fireweed (fireweed) for Koporye tea can be harvested in May, and flowers are available from July to September.

In August they also collect:

Grass: Peppermint (water pepper), nettle, tansy, plantain, cudweed, barberry, lingonberry, fireweed, meadowsweet, horsetail, heather, field loach, St. John's wort, clover, snapdragon, chamomile, celandine, oregano, cumin, meadow greenweed , calamus, marsh rosemary, knotweed, melilot, centaury, dandelion, garden parsley, wormwood, yarrow, shepherd's purse.

Flowers: blue cornflower, tansy inflorescences, flat-leaved eryngium, sandy immortelle, red hawthorn, coltsfoot, fragrant chamomile.

Leaves: black currant, bearberry, barberry, henbane, lingonberry.

Fruit: black currant, unripe anise fruit, red hawthorn, blueberry, calendula officinalis (marigold), viburnum, common raspberry, rowan, horse chestnut, hops.

Kidneys: Scotch pine

Bark: Viburnum common

Roots: Blue cyanosis, meadow calamus, marsh calamus, valerian officinalis, angelica officinalis, dandelion, male fern, garden parsley, evasive peony, burdock, bergenia, elderberry, ninesil, burnet, yellow egg capsule, erect cinquefoil, soapwort, primrose, chicory, sorrel horse.

How to collect herbs correctly

  • Healers recommend collecting herbs on the third day after the new moon. During this period, the Moon gives plants special properties. The therapeutic effect of herbs increases significantly.
  • It is necessary to collect those parts of plants that contain this moment greatest number active and beneficial substances. For example, if the buds need to be collected in the spring, during the period of their swelling, then the flowers should be collected during the period of the highest peak of flowering.
  • It is recommended to collect leaves in dry, sunny weather after the dew has disappeared. Most favorable time for collecting herbs - from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

For Koporye tea, which is made from angustifolia fireweed (flowers and tops with fireweed leaves (Epilobium angustifolium, Chamerion angustifolium, Chamaenerion angustifolium) are collected). The flowering plant gives all its strength to the color, and the one on which the seeds have already set, first the queue is "invested" in them. Therefore, flowers and leaves of fireweed are collected from different plants. Flowers are the entire flowering top with maximally opened buds and without fruits. Leaves are the top of non-flowering plants until about the fifth adult leaf. The flowers are dried and then mixed them with fermented leaves. In appearance and taste, Koporye tea is similar to leafy green tea, but has its own special taste. Over time, the taste becomes more delicate.

Ivan tea has long been famous for its miraculous properties. This herbaceous plant has many features that help improve health and strengthen it. He has a good pleasant taste and tones. In order to get delicious tea with beneficial properties, you need to correctly perform the stages of preparing raw materials. It is important to know the places where raw materials are collected, their time, the stage of growth of the plant and its useful parts. With this information, you can collect fireweed grass and prepare a delicious drink with healthy properties.

What kind of fireweed tea can be collected and where is the best place to do it?

Of course, the grass collection area is chosen carefully; clearings and fields surrounded by trees - the best choice. Roads and industrial buildings should not be located nearby. Plants intensively feed on oxygen, absorbing components coming from the air. It is important that the growing areas are environmentally friendly and not subject to pollution. The plant grows in places where there is a lot of light and dry. During the flowering period, the meadows look like beautiful colorful carpets covered with bright pink inflorescences. You can collect fireweed leaves at the moment when the plant has already reached the stage of full development? By collecting leaves and flowers that are not fully developed, the decoction is not as rich and aromatic.

It is important not to miss the flowering period; harvesting begins during this period. Define exact time This process is not easy, it all depends on the weather conditions and the area where the fireweed grows. Depending on the location, flowering time can begin in June and last until September. It is necessary to choose in advance the place where you can collect fireweed, so as not to miss the process of preparing tea.

Is it possible to collect fireweed in August or not?

The end of summer falls in August and many people try to stock up on a variety of medicinal plants before autumn. In this regard, people who have become interested in collecting herbs are interested in harvesting fireweed in August. A significant argument in this matter will be the presence of flowering. The flowering period can last up to 3 months, you need to watch the plant. If the flower blooms, the collection continues regardless of time.

If the fireweed has faded, can the leaves be collected? Due to the fact that all the beneficial properties are revealed precisely during the flowering period, the assembly is carried out at the flowering stage. At the end of this stage, there are practically no useful components left and the herb no longer has the same value as before. There is no particular useful meaning in collecting this type of plant material. You can start harvesting from the moment the buds open. To preserve the plant, it is recommended to cut it or tear off only its leaves, because they contain the most useful components for good health. To speed up the collection process and make the task easier, many people pinch the stem between their fingers and move from top to bottom, grabbing a sufficient number of leaves. It is better to cut the leaves so that they do not wrinkle and lose their taste during further processing.

When answering the question whether it is possible to collect fireweed in August, it is important to note that the main flowering time is June-July. The closer it gets to autumn, the more likely it is that the plant is approaching the flowering stage. The weather during collection should be dry and it is best to do it in the morning. You need to carefully choose the plant so that it is healthy, and try not to harm it. Cutting is good because cropping provides a further increase in the number of inflorescences.

If the intended flowering period is over and the plant has flowers, Until what month can Ivan tea be harvested?- doesn't matter. Everyone is interested in useful leaves that are in a period of active growth. If there are flowers on the stem, it doesn’t matter what date it is, whether it’s the end of summer or the beginning of autumn. The main time is at the end of August, but depending on weather conditions, fireweed may bloom for a long time. The area has different temperatures and different quantities precipitation, which in turn affects vegetation and the time of its active growth. Conclusion: There are no strict established time frames.

The important fact is that inexperienced people who are interested in whether it is possible to collect fireweed after flowering may not know the answer and continue collecting. The person will think that he did everything right and he collected good medicinal plant with many advantages. Even after completing all the stages of preparing the raw material and drying it, you will not be able to get the most healthy drink. Of course, some of the beneficial properties will remain, but it will no longer give the expected effect.

If you haven't read enough information, you can continue to think: Until what date can Ivan tea be harvested?. Perhaps, if we consider the issue from the point of view of esotericism and other similar areas, this will matter, but most people focus on the usefulness of properties. There is no clear date when collection should stop. You need to look at the circumstances. If the plant is in the active flowering phase, harvesting can be done until it ends. If there was information that the harvest ends in August, but the plant continued to bloom, but the harvest was not carried out, the approach would be considered pointless. Due to the difference in real facts, the collection time frame is individual.

Having studied in detail the information about when you can collect fireweed, how to choose the right herbs, having learned about beneficial properties and harvesting technology, you can safely start collecting. Having all the necessary knowledge, you can stock up on useful and delicious teas for the whole winter, saving significantly and giving yourself a lot of beneficial effects for the body. In addition, the tea is very aromatic and tasty. It does not look like a simple herbal decoction, without any special taste. Properly prepared raw materials are an excellent tonic drink. With the help of the plant you can strengthen your immune system and get rid of a number of health problems.

Angustifolia fireweed has the ability to increase the body's endurance and has a positive effect on the blood vessels of the brain. That is why it has long been used to treat persistent headaches, migraines and inflammation of the brain after strokes, concussions or meningitis.

Healers considered fireweed an excellent helper for restoring strength after serious illnesses, with frequent colds and pneumonia, when the patient’s body is very weakened. Ivan tea gave strength, cured wheezing and severe cough, relieved pain in the liver and even helped cope with worms.

The high medicinal properties of fireweed for gastrointestinal diseases against the background of increased acidity gastric juice. It is recommended to be used for ulcers, gastritis, duodenitis, stomach catarrh and intestinal disorders.



Ivan tea is a very unusual plant! If other herbs die from fires, then fireweed will only bloom more magnificently in the fires! Apparently he loves soil fertilized with ash!

In those places where fires raged in the recent past, the entire area is covered with pink-crimson thickets of fireweed. Ivan-tea - or scientifically called fireweed - is an excellent honey plant, medicinal herb and a delicious vitamin drink.

Medicinal properties of fireweed (fireweed) tea and its composition

  • Ivan tea contains a lot of vitamin C, as well as iron, copper, manganese...
  • The leaves of the plant contain tannin, mucus, the alkaloid cherophylline, pectin, sugars, flavonoids, and coumarins.
  • Ivan tea has an anti-inflammatory, enveloping, soothing effect.
  • This good remedy for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Ivan tea has properties similar to the action of aminazine, that is, it is a sedative.
  • Ivan tea is recommended for inflammation of the ear, throat, nose, and headaches.
  • The herb is used for anemia and anemia.
  • Ivan tea improves heart function and stimulates hematopoiesis.
  • Ivan tea is an excellent vitamin drink.

How and when to collect fireweed (fireweed)

Ivan tea grows on forest edges, in clearings, drained swamps, in undergrowth, in fields, where there is a lot of light and sun. This is a fairly tall plant. Often fireweed grows up to one and a half meters in height. And if low-growing plants are found, especially in the thick of trees, then they are not suitable for harvesting.

Fireweed herb has medicinal properties: leaves, thin stems, flowers.

The plant is harvested during flowering, which is for June-July months. Since at the end of flowering fluff appears instead of flowers, you need to ensure that the harvesting process does not drag on, otherwise the fluff that gets into the raw material can negate the entire production.

Plants are harvested in dry, clear weather, choosing for this purpose areas remote from highways and industrial enterprises. Although there is an opinion that fireweed does not accumulate toxic substances, but it’s still not worth risking your health.

The preparation of raw materials is carried out in the morning, when the dew on the plants has completely dried.

If raw materials are needed for medicinal purposes, then the flowering tops of plants are cut off along with the leaves. Or you can harvest flowers and leaves separately.

The cut plants are stacked in the shade and then transferred to a permanent place for drying.

How to dry fireweed for medicinal purposes

Ivan tea for medicinal purposes is dried under a canopy, in the attic or in a ventilated room, spreading the raw material in a thin layer on paper or fabric. For quick drying, it is recommended to stir it frequently. At the same time, preventing sunlight from falling on the grass, which destroys chlorophyll and many beneficial substances.

Raw materials can be dried in an oven or oven, but the temperature should not be higher than 50°. In this case, drying is carried out with the door open so that the raw materials do not steam.

Well-dried leaves and flowers of fireweed easily crumble, and thin stems break with a bang. Dried fireweed flowers have honey aroma and a beautiful lilac color.

Preparation of raw materials for tea

Once upon a time, “Koporo tea” was prepared from fireweed, which was in great demand not only among the local population, but was also exported. It is very good that the tea recipe has not been lost, and many preparers still resort to it now.

More often Only leaves are prepared for tea, but in some cases flowers are also used.

  • Collecting raw materials for tea differs from harvesting for medicinal purposes. The leaves are torn off as follows: the plant is held with one hand by the flowering crown, and with the other hand it is carried along the stem from top to bottom. With this method, all the leaves remain in the form of a bunch in the palm, and the plant can successfully continue its growth.
  • The leaves are placed in large bags and transported to a further processing site. Some producers wash the leaves, but then most of the bacteria, which are involved in further processing of the raw material, are washed away. It is best not to harvest grass in environmentally unfavorable areas, and then there will be no need for washing.
  • The leaves of the willow-tea are left in the fresh air to wilt slightly, and then placed in a large plastic bag, a basin, and treated in the same way as with cabbage, which, after shredding, is crushed to release the juice. In the process of such manipulation, the cellular structure of the leaves is disrupted and juice begins to be released.
  • Then they take several leaves at a time and begin to roll them between their palms into sausages until the juice is released. You can roll the sausages on a glass cutting board.
  • The prepared rolled leaves are placed in a non-oxidizing container and pressed down with pressure. In this position they should remain in a warm place for about a day. During this time, bacteria, which are found in any living organisms, of course, in leaves, will enter into a chemical reaction with oxygen, and fermentation will occur.
  • The end of this stage will be noticeable by the changed aroma. If previously the raw material had the smell of grass, then at the end of fermentation the leaves acquire the aroma of fruit and a slight sourness.
  • The prepared raw materials in the form of sausages are cut into strips and then laid out on baking sheets covered with parchment. Dry in the oven at a temperature not exceeding 50° with the door ajar. If there is no oven or oven, then the leaves can be dried in the open air at a temperature of about 30°, avoiding exposure to sunlight.
  • To ensure uniform drying, the raw materials need to be stirred periodically.
  • Drying can be considered complete if most of the leaves are well dried. Then you need to remove the baking sheets from the oven and dry the raw materials in the fresh air.

For variety, you can mix dried fermented leaves with dried flowers prepared in the usual way.

How to store dried fireweed tea

Dried fireweed tea for medicinal purposes is stored in paper bags or in cotton bags.

Fermented well-dried tea is stored in glass jars with screw caps.

Raw materials are stored in a dry, dark, cool place for about two years. Further storage significantly reduces the amount of nutrients.

Ivan tea in cooking

Young shoots of fireweed are used to prepare salads, soups, and cabbage soup.

Green soup with fireweed tea. Take the same number young leaves of fireweed and nettle, pour boiling water over. Then chop them and stew them with butter(20 g). Place three diced potatoes and shredded small carrots in boiling water (1 liter). Then add fireweed and nettles to the vegetables and cook until tender. Five minutes before the end of cooking, add salt and pepper. On a plate with ready-made soup add boiled egg and sour cream.

Nowadays, when people began to think more about the ecology of life and health, their attention turned to the traditions of our ancestors, old recipes and the knowledge of those people who already use these attributes of folk experience in their lives. And such a product that came to us from the past of Rus' was Koporye tea, made from a ubiquitous plant blooming Sally.

Its healing properties and great taste knew the inhabitants of our country, and were valued in other countries. And before the intervention of Chinese teas, having high level caffeine, for our tea, which was prepared in Koporye, foreigners paid in gold.

Here is a short list of healing properties fermented Koporye tea :
- useful for high blood pressure, perfectly normalizes it
- headache
- increases potency
- diseases genitourinary system
- helps with diseases of the digestive system
- has a great effect on the blood
- useful for poisoning
– rids the body of waste and toxins
- gives strength and vigor
- for flu and colds will increase immunity
Traditional medicine successfully uses tea for the prevention and treatment of malignant and benign tumors. Scientists have proven that tumors are affected by a high-molecular compound - hanerol.
How many useful actions tea: analgesic, laxative, wound healing, relieves cramps, anti-inflammatory.

Easy enough to make Ivan tea at home.

It is collected during or at the beginning of flowering, starting in the second half of June. You can collect the tender tips where buds are just beginning to form. Of these, the most valuable is obtained, elite tea. And when the plant has already bloomed, we collect fresh leaves from 1.3 parts of the stem. We leave the buds so that it can be inseminated by the next season, if the plantation is not very large.

The collected leaves are laid out in a room where there is no direct sunlight, in a layer 5 cm thick, so that the leaves wilt a little, stirring them periodically. This procedure takes 5-6 hours. After this, the leaves are rolled into sausages between the palms. The force must be strong enough to burst the vacuoles in the leaves and release the juice. The finished sausages are placed tightly in a glass or enamel bowl and when it is full, a cloth is placed on top and pressure is placed. Fermentation lasts approximately 8 hours. After which the sausages are cut or rolled in a meat grinder, through a large hole and dried in the oven at a temperature of 100 degrees. The degree of readiness is determined by touch, when there is no longer any moisture in the leaves, but they do not crumble into dust. That is, to the state of the tea we are accustomed to. The main thing is not to overheat, otherwise you will smell something fried in the tea.

Is there some more express method of preparing Ivan tea.

The procedure of rolling leaves is quite tedious and time-consuming, and if for some reason you do not have time to do this, then you can shorten the technical process using the same meat grinder. That is, Ivan tea leaves that have been dried for 6 hours are rolled through a meat grinder and in this form are placed for fermentation. Drying is done the same way.

What do we lose with the express method? While twisting the leaves with your hands, your tea is filled with personal energy. And we also put into it images that it is healthy, tasty, has extraordinary therapeutic effect and he's so good. And all this is transmitted on a subtle level to this product. What you can't do when using an iron meat grinder.