When to put chickpeas in pilaf. Pilaf with chickpeas from Stalik Khankishieva recipe

Everyone loves pilaf with chickpeas. A step-by-step recipe is described in our article so that everyone can quickly and effortlessly prepare this magnificent dish, suitable for holidays and everyday life.

Pilaf recipe

Step No. 1 - preparing products

The entire process will take from 1 to 2 hours. To prepare delicious pilaf you will need a simple set of ingredients:

  • lamb meat of the first freshness (you can take any part of the carcass, for example, a shoulder blade is suitable) - minimum 800 grams, maximum 1 kilogram;
  • high-quality rice, round, steamed long, Basmati or Devzira varieties (any variety of rice that does not have the ability to steam is suitable) - minimum 600 grams, maximum 1 kilogram;
  • chickpeas (another name is chickpeas) - 200 grams (at least half a glass);
  • fresh carrots (yellow variety is welcome) - no less than 600 grams and no more than 1 kilogram;
  • fresh onions - 150-350 grams (this is 2-3 onions);
  • cumin spices (another name is cumin) - 1 teaspoon;
  • garlic - 1 clove or 1 head, depending on taste preferences;
  • salt - a couple of teaspoons.

Optional but useful additions for variety:

  • chili pepper - 1 piece;
  • tail fat (combined with hot oil for frying onions) - 100 grams;
  • granulated sugar - half a teaspoon;
  • cottonseed oil (or any neutral oil) - 200 milliliters;
  • spices made specifically for pilaf - 2-3 teaspoons;
  • dried fruits raisins - 2 large spoons;
  • dry barberry - 2 small spoons;
  • cumin - 1 teaspoon.

Step No. 2 - preparing the pilaf base

You will definitely be able to make a good pilaf with chickpeas. The step-by-step recipe continues processing the base ingredients. The chickpeas must first be soaked for 2 hours. The washed rice also needs to be soaked for half an hour. Separating the veins from the meat, rinse it and cut it as desired.

Step #3 - frying the onions

If you use fat tail fat, you must first melt it together with butter and then cook the onions in it. Traditionally, onions are cut into medium rings. You can use a frying pan, but a cauldron works best. Place onion in oil heated to a boil. The rings or half rings should take on a dehydrated appearance and a brownish-golden hue. The onions should not be overcooked.

Step #4 - processing the meat and adding carrots

Add cubed meat to the fully cooked onion. In this case, it is necessary to maintain intense heat for frying meat, not stewing. It usually takes about 8 minutes to brown meat moderately. Next, carrots are added; they should be cut into large strips. After 5 minutes the carrots become soft.

Step #5 - water and chickpeas with garlic

Fill the dish with water so that the meat is hidden. Garlic and, if required, hot chili pepper are placed in the center. Also at this stage you need to add the desired amount of salt. Place soaked chickpeas in a container. At this time, the dish may seem over-salted, but in the end everything will return to normal, since the addition of rice is ahead. Continue cooking for another 10 minutes in boiling mode. If necessary, water can be added.

Step No. 6 - the key final stage

Remove the pepper and garlic. Place the soaked rice in a container and leave it to cook; no need to stir. It is advisable to pierce the entire mass of pilaf in several places for normal release of moisture. It is necessary to wait until the broth has almost completely evaporated, while the rice should be slightly damp. Then you can return the pepper and garlic. If necessary, add a little cumin, raisins, barberries, spices, and sugar. At this stage, pureed cumin is added. Further cooking lasts about half an hour. At the end of the whole process, carefully mix the dish and eat it hot along with salad and tea.

delicious homemade dish for everyday life and holidays

Interesting facts about Uzbek pilaf with chickpeas

Medieval gourmets were familiar with the recipe for pilaf. Hearty meat pilaf, prepared according to the classic recipe, was positioned by our distant ancestors as a means to restore the strength of warriors. The medicinal and nutritional properties of this dish were noticed because rice is rich in amino acids, and chickpeas contain a whole range of microelements. It is also known that the dish supplies the body with polyunsaturated fatty acids, valuable B-group vitamins and impressive portions of lysine. Real pilaf exudes a pronounced, recognizable aroma created by the perfect union of beef and cumin spice.

The appearance of a rice and meat dish ensures a good appetite, a festive mood of the soul and maintaining a positive attitude during the meal. To prepare real pilaf with the correct consistency and rich taste, you should use a thick-walled cauldron or a special pan. If pilaf is consumed infrequently and in small portions, then the dish fits well into the dietary framework. If desired, you can use chicken fillet instead of animal meat.

Rabbit and turkey are good alternatives. Today, a vegetarian variation of pilaf is popular. To fill a meat-free dish with healthy proteins, you need to increase the volume of chickpeas.

Do you want to surprise your friends? Prepare them Uzbek pilaf in Samarkand style. What's so surprising about it, you ask? This type of Uzbek dish is unusual in that, firstly, it does not have a pronounced yellow or even brownish tint, which everyone is accustomed to seeing in Fergana pilaf (namely, Fergana pilaf is usually served in all Uzbek catering points from Moscow to the outskirts). The rice in this dish remains almost white. Secondly, it is prepared not only with lamb, but also with lamb peas - this is the name of a legume family plant popular among Uzbeks. The taste is specific, unusual, worth a try. That’s why today we have pilaf with chickpeas - we give the recipe and some useful tips.

Recipes for pilaf with chickpeas

How is pilaf with chickpeas prepared? Why is he interesting?
Firstly, it is worth noting the cooking method. It is different from the usual and requires some skill and dexterity. Because ordinary Uzbek is cooked with all components cooked to maximum, and this gives an intense color and unique taste to the dish.

Secondly, the usual version is cooked in a zirvak, all the rice is evenly saturated with this thick sauce, to the very top. The first commandment of someone who knows how to cook Fergana-style pilaf is not to stir everything that is in the cauldron until the very end of cooking.

But Samarkand pilaf with chickpeas completely refutes these theories, because it has its own cooking characteristics:

  • The rice is not completely filled with water, only the lower part, while the upper layers are steamed. And in order for heating and cooking to be uniform, you must periodically turn over, “shovel” the rice, swapping layers, collecting the rice in a heap and making indentations in the grain to allow steam to escape. This is the trick and complexity of preparing this dish;

  • meat is the second feature of the dish. It's coarsely chopped here. Large pieces are served to everyone along with a small cutting board and knife, so that everyone can cut as they like;
  • rice - if dev-zira rice is usually used for Fergana, then Samarkand is often prepared from Khorezm rice, for example, it can be the Lazar variety;

  • carrots should be yellow. However, yellow carrots, which are cheaper in Uzbekistan and more aromatic than regular carrots, are also used in other types of pilaf. Samarkand residents simply use only one yellow one.

Chickpeas are good both as part of a meat dish with lamb, and as a component of a vegetarian dish. In the latter case, it is simply irreplaceable - it is a highly digestible vegetable protein that can replace meat protein. Which, you see, is good for fasting people and those who do not eat meat on principle. Below we will give a recipe with photos of both a meat dish and a vegetarian one.

Despite the unusual preparation, it is not at all difficult to cope with Samarkand pilaf and chickpeas.

Especially if there are recommendations with step-by-step photos. If you have lamb (you can take beef, pork, chicken, etc.), chickpeas, vegetable oil, onions and carrots, then we’ll tell you how to cook real pilaf from Samarkand at home.

Uzbek pilaf with chickpeas

How much meat should I use for pilaf with lamb or beef and chickpeas? There are no exact requirements here. Usually Uzbeks do not hang food on scales - it’s all by inspiration and tradition. And the tradition for preparing this particular pilaf is this: there is little onion, a lot of carrots and meat, approximately equally, a little less rice than meat.

Uzbek pilaf with chickpeas has a pronounced taste and aroma of carrots and fried meat.

Therefore, the classic ratio of meat, carrots, rice and onions is: 1 kg - 1 kg - 800 g - 3 pcs. (one onion, whichever is smaller, will be discarded after frying). Plus another 150 grams of fat tail fat, 200 g of vegetable oil, cumin, barberry, 2-3 heads of garlic, whole pepper, salt.

The real recipe for cooking a dish in a cauldron looks like this.

Wash thoroughly so that no flour remains and as much starch is removed from the rice as possible. This is the key to making your rice fluffy!

  1. Heat the oil in a large cauldron and fry the onion over high heat until dark.

The tradition of frying an onion refers mainly to cooking with cottonseed oil, which has a slight bitterness and a peculiar aroma.

Heating removes the bitterness, and the onion removes the specific smell.

We add onions only to add the desired aroma to the oil, and use clarified sunflower or olive oil for frying.

  1. Remove the onion and discard, melt the fat tail cut into small pieces. Remove the cracklings, but do not throw them away - then we will return them to the pilaf.
  2. In oil heated to maximum, put onion cut into half rings and immediately - large pieces of meat (cut the meat at the rate of one piece per serving).

  3. Fry quickly so that the meat acquires a confident, bright color. Here you definitely need to salt it!
  4. While we fry the meat, cut the carrots into large cubes. The meat is browned - put half a carrot, on top of it - chickpeas discarded from the water, hot pepper, and if you have it, then a handful of barberry. Yes, don't forget to put the cracklings back!
  5. Place the rest of the carrots on top of the chickpeas, sprinkle with a pinch of cumin, and add the whole garlic. There is a trick here - only the part of the carrot that is below will be covered with water. Everything else, including chickpeas, is steamed. Therefore, the secret is to pour hot water very carefully, just enough to cover the lower part of the carrots.

  6. Cover with a lid and reduce heat to medium. That's it, for about twenty minutes everything is prepared without your participation.
  7. Zirvak. and this is it, it’s ready, it’s time to put in the rice.
  8. We spread the rice evenly with a slotted spoon and fill it with the best water, heated to a boiling point. Salt the water well. You need to pour a little - so that half of the rice is in water and half is steamed.

  9. It is cooked over low heat, so that the rice is soaked with oil from below, and then, obeying the movement of your hands with a slotted spoon, it is turned over to steam completely and evenly. Turn it over two or three times, shovel it, each time making small outlet holes for steam.
  10. Now toss the rice a little on the spoon - does it fly apart? So everything is correct. It's time to cover with a lid and leave to finish.
  11. The pilaf is served like this: first add rice, then add chickpeas and carrots, and place a piece of meat on the side of the plate. The meal starts with rice to appreciate the chef's skill in preparing rice.

Vegetarian pilaf with chickpeas

The chickpeas in vegetarian pilaf will definitely not have time to cook and will be raw if they are not first soaked for a day. The water is changed three to four times.

For vegetarian pilaf, take half a kilo of rice (can be Krasnodar or regular long-grain), half a glass of chickpeas, two onions, 3 carrots, 250 g of vegetable oil, spices (barberry, cumin, garlic). Here is a step-by-step cooking recipe.
  1. Fry carrots and onions in heated oil.

  2. Add chickpeas and spices to the cauldron.

  3. Add rice soaked in salted water.

  4. Stick a head of garlic into the rice.

  5. Pour boiling water a couple of centimeters above the rice.

  6. Cook for 40 minutes until the rice is cooked and the water has boiled.

  7. Keep in a closed cauldron over low heat for a little longer and serve, stirring.

Pilaf with chickpeas in a slow cooker

When there is no cauldron or even a thick-walled duck pot of suitable size, a multicooker is used. Of course, you can’t expect pilaf identical to the real Uzbek one, but the result is a rather tasty and balanced dish.

Pilaf with chickpeas and various additives - raisins, you can add dried apricots, but more often they just add pepper and garlic.

To prepare pilaf, you will need half a kilo of meat (chicken, beef, lamb or pork), carrots, rice, three small onions and spices - cumin, hot pepper and a little ground black, as well as barberry, if available.

Secrets of perfect pilaf with chickpeas

If you want exactly the Samarkand taste, then you do not need to add any spices except pepper, barberry and cumin. It will turn out very tasty! And no ready-made combinations for pilaf, no bay leaves and our South Russian seasonings like dry dill!

Chickpeas differ in cooking time. It should either be allowed to swell in water or boiled in advance.

If you are preparing vegetarian pilaf, it does not take long to cook, so it is better to boil the chickpeas before putting them in the cauldron. The same goes for quick-cooking chicken. If you cook it with lamb or beef, it is better to soak it and put it raw in a zirvak.

For chickpea pilaf, take the best rice - whole, clean, it is better to buy it at the Uzbek market, where chickpeas are also sold.
After cooking, let the pilaf “rest” a little, only then serve.

Some useful information about chickpeas

How to soak chickpeas? After all, it depends on how the peas are soaked whether they will be soft and at the same time dense in the pilaf or whether they will turn out tough and undercooked. Then you certainly won’t be able to help the pilaf.

For soaking, use water at room temperature. Usually, when preparing pilaf with peas, it is soaked overnight. In principle, fresh chickpeas will soak in 4 hours, but how can you find out how long they have been sitting, and therefore drying out? Therefore, put it on overnight - and it will be fine.

Chickpeas are a legume plant prone to rapid fermentation. Therefore, do not be lazy to change the water more often when soaking, rinsing the cereal with fresh water.

There is another delicate point here: like all legumes, chickpeas can contribute to bloating. This trouble will not occur if you soak it well. You can add a little soda and then rinse.

And lastly: chickpeas are considered the best product among other legumes in terms of digestibility and healthfulness. And the most interesting in taste. It’s good that from eastern countries, chickpeas (that’s what chickpeas are also called) are gradually coming to the table of Europeans.

Pilaf with chickpeas is one of the varieties of the Uzbek dish, where in addition to rice, soaked chickpeas are added. This additive not only changes the taste palette, but also enriches the nutritional qualities of pilaf, which is filled with a lot of valuable components.

How to cook pilaf with chickpeas?

The technique of preparing pilaf with peas, like other options, is accessible to everyone and does not require any unique culinary skills.

  1. First of all, clean water is poured into a deep container, since chickpeas for pilaf need to be soaked in a large volume of liquid, at least 6 times the amount of cereal. Place washed peas in water and leave for 12 hours, after which they are washed again.
  2. Rinse the rice well and then soak in warm water for 1.5 hours.
  3. You can cook pilaf with chickpeas without meat, or add lamb, beef, pork or even poultry to the composition.

Uzbek pilaf with chickpeas – recipe

Chickpeas are made from lamb with the addition of light devzira rice. If there was no time to soak the peas well, they are added to the meat along with seasonings and water and allowed to boil in zirvak. Otherwise, you can add peas along with rice. Instead of fat tail fat, cottonseed or sunflower oil is used.


  • lamb – 0.5 kg;
  • chickpeas – 100 g;
  • rice – 0.5 kg;
  • onion – 300 g;
  • carrots – 200 g;
  • oil – 150 ml;
  • cumin, turmeric, pepper, coriander - 1 teaspoon each;
  • barberry - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • water – 1 l;
  • salt.


  1. Soak chickpeas for 12 hours and rice for 1.5 hours.
  2. The meat is fried in oil until golden brown.
  3. Add onion, fry for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Add carrots, and after 5 minutes all the seasonings and chickpeas.
  5. Add a little water and simmer the zirvak for 20-30 minutes.
  6. Add rice and add more water.
  7. Cook Uzbek pilaf with chickpeas over a slightly lower than medium heat until the moisture is completely absorbed.

How to cook pilaf with chickpeas and rice?

Chickpea and rice pilaf can be made with pork, using a soft and juicy neck or shoulder. The composition of the seasonings is supplemented here with whole heads of garlic, peeled from the outer layer of the husk, or dried garlic granules. It is preferable to take steamed rice or a special long-grain variety.


  • pork – 600 g;
  • chickpeas – 100 g;
  • rice – 500 g;
  • onion – 250 g;
  • carrots – 250 g;
  • oil – 150 ml;
  • cumin, barberry - 1 teaspoon each;
  • barberry - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • water – 1 l;
  • salt.


  1. Sliced ​​pork is browned in hot oil.
  2. Add onions and carrots and fry for 10 minutes.
  3. Throw in the soaked chickpeas and seasonings, add water, and let the zirvak boil.
  4. Add washed rice, insert a head of garlic into the grain, and add the rest of the water.
  5. Cook pilaf with chickpeas under the lid until the rice and peas are ready.

Vegetarian pilaf with chickpeas - recipe

It is prepared with chickpeas without the use of meat. In this case, they limit themselves to the classic set of vegetables from onions and carrots or add chopped parsley roots, celery, as well as sweet peppers, bean pods, and other vegetables of your choice. For those who like spice, you can add hot pepper pods to the cauldron.


  • chickpeas – 0.5 cups;
  • rice – 1 glass;
  • onions – 1-2 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1-2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 100 ml;
  • cumin, coriander – 1 teaspoon each;
  • barberry - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • hot pepper – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 2-3 heads;
  • water – 2 glasses;
  • salt.


  1. Fry the onion in oil for a minute.
  2. Add carrot sticks and fry a little more.
  3. Add salt, cumin, coriander, barberry, soaked chickpeas, pepper, and pour in a couple of glasses of hot water.
  4. Add rice and add more water as needed.
  5. Cook with chickpeas for 10 minutes without a lid until the water is completely absorbed under the lid.

Pilaf with chicken and chickpeas

Pilaf with chickpeas is a recipe that can easily be made with chicken. Sliced ​​dietary breast, legs, thighs with or without skin, and portioned slices of a cut poultry carcass are also suitable. When using homemade chicken, the meat is additionally stewed with zirvak until half cooked before adding the cereal.


  • chicken – 1 kg;
  • chickpeas – 200 g;
  • rice – 500 g;
  • onion – 250 g;
  • carrots – 250 g;
  • celery – 150 g;
  • oil – 200 ml;
  • garlic – 2 heads;
  • cumin, saffron - to taste;
  • salt, pepper, spices for chicken.


  1. The chicken is marinated with seasonings for two hours.
  2. Fry chopped onions and roots in oil.
  3. Separately brown the bird.
  4. Add the meat to the vegetables along with seasonings, soaked chickpeas and rice.
  5. Insert heads of garlic into the cereal, add 1 liter of water and cook pilaf with chickpeas until all the moisture is absorbed.

Recipe for pilaf with chickpeas and champignons

Pilaf with chickpeas and mushrooms is suitable for serving during fasting, for feeding vegetarians or lovers of dishes in an original, non-traditional design. The taste of the food will be perfect and rich both when using fresh, frozen or dried forest mushrooms, and with available champignons.


  • champignons – 600 g;
  • chickpeas – 200 g;
  • rice – 400 g;
  • onion – 300 g;
  • carrots – 400 g;
  • oil – 150 ml;
  • coriander and paprika - 1 teaspoon each;
  • salt, pepper, cumin.


  1. Fry onions, carrots and champignons in hot oil.
  2. Add seasonings and pre-soaked chickpeas, cook the dish for another 10 minutes.
  3. Pour in rice, add hot water, add salt to the contents of the container.
  4. Cook with chickpeas until the rice is soft and cooked and all the moisture has been absorbed.

Recipe for pilaf with chickpeas and raisins

Bukhara pilaf with chickpeas and raisins will captivate consumers with its exquisite sweet and sour notes, which will harmoniously complement the overall palette and give the dish as a whole an unusually appetizing charm. In addition to lamb, they use fat tail fat and a mixture of cottonseed oil and linseed oil. It is allowed to replace fat with sunflower oil.


  • lamb – 700 g;
  • fat tail – 150 g;
  • oil – 500 ml;
  • chickpeas – 150 g;
  • raisins – 100 g;
  • rice – 1 kg;
  • onion – 300 g;
  • carrots – 700 g;
  • garlic – 2 heads;
  • zira – 1 teaspoon;
  • salt pepper.


  1. Heat the oil with the fat tail, add the meat, and fry until golden brown.
  2. Add the onions, and after 5 minutes the carrots, leave everything to simmer for 30 minutes.
  3. Add seasonings, salt, soaked chickpeas, raisins, heads of garlic, rice, pour in water.
  4. Simmer the dish for 10 minutes with the lid open and until the cereal is ready under the lid on minimal heat.

Pilaf with bulgur and chickpeas

Cooking pilaf with chickpeas and bulgur instead of rice can be done either with meat or in a vegetarian version with the addition of zucchini or eggplant. Vegetable pulp will make the dish juicier and enrich its flavor palette. You can add other vegetables: sweet and hot peppers, green beans or sweet corn.


  • zucchini – 200 g;
  • chickpeas – 1 glass;
  • bulgur – 1.5 cups;
  • onion – 200 g;
  • carrots – 200 g;
  • oil – 100 ml;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • water – 3 glasses;
  • salt, pepper, cumin, barberry, turmeric.


  1. Add onions, carrots, zucchini and, if desired, other vegetables into the heated oil at 3-minute intervals.
  2. Add seasonings, soaked peas, a little water and heat for 10 minutes.
  3. Add the bulgur, add a head of garlic and more water.
  4. Cook pilaf covered over low heat until moisture is absorbed.

Pilaf with chickpeas and prunes

Fans of prunes and dishes containing them will love the delicious pilaf with chickpeas, prepared taking into account the recommendations and proportions of ingredients presented below. The aroma and taste of the added dried fruit is maximized by adding cottonseed oil and tomato in the form of paste or peeled tomatoes.


  • pitted prunes – 12-15 pcs.;
  • chickpeas – 200 g;
  • rice – 400 g;
  • onion – 150 g;
  • carrots – 150 g;
  • cottonseed oil – 100 ml;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • water – 1 l;
  • tomato paste – 1 tbsp. spoon;


  1. Place chopped onions and carrots into heated oil and fry.
  2. Add all seasonings, chickpeas, prunes, tomato paste, garlic, rice and hot water.
  3. After boiling, boil the pilaf for 10 minutes, cover the container with a lid and simmer the contents, reducing the heat, until the moisture is completely absorbed.

Pilaf with chickpeas in a slow cooker - recipe

It is especially easy to cook pilaf with chickpeas in a slow cooker, which creates ideal conditions for obtaining the excellent taste of the dish. Instead of beef, you can use pork, chicken, lamb, or cook pilaf without meat, adding additional chopped and fried mushrooms and various vegetables instead.


  • beef – 450 g;
  • chickpeas – 100 g;
  • rice – 1 glass;
  • onion – 150 g;
  • carrots – 150 g;
  • oil – 60 ml;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • water – 2 glasses;
  • salt, pepper, spices for pilaf.


  1. Turn on the “Frying” program, pour oil into the bowl and add onions, carrots and meat.
  2. Add seasonings, chickpeas, garlic, rice to the vegetables and add water.
  3. Switch the device to “Pilaf”.
  4. After the signal, leave the dish for 10 minutes on “Warming”.

Pilaf with chickpeas - recipe from Stalik Khankishiev

Samarkand pilaf with chickpeas from Stalik Khankishiev is prepared in layers, which are not mixed when serving, but placed on a dish before serving in the reverse order. You can save the layers by using a special cooking net, boiled gauze, or simply carefully arranging the ingredients in a cauldron.

The owner of my kitchen is my wife, she cooks excellently, and she can easily cook pilaf herself. But, once a week, as it happens, I am in charge of the kitchen and, at the insistence of my family, I cook pilaf myself.

Having purchased the necessary products and carefully prepared for the upcoming process, I begin to cook, trying not to miss the slightest error. I won’t say loud words, but judging by the reaction of those around me, it seems to be not bad...

I would like to immediately clarify and clarify that this is not the legendary “Sophie Osh”, which has no equal, and I think that pilaf connoisseurs will agree with this. After all, even in Bukhara itself there are several types and methods of preparation. The pilaf recipe, what we will cook with you will be somewhat reminiscent of “Sophie Osh”, but only in a more simplified version.

Pilaf with raisins recipe with step-by-step photos

First of all, in order not to forget anything during the process, you should prepare all the necessary products: rinse, peel, chop and then put a kettle of water on the fire for further soaking the rice.
    To prepare pilaf we will need:
  • Cottonseed and linseed oil - 600-700 gr.
  • Meat - 500-800 gr. (More is possible)
  • Lamb tail - 200 g.
  • Onions - 2-3 heads
  • Carrots - 1 kg.
  • Garlic - 2 heads
  • Rice - 1.5 kg.
  • Round peas - 100-200 g (about half a 200 g glass)
  • Yellow raisins (special for pilaf) - 50-100 g.
  • Zira - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt - 4 tbsp. spoons

In very hot oil, fry the meat along with the fat tail, cut into large pieces. It is important to know that meat retains its juiciness more when cut large. It is necessary to fry the meat and fat tail over high heat, the process should occur quickly enough, 2-3 minutes, to form a fried crust of a faint ruddy color.

Next, add the chopped onion, not very thinly, and reduce the heat to low, close the lid tightly and leave to simmer for 5 minutes. Do not overcook the onion, releasing moisture during the cooking process, the onion will not allow the meat to burn.

Then add the carrots, pre-cut into strips, close the lid tightly and leave to simmer over low heat for 30 minutes.

By this time, the boiling water that we set at the beginning should already be boiling. Before pouring boiling water, put 2 tablespoons of salt on a cup of rice, pour hot water just above the surface of the rice and immediately put the water back in the kettle to boil, for further pouring into the cauldron. Leave for 20-30 minutes while the carrots simmer.

After 30 minutes have passed after adding the carrots, add pre-soaked Peas and Raisins, Zira and Garlic. Peas are soaked at least 3-5 hours before cooking. Cover the cauldron tightly with a lid and simmer for another 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, rinse the rice with cold water 3 times. Then put the rice in the cauldron, add a little more cumin, add salt - 2 tablespoons.

Pour boiling water over a ladle to avoid partial boiling of the rice. Set the heat to maximum and patiently stir just the rice.

As soon as the water is absorbed, close the cauldron with a lid and vigorously steam the rice for 5 minutes. Then, slightly reducing the heat, open the lid of the cauldron and thoroughly mix only the rice, round it into a ball, and make through holes with a long knife to allow steam to circulate.

Close the lid of the cauldron tightly, reduce the heat to low and leave for 20-30 minutes. Patiently, without opening the lid, we courageously bide our time. In the meantime, prepare salads for pilaf and set the table.

Having mixed the required amount of rice, first spread the rice in a not very thick layer, put carrots on top of the rice, then fat tail meat and garlic.

And for drinks, “properly” brewed hot green tea from selected varieties is served with the dish.

It turns out with a certain sweet aftertaste. Dried fruits radically change the usual taste. And to know all the charm of this wonderful dish, you should definitely try it.

Based on this recipe, we have created a demonstration video, which shows the whole process in practice without words. Based on this recipe and viewing

We all love pilaf. As a rule, the recipes are very similar to each other. Only some people use chicken rather than pork, others use lamb. Some housewives may add dried apricots and other dried fruits, but for the most part the recipes have already become very traditional. We suggest you take a new approach to preparing this dish and try pilaf with chickpeas.

Some useful information about chickpeas

Perhaps someone does not understand what we are talking about. Not everyone knows this product, which is very rarely used in our country for housewife cooking, which cannot be said about the countries of the East. And there, as you understand, they know a lot about food.

Chickpeas are peas that can be called Turkish or lamb peas. It belongs to legumes, which have long been valued for their nutritional value and great benefits for our health. You can often hear that beans can replace meat for a person and make him strong and healthy. So chickpeas were known for many centuries before our era. And then it was already used for food and for treatment.

Turkish peas contain a lot of useful minerals, vitamins and other substances. It contains fiber, proteins and fats that are valuable for our digestion, many amino acids, B vitamins, as well as A, C, E, P. Chickpeas have a beneficial effect on all organs, normalize digestion, improve heart function, cleanse the body of cholesterol, help liver and kidneys. Moreover, chickpeas are an excellent prevention of cancer and aging. It will also help with mental activity.

Chickpeas contain a minimal amount of calories - only 120 kcal. It is recommended by nutritionists; moreover, by cleansing the body of harmful substances, you can not only lose weight, but also become more attractive in appearance, since your skin and hair will have a natural healthy shine.

It would take a long time to list the benefits of the bean itself, as well as pilaf with chickpeas, but you already understand the main thing. Now it’s time to move on to recipes and secrets of preparing dishes from this healthy product.

Secrets of perfect pilaf with chickpeas

In order for the peas to be tasty, have time to cook, and at the same time the rice is not overcooked, you need to soak it in water in advance. This is usually done a day before the intended preparation of pilaf. If the chickpeas are of high quality and fresh, then they can be ready within 12 hours. The peas should be soaked in a large volume of cold water, which they will then partially absorb.

Important! To prevent the water along with the chickpeas from turning sour, it is better to change it several times a day or put the container in a cold room.

When your chickpeas have reached the desired stage, they are washed under running water and set aside, but it is better not to throw out the water that has turned yellow. It is very beneficial for the skin, can be used for washing, or better yet, pour it into an ice tray and wipe your face with these cubes every day.
It is better to take brown rice for pilaf; if you can find it, it is better to use alanga rice. The cereal should be round and whole. In some regions, chickpeas are combined with rice in a cauldron in different ways. The first thing is to place the peas in a heap in the center, and then cook the pilaf. The second way is to cook the chickpeas in advance and then add them to the cauldron with the vegetables. The third is to simply add the peas after soaking. If you don’t have a good cauldron, then take a pan with a thick bottom.

Carrots for pilaf are always cut into strips. It is not grated, as many housewives are used to doing. The longer the carrot sticks, the better. It is better to add spices in the main quantity not immediately and not at the end of cooking, but in the middle of cooking. So, it's time to get down to business.

Recipes for pilaf with chickpeas

Uzbek pilaf with chickpeas

As you already understood, the first thing you need to do is soak the peas for a day. Next you will need:

  • lamb meat (you can take the thigh part) – 1 kg;
  • carrots and rice - the same amount as meat of both;
  • onions – 3-4 medium-sized pieces;
  • garlic - take two pieces in medium-sized heads;
  • chili pepper – 1 piece;
  • spices – cumin and cilantro, one tablespoon each, peppercorns and red pepper powder, one teaspoon each;
  • vegetable oil – 350 grams;
  • salt – coarsely ground to taste;
  • chickpeas - a glass.

We start cooking by peeling the vegetables, cutting the carrots into strips, peeling the garlic and onions, and cutting the first one into half rings. The meat is washed and cut into pieces. The cauldron is placed on the stove so that it warms up well over high heat. Then pour oil. When it starts to boil, add carrot sticks, after the vegetable has browned, take it out and put the lamb in the cauldron. When it has acquired a crust from frying, add onions.

The spices are put in a mortar and rubbed, after which they are poured into the oil, but not the entire volume, then the carrots are added. All this should simmer together for some time, then add soaked peas. You need to boil water in a kettle in advance and pour boiling water over the entire contents of the cauldron one centimeter above the surface. Add grated spices here. When the water starts to boil, reduce the heat. Peppercorns are added here. At this stage, zirvak is prepared, that is, this is the name given to the base of pilaf without rice.

Advice! Not everyone likes pepper in their food, but it adds a unique taste. Therefore, you can use an infuser for spices during cooking. Remove the pepper the moment the rice is added.

When the vegetables and meat have simmered for about half an hour, make a hole inside and add garlic and chili pepper, add salt to taste. Leave to simmer for another half hour, during which time the rice is cooked - washed several times, after which it is soaked for 15 minutes. When 30 minutes have passed since the pepper and garlic were added, remove the first peppercorn and lay out the rice. After which boiled water is poured here.

The recipe may be slightly different. For frying, you can use not sunflower oil, but cottonseed oil and fat tail fat. You can also put 2 teaspoons of raisins and barberries here and sugar on the tip. Chickpea pilaf and its recipes may vary slightly. For example, some people don’t like chili peppers, others don’t like fat. So you don't have to use them.

Advice! It is better to use a slotted spoon when adding water. Pour through until the rice is completely filled.

Now you need to increase the heat and wait until all the water has evaporated from the cauldron. Then make three holes in the rice and pour a little water into them, cover tightly with a lid and after half an hour of simmering over low heat, your pilaf is ready.

Vegetarian pilaf with chickpeas

If you eat meat, then this is not a reason to refuse delicious pilaf with chickpeas. Use this recipe:

  • ½ cup of peas is soaked in water for a day, changing it 3-4 times;
  • three carrots are peeled and cut into strips;
  • two onions cut into half rings;
  • pour 250 grams of sunflower oil or any other into a saucepan, but it’s better to pour into a cauldron;
  • heat the oil and add onions and carrots;
  • prepare spices in quantities - a tablespoon of barberry, a teaspoon of red pepper, cumin;
  • spices and chickpeas are placed in the cauldron;
  • Rice (it is better to take brown) is washed, soaked for 10 minutes, after which it is placed in a cauldron. You can also put soy meat here if you want;
  • The rice is distributed and a head of peeled garlic is placed inside;
  • boiled water is poured so that there is two centimeters above the surface;
  • add salt to taste;
  • cook the pilaf for 40-50 minutes until the water boils away. Then remove the cauldron from the stove, mix everything, remove the garlic.

If you don’t have a good saucepan or cauldron, then perhaps the following recipe will suit you.

Pilaf with chickpeas in a slow cooker

Chickpeas are soaked for 24 hours. After which it is cooked in a slow cooker. Next, pour a couple of tablespoons of oil here and add three onions previously cut into half rings and carrot strips (0.5-1 kg). Cut chicken fillet or other meat in the quantity needed. Add the meat to the slow cooker, pour in two tablespoons of tomato paste.

150-200 grams of rice are washed and soaked for 10 minutes. Then put the cereal in a bowl and place a head of garlic in the center. Add spices and salt to taste. It is better to take cumin, black and red pepper. You can also add raisins. Fill the entire contents with boiled water so that it is a couple of centimeters above the surface. All is ready. Now set the program for cooking pilaf or cook it yourself until all the liquid has boiled away. Afterwards, mix the contents.

These are some very tasty and different recipes you can use with chickpeas, which are unusual for us. Your pilaf will surprise your guests and delight your family.

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