Strawberry smoothie with cottage cheese and milk. Recipe for cooking cottage cheese with banana in a blender - a tasty and beautiful treat With strawberries and cranberries

Cottage cheese is a popular and very healthy fermented milk product, rich in easily digestible calcium and protein, which is involved in the formation of muscle mass. Therefore, it must be included in the diet of pregnant women, children, the elderly and athletes. Cheese pancakes, casseroles, cheesecakes, donuts and even cocktails are made from it. Today's publication will discuss in detail simple recipes for smoothies with cottage cheese.

Granular cottage cheese with a low fat content is suitable for preparing such drinks. Based on it, a low-calorie, but quite thick cocktail is obtained. You should not use sweet curd mass for these purposes, as it turns the smoothie into a fatty and unhealthful dessert.

In addition to the fermented milk product, various berries, fruits, vegetables, natural flavors, citrus juice, sugar or honey are added to the drink. All selected components are simply combined in one container and processed with a blender until smooth. Depending on the chosen recipe, yogurt, kefir, milk or fermented baked milk are often added to cocktails.

With banana and prunes

For lovers of dried fruits and fermented milk, we suggest you pay attention to the recipe for a smoothie with cottage cheese for a blender. To reproduce it in your own kitchen, you will need:

  • 1 cup of fermented baked milk.
  • 1 ripe banana.
  • 5 pieces of prunes.
  • 3 tbsp. l. cottage cheese.

Peeled and chopped banana is combined with the rest of the ingredients, and then processed in a blender and poured into beautiful glasses. Before serving, the drink is decorated at your own discretion.

With strawberries and cranberries

This smoothie with cottage cheese and berries contains a lot of valuable vitamins and minerals, which means it can be enjoyed not only by adults, but also by children. It has a pleasant taste and a pronounced cranberry-strawberry aroma. To prepare it, you will need:

  • 50 g cottage cheese.
  • 3 strawberries.
  • 1 cup yogurt.
  • 1 tbsp. l. frozen cranberries.
  • 1 tsp. honey
  • Cinnamon (to taste).

Strawberries, cottage cheese and cranberries are combined in a deep container and filled with yogurt. All this is sweetened with honey, flavored with cinnamon and processed in a blender. The finished drink is poured into glass glasses and served on the table.

With cocoa

This smoothie with cottage cheese has a thick, creamy consistency and an amazing chocolate flavor. Therefore, it will delight both big and small sweet tooths. To prepare it, you will need:

  • 100 g cottage cheese.
  • 20 g dark chocolate.
  • 1 tbsp. l. cocoa powder
  • 1 cup of kefir.

Cottage cheese and cocoa are combined in a large container. At the next stage, pour all this with kefir and beat with a blender. The finished drink is poured into glasses and decorated with chocolate chips.

With orange and banana

A smoothie with cottage cheese and fruits has a pronounced citrus aroma and will definitely appeal to lovers of exotic fruits. To prepare it, you will need:

  • 200 g oranges.
  • 300 g bananas.
  • 100 g cottage cheese.

You need to start the process by processing the oranges. They are peeled, disassembled into slices and separated from all excess. The fruits prepared in this way are combined with pieces of bananas and cottage cheese, and then blended with a blender and served in beautiful glasses. If necessary, a drink that is too thick can be diluted with a small amount of milk or kefir.

With strawberries and oatmeal

This tasty and healthy drink contains everything you need to serve it for breakfast or dinner. A smoothie with cottage cheese takes a little longer to prepare and is drunk in a matter of minutes. Therefore, if connoisseurs of this cocktail appear in your family, you will have to increase the recommended proportions. To treat your family to it, you will need:

  • 150 g strawberries.
  • 70 g cottage cheese.
  • 40 g instant oat flakes.
  • 150 ml pasteurized milk.
  • 5 ml liquid light honey

Oatmeal is poured into a deep bowl, poured with hot milk and put aside for a while. After about fifteen minutes, all this is sent to a blender, the reservoir of which already contains cottage cheese, washed strawberries and honey, and beat until smooth.

With bananas and apples

Fans of sweet, thick cocktails should definitely try fruit smoothies with cottage cheese. The smoothie recipe requires the use of certain components, so check in advance that you have everything you need. In this case you will need:

  • 70 g cottage cheese.
  • 200 g green apples.
  • 150 g bananas.
  • 20 ml lemon juice.

Washed apples are cleaned of all unnecessary things and cut into pieces. To the fruits prepared in this way, add a broken banana, lemon juice and cottage cheese. All this is intensively processed with a blender and served in beautiful glasses. If necessary, the sour drink can be sweetened with a small amount of natural honey.

With orange and carrots

This sweet, bright orange and delicious-smelling smoothie makes a great kid's breakfast option. It can be prepared in just a few minutes, which means you don’t have to get up early in the morning. To do this you will need:

  • 150 g cottage cheese.
  • 200 g oranges.
  • 200 g carrots.
  • 200 ml kefir.
  • Honey (to taste).

Washed and peeled carrots are crushed to a puree and poured with juice squeezed from oranges. The resulting mass is supplemented with kefir, honey and cottage cheese, and then blended with a blender.

With cucumbers and herbs

A smoothie with cottage cheese can be not only fruit, but also vegetable. The unsweetened cocktail has a harmonious taste and helps eliminate toxins. Therefore, it is recommended to use it instead of breakfast or before the first meal. To prepare it you will need:

  • 150 g cucumbers.
  • 100 g cottage cheese.
  • 50 g stalk celery.
  • 150 ml kefir.
  • 20 g each of fresh cilantro, parsley and basil.

Washed cucumbers and celery are cut into small pieces and placed in a deep container. Cottage cheese, chopped herbs and kefir are also sent there. All this is processed in a blender and served in beautiful glasses.

With banana and strawberries

A smoothie with cottage cheese prepared using the technology described below is considered a real vitamin bomb. Therefore, it must be periodically included in the family menu. To make this drink you will need:

  • 150 g strawberries.
  • 150 g soft cottage cheese.
  • 150 ml milk.
  • 1 large banana.
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  • 1 g vanillin.

The cottage cheese is processed in a blender and then supplemented with sugar, strawberries and broken banana. The resulting mass is flavored with vanillin, diluted with milk and whipped again. The cocktail is served in beautiful glass glasses, decorated at your own discretion.

With peaches

This aromatic cocktail is an extremely successful combination of sprouted wheat, fruit and sour milk. Therefore, it turns out not only tasty, but also incredibly healthy. To prepare it you will need:

  • 200 g soft cottage cheese.
  • 50 ml yogurt.
  • 1 peach.
  • 1 apple.
  • 1 tbsp. l. sprouted wheat.

Washed and peeled fruits are freed from all unnecessary items and cut into pieces. The resulting pieces are placed in a container and supplemented with sprouted wheat and cottage cheese. All this is poured with yogurt and whisked intensively. A smoothie with cottage cheese prepared in a blender is served in beautiful glasses, decorated to your liking.

With raspberries and currants

This berry cocktail will appeal even to kids, who are almost impossible to persuade to eat even a spoonful of cottage cheese. To prepare it, you will need:

  • 50 g raspberries.
  • 20 g currants.
  • 20 g strawberries.
  • 50 g cottage cheese.
  • 100 ml yogurt.
  • 2 tsp. flax seeds.
  • 2 mint leaves.

Flaxseeds are poured over yogurt and set aside. After two minutes, all this is supplemented with cottage cheese, washed berries and mint, and then processed using a blender.

With grapefruit and pumpkin

This healthy and easily digestible cocktail helps burn extra pounds, which means it will often appear in the diet of those who dream of a slim figure. To prepare it you will need:

  • 50 g cottage cheese.
  • 100 g pumpkin.
  • 3 grapefruit slices.
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon.

This drink is so simple to prepare that even a teenager can easily cope with this task. The chopped pumpkin pulp is combined with grapefruit slices. All this is supplemented with cottage cheese and cinnamon, and then processed in a blender. Before serving, pour into tall clear glass glasses and decorate as desired.

Smoothies first appeared in Latin America, and this was due to the habit of the inhabitants of this country to drink freshly squeezed juices. Later this drink was recognized in other countries of the world. Unlike juices, it contains a large amount of valuable fiber, and the vitamin composition remains the same. In this article, we invite you to consider several smoothie recipes with cottage cheese that will saturate your body with protein and calcium.

In addition, this fermented milk product will make the drink more satisfying and nutritious, so this smoothie can replace a full breakfast. Curd cocktails bring enormous benefits to both adults and children, and especially to those who suffer from calcium deficiency. And thanks to other ingredients, cottage cheese is easily digestible and gives a huge boost of energy that will last until your next meal.

Cooking recipes

Smoothie recipes with cottage cheese can include a variety of ingredients. If you want to make dessert, then feel free to put fruit and honey in the blender. A vegetable cocktail will be an excellent solution for a lunch break, and greens and other emerald-colored products are suitable for a light dinner and will also cleanse the body.

Advice! Don't limit yourself to just the ingredients you see in these recipes. Use your imagination to create something new and original, and always rely on your own taste. If you don’t like some products, then they can be replaced with others and completely excluded from the composition.

Banana and orange

Curd smoothie with banana and orange turns out to be very satisfying and pleasant to the taste. An orange will give a pleasant sourness and saturate the body with vitamin C, and a banana will make the texture of the drink soft and add the necessary sweetness.

  1. Peel half the orange, remove the seeds and separate the fillets.
  2. Peel the banana and cut into slices.
  3. Place the fruits in a blender and add 50-70 g of cottage cheese.
  4. Whisk everything.

Strawberries and oatmeal

Daily consumption of strawberries helps strengthen the immune system and the walls of blood vessels. And oatmeal has long won the palm among all other oat products.

  1. Brew a tablespoon of flakes in a small amount of boiling water.
  2. Wash 150 g of strawberries, separate the stems.
  3. Place the prepared ingredients in a food processor bowl, add a teaspoon of honey and 70 g of cottage cheese.
  4. Beat until smooth.

Advice! If desired, oatmeal flakes can be replaced with rice, buckwheat or any others you like.

Pomegranate and currant

Pomegranate contains absolutely all the substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body, and currants are the leader among other berries in the amount of minerals, vitamins and other useful substances.

  1. Sort out a glass of berries, wash them, and drain the water.
  2. Squeeze 125 ml of juice from pomegranate seeds.
  3. Place the ingredients in a blender, add 100 g of cottage cheese and a teaspoon of honey.
  4. Whisk everything.

Advice! Extracting pomegranate juice is very simple - place the grains in a whole plastic bag and roll over it with a rolling pin.

Apple and banana

A smoothie with cottage cheese, apple and banana can be consumed instead of breakfast. Apple effectively reduces blood cholesterol levels and contains valuable fiber and pectin.

  • Peel and cut one green apple and banana.
  • Place in a food processor bowl, add 70 g of cottage cheese and a spoonful of honey.
  • Beat all ingredients until smooth.

Advice! Don't forget that apples and bananas, when exposed to air, begin to quickly oxidize and darken, so this smoothie must be drunk immediately after preparation.

Pumpkin and grapefruit

Because of its juicy color, pumpkin is called a sunny berry. It contains a unique vitamin complex and is easily absorbed by the body. Grapefruit removes excess fluid from the body and promotes weight loss.

  1. Peel 100 g pumpkin and cut into small pieces.
  2. Peel 4-5 grapefruit cloves from seeds and separate the pulp.
  3. Place the products in a food processor, add 50 g of cottage cheese and a little honey.
  4. Whisk everything.

Green smoothie with cottage cheese

This recipe will be appreciated by those who lead an active lifestyle and play sports. This drink is similar in composition to a protein shake, as it is rich in calcium and proteins.
  1. Take several sprigs of dill, basil, cilantro, and a stalk of celery, wash and dry.
  2. Peel fresh cucumber.
  3. Place the ingredients in a blender, add half a glass of low-fat kefir and 100 g of cottage cheese.
  4. Whisk everything.

Carrot and orange

Try a magical drink that will benefit not only your body, but will also take care of the skin of your face and body.

  1. Wash and peel one small carrot.
  2. Fillet half the orange and remove the seeds.
  3. Place the ingredients in a food processor, add 70 g of cottage cheese, a little honey and 100 ml of kefir.
  4. Whisk the ingredients.

Drink cottage cheese smoothies for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Experiment with recipes and be healthy!

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

A smoothie prepared in a blender based on strawberries, milk and cottage cheese is a delicate, aromatic and tasty drink. You can make it literally in a few minutes, which is very valuable especially in the morning when there is no extra time for cooking. The cocktail can demonstrate a rare combination of benefits and taste. It contains a lot of calcium, vitamin C, and milk protein. As for the aroma, the drink has no equal. Make a couple extra servings of the Strawberry Cottage Cheese Smoothie because your loved ones will definitely ask for more.

Recipe information

Cuisine: Russian.

Cooking method: beat using a blender or mixer.

Total cooking time: 10 min.

Number of servings: 4 .


  • cottage cheese – 200 g
  • strawberries – 200 g
  • milk – 500 ml
  • granulated sugar - to taste.

Cooking method

Note to the owner:

  • Cottage cheese is rich in highly digestible protein, important amino acids and essential vitamins. It has a beneficial effect both on the entire body and on individual organs and functions. Eat cottage cheese more often, and you will have a better chance of keeping your hair, nails and teeth healthy.
  • Strawberries are considered one of the healthiest berries for our body. It is rich in folic acid, vitamins B and C, as well as carotene and valuable microelements. Strawberries have an anti-inflammatory effect, improve digestion, stabilize blood pressure and sugar levels.
  • Milk: There is no doubt about the beneficial properties of milk. It generously shares minerals, vitamins and other beneficial substances with us.


I went to work today and tears rolled down by themselves. And I don’t want to go to work and it’s hell at home. And I’m a bad worker, and I’m an insignificant person, according to my mother. I can’t live with her, and there’s no financial opportunity to leave.

She always has only me to blame for everything, I’m generally an extra person. Her most dear person is her brother, then comes the cat, and then everyone else. I'm in last place. Every morning she is dissatisfied with everything, even if everything was fine in the evening. I have never heard the words “good morning” in my entire life.

My husband and I got married very young and stayed with my parents while I was still studying. I should have left even then, I had to change from bread to water, but get used to leading a separate life. Now we already have two children and my salary does not allow us to move into rented housing. I'm so tired of being a whipping girl. I do everything wrong at work and at home too. It's gotten to the point where I don't see any point in life at all. Only children stop.

Finding another job is not possible in a small town where only salespeople are needed. In general, I wrote to speak out, I don’t know how to continue to live...



Good afternoon The child has been asking for a cat or dog for a long time. I categorically do not like cats for their selfishness, self-will and damaged furniture. I loved dogs very much when I lived with my parents... I had a cocker spaniel, they got me, it seems, but my dad walked. and my mother fed me...absolutely nothing was spoiled. I only bothered with our slippers, so I was looking forward to coming home, although I was not very smart)))
Now I have my own apartment, renovation, etc. I’m thinking about my son’s request, he’s already 9 years old, he can take care of himself, he won’t be tormenting like kids anymore, in order to develop responsibility he would need... growing up to be selfish... What confuses me: I want a breed that doesn’t do harm - doesn’t gnaw, did not bark for no reason. Small in size and so that care is inexpensive... I like Spitz... none of my close friends have one... maybe there are other breeds that are calm... what to look for in puppies to understand if they are aggressive or not...



Let me start by saying that I am terribly afraid of dogs. Since childhood. My child too. In our entrance, I don’t know in which apartment, a woman lives with her family and a dog. They walk her without a leash or muzzle. She immediately starts barking and running as soon as she leaves the apartment. I encountered it several times and once she even chased after me.

Conversations with a woman do not give results. The district police officer doesn't care. There is no video recording. This morning we went out without a leash again, it’s good that we were already in the car. Where can I go? To a shelter or a trapping agency? I’m very tired of getting into the elevator every day, opening the door and being afraid to bump into it.


A smoothie with cottage cheese is prepared in a matter of minutes.
First you need to transfer the cottage cheese into the blender bowl. You can take any cottage cheese: low-fat, 9% or homemade dense cottage cheese with high fat content.

Peel a ripe banana, cut into cubes and place in a blender with the cottage cheese.

It is advisable to take a very ripe and sweet banana, then you can not add any sweeteners to the sumzi.

Thoroughly blend all ingredients in a blender. The mass will be quite thick.

Now you can add the liquid part. The recipe uses kefir, but milk, fermented baked milk or drinking yogurt without additives are perfect here.

Blend everything again at high power in the blender, turning its contents into a homogeneous mass without lumps.

At this stage, you can taste the drink and add additional ingredients. This could be a pinch of vanilla sugar or cinnamon for flavor, sugar or honey to make the drink sweeter, wheat bran or flax seeds to give the smoothie more nutritional and beneficial properties, and if you add vanilla ice cream, you will get a festive dessert.

If one or more additional ingredients have been added to the drink, then the smoothie needs to be whipped again.

Pour the finished smoothie with cottage cheese into glasses and decorate as desired.

You can sprinkle a smoothie with cottage cheese on top with grated chocolate, and then it will be a real treat for children. Or just before serving, add a spoonful of corn flakes to a glass of smoothie.