Classic milk gravies and their types. Technological process for preparing milk sauce of various consistencies and its derivatives

Classic milk sauces are prepared from milk and white sauté with the addition of spices. Depending on the purpose, milk sauces can be of different thicknesses.

Purpose of the sauce: thick sauce is used as a filling for stuffed chicken or game cutlets, croquettes, etc.; medium-thick sauce is used for baking vegetables, meat and fish; liquid sauce is served with hot vegetable and cereal dishes.
for thick sauce: milk 900, flour 120, butter 120;
for medium thick sauce: milk 1000, flour 90, butter 90;
for liquid sauce: milk 1000, flour 50, butter 50, sugar 10.

Dilute the hot white sauté with hot milk, stirring continuously with a paddle, add salt and boil for 5-7 minutes. You can add raw egg yolks (3-4 pieces per 1 kg of sauce) to a medium-thick sauce, and add sugar in addition to salt to the liquid sauce.

Ingredients: Milk 1000, flour 40, butter 40, sugar 120, vanillin 0.1.

This sauce is prepared in the same way as liquid milk sauce (64), but more sugar and vanillin, previously dissolved in a small amount of hot water, are added to it.

Purpose of the sauce prepared according to method 1: served with fried lamb, cutlets, etc.
Ingredients: Milk 800, meat broth 150, flour 40, butter 40, onions 250, hot red pepper 0.01.
First way. Saute finely chopped onions in oil so that their color does not change. Then pour a small amount of broth into the sautéed onion and simmer until done in a container with a lid.
Combine the broth with onions with medium-thick milk sauce (64) and cook for 5-7 minutes, then add salt and red hot pepper.
Stir the seasoned sauce, puree and heat with the addition of hot milk.

Purpose of the sauce prepared according to the 2nd method: served with fried rabbit, boiled poultry, boiled meat, etc.
Ingredients: Milk 600, meat broth 300, butter 40, flour 4Q, onion 200, nutmeg 0.2, hot red pepper 0.01 or ground white pepper 0.1.
Second way. Onions, coarsely chopped, boil in milk. Then remove the onion from the broth and chop it; prepare a white sauté from flour and butter, dilute with milk broth and pour in the broth, add pepper, salt, nutmeg, stir and cook for 5-7 minutes, then strain through a fine sieve. Add chopped onion to the strained sauce and let it boil.

Ingredients: Milk sauce 650, broth 250, cheese 100, butter 50, red pepper 0.01.

Dilute the thick milk sauce with broth. Add grated cheese (Soviet, Swiss, etc.) to the sauce and mix thoroughly. Season with butter, salt and red pepper.

Purpose of the sauce: served with boiled and poached fish dishes.
Ingredients: Milk sauce 300, fish broth 500, cream 150, crayfish oil 100, truffles 150, hot red pepper 0.1, lemon 1 pc.

Gradually pour fish broth cooked with truffles into the milk sauce and heat to a boil, stirring with a spatula; After 5-7 minutes, pour in the boiled cream, add salt, red hot pepper and stir. Strain the sauce through a fine sieve or cheesecloth, season with crayfish oil (88) and lemon juice or citric acid. This sauce can be prepared without truffles.

Purpose of the sauce: served with game, poultry, crayfish necks.
Ingredients: Cream or milk 700, eggs (yolks) 7 pcs., butter 100, broth (fume) 150, Madeira 100, red pepper 1.

Mix raw egg yolks with cold milk or cream and heat on a stove or water bath, stirring continuously with a whisk, without bringing the mixture to a boil. When the mass thickens, remove it from the heat, add highly concentrated brown broth, boiled Madeira, season with salt and red pepper. Then strain the sauce through a napkin, warm it up, stirring, and season with butter.


Dairy sauces belong to the group of hot sauces prepared with flour sautéed in butter until light creamy.

Whole milk or diluted with water is brought to a boil. White fatty sauté is prepared in a thick-bottomed bowl. The flour is sautéed especially carefully so that it hardly changes its color. The hot sauté is gradually diluted with hot milk with continuous heating and stirring, boiled for 7-10 minutes, adding salt and sugar. The sauce is stirred, filtered, brought to a boil and sealed with pieces of butter so that a film does not form on the surface during storage.

Depending on the use, milk sauces are prepared in different thicknesses.

There are three types of milk sauces:

1. liquid, used for watering vegetables, cereals and other dishes;

2. medium thickness - for baking (raw egg yolks are added to the sauce) dishes from vegetables, meat, fish, as well as seasoning steamed and boiled vegetables;

3. thick - for stuffing poultry and game cutlets, minced meat products, for adding as a binding base to carrot cutlets, cheesecakes and other dishes.

Sauces derived from milk are prepared.

Milk sauce with onions. Finely chop the onions and sauté in butter, stirring so that they do not fry. Then add

add the meat broth, cover with a lid and simmer the onion until it becomes soft. Prepare milk sauce and put onion in it, stir, boil for 5-10 minutes, add salt and ground red pepper. The sauce is filtered, the onions are wiped, brought to a boil and seasoned with butter. The finished sauce has a delicate taste with a light onion flavor and smell. It is served with natural cutlets and fried lamb meat.

Milk 675, butter 40, wheat flour 40, onions 238, butter 20.

Sweet milk sauce. Prepare a liquid milk sauce, add sugar and vanillin, and boil for 3-5 minutes. Sweet milk sauce is served with cheesecakes, puddings, cereal and cottage cheese casseroles.

Milk 750, butter 40, wheat flour 40, water 250, sugar 100, vanillin 0.05.


Sour cream sauces can be natural and white sauce. Natural sour cream sauce is prepared using white sauté and sour cream, which is a liquid base. However, more often sour cream sauce is prepared using white sauté and a liquid base consisting of 50% sour cream and 50% meat or fish broth.

Sour cream sauce. Prepare white dry or fatty sauté and dilute it with hot broth. Bring the sour cream to a boil, combine with the resulting white sauce, stir, season with salt (pepper for some dishes) and boil for 3-5 minutes. Strain the sauce, bring to a boil and sprinkle with butter. Served with meat, fish, vegetable, and cottage cheese dishes, and used to prepare derivative sauces.

Sour cream 500, wheat flour 50, broth or broth 500.

Sour cream sauce (natural). Mix the white fat sauté with boiling sour cream, add salt, and cook for 5-7 minutes. The finished sauce is filtered and brought to a boil.

Sour cream sauce with tomato. Prepare sour cream sauce and combine with tomato puree boiled to half the volume, stir, add salt and ground pepper, bring to a boil. The sauce is used to prepare stuffed vegetable dishes and meatballs.

Sour cream sauce 1000, tomato puree 100.

Sour cream sauce with onions. The onions are cut into thin strips and sautéed until softened, but so that the onions do not have crispy crusts. Prepare sour cream sauce, add prepared onions to it, boil for 7-10 minutes, add salt, “Ketchup” and bring to a boil, stirring continuously. The sauce is served with cutlets, lan-get, beef stroganoff, meatballs, liver and other meat dishes.

This sauce can also be prepared with the addition of sautéed tomatoes and used with meatballs, cabbage rolls and other dishes.

Sour cream sauce with horseradish. Horseradish root is finely grated and sauteed in butter, stirring, add 9% vinegar, bay leaf, peppercorns and boil for no more than 5 minutes to flavor the horseradish. Prepare sour cream sauce. Prepared horseradish is introduced into it, having previously removed the bay leaf and peppercorns, salt and brought to a boil. Sour cream sauce with horseradish is served with boiled beef, tongue, ham, roll, and used for baking meat dishes.

Milk in cooking is a product that is used in all its spheres. It is indispensable in a number of dough recipes, hot dishes, soups and gravies. What can we say about desserts, from puddings to creams and sweet mousses. That is why milk sauce is so widely represented in modern cuisine: there are thick sauces for meat and cutlets, for rice and potatoes, for sweet pastries, meringues and pancakes.

Milk gravy fits perfectly into the daily diet and is suitable for special occasions. By correctly selecting the right amount of ingredients, you can prepare a dietary option suitable for those watching their figure or undergoing a therapeutic diet, for example, for ulcers or gastritis.

In the end, this delicate milky taste, like in kindergarten, will allow you to plunge into memories a little. Even the most capricious and picky child will love dairy dressings from the first try, and their taste will ideally complement the composition of meat, fish or sweet dishes.

Two main types

The versatility of milk sauce lies in the ability to create variations for both hot dishes - for example, a milk sauce option for chicken, pork chops and cutlets or spaghetti - and for a variety of desserts. Naturally, the set of ingredients in the two recipes differs, but the basis remains the same: the technological map suggests preparing milk sauce using milk and flour, usually wheat. Below are classic recipes for traditional milk sauce all over the world for hot dishes and desserts.

Gravy for main dishes

The recipe for classic milk gravy includes a minimum set of ingredients that can be found in any store. In general, this sauce can be called budget-friendly, since no hard-to-find or expensive products are used. According to the traditional recipe, milk sauce is made with the obligatory addition of onions.

You will need:

  • Milk – 700 ml
  • Butter – 60 g
  • Onion – 1 small onion
  • Garlic – 3 cloves
  • Parsley, fresh – 1 medium bunch
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Salt - to taste

Number of servings – 4

Cooking time – 35 minutes

A version of cheese sauce, which is created from milk and cheese, is prepared in a similar way, but only in a water bath. Makes an excellent milky pasta sauce used to make pasta with a variety of pastas. The recipe for milk sauce for fish includes a set of herbs and spices, as well as lemon juice: the sauce for fish and seafood should be sour.

Sweet dressing for desserts

Milk and sugar based gravies are suitable for various desserts: cottage cheese casserole, pancakes, pies and pancakes, berry jelly and puddings, and curd mass. There is no fundamental difference in the set of components, only a few ingredients differ. It is also noteworthy that it is traditionally prepared with eggs, and the cooking technology itself is somewhat different.

You will need:

  • Milk – 700 ml
  • Wheat flour – 2 tablespoons
  • Butter – 50 g
  • Egg – 2 pieces
  • Granulated sugar – 2 tablespoons
  • Vanillin – 1/3 teaspoon

Number of servings – 4

Cooking time – 25 minutes

The classic sauces - milk gravy - will appeal to absolutely everyone. The simple composition of both recipes, benefits and pleasant taste have ensured the popularity of the dressing for decades. For some it is an exquisite seasoning, but for others it is the taste of childhood, like in kindergarten. In any case, we can confidently say that the finished sauce, milky with onions or sweet - with sugar and vanilla - will not spoil a single dish or dessert, be it meat in milk sauce or cottage cheese pie. It will make your diet more comfortable and enjoyable. Knowing how to prepare milk sauce, the housewife can always be sure that her guests and household members will remain full and satisfied.

Bon appetit!

In contact with

Dairy sauces have a delicate taste and contain proteins, carbohydrates and fats in an easily digestible form. They are prepared with whole milk or milk diluted with broth, vegetable broth, and water. Depending on the use, milk sauces are prepared in different thicknesses:

liquid - for serving with dishes;

medium thickness - for baking (raw egg yolks are added to the sauce) dishes from vegetables, meat and fish, as well as seasoning steamed and boiled vegetables;

thick - for stuffing poultry and game cutlets, minced meat products, for adding as a binding base to carrot cutlets, cheesecakes and other dishes;

Sauce milk (bechamel). White fat flour sauté is diluted with hot milk, boiled for 7-10 minutes, salted, filtered, and brought to a boil. Served with vegetable (boiled cabbage, beans, corn, asparagus, etc.) and cereal (rice, millet cutlets and balls, etc.) dishes.

Sweet milk sauce.IN Liquid milk sauce is added with sugar and vanillin dissolved in hot water. Served with cheesecakes, puddings, cereal and cottage cheese casseroles.

Milk sauce with onions (soubise). Finely chop the onion and sauté in butter, stirring so that it does not fry. Then add meat broth and simmer until soft. The prepared onion is added to the milk sauce, boiled for 7-10 minutes, salt and ground red pepper are added, filtered, while rubbing the onion. Then the sauce is brought to a boil, seasoned with margarine or butter. The sauce is served with fried lamb, natural lamb cutlets and chops.

Dairy sauces should taste like milk. Burnt milk should not be used to prepare them.

Milk liquid sauce - hot at a temperature of 65-7 (HS for no more than 1-1.5 hours, since during long-term storage it darkens due to caramelization of milk sugar. Thick milk sauce should be stored refrigerated at a temperature of 5 "C for no more than a day. Milk sauces medium thickness cannot be stored; they are prepared immediately before use.

Technological process of egg-butter sauces of various consistencies. Assortment, use. Quality requirements, storage and sales regime. Processes that occur during the preparation of hollandaise sauce.

Butter, which is the main component of this group of sauces, does not contain organic acids, extractives and other substances that stimulate the appetite. Therefore, to add flavor and stimulate the activity of the digestive glands, add citric acid in the amount of 1-2 g per 1 kg of sauce or lemon juice to egg-butter sauces. These sauces well enrich the composition of low-fat dishes | products: cauliflower and white cabbage, skinny fish (pike perch, cod, etc.), lean poultry meat (chicken fillets, chickens, etc.). There are two types of egg-butter sauces: non-emulsified (Polish, rusk) and emulsified (Holland based).

Polish sauce. Add chopped hard-boiled eggs, salt, chopped parsley or dill, lemon juice or diluted citric acid to the melted butter. The sauce is served with boiled fish, cauliflower and white cabbage.

Sauce Polish ("economical"). To reduce the cost and reduce the energy value, Polish sauce is prepared on a white basis. Add butter, chopped eggs, parsley, and citric acid to the finished white sauce.

Cracker sauce. White bread crumbs are ground, sifted and stir-fried until golden brown. Melt the butter and heat until it becomes clear and a light brown sediment forms. The oil is drained from the sediment, toasted crackers, salt, and citric acid are added. Served with boiled vegetables - Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus, artichokes.

Sauce Dutch. The yolks of raw eggs are combined with cold boiled water, stirred in a bowl with a thick bottom, 1/3 of the butter prescribed according to the recipe is added in pieces, boiled in a water bath (at a temperature of 75-80 ° C), stirring and lightly beating until a homogeneous, slightly thickened mixture is formed. masses. After this, the heating is stopped and, continuing to stir, pour in the remaining melted butter in a thin stream. The finished sauce is seasoned with salt, citric acid or lemon juice and filtered. The result is a thick, homogeneous “oil in water” emulsion, where the emulsifier is egg yolks. Therefore, despite the high oil content, the sauce does not feel greasy and has a delicate taste. To make the sauce cheaper, reduce its energy value, and increase the stability of the emulsion, white sauce is sometimes added to it. Hollandaise sauce is served with dishes made from boiled asparagus, cauliflower and lean fish (whitefish, sterlet, pike perch, etc.). In addition to the basic hollandaise sauce, a number of its varieties are prepared.

Sauce Dutch with mustard (moutar). Add prepared mustard to the hollandaise sauce (approximately 50 g per 1 kg of sauce). Served with fried sturgeon fish.

Sauce Dutch with vinegar (béarnaise). Coarsely crushed pepper and bay leaf are poured with vinegar (9%) and boiled. Then the vinegar is filtered and the hollandaise sauce is seasoned with it (instead of citric acid). Served with fried meat (splits, fillets), kidneys.

Sauce Dutch with cream (muslin). Add whipped cream to the finished sauce before serving. Served with boiled and poached fish and dessert vegetable dishes.

Sauce Dutch with capers. Heated capers without brine are added to the finished sauce. Served with dishes of boiled, poached, fried fish.

Egg-butter sauces and rusk sauce have a slightly sour taste and aroma of butter.

Polish and rusk sauces can be stored for up to 2 hours

Hollandaise sauce should have a uniform consistency, without grains or flakes of coagulated protein. There should be no lumps of fat on the surface of the sauce.

In Polish and rusk sauces, the oil should be transparent. The eggs for the Polish sauce are coarsely chopped.

Flourless sauces are prepared using butter or vegetable oil, vinegar, fruit and berry infusions.

Egg-butter sauces

Polish sauce. The eggs are hard-boiled, cooled, peeled, and finely chopped. Finely chop parsley or dill. Melt the butter, combine with prepared eggs and herbs, add lemon juice or diluted citric acid and salt. The sauce is stirred and heated at a temperature not exceeding 70 °C. Served with boiled fish dishes, cauliflower and white cabbage.

Butter 700, eggs 8 pcs., parsley (greens) or dill (greens) 27, citric acid 2.

Polish sauce with white sauce. All products are prepared in the same way as for Polish sauce and added in the same sequence to the prepared white main sauce. For fish dishes it is prepared in fish broth. In fact, this sauce is cheaper than the Polish one. It is used for the same dishes as Polish sauce.

Butter 325, eggs 6 pcs., parsley (greens) or dill (greens) 27, citric acid 2, fish broth 450, butter 25, wheat flour 25.

Cracker sauce. White bread crumbs are ground, sifted and stir-fried until golden brown. Melt the butter and continue heating until the water in the butter has evaporated and a brownish precipitate has formed. After this, the oil is filtered and toasted crackers, salt and citric acid or lemon juice are added to it. Rusk sauce is served with boiled vegetables - Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, asparagus, artichokes.

Hollandaise sauce. The yolks of raw eggs are combined with cold boiled water, stirred in a bowl with a thick bottom, pieces of butter (1/3 part) are added, boiled in a water bath (at a temperature not exceeding 80 ° C), stirring and lightly beating until a homogeneous, slightly thickened mixture. Having stopped heating, add the remaining melted butter into the sauce, and after completely combining with the yolks, add white fat sauté diluted with broth or decoction, salt, citric acid or lemon juice. The finished sauce is filtered.

Hollandaise sauce can be made without the white sauté, but the sauce is unstable. To prevent the yolks from curdling and the emulsion structure of the sauce from collapsing, its temperature during boiling should be up to 70–75 °C. Adding white sauté makes the sauce more stable. Hollandaise sauce is prepared immediately before serving for dishes made from boiled fish and vegetables (asparagus, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts).

Oil mixtures

Oil mixtures are softened butter mixed with crushed additives in the form of cheese, mustard, herring, sprats, herbs, shaped and cooled. When leaving, the oil mixtures are cut into small pieces weighing 10–15 g. Lemon juice is added to improve the taste. Oil mixtures are used as a seasoning for meat, fish and vegetable hot dishes, for decorating cold dishes, preparing sandwiches and in dietary nutrition. Pieces of the oil mixture can have a variety of shapes - a circle, a rectangle, a diamond, a square, a ball, a nut or a flower. The oil mixture should be well chilled and retain its shape.

Green oil. Softened butter is combined with finely chopped parsley, citric acid, mixed, shaped into a loaf or thin sausage, cooled and cut. Served with steak, entrecote, fried fish, and used for making sandwiches and other dishes.

Herring oil. The herring fillet is soaked, passed through a meat grinder with a fine grid, rubbed through a sieve, combined with softened butter and beaten well. Store the finished oil in the refrigerator. Used for making sandwiches, as a cold appetizer, for stuffing eggs.

Butter with mustard. The butter is softened and combined with ready-made table mustard. Used to make sandwiches.

Cheese butter. Prepared by creaming butter with grated green cheese or focfort. Used for making sandwiches. In dietary nutrition, cheese butter is prepared from mild varieties of cheese and served as a cold appetizer.

Rose oil. Combine butter with tomato puree and beat. Used for sandwiches.

Yolk paste. The yolks of boiled eggs are separated from the whites, wiped and combined with softened butter and salt. You can add whipped cream to the pasta. Used for sandwiches, decoration of banquet dishes and stuffed eggs.

Cheese paste. Add sour cream to the mashed cheese and mix well. You can add ground red pepper. Used to make sandwiches.