Classic okroshka - recipes with sausage. Classic recipe for okroshka with kvass in different versions

So, first of all, wash the potatoes and cook them, right in the skins, until soft. If the potatoes are easily pierced, then remove them from boiling water and cool. To speed up the cooling process, you can pour cold water. We send a saucepan with water and chicken eggs on the stove. Cook for approximately nine to ten minutes from the moment of boiling and cool in cold water. In the meantime, let's prepare fresh vegetables. Wash the radishes and cut off the stems on both sides. Cut into small squares.

Wash the cucumbers and also trim the tails. Grind into small cubes.

Wash the greens. Try to let the herbs dry out or leave them in the air to dry beforehand. Chop finely.

Cut the boiled eggs into small slices. Or use a special cutting attachment boiled vegetables cubes. This is very convenient and reduces cooking time.

Cut in the same way boiled potatoes and boiled sausage.

Place all prepared ingredients in a suitable container and mix carefully. Place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to cool.

Pour dry okroshka in portions into a deep bowl. Season with salt and pepper. Add mustard and sour cream to taste. Fill with chilled kvass. Garnish with a slice of boiled egg. Bon appetit!

Hey guys. Denis Povaga writes, I sent you a message.

Do you agree that it is classical okroshka on kvass with sausage- the tastiest?

Most people prefer kvass, although I don’t argue that with kefir and even mineral water, you can truly make delicious dish from antiquity (mentioned back in the 18th century).

So, cold Russian soup. Or more correctly called - a traditional dish, national Russian cuisine. What could be better in warm weather? summer days?! Especially when you work in the garden, and from the same garden - fresh herbs, radishes, cucumbers. Eh...

Nostalgia for summer days when you have your own vegetables. After all, it is during the season that the most delicious okroshka is obtained! We agree And when you also have your own kvass, it reaches the sun. The starter in the jar has already arrived. We cooled it down and poured it into okroshka. Yes, also with sour cream. How do you like this?

Well, okay, the season is coming, and we can do the traditional one cold soup having a run around the market.

Here is the complete list of ingredients we will need:

  • boiled potatoes - 3 - 4 pcs
  • boiled eggs - 4 - 5 pcs
  • fresh cucumbers - 4 pcs (medium)
  • sausage - 300 gr
  • green onion - 100 gr
  • parsley, dill - 50 g each
  • radishes - 250 gr
  • sour cream - 1 glass
  • sugar - 0.5 tsp
  • salt - to taste
  • mustard - 0.5 teaspoon (or to taste)
  • kvass - 1.5 liters

It is better to choose boiled sausage, without fat. You understand that the tastier the sausage is, the tastier the stew will be. Saving on sausage will usually not lead to rich taste. By the way, in the classic version of okroshka, sausage can be replaced not only with smoked sausage (here it’s for the amateur, as you like), but also with boiled pork (preferably pig), beef, or poultry. Also, you can combine various varieties meat in a traditional Russian dish. Previously, this was done in Rus'. The meat can be boiled in advance, and then it is torn and added to okroshka. But in most cases, this boiled sausage, or sausages are also great!

Kvass- the next important ingredient to make the okroshka delicious. Because now there are so many kvass producers in stores that you can buy not kvass at all, but soda, identical to kvass. Therefore, be careful when choosing kvass. And it is advisable to know what you are buying. Or ask for advice from someone who has already made okroshka to understand that this particular purchased kvass is suitable. It often happens that because kvass is not tasty or too carbonated, you can ruin the entire dish! Be careful when choosing kvass. If you are not sure, you should probably replace the kvass with kefir or mineral water. In order not to spoil the classic recipe for okroshka with kvass, try to take a proven one, and in most cases, it is on tap from a barrel.

What Wikipedia writes about the choice of kvass for the old Russian okroshka (from the word crumble - finely cut):

How to cook okroshka with kvass? Traditional recipe:

The preparation is simple. Follow the instructions that you spied on Margarita:

1. Cut boiled potatoes and eggs, as well as cucumbers and sausage into cubes or short (1.5 - 2 cm) strips.

2. Grind green onions and parsley with dill.

3. Mix sour cream with sugar, salt and mustard.

4. Combine all ingredients and mix them with sour cream. Add a little kvass and place in the refrigerator to steep for at least 30 minutes.

5. Then place the chilled mass into portioned plates and pour required quantity Kvass, as you like - thicker or thinner.

That's all! Okroshka is ready. Bon appetit.

Classic recipe First of all, okroshka is prepared with kvass and sausage. At the same time, it is served with sour cream and mustard. Black bread and green onions also complement the classic Russian recipe.

Here's a classic okroshka recipe for you! Fast and easy.

Light, tasty okroshka - a real masterpiece traditional Russian cuisine. It differs from all other summer soups in its harmonious taste and ability to refresh on the hottest days.

When you don’t want to eat anything because of the heat, classic okroshka with kvass sausage will be a real salvation for the housewife. Her home taste Both adults and children will like it. Cook it beautiful dish It’s not difficult, and you can serve it to both your household and guests.

Classic okroshka with kvass sausage - general principles of preparation

The main component of this version of okroshka is kvass. It can be traditional bread or unusual, for example, beetroot. Okroshka can be simply filled with kvass or you can add sour cream, kefir, whey, or mayonnaise to taste.

For greater spiciness, you can add mustard or horseradish to the traditional recipe for classic okroshka with sausage on kvass (and not only horseradish root, but also mashed fragrant leaves).

Classic okroshka always contains fresh cucumbers, boiled potatoes and eggs, radishes, and herbs. Be sure to boil the potatoes in their skins. To prepare, all ingredients need to be finely chopped and mixed. As for kvass, some housewives immediately pour the drink over everything, while others add kvass directly to the plate. It's all a matter of taste.

Classic okroshka with sausage on Domashnyaya kvass

Traditional recipe Okroshka has that same homemade taste that makes this dish your favorite.


One and a half liters of bread homemade kvass;

Six potatoes;

Three eggs;

Half a kilo of doctor's (or any boiled) sausage;

Two hundred grams of radishes;

Two cucumbers;

A bunch of green onions;

A bunch of dill;

Sour cream.

Cooking method:

    Boil and be sure to remove the potatoes and eggs.

    As you cut, place all components in large saucepan.

    Peel the potatoes, finely cut into cubes.

    Peel the eggs, cut them into small cubes or chop them in an egg slicer.

    Remove the thick peel from the cucumber (if the cucumbers are young, thin-skinned and not bitter, use whole) and cut into cubes.

    In the same way, cut radishes and a piece of boiled sausage into beautiful cubes.

    Wash the onion and dill, dry and finely chop.

    Place the greens in a cup, sprinkle with salt and grind. The juice should come out.

    Add the dill-onion dressing to the main ingredients in the pan and stir.

    Add sour cream and mix again.

    Divide the okroshka into bowls and serve.

Classic okroshka with sausage on pink kvass

This dish has a pleasant pink color, which gives kvass beet juice. And the presentation itself is unusual: for those who want culinary experiments. Otherwise, it’s the same classic okroshka with kvass-based sausage.


One small boiled beet;

Half a small fresh beet;

Two eggs;

Three spoons of sour cream;

Two cucumbers;

Five radishes;

Two hundred grams of boiled sausage;

Three potatoes;

A bunch of fresh herbs;

Five green onions;

A liter of kvass.

Cooking method:

    Grate boiled eggs onto coarse grater or grind it so that you get long, thin “feathers” of squirrel.

    Boiled beets also grate coarsely.

    Squeeze juice from fresh beets. To do this, you can grate it on a fine grater, then squeeze it through cheesecloth.

    In a saucepan, combine beets, eggs, beet juice, salt everything, add sour cream, mix and put in the refrigerator for half an hour.

    Cut the boiled potatoes into cubes.

    Fresh cucumbers Depending on the diameter, cut into thin rings or half rings.

    Cut the sausage piece into neat cubes.

    Cut the radish into rings.

    Place potatoes, cucumber slices, sausage and radishes into the beetroot base and mix everything.

    Chop the greens and onions.

    Place okroshka into plates and pour kvass.

    Decorate with greens on top.

Classic okroshka with sausage and “Freshness” kvass

A traditional Russian appetizer, horseradish is fresh and pungent taste and a recognizable aroma. It gives the classic okroshka with kvass sausage a wonderfully refreshing note. There are no radishes in this recipe (horseradish replaces its pungency), but kefir is used in addition to kvass.


A liter of kvass;

A liter of kefir;

Four hundred grams of boiled sausage;

Four medium cucumbers;

Five eggs;

Seven potatoes;

A bunch of parsley;

A bunch of dill;

A large bunch of green onions;

Three teaspoons grated horseradish;

Sour cream.

Cooking method:

    Refresh with cold water and chop the herbs.

    Cut potatoes, cucumbers and sausage into small cubes.

    Finely grate the horseradish root.

    Mix all okroshka ingredients in a saucepan.

    Pour kefir and kvass over everything.

    Add horseradish puree.

    Add salt to taste and stir.

    Pour into plates and serve.

Classic okroshka with sausage on Mustard kvass

A pleasant mustard note adds piquancy to this version of the classic okroshka with kvass sausage. For added spiciness, you can add black pepper. The company of kvass is homemade or fatty store bought sour cream.


A liter of homemade kvass;

Two eggs;

Five radishes;

Two medium cucumbers;

Green onion feathers;

Three potatoes;

A little parsley and dill (half a bunch each);

Tea spoon ready mustard;

Two spoons of sour cream for sauce;

Cooking method:

    Boil chicken eggs, potatoes, cool.

    Cut radishes, cucumbers, and cooled potatoes into cubes.

    Wash the greens and chop them very finely.

    Add salt to the chopped greens and mash to release the juice (the greens should not turn into mush!).

    Separate the eggs into white and yolk.

    Cut egg whites into small cubes.

    Mash the yolks with a fork, add sour cream, mustard and mix everything well.

    Pour kvass into the yolk-mustard mixture and stir until smooth.

    Combine all ingredients in a saucepan, adding more salt if desired.

    Pour mustard kvass over the okroshka and stir.

    When serving, add sour cream to the plates if desired.

Classic okroshka with kvass and whey sausage

Whey goes very well with homemade kvass. This recipe for classic okroshka with kvass sausage has a rich taste and spiciness, as it contains both mustard and horseradish. Harmoniously included in the composition lemon juice, although you can refuse it.


One and a half liters of kvass;

Five eggs;

Half a kilo of cucumbers;

Three hundred grams of green onions;

Three hundred grams boiled potatoes;

Liter of whey;

Three hundred grams of sausage;

Tablespoon fresh juice lemon;

A teaspoon of grated horseradish;

Half a teaspoon of prepared mustard;

One hundred grams of dill.

Cooking method:

    Place chopped onion feathers.

    Divide the eggs into whites and yolks.

    Add the yolks to the onion.

    Add mustard there too.

    Grind everything with a pestle.

    Pour kvass over the onion mixture.

    Place finely chopped ingredients into the pan: cucumbers, potatoes, boiled whites, greens, sausage.

    Add horseradish.

    Squeeze the juice out of the lemon and pour into the okroshka.

    Add salt and mix.

    Pour kvass and whey over okroshka.

Classic okroshka with sausage and apple

For variety you can cook unusual option classic okroshka with the addition of apple. It is better to take not sweet, but sweet and sour fruit with a pronounced aroma.


One and a half liters of homemade kvass;

Three potatoes;

One large cucumber;

Ten radishes;

One or two apples;

One hundred grams of boiled sausage;

A bunch of green onions;

Three eggs;

A bunch of dill;

Sour cream.

Cooking method:

    Cut all the main components of okroshka into very small cubes: potatoes, sausage, radishes, cucumber.

    Grate the apple on the fine side of a grater.

    Place everything in a large saucepan and stir.

    Chop the greens and add to the okroshka, add salt and mix again. Place okroshka on plates.

    Season with sour cream.

    Pour in kvass and serve.

Classic okroshka with sausage and meat

To make okroshka more satisfying, you can enhance the protein component of the dish: use meat, ham, and sausages together with boiled sausage. Since the dish is cold, it is important to use lean meat without fat. Beef, veal, chicken or turkey will do.


Ready kvass;

Two hundred grams of sausage;

Two hundred grams of boiled meat;

One hundred grams of lean ham;

Five eggs;

Five potatoes;

Ten radishes;

A bunch of dill and green onions;

Sour cream;

Cooking method:

    Grind all ingredients.

    Mix everything in a large saucepan, add salt and stir.

    Divide into serving plates.

    Drizzle with a spoonful of sour cream.

    Pour in the prepared kvass and serve.

Classic okroshka with sausage and beet kvass

Refreshing original beet kvass can successfully replace the usual bread kvass. To prepare this version of the classic okroshka with kvass sausage, pickled beets are used. If you don’t have it, you can take boiled water and add a teaspoon table vinegar. It turns out to be a spicy winter version of the dish.


About one and a half liters of prepared beet kvass;

Three hundred grams of sausage;

Five potatoes;

Three cucumbers;

Three eggs;

Small green radish;

Two pickled small beets;

Small onion;

Greens to taste (parsley, onions, dill);

A tablespoon of sugar;

Five tablespoons of sour cream.

Cooking method:

    Boil eggs and potatoes.

    Chop cucumbers, cooled potatoes, eggs, sausage.

    Peel the onion and finely chop.

    On a medium grater, grate the pickled or boiled beets, radish.

    Chop the greens into smaller pieces.

    Place all ingredients in a large saucepan, add salt and stir.

    Season the okroshka with sugar, mustard, sour cream and pepper.

    Mix everything and pour beet kvass.

Classic okroshka with kvass sausage - tricks and useful tips

  • It is better to keep the finished okroshka for about twenty minutes in the refrigerator. The dish should cool down and acquire a uniform aroma.
  • It is not necessary to cook classic okroshka with kvass sausage in the summer. Winter option good too. You can use ready-made store-bought horseradish, and instead of radishes add black or green radish.
  • ← Quick kvass with citric acid- quench your thirst! Recipes are simple, accessible and quick kvass with citric acid

I love okroshka most of all, when all the vegetables are collected from my own garden. The first cucumbers, radishes, greens - everything is fresh, crispy, with an incredible smell of freshness and summer. With such products it turns out the most delicious.

It’s also good to buy freshly harvested potatoes at the market. It's on sale early now. You can even just boil it and season it with garlic and dill, and it will be delicious. And in combination with other fresh vegetables, and with kvass, it cannot be described in words at all.

In general, it is best to choose fresh vegetables. Even if you buy in a store or market, check that the cucumbers and radishes are not soft or limp. Well, what kind of okroshka will you get from such vegetables?!

Today we will cook classic version with sausage, but if you want, you can completely replace it boiled meat or chicken. Or even cook it in Lenten version. By the way various options You can look at the preparations in a special article there. Among them are both well-known and completely unknown.

And this one important component, like kvass, it’s best to make it yourself. Let it brew properly, “ripen”, then our cold summer dish will turn out zesty, playful, and smelling delicious.

Well, or if you buy it in a store, then give preference natural product live fermentation without any unnecessary additives. Of course, it costs more, but it’s better to overpay an extra 30 - 40 rubles than to eat who knows what later.

And if you manage to buy more fresh eggs with a bright yolk, then it will be the best thing that can be prepared.

Well, let's start cooking.

Classic recipe for delicious okroshka with kvass

The amount of ingredients is given for a full three-liter pan. This is of course without kvass. I love that this summer soup is almost worth a spoonful. Therefore this three-liter saucepan We have enough for no more than 6 servings.

Considering that, as a rule, no one is limited to one bowl, and everyone asks for more, then this will be just enough for three people.

If you like this cold soup not very thick, then reduce the amount of ingredients. If the crumbled mixture remains the next day, it can be stored in the refrigerator. This will not affect the taste in any way.

We will need:

  • boiled sausage - 300 gr
  • potatoes - 4 - 6 pcs (depending on size)
  • egg - 5 pcs
  • fresh cucumber - 4 pieces (small)
  • radishes – 250 – 300 gr
  • green onions - a bunch
  • dill - 0.5 bunch
  • parsley - 0.5 bunch
  • grated horseradish - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • mustard - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - to taste
  • sour cream - for serving
  • kvass - 1.5 - 2 liters


Any housewife knows that the amount of ingredients is a very relative concept. So, cucumbers and potatoes can be either very small or extremely large.

Therefore, in this case, the “eye” is the most basic criterion. Everything should be approximately the same. The good thing about okroshka is that it contains a lot of things. That’s why we put “a lot” of everything.

1. Since we are preparing a dish today using sausage, we’ll start with it. Buy high quality cooked sausage.

Only from quality and delicious products You will get a high-quality and tasty okroshka.

The statement that “what difference does it make, what kind of sausage is it, cut it anyway” is, to put it mildly, a wrong argument. The difference in price between cheap boiled sausage and good one is 100 rubles per kilogram. And for 300 grams it’s only 30 rubles. But the difference in taste will be huge. Therefore, I advise you not to save on this.

It is better to take sausage without fat. The “Ostankinskaya” or “Doctorskaya” variety is good, preferably in a natural casing.

Cut it into small cubes.

Sometimes they cook with half-smoked sausage and even fried. But I think that this is already for gourmets. Regular boiled sausage is ideal for our dish today.

2. Cut pre-cooked and cooled potatoes into medium-sized cubes. In order for it to cut easily, it must be thoroughly cooled. Then the cubes will be even and will not stick to each other.

If possible, cut all ingredients into the same size. This way the dish will look more aesthetically pleasing. And I also believe that the taste of the dish as a whole depends on the cut. Therefore, I cut everything carefully so that at the cooking stage everything looks decent and beautiful.

3. Boil the eggs, cool in cold water and cut into cubes. To make this easier, use an egg slicer. In this case, the cubes will turn out to be slightly smaller than the others when cut, but our cold soup will look more beautiful.

There is also a method where the eggs are separated into whites and yolks. The whites are cut into cubes and the yolks are mashed. Thus, we make the dish thicker and richer. It turns out especially beautiful when the yolks of the eggs are a rich yellow color.

That's exactly what I did.

But today is a different recipe. The eggs I use today have regular yolks, so I cut them using an egg slicer.

4. Rinse the radishes thoroughly, cut off the tails on both sides and peel as necessary. As mentioned above, it is better to purchase fresh, medium-sized radishes. This vegetable is juicy, strong, with a moderate bitter-sweet taste. Just the way you need it.

Overripe specimens are already excessively bitter, moreover, they are often empty inside, and their skin is very hard and fibrous. It is better not to use such radishes in this dish.

5. The same goes for cucumbers. It is better to take them in medium or small size. These fruits have a thin skin, seeds have not yet formed in them, they have a sweetish taste. fresh taste and a wonderful smell.

Cut the cucumbers into standard size cubes, as you cut other components as well.

But one of my friends cuts all the cucumbers, and grates one for better smell and the thickness of the cold soup. But this is everyone’s choice. Young cucumbers will already give you everything you need.

6. Also chop the greens, cutting off coarse stems if necessary.

After cutting, place all ingredients in a saucepan.

7. Green onions cut as usual, place in a bowl and sprinkle with salt. Grind with a mortar until juice appears.

I know that sometimes some housewives skip this procedure and consider it useless and unnecessary. So I must tell you that it is still needed.

If you just chop the onion and add it to the total mass, it will just float in the soup, and you can taste it a little when we eat it. Grated onions will release juice, and this juice will nourish literally every piece cut into an okroshka mass. Needless to say, this will significantly improve the taste of the dish as a whole.

Even if you doubt it, try cooking at least once. Then you will always cook only this way, and no other way.

8. But that's not all. Add mustard and horseradish to the onion, and grind everything together. Add a spoon or two, adjust it yourself. But I’ll tell you right away, even adding two spoons of both, you won’t feel it in the dish. It won't be spicy.

But what divine taste this will give our cold soup! You can't even imagine.

In general, in preparing real delicious okroshka there are no unnecessary actions. Everything is necessary and important! Sometimes they say - “What is it, I chopped it all up and poured it with kvass...” I won’t argue, it will also be the same soup, but try to make it once according to the rules, as they have been preparing it since ancient times, then you will feel the difference.

It’s not for nothing that it has a name – classic! This means that there are certain requirements for its preparation, and there are also certain cooking rules.

9. Now add the mashed mass to the general cutting. Add salt to taste and place in the refrigerator for at least 20 minutes to cool the mixture.

10. Now, as for kvass. In the old days, white unsweetened kvass was prepared especially for the dish; it was prepared from wheat raw materials.

Or you can make it at home bread kvass, for which there are now a lot of recipes.

And as an alternative, you can use store-bought kvass, which I used today. This is Nikola brand kvass. All ingredients for its preparation are used only natural, without any preservatives, sweeteners, stabilizers or dyes. This is live fermentation kvass, which uses rye raw materials and sugar.

Usually in such a drink the fermentation process occurs due to lactic acid bacteria, and it is classified as a drink double fermentation. That is, like a drink high class. It may cost more than its analogues, but the result is worth it.

In general, Nikola kvass is quite suitable for today’s dish. Moreover, there is a special, not very sweet kvass specifically for summer cold soup. Although there are other worthy varieties, the main thing when choosing is to carefully read their composition.

And of course, any of them should be cooled in the refrigerator in advance.

11. Well, now that everything is cut and cooled, it’s time to set the table. Be sure to put mustard and horseradish on the table. Although we put all this into the total mass, maybe someone will want to add it. Also, don’t forget to add sour cream; everyone will need to put it on their plate.

Of course you need bread and fresh herbs. Well, you can put it on the table fresh garlic. Served with black bread, it will be very tasty!

12. Unfold lettuce mass on plates. Don't be sorry, put in more. And fill it with cold kvass, be sure to flavor it with sour cream. Serve immediately and eat with pleasure!

The taste of this okroshka is simply fabulous. It is impossible to describe it in words. All ingredients are connected by a common taste, nothing stands out, everything is balanced and harmonious. When you eat, you experience real pleasure.

You savor every spoonful, and you want to prolong this pleasure. Therefore, you eat slowly, stretching out the time allotted for the meal.

Video on how to prepare classic summer soup with kvass

We made a video especially for this recipe, where the whole process is not only described in detail, but also shown. Therefore, I invite everyone to watch.

Even in the picture you can see how appetizing and tasty everything turns out.

I must say that until I started cooking exactly according to this recipe, my favorite was. But with the advent of this recipe, it became much more difficult to decide which one to cook this time. (where 20 recipes for dishes with sorrel are also given)

Okroshka - originally Russian dish, which is classified as cold soups. It is prepared mainly during the fresh harvest season and spicy herbs, when it’s hot and you don’t have the strength to eat hot dishes. At this time the vegetables are saturated useful vitamins and the aroma of freshness. But I must admit that I love okroshka even in winter - sometimes I want it so much that I can’t resist, I go, buy whatever fresh vegetables I have, and “crumb it.”

The cooking principle is simple, it consists of chopping all vegetables, herbs and meat products, which are then filled with kvass or kefir, mineral water or whey. I have 17 of these okroshkas notebook, I collect recipes. Today I will share a classic recipe for okroshka on kvass with sausage. The simplest, fastest and delicious recipe from available ingredients. The ratio of products can be changed at your discretion. Before serving, the okroshka mass is placed in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes. They serve okroshka with kvass-based sausage with sour cream; some people like it with mayonnaise.


  • potatoes 300 g
  • chicken eggs 4 pcs.
  • fresh cucumbers 250 g
  • red radish 250 g
  • canned peas 200 g
  • sausage 300 g
  • green onion 1-2 bunches
  • dill 1 bunch
  • cockerel 1 bunch
  • Salt to taste
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • Sour cream

How to cook classic okroshka with sausage

  1. First of all, I take the potatoes and wash them well under running water. I do the same with chicken eggs. I place the food in a pan, pour cold water and a little salt. Cook until done. The eggs will be ready 10 minutes after boiling. (Remember to take them out and cool them in cold water), the potatoes will take longer. In the meantime, I’m preparing ingredients that don’t require heat treatment. I cut fresh cucumbers into small cubes. I place it in a deep bowl so that later it is convenient to mix all the cuttings.

  2. In my recipe radishes are mandatory component. I cut the washed radishes into small pieces and add them to the cucumbers.

  3. Meanwhile, the potatoes were boiled. Peel the cooled potatoes and chop them finely. I add it to the rest of the ingredients.

  4. I also cut the peeled eggs into small pieces. I put it in a bowl.

  5. I use chicken sausage. I chop it finely and add it to the pile of already chopped products.

  6. Can be used fresh peas, pre-boiled, or canned. Drain off the liquid and add the peas to the bowl.

  7. In principle, almost all the ingredients are prepared, all that remains is to chop your favorite greens and add them to the rest of the products. Mix and put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

  8. I serve the okroshka mass, sour cream, kvass, salt and ground pepper. This serving method is considered classic. I season it to taste, turning okroshka with sausage into okroshka with sausage on kvass, and enjoy. I wish the same for you!