Rye flour cakes. Rye spicy cake (Piernik żytni)

If you were told that you could bake a soft and fluffy cake from whole grain rye flour without the addition of wheat, would you believe it? At first I was skeptical about the list of ingredients for this cake, but my fears were not justified, it turned out to be very tasty and interesting! In general, a recipe for all lovers of culinary experiments, healthier pastries and, of course, muffins!

Rye cake with apple and cinnamon

1 medium apple (120-150 g)
1 tsp cinnamon
50 g finely ground almonds
150 g whole grain rye (whole grain) flour
2 tsp baking powder for dough
75 g butter
50 g corn syrup (or honey)
100 g dark brown sugar
75 ml milk at room temperature
1 egg at room temperature
almond flakes for sprinkling

1. Peel the apple, cut into 1 cm cubes.
2. Mix rye flour, ground almonds, baking powder.
3. In a saucepan, combine butter, corn syrup and sugar, put on medium heat and, stirring, bring to sugar dissolution. Cool to room temperature.
4. Add the egg and milk to the cooled mixture, stir well.
5. Combine dry and liquid ingredients, mix.
6. Add an apple and stir.
7. Put the dough into the prepared cake pan (the mold is not very large, about 20 * 8 cm), sprinkle with almond petals on top and bake in an oven preheated to 170C for 40-50 minutes until a toothpick is dry.
8. Cool before serving.

Recipe source: .mojewypieki.com

Cupcake goes to Alena

It would not have occurred to me to bake muffins with apples - I somehow got used to adding berries, chocolate, nuts to the dough. But on the site of a friend I saw unusual muffins with apples, and they interested me so much that I decided to try it too. But, as usual, everything changed. And I got not the original apple-nut, but rye muffins with an apple. This is a lean baking recipe, since muffins are without eggs and sour cream. The dough was prepared according to the principle of dough for lean cupcakes with berries.


  • Rye flour - 1 cup;
  • Sugar - half a glass;
  • Sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • Water - half a glass;
  • Soda - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Vinegar 9% - 0.5 tablespoon;
  • To taste - a pinch of cinnamon;
  • apples - 2-3 small.

How to bake apple muffins:

Mix rye flour and sugar.

Pour water and vegetable oil into a bowl, mix.

We extinguish the soda with vinegar (or lemon juice) and mix thoroughly.

Apples are peeled and cores, three on a coarse grater. Add grated apples to the dough, for flavor, you can shake them a little with cinnamon.

Mix and spread the dough into molds.

Rye cakes are baked longer than wheat ones, 40-50 minutes. We test for readiness with a wooden stick.

After cooling the cupcakes a little, we take them out of the molds.

Try apple muffins, it tastes very interesting!

The same can be baked from wheat flour, or, in addition to apples, you can add chopped nuts, raisins to the dough ... There is room for experimentation!

I bake, I bake lean cupcakes, and I thought: what if we take rye flour instead of wheat? Yes, and seeds pour into the dough? The result turned out to be original and very tasty: everyone liked rye muffins with sunflower seeds! I share with you a delicious recipe for lean baking!

- rye flour - 1 cup;
- sugar - half a cup, maybe a little less;
- water - 2/3 cup (for some reason, rye flour takes a little more);
- vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
- a handful of peeled sunflower seeds;
- 1 teaspoon of soda (quench with vinegar);
- a pinch of salt.

How to bake a rye cake:

We act in the same way as when kneading dough for sweet wheat muffins: mix flour and sugar ...

Pour in water, sunflower oil, pour in and extinguish the soda. We mix.

Add seeds, mix again. The dough is ready!

It is noticeably thicker than from wheat flour, the dough is not pouring, it must be put into molds, which is what we do.

Rye muffins are very interesting, with an amazing texture!

We bake a little longer than products made from wheat flour, 35-40 minutes - we try with a wooden stick.

If you put less sugar, then rye muffins can be served with the first one instead of bread. You can bake without seeds, but with them it’s more original and healthier. Now even ready-made bread in stores is sold with seeds - and I baked this at home, it will soon be on the site!

Look how fluffy! Interesting, do you like it?

Rye flour has long been used in cooking along with its wheat analogue. It has a lower gluten content. Therefore, products made from it have a denser structure and a slightly sour taste. In today's publication, we will analyze in detail several original recipes for rye flour muffins.

With cocoa powder

This interesting option will surely be appreciated by fans of homemade chocolate cakes. Cupcakes made in this way are very tasty and fragrant. But their main advantage is the ability to retain the original freshness for a long time. To make rye flour muffins you will need:

  • A cup of pasteurized cow's milk.
  • ¼ pack of butter.
  • 8 art. l. rye flour (with top).
  • 2 tsp baking powder.
  • 4 tbsp. l. white wheat flour.
  • 3 art. l. powdered cocoa.
  • 3 selected chicken eggs.
  • A pinch of ground cinnamon.

Soft butter is thoroughly rubbed with sugar, gradually adding raw eggs. Milk is poured into the resulting mass and all dry ingredients are poured. Everything is intensively mixed and distributed into silicone molds. Bake products at a moderate temperature for about 25 minutes. The degree of their readiness can be checked with a regular toothpick. If it remains dry, then everything is in order and the muffins can be safely removed from the oven. If there are clearly visible traces of raw dough on the toothpick, then the products are briefly returned to the oven.

With rice flour

This tasty and fragrant treat does not contain a single gram of sweet sand. Instead, it contains a sweetener. Therefore, it can be safely called low-calorie. To bake your own rye flour, you will need:

  • 50 ml low-fat cow's milk.
  • 100 ml yogurt (without flavorings).
  • 30 g peanuts.
  • 75 g of rice and rye flour.
  • Choice egg.
  • Vanillin and sweetener.

A beaten egg is combined with cow's milk and yogurt, and then supplemented with rye and rice flour. All this is mixed with crushed peanuts, vanilla and sweetener. The finished dough is distributed into molds and sent to the oven. Bake cupcakes at 150 ° C for about half an hour.

With cottage cheese

According to the method described below, not only tasty, but also healthy rye flour muffins are obtained. They have a delicate texture and a light curd flavor. To bake them you will need:

  • 2 eggs.
  • 40 g rye flour.
  • 30 g honey.
  • 30 g raisins.
  • 200 g fresh fat-free cottage cheese.
  • ½ tsp soda quenched with lemon juice.

Grated cottage cheese is combined with eggs and processed with a mixer. The resulting mass is supplemented with honey, raisins, quenched soda and flour. Everything is intensively mixed, distributed in molds and placed in a preheated oven. Products are baked at 180 ° C. On average, the duration of the heat treatment is twenty minutes. However, it can vary up or down, depending on the characteristics of a particular oven.

With bran

These savory rye flour muffins are a great option for Sunday family breakfast. They have a relatively low calorie content and a pleasant cheese flavor. To bake them you will need:

  • ½ cup rye flour.
  • 1/3 cup bran.
  • ½ cup whey.
  • ¼ tsp quick soda.
  • 30 g cheese.
  • Choice egg.
  • Salt and a mixture of ground peppers.

Combine all dry ingredients in a deep dry container. Preheated milk whey, grated cheese and a beaten egg are also poured there. Everything is thoroughly mixed and distributed into molds. Unsweetened muffins are baked at 180 ° C for no longer than forty minutes.

With blueberries

These rye flour muffins on kefir have a pronounced berry flavor. Therefore, even the most demanding sweet tooth will appreciate them. To bake this delicacy you will need:

  • 300 g rye flour.
  • 120 g white sugar.
  • 150 ml of fresh kefir.
  • 15 g of baking powder.
  • 3 small eggs.
  • A cup of blueberries.
  • Vanillin, salt and flax seeds.

Eggs are combined with sugar and processed with a mixer. Kefir, baking powder, rye flour, vanillin and salt are alternately added to the resulting mass. All this is kneaded until a creamy dough is obtained, and then supplemented with berries, distributed in silicone molds and sprinkled with flax seeds. Bake at 180 ° C for no more than thirty minutes.

With almonds

This fragrant pastry will not leave indifferent neither adults nor kids. Therefore, it will be a good addition to the family tea party. Since this recipe for rye almond muffins requires a specific food set, double-check in advance that you have everything you need. In this case, you will need:

  • 75 g soft butter (butter).
  • 100 g almonds.
  • 100 g rye flour.
  • 2 tbsp. l. liquid flower honey.
  • 1 st. l. white sugar.
  • 2 raw eggs.
  • ½ tsp. cinnamon, baking powder and ginger.

First of all, you need to deal with almonds. It is poured with boiling water, peeled and ground into large crumbs. Now it's time for the oil. It is taken out of the refrigerator in advance and kept at room temperature for a short time. As soon as it becomes soft enough, it is supplemented with sugar, honey and spices, and then processed with a mixer until the grains completely disappear. At the next stage, eggs, nut crumbs, baking powder and rye flour are alternately introduced into the sweet mass. Everything is thoroughly mixed and distributed into small silicone molds so that they are a little more than half filled. Rye flour muffins are baked at 180 ° C until cooked, the degree of which is easy to check with a regular toothpick. The duration of heat treatment largely depends on the size of the molds and on the characteristics of a particular oven. Almond cakes are served chilled with a cup of warm milk or a mug of fragrant herbal tea.

Delight your family with delicious lean pastries for tea!

These rye flour muffins are made without eggs and butter, but with apples! And they turn out unusual, very fragrant, textured and tasty.

You and I have already baked lean cupcakes with berries and nuts, remember? And now I propose to try a new recipe and write in the comments that you and your household will like it more!


  • 1 cup of rye flour (or 0.5 cups of rye and wheat flour each, then the muffins will be fluffier and baked faster);
  • 0.5 cups of sugar;
  • 0.5 cups of water;
  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil (sunflower refined);
  • 0.5 teaspoon of soda;
  • 0.5 tablespoon of lemon juice or vinegar;
  • A pinch of ground cinnamon;
  • 2-3 small sweet and sour apples.

Cooking method:

Combine flour and sugar.

Pour water and sunflower oil into a bowl, mix with dry ingredients.

Add soda, extinguish with lemon juice or vinegar, mix quickly and thoroughly. You can do it differently: mix soda with flour (dry ingredients), and acid (juice or vinegar) with liquid ones, for example, with water. When the dry and liquid components of the dough are mixed, the reaction of soda with acid takes place more fully and efficiently than if it is extinguished “locally”.

Add apples grated on a coarse grater (preferably without peel) and a little cinnamon to the dough.

After mixing the dough again, fill the molds with it to ¾ of the height. If silicone, you can not lubricate; if the forms are metal or ceramic - you need to grease with vegetable oil.

We bake muffins from rye flour longer than usual from wheat flour: about 45-50 minutes at 180C. And the taste of rye pastries is more dense, plus apples add moisture and texture. You can check if the cupcakes are ready by tasting one with a wooden stick - it should remain dry.

When the apple muffins have cooled slightly, transfer them from the molds to a plate and serve with tea!