Porridge with raisins and water recipes. Oatmeal with milk and raisins

Oatmeal with milk is one of the healthiest dishes. It is ideal for breakfast, as it not only saturates the body with vitamins and essential microelements, but also gives vigor and energy. If you prepare oatmeal correctly and take care of appetizing additives to it, then such porridge will also turn out very tasty. It should be noted that according to the BJU table, 100 g of dry flakes contains 360 kcal and a large amount of carbohydrates (more than 65 g).

The classic recipe does not contain anything superfluous. Only: 300 g instant oat flakes, 250 ml. full-fat milk, 10 g sugar, a pinch of salt and a small piece of butter. But if you wish, you can supplement the finished porridge with any sweet additives.

  1. The milk is brought to a boil, after which all the cooked cereal, as well as salt and sugar, are immediately added to it.
  2. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and cooked for 3-10 minutes. The exact cooking time will depend on the quality of the cereal. You need to monitor the process of their swelling and constantly stir the mass to avoid burning.
  3. The fire should be minimal so that the dish does not boil, but simmers.
  4. After cooking is completed, butter is added to the treat.

You should not leave the porridge in reserve, as after a while it will become too thick and crusty.

With added water

To reduce the calorie content of a dish and make its taste more delicate, you can mix milk and water in equal proportions. For example, 150 ml. In addition, for such porridge you need to take 150 g of oatmeal, 80 g of sugar, 1 tsp. salt and a pinch of cinnamon.

  1. Water is mixed with milk and brought to a boil.
  2. Oatmeal and butter are added to the liquid.
  3. The mass is brought to a boil again and left to simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes with constant stirring.
  4. The finished dish is flavored with cinnamon.

How to cook oatmeal in a slow cooker?

Oatmeal with water in a slow cooker is a lifesaver for every modern housewife and mother. You can load the ingredients into the device in the evening, set the timer for 7 am and please your family with a fresh, delicious breakfast without putting any effort into it. To prepare this porridge you need to take: 1 special cup of instant oatmeal and the same amount of water, 2 cups of milk, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and a piece of butter. The following describes in detail how to prepare oatmeal with milk in a slow cooker.

  1. All flakes are sent to the multicooker container and then mixed with sugar.
  2. The dry ingredients are poured first with milk and then with water and mixed thoroughly.
  3. All that remains is to add butter.
  4. In the “Porridge” or “Milk porridge” mode, the dish will be cooked for 20 minutes. To do this, you will have to manually change the standard settings, which are set to 30 minutes.

This recipe will make the porridge quite thick. If you want to change its consistency, you need to increase the amount of flakes by 1.5 times.

Original recipe with pumpkin

Pumpkin goes well with oatmeal and makes this porridge not only tastier, but also healthier.

And its bright orange color, which colors the entire dish, lifts your spirits. To prepare this treat you will need to use: 270 g fresh pumpkin, 600 ml. milk, 230 g oatmeal flakes, 50 g natural bee honey, a pinch of salt, a piece of butter.

  1. The pumpkin is peeled, washed, cut into pieces and cooked for 15-20 minutes after boiling. When the vegetable is completely cooked, drain the water from the pan and puree the slices using a blender.
  2. Pour oatmeal into the resulting mass, add milk and salt.
  3. When the porridge boils, the heat is reduced and the dish is cooked for 25 minutes under a closed lid.
  4. At the very end, honey and butter are added to the treat.

If you plan to turn this porridge into a side dish for meat, then you need to add more salt to it and remove the honey.

Oatmeal with milk and raisins

Oatmeal with raisins tastes no worse than any dessert.

But at the same time it is also very useful. To prepare it you need to take the following products: 900 ml. milk, 250 g of rolled oats, 70 g of raisins, 20 g of sugar and a pinch of salt.

  1. Sugar and salt are added to the milk, after which it is brought to a boil.
  2. Immediately after the first bubbles appear on the surface of the liquid, you can pour rolled oats flakes into the pan. The heat is reduced to minimum and the porridge is cooked for 5 minutes.
  3. All that remains is to add the washed raisins to it, wait a couple of minutes and turn off the stove. Let the dish sit under the lid closed for about 10 minutes. During this time, the porridge will acquire the desired consistency.

Since raisins make the treat very sweet, the amount of sugar can be reduced to taste.

Whole Oat Recipe

The healthiest porridge is made from whole grains. True, you will have to spend much more time cooking it. But such a treat will contain the maximum amount of vitamins and essential microelements. In addition to whole grains (250 g), you should also use: 0.4 l. milk, 60 g sugar, salt and butter to taste.

  1. The cereal is thoroughly washed, filled with lukewarm water and left for about 5-6 hours. It is best to start preparing it in the evening, so that by morning the grain is completely ready for further preparation.
  2. The swollen cereal is washed again and 600 ml is poured. cold water and cook for 45 minutes. over low heat.
  3. After the specified time, sugar and salt are added to the pan and the dish is cooked until thickened.
  4. All that remains is to transfer the mixture into a clay dish and place it in the oven for about another 60 minutes.

The finished porridge is supplemented with fruits, berries, jam or preserves.

Healthy oatmeal with honey

Oatmeal with natural honey instead of sugar is mainly chosen for breakfast by people who are worried about their weight and people who eat healthy food. It is important to choose the highest quality beekeeping product for this. In addition to honey (20 g), you need to use 90 g of flakes, 300 ml. milk and a pinch of salt.

  1. The milk in the pan is sent to the stove and brought to a boil.
  2. Oatmeal, honey and salt are added to the liquid.
  3. With constant stirring, the porridge is cooked for a couple of minutes, then covered with a lid and left on low heat for 5 minutes.

Having figured out how to cook oatmeal with milk, you can endlessly improve your favorite recipe with various additives. For example, a dish with garlic will become a hearty side dish, and with chocolate it will become a healthy dessert.

Oatmeal is a popular and very healthy cereal, widely used in cooking. It makes very tasty and satisfying breakfasts that charge you with energy for the whole next day. In today's publication we will analyze in detail several quick recipes for oatmeal porridge with raisins.

If desired, add cinnamon, cream, bananas, dried apricots, nuts, apples or any berries to the finished dish. And instead of sugar, porridge can be sweetened with natural, non-crystallized honey.

With milk

This dish will certainly attract the attention of young mothers who don’t know what to feed their babies in the morning. It turns out so tasty and sweet that even the most picky guys won’t refuse it. To prepare such a healthy and nutritious breakfast, you will need:

  • 250 g oatmeal.
  • 900 ml pasteurized milk.
  • 20 g cane sugar.
  • 70 g raisins.
  • Salt.

Preparing with raisins in milk is quite simple. First you need to tackle the liquid foundation. The salted and sweetened milk is placed on the stove and brought to a boil. When the first bubbles appear on its surface, add oatmeal and leave for about five minutes on low heat. Immediately after this, pour the washed raisins into a common pan. All this is covered with a lid, removed from the burner and left for a short time at room temperature.

On the water

The calorie content of oatmeal with raisins, made using the technology discussed below, is much less than that containing milk. Therefore, it can be safely offered to those who adhere to a special diet. To prepare it you will need:

  • A handful of raisins.
  • ½ cup oatmeal.
  • 2 glasses of filtered water.
  • 2 tbsp. l. sesame
  • 1 tbsp. l. peeled seeds.
  • 1 tbsp. l. frozen blueberries.

You need to start preparing oatmeal porridge with raisins in water by processing dried fruits. They are washed under the tap and immersed in a pan of boiling water. After about five minutes, add oatmeal, sesame seeds, seeds and blueberries. All this is carefully mixed, covered with a lid, removed from the heat and left for a short time at room temperature.

With cream

This hearty oatmeal with raisins has a delicious cinnamon flavor. And the presence of apples makes it not only tasty, but also healthy. To feed your family this breakfast, you will need:

  • 2 cups oatmeal.
  • 3 cups pasteurized milk.
  • 100 ml 10% cream.
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  • 3 tbsp. l. drinking water.
  • ½ tsp. powdered cinnamon.
  • 1 tbsp. l. raisins
  • 2 medium sweet apples.

Pour oatmeal into boiling milk in a thin stream and boil for about fifteen minutes. Then they add steamed raisins, cinnamon and peeled apple pieces. Mix everything carefully and leave for a short time under the lid. Before serving, each serving of porridge is topped with a sauce consisting of cream and caramel made from water and sugar.

With banana

This thick and satisfying oatmeal porridge with raisins will not go unnoticed by lovers of overseas fruits and cinnamon. It cooks very quickly, so it retains most of the nutrients. To make this dish for your morning meal, you will need:

  • A glass of pasteurized milk.
  • A cup of oatmeal.
  • A glass of filtered water.
  • A handful of raisins.
  • Ripe banana.
  • 1 tsp. white sugar.
  • 1 tsp. ground cinnamon.

Sweetened milk is diluted with the required amount of filtered water and placed on the stove. When the liquid begins to boil, add oatmeal to it and cook for about five minutes. At the end of the designated time, add cinnamon, steamed raisins and chopped banana to the pan. Everything is carefully mixed and removed from the burner almost immediately. Cover the almost finished porridge with a lid and leave for a short time at room temperature. As a rule, seven minutes is enough for it to thicken and become saturated with the aromas of spices and fruits. The energy value of 100 g of this dish is only 150.5 kcal.

With walnuts and honey

This flavorful and satisfying oatmeal with raisins does not contain a single gram of sugar. In this case, honey plays the role of a natural sweetener, which makes it not just tasty, but also very healthy. To prepare this dish you will need:

  • 3 tbsp. l. oatmeal.
  • 1.5 cups pasteurized milk.
  • 1 tbsp. l. raisins
  • 1 tbsp. l. shelled walnuts.
  • ½ tsp. soft butter (butter).
  • Honey and cinnamon (to taste).

The milk is poured into a suitable saucepan and placed on the switched on stove. When it starts to boil, pour pre-washed oatmeal into it and cook it all together for no longer than five minutes. Then the almost finished porridge is supplemented with steamed raisins and cinnamon, covered with a lid and infused at room temperature. Once it has cooled a little, it is sweetened with honey, seasoned with butter, sprinkled with walnuts and served for breakfast.

With dried apricots

Using the method discussed below, a very nutritious and healthy oatmeal porridge with raisins is obtained. It is ideal for children's breakfast or afternoon snack. Therefore, her recipe will arouse serious interest in every young mother. To feed your kids such a tasty and satisfying dish, you will need:

  • 500 ml whole cow's milk.
  • 100 g white sugar.
  • 120 g oatmeal.
  • 30 g raisins.
  • 30 g dried apricots.
  • 20 g unsalted butter (butter).

The milk is poured into any suitable saucepan, sweetened and sent to the stove. When it boils, pour oatmeal into it and leave it to simmer for a short time on the lowest heat. As soon as the porridge is completely ready, it is supplemented with washed pieces of dried apricots and steamed raisins, covered with a lid and left at room temperature. Before serving, season the dish with butter.

Oatmeal can be prepared in different ways, with the addition of various ingredients. One of the most common additives is raisins, which are also often replaced with dried fruits. In this version, oatmeal is not only very tasty, but also healthy.

Oatmeal with dried fruits

Pre-boiling water is poured into 2 tbsp. spoons of dried apricots and raisins, soak them for about 10 minutes, then dry and chop. Pour 3 glasses of water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, add a glass of oatmeal, add salt to taste and cook over low heat until tender. You can use a different amount of cereal, it is important to maintain the proportions - there should be three times more water. At the very end of cooking, add prepared dried fruits to the oatmeal and mix thoroughly. The finished porridge is laid out on plates, butter is added, and finely crushed and roasted walnuts are sprinkled on top.

Oatmeal with dried apricots

Each cook is free to determine the amount of dried apricots for this recipe independently, based on his own taste. The dried fruit is first soaked in hot water, then dried and cut into slices. This should be done at the very beginning of cooking, as this procedure takes about 10 minutes. Next, pour 2 glasses of milk into the pan, bring it to a boil over high heat, add a glass of oatmeal, turn off the burner completely and leave the porridge to steep for 10 minutes. Then put the prepared dried apricots into the pan, season with butter and melted honey. Adding sugar to this dish is not recommended for dietary reasons.

Oatmeal with raisins

The procedure for preparing this porridge is slightly different. First, pour 2 cups of oatmeal into the pan, then pour 4 cups of water into it, stirring constantly, bring to a boil, add 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar and salt to taste, stir well and keep on low heat for about 15 minutes. Wash 1 glass of raisins, chop them as desired, add them to the already prepared oatmeal, season it with a piece of butter, and just before serving, pour in 2 glasses of milk and stir everything thoroughly.

Oatmeal with dried fruits and nuts

Bring 2 cups of milk to a boil, add a cup of oatmeal, add salt and sugar to taste, cover it all with a lid, reduce the heat until cooked, stirring constantly. At the same time, they prepare dried fruits: take 100 g of prunes, dried apricots and raisins, pour boiling water over them, dry them, chop them and place them in the porridge shortly before it is ready. Before serving, season each portion with butter and mix. For the final touch, crumble a bar of dark chocolate and sprinkle it over the finished dish.

Oatmeal with raisins and honey

Mix the same amount of milk and water in a saucepan - 1 glass each. Bring the mixture to a boil, pour in a glass of oatmeal in a thin stream, continuously stirring the contents of the dish. This is necessary in order to avoid the formation of lumps. Cook the porridge for about 15 minutes over low heat, adding honey at the very end, as well as previously prepared raisins. You can also supplement the list of ingredients used in the recipe with fresh fruits, the taste of which goes well with dried fruits.

Oatmeal with apples and raisins in a slow cooker

Peel the apple, remove the seeds, and grind the pulp to a puree consistency. Pour a glass of oatmeal into a small saucepan, pour 2 glasses of water and add the prepared applesauce. By the way, some people prefer to use freshly squeezed apple juice instead of puree. Half a glass of raisins is sorted, washed, doused with boiling water, dried and added to the rest of the ingredients.

Mix everything thoroughly. Next, turn on the “boiling” mode, set the timer for 10 minutes. In some models it is recommended to use the “warm up” program. The choice depends on the power of the heating element. The finished porridge is sweetened with slightly warmed honey, but you should definitely remember that if the temperature is too high, honey immediately loses its beneficial properties, and when heated above 60 degrees, the product even releases carcinogens that are harmful to health.

Oatmeal with raisins and honey in a slow cooker

This recipe uses whole grain oatmeal, so the cooking time increases significantly - up to an hour and a half. First, wash a handful of seedless raisins, pour boiling water over them, leave for ten minutes, then drain the water and dry. A measuring cup of oatmeal is poured into the working bowl of the multicooker, 800 ml of boiling water is poured into it and raisins are added. Turn on the extinguishing mode and set the timer for about 90 minutes. When serving, each portion of the finished porridge is seasoned with melted honey.

The peculiarity of oatmeal from a multicooker is that its taste is reminiscent of dishes prepared according to the old Russian tradition - in the oven.

We offer you to prepare a healthy and satisfying breakfast that will provide you with vivacity and energy for the whole day. Oatmeal porridge with raisins, prepared according to our step-by-step recipe with photos, increases mental activity and improves health. The body is enriched with valuable nutrients. Promotes weight loss.

Oatmeal is also good for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. Babies can include this product in their diet from the age of six months.

Eating oatmeal will help get rid of many diseases of the stomach and intestines. Helps cleanse the body, relieve constipation, reduce stress, and improve mood. Allows you to strengthen the immune system.

Oatmeal with raisins in the morning is most beneficial for your body. We can safely say that this is breakfast for the whole family.

How to cook oatmeal with milk and raisins

Oatmeal is not an expensive product and is quite affordable. If you want to improve your health, this photo recipe will help you.

Preparing oatmeal porridge with raisins and dried apricots in milk does not take much time. And so that it doesn’t become boring, you can diversify the oatmeal. It’s not always possible to have fresh fruits and berries at home in winter, but there is a way to get out of this situation.

Consider a recipe for making oatmeal with the addition of raisins and apricots. The taste of dried fruits will add a special zest to the dish.


  • Oatmeal - mug (200 ml);
  • Milk - 200 ml;
  • Drinking water - 300 ml;
  • Butter - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Raisins - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Dried apricots - 4-6 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking oatmeal with raisins and dried apricots

Step 1.

Pour oatmeal into a small saucepan. Then fill them with two mugs of water and one of milk. In order to make oatmeal porridge with raisins less high in calories, we took twice as much water as milk.

Put the pan on the fire.

Step 2.

While the contents of the container are boiling, prepare the raisins and dried apricots. Wash them thoroughly in hot water and cut the dried apricots into small pieces.

Step 3.

After the oatmeal boils, add dried fruits and sugar to it, mixing everything thoroughly. Cover with a lid and cook on low for another 10 minutes.

Step 4.

After this time, turn off the stove. Stir the porridge with a spoon again. Oatmeal with raisins and dried apricots is ready to eat.

  • Raisins – ½ cup
  • Milk – 2 cups
  • Cinnamon to taste
  • Hercules – 1 glass
  • Butter to taste
  • Sugar and salt to taste


1 Place raisins in hot water and leave for 5 minutes. Next, drain the water.2 Mix all ingredients (including raisins) in a deep saucepan. We leave only the butter. We will add it to the already prepared porridge.3 Bring to a boil over low heat. Cook, stirring, for 10 minutes, or until done at your discretion. Some people like boiled oatmeal, others a little undercooked, so set the cooking time based on your taste.4 Place oatmeal, cooked in milk with raisins, on plates. Add oil. The porridge is ready!

Oatmeal porridge with water and raisins


  • Raisins – 1 tbsp.
  • Water – 2 glasses
  • Honey – 1 tsp.
  • Oatmeal – 1 cup
  • Salt to taste


1 Wash the raisins and pour boiling water for 5 minutes. Drain the water.2 Pour the oatmeal into a ladle or saucepan and pour in 2 cups of water. Mix. Place on low heat.3 Cook the porridge until it acquires a thick consistency.4 Add honey, raisins and salt to taste.5 A pinch of cinnamon will not spoil your porridge, but will only add piquancy to it.

Alternative cooking method:

Mix the steamed raisins with oatmeal in a deep plate, pour boiling water over the entire mixture so that it completely covers the porridge with a small margin. Cover the plate with another plate or lid. Let it swell and steam for 10 minutes. Add oil, and the porridge is ready to eat!

Oatmeal with apple and raisins


  • Water – 1.5 cups
  • Salt to taste
  • Oatmeal or rolled oats – 1 cup
  • Peeled apple – 1 pc. (small)
  • Raisins – 2 tbsp.
  • Fructose or honey – 1 tsp.
  • Butter


1 Place a saucepan with 1.5 cups of water on the stove that is on. 2 Set the heat to medium. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat to low.3 Cook for 5 minutes, stirring.4 Add finely chopped apple, raisins, and honey (or fructose).5 Remove oatmeal with apple and raisins from the heat, add butter. Cover with a lid and leave to steam for 2 minutes. Bon appetit!

Oatmeal with raisins in a slow cooker

The recipe for preparing oatmeal porridge with raisins in a slow cooker is no different from the recipe for preparing this dish on the stove. There are only a few nuances of multicookers, knowing which you can prepare incredibly tasty porridge.

Let's consider the main ones:

  1. To prepare oatmeal porridge with raisins in a multicooker, it is better to use the MULTICOOK program with a manual mode for setting cooking parameters.
  2. The standard temperature of 105C will not suit us, otherwise the porridge will burn. Set the temperature to 90C. And the cooking time is 10 minutes.
  3. Leave on the heating mode (if there is one) for a couple of minutes. The porridge is ready, bon appetit!