French fries at home - recipes. How to make French fries at home

Tell me, what dish is most often served for dinner in our homes? Which one is your favorite and never gets boring? Right! This is a mouth-watering, golden-crispy, queen of side dishes! And how beautifully and skillfully French fries are prepared in a deep fryer, especially if you follow all the cooking rules! This kitchen appliance will help us not only quickly and competently prepare a side dish for lunch or dinner. The most important thing is that it will allow you to enjoy the process itself!

Cooking French fries in a deep fryer

It would seem that what could be simpler than French fries? He heated up the oil, poured the potatoes into it, cut into strips, and in a few minutes the fries were ready! But will you really get a beautiful, golden queen of side dishes as a result of such simple preparation? Of course not! You can only get an inedible potato dish that doesn’t even look like real French fries. Even a modern deep fryer won't help!

To get a delicious potato dish, we must follow the rules:

  • Using potato tubers with reduced starch content

If you have stocked up on starchy potatoes that boil quickly, then preparing delicious French fries will be more difficult, but possible! To improve its quality, before frying, it is recommended to rinse the already cut pieces under running water, which leads to the loss of a significant part of the starchy substances. Or just keep them in a bowl of water for 10 minutes - some of the starch will go into the water.

  • The product is placed in the frying oil completely dry!

Therefore, no matter what kind of potatoes we use, before lowering them into boiling oil, we place the prepared cubes on a paper towel and dry them thoroughly. Only after this procedure the straw is lowered into deep fat.

  • Choosing the right oil for deep frying

Not just any oil is suitable for deep frying! The oil must be free of foreign odors, i.e. only plant-based, refined, preferably deodorized! It can be sunflower, corn, olive, and even cotton! The oil will give the dish a subtle, specific aroma of the product chosen for deep-frying!

It is also allowed to add a little animal fat (rendered, chicken, duck or lard) to vegetable fat, but not more than 10%. The main thing is high purification of animal fat!

  • Frying temperature

Deep frying before adding potato straws should be heated to 170-190 degrees. How to check - the question arises? Easily! Pour the fat into the fryer bowl and heat the oil for 10-15 minutes. To check the readiness of the deep fryer, throw one potato stick into it. If it immediately floats to the surface, surrounded by bubbles of boiling oil, it means the fryer has reached the desired temperature!

  • You cannot salt potato straws either before or during frying!

You can only add salt to your French fries just before serving! If we rush and add salt, the crispy crust will immediately absorb moisture from the surrounding area and become soggy. If we put already salted potatoes into deep frying, they will lose their shape and a crust will not form on its surface.

Taking into account all the above rules for cooking French fries in a deep fryer, let's start cooking!

Recipe for the perfect French fries

  1. We select oblong potato tubers, wash them and peel them. We cut them into strips, trying to get bars of the same size (this is very important for uniform frying). If you just bought a deep fryer and plan to treat yourself to your favorite dish often, then a wise decision would be to purchase a special shredder for French fries.
  2. Place the straws on paper towels and carefully wipe off the water, otherwise the final product will disappoint you!
  3. Pour the vegetable fat into the fryer bowl and heat it up. If you want to enrich the taste of vegetable oil with animal fat, add it just before adding potato straws! A 100g serving of potato straws needs 500g of deep fat.
  4. Place the dried potatoes in the deep fryer basket and lower it into the melted deep fat. Remember that deep fat should not boil! Potato sticks are placed in small portions so that during the cooking process they do not stick together and are fried evenly on all sides. Fry each portion for 4-5 minutes until a beautiful golden crust.
  5. Place the fried portions on a flat dish covered with a paper towel and allow the excess fat to be absorbed into the fibers of the towel.
  6. Before serving, salt the prepared potato strips with fine salt and decorate with herbs or any vegetables.

Bon appetit!

What's good with French fries?
French fries can serve us both as a side dish and as an independent dish. You can enjoy it with any sauce or with a simple vegetable salad. It goes well with any meat, mushrooms, fish and vegetables. Choose!
You should definitely remember that French fries in a deep fryer will be very tasty if all the rules for their preparation are followed. Vegetable fat remaining after frying must not be reused under any circumstances!

Making French fries at home

Cooking French fries in deep fat

You can prepare it at home, spending relatively little time and effort. Even an inexperienced cook can easily cope with this task.

If you have a deep fryer at home, use it. The easiest way to prepare French fries at home is with this particular device. This way the dish will turn out fried, tasty and appetizing.

To prepare this dish you will need the following ingredients: - raw potatoes (calculate the amount based on the number of eaters and their appetite); - vegetable or olive oil; - fine salt; - pepper; - spices to taste; - deep fryer for frying; - paper towel or napkins.

Peel the potatoes. Rinse in cold water, dry thoroughly with a paper towel or napkins. Cut into strips or thin cubes.

Make sure they are the same size for even cooking.

Dry the sliced ​​potatoes again, trying to remove as much moisture as possible using napkins. Pour vegetable oil into the deep fryer container and heat to approximately 160-180°C. To determine whether the cut-up sticks can be used for frying, drop a small piece of potato into the oil. If a fairly strong boil begins around it immediately, the oil is heated to the desired degree.

Place the cut pieces in a sieve and place it in the heated oil until all the potatoes are covered.

Don't try to fry all the potatoes in one go. It’s better to do this in two or three stages so that the bars turn out evenly fried and crispy

How long does it take to cook French fries?

The duration of frying potatoes is, depending on the type of root vegetable and the thickness of the chopped cubes, from 6 to 8 minutes. When the potato cubes take on a golden-brown color, the sieve can be removed from the fryer. Let the oil drip off, then place the fries on a paper towel to absorb excess oil. Then add salt and transfer to a serving container.

You can also fry French fries at home using a store-bought convenience product. There is no need to defrost it. The frying time is the same as in the described recipe, that is, from 6 to 8 minutes.

What is the ratio of potato mass to fat mass per frying?

Most culinary reference books indicate that you need to take 8–10 times less potatoes, then uniform frying will be ensured on all sides, and the product will be of very high quality. A larger amount of potatoes is allowed, but in any case its weight should be no more than ¼ of the fat weight.

Various types of cooking fats are used for deep frying. However, at home the easiest way is to use vegetable oil. If possible, it is better to use a mixture of different types of vegetable oils, then the fat will foam less.

How to make French fries at home without a deep fryer?

You can successfully replace the deep fryer with a cast iron frying pan, a duck pot, or even a cauldron. The main thing is that the dishes you use have high sides and preferably thick-walled. This is necessary to ensure strong and uniform heating of the oil. Preparing French fries is exactly the same as in the recipe described earlier, only without using a sieve. Remove the finished potatoes from the boiling oil with a dry slotted spoon. After removing excess fat with a paper towel or napkins, add salt to taste and serve.

How to cook French fries using minimal oil?

Let's say you have very little oil left. How to cook at home in this case? Nothing could be simpler. The only condition is that you will need to cut the potatoes into very thin cubes (more precisely, thin strips). Since it will be difficult to do this with a knife, even a very sharp one, use a vegetable shredder with an attachment that cuts into strips. Try to use the finest salt for sprinkling the fried potatoes. It’s even better if you first grind it to a powder, then the finished potatoes will be especially tasty. You can also sprinkle the potatoes with black pepper and other spices.

The principle of making French fries is simple. Smooth cubes should be deep-fried - fat that covers the product on all sides. As a result, potato slices are covered with a delicious crispy crust, while remaining soft inside. French fries should not be dry or tough. The dish is served hot, accompanied by a variety of sauces.

Choose the right potatoes. Smooth, mature tubers without damage are suitable for frying. Young potatoes are not suitable, they do not have a dense enough consistency, the cubes will be too soft and brittle.

The ideal deep fryer for potatoes is refined deodorized vegetable oil. You can use sunflower, soybean, olive or corn oil, to which animal fat is sometimes added for taste: goose, duck, beef. Ghee or lard will also work. Thanks to these additives, the finished potatoes will acquire interesting flavor nuances.

Wash the potatoes thoroughly with a brush. If this is not done, dark spots may appear on the finished product. Cut the tubers into even cubes. If the potatoes have a lot of starch, soak the cubes in cold water for 7-10 minutes, then rinse them and drain them in a colander. Let the water drain completely and dry the potatoes thoroughly with a paper towel. The surface of the cubes must be completely dry, otherwise the oil will bubble and splatter during frying.

Pour 1 liter of deodorized vegetable oil mixed with 100 g of duck fat into a deep, thick-walled steel or cast iron pan. Heat the mixture well for 10-15 minutes, light smoke should appear above the pan. Place a portion of potatoes in a wire basket with handles and place it in the pan so that the fat completely covers the potato wedges. If you don't have a basket, place the potatoes directly into the oil and then carefully remove them with a slotted spoon. After frying one portion, immediately begin preparing the next one.
Shake the basket and fry the potatoes until they are evenly golden brown. To test, you can break one block; the inside of the potato should be soft. Remove the basket, let the oil drain, and place the potatoes in a colander lined with a paper towel. Wait a couple of minutes for the excess oil to be absorbed, sprinkle the potatoes with salt and serve hot.

You can cook the fries in two batches. First, heat the oil to 170°C and place the prepared potatoes in it. Fry until pale golden brown and place in a colander lined with paper towels. Let the potatoes cool, and just before serving, bring them to readiness by dipping them in oil heated to 190°C. Salt the cubes already in the plate, serve the sauce separately.

Modern human nutrition is almost impossible without fast food, but many do not trust such restaurants and are looking for ways to prepare similar dishes on their own. The question of how to make French fries at home occupies the minds of food lovers. People want food to bring pleasure to the taste buds, but at the same time not be devoid of benefits for the body. There are several recipes for preparing the dish yourself: French fries in the oven, slow cooker, in a frying pan, on the grill. All of them are simple and convenient, and the taste of the vegetable is not inferior to restaurant dishes.

Features of cooking

Now many media outlets are talking about the dangers of potatoes served in fast food establishments. This is due to the frequent addition of preservatives, which cause serious harm to the human body. However, French fries are a popular and beloved dish by many; to the delight of those who love them, they can be prepared without any problems at home. Such a product will contain significantly fewer harmful substances, and the taste will be no worse than usual.

To make the dish tasty, you need to follow some rules for preparing it:

  • Potatoes suitable for fries should be large and oval in shape. It is better to choose vegetables without eyes, then the dish will turn out beautiful.
  • Correct cutting of a tuber involves first forming 1 cm wide plates and then dividing them into bars. The potato pieces should be as equal in size as possible so that they cook evenly.
  • Potatoes need to be peeled and then washed with cold water. This action will help remove excess starch from the vegetable, which will ensure less crumbling during cooking and the potatoes will have a better crunch.
  • Vegetables must be pureed, then they will turn out more fried.
  • Wiping also helps reduce the amount of splashes when potatoes get into the oil.
  • Do not add salt to the vegetable while frying; do it later to taste.
  • To remove excess fat from fries, after cooking, place the fries in a colander and pat dry with a paper towel.
  • Choose softer potato varieties.
  • Vegetable oil can be any (sunflower, corn, olive), the main thing is that it is refined and deodorized, then the potatoes will not have any foreign odors.
  • It is better not to use a semi-finished product.
  • If you didn't use all the potatoes, you can freeze the leftovers for storage.

How to make French fries at home

It will take some time to enjoy a dish from a fast food restaurant menu made at home, but understanding the process and a little skill will allow you to complete the job. And after preparing the dish several times, you will be able to do it quickly and accurately. Household appliances and appliances available in the kitchen will be good helpers in this matter. Choose the most convenient cooking option for you, then you can enjoy the taste of your favorite dish without harm to your health.

In the deep fryer

You will need:

  • potatoes (medium) – 9 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 1 l;
  • salt – 1 pinch.


  1. Air fryer recipes don't require much effort on your part. In order to prepare the dish, you need to peel the potatoes and then dry them thoroughly.
  2. The vegetable must be cut into strips. This can be done with a regular knife or, to reduce time, with a special device for slicing potatoes.
  3. The frying grid with the product should be lowered into the apparatus, heated to 150 degrees.
  4. Cook the dish for 3 minutes, then remove it from the fryer. Spread the potatoes in one layer and cool slightly.
  5. While the vegetable is cooling, the apparatus must be heated to 180 degrees. Once the temperature is reached, place the potatoes back inside and fry until they turn golden brown, like in fast food advertising photos.
  6. While the dish is still hot, add salt and serve.

Without deep fryer in frying pan

  • potatoes – 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil – 200 g;
  • salt.

French fries in a frying pan are prepared according to the following instructions:

  1. Peel the tubers and cut into strips, rinse and soak in cold water for 2 hours. Dry the potatoes before adding them to the pan.
  2. Heat the frying pan thoroughly, then pour vegetable oil into it, which must be heated to the highest temperature.
  3. Place enough potatoes into the prepared pan so that they can float. You need to monitor the cooking process all the time. As soon as the cubes become golden brown, remove them and start frying a new portion.
  4. Place the finished product in a colander to drain the oil. Sprinkle the hot dish with coarse salt and stir.

In a slow cooker

You need to cook French fries in a slow cooker using the following ingredients:

  • potatoes – 1000 g;
  • vegetable oil – 0.7-1 l;
  • salt.


  1. Peel the tubers, cut into cubes, place in cold water and dry.
  2. On the multicooker panel, set the “Baking” mode, set the timer for 60 minutes. Pour oil into the bowl, wait until it heats up but does not boil.
  3. Place the potatoes inside and fry for 7-8 minutes with the lid open, stirring occasionally. Remove using a slotted spoon.
  4. Place roasted vegetables on top of paper towels to ensure excess fat is removed. Leave for 10 minutes.
  5. While the potatoes sit, the multicooker will heat up more. Place the portion inside again and cook for another 2 minutes.
  6. Remove the finished product from the pan and place it again on a towel. When excess oil is removed, add salt. You can serve.

In the microwave

  • potatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper.

How to make delicious French fries at home in the microwave:

  1. Peel the tubers and rinse well. Cut the vegetable into medium-sized cubes, place on paper towels and wipe lightly, then replace the lining with a new one, leave the potatoes to lie for another 3-5 minutes.
  2. Place the prepared vegetables on a plate, season with vegetable oil, salt and pepper, and leave at room temperature for another 10 minutes.
  3. Place the potato pieces on the plate so that they do not touch each other. Place the dish in the microwave. Set the oven to the highest possible power and cook the dish for about 5 minutes.
  4. Remove the plate and turn the bars over. Place the dish back inside the microwave and cook for another 5 minutes. When frying, monitor the condition of the potatoes so that they do not dry out.

How to fry in an air fryer

Required Products:

  • potatoes – 5 pcs.;
  • Refined olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt.

How to make crispy French fries at home in an air fryer:

  1. Potatoes must be peeled and washed, dried with a towel, and cut into strips with a sharp knife.
  2. Divide the resulting cubes into portions. Mix each of them with salt and sprinkle with oil.
  3. The resulting seasoned potatoes should be placed on the middle rack of the air fryer. The cooking temperature should be 260 degrees, the fan speed should be high. Cook the potatoes for 10 minutes on one side. Then the cubes need to be turned over and fried until golden brown.
  4. Remove the finished potatoes from the grill, brush the second portion with oil, and prepare it in the same way.

How to make sauce for French fries

The most popular is cheese sauce. To make it, take the following ingredients:

  • cheese (hard, any type) – 100 g;
  • butter – 40 g;
  • flour – 40 g;
  • milk – 0.6 l;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.


  1. The butter needs to be melted over low heat. For convenience, cut it into pieces, use a thick-walled pan.
  2. Add the flour, gradually mixing it into the butter using a whisk. Then, stirring, pour in the milk. Do it gradually.
  3. Add seasonings to the mixture and reduce heat slightly. Cook the sauce for 10 minutes.
  4. Season the grated cheese with lemon juice, wait until it reaches room temperature, and place in the sauce. Melt the cheese, stirring it constantly.

Video recipe for French fries like at McDonald's

How to cook delicious French fries in an air fryer?

How to fry French fries in an air fryer so that it tastes good? How long should you cook French fries to make them crispy? Is there a universal recipe?

We know the answers to these questions!

You will find the most detailed step-by-step instructions for preparing delicious and crispy French fries at home in our article!

Just 8 simple steps to perfect fries! And we will start with choosing good sunflower oil.

1. Choose sunflower oil.

To make delicious and crispy French fries, it is important to choose the right oil.

First, let's note that although the oil from the deep fryer can be used several times, it is best to use new oil to cook perfect potatoes. After all, already used oil retains the taste of previously prepared dishes.

Choose high-quality sunflower oil for cooking. Yes, you need a large volume, but do not buy cheap oil of questionable production. Choose cold-pressed and preferably refined oil.

2. Do not use frozen potatoes.

Just remember, to make truly delicious and healthy French fries, never use frozen potatoes!

Yes, it is already peeled and cut - this saves time. But the taste of frozen potatoes will never compare with the taste of potatoes from the garden. If you do not have your own garden, give preference to farm products.

Regular potatoes need to be washed and cut (what should you do?). But it's worth it. And in appearance it shouldn’t look like French fries from McDonald’s. The unevenness of the pieces will show your guests that you actually prepared it yourself.

3. Cut the potatoes into even pieces.

To make French fries tasty, you need to cut them into equal-sized pieces before cooking. If the pieces vary in size, some will be undercooked, while others will turn into chips.

4. Prepare the deep fryer.

Before frying, make sure that the fryer bowl and rack are cleaned and that the fryer filter is not clogged and is working properly.

If the filter is clogged, it must be replaced. You can buy such a filter at Topperr-Store - Set of universal filters for deep fryers Topperr FF 1

5. How to prepare potatoes for frying.

The potatoes need to be washed, peeled off and cut into even pieces - everything is clear here. Before cooking, potatoes should be stored in a saucepan with water; without water, the potatoes will turn black.

Before frying, rinse it with water to remove excess starch.

6. Set the frying time correctly.

How long to fry French fries? If you want to cook your fries to perfection, remember that they only take 7 minutes to cook. Hold it less - it will be pale and as if boiled. The longer the fries are fried, the crispier they will be. But don't overcook it, you don't want it to turn into chips.

7. Seasonings and spices.

Seasonings and spices are what make regular fries unique. You can definitely say about this one - “I have never tried such potatoes anywhere!”

We at Topperr-Store love adding rosemary to our fries. It perfectly complements the taste of potatoes and gives them aroma.

You can also sprinkle paprika or turmeric on your fries. It’s hard to make a mistake here, but truly successful recipes are born only through experimentation.

And remember, add spices and seasonings after frying, not before or while it's cooking! You need to salt your French fries when they are already cooked.

8. Little secrets of serving.