Calorie content of dates and dietary properties. How many calories are in fresh, dried and dried dates, with and without pits?

Dates have been eaten for many hundreds of years. This is one of the most ancient fruits, which is still popular and loved all over the world. Mostly dates come to our table in dried form, as dried fruits. They are very sweet and make a great dessert substitute. At the same time, they bring only one benefit to the body, so it is recommended to eat them during a diet for weight loss.

What are the benefits of dates?

Dates contain many useful substances, vitamins, and microelements. They keep well when dried, so dried dates are no less healthy than fresh ones. If you include these valuable fruits in your diet, they will become an excellent source of energy and will help replenish the lack of nutrients in the body. They can also be used as a prophylactic for a number of diseases.

Dates increase the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria, help with anemia, hypertension, cough, strengthen the heart, kidneys, and liver. The sugars contained in dates are a good fuel for brain activity. During heavy mental work, stress, and overwork, it is very useful to eat these fruits.

Dates are useful for people weakened after illness, pregnant women, children, and the elderly. And for a completely healthy person they will not be at all superfluous.

How many calories are in 100g of dates?

Dates, although sickly sweet, are not very high in calories. 100 grams of dates contain 275-285 calories, one date contains 23-25 ​​calories.

This is a carbohydrate product carbohydrate content ranges from 45-90%. Dates mainly consist of natural sugars - fructose, glucose, sucrose, and this is the fastest source of energy. The fat content is extremely low, only 0.2–0.5%.

They contain salts and minerals such as copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, cobalt, sulfur, boron and others.

In some respects, dates are superior to common fruits, familiar on our table are apples, oranges, bananas, since they contain large quantities of vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B6, and vitamin niacin.

Few people know, but dates can bring not only benefits, but also some harm to the human body, if you do not know some of the nuances of the composition of the dried fruit.

The amazing fruits of the date palm are an exotic delicacy that everyone has known since childhood. In countries where dates grow it is always warm, and the sun's rays have a beneficial effect on the ripening of fruits, promoting a high concentration of microelements. In numerous photos you can see the variety of varieties and appreciate the splendor of date clusters. Exotic fruits are sold dried or dried and are distinguished by their sweet taste and high nutritional value.

Today in our article you will learn about the beneficial properties of dates, in what quantity they should be consumed, and to whom they are contraindicated.

Useful properties of dates

The benefits and harms of dates for the female body are determined by the chemical composition of the dried fruit and it is obvious that the beneficial properties predominate. Photos of date palms with heavy clusters of fruits evoke admiration for their beauty and symbolize fertility and prosperity. In Arab countries, the product is part of the diet of local residents, and eastern sages claim that by including date palm fruits in your daily menu, you can strengthen your immune system and significantly increase your life expectancy.

What are the benefits of dates, and how many can you eat every day? The dried fruit has a surprisingly balanced composition, which is why it is called “bread of the desert.” The fruit is a leader in its content of silicon, pantothenic acid, chromium and potassium, and also contains:

  • fats;
  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • valuable amino acids;
  • vitamins B, A, C, D and K.

Dietary fiber and pectin significantly reduce the risk of developing cancer of the digestive tract and intestines, serve as a breeding ground for the development of beneficial bacteria and maintain the acid-base balance of the body. Selenium protects the cardiovascular system, and the high fluoride content supports oral health, eliminating the development of caries! A huge amount of glucose has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain and increases its performance by 20–30%.

Dried fruits contain a high percentage of glucose and sucrose, moderate consumption of which does not harm the body. Only 10 - 12 date palm fruits fully meet the body's needs for vital vitamins and minerals.

The high calorie content of dates is not a hindrance for women seeking a healthy lifestyle and ideal weight. How many fruits can you eat every day without harm to your health? Just a few pieces 15 - 20 minutes before eating will help reduce appetite, which will significantly reduce the size of main food portions.

Use of dates - benefits and variety

The fruits of the date palm are widespread in the cuisine of Arab peoples and are used in the preparation of everyday food and a variety of delicacies. Photos of oriental dishes tempt with their splendor, and dates are an ideal addition - they are added to salads, pastries and desserts. Date honey is extremely popular, not inferior in its healing properties to bee honey, and in many respects superior to it many times over. Dried fruits can be eaten every day, served with tea or washed down with milk, which significantly increases the absorption of beneficial microelements.

A long-lasting paste is prepared from the fruits of the date palm, which is a natural sugar substitute and is used to prepare excellent low-alcohol drinks, jelly and confectionery. The product can be served every day with any type of meat, which will add piquancy to the dish and an unforgettable taste sensation!

Valuable flour is obtained from substandard fruits and residual date mass after pressing. Experts of wise Eastern medicine recommend daily consumption of date flour mixed with milk. The drink lowers blood pressure, strengthens blood vessels and minimizes the development of strokes and heart attacks. Systematic consumption of dried dates or paste improves digestion and helps cleanse the intestines of toxins and toxic compounds.

1 kg of dried fruit contains about 3 thousand calories. Based on these data, you can easily determine how many calories the body will receive after eating dates.

Date coffee, made from ground seeds of dried fruits, is common in Israel. The taste of the drink is not inferior to the best varieties of coffee, but it has different benefits for the body - it strengthens blood vessels, does not remove excessive amounts of liquid and saturates the body with useful microelements.

Forewarned is forearmed

The benefits of dates are obvious, but, like any product, they have contraindications for use.

People prone to allergic reactions should be careful when consuming dried dates and pastes.

Date palm fruit has a high glycemic index, which can cause a spike in blood sugar levels. Therefore, the product is not recommended for use by people with diabetes and should be excluded from the diet.

The dried exotic fruit is used with caution for colitis, peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. It is recommended to eat no more than 4 – 5 dates per day.

The product is absolutely prohibited for people suffering from monosaccharide (fructose) intolerance. Otherwise, there is discomfort in the intestines, manifested by increased gas formation and bloating.

The fruits of the date palm have high energy value, which is the main contraindication for those who are inclined to be overweight.

We should not forget that eating too many fruits causes indigestion, constipation and inflammation of the pancreas. This is especially true for women who are prone to gaining excess weight!

Exotic fruits during pregnancy

A large number of women do not suspect that the benefits of dates for the body are invaluable! How many dried fruits can you eat every day? A future nursing mother should know that during the critical period of bearing a baby, childbirth and breastfeeding, sweet fruit (10 - 12 pieces per day) can easily replace synthetic vitamin and mineral preparations. So, eating exotic fruits every day allows a young mother to prepare the body for labor, minimizes postpartum bleeding and the timing of uterine contractions. It would be useful for a nursing mother to learn about the benefits of dates:

  • the high content of calcium and phosphorus in date palm fruits increases the strength of bone tissue, which is useful for women of any age and has a beneficial effect on the formation of the musculoskeletal system of the fetus;
  • fructose has a calming effect on the nervous system of a nursing mother, increases brain activity and endurance;
  • A high level of folic acid is incredibly important during fetal development. It is enough to eat several pieces of dried fruit every day in order to minimize the risks of pathologies associated with a lack of an important microelement;
  • potassium allows the expectant mother to cope with the symptoms of toxicosis, and for the nursing mother to improve the functioning of the digestive tract and increase the production of breast milk;
  • The huge iron content maintains hemoglobin at a level that promotes hematopoiesis and oxygen supply to all systems and organs, which is important for women of all ages.

Scientists have found that the exotic product contains oxytocin, a special substance that strengthens the walls of the uterus, and this, in turn, makes it possible to carry the fetus to term and give birth to a healthy child on time.

The benefits of dates during lactation

For the full development and protection of the child’s immunity, he needs breastfeeding. How are dates useful for women during lactation, and how many pieces can be considered the norm for consumption? A nursing mother simply needs to consume exotic fruits every day, and the caloric content of dates allows her to increase the amount and nutritional value of breast milk produced.

An important factor in favor of including dates in the daily diet is their high content of tryptophan acid, which helps get rid of depression that accompanies the period after childbirth. In addition, serotonin, or otherwise the “happiness hormone,” helps a nursing mother adapt to increased physical and emotional stress, and this has the best effect on the baby’s development!

Another important aspect not only for women in labor, but for all women! Tryptophanic acid and melatonin contained in date pulp calm the nervous system and have a relaxing effect, which allows you to optimize sleep phases and make it easier for a child and a nursing mother to fall asleep.

Dates are very useful during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and contraindications to their use are standard and apply to women of any age!

How to choose dried fruit

Without a doubt, the best fruits are found where they grow. The maximum benefit comes from fruits that are naturally ripened and dried on a palm tree. Dates are distinguished by a variety of varieties that can only be seen in the photo. On the shelves of our stores there are fruits grown and prepared industrially. To speed up the process, the fruit is heat treated in special drying chambers or soaked in sugar syrup. Look carefully at the photo - “correct” fruits have a round shape, a uniform brown or bluish color, dry skin without wrinkles or cracks.

In order not to harm the body and get benefits when choosing, be guided by the following criteria:

  • ripe dates have a deep, uniform color (as in the photo), light fruits indicate insufficient ripeness;
  • the dried fruit must be whole and not hard;
  • cracked skin indicates a violation of the thermal regime during cooking;
  • It is not recommended to purchase wrinkled dates with the smell of fermentation, as well as sticky fruits with traces of white coating;
  • To preserve their liquid appearance, date palm fruits can be treated with vegetable fat instead of sulfur dioxide. In this case, the peculiarity is the shiny surface of the fruit;
  • If you are going to introduce dates into your daily diet, then the choice should fall on fruits with pits, which contain the greatest amount of nutrients.

The sugar surface of the fruit is a breeding ground for the development of microorganisms - bacteria and mold. It should also be taken into account that the gifts of nature go through a long journey before reaching our table: they were collected by hand, stored in various containers in the open air, transported and processed. Therefore, before eating, the product is always soaked for 20 - 30 minutes, after which it is washed under a weak stream of warm water.

Sweet overseas delicacy many people know it under the name dates.

If we are accustomed to dates as a sweet dessert, then for the inhabitants of some areas of Africa they replace bread.

Dates: composition, calorie content, how to use them

Dates occupy a leading place in content carbohydrates (up to 65%). In addition, they contain proteins and fats, vitamins, minerals and amino acids that are not found in other fruits.

Fresh dates can only be found on sale where they grow. In hotels and restaurants in Egypt they are served in large quantities fresh. They are less sweet, crispy, and tart in taste. On the shelves of our country's stores You can buy sun-dried or dried dates, their calorie content is most often about 270 Kcal per 100g.

The most basic use of dates is food. But they can not only be eaten as dried fruits, but also used as a filling for sponge and shortbread cakes.

They are added to fruit salads, pilafs, stews, and stuffed into chicken rolls.

In Arab countries, carbonated juice, sweet paste, date honey are prepared from dates, and date palm leaves are used instead of vegetables.

A drink similar to coffee is brewed from roasted crushed date seeds.

A powder is made from them, which is good for diarrhea, heals skin wounds, and the decoction restores the functioning of the kidneys, bladder, and removes stones.

Date juice and date honey improve male potency.

Dates: what are the benefits for the body?

Dates are not only a tasty delicacy, but also useful product, as well as a remedy used for several millennia. Eating these fruits maintains the overall tone of the body and prevents the occurrence of various diseases.

Dates are rich in vitamins, microelements and amino acids. If you consume about 10 of them per day, you can fill the daily need of the human body for sulfur, magnesium, and copper. Dried fruits contain the essential amino acid tryptophan, which stops the aging process of cells.

In folk medicine dates are used to treat superficial wounds, ulcers, and pustules.

Since dates are able to neutralize excess acid in the stomach, they prevent heartburn.

Date palm fruits contain large quantities of dietary fiber, which has a beneficial effect on intestinal function.

Dates have antitussive properties, so they are successfully used for bronchitis, sore throat, and flu. They remove mucus from the lungs well. Increases immunity.

Eating dates daily reduces the likelihood of problems with the heart and blood vessels. The pulp of dried fruits nourishes the heart muscles and improves brain function.

Amino acids contained in large quantities in fruits help restore the nervous system

Vitamin B5, which is found in date palm fruits, increases human performance and improves mental activity.

A couple of dates after eating will help prevent tooth decay. They contain fluoride, which reduces the activity of bacteria, thereby maintaining dental health.

When going on a long journey, you can take some dried dates with you. They are easy to snack on, satisfy your hunger, and recharge your body with energy.

Dates: what are the health benefits?

Like any product, dates can cause harm to the body.

They should not be consumed by people with diabetes, as the high carbohydrate content of the fruits can increase blood glucose

They should not be eaten by people who are overweight or prone to obesity.

They are contraindicated for diseases of the stomach and intestines, since the dietary fiber contained in dried fruits irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

If a person is predisposed to the formation of caries, then he should not eat dates. The sugar contained in date palm fruits has an aggressive effect on tooth enamel.

Daily The norm for dates is about 10 pieces. Exceeding the norm often leads to headaches, increased blood pressure, and the function of the liver and spleen is also impaired.

They are best eaten with breakfast or lunch, and as a snack. Before eating, dates should be thoroughly rinsed with water, as where they are grown they may be treated with sulfur dioxide or sulfur dioxide. These toxic substances, when entering the human body, can lead to destruction of the esophagus or the formation of ulcers. There is no need to remove the peel, as it contains useful substances and coarse fibers.

For pregnant and nursing mothers: the benefits of dates

Women during pregnancy should consume dates with caution. They contain oxytocin, which causes the muscles of the uterus to contract. In the early stages of bearing a baby, it is better to avoid them, but before giving birth you can safely eat them in reasonable quantities.

Beneficial properties of dates for pregnant women:

In the first trimester of pregnancy, dates help eliminate symptoms of toxicosis.

They maintain hemoglobin levels throughout pregnancy.

Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and lowers blood pressure.

Microelements such as calcium and phosphate, present in dried fruits, make bones strong, and they also participate in the formation of the skeleton of the future baby.

They perfectly restore energy balance.

Dates can be harmful if a pregnant woman is prone to food allergic reactions. You should also not use it if you have lung diseases, since paraffin is often used when drying fruits, which not everyone can tolerate.

Nursing mother, if there are no contraindications, they can be eaten without fear.

What the mother eats, the baby eats. All the beneficial substances found in dried fruits pass to the baby through mother's milk.

Dates help cope with postpartum depression, which occurs in most cases in women.

Calcium and magnesium, which are part of dried fruits, take an active part in the formation of the baby’s bones.

You can fall asleep quickly if you eat a few dates before bed. They have a slight sedative effect, so a nursing mother can easily calm down without using any medications that are contraindicated during lactation.

Dates can improve your mood, as they contain serotonin, the hormone of happiness. The mother's good mood is passed on to the baby through milk.

Dates for children: good or bad

Dr. Komarovsky advises giving children from 2 years old dry dates, apricots, and prunes. They need to be washed very well and added to the fruit salad, cut into small pieces. They can replace the sweets that kids love so much. However, dates can be harmful if your baby eats them regularly. Since children do not yet know how to chew food well, particles of fruit stick to the teeth, which can lead to early caries formation. If your baby has problems with the kidneys or stomach and intestines, then you don’t need to give him dates.

Dates are beneficial to children's bodies because they contain many vitamins and microelements necessary for a growing baby.

Dried fruits are considered a supplier of energy due to the presence of fast carbohydrates in them.

Potassium, which date palm fruits are rich in, affects the functioning of the heart.

A few dates will help calm your baby and make him balanced.

The fruits have a mild laxative effect, so they can be given to children to prevent constipation.

A large amount of vitamins in dates help strengthen the immune system, making the body more resistant to viral infections.

Iron, which is part of dates, increases hemoglobin, this is important if the child has anemia.

Starting from 8 months, babies can be given date compote. It is very useful for bloating and prevents colic.

Recipe: Rinse 200 g of dried dates well, add one liter of hot water, boil for about 7 minutes. Remove from heat and leave for about an hour. There is no need to add sugar to the compote, because the dates themselves are very sweet.

When buying dates in a store, you need to pay attention to their appearance. The fruits must not contain traces of mold. Excessive shine of dates suggests that they were “ennobled” with the help of chemicals. If the dates are sticky, they may have been doused with sugar syrup to increase their shelf life.

Dates in their raw form contain a lot of moisture; when they dry, they lose it, causing them to darken and wrinkle. Fruits should be chosen that are elastic, fleshy, dense, moderately shiny, and not wrinkled. The color of dates can be light brown, dark, black, it all depends on the type of plant, and there are about 300 of them in nature. They are sold both with and without seeds. They can be stored in a cool place for about a year, packed in a plastic bag.

The date palm (Phoenix or Date) belongs to a genus of plants from the Palm family. Its edible fruits are a common food product that can easily be purchased in the form of dried fruits. Due to their composition and calorie content, dates can support human life for several years. In this case, a person can drink water and eat only fruits.

Dates are considered the most ancient fruit. Today they are included in the diet of residents of many countries due to their taste and unique properties. The ancestors of modern Arabs used wild dates five to seven thousand years ago. And in Israel, during excavations, a date seed was found that was more than 2000 years old. It was germinated and obtained the appearance of a date palm, which disappeared more than five thousand years ago. This variety had strong healing properties.

Since the calorie content of dates is quite low, they are recommended to be used in food instead of sweets. They will become an indispensable product for those people who want to lose excess weight. Dates are also good for people who simply adhere to a healthy diet.

Beneficial properties of the fruit

It is believed that dates contain a huge amount of carbohydrates - from 44 to 88%. These carbohydrates include a sufficient amount of natural sugar, that is, fructose, glucose and sucrose.

They act as the fastest source of energy for the human body due to the calories contained in dates. The fruits contain fats. Their number ranges from 0.2 to 0.5%. It also contains salt and minerals.

Among the sufficient amount of minerals are copper, iron, magnesium, zinc, and manganese. They also include potassium, sodium, phosphorus, cobalt, sulfur, boron and other substances.

Along with their low calorie content, dates contain vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, as well as niacin and pantothenic acid. In addition, dates contain amino acids and oil in an amount of 0.5%. All of these substances contribute to the proper absorption of carbohydrates and regulate the level of glucose and fatty acids in the body.

The level of pectin in dates is 0.5-3.9%, and dietary fiber - 6.4-11.5%. These components reduce the possibility of the formation of certain cancers. And fluoride helps protect teeth from caries. Selenium is also found in palm fruit. It reduces the risk of cancer and heart disease and helps strengthen the body's immune function. Dates have no cholesterol.

The low calorie content of dates allows them to be used as part of the diet for people who are watching their figure or losing extra pounds. Many medical experts recommend including palm fruits in their diet for those people who suffer from cardiovascular disorders. For example, during heart failure, dates stimulate the proper functioning of the heart. They are also a tonic and strengthening agent that restores the vitality of the body after a long illness.

Dates are an effective remedy in the presence of facial nerve paralysis, overwork or physical exertion, as well as diabetes. A decoction of dates in combination with rice cereals helps with dystrophy. They are very useful during pregnancy, breastfeeding and recovery after childbirth. For such women, palm fruits facilitate the process of childbirth and affect the formation of milk.

How many calories are in dates? Many nutritionists classify dates as low-calorie foods. One palm fruit contains approximately 23 calories. This takes into account the fact that the fruits are used fresh.

It is known that dates are supplied to European countries only in dried form. This way they can retain their beneficial and nutritional properties for a long time. Also, when dried, dates have a pleasant taste.

If we talk about the calorie content of dried dates, there will be no significant differences. You just need to distinguish between their types. For example, the deglet nur variety contains approximately 20 kilocalories, 4.5 grams of sugar and 1.4 g of fructose per fruit. This suggests that one medium-sized cup of chopped dates contains 415 calories, as well as 93 grams of sugar. This type of date is grown in Algeria.

When this variety is used in dietary nutrition to eliminate extra pounds, you need to correctly calculate the caloric content of the diet. Because usually only 1500 kilocalories are released during a diet. And when consuming the above type of palm fruit, only 1000 calories remain for all other products.

Also, the calorie content of dried dates is not particularly different from the energy value of fresh fruits, which belong to the finger type or medjool dates. This variety is very rich in nutrients.

Due to the calorie content of dates, they can be used in dietary nutrition, but you should also calculate the calorie content of your daily diet. Moreover, dates provide the right amount of fiber, but the high level of sugar in their composition adds extra calories.

4.3 out of 5 (8 Votes)

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Dates are the fruits of the date palm, a tall tree of the family Palm trees. When fresh, dates are dark red, oblong-shaped berries with dense, juicy pulp and an elongated bilobed stone. Dates are common in the tropics and subtropics, the most famous fruits grown in Iran and Southeast Asia (calorizator). Everyone is accustomed to dried dates, which shrink slightly in size, change color to chocolate and taste very sweet, with a characteristic aroma. Dates are one of the most affordable and healthy types of dried fruits.

Calorie content of dates

The calorie content of dates is 274 kcal per 100 grams of product, the weight of one date is on average 8-9 grams, the calorie content of each berry is 23 kcal.

Dates are not in vain considered useful; they contain almost all the elements of the D.I. table necessary for the body. Mendeleev: , and , and , boron and , and titanium, silicon, and aluminum, and . In terms of content, dates are ahead of all known dried fruits; eating 8-10 dates daily reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes significantly. Amazing fruits are also rich in vitamins, they contain: vitamins, and, thanks to the presence of which dates strengthen the immune system, stimulate brain activity, help improve digestive processes, have a beneficial effect on male potency and help cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. Dates reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol and have a unique property - they strengthen the muscles of the uterus, thereby helping to improve labor, and after childbirth they will help the uterus recover faster without causing allergies in a breastfed baby.

Harm of dates

Dates in large quantities are not recommended for people suffering from diabetes because the fruits contain a large amount of natural sugars. Due to their high protein content, dates should be consumed with caution by those who have chronic gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers, gastritis), especially in the acute stage.

History of dates

Dates are considered one of the first edible fruits cultivated by mankind. In the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs, images of date palms with noticeable long leaves were found. Mentions of dates are found in the texts of the Koran and the Bible; drawings of the fruits themselves and palm trees on which dates grow in clusters adorn many ancient manuscripts. It is believed that having dates and water, a person will not only not die of hunger, but will also live for several years without other food.

Types of dates

In countries where date cultivation is an industry, there are several degrees of fruit ripeness:

  • Harak - milky degree of ripeness, characterized by hardness and dryness of the fruit;
  • Rotab - full ripeness, dates are soft, tender and very sweet;
  • Tamar is the last stage of maturity of dates, characterized by a thick honey consistency.

In total, there are more than 400 varieties of dates, the most popular of which are Diri, Piyar, Mazafati, Kabkab, Saer, Rabi, Zahedi, Khasui, Gantar. Dates vary in size, dryness of the shell, and texture of the flesh. Usually the top of the dates are covered with a whitish coating, an even layer of which is considered a sign of freshness and high quality of the fruit.

You can seriously say that dates contribute to weight loss only if you eat nothing else besides them and water. Dates have a high calorie content, therefore, including them in your diet during a diet or fasting days, you should limit yourself to 8-10 pieces, enjoying the excellent taste and using dates as a meal, and not as a dessert after lunch.

How to choose dates

The best choice is to buy dates in neat packaging, where in addition to the cardboard box (which allows the product to breathe), the dates are wrapped in thin paper, which does not allow the released nectar to mix with other fruits. When choosing dates, pay attention to the dryness and integrity of the shell; do not buy wrinkled or sticky dates. Packaged fruits do not need to be washed, but those purchased in bulk are best rinsed under running water.

Growing Dates

It is quite possible to grow dates at home from a seed, and some people immediately stick the seed into a pot of soil, while others germinate the seeds in advance in damp gauze or cotton wool, and only then transplant them into the ground. In flower shops you can find palmate and Canarian dates, as well as Robelini. All domestic date palms grow well, do not require special care, and love light.

Dates in cooking

Dates are used as a separate delicacy, added to baked goods and desserts, and rhymed with ice cream. Known to lovers of Asian cuisine, which gives soups and meat dishes a unique sourness, it is prepared from tamarinds, which are essentially dates.

You can learn more about dates and their beneficial properties from the video clip of the TV show “About the Most Important Thing,” starting at 12 minutes 40 seconds.

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