Are boiled beets high in calories? Excellent product - boiled beets

Beetroot is a vegetable that everyone has encountered at least once in their life. Sugar is made from it, which is widely used in all types of cooking. Everyone eats beets in the form of salads and prepares soups from them. However, no one knows about its beneficial properties, how many vitamins and microelements are included in the composition.

Nutritional value and calorie content

Calorie content per 100 grams of raw vegetable: 43 kcal.

Cooked beets contain slightly more calories than raw ones. There are 49 kcal per 100 grams of product. This is due to the fact that the beet fibers shrink at elevated temperatures and some of the water is lost.

The weight of the vegetable decreases, but the composition remains the same. This vegetable has a low protein content, there is no fat in it at all, but almost 10% carbohydrates. Heat treatment increases the amount of natural sugars. In other words, the glycemic index increases.

Boiled beets are used as food more often than raw beets. They prepare the well-known borscht soup from it, cut vinaigrettes, make “herring under a fur coat,” and preserve the preparations for the winter. It is good to use as a dietary product. The vegetable has a sufficient amount of carbohydrates and can easily replace fatty foods. It will relieve unwanted hunger and normalize intestinal function.

The benefits of beets, boiled and raw

Beets have a huge number of beneficial properties. Its composition will help maintain the daily norm of minerals and vitamins. Also, its use will help strengthen the immune system, which is very good during the cold season.

Beetroot improves hematopoietic function and the body's condition in case of iron deficiency anemia. It helps pregnant women not only in the development of the unborn baby, but also in coping with prolonged constipation that is characteristic of this period.

Raw vegetables are processed into beet juices and vegetable salads are prepared. Juices help preserve all the most beneficial elements of the vegetable. You need to drink this juice mixed with some other juice. This will smooth out the cloyingly sweet taste. When drinking juice, beneficial components penetrate the body faster.

Beet composition:

  • carbohydrates make up 10% of the total mass. They can be divided into glucose, sucrose and fructose. They participate in the metabolic processes of the body. They are broken down for energy, which is needed for vital activity;
  • vitamins B and C. Vitamin C is responsible for immunity, so beets will help strengthen it. Folic acid improves fertility in men and women. Helps with the development of the nervous system in the fetus during pregnancy. Vitamin B6 helps cope with stress;
  • mineral elements: potassium, manium, calcium, iron, manganese, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine and others. They all participate in biochemical processes and play an important role in human life support;
  • organic acids: oxalic, malic, citric. All three acids participate in the Krebs cycle, upon release from which glucose is formed, which is necessary to nourish the brain;
  • amino acids: valine, arginine, histidine, betaine and others. They are components of proteins and are part of DNA;
  • fiber (pectins) is contained in large quantities. It normalizes intestinal function. The human body does not have enzymes that can completely digest fiber. It swells in the stomach, which suppresses the feeling of hunger. Only its upper layers are digested, the remains are excreted from the body. Pectin also kills putrefactive bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. Great for helping you lose weight.

Boiled vegetables have the same properties as raw ones. After heat treatment, beets do not change their composition at all. Only the carbohydrate content increases.

This occurs due to compression of the vegetable fibers when exposed to high temperatures, due to a slight loss of moisture.

List of unique properties of vegetables

  1. Laxative effect. Helps cope with long-term constipation, improve digestive function and cleanse toxins.
  2. Regulation of fat metabolism. Betaine in beets regulates fat metabolism.
  3. Reducing blood pressure in hypertension. It contains a large amount of magnesium, which strengthens the heart.
  4. Anti-inflammatory effect.
  5. Painkiller. It will not relieve severe pain, but it will help with bruises.
  6. Hematopoietic function. Iron is involved in the formation of red blood; beets contain a lot of it.
  7. Regulation of the endocrine system. The iodine contained in the vegetable helps with endocrine diseases.
  8. Energy function. The high carbohydrate content helps the body get maximum energy for life.

A nutritionist will tell you about the benefits of beets for humans:

Contraindications and harmful effects of root vegetables

  • This product should not be abused if you have diabetes. Carbohydrates in the vegetable contribute to an increase in blood glucose;
  • people suffering from intestinal diseases, such as enterocolitis, colitis, increased stomach acidity, gastroduodenitis, are at risk of developing diarrhea when consumed;
  • beets promote salt formation, so in case of urolithiasis it is better to exclude them from the diet;
  • If you are allergic to beets, you should not contact them or eat them. This can lead to serious consequences. Up to and including death.

How to cook beets correctly

Root vegetables must be washed well from the soil. You can trim off the small roots a little, but you need to cook them unpeeled. Vegetables are poured with cold water, which should completely cover them. Place on the stove over high heat. Bring to a boil. Next, cook for 120-180 minutes over medium heat. Then add cold water and cool. Peel the beet skin before use.

There is another way. Boil the beets in water for 20 minutes. Then wrap in foil and bake in the oven for 80-100 minutes. Pre-wash.

Chefs in restaurants prefer the accelerated version. Vegetables are washed. Boil for 40 minutes. Fill with cold water and leave in it for 20 minutes. It is believed that during this time the beets will be fully cooked.

There are many recipes for vegetable salads made from beets. They will help you lose weight and maintain a toned figure. Below are the main ones.

Salad with carrots

The beets should be boiled, then peeled. Wash and peel the carrots. Grate the vegetables on a coarse grater. Transfer to a salad bowl. Add salt and spices to taste. You can season with mayonnaise or olive oil.

Salad with boiled beets and sour cream

Boil the beets for 120-180 minutes. To peel. Cut into cubes or strips, as you like. Sprinkle chopped vegetables with lemon juice and add a little horseradish. Season with spices and add salt to taste. Add sour cream and stir. At the end you can sprinkle with grated walnuts. A perfect dish for fasting days.

Salad with mayonnaise and garlic

Boil the beets, peel them. Grate on a coarse grater. Peel a few cloves of garlic and pass through a garlic press. You can just chop it finely. Season with mayonnaise.

Boiled beet salad with vegetable oil

Grate the boiled and peeled beets on a coarse grater or cut into strips. Chop the greens. Add a teaspoon of balsamic vinegar or lemon juice. Season with spices, add salt. Fill with oil.

Fitness snack

Boil the beets. Clean. Cut into cubes or strips. Grate a large apple and add to the salad. Scald the onion with boiling water and cut into small cubes. Shred the cabbage. Add parsley, leeks, apple cider vinegar and olive oil. Spices and salt - optional.

3.8 out of 5

India is considered the birthplace of this vegetable. This eastern country laid the foundation for the cultivation of beets, and over time the plant took root in different parts of the world. They love beets in our country too. Today in the southwestern part of Russia, the cultivation of various types of beets is very developed.

Due to its low calorie content, beets are popular, its beneficial effects on the body are also appreciated, due to which it is included in many nutritional methods.

How many calories are in beets?

Beets, which are very low in calories, have a healing effect on the body. It is highly valued for its beneficial properties and is therefore actively used in vegetarian menus, as well as in the diet of people who want to lose excess weight. It is precisely because of the low calorie content of beets that nutritionists allow the use of this vegetable in almost any diet.

A separate category of people who eat by calculating calories in foods are interested in information about how many calories are in beets. When the diet is compiled strictly in accordance with the required figure, any indicators matter. So, the calorie content of beets is very low and amounts to only 45 kcal per 100 g.

What are the benefits of beets for the body?

Nutritious and healthy nutrition is the basis for excellent well-being and good mood. And such a vegetable as beets contributes to the clear and coordinated functioning of the body’s digestive system. For anyone trying to maintain a balanced diet, you need to include low-calorie foods, beets and other vegetables in your diet. Its composition is interesting; 100 g of beets contains:

  • 85 g water;
  • 1.6 g protein;
  • 11.6 g carbohydrates;
  • 0.2 g fat.

Healthy beets contain a large amount of vitamins:

This product is also rich in:

  • iron;
  • large dose of potassium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • and zinc.

There are organic acids that play a very important role in the human digestive system, namely:

  • dairy;
  • apple;
  • sorrel;
  • folic;
  • wine;
  • lemon

Along with the fact that there are very few calories in beets, they are also useful because, due to the presence of fiber, they promote enhanced functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Beetroot for weight loss

Due to the low caloric content of beets, this product can be eaten on fasting days or when using mono-diets, which are carried out for two to three days. On such days, professional nutritionists advise supplementing your diet with beets. You can make a salad from it, or simply grate it or cut it into rings. You can boil beets without salt; such a dish will have a beneficial effect on the stomach and intestines. The calorie content of boiled beets is very small, so you can lose weight to your advantage.

Beets for weight loss are consumed as a main dish. You can sprinkle it with vegetable or olive oil and eat it on an empty stomach. Since beets are not only healthy, but also very tasty, this will not be difficult at all, and its low calorie content will contribute to the quick and effective loss of extra pounds.

Many people have learned from personal experience that beets are one of the most effective and simplest ways to lose excess weight as quickly as possible. Due to the small amount of calories in beets, you can achieve good results quite quickly. The advantage is that this product is available to absolutely everyone.

Nutritionists, having examined the properties of the products, came to the conclusion that not only the low calorie content of beets contributes to the rapid burning of human fat reserves, but also the natural substances of this unique vegetable have a huge impact. Everything taken together helps a person quickly lose weight and not gain back the lost kilograms in the future. Therefore, beets are ideal for weight loss! It contains elements that speed up metabolism, stimulate the stomach and entire digestive system, and even reduce appetite.

Beetroot in folk medicine

Beets are used in the diet not only for weight loss. With its help, you can significantly improve the health of the entire body. How many calories are in beets? Minimum! How many useful vitamins, minerals and acids are contained in it? Great amount! That is why beets are widely used in folk medicine.

Often, before seeing a doctor, people try to improve their health on their own, using well-known folk methods. They have been collected over several generations and many of them have proven themselves in the best possible way.

In folk medicine, beets, which are low in calories, are used as a tonic for the immune system and a laxative for the digestive system. Also, frequent inclusion of this product in the diet helps remove toxins from the human body.

Nutritionists recommend consuming beets for problems with excess weight. The low calorie content of boiled beets is ideal for people who suffer from obesity. In addition, regular use of this product helps prevent the appearance and growth of malignant tumors. Also, beets, which contain minimal calories, help improve the overall well-being of people suffering from heart disease.

Important point! This vegetable contains vitamin B 9, which prevents the occurrence of diseases such as anemia and leukemia. If you need to increase hemoglobin, then in this case it is also recommended to include beets in the menu.

How do beet calories affect your appearance?

The calorie content of beets is minimal, but the effect that its use has on a person’s appearance becomes noticeable almost immediately. Beets are rich in folic acid, which helps the skin rejuvenate by stimulating the appearance of new cells.

Don't we all want to feel good, have excellent health and look great? And for this you need to monitor your lifestyle, play sports, actively relax and, of course, eat right.

A healthy diet should not contain a lot of sweet and fatty foods, in which the number of calories is simply off the charts. It is better to base your diet on products that have the calorie content of boiled beets, which is slightly higher than 40 kcal per 100 g of product. Many foods fall into this category, and such dishes would be ideal for a healthy diet.

Beets are low in calories, so they can be eaten by anyone who has no special contraindications. or individual intolerance to the product.

Beetroot is the most popular vegetable crop. Its main types are sugar, fodder and ordinary. Vegetable culture appeared in the 16th century, and even then it was the main product in the vegetable diet.

The beneficial properties are due to the mineral and vitamin composition of the product. It contains sodium, potassium, calcium, manganese, selenium, iodine, magnesium, sulfur, zinc, arginine, choline, phosphorus, cesium, rubidium, vitamins B, C, A, E, K, PP and other components.

The product contains gamma-aminobutyric acid, which affects the metabolism of the cerebral cortex. Pectins (1.1%) and fiber (0.9%) remove breakdown products and heavy metal salts from the intestines.

Citric, malic, lactic, and oxalic acids, which are contained in the root vegetable, have a positive effect on digestion.

Boiled beets, unlike many other vegetables, are able to retain their main beneficial properties. The fact is that B vitamins and mineral salts are not very sensitive to heat. The minerals in beets are mostly alkaline in nature, which is a significant benefit given our mostly acidic diet.

Beetroot contains a group of biologically active substances called betaines, these are methylated derivatives of amino acids. One such substance is simply called betaine; Since beet is Beta in Latin, it is not difficult to guess where the name came from and where such a substance was first found.

Beetroot betaine promotes the absorption of proteins and lowers blood pressure, it inhibits atherosclerosis and, most importantly, regulates fat metabolism and prevents obesity (especially fatty liver).

In a word - a substance useful in all respects; it is present both in the root crop and in the leaves of beets, and is practically not destroyed when heated.

Vitamins will strengthen the immune system, improve vision, nervous system activity, and the condition of nails, skin, and hair. Iron is beneficial for the female body, restoring blood loss and protecting against anemia.

Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that prevents aging and helps fight harmful substances. Only 100 grams of beets per day will replenish the supply of nutrients in the body and improve well-being.

Calorie content and nutritional value of beets

Root vegetables come in different sizes. An average beet contains approximately 110-130 grams. After cooking, the mass changes slightly.

The fruit must first be thoroughly washed. Remove dry leaves (if any remain), but do not cut off the base. As is the ponytail. In this form, place it in a saucepan. An uncut product better retains all the benefits given by nature.

Calorie content of boiled beets:

Boiled beets consist almost entirely of water and carbohydrates. It is the latter that provide 80% of the total calorie content of the root crop. As a result of the processing of proteins, approximately 15% of energy is released into the body, fats - 4%.

The average adult requires 1800-2000 kcal per day. A 100 g serving of boiled beets is 2% of the daily requirement. Therefore, you can safely eat root vegetables without salt and oil. Such a diet will not harm your figure.

On the contrary, it will be extremely useful:

  • With a low calorie content, the root vegetable has very little protein. This dish is safe for sensitive kidney filters.
  • A minimum of unsaturated fats, which do not contain cholesterol.
  • Boiled root vegetables are a source of manganese. It is a natural antioxidant that regulates energy metabolism and promotes the development of the skeletal system.
  • Boiled beets contain a lot of iron. And this means proper breathing for blood cells, strong immunity.
  • Just one serving provides a quarter of a person's daily folic acid requirement. The vitamin is necessary for the formation of red blood cells and protein metabolism.

Boiled beets effectively fight obesity. It is an excellent laxative and a good diuretic. It's also low-calorie.

Boiled beets and the possibility of losing weight

You can eat the product in any quantity if there are no contraindications, since beets contain only 12 calories per 100 grams of product. That is why this vegetable is included in the diet of many dietary systems - both for weight loss and for improving the health of the body. It is best to eat beets raw.

However, many people prefer to eat the vegetable boiled. Interested in how many calories are in already boiled beets? Don’t worry, the number of calories in a cooked vegetable is not too much higher than the number of calories in fresh beets, that is, the calorie content of boiled beets is 45 kilocalories per 100 grams.

In addition, the vegetable does not lose nutrients during heat treatment, so the boiled product is just as healthy, and the caloric content of boiled beets allows them to be consumed in any quantity, also by those who count the calories of the food they eat very carefully. Due to the low calorie content of beets, its consumption does not contribute to weight gain, but at the same time the body receives a large amount of essential vitamins and minerals.

Nutritionists recommend spending fasting days on beets from time to time. There are very few calories in it, but a lot of essential substances. Those who want to lose extra pounds are recommended to consume the product fresh or boiled.

Few people, not counting raw foodists, prefer the first option: usually the root vegetable is boiled. The calorie content of boiled beets is almost the same as that of a fresh vegetable; beneficial substances remain in large quantities during heat treatment.

How to choose beets

The guarantee of the usefulness of a product directly depends on its quality, which is why, when going to the market, hypermarket or the nearest vegetable shop, be prepared to carefully select the product.

There is absolutely no room for jokes in this matter, since beets are the leader in the accumulation of chemical hazards, such as nitrates. And to avoid a bad purchase, you should remember a few golden rules:

  1. Crystal clear tubers are a good reason to doubt their benefits. Most likely, such a product was washed in a special solution, which perfectly penetrates deep into the root crop, and then into our body.
  2. The most ideal root vegetable has a size not exceeding 10-12 cm in diameter. Everything else is the result of genetic engineering, pesticides and other chemicals.
  3. Pay special attention to the integrity of the vegetable. All cracks, pits and other damage on the turnip may indicate spoilage of the product.
  4. Limp, wrinkled and soft beets also indicate that the expiration date has long expired, or that storage rules have not been followed.
  5. The color of beet pulp can also indicate the quality of the product. If, when dividing a turnip in half, the color on the cut is not uniform burgundy or bright red, but has white stripes or patterns, then most likely this is a fodder beet variety, the taste of which leaves much to be desired.

How to cook boiled beets

It is better to boil beets in their peels, without cutting off the roots, so that they are tastier and the vitamins are better preserved. Cook the beets without adding salt in a covered container for about an hour.

The traditional first course also includes such products as meat, radishes, eggs, onions, the root vegetable itself and sour cream. Depending on the type of products used, the calorie content of beetroot will be different. The dietary dish will be made with kefir, with the addition of lean beef and low-percentage sour cream.

There are few calories in a vinaigrette with oil - about 92 kcal per 100 g, and a significant part, about 30-40 kcal, comes from vegetable oil. However, the benefits of vinaigrette with oil are undeniable - thanks to polyunsaturated fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins A and E, which are strong antioxidants, are absorbed.

You can prepare many dietary dishes from low-calorie beets. Calorie content will vary depending on the fat content of other components and their quantity. An unseasoned vinaigrette contains approximately 120 kcal (per 100-gram serving). If we add vegetable oil to the salad, the calorie content will increase to 150.

Salad with carrots

Carrots are no less healthy than beets. It is added to salad boiled or raw. For a classic carrot-beet snack, the root vegetables are boiled, peeled and grated on a coarse grater. Add a little salt to the salad and let it brew. To let the juice flow.

Let's analyze the energy value:

The salad can be seasoned with fresh dill or parsley. Aromatic herbs will have virtually no effect on calorie content.

Beetroot with sour cream

Sour cream is richer and makes the salad more filling. Although boiled beets have so few calories that you don’t really need to worry about this.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the root vegetable and boil until tender (400 g).
  2. Peel and grate on a coarse grater.
  3. Chop a clove of garlic. Better with a knife.
  4. Finely chop or grate a medium cucumber.
  5. Mix the ingredients and season with medium fat sour cream (25%).

Let's analyze the energy value of the dish:

With garlic and mayonnaise

Cooking process:

  1. Boil two small root vegetables and grate them on a coarse grater.
  2. Finely chop a clove of garlic.
  3. Mix the ingredients. Add salt to taste.
  4. Season with dietary mayonnaise.

Calorie content of beet salad with mayonnaise:

If you prepare dishes with boiled beets, you don’t have to worry too much about the calorie content. Due to its insignificance. Don't be afraid to include root vegetables in your daily menu. It is very good for health, and costs a penny.

Despite a rather impressive list of achievements in the folk medicine field, beets still have some contraindications.

  • People with high acidity of gastric juice should limit their intake of the root vegetable, since beet stimulates acid production.
  • Those people whose medical history includes a diagnosis of osteoporosis should also reduce the amount of beetroot libations, since this vegetable interferes with the complete absorption of calcium.
  • Urolithiasis and oxaluria are also a strong argument to exclude red turnips from the menu, since the oxalic acid in its composition can aggravate the pathology.


Calorie content of boiled beets and dietary properties

Nov-23-2012 KoshkaS

Among the most beneficial food products for our health is the familiar boiled beets. This root vegetable can provide the human body with a rich set of minerals, vitamins and other components it needs.

It must be said that despite all the undoubted benefits of boiled beets, it will not “give” you extra pounds.

The calorie content of boiled beets is relatively low, so it can be recommended to people watching their figure as a good addition to their diet.

Let's remember why beets are so good for us?

The most significant beneficial quality of this garden crop is the presence of more than 50% sodium in its composition, and at the same time only 5% calcium.

This composition sharply increases the solubility of oxalic acid salts, which tend to accumulate in blood vessels. Beetroot juice is an excellent remedy for hardened or dilated veins, and it is good for combating blood clots caused by high blood pressure or some other cardiac dysfunction.

The presence of calcium in boiled beets ensures normal nutrition of the cells of our body, and the chlorine content will help to effectively cleanse the liver, gall bladder and kidneys, causing lymph to circulate more actively in all parts of the body.

Another very important benefit of boiled beets. During the cooking process during its heat treatment, the nutritional properties of this vegetable are almost not lost. Mainly, this root vegetable consists of water and carbohydrates. Approximately 90% of the vegetable's nutritional value comes from carbohydrates, about 10% from proteins, and about 1% from fats.

Boiled beets are used not only as a food product. Boiled beet juice is an excellent help for many ailments and for improving the health of the body as a whole, and at the same time it has a very low calorie content.

We can talk endlessly about the benefits of beets, but the main thing is that beets significantly strengthen the immune system, do not contain any harmful substances, and although, of course, this is not a panacea for all ills, its medicinal properties are undeniable.

How many calories are in boiled beets?

The calorie content of boiled beets, however, like all vegetables, is low and amounts to:

49 kcal per 100 grams of product

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) of fresh quince per 100 grams:

Proteins - 1.8

Fats – 0.0

Carbohydrates – 10.8

What is the calorie content of boiled beets prepared in different ways? And here it is:

Table of caloric content of boiled beets, per 100 grams of product:

And the nutritional value of boiled beets, prepared in different ways, is this:

Table of nutritional value of boiled beets, per 100 grams of product:

Among all the vitamins contained in beets, folic acid (vitamin B9) should be noted, which helps the synthesis of red blood cells and, in addition, improves protein metabolism. One serving of boiled beets contains approximately 1/4 of the daily amount of folic acid necessary for the functioning of organs and their systems.

Recipe? Recipe!

What dishes can be prepared from boiled beets? Yes, different. Here's a simple salad recipe:

Beetroot and seaweed salad:

Have you tried it? Then try this easy beet salad recipe. This dish is especially recommended for those who appreciate the properties of seaweed, but do not like its peculiar taste.

Product set:

  • Beets - one piece
  • One hundred grams of pickled seaweed
  • Oil, salt and pepper to taste, for dressing

How to cook:

The beets need to be boiled, allowed to cool and the peel removed. Then cut it into small cubes. Mix the seaweed (after draining the marinade) with chopped beets. This salad is seasoned with vegetable oil, salt and pepper are added to it - to your taste. That's all! A delicious salad, especially since the low calorie content of boiled beets in this salad will prevent you from gaining excess weight.

What are the benefits of boiled beets for weight loss?

Boiled beets help you lose weight. Firstly, due to the high laxative properties of boiled beets. Secondly, betaine, which is part of beets, regulates fat metabolism and speeds up metabolism.

There are several options for losing weight with beets. Firstly, you can arrange a short mono-diet for yourself, just for a couple of days. During this period, only baked or boiled beets in a slow cooker are allowed, and no more than two kilograms per day (this dose should be divided into six to seven doses).

You cannot salt the beets, you just need to grate them or cut them into small cubes and season with sunflower oil (optional). You should also drink a lot of liquids, such as still mineral water, green tea, fresh vegetable juices - a total of about one and a half to two liters.

Thus, at least two kilograms of weight will be lost in two days.

You can also prepare a salad from boiled beets and carrots, which also cannot be salted. In addition to this dish, you should drink carrot juice (about 300 milliliters per day) for two days, eat raw carrots, supplementing it with low-fat sour cream.

You can also drink beet juice, but only a little at a time, otherwise it may cause intestinal upset (in general, it is better to dilute it with other vegetable juices).

On such a diet, you can lose about 3–4 kilograms in 10 days and even get rid of hemorrhoids.


Beet calories

Beetroot is the most popular vegetable crop. Its main types are sugar, fodder and ordinary. Vegetable culture appeared in the 16th century, and even then it was the main product in the vegetable diet.

Despite the fact that the calorie content of beets is very low, the product helps to quickly saturate the body.

In the article you can find out more detailed information about beets, their nutritional value for the human body and, of course, their calorie content.

How many calories are in beets, and is it suitable for weight loss?

Due to the fact that there are very few calories in beets, this product is excellent for those who want to lose weight. This is a dietary product, on the basis of which many original and healthy vegetable dishes are prepared.

You can eat the product in any quantity if there are no contraindications, since beets contain only 12 calories per 100 grams of product. That is why this vegetable is included in the diet of many dietary systems - both for weight loss and for improving the health of the body.

It is best to eat beets raw. However, many people prefer to eat the vegetable boiled.

Interested in how many calories are in already boiled beets? Don’t worry, the number of calories in a cooked vegetable is not too much higher than the number of calories in fresh beets, that is, the calorie content of boiled beets is 45 kilocalories per 100 grams.

In addition, the vegetable does not lose nutrients during heat treatment, so the boiled product is just as healthy, and the caloric content of boiled beets allows them to be consumed in any quantity, also by those who count the calories of the food they eat very carefully.

Due to the low calorie content of beets, its consumption does not contribute to weight gain, but at the same time the body receives a large amount of essential vitamins and minerals.

Beneficial properties of beets

This root vegetable is very beneficial for the human body, as it contains many vitamins and minerals. It contains a large amount of phosphorus, copper, vitamin C and pectin.

Pectin helps protect the body from toxins and other decay products, protects against the influence of radioactive elements.

Considering how many calories there are in beets, they are an essential vegetable in the human diet.

The root vegetable also contains vitamin B9, which helps prevent heart disease and also produces hemoglobin. Therefore, beets are recommended for those who suffer from anemia. In addition, the vegetable contains a large amount of iron and copper, which has a beneficial effect on the blood, and given that the calorie content of beets is insignificant, this product is not dangerous for people prone to obesity.

For patients with a weak stomach or high acidity of the esophagus, the vegetable will also help get rid of the disease. Remembering how many calories are in beets, it becomes clear that this product is perfect for people with problems with the digestive system, since it does not burden the stomach.

Eating beets, which are very low in calories, also has a positive effect on the liver and blood vessels, prevents the manifestation of sclerosis, and also calms the nervous system and promotes normal heart function.

And all these beneficial properties are accompanied by a small number of calories in beets. Considering the low energy potential of root vegetables and dishes made from it, first of all they talk about the nutritional value of a low-calorie product.

Thanks to this, the vegetable can be consumed by those who are overweight.

Beetroot dishes - calories and benefits

The most popular beet dish is the famous beetroot soup. It is consumed both hot and cold. The calorie content of beetroot, of course, is several times higher than the calorie content of beets, but it cannot be called a fatty dish either.

The traditional first course also includes such products as meat, radishes, eggs, onions, the root vegetable itself and sour cream. Depending on the type of products used, the calorie content of beetroot will be different.

The dietary dish will be made with kefir, with the addition of lean beef and low-percentage sour cream.

The calorie content of cold beetroot is only 80 kilocalories per 100 grams.

The hot dish, that is, borscht, is prepared according to a different recipe, with the addition of tomato paste and cabbage. Borscht will be dietary if you add beans instead of meat. Without sour cream, the calorie content of hot beetroot is 56 kilocalories per 100 grams.

The red vegetable is also often added to vegetable salads and stews. The root vegetable is usually used boiled. The calorie content of boiled beets is approximately 45 kilocalories. The most dietary dish using this product is vinaigrette.

Harm from root vegetables

The low calorie content of beets and the abundance of nutrients in the composition make this vegetable practically harmless. It is not recommended to use the product only for patients with diabetes. This is due to the fact that, despite the low calorie content of beets, the product contains a lot of sugar.

People with gastritis, as well as those suffering from urolithiasis and kidney diseases should not eat the vegetable. Everyone else will benefit from beets, whose calorie content is insignificant.

Calorie content of boiled beets and the ability to lose weight

It is also important that the vegetable, both raw and boiled, as well as beet juice have almost no contraindications. Therefore, the product can be used by everyone – sick and healthy. And the low calorie content of beets makes it possible to prepare dietary dishes from it for those who want to lose weight.

Those who want to lose extra pounds are recommended to consume the product fresh or boiled. Few people, not counting raw foodists, prefer the first option: usually the root vegetable is boiled. The calorie content of boiled beets is almost the same as that of a fresh vegetable; beneficial substances remain in large quantities during heat treatment.


How many calories are in beets

Beetroot is a root vegetable widely used in cooking. People often call it beetroot. Beets are included in borscht, side dishes, salads and snacks.

Its coloring property is used by chefs to give dishes a beautiful pinkish tint. Buryak is very useful in any form; this root vegetable contains a record amount of amino acids important for the human body.

Let's find out how many calories are in beets prepared in different ways and what valuable properties they have.

Calorie content of beets per 100 grams

Since beet contains a small amount of carbohydrates and fats, the calorie content of this root vegetable is low. However, it still differs depending on the form in which you consume the vegetable. We invite you to consider the calorie content of beet juice, as well as beetroot in fresh, boiled, baked, stewed and pickled form

In the fresh

Raw beets have a beneficial effect on the digestive and circulatory systems of the body.

The product must be present on the menu of vegetarians and people who are diligently fighting excess weight. Buryak is a dietary vegetable, the consumption of which will never make you gain weight.

The average root crop weighs 300-400 grams. Accordingly, its energy value reaches approximately 130-170 kcal.

The calorie content of raw beets is 43 kilocalories per 100 grams.


The calorie content of boiled beets is low, so nutritionists recommend including them in the diet. Boiled vegetables have a wide range of beneficial properties. Vitamins and other valuable elements present in the product improve brain activity, strengthen the immune system, and improve intestinal motility.

Energy value:

  • Steamed beets: 44 kcal;
  • Beetroot with mayonnaise and garlic: 112 kcal;
  • With butter and garlic: 95 kcal;
  • With sour cream (15%) and garlic: 65 kcal.

It is important to cook beets correctly. Firstly, the vegetable is already placed in boiling water. Secondly, it does not salt. Salt makes beets hard. It is better to add it to an already prepared dish. During the boiling process, make sure that the liquid completely covers the beets.

To make it easier to clean boiled beets, place them in cold water immediately after boiling. You shouldn’t pour out the broth itself: by straining it, you will get a useful diuretic and laxative. Beetroot broth is good for the liver - it effectively cleanses this organ.

The beetroot is cooked for 40-60 minutes, depending on the size of the root vegetable.

Boiled beet – 48 kilocalories per 100 grams.


Boiled beets are included in dozens of salads, but few housewives know that it is better not to boil beetroot for them, but to bake it. It takes the same amount of time, but is much more convenient and tastier. Heat treatment does not reduce the benefits of beetroot.

Rules for preparing baked beets:

  1. We wash the vegetables well.
  2. We cut off only the long tails.
  3. Spread the foil on the table and place the beet on top.
  4. We wrap the vegetable so that all the “seams” are directed upwards. You can be sure that the juice released during the baking process will not escape anywhere. Small beets can be wrapped in one piece of foil, 2-3 pieces at a time.
  5. We put the beet in the oven, preheated to 160-170 degrees, it cooks for about 1 hour.
  6. Let the vegetables cool, carefully unwrap them, and clean them.

The calorie content of baked beets is 44 kilocalories per 100 grams.


To prepare stewed beets, the vegetable is washed under running water, peeled, cut into strips and placed in a frying pan or cauldron. Add 3-4 tablespoons of oil and a small amount of water.

Mix everything and simmer until half cooked. Don't forget to stir the beet regularly. Add sugar and salt to taste. Simmer until done. When stewed, low-calorie beet turns into a nutritious product.

If you stew beet in water, it will contain 75 kcal.

The energy value of baked beets is 106 kilocalories.


Pickled beets are used as a component of various salads and first courses. By adding beets 5 minutes before the soup is ready, you will improve its appearance and taste. Pickled beetroot can be bought at the market or in any supermarket. However, a store-bought product cannot be compared in taste or benefits to one prepared at home.

To marinate beet at home, rinse the vegetable and cook until fully cooked. The marinade is made from water, vinegar, sugar, table salt, black pepper, chili pepper, horseradish, bay leaf and cloves.

All this is brought to a boil and then cooled to room temperature. Boiled beets are peeled, cut in any way convenient for you, placed in sterilized jars and filled with cooled marinade.

Place the bottles in a cool, dry place, and within 1-2 days the pickled beet will be ready for consumption.

The calorie content of the pickled product is 65 kilocalories.

In beet juice

To get natural beet juice, you can use a juicer or chop the vegetable on a fine grater and squeeze out the liquid by hand. Keep in mind that your hands will turn pink after this procedure. The fact is that beet juice is a strong natural dye that is used in cooking to color dishes.

Some people prefer cocktails in which it is mixed with other vegetable or fruit juices to pure beet juice.

Beetroot juice contains antioxidants that have a rejuvenating and tonic effect and prevent the development of cancer. The drink improves skin condition.

Beet juice is useful to drink for neuroses of various origins, insomnia, diabetes, high blood pressure, scurvy, and kidney stones. The norm for drinking the drink is 300 ml per day. It is advisable to split this dose into 4-5 doses.

The calorie content of beet juice is 42 kilocalories per 100 ml.

Composition and nutritional value

Beets are the champion among vegetables in terms of their content of essential acids, which include gamma-aminobutyric acid, which improves metabolism in the brain.

Beet contains the compound betaine, which is converted inside the body into active choline, which has an anti-sclerotic effect and prevents fatty degeneration of the liver.

Among other acids contained in beets, we highlight lactic, malic, oxalic, citric, tartaric and folic. Beets contain a lot of fiber, which improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Table beet varieties are rich sources of vitamin C and B vitamins; the content of carotene and nicotinic acid is less significant.

100 grams of vegetables contain 14% of the body’s daily need for dietary fiber.

Among the micro- and macroelements are manganese (16%), potassium (13%), copper (7.5%), sodium (6%), magnesium (5.8%), phosphorus (5%), iron (4. 4%), zinc (3%), calcium (1.6%) and sulfur (1.3).

Now let's talk about the components of the BJU. 100 grams of fresh beet contains 1.6 grams of vegetable proteins, 0.2 grams of fat and 6.8 grams of carbohydrates. In boiled beets their capacity is 1.7 g, 0.2 g and 8 g, respectively.

Beneficial properties of beets

Beets are well absorbed by the body and replenish the deficiency of nutrients and vitamins, so they must be included in the diet in winter and spring. But its benefits don’t end there.

How beets affect the body:

  • Buryak helps improve digestion and relieves chronic constipation.
  • Fiber and valuable organic acids regulate the metabolic process and enhance intestinal motility.
  • Pectin contained in beets removes waste and toxins from the body and destroys putrefactive bacteria present in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Consumption of low-calorie beets helps speed up weight loss and maintain the results.
  • Betaine (a lipotropic substance) prevents the accumulation of fats in liver tissues and reduces the likelihood of tumors.
  • Beetroot juice normalizes blood pressure, protects against atherosclerosis, and lowers cholesterol levels. It is useful to mix the drink with honey.
  • Buryak cleanses the blood, increases hemoglobin and improves heart function (due to the content of vitamin B9).
  • Beets stimulate brain function by activating blood circulation in the head.
  • Fresh beet juice is good to drink in the early stages of colds. For a runny nose, drop 2-3 drops of this liquid into the nostrils. And for a sore throat, gargle with a mixture of beet juice (1 glass) and vinegar (1 tablespoon).
  • Antioxidants present in beet tone and slow down cellular aging.
  • Folic acid has a rejuvenating effect by promoting the formation of new cells.
  • Buryak increases the body's resistance to radioactive substances.
  • Even beet leaves can be called healing. For headaches, they are applied to the temples, as well as to the forehead. Soon the migraine goes away.

Beets are a product that is the basis of many main dishes, salads and snacks. But the most important thing is that the calorie content of boiled beets allows you to consume them almost unlimitedly. After all, this is one of the few vegetables that can be safely included in the diet.

Even in Ancient Greece, beets were considered a valuable product and were even brought as a gift to the god Apollo. And in India, the roots of this vegetable were used to prepare medicinal potions. Today, eating beets is a way not only to protect your figure from extra pounds, but also a root vegetable that will help become part of a healing diet.

You can eat beets in any quantity and at any time of the day, because 100 grams of raw vegetable contains only 12 calories. Boiled beets also have a low energy value - 100 grams will give the body only 45 kcal.

One salad eaten will enrich you with vitamins and certainly will not harm your figure. Of course, constantly eating root vegetables raw or boiled is boring. You will probably want to add something to the dish.

In this case, the calorie content per 100 grams will differ:

  • Puree from this vegetable will contain 70 kcal.
  • If boiled beets are mixed with potatoes, the energy value will increase to 90.
  • A root vegetable with added cheese will contain 162 kcal.
  • Stewed beets have a value of 76.
  • Vegetable caviar made from vegetables with the addition of onions, carrots and sunflower oil will contain 87 kcal.

The energy value of the dish was calculated taking into account the fact that boiled beets are used. If you prepare a salad with potatoes or season the raw root vegetable with butter and cheese, the calorie content will not exceed 40-50. True, it will be much tastier to eat 100 grams of boiled vegetables than, albeit low-calorie, but raw.

Different cooking methods - same amount of vitamins

What is amazing about this root vegetable is its ability to retain its vitamins during heat treatment. Beets are rich in B vitamins and mineral salts, which do not disappear from the product when heated.

The most important wealth of the product is betaine, a biologically active substance that is responsible for fat metabolism. Consumption of the product will prevent the development of obesity and lower blood pressure - and all this will be ensured by the presence of betaine. So, by eating even 100 grams of root vegetables, you minimize the risk of developing atherosclerosis and obesity.

The vegetable is also rich in the following substances:

  • Pectin, an element that protects the body from decay products and exposure to toxins.
  • Vitamin B9, which is responsible for the production of hemoglobin and reduces the risk of developing heart disease.
  • Tartaric, lactic, citric and oxalic acid - these substances help food to be better digested, which means the vegetable improves the digestion process.

To preserve the maximum amount of vitamins, it is best to boil the vegetable in its peel and do not cut off the roots. Also, do not add salt or other spices when cooking. This way you will be sure that 100 grams of the product will be both as healthy as possible and low in calories.

Those who suffer from diabetes should refrain from excessive consumption of root vegetables. You know that the product contains a lot of sugar. Those suffering from kidney disease or urolithiasis should also abstain. In this case, it is better to use the root vegetable as a healthy supplement, for example, prepare beetroot soup or vegetable stew once a week.

Red beets are not a simple vegetable and are somewhat controversial. For, on the one hand, it is believed that this root vegetable has the power to heal a person even from the most terrible and merciless diseases in the world, and on the other hand, scientific research does not find anything supernatural in beets. Which gives reason to consider beets to be the most ordinary vegetable, not possessing even half of the healing properties that various healers and traditional healers attribute to it.

A little history and interesting facts about beets

If we turn to history, we will find that in the Middle Ages, the Eastern Slavs sincerely believed: beets can protect the human body even from the plague! This belief was explained very simply - the plague epidemic never managed to “swallow” the peoples of Eastern Europe (who passionately loved beets), although in Western Europe the plague raged in full.

As we said above, modern researchers have not yet found in beets the miraculous properties that our ancestors endowed them with, but it is reliably known that this root vegetable contains substances that can effectively fight cancer cells. True, the vast majority of vegetables and fruits have anti-cancer properties, so beets cannot stand out with this fact.

The most interesting fact, in our opinion, is that beet tops on average contain twice as many useful substances as the root vegetable. Moreover, this applies not only to chard (leaf), but also to the most common table beet, which we use to prepare borscht, herring under a fur coat and other “red” dishes.

Hence the conclusion: fresh beet leaves should not be thrown away, but eaten as a salad, or in some other way...

By the way, this is exactly what people did in ancient times. At first, only wild plants were eaten, but a little later - around the second millennium BC - Swiss chard began to be cultivated. Well, for the sake of root crops, beets began to be grown only in the 4th century BC. (on the islands of the Mediterranean Sea).

Beet root crops came to Russian lands around the 10th century AD. In Western Europe, beets appeared three centuries later. Three centuries later, beets began to be divided into fodder and table beets, and in the 18th century, sugar beets were also separated.

Nowadays, beets are eaten everywhere, both by people and pets. And about a third of all sugar in the world is now produced from sugar beets.

Chemical composition of beets

The chemical composition of beets greatly depends on the fertility of the soil in which they grew. Which cannot but affect the results of research on this root vegetable published in the scientific community...

So, for example, some scientists claim that the chemical composition of red beets contains practically no microelements, but there is quite a lot of folic acid, while others say that beets are full of chromium, molybdenum, vanadium and other micronutrients, but there is practically no folic acid.

Moreover, the amount of macroelements (calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium), as well as B vitamins, is almost identical in all studies.

Where does this leave us? To one of two:

1) you can choose the results of the study you like most and be guided by them in life

2) or take into account the similarities and completely ignore controversial indicators, and also observe your feelings when eating beets

You can also turn to traditional medicine, but this option is somewhat out of line with the “scientific” approach to evaluating beets. Therefore, we will not recommend it. Although, perhaps this is what will help you in the end...

Calorie content of beets (boiled and raw)

Separately, I would like to talk about the calorie content of beets. Because there are some features that everyone who monitors their weight and blood sugar levels should know...

Let's start with the fact that boiled beets stimulate the appetite, but raw ones do not. Why? Yes, because the glycemic index of beets (the ability to increase blood sugar) increases greatly during heat treatment. If we express this in numbers, we get the following picture:

  • glycemic index of raw beets – about 30
  • glycemic index of boiled beets – about 65
  • Swiss chard is completely harmless in this regard, since its glycemic index is approximately 15

As a result, some nutritionists believe that boiled beets greatly increase blood sugar levels and are therefore contraindicated for people with diabetes. However, this is not quite true. After all, the calorie content of boiled beets is only 44 kcal per 100 grams (raw - 42 kcal), and not everyone can eat more than 150-200 grams of boiled beets in one sitting.

In addition, no matter how many calories are in boiled beets, and what its glycemic index is, it should be borne in mind that in cooking, beets are almost always mixed with vegetable oil, high-protein foods or unsweetened vegetables. Therefore, any dish with red beets has a low glycemic index and practically does not affect blood sugar levels.

Red beets: benefits and harm. What more?

Looking ahead a little, let's say that there are clearly more beneficial properties in red beets than harm. However, there are still some contraindications to normal consumption of beets (more on them below). Now let’s talk in more detail about the benefits and harms of beets...

The scientifically proven benefits of beets for the body are as follows:

  • beets increase hemoglobin, although not with the help of iron, but with the help of substances involved in the production of hemoglobin (copper, vitamin B1)
  • cleanses blood vessels from “bad” cholesterol, thereby preventing and curing atherosclerosis (with long-term regular use)
  • strengthens the walls of capillaries and at the same time increases their elasticity
  • dilates blood vessels, thereby lowering blood pressure (note to hypertensive patients)
  • easily removes excess water from the body (relieves swelling)
  • reduces the risk of prostate adenoma and rectal cancer
  • has a laxative effect (increases peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract), however, it should be borne in mind that beets help against constipation only when a person drinks a sufficient amount of liquid
  • adsorbs and removes waste and toxins from the body
  • regulates lipid metabolism (protects the liver from obesity)
  • reduces the body’s recovery time after physical and mental stress, and also increases a person’s endurance (albeit slightly)
  • stimulates brain function, thereby “pushing back” its premature aging and drying out

As you can see, the list of beneficial properties of red beets is very long. However, it should be noted that raw and boiled beets have different effects on the body.

What is the difference? Let's figure it out.

What are the benefits of raw beets?

In general, the beneficial properties of raw beets coincide with the list above. However, there is something special about it:

1) raw beets retain all vitamins

2) raw fiber has twice the “penetrating” and adsorbing power

3) low glycemic index (but we already wrote about this)

On the other hand, there is an opinion that fresh beet juice contains some harmful compounds that can harm human health. In this regard, it is even recommended to leave freshly squeezed beet juice for several hours (to give time for harmful substances to evaporate). In fact, the faster you eat raw beets (drink juice), the more vitamins will remain in them. For vitamins are destroyed not only under the influence of high temperature, but also from contact with air, light and water.

And the “harm” of freshly squeezed beet juice lies in its ability to trigger an emergency cleansing of the body (destruction of fat deposits with the inevitable release of toxins into the blood).

What are the benefits of boiled beets?

The benefits of boiled beets for the body, despite the high glycemic index, are undeniable. Moreover, in some respects, boiled beets are even healthier than raw ones. After all, during cooking, only three vitamins are mainly destroyed: C, B5 and B9 (folic acid). The remaining vitamins and minerals reach the human stomach practically intact.

On top of that, all the valuable components of beets, which are not destroyed by high temperature, become more accessible to our body (due to the partial destruction of the fiber structure).

And one more thing... boiled beets contain much less nitrates than raw ones. Because the lion's share of them is destroyed when heated or turns into a decoction.

Now you know how beets are useful and whether it is worth boiling them before eating. Let's look at the contraindications...

Harm of beets and contraindications to its consumption

The usefulness of beets is questioned only in a few cases:

  • for chronic diarrhea (has a laxative effect)
  • for hypotension (low blood pressure)
  • for urolithiasis (contains oxalic acid), despite the fact that some advise using beets to destroy kidney stones

In addition, it should be said separately about the harm of raw beets: for gastritis and ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract, this root vegetable will irritate already weakened mucous membranes (due to the abundance of coarse fiber).

We have already talked about the dangers of boiled beets - if consumed in moderation, it whets the appetite and sharply raises blood sugar levels (if consumed without oil or separately from high-protein foods and other unsweetened vegetables).

Beetroot during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Can pregnant women eat beets? Yes, but provided that the woman has normal or high blood pressure. People with hypotension should eat beets with caution.

It should be understood that beets can bring tangible benefits during breastfeeding and pregnancy. And not in the distant future, but right the next day. After all, many pregnant women experience chronic constipation (especially while taking iron supplements), and beets with their coarse fiber will be very helpful here.

If the beets also grew in fertile soil, then in addition to everything else, they will provide the woman’s body with vital, but rarely remembered micronutrients (molybdenum, boron, chromium, cobalt, vanadium, etc.). The influence of these elements on the health of pregnant and lactating women is very great, because they are involved in hundreds of processes in the body.

And, of course, all these “rare” microelements enter the body of babies who feed on the “vital juices” of future and existing mothers.

When can you give beets to a child?

There is constant debate about the age at which children can be given beets. Young mothers have doubts, caring grandmothers easily give advice (based on their own experience and understanding), and children... children treat red beets differently: some love them, others don’t even want to look at beets. In general, everything is as usual. Therefore, let's turn on logic, a scientific approach and knowledge about the chemical composition of beets and sort this out once and for all.

So, when to introduce beets into complementary foods? Ideally, after six months of age. Until this time, only breast milk or high-quality formulas. Can a one-year-old child eat beets? Naturally! But on one condition: the child should not be allergic to beets (start with a few grams of beets). Well, of course, you shouldn’t push beets into a child by force. No matter how useful you may find it.

Losing weight with beets. Is it possible to?

While some still doubt whether it is possible to eat raw beets, the most motivated women are already trying out all sorts of beet diets. And for good reason. After all, the benefits of beets for weight loss are enormous!

Red beets contain a large number of substances that literally destroy fat in the human body, namely.