What kind of soup to make from. Soups recipes

What are they? What ingredients are needed for them? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. Soups are incredibly popular in Russian cuisine. Probably, their prevalence in Russia is due to cold, long winters and harsh climate. That is why many families eat soups for lunch almost regularly, and not only in winter. Hearty, hot and perfect for the cold season, while light ones are best suited for the warm season.


Simple soup recipes are loved by many housewives not only because of their benefits for the body, taste and satiety, but also because of their versatility. It is enough to replace one or a couple of components in this dish, and you will get an original dish.

Today we will tell you about simple and tasty soups that are very easy to prepare. They can be completely different - with cereals, vegetables, pasta, beef, chicken, fish, mushrooms and so on. The main components of these soups are the broth (the watery base) and the garnish, which is the basic source of energy.

The broth can be mushroom, meat, vegetable or fish. Meat broth is the most high-calorie and richest, but at the same time it takes a long time to prepare, and you will have to tinker with it. Fish broth is prepared very quickly, and mushroom broth is famous for its amazing aroma and, in combination with vegetable broth, forms the basis of vegetarian and dietary nutrition.

Broth storage

If you want to make it easier to create a simple and delicious soup, the broth can be made in advance and stored in the refrigerator for a couple of days. You can also freeze it in plastic containers, special bags or glass containers. In fact, you can always make a large quantity of broth to use whenever you need it.

Frozen broth can be stored in the freezer for about three months. Once you've made this ingredient, you'll always have the base on hand for the simple soup recipes below.

Chicken noodle soup

How to make simple chicken noodle soup? This dish has long been firmly entrenched in the menu of Russians, being an excellent remedy for colds and an excellent first course for any season.

This soup for every day looks very beautiful and appetizing. It always gives a feeling of comfort and reminds you of the warmth of home. To create it you need to have:

  • 300 g egg noodles;
  • one chicken;
  • three carrots;
  • three potatoes;
  • two large onions;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • one bunch of parsley;
  • 1 tsp. dried thyme;
  • 5 black peppercorns;
  • ground black pepper and salt.

How to cook?

Place the whole or cut into pieces chicken in a large saucepan, add water and salt. Add peppercorns, halved garlic and onion. Cover with a lid and cook until tender, about 30-40 minutes. after boiling.

Carve the finished chicken: remove the skin, discard excess fat and remove fillets from the bones. Strain the broth and bring the saucepan back to a boil.

Now add the chopped potatoes. Place grated carrots and one chopped onion in a frying pan, add 2 tbsp. l. broth and simmer for 15 minutes. Place the finished roast into the soup. Now add the noodles and cook for about five minutes. Add dried thyme, chopped parsley to the soup, pepper and salt to taste. Simple chicken soup is ready!

Rice soup with meatballs

We'll tell you how to cook a simple soup with rice and meatballs below. This soup is ideal for both children's menus and adults. You can make the meatballs in advance and freeze them. To create this dish you need to have:

  • three onions;
  • three carrots;
  • 600 ml chicken or vegetable broth;
  • half a kilo of minced meat (for example, turkey or pork);
  • one tbsp. rice;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • one tbsp. l. dried basil;
  • one tbsp. l. dried oregano;
  • cow or sunflower oil;
  • salt and ground black pepper.

Everyone loves soups every day. So, mix the minced meat with garlic, passed through a press, dried basil and oregano, and one chopped onion. Pepper and salt to taste. Roll the minced meat into small balls and place them in the refrigerator.

Place the washed rice in a saucepan with broth, boil and cook for 10 minutes. Now chop the carrots and onions and fry them in cow oil or vegetable oil for 4 minutes. Place the roast into the pan. Drop the meatballs into the soup (one at a time). Cover the pan with a lid and continue cooking for another 15 minutes. At the end, add salt and seasonings.

Beef soup with vegetables

How to cook a simple soup with meat and vegetables? To create it you need to have:

  • 700 g beef;
  • one large onion;
  • 8 tbsp. meat broth;
  • one large carrot;
  • three tomatoes;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • a couple of potatoes;
  • two bay leaves;
  • two tbsp. l. sunflower oil;
  • one tsp. salt;
  • fresh parsley;
  • 0.5 tsp. ground black pepper.

Cut the beef into cubes and fry in one tbsp. l. oil until it turns brown. Place beef on a plate. Add the chopped onion and the rest of the oil, fry for about 5 minutes until the onion turns golden.

Now add the chopped tomatoes and simmer for about five minutes. Add chopped carrots and garlic, fry for another three minutes.

Now reduce the heat, cover and simmer over low heat for half an hour until the beef is tender. Season the soup with ground black pepper and salt (if necessary). Remove the bay leaf from the soup, sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve.

This thick and light soup is made with seasonal vegetables. It can be topped with sour cream before serving. To create this dish you need to have:

  • 1 kg cabbage;
  • three carrots;
  • two onions;
  • five potatoes;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • 6 tbsp. l. sunflower oil;
  • a couple of sprigs of dill and green onions;
  • 1.5 tsp. salt.

How to cook a simple vegetable soup? Cut the cabbage into squares and transfer to the pan. Add salt and 2.5 liters of water. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat slightly and simmer for half an hour.

Next, peel the potatoes and cut into large cubes. Now cut the onion into half rings, the carrots into thin slices, and the garlic into slices. Pour oil into a frying pan and put on fire. First, fry the garlic for a couple of minutes. Then add carrots, onions to it and sauté everything over low heat for about 15 minutes, stirring frequently.

After the cabbage has simmered for the required time and produced a rich vegetable broth, add the potatoes, increase the heat and cook for 10 minutes. Now add the sauteed vegetables to the soup. Cook the dish for another 5 minutes and remove from heat. Next, chop the greens and add to the soup. Cover the pan with a lid and let the dish sit for 15 minutes.

Soup without meat

How to make a simple soup without meat? This dietary dish can be offered to both babies under one year old and adults. To create it you need to have:

  • 700 ml water;
  • three potatoes;
  • one carrot;
  • one egg;
  • one onion;
  • parsley and dill to taste;
  • black pepper, salt.

This simple soup should be prepared like this:

  • Wash and peel the vegetables.
  • Cut the potatoes into strips or cubes.
  • Cut carrots and onions into small pieces.
  • Place vegetables in salted boiling water and cook for 20 minutes.
  • Mix the egg with salt, finely chopped herbs, and a pinch of ground black pepper. Shake thoroughly with a fork.
  • Pour the green egg mixture into the soup in a thin stream, stirring constantly with a spoon to prevent the egg from curdling in one large piece. Boil for one minute. The soup is ready!

Pea soup with smoked ribs

Many housewives collect simple soup recipes. Pea soup with smoked ribs is simply irresistible. Toasted white bread croutons are usually served with it. To create this soup you need to have:

  • 4 liters of water;
  • 500 g smoked ribs;
  • one stalk of celery;
  • a couple of carrots;
  • 250 g split peas;
  • one onion;
  • two potatoes;
  • two bay leaves;
  • salt;
  • five peas of black pepper;
  • five sprigs of parsley.

Wash the peas thoroughly, cover with cold water and leave overnight (maybe a couple of hours). Place the ribs in a saucepan, add water and bring to a boil. Cook the ribs for half an hour, then add the peas and cook for about two hours until the peas are tender.

Now add chopped celery, potatoes and pre-fried carrots and onions in a pan. Wrap the parsley, bay leaf and peppercorns in a small piece of gauze and place in the soup. Bring it to a boil under the lid.

Cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Now add hot water if needed. Remove the seasoning cheesecloth from the soup. Remove the ribs, remove the meat from the bones and return them to the soup. Season with spices and salt if desired.

Nettle soup

Now let’s find out how to cook nettle soup. To make it you need to have:

  • 1 liter of meat broth;
  • one potato;
  • one onion;
  • one carrot;
  • a bunch of young nettles;
  • bay leaf, pepper, salt;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Young nettles are usually used in cooking because they are very tender. And yet you can eat it until the end of autumn. In spring it is used to replenish vitamins. So, cook meat broth for the soup. Add chopped potatoes to it. Now finely chop the washed nettles and add them to the potatoes.

You need to wear gloves when cutting nettles. Now prepare the roasted carrots and onions. Season the almost finished soup with frying, salt, add pepper and bay leaf. Remove the pan from the heat and let the dish sit.

Mushroom soup with buckwheat

To create this dish you need to have:

  • one tbsp. buckwheat;
  • 500 g mushrooms;
  • one onion;
  • 8 tbsp. mushroom or vegetable broth;
  • a couple of large carrots;
  • two tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • two tsp. dried thyme;
  • juice of one lemon (optional);
  • ground black pepper and salt;
  • fresh parsley.

In a large saucepan, sauté the chopped onion in the oil for five minutes. Add chopped mushrooms and carrots, fry for another 4 minutes. Add buckwheat, broth, dried thyme, pepper, salt and lemon juice. Bring to a boil, partially cover, reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Garnish the dish with parsley before serving. Eat for your health!

In Europe - soup, in Russia - stew, cabbage soup, borscht, kalya (rassolnik), selyanka (solyanka). This was the name of the first dishes even before the reign of Peter I. And already at his court, liquid foreign dishes became widespread, which received the appropriate name. Subsequently, all the famous Russian stews also gradually began to be called by the word familiar to us. But the names of the first dishes that are prepared to this day have been preserved - these are borscht, cabbage soup, solyanka and rassolnik.

In general, the soup itself, namely as a ready-made dish, appeared in Europe relatively recently, only 400-500 years ago. Then, when the dishes for this appeared. In China and the East much earlier, even BC.

Of course, this does not mean that before this time vegetables and meat were not subjected to heat treatment. They were boiled and eaten. They drank broth and ate boiled vegetables separately. However, it should be distinguished as a dish where all the components are inseparable parts that create a common taste, a general composition and simply boiled products or a mixture thereof.

Nowadays there is a wide variety of soups. There are hot and cold options; and they are also meat or poultry; fish, vegetables, mushrooms; seafood; dairy and fruit; clear and dressing, frying and thickened, as well as thick first courses in the form of mashed potatoes and sweet options.

They are of great importance in the cooking of different nations, which is why today there is such a variety of them.

So how do you make a delicious soup? Take into account all the subtleties and nuances and achieve a balanced taste.

There are rules that have been proven over the years that will allow you to prepare a tasty, healthy dish, while preserving, as much as possible, all the beneficial properties of the products that we use when cooking. And also cook it so that it is not only tasty, but also looks aesthetically pleasing and attractive.

To ensure that the first dish always turns out rich and tasty, you should follow some rules and know a few secrets.

  • To prepare a tasty and rich first course, it is of no small importance. I have already described in detail how to properly cook a tasty, clear and satisfying broth. I won’t repeat myself, look in the note, this is very important for cooking.
  • It is better to cook them little by little, preferably all at once. If a dish sits for a long time, even in the refrigerator, and then reheats, its taste and quality deteriorate.
  • But this does not apply to all soups. It is believed that cooked borscht tastes better on the second day. Whether it tastes better or not is up to you to judge.

  • But the obvious fact is that first courses, where vegetables have been pre-sautéed (fried), can be stored in the cold for a longer time. And two, and even three days. At the same time, their quality does not deteriorate.
  • It is better to cook them in clay, earthenware, enamel dishes.
  • When preparing beef broth as a basis for further cooking, you should not add too many vegetables to it, otherwise it will lose its specific taste and aroma.

  • When preparing chicken broths, you should not get carried away with seasonings, otherwise it may lose color, transparency and taste.
  • The fish soup will be tastier if you use several types of fish when cooking. And if you cook fish soup from the heads, then they should be cleared of the gills and washed thoroughly. Otherwise, it will turn out cloudy and ugly, and the taste may worsen.
  • If you are cooking mushroom soup from dried mushrooms, cover them with cold water for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse them several times, draining the water. Pour the washed mushrooms again with cold water (2 liters of water per 100 grams of dried mushrooms), leave them in this form for 2.5-3 hours. then cook in the same water.
  • Vegetables and cereals should not be subjected to excessive heat treatment. At the same time, their nutritional and vitamin value decreases. Taste and aroma deteriorate. Products should always be placed in order of priority. The foods that take the longest to cook are put in first.
  • Products with a particularly long cooking time, such as peas and beans, are pre-soaked.
  • It should be remembered that all foods that are cooked over high heat lose their taste and aroma. Therefore, when you season the broth, let it boil over high heat, and immediately reduce the heat. So that the broth being prepared just gurgles slightly, or even better, simmers over the fire.
  • If you put pickles, sorrel or other foods containing acid into the soup, and then potatoes, peas, and beans, they will not boil and will be tough. Therefore, it is always better to boil them first and then add pickles. In addition, it would be nice to saute the pickled cucumbers a little beforehand.
  • First courses of sorrel and nettle should be cooked with the lid open, this way their natural color will be preserved.

  • When cooking cabbage soup, place the sauerkraut in cold water.
  • It is better not to add spices to soups made from fresh vegetables that have a pleasant aroma.
  • It is recommended to add spices to all roasted, legume, cereal soups, cabbage soup and borscht.
  • Various roots are well used for preparing first courses. Onions and carrots are among them. They give the broth a certain taste and aroma. You should know that the aromatic substances contained in roots are volatile. And in order to reduce their losses, it is recommended to sauté the roots first. They should be added to the prepared dish 30 minutes before the end of cooking.
  • Carrots should be pre-sauteed in oil also because with this method of preparation, the valuable vitamin A contained in it is absorbed by the human body much better.
  • Vegetable options without cereals and potatoes can be seasoned with flour sauté, they will be thicker.
  • A pinch of sugar added to vegetables during the cooking process improves their taste. And if you add a little sugar when you fry the onions, it will acquire a beautiful golden hue.

Under-salting on the table, and over-salting on the back

Typically, soup should be salted when it is almost ready. You can salt it 10-15 minutes before it’s ready. Doing this earlier may increase the cooking time. And as we have already seen above, it should not be overcooked. And when it is almost ready, all the components in it will be able to take as much salt as they need. And we will not make the mistake of over-salting it.

But you also shouldn’t salt it at the very end of cooking. In this case, vegetables and cereals will not be able to take the required amount of salt and will be bland. The broth, on the contrary, is salty. And then the content will not be homogeneous. And of course it won't be tasty.

If you still oversalt it, then put the rice in a cloth bag and cook it a little. Then just take it out, the rice will absorb the excess salt.

If time permits, you can add extra chopped potatoes.

Another important point in preparation

10 minutes before the end of cooking comes a very important moment. It would seem that everything was chopped, everything was cooked, what else…. Turn it off, yes there is! But that was not the case. It is in these minutes that you form the final taste of the dish. This is exactly the moment when the soup you prepare becomes unlike any other. This is a certain moment of individuality of your dish. Therefore, be careful and do not miss it. During these 10 minutes you should:

  • determine the degree of salinity and add salt if necessary
  • 5-7 minutes before the end of cooking, add the required amount of your favorite spices
  • 4-5 minutes before the end of cooking, do not forget to add bay leaf and pepper

You need to try... feel what is still missing.... add... But with caution, so as not to spoil it, not to “overdo it.” Find exactly that “golden mean” that will allow the dish you prepare to be exquisite, tasty, and aromatic.

And two more small points:

My grandmother always said, “You can’t make good soup unless you walk around it!” I didn’t quite understand these words then. And now, after my own acquired experience, I understand it very well.

To cook it tasty, you need to do it not carelessly, according to the principle “Why cook it there...”, but definitely do it with soul. Cook the meat correctly, cut the vegetables correctly, and cook them correctly, pour the water correctly, add spices. And constantly try, don’t throw it away so that it cooks on its own. Stay together throughout the entire cooking process.

And then from a seemingly ordinary first course you can create a real culinary masterpiece that you will want to cook again and again. Which you will always eat with great pleasure. And gratitude will be not only the said “Thank you!”, but most importantly, eyes full of surprise, delight and gratitude. I am what could be more important...

Bon appetit!

Soup is an important dish on every person's menu. After all, it will be no secret to anyone that you need to eat liquid boiled food, helping your digestive system work better. But often preparing this dish can take a long time. This article will talk about how to cook a “quick” soup from a small amount of ingredients.

Option 1. With egg and vermicelli

This is a very simple but quite tasty soup that cooks very quickly. First you need to prepare the ingredients for the dish. First of all, you need to boil 4, cool them and cut them into cubes. Next, the onions are prepared: two fairly large onions need to be chopped to the desired state and fried in butter until a pleasant golden color. Next, the main part of the work begins - preparing the “quick” soup. First, as usual, you need to boil water in a saucepan (these proportions are designed for 3 liters of soup), then put the vermicelli there and cook until almost fully cooked. Now you need to put the fried onion in the water and cook the soup a little. At this stage, everything is salted to taste, you can add seasonings. The last stage is to put it in the dish, turn it off and leave it on the stove to cool under a closed lid. That's all, the desired dish is ready!

Option 2. Cheese

Another option is how you can prepare a “quick” soup so that it turns out very tasty. First you need to prepare all the necessary ingredients: potatoes are cut into cubes, onions - into half rings or simply chopped, carrots are grated, and processed cheese is also grated on a fine grater at the rate of 50 g per serving. First, the onion is slightly fried in a frying pan, then carrots are added there, everything is ready (you can skip this step - put raw onions and carrots in the soup - and the soup will turn out to be simply lean, i.e. less fatty and rich). Now you need to boil water, put potatoes in it, bring it to a boil, skim off the foam. Next, the onion and carrot frying is added to the soup, everything is boiled a little until the potatoes are completely cooked. At this stage, grated processed cheese is added to the soup and everything is cooked until the cheese melts. And only after this is the dish salted or seasoned (after all, the cheese itself is salty, so this should be done so as not to oversalt the food). That's all, the soup is ready.

Option 3. With crab sticks

Another way to make a “quick” soup from a very small amount of ingredients. So, for this you need to cut the potatoes into cubes, grate the carrots, and chop the onion. They are also cut into small cubes. Everything is prepared according to the well-known principle: first, potatoes are placed in boiling water, again, everything is brought to a boil, the foam is removed. Next step: onions and carrots are placed in the water, which can be pre-fried if desired. When the soup is almost ready, crab sticks are added, everything is salted and seasoned to taste. One teaspoon of dill - dry herbs - will fit harmoniously into the soup. The soup is ready to eat!

Option 4. Fish (with canned food)

Another way to cook quick soup. However, it will not be made from fish, but from To do this, you need to cut the potatoes into cubes, grate the carrots, and chop the onion. You will also need two cans of canned food (it is better to choose sardines) to prepare 3-4 liters of soup. The potatoes are placed in boiling water, after boiling the foam is removed, and onions and carrots are added to the soup (if desired, fried in a frying pan in butter). Everything is cooked until the potatoes are almost completely cooked; now you just add the canned food, slightly crushed with a fork, with all the contents (water). At this stage, it is important not to forget to add salt and pepper to the soup, boil for another 4-5 minutes and turn off. The soup is ready to eat.

Option 5. Pea

Pea soup is a very tasty dish, but preparing it is a whole problem, because the main ingredient - peas - needs to be cooked for so long! And most housewives do not want to hang around the stove for half a day. Now we’ll tell you how you can cook pea soup quickly thanks to the special preparation of the main ingredient. So, cooking peas. First, you need to rinse it thoroughly (it should be chopped and polished), then pour everything with cold water to about the thickness of a finger, and cook until the water has almost completely boiled away. Next, cold water is again added to the peas on your finger, everything boils away. You need to do this three times, after which the main ingredient will be completely ready! And it took only fifteen minutes. Next, the peas are crushed and placed in boiling water. Pre-prepared potatoes, onions and carrots are added there one by one, everything is salted and seasoned to taste. The soup is cooked until the potatoes are completely cooked, then everything is turned off, closed with a lid and infused. The soup is ready to eat!

Simple secrets

Some ladies will be interested in knowing how to quickly prepare soup. To make it more rich, you can pre-cook the broth; you don’t have to do it all at once. This way it will take much less time to prepare the soup itself using ready-made broth. It is better to salt and season first courses closer to the end of the cooking process, so they will be tastier. A tip on how to quickly cook them is to add them to the dish almost at the very end. After all, if you add tomatoes earlier, they will significantly slow down the cooking process, and everything may take much longer. Well, the main nuance: always after boiling potatoes you need to remove the foam, because this boils down unnecessary substances that are better to remove from the dish first.

Soups are present on the menu of many countries. But depending on the geographical location, climatic conditions and other factors, this first dish has its own specific place in each country.

For example, in Europe, although soups are present on tables, they are extremely rare, unlike the same Slavic cuisine. Perhaps this is due to the harsher climate and long winter. As it were, soups are popular with us. And most families eat the first liquid hot dish for lunch almost every day.

For many housewives, soups have gained recognition not only for their taste, health benefits and satiety, but also due to their versatility: it is enough to replace one or two ingredients with other products, and a completely new dish is ready.

But food is prepared not only by female housewives, who can afford to spend more time preparing dishes, show creativity and imagination, look for information about soups from different countries, and conduct daily experiments, but also working women. Therefore, every woman must have recipes for simple soups for every day in her piggy bank - the 7 best recipes presented in this article do not require any special time or material costs. Absolutely anyone can prepare healthy, simple soups for every day easily, quickly and tasty.

Simple soups for every day recipes - general principles of preparation

All soups consist of a side dish and a liquid base; these two components of the first course are saturated with carbohydrates, proteins and fats, which are so necessary for the body. The basis for a simple hearty soup for every day is different broths: meat, fish, mushroom, vegetable. The side dish may include various products - meat, vegetables, pasta, mushrooms, cereals.

The first and main step in preparing a simple soup for every day is cooking broth.

Meat broth prepared from any meat - pork, beef, lamb and other types. They mainly use brisket and tenderloin. Despite the fact that preparing meat broth takes quite a lot of time, the result is worth the effort - the base for the soup turns out rich and fatty. When cooking, add ingredients such as aromatic roots (parsley, celery), peppercorns, bay leaves, and herbs.

Broths cooked with bones are especially aromatic. They do not use a bare bone, but a bone with the remains of meat. For a soft and pleasant aroma, it is best to purchase meat from young cattle - veal, pork.

Advantage fish broth is the speed of its preparation. For the base, you can use any fish - trout, perch, pike, carp. During the cooking process, be sure to add onions, carrots, and bay leaves. These additional ingredients give the broth a special aroma and beautiful color. The finished fish base for the soup is drained before cooking the first course.

For preparing rich and tasty mushroom broth Porcini mushrooms are used; the broth made from chanterelles and champignons is no less tasty. Mushrooms can be used not only fresh, but also dried and frozen.

They also turn out tasty, aromatic and interesting. chicken, duck, goose broths. They are easy and simple to prepare; the main thing is to thoroughly rinse the carcass and pluck it if necessary. To enhance the taste, the same onions and carrots are added.

You can also prepare broths for simple soups for every day from meatballs, meat balls. The advantage of this soup base is that it takes no more than ten minutes to cook.

To reduce the time needed to prepare the soup, the broth can be prepared in advance with a reserve of several days. In the refrigerator, store the broth in a tightly closed container. Mushroom, chicken, and vegetable soup bases can be used within 24 hours; meat broths can be stored for up to 48 hours.

You can also freeze the broth, which will increase its shelf life. At the same time, properly frozen broth will not lose its beneficial qualities. It is best to freeze in special glass containers or plastic bags. The container must be perfectly clean and tightly closed.

1. Simple soup for every day “Borsch”

Homemade borscht is a signature dish that is quite often found on the dinner table for many. Fragrant, rich, with pleasant sourness and incredibly bright color - the recipe for this simple soup for every day simply must be in the notebook of every housewife.


800 grams of beef tenderloin;

Half a kilo of potatoes;

Two carrots;

One large onion;

Four not very large beets;

250 grams of tomato paste;

400 grams of white cabbage;

A tablespoon of table vinegar;

Black pepper;

6-7 cloves of garlic;

Parsley leaves;

Vegetable oil for frying;

Two or three bay leaves;

Sour cream.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the beets thoroughly. Without peeling, place it in a small saucepan and fill with cold water. Place the pan on the fire, after boiling, reduce the gas, cook the beets for half an hour. Place the prepared vegetables under running cold water. Remove the peel from the cooled beets. Grate the prepared fruit on a coarse grater.

2. Wash the beef tenderloin and cut it into medium-sized pieces. Place the meat in a large saucepan, fill it with water so that the liquid covers the beef by about ten centimeters, add the peeled onion, cut into two parts. Cook after boiling for fifty minutes.

3. Peel the carrots, grate them, fry them in vegetable oil until golden. Add a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste and fry for another five minutes. Set the roast aside.

4. Cut the potatoes into small cubes. Shred the cabbage into strips; the thinner the strips, the tastier and thicker the borscht will be.

5. Remove the finished meat from the broth, cool slightly, and cut into small pieces the size of potato bars.

6. We also remove the onion from the broth and throw it away.

7. Salt and pepper the broth. Place potatoes in it and cook for ten minutes.

8. Add cabbage, meat, roasted carrots and laurel leaves.

9. As soon as the cabbage softens (after 7-10 minutes of cooking), lay out the beets and pour in the vinegar.

10. Mix all ingredients thoroughly, simmer, covering the pan with a lid, for ten minutes.

11. Place the garlic, passed through a special press, into the finished soup, remove the laurel.

12. Before serving, let the soup steep for a while, then pour into plates, season with sour cream, and garnish with parsley leaves.

2. Simple soup for every day “Pea with smoked meat in meat broth”

An excellent simple soup for every day, familiar to us since childhood. Excellent taste and a feeling of complete saturation.


Three and a half liters of meat broth;

300 grams of split peas;

Two onions;

Two carrots;

Vegetable oil;

Hot pepper pod;

Allspice peas;

Half a kilo of smoked ribs.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the peas and soak for three hours in cold water. After the time has passed, rinse thoroughly, drain the water, and place in a pan with meat broth. Cook for about forty minutes.

2. Cut the ribs and place them with the peas.

3. Chop the onion and carrots and, adding a little salt, fry in a separate container until soft. Also add to soup.

4. Simmer everything over low heat for fifteen minutes.

5. Add larushka and chili, add salt if necessary.

6. Cook for five minutes, remove the pan from the stove.

7. Serve with black bread or croutons.

3. Simple soup for every day “Rice with meatballs”

A fragrant, hearty simple soup for every day is cooked in a matter of minutes and is suitable not only for an adult table, but also for a children's menu.


A glass of rice;

500-600 grams of minced meat;

Three potatoes;


Vegetable oil;

Salt pepper;

Two liters of water;

A pinch of curry;

Parsley (leaves).

Cooking method:

1. Form small neat meatballs from thoroughly mixed minced meat with the addition of a small amount of salt and pepper. To prevent the minced meat from sticking to your hands, periodically rinse your palms in cool water.

2. Pour water into the pan, bring to a boil, add peeled and cut into small squares potatoes and thoroughly washed rice.

3. As soon as the water boils again, throw the meatballs into the water, cook after boiling again for about twenty minutes.

4. While the ingredients are cooking in the pan, make a fragrant vegetable fry from finely chopped onion, grated carrots, salt and curry.

5. Place the roast in the soup with the rest of the prepared ingredients, simmer for another five minutes and turn off the gas.

6. Chop the parsley and decorate it when serving a simple soup for every day with meatballs.

4. Simple soup for every day “Chicken with noodles”

Fragrant, incredibly tasty and undeniably healthy, simple chicken soup for every day with egg noodles must be on the menu at least once a week. Light, but at the same time satisfying soup will not leave anyone indifferent.



One potato;


Several sprigs of herbs (dill, parsley);

Oil for frying;

Three liters of water;

Ground pepper;

Laurel leaves;

A glass of flour;

50-60 ml of water for dough;

Cooking method:

1. First of all, knead a stiff dough from an egg, a quarter glass of water, a pinch of salt and flour. Let's put it aside for a while, wrapped in a plastic bag.

2. Wash the chicken and place it in a saucepan, add three liters of cold water and add some salt. Boil the meat until tender, remove, cool and cut into small portions.

3. Roll out the dough into a thin layer, cut the layer into strips 4-5 cm wide. Dry the strips slightly, cut the noodles.

4. Place onions and carrots fried in butter and chopped potatoes into the strained broth. Cook until the potatoes are ready.

5. Throw dried egg noodles and bay leaves into the soup. After the broth boils, cook for another five minutes. If there is not enough salt, add a little salt to the soup and pepper if desired.

6. Serve, garnish with herbs and place one piece of meat in each bowl of soup.

5. Simple soup for every day “Fish with egg and millet”

This recipe uses salmon; you can make soup from the head, fillet, or even bones and fins. It can also be replaced with any other fish and even canned fish.


300 grams of salmon;

Two carrots;

Three potatoes;

Large onion;

A bunch of greenery;

Two liters of water;

Ground pepper, salt;

Bay leaf;

100 grams of millet;

Two eggs;

A few pinches of Provençal herbs.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the millet in a small saucepan in a large amount of water until tender, rinse, and place on a sieve.

2. Wash the fish and fill it with two liters of water. Place over medium heat, cook until tender for thirty minutes, adding a little salt, one peeled carrot, a bay leaf and half an onion to the broth after boiling.

3. Fry the second carrot and remaining onion until golden in a frying pan.

4. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes.

5. Remove the finished fish from the broth, cut or tear into small pieces. Discard the onion, bay and carrots from the broth.

6. Place potatoes in the broth and cook until soft.

7. Add roast, Provençal herbs, pieces of fish, millet. Cook for ten minutes.

8. Mix the eggs and salt thoroughly in a plate, pour in a thin stream into the simple fish soup for every day, constantly stirring the dish with a spoon, and immediately turn off the gas.

9. Close the pan with a lid and let the soup brew.

6. Simple soup for every day “Mushroom with cheese”

To prepare this hot first course, you can use any mushrooms. Spices and herbs add incredible flavor to this deliciously creamy, cheesy soup.



400 grams of porcini mushrooms;

A quarter stick of butter;

80 ml cream;

1.8 liters of water;

A pinch of pepper and nutmeg;

200 grams of processed cheese;

Parsley, green onion.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the mushrooms, separate the caps from the stems.

2. Place the legs in a pan of water and cook for twenty minutes.

3. Chop the caps and finely chop the onion. In a frying pan, fry both ingredients in butter until golden brown, add cream, salt and pepper. We languish for some more time.

4. Place melted cheese in a saucepan with legs and stir. Cook for five to seven minutes. Grind the ingredients in a saucepan with an immersion blender.

5. Wash the greens and chop them.

6. Place fried caps with onions and greens into mushroom puree.

7. Serve the soup hot with fresh crispy croutons.

7. Simple soup for every day “Vegetable with meat”

It is not necessary to use the ingredients specified in the recipe; it is quite acceptable to add or remove something.


Half a kilo of beef brisket;

200 grams of zucchini;

200 grams of sweet pepper;

300 grams of tomatoes;


A clove or two of garlic;

Two or three potatoes;

Ground paprika.

Cooking method:

1. Place the meat in a saucepan, add water, and cook for about an hour. Remove the finished beef and cut into small cubes.

2. Cut the onion, carrots and pepper into strips, fry until soft in a frying pan.

3. Peel potatoes, zucchini, tomatoes and cut into neat, even cubes.

4. Salt the broth, add prepared vegetables, aromatic fried peppers, onions and carrots, and pieces of meat. Season the soup with paprika and salt.

5. Close the lid and cook over low heat for forty minutes. Five minutes before readiness, squeeze the garlic into the soup.

6. Decorate the finished bright summer soup with fresh herbs.

Simple soups for every day - tricks and useful tips

You can quickly prepare meat broth by mincing the meat and making meatballs, or by first cutting a piece of meat across the grain.

In order for the broth to be transparent, be sure to remove the foam at the moment of boiling. Next, during the cooking process, you will need to remove the top fat film a couple of times. In addition, the broth should simmer over low heat, and in no case should it boil or boil.

Didn't have time to remove the foam? Pour in half a glass or a glass of cold water, it will rise again.

If you put the meat in cold water, the broth will be richer.

If you put a baked whole onion in the broth, it will turn out fragrant and have a beautiful golden color.

Mushroom broth is salted at the end of cooking, fish broth at the very beginning, and meat broth half an hour before cooking.

To prevent chicken broth from losing its taste, it is better not to add any spices to it except onions and carrots.

To make vegetable soup without potatoes more rich and thick, you should put a little lightly toasted flour in it.

Vegetable soup will turn out tastier if you add sour cream or cream to it.

If the soup contains foods containing acid, for example, sorrel or pickled cucumbers, the remaining vegetables must be added at the end of cooking, otherwise they will not boil and will remain harsh.

If you first let the noodles sit in boiling water for a minute and then drain them in a colander, the noodle soup will turn out clear rather than cloudy. The same principle applies when preparing rice soup.

When preparing soup with barley, the cereal should first be boiled separately.

Always remove the bay leaf from the finished soup, otherwise the spicy aromatic spice will transfer its specific bitterness to the dish when infused.

If there is garlic in the soup, it does not need to be overcooked; it is better to add this ingredient at the end of cooking.

A simple recipe for a very tasty creamy soup made with chicken broth. This was my first time preparing such an unusual soup and, to be honest, I really liked it.

chicken back, eggs, flour, potatoes, carrots, onions, bay leaves, salt, ground black pepper, vegetable oil, green onions

Delicious and satisfying lentil soup with meat and potatoes. The rich and inventive cuisine of the Middle East has given gourmets a variety of dishes that have become popular throughout the world. One of these dishes is lentil soup with a special and unique taste.

beef, red lentils, potatoes, onions, tomatoes, carrots, garlic, chili peppers, bay leaves, tomato paste, vegetable oil, turmeric...

Delicious tomato soup with beans and rice! Thick, nutritious, with a rich taste. This soup is suitable as a dish for a Lenten menu.

tomatoes, beans, rice, sweet peppers, carrots, tomato paste, vegetable oil, herbs, salt, water

If you love pickle, but don’t want to spend a lot of time with it, then prepare pickle with canned fish. You will love this spicy yet tender fish soup with pink salmon, pickles and rice.

canned pink salmon, potatoes, pickled cucumbers, rice, onions, carrots, garlic, tomato paste, lemon zest, vegetable oil, herbs, salt

A famous Korean dish is kimchi soup. This soup is prepared quickly. To prepare kimchi soup, it is important to have the necessary ingredients; now you can buy them in almost any chain supermarket. This soup is definitely worth trying. We are sure that the bright, memorable taste will be a revelation for fans of Asian cuisine.

tofu, miso, sauce, Wakame seaweed, fish broth, eggs, soy sauce, water, green onion, sesame seed, hot pepper

Delicious and original rice soup with chicken fillet, mushrooms and cream! Despite the fact that the soup is prepared without potatoes, the rice makes it thick and satisfying. Cream gives the soup a pleasant aroma, milky color and a light creamy aftertaste.

chicken fillet, fresh champignons, rice, cream, carrots, onions, sunflower oil, flour, herbs, bay leaf, salt, ground black pepper, water

Pea soup and smoked meats are simply made for each other. With smoked meat, thick, rich and boiled pea soup with yellow peas acquires a special aroma and taste and becomes perfect. Today we will prepare pea soup with smoked chicken fillet. This soup is the perfect first course for an everyday lunch!

dried peas, chicken fillet, potatoes, carrots, onions, sunflower oil, dill, parsley, bay leaf, salt, ground black pepper, water

Thick, rich and tasty soup with chicken gizzards and millet is an ideal first dish for a family dinner, which is very easy to prepare.

chicken stomachs, millet, onions, carrots, greens, salt, water

Bean soup with minced meat and rice, prepared according to this recipe, turns out very tasty, thick and rich - a good and satisfying dish for lunch. The soup is prepared very quickly if you use ready-made minced meat and canned beans.

canned beans, minced meat, rice, onion, seasoning, salt, ground black pepper, vegetable oil, herbs, water

The famous dish is lamb shurpa. It is recommended to cook real shurpa in a cauldron. And if it is possible to place a cauldron on a fire, this will add even more flavor to a dish traditional in many countries. To prepare lamb shurpa you will need about an hour and a half, but the result is worth it. An appetizing, aromatic, satisfying dish with tender pieces of lamb and vegetables cooked in meat broth will make your lunch unforgettable.

lamb, onions, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, sweet peppers, chili peppers, salt, ground black pepper, cumin, water, cilantro, parsley

Delicious and original soup with champignons, potatoes, bulgur, cream and lemon! Due to the bulgur and potatoes, the soup turns out to be nourishing and quite thick, the creamy mushroom broth makes the taste of the soup pleasant and delicate, and the lemon gives the first dish a piquant sourness!

water, potatoes, bulgur, fresh champignons, onions, cream, butter, sunflower oil, herbs, nutmeg, salt, ground black pepper, lemon

Fish soup cooks much faster than soup made with meat broth - this is a big advantage of fish soups. You can prepare soup from one type of fish or from several. You can also use canned food for this purpose. Well, today we will prepare mackerel soup. This is a fairly fatty fish, so the soup will be rich. The recipe for a delicious, healthy and nutritious mackerel soup with potatoes and rice will please the most demanding gourmets.

mackerel, rice, potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, sour cream, rosemary, lemon, sunflower oil, parsley, ground black pepper, salt, water

A light but satisfying noodle soup with hints of Asian cuisine. Preparing soup with chicken gizzards, noodles and mushrooms is simple and won’t take you much time. Help yourself!

chicken stomachs, fresh champignons, noodles, carrots, onions, garlic, soy sauce, bay leaf, herbs, salt, water

A very aromatic, satisfying, but light soup with meatballs, cabbage and green peas is prepared very quickly, using available ingredients. A great solution for a weekday lunch.

minced pork, potatoes, white cabbage, frozen green peas, onions, parsley, salt, ground black pepper, vegetable oil, water

Delicious and healthy Turkish carrot soup with vermicelli - a wonderful first course! This soup is prepared using chicken broth and by adding yogurt and egg it acquires a velvety consistency. A special flavor of this soup is given by aromatic dried mint, heated in butter and added to the soup at the very end!

meat set, black peppercorns, bay leaf, salt, water, carrots, natural yogurt, water, vermicelli, sunflower oil, butter, chicken egg...

hake, carrots, celery root, onion, sour cream, wheat flour, peppercorns, bay leaf, dill, vegetable oil, salt, ground black pepper