Which tea is healthier: how to add energy, tone and vivacity with a fragrant drink. The most effective natural energy

It's been almost 2 years now. Since then, I have been repeatedly asked and asked what recipes herbal teas I personally use.

Actually I do the most different mixtures, depending on the desired effect, on the time of day, on the desired taste and just on the mood.

But there are a few more or less established herbal tea recipes that I make more often than others. I will tell about them.

Let me remind you that herbs and fruits marked (AB) have a strong Aroma and Taste. And it is they who form the final taste of a tea drink. Composing Herb tea, you should not mix several of these herbs in equal proportions, it will turn out too complex, not expressed bouquet.

If you mix, one herb should be singled out as a base and its percentage should be significantly increased relative to others in order to get the prevailing taste and aroma.

So, let's move on to the promised recipes.

Herbal tea recipes

1. Only one wild rose

I brew it in a thermos. This infusion, by the way, is one of the few that women can drink during pregnancy and lactation. For a greater effect, I recommend grinding the wild rose before brewing.

2. Fruit tea

Rosehip + Boyarka + Rowan

You need to add quite a bit of rowan, it is very bitter, but very useful!

3. Vitamin tea

Rosehip + boyarka + lemongrass + tea rose + mint + oregano + nettle

This tea very well replenishes all the necessary vitamins and minerals. I highly recommend drinking it in the spring, with beriberi.

4. Tea for eyes and liver

Eyebright + milk thistle + hillwort + any herb or fruit AB

The liver is connected with the eyes, so the herbs used are the same. You can add some more ground oats to this tea. Rinse and dry oats before grinding.

5. Energy Tea

Rhodiola + lemongrass + St. John's wort + some wild rose

This tea is a real energy drink, and useful. No "Burn" was standing nearby :). It is recommended to drink in the morning. Good for active work, as well as for a significant increase in productivity.

You can also add thyme to this tea.

6. Soothing and relaxing tea

Mint + lemon balm + calendula

This tea is good to drink in the evening no later than an hour before bedtime. You can also drink tea during the day if you are very overexcited and need to calm down.

You can also add chamomile to this tea.

7. Russian tea

Ivan tea (fireweed) + any herb or AB fruits

Very healthy tea with one distinct aroma. I am very glad that the old Russian tea tradition is being revived and, for example, in our city you can buy the most different teas based on this herb.

In Rus', such tea was called " Koporye tea", or "koporka". The name came from the name of the village of Koporye in the St. Petersburg province, where this tea was produced for sale. By the way, it was sold primarily to Europe. And all of Europe drank just such tea until the 19th century.

8. Cold Tea

Whitehead + wild rose + chamomile + thyme + raspberry leaf + linden + sage

Very effective anti-cold and anti-inflammatory tea. It is recommended to drink as a preventive measure, especially during peaks. colds. And also immediately after you feel that you are getting sick.

9. Cleansing tea

Blackcurrant leaf + calendula flowers + chamomile

Tea for cleansing the body. Removes waste and toxins, cleanses the walls of blood vessels.

And finally...

10. Carrot tea!

Yes, yes :) Once I found such a recipe, I tried it, I liked it. The recipe for this tea is also from Russian traditions.

You need to take sweet varieties of carrots, rinse, peel, cut into small pieces (cubes or straws), dry for 3 hours, poured onto a newspaper and then dried in the oven at a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees.

Carrot tea contains a lot of useful substances for the body: amino acids, iodine, iron, calcium, magnesium, copper, cobalt, silicon, phosphorus, etc.

The taste is pleasant, sweetish.

I wish you success in understanding the magical world of herbal teas!

This and other topics are covered in more detail in my books in the Phoenix Code. Life-Changing Technologies series.

Designed to invigorate the body in the morning or when you lose your strength. And this is their main function. But you can awaken energy in yourself for a further working day or relieve fatigue after it. various methods, therefore, which drink invigorates you best of all, you will have to decide on your own, using the recommendations given in our article.


Most of the world's population can no longer do without this fragrant drink. A cup of coffee in the morning is a tradition that has developed over the centuries since the time when the beans began to be brought to Europe. Let us recall at least Peter the Great, who vehemently planted a new fashion - to drink coffee - among the then boyars and advisers. And many then opposed this Western influence. Today, in the understanding of the majority, invigorating drinks, of course, begin with caffeine, which is contained there and invigorates our body.

Varieties and methods of preparation

There are many varieties of coffee, but for industrial production they use mainly Arabica and Robusta (all other species account for only 2%). can also be drastically different.

  • Many gourmets prefer to brew a refreshing drink in a cezve (oriental) - this is how it most reveals its taste and aromatic qualities.
  • In America, coffee machines (the so-called droppers) are preferred, where brewing takes place according to the principle of gravity: boiling water enters and drips into a funnel with ground grain. Espresso machines are also common.
  • With the help of a French press (a flask with a special piston that separates the tea leaves), you can also make an excellent drink.
  • At worst, you can use soluble: just dilute the powder in boiling water.

It is generally accepted that coffee Not large quantities(1-2 cups per day) enhances attention, concentration ability, relieves fatigue. However, in large doses, caffeine forms an addiction, reminiscent of alcohol in mild form. It can also cause an increase in blood pressure.


This one has been known to mankind for many millennia. And today, some people prefer to drink a cup in the morning rather than coffee. It is believed that tea is certainly healthy and very tasty, especially if it is brewed in the right way. By the way, do not try to brew it boiling water, as many housewives do now, and even more so bring these invigorating drinks to a boil. According to the rules, confirmed by thousands of years of practice, brewing should take place in the temperature range from 75 to 85 degrees. And in the ancient tradition loose leaf teas and completely whipped with a special whisk in warm water from a stream. For example, in Japan, it is recommended to use the water temperature, conditionally called “crab eyes”: large bubbles begin to float to the surface, resembling the eyes of this arthropod.

What does tea contain

Due to what happens invigorating the body when drinking tea? Firstly, it contains theine (a substance similar to caffeine, discovered a little earlier). And secondly, there is a mass of useful amino acids, enzymes, trace elements that have a positive effect on the human body. In addition, one should probably take into account the thousand-year practice of using it as a tonic drink: the Chinese sages will not advise bad!

stronger beverages

Energy drinks, which fill the supermarket shelves today, are gaining more and more popularity, especially among young people. Manufacturers offer a huge list of products of this kind. Stronger drinks (containing and not containing alcohol) contain taurine and ginseng, caffeine and guarana extract, carnitine. All these substances, consumed uncontrollably and in large quantities, can harm the body. irreparable harm. In addition, and this is a generally recognized fact, these drinks, made industrial way, cause a fairly persistent addiction and dependence, bordering on alcohol. Therefore, in this article we will not particularly advertise them and move on to vigor drinks that can be easily made at home - with your own hands. In addition, they will not cause any harm and, on the contrary, they will be useful. Invigorating drinks instead of coffee in the morning, they will cheer you up and energize you for the whole day, help you cope with apathy and stop moping.

Lemon and honey

This wonderful tonic is not only able to significantly increase your performance, but also increase immunity and help to gently get rid of a couple of extra pounds. It is very easy to prepare it. Take half a lemon, squeeze the juice into a glass. Add a small spoonful of natural honey. We fill hot water(but not boiling water). We mix. The vivacity drink is ready to drink, and for taste and harmony, you can add cinnamon powder there - half a spoon. In addition, in such a “tea” there are a lot of vitamins and microelements - certainly your body will not be offended.

orange and cocoa

Such a tonic drink, drunk in the morning, will cheer you up and provide a great mood. It will also balance cholesterol levels and cause a feeling of satiety for a long time (you can take it instead of breakfast).

We take the freshly squeezed juice of half an orange, rub a little fruit zest into it. We cook cocoa classic recipe- with milk. Mix in a ratio of 1 to 1 cocoa and juice with zest. We drink - cheerfulness and activity are provided for a long time.

Ginger tea

This product invigorates no worse than coffee. Ginger helps to relieve fatigue, it is especially useful for those who engage in brain exercises quite often: scientists have proven its benefits for human mental activity.

Cooking is simple: pour grated or cut into small pieces fresh root ginger (spoon) with non-cool boiling water. To taste, add honey, a mint leaf, a slice of lemon (but this is not necessary, the main thing is that ginger be used in fresh, and not as a powder - then the tonic effect will be significantly reduced).

herbal teas

These invigorating drinks have long been revered among healers, taken to enhance the internal energy of a person. And their recipes have withstood the test for many centuries. So let's use it boldly!

We prepare a mixture of herbs in parts: St. John's wort - 3, coltsfoot - 3, mint - 2.5, oregano - 2.5, chamomile - 2, corn stigmas - 2, wild rose (fruits) - 1.5, hawthorn (fruits) - 1, valerian root - 1, eucalyptus - 1. Grind this mixture and mix thoroughly. Brew with mild boiling water, adding regular green tea (but you can do without it). We insist in a teapot for about 15 minutes. We drink freshly brewed, warm. You can add honey for taste.


It is not for nothing that in many countries it is customary to drink grapefruit or Orange juice. These sunny fruits- champions of the cold season in terms of vitamin C content, which will provide you with a boost of vigor. And the essential oil, which is obtained from its peel, also has a calming effect on the nervous system. Do you want to get the maximum effect? Peel the orange, enjoy the aroma properly, and then eat the fruit or squeeze the juice out of it. Remember that it contains the most vitamins in the first 10 minutes after cooking.


This miracle herb increases the body's defenses, strengthens the immune system and is a plant modulator immune system. In addition, it gently stimulates the adrenal cortex, due to which hormones are more actively produced, which have anti-allergic and anti-rheumatic effects. In the pharmacy you will find several options - pills, alcohol tincture(of course you should not drink it if you are going to drive) and dry echinacea for brewing.

3. Eleutherococcus

Known for its tonic, tonic and invigorating properties. Eleutherococcus tincture is often prescribed by doctors for stress, neuroses, loss of appetite. Pour 2 tablespoons of dry Eleutherococcus with a glass of boiling water, let it brew, strain and drink throughout the day. Invigorates no worse than a large cup of coffee, but without unpleasant side effects.

4. Lemongrass

Pharmaceutical tinctures are usually prepared from the leaves or fruits of lemongrass. This plant is a champion in stimulating effects on the cerebral cortex. If you feel like you can't concentrate in the middle of the day, lemongrass is what you need. In addition, lemongrass is a godsend for hypotensive patients. The tincture immediately raises arterial pressure so try not to exceed the dosage recommended on the package.


Ginseng tincture is sold in any pharmacy and is quite inexpensive. But this tool is an excellent energy booster and stimulant of the immune system. Remember this if you feel that you are getting sick. Doctors recommend ginseng both for overwork and full-fledged depression. Pleasant bonuses: ginseng root lowers blood sugar, relieves inflammation, helps the body resist stress and excessive physical exertion.


Boil 2 slices of ginger and a slice of lemon in boiling water, let it brew for a few minutes and drink. Add fresh boiling water to the glass and brew again. If you need a recharge, you can drink several glasses of this aromatic drink a day. Ginger is one of the most vitamin-rich spices that help strengthen the immune system. But beware: ginger is believed to improve appetite.


Yes, yes, the most ordinary green tea invigorates no worse than coffee. Keep this in mind if you decide, on the advice of some stars, to drink a cup of strong green tea before bed to activate your metabolism. It is possible that you really activate the metabolism, but you are unlikely to fall asleep.


Sea buckthorn bark contains serotonin, a substance that is called the hormone of joy. To cheer up, add a little juice from berries to tea (it will strengthen immunity due to high content vitamin C) and sea buckthorn bark. Beta-carotene, vitamin for the eyes, polyunsaturated fatty acids - prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques, maintains the elasticity of blood vessels.

9. St. John's wort

The most effective herbal antidepressant. It reduces the level of cortisol - the stress hormone, increases the production of norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine - anti-stress hormones. Best of all, tea from St. John's wort, borage and verbena works best. For its preparation, a tablespoon of each plant is taken and poured with a glass of boiling water. Then the broth is filtered and it can be drunk. The maximum effect of taking can be felt after six weeks. However, it should not be taken at the same time as antidepressants. 20 best natural "medicines".


Maral root is called “golden” in Altai - a natural adaptogen that helps the body to endure weather changes more easily, stimulates the immune system, improves memory and attention. Mix equal proportions of maral root, raspberry, strawberry, blackcurrant, St. John's wort and thyme leaves. This "magic" drink has a powerful tonic effect, restores metabolism and improves mood.

Tea is a unique natural drink that can not only bring taste pleasure, but also improve the emotional and physical health of a person.

Since ancient times, tea has been considered medicinal and extremely healthy drink. Natural origin allows it to absorb both solar energy and the forces of the earth. There are many types and varieties of tea. The most useful are teas with the addition of.

Used tea and. His unique properties designed to prolong youth, improve energy, cope with stress and tune in to a positive perception of the world.

Useful properties of tea

Tea leaves are known to contain a large number of antioxidants - natural substances that can fight various diseases. Including they are used for the prevention of cancer. Tea also improves the circulation of human energy flows, calms the excitable nervous system and enriches the body with many minerals.

White tea made from the youngest leaves that are just beginning to bloom. Perfectly relieves tension and fatigue, prevents the development of depressive states. It has tonic properties, fills a person with energy.

It is used for the prevention of cancerous tumors, improves immunity, and also prevents the formation of tartar. Antioxidants contained in white tea are actively used in cosmetology as a component for anti-aging products. Toothpastes based on this variety of tea are also in great demand.

Green tea famous huge amount useful substances. In China, a drink made from green teas is considered an elixir of longevity. Contains caffeine, which dilates blood vessels and improves blood circulation. It has a strong antimicrobial effect.
Based on green tea, decoctions are prepared for the prevention and treatment of bronchitis and asthma. The drink promotes rapid fat burning and is popular with people. Green tea improves mood, gives energy for the whole day, opening blocked energy channels.

Red tea contains a large amount of vitamins, essential oils and amino acids. It is used in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, nervous conditions and vascular spasms. Has established itself as excellent tool to boost immunity.

It is used to get rid of cosmetic imperfections - pimples, acne, wrinkles and skin laxity. According to long-lived Chinese, red tea is excellent remedy to release the internal energy of a person, rejuvenates and heals the entire body, prevents early signs of aging.

Black tea- one of the most popular drinks in many families. The tannin substance contained in this tea helps to strengthen the immune system, especially during the cold season. Antioxidants improve the performance of all internal organs. Fluoride helps in the prevention of dental diseases. Black tea relieves migraines, as it has the ability to dilate blood vessels.

IN preventive purposes tea is also drunk to increase blood pressure. It also prevents the development of heart disease, including stroke. It has been proven that thanks to beneficial substances contained in black tea, people quickly get out of a depressed state. A tea drink has a beneficial effect on energy and increases the resistance of the cerebral cortex from panic attacks, nervous disorders and general fatigue.

No matter what kind of tea you prefer, know that moderate consumption of this drink has a beneficial effect on the soul and body. Tea increases energy and helps to cope with many negative factors. Stay healthy, remember that prevention is the best treatment, and do not forget to press the buttons and

17.11.2016 01:54

Melt water has long been used in folk medicine. It is relatively easy to obtain; for this...

Spring vitamin deficiency, blockages at work, constant family quarrels, a session, cloudy weather, constant being at the computer - so many reasons lead to lethargy and loss of strength, make you feel like a "vegetable"!

And we start looking for "doping" - drinking liters of coffee, poisoning ourselves with energy drinks, swallowing pills ...

But there are natural "energy" that are in every home! What are they?

Properly brewed teas from certain raw materials serve not only to quench thirst, but also have various healing properties: they are drunk to feel cheerful, increase efficiency and attention, strengthen capillaries, stimulate hematopoiesis, tone the heart muscle, saturate the body life energy and fight fatigue. No wonder tea is called the drink of longevity.

But what is the best variety for this purpose?

Recall that in the last article we considered.

5 most effective types

There is a huge variety different varieties tea to increase vitality and energy. Below we will consider the most effective and proven options.

1. Black and green teas

Healing and invigorating properties are available in both black and green tea. However black due to more caffeine, it excites faster while green is more and organism as a whole. He can normalize blood pressure, enhance the ability to concentrate and .

Theine contained in tea is similar in its properties to caffeine, but unlike it is considered safe for the heart. Gently toning, without increasing blood pressure, theine allows a person to feel as cheerful as after coffee, differing only in a softer and more lasting effect.

Both green and black tea drink invigorates not worse than coffee. Therefore the calyx strong tea before going to bed, drunk to activate the metabolism, it is unlikely to let you sleep peacefully. And drinking tea in large quantities provokes insomnia and harms nervous system. Therefore, everything should be in moderation.

Three cups of tea is enough to cover daily requirement human in vitamin R.

2. Ginseng

Nature has given us many plants with healing and invigorating properties. One of them is ginseng, which has the following benefits:

  1. Lack of addiction. You can drink almost constantly.
  2. Cheapness of raw materials. Accordingly, the cost of drops, tinctures or fees of ginseng is low. In addition, they can be found in any pharmacy.
  3. Therapeutic effect. For example, in addition to the invigorating effect, ginseng relieves inflammation and lowers blood sugar levels.
  4. Does not interfere with the absorption of vitamins and minerals. That is, it is possible to use ginseng during treatment with other medicines.

Ginseng tincture is an excellent energy booster and immune system stimulant. It helps with eye fatigue, copes with stress, depression, fatigue, drowsiness, loss of strength. A person becomes more cheerful and energetic, his working capacity increases. No wonder ginseng is called the root of life.

3. Eleutherococcus

Eleutherococcus, otherwise called "Siberian ginseng", contains almost all the substances found in ginseng. Despite the tangible disadvantage - weight gain - eleutherococcus tea is a great way to cheer up. Benefits of this drink:

  1. increases endurance;
  2. increases efficiency;
  3. increases the tone of the body;
  4. improves the functioning of the nervous system;
  5. relieves symptoms of overwork;
  6. improves the mental and physical activity of the body.

The effect of tea depends on the season. In spring, the body “requests” fragrant herbal infusions with a thick aroma that restore energy reserves. Summer goes hand in hand with green tea giving a feeling of freshness. In autumn and winter, it is better to keep warm with black and red teas.

4. Schisandra chinensis

Leaves and fruits of a plant from the Far Eastern taiga - Schisandra chinensis - used for pharmaceutical tinctures, stimulate the cerebral cortex and raise blood pressure.

If in the middle of the day you suddenly feel that it is difficult for you to concentrate, it's time to drink tea with lemongrass. The uniqueness of this product is provided by lignans - substances that have great potential in the field of biological activity.

With a breakdown, lemongrass healthier than coffee their gradual toning effect. And if coffee gives a short-term invigorating effect, leading to nervous exhaustion, then the effect after a cup of brewed lemongrass will appear only after half an hour, but it will last up to 6 hours.

5. Yerba mate

Mate, or Yerba Mate, is a tonic drink that came to us from South America. For its manufacture, the leaves of the Paraguayan holly are used, which contain vitamins A, C, E, P, group B, as well as trace elements.

However, this infusion is valued as stimulant of physical and mental activity mild action , provided by matein - the main active substance drink.

Yerba Mate gives the following bonuses:

  1. Improves concentration, focus and energy production. Due to the amount of caffeine contained in tea, a feeling of energy is not accompanied by subsequent fatigue and nervousness.
  2. Increases performance. Muscle fibers due to the same caffeine are better reduced, and athletic performance improves.
  3. Struggling with excess weight. It is especially pleasant that the fat in the abdomen disappears. Appetite decreases, metabolism is activated - and overweight go away with fatigue and depression.

Yerba Mate is compared to coffee for its strength, green tea for its properties, and hot chocolate for its enjoyment.

6. Ginger tea

No wonder black tea with ginger is traditional drink in the east. Ginger tea, which relieves fatigue, is comparable to coffee in its invigorating effect, and has a significant difference from it.

Ginger lowers blood pressure, That's why ginger tea- a real salvation for hypertensive patients, for whom coffee is contraindicated.

Great ginger tea tones the body, relieves drowsiness, gives strength and energy, and also speeds up metabolic processes. This drink has gained popularity among those who want to lose weight, despite its ability to increase appetite.

Ginger tea increases blood circulation in the body, which stimulates the active work of the brain. This is highly valued by knowledge workers.

Other energy drinks

There are many other natural "energy drinks" that are useful for their properties, tasty and easily available.

  1. Echinacea. This herbal immune system modulator also has anti-allergic and anti-rheumatic effects.
  2. Sea ​​buckthorn. It improves mood due to the content of serotonin in its bark - the “hormone of joy”.
  3. St. John's wort. A strong plant depressant, thanks to which anti-stress hormones are actively produced.
  4. maral root. This tonic drink improves mood and helps the body adapt to changes in the weather.

Ivan tea and infusions of red clover, garden asters, galangal, angelica, primrose leaves and other herbs also restore strength, recipes for which are easy to find on the Internet.

Also check out this infographic:

Useful video

The conclusion suggests itself - to raise vigor and strength it is not at all necessary to drink coffee, so mother nature helps to fight the "energy crisis". Brewing tonic herbal teas, you can easily join the rhythm of a modern person: you can rush and run somewhere, enjoy endurance and energy, forget about constant fatigue and recharge your batteries even in the gloomiest weather.