What business is popular in Europe? New business ideas from abroad

Wise businessmen with extensive experience and understanding of the essence of the laws of market development advise not to start your business journey in areas with high competition. They recommend looking for innovative products and services and occupying empty niches in which only a few currently operate.

It is not necessary to enter the market with your own start-up. You can use new ideas that have begun to be implemented in the USA or European countries. Many of them are already successful and in demand abroad, but are not yet available to Russian consumers.

Processing of fruits and vegetables that have lost their marketable appearance

The relative abundance and marketing policies of grocery stores provide customers with the opportunity to choose vegetables and fruits. This picture looks especially vivid in supermarkets, where customers line up in long lines and examine each apple or orange for a long time, trying to buy the most beautiful and ripe fruits. The remaining products are quite suitable for consumption, but have an unsightly appearance. The shelf life of food, especially fresh food, is short. The supermarket management will have to throw away the leftovers.

But this resource can be used wisely and launch a line for processing illiquid goods and producing various food products from it: juices, jams and purees, fruit and vegetable salads, soups and cereals. It's about not about rotten vegetables and fruits, but about those that have simply lost their marketable appearance. Enter into an agreement with the management of several supermarkets and buy raw materials from them at a low price. Finished products can be sold in the same supermarkets.


This is a very fashionable and promising direction. Relaxing in the outback, living in a rural house or in a tent, hiking along picturesque and non-trivial routes attract wealthy residents of megacities who are tired of the bustle of the city. Eco-tourism is an excellent alternative to boring luxury resorts and idle lounging on the beach.

Organizing such tours requires minimal costs and is not particularly difficult, but brings high profits. Eco-tourists do not expect comfortable conditions, they are looking for new, sometimes thrilling sensations, they want to test their endurance and get closer to nature at least for a short time. But it is still necessary to ensure the safety of customers.

Selling a liquid that repels water

A profitable business can be created by selling innovative products. One of them is Ultra Ever Dry. This is a revolutionary substance that has the ability to repel any liquid. The surface treated with Ultra Ever Dry does not get wet or become contaminated with liquid concrete mixtures, oils, or liquid dirt. This product can be used at home, in construction and repair work, and in production.

The advantage of selling innovative products is favorable terms of cooperation from manufacturers and the opportunity to occupy a free niche.

Outsourced call center

More and more companies working in the field of sales and service feel the need to maintain constant communication with customers. The most effective way to inform about new offers, conduct surveys and provide full-fledged service is telephone communication.

Only very large and successful companies have the opportunity to create and maintain their own call center at the proper level. Most enter into contracts with companies that provide this service on an outsourcing basis. To create such a center, you need premises, computer equipment, a single number, multi-channel communication with free incoming calls and special software. This service is extremely in demand.

Exclusive fragrances for every company

Researchers have long known about a person’s ability to perceive various odors on a subconscious level and remember them. Until recently, active work with the olfactory organs was carried out in the cosmetology and food industries. But now a new, very interesting direction is developing in the USA and European countries. For each company, a unique scent is created, which is sprayed in all offices and points that work with clients. It turned out that this is a very powerful marketing technique - it endears visitors and allows them to remember each company by its smell.

In Russia, this direction is at the stage of development. There is no competition. A business that will create exclusive scents for customers and offer services in the form of installing atomizers and fillers with aromatic substances is doomed to great success and high profits.

Sale of door handles with disinfecting effect

Public institutions and transport, medical institutions, retail outlets and banks are visited by a lot of people throughout the day. Everyone knows that a huge number of microbes, many of which are quite dangerous, accumulate on door handles and handrails in the buildings of these establishments.

The English company Altitude Medical has proposed a chic and effective way to combat infection - innovative Pullclean door handles. A dispenser with a disinfectant is installed inside these products. Everyone who touches this handle and opens the door receives a small portion of the substance and reliable protection against infectious and bacterial diseases.

The innovative door handle will go on sale at the end of the year. The manufacturer set the cost of each product at $200. Those who start offering these door handles to their customers will see significant profits, as this innovation has generated enormous interest. This is just the first of a completely new line of products. Soon new products will begin to appear on the market that will protect people from various viruses. This direction promises very optimistic prospects for entrepreneurs.

Terminals for selling rolls

This idea is a huge success in European countries. Manufacturers of special vending machines for selling drinks, crackers, sweets and chips have proposed a new model. These machines are specialized for selling rolls.

Until this time, the dish could only be ordered in some restaurants and sushi bars. The technology for their preparation is simple, but requires precise adherence to proportions. A huge increase in demand for rolls has been noticed in all countries. Now the dish can be bought at a regular terminal. Those who have already purchased special machines talk about significant profits that exceeded the most optimistic forecasts. If you are already in the terminal service industry or are planning to enter this business, purchasing such a machine will be an excellent investment. The initial cost of the device is 150,000 rubles.

Advertising + weather forecast

The idea to combine clothing advertising with information about the current weather state came from a French company. Special software and a weather sensor are installed in the advertising billboard. Images of girls in outfits change depending on temperature and humidity. If it rains, the model is dressed in a raincoat and holds an umbrella; in hot weather, the girl wears a light dress; when it gets cold, she wears a warm coat or fur coat.

This technique has significantly increased sales for clothing stores, but can also be used in the restaurant business. For example, billboards can display dishes that are suitable for a certain time of day or recommended for consumption in specific weather conditions.

Custom houses

A wide selection of mortgage loan offers, the emergence of new building materials and “smart” technologies have increased the chances of every family acquiring their own home. Cottage communities are growing like mushrooms after rain. House owners compete with each other in the size and beauty of their cottages, the originality of their garden plot design, install energy saving systems and other new items that allow them to get maximum comfort at a competitive price.

But many people want to get a unique home. The demand for custom projects is extremely high. If you work in the design and construction industry or are just planning to enter this business, occupy a niche in creating unusual houses. It’s still vacant here, but the number of people wanting to get unique housing or office space is growing at an incredible pace.

Temporary personal driver

This service was offered by one of the European taxi services. In big cities, many customers order a car every working day in order to take their children to school and get to work. In the evening the situation repeats itself - you need to call and wait for a taxi for a while to get home and go shopping. During the working day, for many entrepreneurs and office workers, traveling to a business meeting or other company matters also involves the need to use transport.

The essence of the new service is the conclusion of an agreement with a taxi service for a certain period of time. The travel schedule and possible changes are discussed in advance. After this, the client receives a personal taxi, eliminating the need to call a car and wait for its arrival. At the specified time, a personal driver with a car will be waiting for him at the entrance.

What types of businesses are popular in Europe? The answer to this question depends on the goal. From the point of view of a tourist, it is profitable to engage in agriculture, restaurants and hotels, and the production of luxury goods; It is also known that Europe is a trendsetter in clothing, shoes, bags, and cars. From an investor's point of view, finding a truly profitable niche in the European Union is not easy.

Business the European way: pros and cons

  1. Business in Europe is based on centuries-old traditions. The most in-demand and popular types of commerce are family businesses. For example, the German hotel concern Hotel Pilgrim Haus is already 700 years old, the French Richard de Bas, which is engaged in paper production, is 20 years younger, and the Italian wine company Barone Ricasole will soon celebrate its thousandth birthday. According to experts, the share of family businesses in the most popular destinations is high; it is difficult for an outsider to “squeeze” into this company.
  2. The Eurozone has high taxes and restrictions on opening businesses by non-residents. From this perspective, old Europe is not the most profitable place for investment, but it is reliable: the traditions of protecting private property here are as ancient as wine-making firms.
  3. Small businesses are respected and honored here. Loan conditions and interest rates in banks are loyal, corruption is tolerated, and there is no pressure from inspection bodies. Small businesses feel comfortable and protected here.

By area, popular types of small businesses in Europe can be divided into 4 blocks:

  • food business
  • on comfort
  • on a healthy lifestyle
  • handmade products.

Food trade and catering

You can make money on food in any country in the world – Europe is no exception. Mobile hot food outlets, vending machines, lunch delivery, small breweries - all these areas of small business are in demand. Europeans are busy with other pleasant things and feel less and less desire to “stand at the stove.”

Food truck

Opening a full-fledged restaurant in Germany or France is expensive and risky, but a standard snack bar will bring profit to the owner. Europeans love to travel, organize festivals, and various sporting events. Hot sandwiches, pizza, pancakes, potatoes - everything is in demand in crowded places.

Buying a van on wheels will cost 10,000 €. Additional expenses (products, disposable tableware, salaries, advertising) – about 5,000 €. This startup can be mastered with minimal investment without knowing the language, the main thing is to cook deliciously and quickly serve customers.

Handmade chocolate

Hot chocolate, coffee, and candies have long been in demand in Europe. Interestingly, “handmade” sweets do not have to be molded by hand - European manufacturers produce convenient machines for making sweets and a variety of “templates”. The main secret of commerce is to make sweets tasty. To do this you will need high-quality products and an original recipe.

In the modern world, in a well-developed market economy, the number of people who want to work only for themselves, and not for the state or, especially, for “someone else’s uncle,” is significantly increasing. Consequently, the number of individual entrepreneurs who set up their own business is also increasing, both on the territory of the country in which they have citizenship, in our case, this is, of course, the Russian Federation, and also abroad. Moreover, this can be not only the near abroad (countries of Asia, the CIS and the European Union), but also foreign countries (Brazil, USA, the Netherlands, Australia). Considering the fact that the vast majority of private entrepreneurs registering recently are opening mainly enterprises and organizations related to small businesses, we will consider options on how to open your small business abroad. We will also study the problems that emigrants from Russia who come to a foreign country may encounter. However, opening your own business on the territory of another state does not necessarily require moving abroad. The main thing is the right choice of country and business idea.

Peculiarities of registering a company in Europe using the example of the Czech Republic

One of the most popular neighboring European countries for Russians, not only from the point of view of a resort, but also from the point of view of investing in their own small business, is. Registration and launch of a new company on the territory of a given state usually involves going through several stages.

To begin with, at the so-called preparatory stage, you must finally decide on the name of the future company, its immediate supervisor, director, and also establish the types of activities that your company will carry out, since even before its opening you are required to obtain a license to conduct this business. If your company is the brainchild of several shareholders, then it is important to draw up an agreement that clearly states what shares the co-founders of the company are claiming. It must be certified by a notary. Next, in the Commercial Court of the Czech Republic, again in a notarial manner, it is necessary to agree on the statements of directors and managers of contributions for the official registration of the company.

In addition, it is necessary to submit a certificate of no criminal record in the country of which the potential individual entrepreneur has citizenship. It is presented translated into Czech together with the passport and birth certificate.

The generally accepted form of small business activity in the Czech Republic is a limited liability company, the authorized capital of which is 200 thousand crowns, which is approximately 3,400,000 Russian rubles.

This means that even before the official opening of the company, you should deposit this money into the account of a state-owned Czech bank. The number of co-founders of a company can vary from 1 to 50. The lower limit of the contribution of each shareholder who opens a joint small business is the amount of 20 thousand crowns, according to today's exchange rate this is 340 thousand rubles. The income tax on business activities in the Czech Republic differs from the Russian one, as it is equal to 20%.

The next step is obtaining a license to operate. In the Czech Republic there are the following types of small business activities. The first is a concession, the license for it is provided by the state itself, having previously received permission from the control authorities. The next type is free, in which the procedure for obtaining a license does not imply the involvement of government agencies. Well, the last, third type of activity is professional, a license is issued for it in the presence of a representative who has not only Czech citizenship and a residence permit, but also experience in the professional field.

Opening a business abroad, in particular in the Czech Republic, is not only a good profit. If you offer new ideas to the Czech population, you receive entry visas for all members of your family, with a residence permit for two years. In the future, both visas and residence permits can be extended. And if you purchase real estate in the Czech Republic, you will be able to obtain citizenship of this wonderful European country.

Similar procedures for registering companies exist in most other EU countries, which may change only in some respects. For example, the leadership of Cyprus and, accordingly, Greece introduced some new items. They do not greatly complicate the procedure for registering a company. This is, first of all, the inability to use the following words in the names of their companies: Imperial, International, King. It is also forbidden to duplicate the names of companies already existing in the country. And every limited liability company in its name must have the word limited in its full version or abbreviated ltd. This approach to business prevents the possibility of misleading potential clients of a newly opened small business. It takes on average from 14 to 30 days to collect and notarize all the necessary documents, register and open a business abroad, namely in Europe.

Evgeny Smirnov

# Business ideas

Promising and unusual startups from Europe

A striking example of the use of European business ideas in Russia is demonstrated by Tatyana Bakalchuk, who founded the Wildberries online store from scratch.

The United States has long been considered a generator of successful and famous startups. However, business ideas from Europe are also relevant for domestic entrepreneurs. In addition, European business models are perfectly adapted to the realities of the Russian market. The peculiarity of such a business is its diversity and is characterized by efficient management.

Rules for searching for business ideas

If you are looking for business ideas from Europe to use on the Russian market, then there are two ways to find them:

  1. Ask your friends and acquaintances who have business abroad what interesting startups there are at the moment. In addition, you can subscribe to groups of Russian emigrants in Europe and receive information from them.
  2. Use foreign business sites. This will require knowledge of a foreign language, however, with the right approach, you can get dozens of fresh ideas that have proven their effectiveness.

Remember! A good product solves problems and meets customer needs. Only in this case will consumers be willing to pay for it. You can’t build a business on personal preferences; it’s better to choose what will be in demand on the market.

In order for the selected business idea to be as effective and functional as possible, you should follow these tips:

  • The hunt for options should be carried out in different places and with massive communication with potential consumers.
  • Any idea, even if it seems ineffective, should be written down. The ideal option is to create a file cabinet where possible projects will be categorized.
  • You can make important decisions and take action only some time after acquiring an idea.
  • When researching a potential startup, you should put yourself in the shoes of the consumer and analyze what they are missing in the region. This increases the chances of finding a good idea that will make a profit.
  • If the business plan is not unique, then you first need to study the level of competition in the region and think through the competitive advantages of your business that will help it develop.
  • After selecting a business, it is extremely important to communicate with a person involved in a similar business in order to obtain information about all the pitfalls and problems.

Business ideas that do not exist in Russia

To launch your own successful business, you need to offer customers something that is not yet on the market. Having found an idea for a startup that does not exist in Russia, you can become a monopolist in a certain area, which always leads to big profits.

Moving packing rental

Rent out moving packaging is a type of business that is gaining popularity among conservative Europeans. They often change their place of residence or work, and without the appropriate boxes it is extremely difficult to ensure the integrity of their property. Special packaging allows you to keep things in order and quickly assemble or disassemble them.

Of course, the cost of such a box is low, but after moving this product is no longer needed and you will have to throw it away. This is why you can offer boxes for rent, which can be returned to the landlord after the move.

You should purchase high-quality packaging that can last as long as possible, because the amount of profit you make depends on this. In addition, the client will be satisfied with the use of a durable product.

A similar service is not yet provided on the domestic market, but it will certainly be popular and in demand, especially in megacities.

Keys are the basis for the security of an apartment, vehicle or commercial property. That is why every person makes duplicates of them. In Russia, to do this you need to find a master, give him your precious key and after some time return for a duplicate.

But in the USA and Europe there are special self-service machines for such purposes. The key is installed in the receiver, after which the system scans it. The machine makes and issues a duplicate key right on the spot.

Such a business idea has great prospects, because sooner or later every person has to make duplicates. The absence of a human factor allows you to be sure that attackers will not make an additional copy for themselves. The machines are small in size, so they can be installed in shopping centers and other places with high traffic.

Hotels for plants

Hotels for people have existed for centuries. Hotels for animals appeared relatively recently, but similar places for plants are new in 2019 in Europe. Many people don’t know what to do with their flowers when they go on vacation or on a business trip. Not every person has good neighbors or relatives who can water the plants and care for them during the owner’s absence.

This business idea is an excellent solution for a big city. In the initial stages, you can do it right at home, and to maintain it you need to have specialized skills in caring for plants.

The most popular and interesting ideas

Among the residents of European countries there are many brilliant entrepreneurs with interesting ideas that can be used in domestic realities.

Women's repair teams

For the first time such a business appeared in England, famous for its business women. The main advantage of this idea is that women can boast of greater responsibility and careful attitude towards objects than men.

In addition, such a team will enjoy the trust of female clients who need to decorate an apartment or office space. The only drawback is that in Russia there are still few ladies who specialize in repairs and are capable of professionally performing finishing work.

A business that exists without advertising is doomed to failure. In the UK, savvy advertising agencies have been able to use weather events to their advantage. Every time after heavy snowfalls, prints advertising various products and companies appear on the snow-covered ground.

Considering the fact that Russia is famous for its long winters and abundant snow cover, such an interesting business idea needs to be adopted.

Unlimited taxi rides

Mobile operators have long understood the advantages of unlimited tariffs, and European carriers decided to adopt this marketing ploy from them. For a certain amount per month, the client can travel by taxi unlimitedly, forgetting about the hassle of having a car, buying gasoline, car wash, etc.

For a person who goes to work every day, but does not like to use public transport, such a service will be very useful. And the carrier will receive a constant influx of customers and will be able to provide its drivers with work.

Pizzas of different shapes

It would seem that such an old culinary invention as pizza can no longer surprise, but the Italians decided to prove the opposite. Especially for people who don't have much time for lunch, establishments in Rome and Venice offer pizza in a variety of shapes, including cup options.

Now you can taste the product on the go, without wasting precious time. In a metropolis, the business idea of ​​pizza in cups is sure to become popular.

New business ideas for 2019

Every year, entrepreneurs in Europe launch new startups that are popular and bring profit to their owners.

Business ideas in the field of trade

Trading has always been the best way to increase your capital. The most important thing when organizing such a business is to find a product that will be in demand.

Segway and unicycle store

In Europe today, close attention is paid to modern methods of transportation, allowing active people to lead a healthy lifestyle and spend less time on the road.

To open a store, it will be necessary to organize a trading area that corresponds to the specifics of the product. Segways and unicycles are in demand among young people, so the store environment should meet their needs and requirements. It is better to decorate the interior in a modern style, giving preference to metal and glass materials.

Along with a stationary store, you need to launch a website, because the required target audience is not used to leaving home for purchases of this kind.

Condoms for teenagers

Early puberty not only adds problems for parents, but also makes it possible to make money from the production of contraceptives. This is how one of the companies in Switzerland became rich, which began producing condoms for teenagers. The majority of boys aged 12–16 years surveyed complained that standard condoms are too big, so they have to do without them.

By launching the production of such contraception, you can enlist the support of the AIDS Federation and other organizations, as European companies do. The main thing is to properly think through the marketing component. You can initially distribute free condoms in schools as an advertisement, accompanying all this with lectures about STDs.

Business ideas in manufacturing

The basic rule of production is to produce a product that is impossible or difficult to do without. This is what you need to be guided by when choosing the best business idea from Europe in this area.

Toilets for cats

The production of litter boxes for cats from natural biodegradable materials is a common practice in European countries, but we do not yet have such enterprises.

The main advantage of the eco-tray is that it is made from recycled materials, which significantly reduces its cost. The kit includes the tray itself and the filler. All this can be used within seven days, and then thrown into the trash bin or compost bin. The offer can be slightly modernized so that the trays can last a little longer, and then huge demand will definitely be ensured. Serious production capacity is not required, so you can organize a business in the garage.

Flour milling business

This idea for production is extremely profitable, because bread and other flour products are consumed by almost every person in our country. The difference between Russia and Europe is that our flour milling business is divided between large players in the market, while in Germany or Switzerland there are many small producers.

Today one can observe an acute confrontation between the United States and China in the economic sphere, which will undoubtedly affect the demand for flour. It is the Celestial Empire that is the world's largest importer, and having lost supplies from America, China will definitely turn its gaze towards Russia. Large entrepreneurs have already become interested in such opportunities, trying to reorient themselves to the foreign market, thereby freeing up the domestic market for small mills.

Flour is made not only from wheat, but from many grain crops. Initially, to grow your business, you can enter into contracts with small bakeries and bakeries, organizing delivery to them, and then offer your products to supermarkets and stores.

Service business ideas

The service market is growing rapidly, allowing the most daring and promising plans to be implemented in Russia. In 2019, the following business ideas, which have long gained popularity in Europe, will be in demand:

Software development Creation, testing and support of software for both individuals and companies. Demand in this segment is growing by 20% every year.
Services for children Organization of private kindergartens, teaching foreign languages, dancing, etc.
Bicycle rental, sale and repair The popularization of healthy lifestyle has spread throughout the entire planet, and the number of people who want to use bicycles is growing every day. When starting a business, it is important to consider its seasonality.
Looking after older people Unlike the US and Europe, we do not have private elderly care centers in our country, which makes this idea an excellent opportunity to make a profit.
Psychologist therapy According to statistics, every year the demand for consultations with a psychotherapist grows by 14%. There is not much competition yet, so there is still a lot of opportunity to start.

Business ideas in rural areas

Residents of towns and villages can choose decent and profitable options from the experience of European countries. Among the projects that generate the most income are the following:

  • production of frozen vegetables and fruits;
  • creation and maintenance of a farm;
  • breeding pheasants, turkeys or chickens;
  • beekeeping;
  • greenhouse business.

Business ideas with minimal investment

Beginning entrepreneurs do not have much capital to do something serious. In this case, you can choose business ideas from Europe that require minimal investment. By approaching this process wisely, you can build a successful business.

Among such projects are the following:

  • Handyman. Provide the services of a technician who can change an outlet, repair a faucet, or install a boiler.
  • Production of decorative candles. No investment is required, because production is carried out upon pre-order.
  • Printing on a 3D printer to order. These can be any parts and objects. You receive a sketch from the client, print and send him the finished product.
  • Water delivery service. The main expense items are filters for water purification, transportation for delivery and advertising materials.
  • Baking homemade cupcakes. Products are purchased separately for each order, which requires minimal investment.

Business of the future - ideas that may soon become part of everyday life

Globalization and personalization will soon change the way people think not only about business, but also about the world as a whole. The elimination of spatial barriers leads to the fact that businesses become larger, but fewer and fewer people are required to manage them.

In search of a relevant, futuristic and fresh idea for a business that can become a part of our lives in the future, you should pay attention to the following:

  • Instant insurance. Today, many banks offer insurance for themselves or their loved ones through online banking.
  • Growing fruits and vegetables right in the city. The demand for environmentally friendly products is growing every day, but there are practically no offers on the market.
  • A service for ordering online services for the delivery of food, clothes, hairdresser, etc. Each segment is developing separately, but there is nothing common and universal yet.
  • Electric vehicle charging stations. It is this vehicle that will become the main part of the automobile business in the future, so gas stations will be in high demand.
  • 3D printing items. This could be the creation of human organs, bones and other parts of the body, household tools, etc. Technology is limited only by human imagination.
  • Business of protecting personal and confidential information. Advanced technologies greatly facilitate the process of storing data, but they are also susceptible to hacking. Services to combat cybercriminals and organize the security of company servers are already in demand, which will only grow in the future.

Special attention should be paid to nanotechnologies, which are already popular in the European market. In the near future, miniature robots will be in every industry, from space to the food industry. Today, nanorobots are being developed that can accelerate the healing of organs after injury, rejuvenate the skin and have a beneficial effect on overall health.

How to test a business idea

A good business idea is one that will be popular and in demand among potential consumers. Before starting work, an entrepreneur should make sure that the idea will be profitable.

The best way to do this is to determine demand:

  • develop a landing page and conduct an advertising campaign to find out the level of interest in your product or service among consumers;
  • place advertisements on free or paid bulletin boards;
  • study the number of requests for certain keywords in popular search engines;
  • Follow relevant topics on social networks where there is a target audience necessary for your business.

Janet Kraus Method

Entrepreneur and Harvard Business School lecturer Janet Kraus has developed a system for evaluating any idea. According to the teacher, a good idea should be:

  • oxygen - that is, a product or service that is impossible to do without;
  • medicine - a product that you can do without, but this will disrupt your level of comfort;
  • jewel - goods that are not necessary, but are in demand due to the positive emotions from owning them.

If a business idea from Europe does not meet such demands, then you should think about the feasibility of its implementation.

Walt Disney Method

Disney Studios uses a different practice to weed out unnecessary ideas. Walt Disney proposed to distinguish three rooms: wizards, realists and critics.

In the first room, company employees could express the most fantastic ideas without thinking about the possibilities of implementation, budget and technical issues. The team recorded them, after which they moved to the next room where the realists lived. Here it was necessary to understand how long it would take to implement each plan, whether the process could be simplified, and whether the project was even realistic.

The toughest discussion was in the room of critics, whose main task was to find any shortcomings in the project and return it to one of the previous rooms for revision. And this continued until there was silence in the room of critics: the idea was considered ideal and could lay claim to being brought to life.

"Mom Test"

Very often, before starting a business, entrepreneurs interview their friends, relatives or potential clients on the street. They demonstrate the product, find out opinions about it and, based on the information received, decide to launch a business. However, in most cases the answers are incorrect. This is the same as asking your mother, who thinks that her child is the best and the product is perfect. Clients also often lie so as not to offend the entrepreneur or to leave quickly rather than tell them what exactly doesn’t suit them.

To get the most honest answer possible, you need to think through all the questions. Don't ask if you like the product, but rather find out what its weaknesses are and how you can solve this problem. With the right approach, you can get feedback from clients that will help develop your business and take it to the next level.

Why not all foreign business ideas take root in Russia and what difficulties may arise during their implementation

Each idea has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account when launching a project in Russia. Unfortunately, not all startups that are in demand in Europe will make a profit in the domestic market.

First and most important, the idea used must be unique and not copy an existing project. Each startup has many options that are considered during its formation. The copy is the result of other people's work. An entrepreneur can see the consequences of implementing a certain project, but he does not know how exactly such results were achieved and whether it will be possible to repeat this.

Most startups fail due to geographic mismatch. The characteristics of the region where the project will be promoted should be taken into account. For example, the income level of people in Berlin and in some Russian province is significantly different, which must be taken into account when formulating an offer.

The market of each country has its own characteristics. Depending on the industry, these features are stronger or weaker.

When domestic entrepreneurs try to bring a foreign business idea to life, not only the conceptual part is used, but also the business model itself. One might assume that this will minimize risks, but walking on the beaten track does not always bring success. You may encounter the following problems:

  • It is not a fact that the idea will be in demand on the domestic market. It is necessary to take into account mentality, income level, local culture and legislation.
  • The project will fight with the original. A striking example is the struggle of the social network Instagram with any clones, up to the removal of applications from the App Store or Play Market.
  • There is every chance that the original project will enter the local market. And here it will be extremely difficult to compete, because an established European brand will clearly inspire more trust among consumers than a local newcomer entrepreneur.

What is better: buy a franchise or start your own business, based on business ideas that do not yet exist in Russia

When thinking about how to start a business in Russia, many understand that it is much easier to use a ready-made model than to try to reinvent the wheel. This is the essence of franchising.

Franchising is a way of organizing a business that involves cloning a model that has already been tested and proven to be effective. The franchisor grants the partner not only the right to use his brand and trademark, but also teaches business methods.

If, when trying to independently build something similar, an entrepreneur receives only the idea itself, and the strategy has to be developed on his own, then in the case of a franchise, everything necessary is provided.

Why is buying a franchise more profitable than opening your own business based on ideas from Europe?

  1. An aspiring entrepreneur receives a ready-made work plan, which includes an estimate, recommendations for the purchase of equipment, personnel selection, logistics, etc.
  2. According to statistics, when starting a business, only 3 out of 10 companies fail, and when using a franchise - 8.
  3. The entrepreneur receives the right to work under a well-known European brand, which allows him to reduce marketing costs.
  4. Even a businessman who does not have much work experience and is not creative can make a business successful. You need to be a good manager so that the business can develop.
  5. It is much easier to get a loan for a franchise than for a completely new business. In addition, the franchise owner often acts as a guarantor when the franchisee receives borrowed funds.
  6. An entrepreneur working under a franchise does not need to spend money on market research, since this is the job of the franchisor.

Working under a purchased franchise has a number of advantages over starting your own business. However, even such a system does not provide a 100% guarantee that the startup will be successful and profitable. Much depends on the local market situation, so you need to research it as carefully as possible.

Thus, using business ideas from Europe to start your own business in Russia is extremely effective and profitable. It's no secret that projects in European countries appear much earlier than in the domestic market. This allows you to borrow successful and latest models, reducing your own risks.

When choosing a specific European idea, you should take into account the characteristics of the local market and customer needs. Only in this case can you become a successful entrepreneur and not incur losses.