What is the best inexpensive red wine to buy? How to choose a good inexpensive wine? Classic Egri Bikaver

So, by popular demand, I am doing a short review of dry wines in the category under 500 rubles, which you can really drink and most of which I myself have tried several times. Let's start unconventionally - with red, then pink, then white. I don't know why, I just felt like it. I will present to you 18 wine samples.
ATTENTION! Where the inscription “my choice” is written, this means that I not only drank this wine and liked it, but I buy it again and again.
Let's go!

Michelle Torino Shiraz 2010
357 rub.

There will be a lot of wines from Michelle Torino today, since Michelle Torino is the producer who never makes bad wines. And even his budget wines are quite drinkable. A light wine that is ideal with something meaty, and which you can drink a lot and unnoticed. My friend and I went through 3 bottles of the lamb.

Michelle Torino
Don David Malbec 2008 and Don David Cabernet Sauvignon 2008
535 rub.

Now there is still a 2008 on sale, but as it runs out, it is replaced on the shelf by a 2009. The wine was aged for 1 year in oak. If we talk about Malbec - I tried it, and I really liked it - the wine is dense and rich. As for cabernet sauvignon, this sample is the absolute leader among cabernet sauvignons in terms of price/quality ratio.

Rapido Red Sangiovese 2009
407 rub.

Dense, but not overly rich. Light bitterness in the aftertaste. In general, I really love wines from Italy, and I am partial to them.

Rocca Alata Valpolicella Superiore 2009 (producer: Cantina di Soave)
395 rub.

This wine was a real discovery for me. To receive such a beautiful Valpolicella for such money is simply a gift. Today, by the way, after a “photo shoot” in the store, I bought several bottles to take home. One of them was this wine.
The wine is light, but not watery. Quite high acidity, but this acidity is correct. Aromatics: undergrowth, dried cherry.

My choice!

Undurraga Sybaris Pinot Noir 2010 and Sybaris Carménère 2008
535 rub.

Pinot noir is very similar to classic French pinot noir at this price point.
This Carminer has been voted the best Carminer in Chile at this price point.

Carminer - My choice!

Coteaux du Languedoc Chateau de Mougins "La Gag" 2008
Grape varieties: Syrah, Grenache, Cinsault, Carignan
407 rub.

Wine from the south of France. Quite a spicy wine with a round, velvety taste.

Now two rose wines.

Pink Panther Bordeaux Rose 2009
Merlot with addition of cabernet sauvignon and cabernet franc
349 rub.

A simple, fresh wine of medium acidity, raspberry-strawberry aromas. Just in time for summer.

Michelle Torino Malbec Rosé 2010
357 rub.

Rich wine with a slight bitterness. At the tasting, I personally didn’t like it very much precisely because of its heaviness, but many people liked this.

White wines.

Cadiz Pinot Griggio 2010 and Cadiz Chardonnay 2010
283 rub.

I have already written about this pinot grigio. A wine with low fermentation, that is, with bubbles and a pronounced duchesse aroma. A summer version of a very chilled drink for every day and to quench your thirst. This also applies to Chardonnay.

Rapido White Pinot Grigio 2010
407 rub.

A more mature pinot grigio compared to Cadiz. Acidity is medium to high, very light and summery.

Undurraga Sybaris Chardonnay 2009
535 rub.

The wine was aged for six months in oak. Round and velvety taste, aromas of nuts and peach jam.

Entre-de-Mer Chateau Tour Chapou
sauvignon blanc 70%, semillon 25%, muscadelle 5%
535 rub.

A very light and fresh wine, mineral and with good acidity. I really like it and goes perfectly with seafood and fish dishes.

My choice!

Gavi Kanti 2009
479 rub.

Popular imported wines have risen in price due to the jump in exchange rates. "Business Petersburg" asked large producers and importers how to choose wine now and whether it is possible to buy a quality product for no more than 500 rubles per bottle.

The above-mentioned 500 rubles is a conditional amount chosen by the editors as an indicator of consumer opportunities. The indicated figure cannot be considered an ironclad protection against an unsuccessful purchase, experts warn. “Of course, when purchasing expensive products, there is a much greater chance of getting something really interesting, but only the buyer’s own knowledge about wine can be a real guarantee of quality,” says Dmitry Zhurkin, import director of the Ladoga group and founder of the Wine Masters sommelier school.

“The price can only serve as a signal; the function of a guarantor of wine quality is performed only by the international classification of wines,” agrees Kirill Kalmyk, Marketing Director. So, on the front side of a bottle of Spanish wines you need to look for the abbreviation DO, for French wines AOC and AOK are used, as well as the designation of the castle and grape variety, for Chilean wines this role is played by belonging to the region of wine production (the best wines are those produced in the central area). But for Russian wines such designations are not provided.

“You can definitely buy good wine for 500 rubles!” - says Anna Mekhovykh, training manager for assortment of LLC "". She advises going to supermarkets or liquor stores to buy inexpensive and decent wine, rather than to boutiques. “Thanks to large volumes and investments from suppliers, chain stores, through discounts and seasonal sales on imported alcohol, provide consumers with a better price and choice,” explains Anna Mekhovkhov.

What can you buy

As it turned out, 500 rubles is an amount that allows you not only to buy good wine, but also to choose more. True, the choice is not that wide.

Most familiar or familiar brands now cost more than 600 rubles, so importers and distributors are adapting to new realities, offering new brands from poorly represented regions, says Anna Mekhovkhov. For example, there are many proposals from the Spanish regions, as a rule, these are young, open and clear wines with a fruity component, there are also wines from Portugal and the countries of the New World (Central Valley of Chile, southwestern Australia, South Africa and Argentina), except Moreover, these are Russian wines from reliable producers who receive awards at prestigious Russian and international competitions and occupy good positions in the ranking of Russian wines.

Mikhail Nikolaev, managing partner of the family enterprise Nikolaev and Sons (Russian wine producer), also advises paying attention to wines from the New World and Russian producers. In his opinion, European wines are greatly overpriced: “Many people are used to thinking that if they’re going to buy wine, they need to choose Spain, France and Italy, but in fact, in our stores wine costs 500-700 rubles, which in Spain is sold for 1 .5 euros, so I would not talk about the high quality of such a product."

In terms of price-quality ratio, in the category up to 500 rubles there are young wines from the New World: Argentina, Chile, Australia, South Africa, Georgia or simple table wines from Europe often fall into this category, Dmitry Zhurkin gives a similar opinion. As an interesting fact, he notes that since such products do not have the potential for long-term aging and must be drunk in the next 1-3 years, they are sealed with a screw cap. “This fact sometimes unnecessarily frightens the buyer - given the short shelf life, the wine does not require closing with a special cork stopper,” he says.

As for Russian wines, a buyer can expect to buy for 500 rubles only wines bottled in Russia, but made from imported wine materials, says Kirill Kalmyk. As a representative of the company - a leader in the production of champagne, he could not help but note the sparkling wines made in Russia.

Import substitution failed

Judging by the statistics, market participants have had to worry in recent years - wine sales in St. Petersburg, after a couple of years of growth, are now declining. recorded a slight surge in sales at the beginning of last year, but in the first half of 2016, 1,584.5 thousand dal of wine were sold in St. Petersburg, which is 4.6% less than sales for the same period in 2015.

Wine sales volume in St. Petersburg, 1st half of the year, thousand decalitres

Just because a wine is inexpensive doesn’t mean it’s tasteless. Let's try to figure out how to choose the right delicious wine in an affordable price range. (Of course, we’re not talking about “babblers” for 100 rubles.)

For many people, buying wine in a restaurant becomes an ordeal. What can we say about choosing wine on your own in a store where you can see several racks of all kinds of bottles of different price categories. The matter becomes even more complicated if the wine is intended for important guests or celebrations. The chooser feels responsible for the taste and quality of what is poured into the bottle.

Why do we feel depressed and think that everyone will judge us for our choice, especially if we buy inexpensive wine? You may answer: “Well, because wine producers know the quality of their product and will not sell something really worth it cheap.”

But wine can get onto store shelves in different ways! No one is safe from buying counterfeits. Yes, you need to be careful when choosing wine, but everyone can make the right choice. By the way, one of the points: you should buy wine without excessive tension and suspicion. This is not an exam, a lot depends on the case.

How to choose and buy wine

How to choose wine? Flipping through multi-page wine lists at a restaurant or glancing at rows of bottles in a store can make you feel desperate. And if, on top of all this, your budget is limited, you can give up, choose the first bottle you come across with a cute little animal on the label and run away.

But in fact, armed with a little knowledge, you can buy or order wine like a pro!

First, you must decide what “cheap and cheerful” means to you. The range will be taken here from 300 to 500 rubles.

Secondly, we must admit that the excise stamp is not a confirmation of the taste of the wine. Just like a plastic stopper or a screw cap is not a sign of a bad wine. It’s just that wine is a kind of tradition, a cork stopper is part of the tradition. But some manufacturers are moving away from it. For example, some winemakers in New Zealand and Australia were the first to use metal screw caps and for good reason: they reliably protect the wine. Such caps can be found on bottles for 300 rubles and 1200 rubles.

Basic Rules

Wines from some countries, wine-growing regions, types and varieties of grapes are sold cheaper than their analogues. For example, Vinho Verde from Portugal - a wonderful white wine with a tart fruity taste and small bubbles. It is ideal for summer picnics and quiet family evenings on the dacha veranda. And you can buy it for even less than 300 rubles.

Italy also produces several good wines ranging from 300 to 500 rubles. Take at least Primitivo, Sangiovese And Merlot.

Avoid wines that require long maturation: e.g. Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, Barolo or Amarone. These wines shouldn't be cheap. If they are inexpensive, then it is a fake (or bad wine) or not yet ready to drink.

Choose from wines that taste good when "fresh". These include Shiraz, Sauvignon Blanc, majority Rieslings and some others.

How to buy wine in a restaurant

Nowadays, few restaurants offer homemade wine. Most often, wine lists contain a list of bottled wine. If you often go to a certain restaurant and there is a large selection of wines, then order a new name each time. This is a great way to find out what your likes and dislikes are. Remember the taste of the wine, how it goes with various dishes, how it smells, what you liked/disliked.

Make your list of preferences and ask the waiter to advise/recommend something suitable. Some restaurants (at least abroad) even practice preliminary tasting.

Dispelling the myth about wines

Have you heard the rule: red wine - with meat and white wine - with fish and poultry? This rule was observed when French wines were served with lunch or dinner. Now it no longer works - our tastes and food have changed so much. Asian, Indian, Mediterranean trends have penetrated our cuisine, which changes the “rules” for wines. What should you consider when buying wine for a particular main course?

Here's a simple rule: Asian foods often pair well with crisp, acidic white wines. These good quality wines can be purchased for a fairly reasonable price. Red wines with a pronounced, rich taste go well with fatty red meat. You can choose red wine from those produced in Australia, Spain, Portugal, Italy - they will suit both quality and money.

Even good champagne can be affordable. This question is especially relevant on the eve of the upcoming New Year. Do you want to see sparkling wine on your holiday table that won’t break your pocket? Then look Cremant from France, Asti (Asti) And Prosecco (Prosecco) from Italy and Cava from Spain. Bottles of this wine can be found for 500 rubles (600-700 is more likely).

Good luck with your choice!

It is difficult to choose a decent wine without understanding anything about it. Some people use the rule “the more expensive the better.” But even at a high price, the drink may turn out to be of poor quality. If you are just going to explore the culture of wine, then start with inexpensive products. A few tips will help you find a good drink.
There was no wine culture in the USSR. The drink was considered a dessert drink, and therefore was sweet. And it differed only in color. Red wine or white - the dilemma of the Soviet man. It tasted the same.
But time passed, the range of wines expanded, and more and more people became interested in what was in their glass. And a stereotype arose: only an expensive drink can be tasty and aromatic. Although today even budget brands are quite decent. Wine for daily consumption does not have to be expensive at all. For a casual dinner, you can grab a bottle for a modest price. But here it is important to choose the right wine. After all, a cheap drink can turn out to be not only tasteless, but also harmful to health. And then you will be lucky if you wake up in the morning with just a headache. It's worse if you get severe poisoning. But don’t think that all wine at an affordable price is of poor quality. Among the budget options there are plenty of bottles of excellent drink. All that remains is to learn how to find them.

1. Buy within 300-600 rubles. Wine cheaper than 300, unfortunately, cannot be classified as a quality product. But more expensive drinks will be appropriate for a home dinner or a friendly party. You'll enjoy them, but don't expect much more. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to taste the versatility of the taste.
2. Take the bottle on which the shadow falls. Budget alcohol is not stored in wine cellars; it is located on shelves in the sales area. And often the bottles “sunbathe” right under the store’s powerful lamps. Therefore, before purchasing, make sure that the container is cold. If it is hot, then the product “boils” inside, losing all its taste and properties. Don’t be lazy to climb deep into the stand and take a bottle that is not exposed to the spotlight.
3. Don't buy on sales. Huge discounts are attractive, but don’t be fooled. Miser pays twice. Take a closer look at the bottles; if they have an external defect (the label is damaged, there is dirt or splashes on the bottle), then the price is reduced because of this. You can take this. If the packaging has no flaws, then you should be wary. The product itself is probably damaged.

4. Choose young wine. The rule “the older the better” does not work with budget drinks. If you see a “ripe” wine that costs up to 600 rubles, then it is most likely sour. It’s just that this bottle or batch was not sold on time. Of course, you won’t get poisoned with this product, but you obviously won’t like the taste. Therefore, give preference to young wine.
5. Focus on white wine. The technology for making such a drink is simpler. And the cost is lower. The chances of choosing an inexpensive good wine among white varieties are higher than among red varieties.
6. Look at the geography. European drinks will cost more because... France, Spain, Italy, Greece, etc. They have been engaged in winemaking since ancient times and have succeeded in this area. Products from the New World (Chile, Argentina, America) have more affordable prices. In these countries, vineyards appeared relatively recently, which makes it possible not to inflate the cost of drinks until now. Both wines will be delicious, but if you want to save even more, you should give preference to drinks from the New World.

7. Don't focus on the traffic jam. There is an opinion that a quality wine can only have a natural cork. However, even expensive products these days come with a silicone or screw-on capsule. This is just the manufacturer's choice.
8. Don't look at the grape variety. The taste of the drink depends more on the production technology: harvest date, fermentation temperature, sugar level. Don’t focus on the variety; study other factors. Good inexpensive wine is young: last year or 2 years ago. Please note that the label must state "natural wine". If this is not the case, then the drink is synthetic.
9. Forget about sweets. You may be surprised, but nowhere in the world do they drink semi-sweet or sweet wine. There are, of course, dessert varieties, but they are not in demand. Only dry wines have a rich and rich taste.

10. Understand the place of manufacture. Pay attention to where the wine is not only produced, but also bottled. It is better to choose one that does not involve intermediaries. When a manufacturer is independently responsible for the quality of a product, it is not profitable for him to lower the bar and spoil his reputation. And middlemen sin by diluting the wine to reduce costs.
As you understand, when choosing a wine, you need to carefully study its label. To please yourself and your loved ones with an inexpensive and tasty drink, buy a young (1-2 years old) product, manufactured and packaged in one place, preferably brought from the New World. And let it be a cold bottle of dry white wine.
Wine: 9 Myths and Facts You Should Know About

The deeper the hole at the bottom of the bottle, the better: MYTH
Some winemakers say that this shape is needed to ensure that most of the sediment remains at the bottom. This recess in the bottle is usually made for more convenient transportation and storage of wine. Thus, when choosing wine, you should not attach special importance to the recess at the bottom of the bottle, much less its size.

Russian women prefer wine, and men prefer strong drinks: TRUTH
According to statistics from wine restaurants, wine consumption in Russia has increased 10–15 times over the past 20 years. And this is thanks to women. Men still prefer stronger drinks. There is also an opinion that a woman can smell more aromas. For example, she is able to smell musky, but a man cannot. This can be explained by hormones that increase in different phases of women’s cycles.

White wine with fish: MYTH
A common myth is about pairing fish only with white wine. Sommeliers do not pay attention to such cliches. Moreover, it is often recommended to pair red wines from Mediterranean countries such as Italy or Spain with fish. Red wine is served with tuna and fattier types of fish: carp, trout and salmon. In addition, if red wine was used in the sauce for the dish, then red wine should also be served.

Red wine is good for women: TRUTH
Many studies show that the flavonoids contained in wine stimulate collagen production. Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants. They reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and varicose veins. Dry wine has an analgesic effect during menstruation. It dilates blood vessels and relieves spasms. Wine also stimulates the production of the male hormone testosterone, which helps balance hormonal levels.

Wine dehydrates the body: MYTH
Dehydration is a big fear of wine lovers. There is an opinion that alcoholic drinks dehydrate our body. And this is true if you don’t know the measures. Sommeliers recommend that those who are afraid of dehydrating their body with wine should wash it down with still water. The amount of water should be the same as the amount of wine. And if you drink the daily amount of water (1.5–2 liters), then dehydration does not threaten at all.

Red wine is more popular than white: TRUE
According to statistics, more than 65% of respondents would prefer red wine to white. It’s difficult to say what caused the scales to tip in favor of red. Many people love the richness of red wine over the sour notes of white. Some people consider white not the main drink. It has been observed that white wines are more popular in countries with warm climates, as white wine is considered more summery.

Wine for mulled wine needs to be boiled: MYTH
Mulled wine is a favorite winter drink based on red wine. This is hot wine, but it cannot be boiled. To prevent the wine from losing its properties, it must be heated to a maximum of 70 degrees. When boiling, most of the alcohol will evaporate and it will lose its taste. You need to boil the base of the drink: water, spices and other ingredients.

Red wine is healthier than white wine: TRUE
The chemical composition of red wine is significantly higher than white wine. Red wine contains large quantities of antioxidants - substances that slow down the aging process of the body, reduce cholesterol levels and have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. A glass of red wine can saturate a person with rare vitamin P. Vitamin P ensures the absorption of ascorbic acid and has a good effect on metabolism.

Wine contains a lot of sulfites, which cause headaches: MYTH
Many people attribute headaches after wine to an allergy to sulfites, but this is not true. A very low percentage have these types of allergies. As a rule, these are people with asthma. Wine contains a small amount of sulfites. In addition, dried fruits contain much more sulfites than wine.

Wine, according to the world medical community, is recognized as the only alcoholic drink that not only does not harm health, but improves it, of course, if the measure is observed. But everything: strengthening blood vessels, activating brain function and calming nerves - can only be obtained from a good quality product.

Many people think that you have to pay a lot for a good drink. We undertake to prove that good, but inexpensive, exists.

How to choose a good but inexpensive wine

One day you will certainly wonder how to choose good wine at a cheaper price. Do not fall for the hackneyed phrase that good things are always expensive, price is not a guarantee of quality.

When buying inexpensive wine, you need to focus on:

  • Price. High-quality wine does not cost less than 300 rubles; it is better to choose between 300 and 600 rubles.
  • Don’t be too lazy to take the bottle out from the depths of the shelf, this guarantees the preservation of taste and quality, because such a bottle is not exposed to the warming rays of lamps.
  • Pay attention to wines with discounts and sales, and monitor their expiration dates. Perhaps the wine is old or past its sell-by date.
  • You, of course, have heard that wine gets better with age, but this is not about budget drinks. Delicious, inexpensive young wine is ready to drink.
  • The best choice would be . It is cheaper, and due to simple technology, it is of better quality.
  • Old World drinks tend to be more expensive, because winemaking originated there - in Greece, France, Italy and Spain. Wine producers from Argentina and Chile price their goods cheaper, although their wine is just as tasty.
  • Remember the most important rule: the taste of the drink does not depend on the grape variety, but on the technology and place of bottling. To choose a bottle of an inexpensive but high-quality product, look for the inscription “natural wine”, the aging period is last year or two years ago, it must be bottled in the same place where it was produced.

Dry white wines

There are a huge number of varieties of white grapes; they serve as raw materials for the production of dry white wines. And if you consider that different brands of drinks are obtained by mixing grape berries of different varieties, then it is clear that there are even more varieties of dry white wines.

What dry white wine is considered high quality? Something that has a color from straw to golden, alcohol content from 9 to 14% and sugar up to 0.3 g/100 cm3.


This is the name of the region of Italy near Verona where this wine is produced. Connoisseurs rank Soave products very highly. They are created from rare grape varieties - Garganega, Trebbiano, Verdicchio, Chardonnay.

The color of Soave wines is straw, the aroma combines a fruity note and the smell of a green meadow, the taste balances between a sour note and a sweetish note, the aftertaste is fruity. You can't go wrong if you choose a bottle of Villa Razina Soave Classico 2009 when choosing a drink.

Pinot Grigio

This is the name of the grapes from which light wines are made. A wonderful example of such a wine would be the Italian Cadiz Pinot Grigio 2010.


Drinks with the general name Chardonnay are made from the berries of the Chardonnay grape variety, which has long spread throughout the world, however, the wines of the New World enjoy worldwide recognition.

Excellent drinks are also obtained from other grape varieties:

  • from the Riesling variety – Jordan Stellenbosch Riesling 2009 with a magical citrus aroma;
  • from the Cortese variety - Gavi Canti 2009, which is called the white king of Piedmontese wines;
  • from the Sauvignon variety - French Sauvignon Blanc, known since the 18th century.

Good inexpensive dry red wines

There are approximately 4,500 varieties in the world. They have a tart taste, less sour than white, but stronger.

Dry red wine comes in two types:

  • with sugar content 1%, strength 9-13%;
  • with sugar content up to 3%, strength 14-16%.


The homeland of the Merlot variety is France, but now it is also grown in Italy, Argentina, and Chile. Merlot wines are soft, have a light aroma and a rich bouquet.

If you want to find a delicious dry red wine, buy a bottle of 2009 Pink Panther Bordeaux Rosé or Bordeaux made in France.


Wines of this variety are made from wine berries of the Sirach variety. These drinks are now produced not only by French winemakers, but also by masters from Australia and Argentina.

A fine example of this robust wine with chocolate notes is the 2010 Michele Torino Shiraz.


Fine dark burgundy dry drinks are also made from Malbec grapes. Surprising fact: the strength of these wines is usually higher - 15%, but the intoxication is neutralized by aging the wine in oak containers for up to two years.

If you are wondering which good Malbec wine to choose, take the Argentine drinks named after their creator - Michel Torino Don David Malbec 2008 or Don David Cabernet Sauvignon 2008.

Excellent wine products are also produced from other grapes: the Italian variety Sangiovese gave birth to the magnificent, calm Rapido red Sangiovese 2009), from wine berries Corvin and Molinara create the divine Rocca Alata Valpolicella Superiore 2009), Pinot Noir grapes gave life to the Chilean Undurraga Sybaris Pinot Noir 2010, and from the Carmenere grapes they created the delicious Sybaris Carmenere 2008.

Semi-sweet wines

While Western countries are famous for dry wines, they practically don’t drink sweet or semi-sweet wines. The production of semi-sweet wines is very complex in technology, and such elite drinks are very expensive.

Inexpensive, but very high-quality semi-sweet red wines are excellently produced in Crimea:

  • “Whisper of the Monk” (11% strength, sugar up to 5%).
  • “Crimean Pinot Noir” is made from the Pinot Noir variety, sugar content up to 5%, strength 9-12%.

Wine has accompanied humanity throughout its history. Legends were made about him, he was considered a gift from heaven and the elixir of life. Now, of course, its role in our lives is not so great, nevertheless it remains an element of the culture of many peoples.