What kind of eggs are used for protein cream? Protein cream

Step 1: prepare the chicken whites.

Attention: Before we prepare the sugar syrup, break the eggs, well washed under running water, using a knife, carefully separate the yolk from the white, placing them in a separate bowl, and put them in the refrigerator. This process is extremely necessary, since chilled egg whites will whip better and easier!

Step 2: prepare sugar syrup.

Place a pan of water over high heat and let the liquid boil. Then, having lowered the heat to medium level, hold the pan with boiling water with a kitchen oven mitt and pour a glass of sugar into it. Using a tablespoon, stir our sweet ingredient well in boiling water. Bring the sugar syrup to a boil and then cook over low heat, stirring it occasionally with a tablespoon. Attention: It is very important to correctly determine the readiness of the sugar syrup! There are two ways. The first method: if you use a tablespoon to pour a little syrup onto a clean saucer, and it will not spread over its surface, but will be viscous in consistency like honey, then our syrup is ready. Second method: take a little syrup from the pan into a tablespoon and let it cool, transferring the ingredient from the tablespoon into a clean saucer. Be extremely careful not to burn yourself when scooping syrup from the boiling liquid with a spoon! When the syrup becomes warm, use two fingers to roll it into a ball. He must roll up. If so, then the syrup is ready. Set the pan with the syrup aside and cover it with a lid so that the syrup does not cool. You don't have to turn off the heat yet, as we may have to heat the syrup a little more before we combine it with the whipped cream.

Step 3: Beat the egg white.

So, our egg white has already cooled down enough, so we take it out of the refrigerator and pour it into a wide saucepan. Be sure to add a pinch of salt to our ingredient at the very beginning, since thanks to this component the protein will whip better. And now, holding the bowl with one hand, use a mixer to beat our protein liquid. You can also add citric acid to the protein for taste, but this is optional. Attention: It is highly undesirable to stop beating the whites! To check the quality of the process, just look at the appearance of our ingredient after stopping the mixer. That is, if we turn off the appliance and remove the whisk from the container, the resulting protein peaks should retain their shape.

Step 4: prepare the protein cream.

The egg whites are well beaten and the sugar syrup is still hot. Therefore, we proceed to the most important step. So, continue to beat the protein mass with a mixer at medium speed. Holding the pan with hot syrup with oven mitts, introduce it in a thin stream into the bowl with the whites. Attention: It is very important that the syrup does not get on the mixer whisk, otherwise it will immediately harden and lumps will form. At the same time, we do not stop the process of whipping the protein for a second. You need to beat the egg white mixture until the resulting cream has cooled completely. And if you don’t have extra time, then the protein filling should be placed in a deep pan with cold water. This way our protein cream will cool down faster.

Step 5: serve the protein cream.

When our ingredient has cooled completely, it will be ready for its intended use, namely... They can decorate any cake. This cream is also perfect as a filling for cakes - baskets. Or straws. Therefore, using a pastry syringe filled with our cream, we decorate our confectionery product and serve it on a platter on the festive table, enjoying its taste. If you decide to cook the baked goods another day, it is important to remember that such cream Can be stored for no more than 36 hours in the refrigerator. Enjoy your meal!

- – If you add 100 grams of butter to the still warm protein cream, you will get a protein-butter cream.

- – Eggs, before breaking with a knife, must be rinsed very thoroughly under warm water to avoid pathogenic microbes that can cause a number of serious intestinal diseases getting into the egg white or yolk.

- – After you have cracked the egg, try to very carefully separate the egg yolk from the white so that the two ingredients do not mix.

- – The egg yolk, which we will not need for making the cream, can be used to prepare other dishes. Delight your child and make him eggnog from egg yolk!

- – The color of your cream will change and your cakes will look more colorful if you add food coloring to the egg white cream. You can also, after dividing our ingredient into small portions, use food coloring to color it in different colors and then decorate the cake with them, this will make the confectionery dish creamy and multi-colored.

- – When cooking syrup, do not “overdo it” with sugar, this can cause the syrup to become very thick. If you accidentally put in more sugar, then add a little more water. In other words: stick to the proportions when preparing the sugar syrup.

- – It’s better to whip the protein cream using a mixer, as this will make our ingredient thicker and airier, and you won’t have to reheat the sugar syrup before mixing it with the protein mass.

Ingredients for protein cream:

3 eggs of the 1st category (medium eggs), an incomplete glass of sugar (a faceted glass filled not to the brim, but to the top edge), 100 ml. water, salt, citric acid crystals (to taste).

Equipment and utensils necessary for preparing protein cream:

a pan for cooking sugar syrup, a wide metal pan for whipping cream, a mixer, a deep plate with cold water, a large container with cold water (where you can put a pan for whipping egg white cream), various spoons, a glass and other available tools.

Preparation of protein cream:

Before you start cooking protein cream, you need to perfectly learn how to cook ordinary meringue. Although the recipe is simple, and I will try to fully describe it, it requires a certain skill. If you don't succeed the first time, don't be discouraged. The one who walks will master the road. I’ll tell you about myself, I succeeded the first time, which means there’s a great chance of winning. Let's get to the recipe!

Mix sugar with water in a separate pan and place over medium heat. Wash the eggs thoroughly. This significantly reduces the likelihood of various diseases.

Separate the egg whites and place in the refrigerator to cool. Chilled egg whites whip much easier and better. Bring the sugar syrup to a boil and cook over low heat.

I will dwell in more detail on cooking sugar syrup. It needs to be boiled until it rolls into a ball. Those. Take a little syrup with a teaspoon, cool it in a plate with cold water, then this syrup should easily roll into a ball. Only the syrup needs to be well cooled so as not to get burned. While cooking the syrup, try doing this procedure several times to understand the essence of the process. As soon as you see that, cook the syrup a little more and you will get a ball. Then start beating the egg whites.

Remove the egg whites from the refrigerator, add a little salt (to help the whites whip better). If you want to add crystalline citric acid. I don’t like protein cream with citric acid, so I don’t add it. Beat the egg whites with a mixer until thick foam forms. Those. If you turn off the mixer and remove the paddles, the resulting peaks should retain their shape. If the peaks are very high, it is allowed for them to lower their “heads”. It will be better if someone helps beat the egg whites while you work with the sugar syrup. It is highly undesirable to stop beating the whites.

It's time to test the syrup to test the ball rolling. If it works, the syrup is ready. I flattened the ball. It shouldn't spread.

So, the whites are whipped. The syrup is cooked. We continue to beat the egg whites and pour the sugar syrup into the future cream in a thin stream. This is the process of brewing protein cream. We don’t stop whipping for a second. When all the sugar syrup has been added, you need to continue beating the whites until the cream cools completely. To make the protein cream cool faster, you can place the pan with the cream in a large container with cold water.

Application of protein cream:

Prepared using this technology, it is perfectly stored and retains its shape. It can be used as a filling for various confectionery products and for the external decoration of cakes. Making jewelry from this cream is difficult, but possible. The small details just won't work out.

Safety of protein cream:

Thanks to heat treatment with sugar syrup, the protein cream becomes safe to eat. During boiling and brewing of the cream, the temperature of the sugar syrup reaches 115 degrees Celsius. According to technology, the storage time of such cream in the refrigerator is 36 hours.

Recipes for making cream and other confectionery decorations

protein cream for cake decoration

50 minutes

250 kcal

5 /5 (5 )

For a very long time I wanted to try to make cream from chicken egg whites and finally decorate my plain cakes. And then I came across a wonderful recipe. This is not to say that everything turned out well the first time, because working with protein, as you know, is not easy. But experience still led me to the ideal consistency.

I hope this article will really help those who love to cook pastry like me. After all, I tried to present everything as clearly and simply as possible, so that every housewife would get the perfect cream the first time. Let's get started!

  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: bowl, whisk or mixer, glass, vessel, wooden spatula.

Before making protein cream, you need to put all the necessary kitchen utensils in a cold place. To do this, leave the bowl and whisk in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. You need to beat the mixture immediately after you take out all the cooled utensils.

Required Products

How to prepare protein cream for cake decoration at home

I divide the recipe for protein cream for decorating cakes into three stages.

Preparing syrup

Better start with this part of the cream. While the syrup is cooking, we will make the protein mixture.

Preparing the protein mixture

You need to do everything very carefully so that the yolk does not get into the mixture under any circumstances, otherwise nothing will beat. If you are an inexperienced cook, then take another bowl. Beat one egg white here and pour it into a bowl. This way, if you make a mistake, it will be easier to correct it.

Mix and conjure

Now we have two bowls with proteins and syrup in front of us. It's time to connect them. For this you need Pour the caramel liquid into the whites in a very thin stream, without turning off the mixer.
When all the syrup has gone into the mass, it will become a little thinner - this is normal. Now for another 10 minutes we continue to beat our future cream at high speed.

After time, you will notice that your shiny glossy cake decorating cream already holds its shape well, so it is suitable for forming flowers, inscriptions and for implementing bold ideas that can be drawn from Internet resources. Baskets and eclairs can also be filled with this yummy. Choose this frosting option for the top of cupcakes that are topped with fresh fruit.

This product can be made in more than just white. I hasten to tell you how to prepare multi-colored protein cream for decorating a cake! A dye will be useful for this: you can use natural dyes if you know how to use them, but store-bought ones will go faster. The latter are of two types: liquid and dry.

Such dyes are introduced into the cream mixture in different ways. If you take liquid ones, pour them into the protein before kneading it for the first time. How to prepare protein cream with dry dyes? They need to be added to the cream at the stage of mixing the ingredients for the syrup. In other words, you color the syrup itself first. And in the case of liquid or helium - a protein mixture.

As I already noted, kitchen utensils should be left in the refrigerator before making protein cream. I don't recommend doing this in the freezer. If you take the bowl and beaters out of the freezer, their frozen top will begin to melt and release excess moisture, which is very bad for the whites.

Our task is to beat the eggs dry, without a single drop of water.

For the same reason We add sugar a little at a time and only after beautiful white peaks have formed. After all, granulated sugar, when dissolved, will also give up its moisture, which will prevent the cream from acquiring a thick consistency. Another important point regarding the material of the cookware - the ideal option is: metal, copper and glass. Plastic and aluminum coating can cause the cream to fail.

If you don't know how to make cream from eggs and sugar when you don't have a mechanical mixer, don't worry. You will have to work longer with a whisk, but the effect should not be worse. I recommend adding a little salt to the whites before the first stage of whipping. It will facilitate the process and speed it up.

How to decorate a cake with protein cream at home? This can only be achieved by adding sugar syrup to the egg mixture. When all the liquid has been boiling on the fire for several minutes, you can check the syrup for readiness. Take a glass of water from the refrigerator. Drop a drop of the mixture into it. When you notice that circles with clear boundaries form at the bottom, this means that everything is ready.
The main thing is that these lumps are soft - to do this, crush them with your fingers. If the circles immediately become hard, you have overcooked your syrup and it is better to start all over again.

This recipe for protein cream is acceptable for children, since the syrup, heating raw egg whites to 120°C, makes them completely safe.

Surprisingly, cakes decorated with strong and thick protein cream can only be made with the addition of this syrup. Because the warm syrup, getting into the raw protein during intensive mixing with the whisk of a mixer, begins to brew it, as it were, and the mass turns out to be well glued and dense.

It is also worth noting the shelf life of such a product. After preparing it, you will have no more than 2 days, and it is better to start decorating in the first hours after mixing. After being in the refrigerator for a long time, the mass begins to settle and the decoration will not work out of it.

Video recipe for protein cream for cake decoration

After watching this video recipe, you will be taken to a real savior who will show and tell you what protein cream for decorating a cake is, give you the ideal proportions for the recipe, tell you the secrets, subtleties and nuances of its preparation and combine it all into one video.

I often see feedback from home cooks that it is especially difficult to understand what the consistency of proteins should look like without and with sugar, what color the syrup should be when it is ready, and how not to miss this important point.

In addition, visual perception will help you quickly decorate cakes with protein cream at home. All I can do is wish you good luck and more delicious cakes.

Protein Cream For Cake (Step-by-Step Recipe) | Whipped Frosting Recipe



Invitation to discuss the cream and possible improvements

Perhaps you have some secrets - I’ll be glad to read and try them. As a lover of sweets, I am always interested in learning something new from the world of confectionery art. It's very interesting to see how other people decorate a cake or cupcake with egg white cream. Let's create together!

Traditionally, protein cream is prepared to decorate desserts. The composition has gained popularity due to its unforgettable taste and relative simplicity of the recipe. Protein cream is widely used in confectionery. It can be eaten as a stand-alone snack or added to pastries, puff pastries, cakes and other baked goods.

Milk protein cream

  • purified water - 250 ml.
  • sugar - 550 gr.
  • egg whites - 7 pcs.
  • cognac - 17 ml.
  • citric acid - 4 gr.
  • vanilla powder - 15 gr.
  • butter - 300 gr.
  • condensed milk - 150 gr.
  • instant gelatin - 25 gr.
  • lemon juice -25 ml.
  1. Pour gelatin into a small container with warm water. Wait for the product to swell. At the same time, pour drinking water into the pan and add sugar. Cook the mixture over low heat until a homogeneous thick syrup forms.
  2. If necessary, dissolve the gelatin in a pore bath, then mix it with the resulting syrup. Warm up the mixture a little. Beat the condensed milk with soft butter until smooth and place in the refrigerator.
  3. Grind the cooled egg whites to a thick foam, slowly pour in the gelatin syrup. Do not stop whisking the mixture until it cools down. Next, thoroughly beat the creamy mixture with a mixer.
  4. You should end up with a fluffy cream. A couple of minutes before it is completely ready, stir in vanilla powder, alcohol and lemon juice.

German custard cream

  • purified water - 160 ml.
  • gelling sugar - 320 gr.
  • egg white - 3 pcs.
  1. Beat the whites in the usual way using a mixer until thick foam. Place the gelling sugar in a saucepan, pour in water, and place on the stove. Turn on the burner to maximum power. When the first bubbles appear, reduce the heat to low.
  2. Simmer the mixture for about 10 minutes, stirring constantly. The liquid in the saucepan should evaporate by about half. Be careful not to let the mixture turn into mush. Otherwise, the cream will not work.
  3. Next, carefully begin to pour the mixture into the whipped foam, constantly stirring the mixture until it cools. The result is a high-quality cream that does not settle or float. You can also add various food flavors and colorings to the composition at your discretion.

Oil-protein cream

  • protein - 5 pcs.
  • butter - 480 gr.
  • citric acid - 5 gr.
  • filtered water - 150 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 140 gr.
  • vanilla - to taste
  1. In a dry, fat-free container, thoroughly beat the chilled egg whites until thick foam forms. While mixing the mixture, add citric acid.
  2. Gradually pour half of the total volume of granulated sugar into a common bowl. Continue beating the mixture to the desired consistency. If you adhere to the recommended proportions of ingredients, the resulting cream will not be very sweet.
  3. Vary the amount of sugar depending on your preference. At the same time, start preparing the syrup. Combine drinking water and the remaining sugar in an enamel pan and place the container on the stove.
  4. As soon as the mixture boils, reduce the heat and simmer to the desired consistency. Next, slowly pour the syrup into the protein mass. In this case, the mixer speed should be set to maximum power. Beat until the cream cools down.
  5. Beforehand, the butter should be left for a while to melt. Chop the mixture into small cubes. It is highly recommended to use a natural homemade product. Place the butter in a common container and bring it with a mixer until ready.

  • vanilla sugar -12 gr.
  • homemade sour cream - 270 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 260 gr.
  • egg white - 4 pcs.
  1. Animal products must be refrigerated. Pay attention to the container in which you are going to prepare the cream; it must be dry, grease-free and clean.
  2. Combine sour cream, vanilla and granulated sugar in a separate bowl (the last ingredient is taken in an amount of 50 g). The mixture needs to be whipped for 12-15 minutes until fluffy. Next, separate the yolks from the whites, achieve a fluffy foam from the latter.
  3. Do not stop whipping the egg whites, gradually add the remaining sugar. Process the mixture until it forms a dense, stable foam. Then add sour cream in portions.
  4. Beat it with a mixer until smooth. The treat must be consumed as soon as possible. The cream is not intended for long-term storage.

Protein custard

  • purified water - 75 ml.
  • egg white - 3 pcs.
  • citric acid - 4 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 220 gr.
  1. Degrease the container in which you will beat the egg whites. Otherwise, the egg mixture will not acquire the desired consistency. Before preparing the syrup, boil a small amount of water in a saucepan.
  2. Wipe the bowl and whisk dry with a waffle towel. Add sugar and filtered water to a sterilized pan and place the container on the burner at maximum power.
  3. After the mixture boils, reduce the heat to low and continue to simmer the syrup. The consistency is checked by dropping a drop of the composition on a saucer of cold water. If the mixture does not spread and rolls into a caramel ball, the mass is ready.
  4. You can also check the readiness of the syrup using a caramel thread. Pour a small amount of the mixture onto a plate and tilt it. When fully prepared, the syrup will drain without interruption.
  5. If you have achieved the desired consistency, feel free to add citric acid to the general composition. Mix the syrup thoroughly until smooth. No yolks are needed, use only whites.
  6. Place them in a low-fat bowl and beat with a mixer until smooth. Achieve a thick foam from the composition. Lift the whisk; the mixture should stick well to it.
  7. Now carefully begin pouring the hot syrup into the cream in a thin stream. In this case, you must slowly stir the composition with a mixer. Be careful, when pouring the composition should not get on parts of the household appliance, otherwise hot splashes will fly in all directions.
  8. Once you have completely poured in the syrup, place the bowl of cream in a bowl of cold water. Continue whisking until it cools completely. Otherwise, the protein may curl and the cream will deteriorate irrevocably. Once prepared, use the mixture as you wish.

Fruit and protein cream

  • drinking water - 80 ml.
  • sugar - 100 gr.
  • fruit jam - 70 gr.
  • instant gelatin - 12 gr.
  • egg white - 3 pcs.
  1. Pour gelatin into warm water and wait until it swells. Next, place a small saucepan on the stove and simmer the mixture until the product is completely dissolved. Be careful not to let the mixture boil. The procedure should be carried out over low heat, constantly stirring the mixture.
  2. Achieve a uniform dense foam from cold whites using a whisk or mixer. Pour the jam into the saucepan and heat slightly, then pass the mixture through a sieve. After this, add granulated sugar to the sweet mixture. Simmer the mixture for about 10 minutes, do not forget to stir.
  3. Combine the gelatin and jam mixtures in a common container, mix thoroughly. Then begin to slowly pour the resulting syrup into the protein foam. Continue beating the mixture with the mixer at maximum power.
  4. The procedure is carried out in this way to ensure that the protein composition does not coagulate. The cream should be used quickly while it is still warm. Otherwise, the substance will turn into jelly.

  • granulated sugar - 200 gr.
  • citric acid - 8 gr.
  • egg white - 4 pcs.
  1. Separate the whites and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour. After this, mix all the ingredients in a common bowl. Bring the protein mass until smooth using a mixer.
  2. Place the mixture in a steam bath, heat for about 8 minutes, whisking at the same time. After the time has passed, remove the cream and continue stirring the mixture with a mixer for another 4 minutes.
  3. Use the prepared cream as directed. If you wish, you can add any food coloring, the composition will acquire the desired color.

Coconut protein cream

  • coconut flakes - 90 gr.
  • egg white - 2 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 140 gr.
  • purified water - 75 ml.
  • lemon juice - 12 ml.
  • corn syrup - 85 ml.
  1. The cream is prepared using a steam bath. Place a saucepan with water and bring to a boil. Select the appropriate size metal bowl to place in the container of boiling water.
  2. Combine egg whites, lemon juice, syrup and filtered water in a bowl. Place the bowl with the ingredients in the pan so that the container does not touch the boiling water. Beat the mixture at minimum power with a blender until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. After this, increase the speed and continue beating for another 5-6 minutes. The mixture should increase in volume. Remove the bowl from the steam bath and stir in the coconut shredded in a coffee grinder. Continue whipping the cream until it cools.

  1. Always cool the eggs before preparing the cream. This criterion is key, thanks to it the protein is whipped quickly and easily. Be careful that the yolk does not fall into the total mass when separating.
  2. Make it a habit to degrease and wipe dry household appliances and containers that will be used when preparing the cream.
  3. To avoid the development of bacteria, eggs should be washed in a soda solution. The shell on its surface contains many harmful microorganisms.
  4. If you are making custard, it is important to ensure that the sugar syrup does not overcook. With the addition of the remaining ingredients, the product should not turn out to be a caramel color. This shade indicates the unsuitability of the cream.
  5. To avoid the formation of caramel balls, warm syrup should be poured very slowly in a thin stream. In this case, the composition must be thoroughly stirred with a whisk. Otherwise, the desired cream consistency will not be achieved.
  6. If you decide to add color to the protein cream, do not use alcohol-containing dyes. Otherwise, the finished product will not be able to hold the shape you gave it. The cream will begin to float. For such purposes, dyes based on natural ingredients are suitable.
  7. If you do not plan to use the composition for desserts as soon as possible, put the cream in a food container. Leave in the refrigerator for up to a day. Before aging, ensure that the specific recipe is suitable for storage.

To please your loved ones with a delicious cake or pastry, you need to make the appropriate cream. The product is easy to prepare and requires minimal costs. Consider popular variations of egg and butter cream, condensed milk, coconut flakes, fruit jam, and cognac.

Video: protein cream for decorating a cake

How often do you use protein cream recipes? Soufflé, meringue, and “Tears of an Angel” cake cannot do without whipped egg whites. The ability to work with a capricious product does not come immediately. You should take into account the nuances that not every housewife knows.

Protein cream is a classic of confectionery art. Who among us has not eaten magnificent cakes and pastries decorated with voluminous snow-white cream? It is also popular in modern times.

Most pastry chefs are trained to turn egg whites into cream. How to whip protein cream correctly? In appearance it seems so simple - beat with a whisk and the result is a snow-white bulk mass. In fact, many people are wrong. There are a lot of subtleties and nuances that can negatively affect the quality of proteins and prevent the cream from whipping. But the scientific approach and advice from confectioners will help anyone create this wonderful delicacy.

Why do egg whites whip?

When you blow through a straw into a glass of water, bubbles appear and quickly disappear. But when you whisk air and work it into the egg whites, bubbles form and are held because the protein present in that viscous liquid coats them and traps them.

Egg white is a mixture of proteins (10%) and water. Whisking creates bubbles and "persuades" the whites to regroup into a flexible network, as if wrapping around the air bubbles. As you continue whisking, the bubbles become smaller and the foam increases in volume and stabilizes.

Whipped egg whites can expand up to eight times their original volume. But a drop of yolk or a little butter in a bowl can reduce the volume of the mass by two-thirds. This happens because the fat binds to the egg whites before they can bond with each other and form those networks needed to trap the bubbles.


Before you take your eggs out of the refrigerator, make sure you have the right equipment. Egg whites should be beaten in a glass, metal or ceramic bowl because plastic bowls impart a thin, oily residue that can prevent the whites from whipping. For the same reason, make sure your whisk or mixer is completely clean and dry.


What is the secret to making protein cream at home? Fresh eggs will help achieve the fullest volume as they are slightly acidic, meaning this helps stabilize the proteins. The longer the eggs sit, the more alkaline their environment becomes. This makes proteins less stable. Room temperature eggs are easier to beat, although cold eggs are easier to separate from the yolks. So separate the whites while they're still cold, and then let them come to room temperature before whisking. If there is any amount of yolk in the whites, they will not whip.

Whipping process

Begin beating the egg whites on low speed until they become foamy. Then gradually increase the speed to high until the whites reach the desired stage.

To get started with the question of making cream at home, let’s first understand the stages of whipping.

  1. Foams - the egg whites are still liquid, the bubbles look slightly matte.
  2. Soft peaks - the egg whites are now white and will hold their shape in the bowl and won't spill out if the bowl tips over. When the mixer or whisk is lifted from the egg whites, they form soft peaks that fall slightly to the side.
  3. Tight peaks - When the mixer or whisk is lifted from the egg whites, the peaks will stand straight and not lean. When you get stiff peaks, the egg white has reached its maximum volume and there is no need to beat it anymore.
  4. Beaten whites - if you continue to beat them in a state of dense peaks, the protein matrix will begin to collapse and the volume of the cream too. The egg whites will become grainy, watery and flat. Once they are killed, they can no longer be saved.

Ingredients for protein cream recipe

Other ingredients are often added to beaten egg whites. Salt or cream of tartar is added to egg whites to help stabilize the protein matrix and increase volume. This is especially useful with fresh eggs, which may be slightly alkaline.

Sugar is often added to egg whites when making meringues and other desserts, but it is important to add it correctly to maintain the integrity of the foam. Sugar needs to be added gradually to prevent the mixture from breaking up, so start with a small amount once the egg whites are foamy and continue to add it gradually as you beat. This ingredient will help the cream gain a glossy appearance.

How to use egg whites?

Whipped egg whites should be used immediately as they may lose volume or absorb moisture. Never add them to other ingredients. On the contrary, you should add sugar or other products to the proteins. Gradually adding ingredients will help maintain the volume of the cream.

How long to beat?

Recipes for white cream for soufflés and biscuits often say to beat the egg whites until they form soft peaks. At this stage, the proteins remain flexible so they can be easily combined with other ingredients. But more importantly, the air bubbles are still flexible enough to expand in the oven.

For chilled or frozen desserts such as mousses and creams, where there will no longer be any impact on the whites, you can beat them to stiff peaks. At this stage the foam contains the tiniest bubbles, but there is strength in quantity.

How to make protein cream at home without spoiling it? If you beat the egg whites until they form soft peaks and take a break to prepare the other ingredients, you may return to find that your work was in vain and the cream is ruined. This happened because the protein foam is quickly exposed to air, begins to coagulate and loses its elasticity. So if you're whipping egg whites to soft peaks without sugar, make sure you have all the other ingredients ready to fold in after cooking.

Why do we need sugar?

As you already know, this airy cream is made from egg whites. Usually it is used only for filling waffles or puff pastries, eclairs, profiteroles, or to decorate cakes with it. The fact is that it is not entirely suitable for layering and impregnation. The cream is so airy and light that it will simply settle under the heavy cake layers.

The second important ingredient is sugar. It is necessary to stabilize protein foam and increase shelf life. This may be why protein creams last longer than oil creams. But it is still recommended to use it immediately, thereby preserving its volume.

What kind of protein cream recipes are there?

There are several types of such cream:

  • raw (made from raw proteins without exposure to temperature);
  • custard (heats up during cooking);
  • helps proteins become denser and keep their shape;
  • protein-butter (whipped butter is added to the proteins, which makes it heavier, but richer in taste); This is how muslin and meringues are made.

One of the most popular and favorite options among bakers is raw cream (also serves as a base for meringues).

Let's cook!

How to prepare protein cream step by step? Let's start by preparing to prepare the cream.

  1. Refrigerate chicken eggs to make it easier to separate the whites.
  2. Rinse and dry the bowl where you will beat, the whisk or mixer blades very well. If even a particle of fat or a drop of water gets in, you will not achieve the desired volume of cream.

You can beat the whites with a mixer or a whisk. There are pros and cons to both methods. When you use a whisk, the sugar dissolves well when whisking more slowly. Doing this with a mixer is faster and more convenient, but if the sugar is not completely dissolved, the protein mass will be less elastic. In this case, sugar crystals are felt in the mouth and give a sloppy appearance to the confectionery product.

However, you can simply grind the sugar into powder, then the problem will be solved.

Simple protein cream

To prepare raw protein cream at home (for profiteroles, for example), you will need:

  • egg whites;
  • powdered sugar;
  • citric acid or salt (optional).

Usually a couple of tablespoons (tablespoons) of sugar or the same amount of powder are added to one protein.

How much cream will you make?

  • two proteins per four tablespoons of sugar - 145 grams of cream;
  • three proteins per six spoons - 215 grams;
  • four protein per eight spoons - 285 grams.

Why use citric acid and salt? The fact is that salt helps the whites whip faster, and the acid will add a piquant tint to the taste and make it less cloying.

Do not forget to make sure that not a single gram of yolk gets into the cream bowl, because it will prevent the whites from whipping. Sometimes protein cream is prepared in a water bath. To do this, place a bowl of whites on a pan of boiling water and beat the cream. After the formation of voluminous foam, remove the bowl and continue working, otherwise the proteins will settle.


We will need the same ingredients plus water for the syrup. To make 230 grams of finished cream, you need:

  • three proteins;
  • six tablespoons (tablespoons) of sugar;
  • a quarter glass of water;
  • three drops of citric acid (diluted in water).

Mix sugar with water and heat over low heat. While cooking, stir this syrup. How can you tell when the syrup is ready? This test method is called the "ball test". Drop some syrup into cold water. Once cooled, this drop should easily roll into a ball. Try not to get burned.

If you overcook the syrup, the sugar may crystallize, and if you undercook it, it will be too runny. When the syrup is almost ready (but not quite), we begin to beat the whites. By this time they should already be separated from the yolks and cooled.

So, the whites have already been whipped to stiff peaks. Now slowly pour the syrup into them while whisking. Continue whisking until the cream begins to cool.

What's good about this cream? The fact is that the syrup is very hot, and its temperature is enough to destroy harmful substances and microbes. How to color protein cream? Just add the required amount of liquid food coloring while whisking. Color can be varied. It is also possible to prepare custard protein cream in a thermomix.

Protein-butter cream

It is considered the best in terms of use for decorating confectionery products. Brewed proteins allow the cream to remain fresh even without refrigeration.

You will need:

  • three proteins;
  • 150 grams of powdered sugar;
  • 150 grams of butter;
  • citric acid and vanillin.

Calculate the proportions like this: one protein - about 80 grams of butter and about 50 grams of powder.

Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance and place it on a plate. Let it come to room temperature. The whites need to be boiled as in the previous recipe, and then slowly start adding butter. Beat until all the butter has gone into the protein mass. Now you can use the cream to decorate the cake. How to store protein cream in the refrigerator? Cover the bowl with film to prevent the cream from becoming crusty; store for a maximum of 5 days.