What kind of cookies can you make? Quick homemade cookies - simple oven recipes

Juicy, sweet watermelon, with its soft flesh that doesn't require much chewing, may seem like a great food to give to young children. Watermelon contains many beneficial substances, it is tasty and refreshing. In the summer, when in almost every yard there are tents filled with large striped fruits, it is difficult to refuse to buy it. But is it possible to give watermelons to a small child under one year of age?

Watermelon in baby food

You can give watermelon pulp to a one-year-old child, but in small quantities and after consulting with your doctor. Already one hundred grams of watermelon pulp contains the required amount of magnesium, natural sugars, acids and other useful substances for a child’s body. In small quantities, watermelon will even be useful for children: thanks to its diuretic properties, the kidneys are better cleansed and the functioning of the genitourinary system is improved.

While it is possible to give watermelons to children aged one year and older, the pulp of this fruit is contraindicated for a child aged 5-6 months. Nursing mothers are also advised to avoid it in their diet. Out of season (which starts in August) you cannot buy or eat watermelon fruits at all; they are obviously grown with a lot of harmful chemicals.

It is indeed possible to supplement the nutrition of a child aged one year and older with watermelons, but the amount should not exceed 50-100 grams. Even if the child likes it, you shouldn’t give it more. It is also important to remember safety:

  • All seeds must be removed from the pulp.
  • Watermelon with a lot of white products should not be given to your baby at all.
  • The watermelon must be ripe, purchased in season or grown in your own garden.
  • If an allergic reaction occurs, be sure to consult a doctor immediately.
  • Give the child only part of the pulp from the middle of the fruit, where a large amount of nitrates is definitely not accumulated.

Watermelon should not be added to the diet of children aged one year and older in large quantities. Only children over three years old can increase the amount of pulp to 150 grams. It is not recommended for children under eleven years of age to eat any early melons, and adults should also avoid fruits grown on nitrates.

How to choose watermelon for baby food

If it is not possible to grow melons yourself (to ensure that there are no harmful chemicals that guarantee accelerated growth of the fruit), when choosing a fruit, you must be guided by a number of rules:

  • Buy no earlier than mid-August, from the beginning of the season.
  • The fruits must be free of cracks, chips, and damage.
  • There is no need to take those fruits that have been cut by the seller in order to let the buyer look at the pulp or even try it.
  • Bright pulp with yellow veins and a large number of white seeds indicate a high nitrate content; such a watermelon should not be eaten by adults, not just a one-year-old child.

When buying melons, they are often tapped. Many people do it simply because everyone else does it. In fact, before purchasing, the fruit should not be tapped, but examined and felt. The sound will not determine the quality, unless it will be possible to identify the soft rind (which a watermelon fruit should not have).

Possible harm and contraindications

You should not add watermelon pulp to your child’s diet if your baby:

  • suffers from diarrhea;
  • prone to intestinal colic;
  • has problems with urine flow.

There are no other contraindications. Despite the fact that some doctors and nutritionists do not recommend allowing children from one to five years old to eat melons. The main thing is to choose the right melon fruit, and it is best to grow it yourself, if weather conditions permit. And don't let your child overeat. Children from one to three years old should not consume more than 100 grams of pulp per day.

Useful properties of watermelon

High-quality fruits grown without nitrates have many beneficial properties. Due to its composition and nutritional value, watermelon can become an element of dietary and healthy nutrition. Yes, it is sweet, it contains a large amount of natural sugars, but they are also very easily digested. And because of its diuretic properties, it is even recommended for use by people who have liver or kidney problems. It can also be given to those who already have diseases or disorders of the liver and kidneys at an early age.

Nutritional value of one hundred grams of product (the maximum amount of pulp that can be given to children at least one year old):

  • 30 calories;
  • 0.2 grams of fat;
  • 8 grams of carbohydrates;
  • 0.6 grams of protein.

The composition contains 112 mg of potassium per hundred grams, sodium, several types of vitamins and other useful minerals. You don’t have your own cholesterol, so you don’t have to worry about the fact that at an early age it will begin to accumulate in the body and clog blood vessels. There is also very little fat, and carbohydrates are very easy to digest.

Important properties of watermelon pulp:

  • diuretic properties;
  • kidney cleansing;
  • improving the functioning of the genitourinary system;
  • cleansing the body of salt accumulation;
  • improving the functioning of the nervous system;
  • strengthening muscles by cleansing the body.

Babies under one year old should not be allowed to taste watermelon pulp. It is also necessary to take into account contraindications - there are few of them, but they still exist. If in doubt, it is better to consult a doctor and get advice on the best way to feed your child.

Simple recipes for delicious homemade cookies will help the housewife quickly prepare gastronomic products without any chemicals, harmful dyes or thickeners. Because the ingredients are available in every kitchen and used in everyday life. This pastry has many variations and is perfect for a holiday table, decorating the delicacy with multi-colored glaze or all kinds of sprinkles, and for evening tea.

  1. In a bowl, mix soft butter - 100 g with sugar - 200 g, a chicken egg and 80 ml of cow's milk.
  2. Half a kilogram of wheat flour is shaken through a sieve with 10 grams of baking powder.
  3. The dough is kneaded, soft in consistency, which is rolled out with a rolling pin to a width of about 1 cm.
  4. The cakes are squeezed out using a mold, placed on a greased baking sheet, brushed with egg and placed in an oven preheated to 200⁰C.
  5. Cook for a quarter of an hour until the surface is golden brown. The cooled pastries are sprinkled with powdered sugar and served.

Homemade baked goods with sesame seeds in the oven

Making homemade cookies in the shape of your favorite cartoon characters by involving children in cutting out the figures is an exciting and fun process.

  1. Using a food processor or mixer, beat 3 chicken eggs with 300 grams of granulated sugar.
  2. When the structure of the eggs is completely destroyed, add 250 grams of soft butter and beat until the butter and eggs are completely mixed.
  3. 350 grams of wheat flour is sifted with a bag of baking powder and tbsp. spoon of cinnamon powder. Mix in small portions into the butter-egg mixture.
  4. The finished dough is placed in a container and placed in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  5. The cooled workpiece is rolled out with a rolling pin, after which curly saplings are cut out of it and placed on a baking sheet covered with baking paper.
  6. The top of the cookies is generously sprinkled with sesame seeds and baked in a preheated oven until an appetizing surface forms (about 30-45 minutes) at 180⁰C.

Oatmeal Cookies Recipe

Making healthy oatmeal cookies at home is much easier than it seems. You just need to stock up on instant oatmeal in advance (those that just need to be poured with boiling water).

You can diversify the taste of traditional oatmeal baking by adding pieces of dried fruit or any other low-calorie product.

  1. Place 200 grams of soft sweet cream butter in a food processor with a dough attachment, two tbsp. spoons of sugar and a couple of pinches of crystalline vanillin. Everything is mixed until the mixture becomes white.
  2. Then add one egg and stir until smooth, only then add the second egg and beat just as thoroughly until fluffy.
  3. After whipping, add one and a half cups of oatmeal and mix.
  4. 200 grams of wheat flour is sifted with 10 grams of baking powder and added to the rest of the ingredients. Since oatmeal cookie dough is often quite sticky, you can form neat balls for baking with your hands dipped in water.
  5. The finished dough is placed in a bag or container, preventing air from entering, and placed in the refrigerator for an hour and a half.
  6. Balls with a diameter of 2 cm are formed from the chilled dough. Placed on a baking sheet covered with tracing paper. It is important to ensure that there is a large distance between the balls so that the shape of the cookies deforms during baking.
  7. The pastry is formed by lightly pressing the balls with your hand.
  8. Bake for half an hour in an oven preheated to 180⁰C.

Making shortcrust pastry with cinnamon and jam

  1. 400 grams of wheat flour is sifted into a bowl in a heap.
  2. The yolks of three eggs are beaten with a whisk.
  3. A small depression is made in the center of the flour mound, into which the yolks are poured, 250 grams of granulated sugar are added, 200 grams of soft butter or margarine, a pinch of table salt and a teaspoon of ground cinnamon are added.
  4. The ingredients are kneaded by hand into a dough, which is subsequently wrapped in film and placed to “rest” in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  5. The chilled dough is rolled into a sausage and cut into rounds up to 1 cm. You can roll it into a layer and cut out shaped products.
  6. A small depression is made in each round. For example, the bottom of a glass.
  7. Crushed nuts are poured into the bottom of the cavity, and thick jam is placed on top.
  8. The oven is preheated to 220⁰C.
  9. The baking tray is covered with baking paper, on which the products are laid out and baked for a quarter of an hour.
  10. Homemade shortbread cookies with jam must cool on the baking sheet, otherwise they may break.
  11. If desired, dust the finished baked goods with powdered sugar.

Delicious homemade kefir cookies

  1. Thoroughly beat 200 ml of kefir with 100 grams of granulated sugar. It is necessary that the dry substance is completely dissolved.
  2. Then add tbsp to sweet kefir. a spoonful of melted sweet cream butter and half a teaspoon of baking soda, slaked with apple cider vinegar. Everything gets mixed up.
  3. 350 grams of wheat flour sifted through a fine sieve are slowly poured into the kefir mixture. The dough is kneaded until it stops sticking to your hands. After kneading, it is wrapped in a bag and placed in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  4. The cooled ball is rolled out with a rolling pin to a thickness of half a centimeter. The succulents are cut out using a mold and placed on a baking sheet covered with tracing paper.
  5. The cookies are baked in an oven preheated to 180⁰C for a quarter of an hour.
  6. After the time has passed, the baking sheet is taken out, the products are greased with milk and left to brown for another five minutes.

Tender sour cream cookies in a hurry

Soft pastries with a crispy crust, cooked in a frying pan, are an easy way to pamper your household.

  1. In a container, mix 100 grams of sour cream with one yolk and two tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil.
  2. Add 300 grams of granulated sugar to the sour cream mixture and mix well.
  3. 250 grams of wheat flour is sifted with a bag of purchased baking powder and added in small portions to sour cream.
  4. The finished dough is smooth and does not stick to your hands.
  5. The dough is rolled into a sausage with a diameter of up to 3 cm. Then round pieces are cut with a thickness of up to 1 cm. The cut flat cakes are slightly squeezed into pucks by hand, so that the center of the cookies is completely baked.
  6. A non-stick frying pan is heated, after which the cookies are fried on both sides for 2-3 minutes until a beautiful crispy crust forms.

Homemade sugar cookies

  1. Sift three cups of flour with a packet of baking powder into a deep bowl.
  2. In a separate bowl, whisk 200 grams of soft margarine or spread with 300 grams of sugar until fluffy.
  3. Then add a bag of vanilla sugar to the mixture and add a chicken egg. Everything is thoroughly mixed until smooth.
  4. All ingredients are mixed into a plastic dough, which should “rest” in the refrigerator for at least 20 minutes.
  5. You can roll the chilled dough into small balls, which are placed on a greased baking sheet and slightly flattened by hand. Or roll it out into a not too thin layer and cut out shapes using molds or a regular glass.
  6. Sugar cookies are prepared in a preheated oven for ten minutes at a temperature of 180⁰C.

Hot baked goods are very soft, but tend to harden as they cool.

Unique curd snails: simple and tasty

  1. 270 grams of homemade cottage cheese are ground with a couple of eggs and 100 grams of granulated sugar. At the very end, add ¾ of a teaspoon of baking soda.
  2. One and a half cups of sifted wheat flour is mixed into the curd mass and a soft dough is kneaded. Place in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  3. The cooled semi-finished product is rolled out thinly with a wooden rolling pin.
  4. 90 grams of cottage cheese mixed with one tbsp. spoon of sour cream and spread evenly over half the layer.
  5. Sprinkle cottage cheese on top with two tbsp. spoons of sugar (you can add raisins if desired) and cover with the second half of the dough.
  6. The stuffed layer is rolled into a loose roll and cut into pieces up to two cm thick.
  7. The oven is heated to 200⁰C.
  8. The baking sheet is covered with tracing paper and greased with vegetable oil.
  9. Curd snails are baked for half an hour.

Cheesy crispy treat

  1. In a bowl, mix 150 grams of hard cheese, grated on a coarse grater with 3 tbsp. spoons of soft butter and two pinches of salt.
  2. Pour 4 tbsp into the cheese mass. spoons of low-fat milk and 200 grams of sifted wheat flour.
  3. The kneaded dough is rolled out into a thin layer with a thickness of no more than two mm.
  4. The oven heats up to 200⁰C.
  5. The products are cut out using shaped molds, laid out on a baking sheet greased with sunflower oil, and baked until browned for about 10 minutes.

Homemade ready-made cheese cookies are a great alternative to store-bought chips or popcorn.

Children's chocolate spirals

  1. One and a half glasses of wheat flour are sifted with a bag of baking powder and ½ teaspoon of table salt.
  2. In a bowl, mix 100 grams of soft butter with one yolk, three tbsp. spoons of low-fat milk and half a teaspoon of vanilla extract.
  3. The flour mixture is poured into the butter mixture in portions and kneaded into a soft dough, which is divided into two equal parts.
  4. Half of the dough remains white; the second half is filled with a bar of your favorite chocolate, melted in a water bath.
  5. Both parts are wrapped separately in cling film and placed in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.
  6. Each ball of dough is individually rolled out into a thin layer between sheets of parchment or cling film.
  7. A layer of chocolate dough is placed on a layer of white dough, after which the layers are rolled into a roll and placed in the refrigerator for about an hour.
  8. The oven is turned on at 200⁰C.
  9. The chilled roll is cut into round pieces 1 cm thick, which are laid out on a baking sheet covered with tracing paper.
  10. Chocolate spirals are prepared within 7 minutes.

A quick treat made with sour cream without eggs

  1. In a container, carefully grind a glass of sugar with 200 grams of creamy margarine and a bag of crystalline vanillin.
  2. Next, 300 grams of homemade sour cream with a fat content of no more than 25% is added to the mass.
  3. The baking powder is sifted with a small part of the flour, which is added to the sour cream mass first.
  4. When kneading the dough, add just enough flour so that it stops sticking to your hands, but is not too hard.
  5. The rolled dough ball is wrapped in film and placed in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  6. The chilled dough is rolled out into a layer of no more than 5 mm.
  7. The cut out figures are sprinkled with sugar mixed with lemon or orange zest and baked on a greased baking sheet for 30-40 minutes at 180⁰C.

the site knows how little time is left for desserts, and therefore has compiled a selection of recipes for the most delicate and delicious cookies, which are baked in a matter of minutes!



How to make cookies:

  1. Grind the flour with dry yeast, add eggs, butter, replace and immediately cut into pieces.
  2. Roll out thinly, sprinkle with sugar. Let's bake.



How to make cookies:

Knead the dough. Let's bake.



How to make cookies:

Knead the dough. Let's bake.


Ingredients for the dough:

Ingredients for cream:

How to make cookies:

Knead the dough. Let's bake.



How to make cookies:

Knead into a tight dough. Let's bake.



How to make cookies:

Knead the dough. Let's bake.



How to make cookies:

  1. Grind the butter, sugar and spices in a saucepan with a wooden spoon until white and, rubbing, gradually beat in the eggs.
  2. When the grains of sugar disappear, add oatmeal, having previously mixed them with wheat flour and finely chopped, slightly toasted nuts (peanuts can be used).
  3. Stir the dough, take it with a teaspoon, and push it out with another onto a baking sheet, greased and sprinkled with flour.
  4. Bake for 15-20 minutes. at 170-200C. Remove carefully with a knife.



How to make cookies:

  1. Knead the dough.
  2. Then separate the flat circles, dip in sugar, fold in half, again in sugar and in half, again in sugar.
  3. Let's bake.



How to make cottage cheese cookies:

  1. Knead the dough.
  2. Bake in a frying pan or in the oven.



How to make cookies:

  1. Knead everything, roll out the dough.
  2. Cut with molds. Let's bake.



How to make Kartalinskoe cookies:

  1. Knead the dough, cut out circles like dumplings, dip in sugar and onto a sheet.
  2. Bake in the oven.



How to make Aigul cookies:

  1. Beat the butter, add sugar, eggs, beat the mixture for another 10 minutes.
  2. Knead the dough until the consistency of sour cream. Cut into small flat cakes, 2-3 centimeters in diameter, and bake on a baking tray.
  3. Then glue the circles with a thin layer of jam, prepare fudge from cocoa and apply a design on top.



600 g flour
300 g sugar
160 g margarine
5 g soda
10 g cinnamon
1 g allspice
1 g black pepper
2 g cloves
2 g ginger
2 g nutmeg.

How to make Piparkook cookies:

  1. Sift the flour through a sieve, pour sugar into 100 g of water and boil until it turns light brown and cools.
  2. Melt the margarine, put the flour in a baking pan, margarine, spices and knead the water into a stiff dough.
  3. It is advisable to keep it for 2 days in a cold room, then roll out the dough into a thin layer up to 2 cm, cut into various molds, and bake in the oven.
  4. Cookies should be dry, crumbly, and easy to break.



How to make Nut cookies:

  1. Grind the sugar with the yolks, beat the whites until foamy, dissolve the soda in a teaspoon. vinegar.
  2. Add margarine, flour, vanillin and knead thoroughly.
  3. Filling: boiled condensed. mix milk with nuts.



How to make cookies:

  1. Bring milk and sugar to a boil, add cocoa and butter.
  2. Pass the cookies and nuts through a meat grinder, mix everything, wrap it in cellophane in the shape of a sausage and put it in the refrigerator.



How to make cookies:

  1. Melt butter and sugar over low heat, add 2 tbsp. cocoa.
  2. Cool and add 300-350 g of crushed cookies, yolk and whipped white. (You can also add nuts).
  3. Next, mix everything, put it in polyethylene, giving it the shape of a sausage.
  4. Leave for 2 hours in the refrigerator. Or place tightly in a mold moistened with water and also in the cold. If you do not add cocoa, then serve with jam.



How to make cookies:

  1. Add cocoa to the “Baby” mixture and stir.
  2. Bring milk to a boil.
  3. Add melted butter and the “Baby” mixture with cocoa.
  4. Mix all this well. Add ground cookies and chopped nuts to this mixture. Mix again.
  5. Wrap in cellophane and put in the refrigerator.


  • 200 g cottage cheese, 50 g margarine, 1 tsp. sugar, 100 g water, 1 tsp. soda, flour, salt. You can add grated cheese and feta cheese.
  • Or prepare something spicy (for beer): Mash cottage cheese, + salt, + everything else. Knead the dough. Roll out (3-5 mm), cut out cookies, sprinkle with coarse salt, spices and bake.
  • A pack of cottage cheese (250 g) a pack of margarine (250 g) flour (250 g) Salt, mix (you should get a dough). Make cookies with molds and bake.


  • 1 tbsp beer 2 packs of margarine 3 tbsp flour Chop the margarine with flour, add beer, mix, put in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Divide into 3 parts. Roll out, sprinkling with sand, cut out with a mold, sprinkling with more sand and bake over medium heat.
  • Grate 2 packs of margarine, add 2 yolks, beaten with 1/2 cup beer, 3.5 cups flour. Place the dough in the freezer for 20 minutes. Roll out the dough to 1 cm thickness and cut into cookies. Dip each cookie into the beaten egg white (remaining from the used yolks) and blot with sand. Prick with a fork to prevent puffing. Bake until golden brown.
  • 200 g plums. chop the butter into 2 (or a little more) cups. flour, add 3 cups. beer (or a little less), knead the dough and leave for 20 minutes. in the freezer. Then roll out thinly (approx. 2 mm), sprinkle with sugar, roll with a rolling pin, cut into diamonds and bake. Sprinkle the finished livers with powdered sugar. Although more often I replace the sugar topping with “a la Baltic”: grated cheese (a little), pepper (ground, red or black), cumin, etc. in various combinations. These cookies are great with beer!

Bon appetit!

You rarely hear the aroma of home-baked goods anymore. Why get dirty with flour when you can buy everything your heart desires in any confectionery department? But for some reason, the variety of store-bought cookies pleases me less and less, and more and more often I want homemade, tasty and aromatic cookies, the same as my mother or grandmother baked... “Culinary Eden” has selected for you a variety of homemade cookie recipes - from traditional to unusual, from simple to virtuoso. Make your household happy!

Homemade oatmeal cookies

150 g butter,
½ cup sugar
1 egg,
2 cups oatmeal,
1 tbsp. ground nuts,
vanillin - to taste,
lemon or orange zest.

Heat oatmeal in the oven on a baking sheet until light brown. Stir the oats occasionally while heating to ensure they do not burn and brown evenly. Grind the butter and sugar into a thick foam, crushed nuts and spices and cooled cereal. Place the kneaded dough by the teaspoon on a baking sheet, place in the oven and bake the cookies. The finished cookies should be yellow-brown and dry at the edges.

Cheese cookies (unsweetened)

Very tasty cookies, an excellent snack to go with champagne (or beer, at worst).

200 g butter,
2 cups of flour,
½ glass of water,
150-200 g cheese,
½ tsp. ground red pepper.

Finely chop the cold butter, gradually add water and flour to it. Mix well and add coarsely grated cheese and pepper. Roll out the dough into a layer half a centimeter thick and cut out the cookies with notches. You can simply cut it into rectangles. Part of the flour (about half a cup) can be replaced with bran. Bake at 200ºC for about 15 minutes.

2.3 cups flour,
½ cup corn flour,
2 tsp cocoa powder,
1 tsp ground cloves,
1 tsp ground cinnamon,
½ tsp. ground nutmeg,
150 g white chocolate,
2 tbsp. milk,
100 g butter,
¾ cup sugar syrup, boiled until golden brown.

Preheat the oven to 180ºC. Line a baking sheet with parchment. Sift flour, starch, cocoa and cloves. Mix everything in a large bowl, make a hole in the center of the mixture, into which pour a mixture of butter, syrup and milk (the mixture needs to be warmed a little over low heat until the butter melts). Mix everything with a metal spatula to form a soft dough, place on a floured surface and knead the dough. Roll it into a ball and leave it for a few minutes. Then roll out the dough into a fairly thick layer (about 2 cm), cut the cookies into a heart shape and bake for about 25 minutes (or until light brown). Cool the finished cookies on a wire rack. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and dip each cookie halfway into it. Let the chocolate harden.

Homemade macaroons

2/3 cup flour,
½ cup powdered sugar,
60 g butter,
2 squirrels,
¼ tsp. Amaretto liqueur,
½ cup almond flakes.

Line a baking sheet with oiled paper. Sift the flour, add sugar, mix and make a well in the center. Mix softened butter, egg whites and liqueur and pour into dry mixture. Mix thoroughly until smooth. Cover the dough with film and leave for 2 hours. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 180ºC. Place 2 teaspoons of the dough on the baking sheet and spread, press it so that you get circles with a diameter of about 10 cm. Then generously sprinkle each circle with almond flakes, press a little and send the cookies into the oven. Baking time is about 5 minutes or until golden brown.

3 eggs,
90 g flour,
100 g sugar,
20 g butter,
30 g powdered sugar,
a pinch of salt.


Beat the yolks and 75 g of sugar until foamy and gradually add 75 g of sifted flour. In another bowl, beat the whites with salt into a thick foam. Then carefully fold in the whipped whites and yolk mixture and mix gently. Grease a baking tray with oil and sprinkle with flour. Fill the pastry syringe with dough and place 10 cm long sticks on a baking sheet. Mix the remaining sugar with powdered sugar, sprinkle half the mixture over the cookies and wait 10 minutes until the sugar dissolves. Then sprinkle the cookies with the remaining sugar mixture, wait another 2 minutes and place the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 150ºC. Bake until golden brown. Remove the finished cookies from the baking sheet with a spatula and leave them on the counter overnight to dry.

These cookies are low-fat, light (if such an epithet is generally applicable to cookies) and without eggs - this is important for allergy sufferers.

1 cup flour,
1 cup starch (corn starch, but you can also use potato starch)
1 cup of sugar,
100 g butter,
½ cup sour cream,
½ lemon.

Beat softened butter with sugar, add lemon zest, sour cream, flour with 1 tsp. soda, starch, lemon juice and quickly knead a plastic dough. Roll out the dough into a layer 5 mm thick and cut the cookies into a notch. Bake on a greased baking sheet until light brown at 180ºC. Cookies can be decorated with icing.

Homemade cookies stuffed with nuts and dried fruits

200 g butter,
200 g sour cream,
2-2.5 cups of flour.
1 cup of any nuts,
1 cup prunes or raisins,
100 g dried cherries,
1 yolk,
½ cup sugar.

If you use raisins, steam them. Finely chop the dried fruits and cherries, chop the nuts, mix everything with sugar and egg yolk. The filling is ready. For the dough, melt the butter, cool it and mix with sour cream. Beat the resulting mass until smooth, gradually adding flour. Knead elastic, light dough. Divide the dough into 2 parts, roll into 2 thin layers. Place one layer on a greased baking sheet, spread the filling and cover with another layer. Pinch the edges, press down a little with a rolling pin and place the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 180ºC, for 30-40 minutes. The top layer should turn light golden brown. Cut the cookies into squares, brush them with liquid honey or sprinkle with sugar. Let it sit for about 20 minutes and you’re ready to serve!

500 g cottage cheese,
500 g butter,
750 g flour,
300 g sugar,
½ tsp. salt,
1 packet of vanilla.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, beat the butter with sugar. Mix the cottage cheese and butter mixture, stir and gradually add flour with salt and vanilla. Knead the dough. It will turn out quite sticky. Place the dough on a floured board and roll out into a layer 5-7 mm thick. Cut out circles with a glass, fold them in half, turn them 180º in the middle and press down the middle to make bows. Place the cookies on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and place in the oven preheated to 200ºC. Bake until browned, but do not overdry.

The chocolate chips in the cookies are just a delight! Just buy good chocolate, not soy bars.

0.75 cups softened butter,
1.5 cups sugar,
2 tbsp. milk,
1.5 cups flour,
1 egg,
1 tsp salt,
0.75 tsp soda,
1 tbsp. chopped walnuts,
1 cup chocolate pieces,
vanillin - to taste.

Combine butter, sugar, milk, vanillin and mix well. Add the egg and beat. Separately mix flour, soda and salt, add to the total mass, mix quickly. Add chocolate pieces and nuts and stir. Place the dough on a dry baking sheet one teaspoon at a time at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other. Bake the cookies at 190ºC for 8-10 minutes if you want them soft, or for 11-13 minutes if you want crispy cookies. It is important not to overcook the cookies! Remove the finished cookies from the oven and cool for 2 minutes on the baking sheet, then remove to a table lined with foil or baking paper and cool.

2 squirrels,
½ cup powdered sugar,
1 tbsp flour,
350 g coconut flakes,
100 g chocolate.


You can buy shredded coconut, but cookies made from real coconut are much tastier. Buy a coconut with water splashing inside it. Using a screwdriver, punch two of the three holes and drain the water. Then, holding the coconut in your hands, tap it with a hammer, turning it in a circle. After some time the coconut will burst. Remove the pulp, peel off the brown skin with a potato peeler and grate the pulp. Place on a baking sheet in an even layer and dry in the oven at 150ºC for 20-30 minutes.

And now the actual cookies. Beat the whites, gradually adding powdered sugar. The whites should form a dense, smooth, shiny foam. Carefully add flour to it, stirring from bottom to top. Then add the coconut flakes just as carefully. Using two teaspoons, place small balls on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Place the baking sheet in the oven preheated to 150ºC and bake the cookies for 15-20 minutes. The finished cookies are easily separated from the parchment. Place the cookie balls tightly in a single layer on a plate and drizzle the melted chocolate over the plate in a frequent zigzag motion.

1 glass of carrot juice,
300 g flour,
20 almonds,
2 eggs,
1 beet (squeeze juice)
100 g sugar,
100 g butter,
60 g sour cream,
baking soda or baking powder - on the tip of a knife.
For cream:
100 g condensed milk,
200 g butter.

Separate the white from one egg and set it aside, we will need it later. Mix the yolks and whites with sugar. Separately, grind sour cream with softened butter. Combine the egg and butter mixtures, add flour and soda, knead well. Roll the resulting dough into a rope and divide it into 20 parts. Roll each piece of dough into an oblong ball, place it on a baking sheet and bake the “peaches” in an oven preheated to 180ºC until golden brown. Beat condensed milk with butter for cream. Cut the finished peaches in half, carefully remove the center and mix it with the cream. Dip half of all cut cookies in carrot juice, half in beet juice. Let dry, fill with cream, add a nut and connect the halves: red and orange. Dip into the beaten egg white and roll in sugar.

500 g flour,
1 glass of cold water,
20-25 g pressed yeast,
100 g butter,
1 egg,
½ tsp. salt.
250-300 g poppy seeds,
150 g honey.

These cookies can be made from leftover yeast dough, in which case you will need about 800 g. But you can prepare the dough specially. Prepare the dough using the straight method: in the evening, pour cold water and dissolved yeast into a deep bowl, add white-mashed butter, egg, salt and knead the dough, adding sifted flour. Place the bowl with the dough (quite deep so that the dough does not run away during fermentation) on the table in a warm kitchen and cover with a towel. In the morning, mix the finished dough, knead it well and prepare the cookies. To do this, roll out the dough into a thin layer and cut into strips 10 cm long and 3 cm wide. For the filling, rinse the poppy seeds, boil them for 5-10 minutes, drain the water and mince them twice. Mix poppy seeds with honey. Brush the strips of dough with egg, place the poppy seeds on them and carefully seal the edges. You will get stuffed sticks. Grease a baking sheet with oil, place the sticks seam side down and place in a very hot oven. Bake the cookies until light golden brown.

300 g carrots,
200 g sugar,
200 g sour cream or butter,
2-3 cups flour,
soda on the tip of a knife,
vanillin, lemon zest or cinnamon - to taste.

Grate the peeled carrots on a fine grater or chop in a blender. Add sour cream (or softened butter), spices, soda and flour, knead the dough. Cover it with film and leave in a cool place for an hour. Place the dough on a greased baking sheet with a teaspoon, pressing down a little with your fingers, and place in the oven preheated to 180ºC for 10-15 minutes.

Potato cookies

200 g potatoes,
120-150 g cream,
100 g sugar,
½ tsp. salt,
1 tsp ground cinnamon,
3 eggs,
1 tbsp. ground walnuts.

Boil the potatoes in their jackets, peel, cool slightly and pass through a meat grinder (or chop with a blender). Whip the cream with salt, sugar and cinnamon, then, without ceasing to stir, beat in the eggs, ground nuts, one at a time, and at the end of the kneading, mashed potatoes. Roll out the kneaded dough to a thickness of 1.5-2 cm, place it in a greased mold (or silicone, in this case there is no need to grease it) and bake in an oven preheated to 160ºC for 40-50 minutes. Cut the finished cake into rectangles.

Here are some different homemade cookies. Any recipe can easily be changed, you can add something of your own, but the most important thing is that your cookies will contain a piece of your love, and you can’t buy this in any store.

Bon appetit!

Larisa Shuftaykina

The main thing here is 2 things - sour cream and MARGARINE... Well, another half packet of baking powder and flour... as much as it takes.
250 g margarine (soft - let sit outside the refrigerator first)
300 g sour cream
2.5 - 3 tbsp. flour (or rather, how much will it take to make a soft, non-stick dough)
0.5 sachet of baking powder.

You don’t need any sugar or eggs in the dough... put it in the refrigerator for half an hour, then roll it out, squeeze it out with a glass - drop it into the sugar and onto a baking sheet.

I squeezed it out with a glass from a flask))

and that’s it, it’s so flaky and tender... for those who don’t like sweets, dip them in sesame, cumin, poppy seeds and other seeds...

And most importantly, there are a lot of these cookies).

2. Children's cottage cheese cookies

Both for children and for their parents))) The simplest composition, nothing superfluous. But nevertheless, the cookies turn out very tasty.

150 g butter,
200 g cottage cheese,
250 g wheat flour,
100 g sugar.


Grind cold butter with sugar and cottage cheese.
Add flour and quickly knead the dough.
Wrap the dough in cling film and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.
I make the dough in the evening and bake the cookies in the morning. And sometimes I also add a couple of drops of vanilla essence.
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
Roll out the dough to a thickness of 3 mm, cut into cookies and place on a baking tray lined with baking paper.
Bake for 10-15 minutes, depending on the size of the cookies =)
For taste: you can sprinkle with sugar or cinnamon 😉

3. “Chrysanthemum” cookies from childhood.. or cookies “through a meat grinder”

- 1 tbsp. Sahara
- 3 eggs
- 0.5 tsp soda + vinegar or lemon juice for extinguishing
— 250 gr. butter or margarine
- 2.5-3 tbsp. flour


Cut the butter or margarine into several pieces and let stand until it softens well. In a large bowl, start (preferably with a mixer) beat the eggs with sugar, add the dissolved soda, beat again, then put the butter (or margarine) and chop it as finely as possible, then beat again until everything becomes homogeneous! You can slowly add flour! Add until the dough is comfortable to beat with a mixer, then add the remaining flour little by little, but continue stirring with a spoon! When it also becomes difficult to stir with a spoon, dump the dough into the remaining flour (push a little flour to the side, add more if necessary) and begin kneading with your hands! The dough should NOT be elastic! It will remain soft, but should not stick to your hands. If it is still sticky, add a little more flour (from the set aside) and knead, after a couple of repetitions it will become like in the photo!

The finished dough should be covered with film and put in the refrigerator.
Meanwhile, turn on the oven and preheat to 200 degrees. Screw on the meat grinder! Sprinkle the baking sheet with flour or line it with paper and take the dough out of the refrigerator and cut off about a quarter, putting the rest back in the refrigerator.

We give the dough the shape of a “sausage” and begin to pass it through a meat grinder. When the dough starts to come out, wait until it drops 5-7 centimeters and then lift it from below with your hand and cut it with a knife. This way you get the correct shape! - fluffy flower and base. Place it on a baking sheet. To trace The “flower” also turned out beautiful, you need to clean off the remaining dough from the “grid” of the meat grinder! When the dough in the meat grinder runs out, add more from the refrigerator and continue! Try to do everything faster so that the dough does not start to melt on the table and lose its shape!
When the baking sheet is full, put it in the oven and monitor the readiness! Average cooking time is 35-40 minutes.
Cooled cookies can be sprinkled with powdered sugar!



● butter – 100 g,
● sour cream - 200 g,
● sugar - 0.75 cups,
● vanilla sugar - 1 tablespoon,
● eggs - 2 pcs.
● flour - ~3.5 cups,
● baking powder - 1.5 teaspoons
● powdered sugar for sprinkling finished cookies


Sift the flour and combine with baking powder and vanilla sugar. Beat eggs with sugar using a whisk. Add softened butter and stir. Add sour cream and mix well again. Gradually add flour and baking powder into the egg-sour cream mixture and knead into a soft, loose dough.

The dough sticks to your hands when kneading, but don’t be alarmed. Add enough flour to the dough so that the dough can be formed into a ball, dust the dough well with flour on all sides and transfer to a plate. Place the dough in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Roll out the finished chilled dough on a floured table into a layer, ~4-8 mm thick, and cut out cookies with a cookie cutter (dipping the mold in flour) or a shot glass.

If there are no molds, you can cut the layer into diamonds or squares. Place the cookies on a dry baking sheet. Bake for ~15-20 minutes at ~180°C (baking time depends on the thickness of the cookies).
Sprinkle the finished cookies with powdered sugar.

5. French cookies “Sable”

Delicious French cookies made from the most common ingredients. The name of the cookie “Sable” means “sand” in French. The peculiarity of this cookie is its delicate, crumbly consistency. And to achieve the consistency inherent in Sablé cookies, hard-boiled egg yolk is added to the dough. Sablé cookies come in different forms, with different flavors.


Egg - 3 pcs.
Butter - 220 g
Brown universal sugar TM "Mistral" - 4 tbsp. l.
Vanillin - a pinch
Salt - 1/3 tsp.
Cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. l.
Flour (for light dough – 140 g; for dark dough – 130 g) - 270 g


1. Hard-boil the eggs, peel them, separate the whites from the yolks (whites are not needed in this recipe). Mash the boiled egg yolks thoroughly with a fork.
2. Mix softened butter with brown sugar, salt, vanilla and egg yolks.
3. Divide the resulting mass into 2 equal parts. Add cocoa powder to one part and mix.
4. Next, add flour and knead 2 types of dough.
5. Roll out the light and dark dough into layers of the same size (14x9 cm)
6. Place a light layer of dough on a dark layer, press lightly and put in the refrigerator for 30–40 minutes.
7. Then trim the edges of the dough layers using a knife.
8. Cut into 4 plates of the same width.
9. Fold the plates of two types of dough two at a time so that the light stripe is on the dark stripe, and the dark stripe is on the light stripe.
10. Cut the dough sticks into pieces 1 cm wide. Line a baking tray with baking paper and lay out the cookie blanks. Bake cookies in the oven at a temperature of 180 - 190 degrees for 10-15 minutes (depending on the oven).



● 2 mugs of flour (volume 200 ml.)
● 1 pack 200 gr. margarine
● 0.5 tbsp beer


Chop the margarine and flour into crumbs with a knife, then rub it a little with your hands and when the mass turns into small light crumbs, pour in the beer gradually, maybe you don’t need everything, knead the dough and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Take out the dough and roll it out into a layer 3-4 mm wide. and cut out cookies with cookie cutters or cut the dough into diamonds. Dip each cookie in sugar, pressing firmly. and onto a baking sheet on a silicone mat. Bake in the oven at 220 degrees. about 25-30 minutes until browning.
Delicious, crispy cookies are ready, with minimal effort and products, for a pleasant family tea party.

7. Homemade oatmeal cookies


100 gr. butter
Glass of sugar
2 eggs
Glass of rolled oats
A glass of flour
Filling (nuts, candied fruits, dried fruits)


1. To begin, put the butter and sugar in a convenient bowl and begin to mash with a fork.
2. Then mix with a mixer until smooth
3. Add two eggs and mix
4. Pour a glass of rolled oats
5. Mix and add filling to taste. Who likes what. You can add nuts, dried apricots, raisins or candied fruits, or all together. In total, about 2 cups of filling.
6. Stir and add a glass of flour
7. Make balls from the resulting mass, dip in flour and shape into cookies.
8. Place on a baking sheet, which is covered with baking paper and greased with olive oil.
9. They will look something like this:
10. Place in the oven at 200* and bake for 15-20 minutes. That's all. Bon appetit.