What ingredients are needed for margherita pizza? Italian pizza margherita

In any pizzeria you will certainly find Italian pizza Margherita on the menu. This famous version of the world's most popular dish is considered classic and traditional. This pizza can be safely called the basic version of pizza, because on its basis you can invent and prepare various types of this dish. But this does not mean at all that Margarita is inferior in herself. On the contrary, all its charm is in its simplicity: purity of taste and pleasant textures. And to enjoy this, you don’t have to go to a pizzeria, because making Margherita pizza at home is not at all difficult.

Margherita, like all other types of pizza, is based on yeast dough. It is prepared by kneading more gently than for making bread. This allows the dough to stretch well, and after baking it turns out tender, soft and airy despite the fact that it is baked at a high temperature.

A must for the classic Margherita pizza recipe is tomato sauce, which is prepared from tomato puree with onions, garlic, olive oil and herbs. The next ingredients are tomato pieces, fresh basil and tender mozzarella for the filling. It is best to take mozzarella cheese in the form of small balls sold in brine, but other types of this cheese are also suitable.

Margherita pizza is baked at a very high temperature. Of course, in a household oven you cannot reach the temperature of a real wood-burning oven, but it is worth heating it to the maximum - 250-280 degrees. Do this 40-50 minutes before baking, always with a baking sheet so you can place the pizza directly on it. Believe me, it will be an unforgettable dish!


  • 260 grams of wheat flour
  • 160 grams of water
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil for the dough plus another 2 tbsp. spoons for sauce
  • 0.5 tsp dry yeast
  • 2 large tomatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 100-120 grams of mozzarella
  • 1 small bunch of basil (purple or green, your choice)
  • salt, pepper, mixture of Italian herbs

Yield of finished product: 2 pizzas with a diameter of 28-30 cm

How to make Margherita pizza

It is convenient to knead pizza dough using a bread machine or mixer, but you can also knead it by hand. For a bread machine, use the "Dough" or "Pizza Dough" setting, and using a mixer or hand kneader, knead the dough until smooth.

Kneading the dough by hand or using a mixer

For these dough kneading methods, place all ingredients in a deep bowl. First, mix them with your hands so that all the flour absorbs the liquid. After this, you can place the dough on a work surface lightly dusted with flour, or use a mixer with hook attachments at first or second speed.

Knead the dough until it becomes smooth and tender. You will see how it becomes pliable and homogeneous.

Shape the kneaded dough into a ball and place in a bowl, covering with film. Leave to ferment for 1 hour.

Kneading dough in a bread machine

Pour water and olive oil into the mixing container. Then add flour, yeast and 0.5 teaspoons of salt to the container.

At first it may seem to you that there is not enough flour, but do not rush to add more.

As you knead, the dough will become smooth, but its structure will become stronger, and it will not feel too soft and sticky.

Once the dough is kneaded, leave it in a warm place to ferment for 1 hour. During this time it should increase one and a half to two times.

Tomato sauce for pizza

While the dough is rising, you can make the sauce. To prepare it, chop the onion and garlic. Place the vegetables in a small, heavy-bottomed saucepan with heated olive oil. Cook over low heat until the onion is soft and transparent.

Add a mixture of Italian herbs to the vegetables. They will make the sauce flavorful.

Cut one tomato into random pieces. Place it in a blender and grind until pureed.

Then pass the resulting pulp through a sieve to remove the skin and seeds.

Pour this pulp into a saucepan with the vegetables.

Place the sauce on the fire and cook over low heat until it thickens. Season the sauce with salt and pepper.

Making pizza

Divide the finished dough into two parts and roll each into a ball.

Gently flatten the dough into a layer. You should not use a rolling pin - you will carefully form the cake with your hands, leaving large bubbles inside the dough, and the edges of the cake will remain a little thicker and will be softer after baking.

Chop the basil and tomatoes.

Cut the mozzarella into slices. If you use brined mozzarella, you can separate it into two pieces directly with your hands because it is very soft.

Place the cake on a piece of parchment paper and a wooden board. Brush the dough with the cooled sauce and sprinkle with basil.

Place tomato and mozzarella slices on top. Sprinkle lightly with Italian herb mixture.

Place the pizza in the preheated oven, carefully transferring it from the wooden board to the hot baking sheet. Cook at 250-280 degrees for about 12-15 minutes until golden brown.

Finish the finished Margherita pizza with fresh basil leaves.

Pizza recipes

1 hour 30 minutes

210 kcal

5/5 (1)

Of course, try it pizza Now you can go anywhere – there are plenty of pizzerias around. But to bake a pizza yourself, and not just any pizza, but a real Italian, world-famous Margherita - this is the highest level of aerobatics! And it turns out incredibly tasty, it’s not for nothing that its glory has not faded for hundreds of years.

When am I going to do Margarita, you have to immediately count on 2 or 3 pizzas - my family respects her very much.

Classic recipe for Italian pizza Margherita

Kitchen appliances and utensils: fine sieve, blender or grater, frying pan, garlic press, rolling pin, oven

Dough ingredients

Live yeast Can be replaced with dry ones - you will need 1 teaspoon. Theoretically, you can take any vegetable oil, but ideally it should be olive oil.

Filling ingredients

Tomato you need a large one and preferably meaty one. The mozzarella balls should also be quite large. Fresh basil leaves are used for decoration.

Sauce ingredients

For the sauce You also need a large tomato, or you can take a couple of small ones. Fresh or dried basil will do.

Making Pizza Margherita

Let's make the dough first

  1. The water should be warm - not hot, but warm. Pour sugar into it and mix.
  2. Crumble the yeast into the water.
  3. Sift 2 tablespoons of flour into the liquid and stir.
  4. Cover the container with a towel and let it stand for at least 10 minutes.
  5. Then sift all the rest of the flour and add it to the starter.
  6. Don't forget to add salt.
  7. Add oil.
  8. Now knead the dough. It turns out very soft and does not stick to your hands. If it still sticks, you can add a little flour. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the dough will turn out too tight.
  9. The dough should stand in a warm place for at least an hour. Don't forget to cover the container with a towel.

Preparing Margherita pizza sauce

Forming the pizza base

Important! !!!At this stage you need to turn on the oven at 200 degrees.

Preparing the filling

Collecting pizza

Video about making Italian pizza Margherita

The video shows in great detail the entire process of making Margherita pizza - dough, filling, sauce.

Perhaps the most common pizza on the globe, symbolizing the colors of the Italian flag, named after one of the queens, is pizza Margherita.

It includes only three main ingredients, so at first glance it seems very simple to prepare. However, there are pitfalls here too.

Let me tell you how to prepare the perfect dish with a beautiful name and appearance.

Margarita: classic version with thin crust

To prepare, you need to take the following products: for the dough: flour – 1.5 tbsp; 250 ml water; yeast – 5 g; for filling: 7-8 mozzarella balls; tomato paste – 4 tbsp; cherry tomatoes – 6-7 pcs.; basil leaves; garlic; hard cheese – 50 g; olive oil.

Italian pizza is prepared only on thinly rolled dough, and its sides should be very large and fluffy.

Let us also strive for this standard. Of course, our pizza will be baked in the oven and not in the oven, as it should be, but the taste will be as close to ideal as possible.

Recipe. Pizza Margherita is prepared like this:

  1. I add yeast to the flour and add salt. I knead the dough, adding water.
  2. Finely chop the garlic and basil and mix with tomato paste and oil.
  3. I use the dough to make a pizza base. I roll out a flat cake thin in the middle with thick sides.
  4. I evenly distribute the prepared filling on top.
  5. I cut the tomatoes into rings and, alternating with mozzarella balls, place them on top of the filling.
  6. I sprinkle it with olive oil and send it to a preheated oven at 220 degrees. oven for ten minutes.
  7. I grate hard cheese and sprinkle it on the pizza. I put it in the oven for another 2-3 minutes.
  8. I distribute fresh basil leaves evenly over the melted cheese and serve.

The pizza looks great thanks to the combination of cheese and tomatoes. So this pizza can adequately decorate any holiday table.

Margarita on ready-made flatbread

If you have limited time or don't want to bother with preparing the dough, use ready-made tortillas made from wheat flour. They are often sold in stores under the name Tortilla.

Of course, such dough will only vaguely resemble the traditional basis of an Italian dish. But why not experiment?

To prepare pizza using ready-made dough, you need the following products:

flatbread – 1 pc.; mozzarella balls; olive oil – 2 tablespoons; balsamic vinegar – 1 tbsp; tomato – 1 pc.; basil leaves; garlic.

Pizza recipe:

  1. I will cut the mozzarella into thick rings, the tomato into thin circles.
  2. I chop basil leaves and three cloves of garlic.
  3. I’ll add chopped garlic to the olive oil and grease the finished wheat tortilla with it. I leave a little garlic oil.
  4. I bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees. oven for five minutes.
  5. I take it out of the oven and immediately distribute half the portion of chopped cheese.
  6. Next, distribute the tomatoes and add spices if necessary.
  7. Spread the remaining half of the cheese portion evenly on top, sprinkle with basil (also half of the total volume).
  8. I put it in the oven and wait for the cheese to melt (no more than 6-8 minutes).
  9. I add balsamic vinegar to the garlic oil and pour it over the finished pizza. Before serving, sprinkle with the remaining basil. Pizza is cut into portions. I recommend eating it hot.

Margarita for vegetarians

Do you think this is impossible and that classic pizza with mozzarella can’t compare with the vegetarian option? It’s worth a try, especially since there are special cheeses with enzymes of non-animal origin. This is the cheese we will use.

For vegetarian pizza, the following ingredients are required:

for dough: flour; water – 1 tbsp.; yeast – 1 sachet; salt – ½ teaspoon; vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons;
for filling: cheese – 140 g; tomatoes – 0.5 kg; tomato paste – 3 tablespoons; olive oil – 2 tablespoons; granulated sugar – 1 teaspoon; one onion; basil; garlic.

Recipe. Vegetarian pizza is prepared as follows:

  1. I pour yeast into warm water and add some salt.
  2. I sift the flour and gradually add it to the yeast in small portions. I knead the dough.
  3. Add vegetable oil and knead again. I leave it in a warm place.
  4. I cut the tomatoes into cubes, after removing the skin. To make peeling the skin easier, scald the tomato with boiling water and get to work right away.
  5. I chop the garlic clove and cut the onion into small cubes. I put it in a frying pan and simmer a little in olive oil.
  6. I put chopped tomatoes, tomato paste into the frying pan, add a little salt and granulated sugar. You can add spices and chopped basil. I stir the whole mass and continue to simmer over low heat for about 30 minutes until thickened.
  7. I divide the entire volume of the risen dough into 3 equal pieces. If you plan to make only one pizza, then the amount of ingredients must be reduced by three times.
  8. I roll out a layer with a thin bottom and thick sides, grease it with oil. I distribute the resulting tomato mass on top.
  9. I cut the cheese into thin slices and distribute it evenly over the mass.
  10. I decorate with whole basil leaves (you can do this before serving).
  11. I spray the surface of the pizza with oil and place it in a preheated oven at 200 degrees. oven. Baking time is about half an hour.

Margarita with herbs

This recipe is for spicy pizza lovers. Traditional mozzarella is supplemented with oregano, ground red pepper, and cheese is also used, which adds its own salty note.

To bake herb pizza, you need the following products:

for dough: flour – 2 tbsp; water – 1 tbsp.; dry yeast – 1 sachet; sugar – 1 tbsp; salt – 1 teaspoon;
for filling: tomato paste – ½ tbsp.; mozzarella – 1 package; 80 g hard cheese; spices and herbs.

Home cooking process:

  1. I knead the dough from the products available on the list. I leave it to proof.
  2. I add oregano, pepper, and spices of choice to the tomato paste (you can use a ready-made pizza kit).
  3. I roll out the dough into a sheet of small thickness (up to 5 mm). I form the sides. You can do this directly on a baking sheet lined with foil.
  4. I spread spicy tomato paste on top.
  5. I cut the cheese into pieces or rings. I spread it on top of the pasta.
  6. I put it in a preheated room at 200 degrees. oven for fifteen minutes. As soon as the dough is browned, I cover the top with a layer of grated cheese and leave for another couple of minutes.

I serve it straight from the stove, cutting it into portions.

Margarita with yeast

Everyone knows how to cook using baker's yeast. Have you ever baked with brewer's yeast? It turns out a very interesting result. Especially with Mozzarella Fior di latte milk cheese.

To prepare a delicious dish you need the following products:

for dough: flour – 2 cups; water – 1 glass; yeast – 25 g; olive oil – 2 tablespoons; salt;
for filling: Mozzarella Fior di latte – 200 g; tomatoes – 230 g; basil; olive oil – 2 tbsp.

Cooking method step by step:

  1. I knead the dough. I sift the flour onto the table, make a hole, add salt and yeast. Pour oil and warm water into the center. I mix everything thoroughly. I put it in a warm place for one hour, covering it with cling film or a towel.
  2. I cut the cheese into rings.
  3. Peel the tomatoes and cut them into slices.
  4. I divide the dough into two equal parts. From each I make a pizza base. To do this, I roll it into a thin layer and make sides.
  5. I distribute the tomatoes evenly, then place them on top of the cheese rings.
  6. I spray the surface with oil and add a little salt.
  7. I put it in a preheated room at 200-220 degrees. oven for a quarter of an hour.
  8. I decorate the finished dish by sprinkling basil leaves on top.

Margarita: recipe for dough with fresh yeast

This pizza option will appeal to those who do not like dry powdered yeast, but fresh yeast in briquettes. Honey is used as an additional ingredient, which will give the dough a special aroma.

The following products are needed for cooking:

For the dough: flour – 2 tbsp; honey – 1 tbsp; vegetable oil – 1 tbsp; yeast – 15 g; water; salt;
mozzarella – 180 g; tomatoes – 4 pcs.; basil.

Cooking process:

  1. I knead the dough. I sift the flour in a heap. I mix it with yeast and rub it with my hands.
  2. I add the rest of the ingredients. I pour water in a small stream.
  3. I send the kneaded dough to proof in a warm place.
  4. I peel the tomatoes, cut them into small pieces and grind them in a blender.
  5. I cut the cheese into circles.
  6. I roll out the dough into a thin layer, make sides, and grease it with olive oil.
  7. Distribute the tomato mixture evenly and place a layer of cheese on top.
  8. I send it to preheated to 200 gr. oven for a quarter of an hour (until the cheese is completely melted).
  9. I decorate the finished dish with green leaves and cut into portions.

If you have your own pizza recipes, share with us, photos are welcome.

As always, at the end of the collection of recipes, there are my recommendations on how to make Margherita pizza perfect.

  • After kneading, it is better to store the dough in the refrigerator;
  • Basil can be replaced with any other herb;
  • For pizza, it is better to use premium flour and be sure to sift it; ideally, a mixture of different types of flour is used;
  • Traditionally, an oven is used for baking pizza; at home, a well-heated oven is suitable.

My video recipe

- traditional italian pizza, perhaps the most popular in the world, even the menu of any pizzeria usually begins with it. The composition of this pizza is extremely simple, its main ingredients are mozzarella cheese, ripe tomatoes and fresh basil leaves, which give it a unique taste and aroma.

According to legend, the pizza owes its name to Margherita of Savoy, the wife of the Italian king Umberto I, who loved this pizza very much.

To prepare the classic, most delicious Pizza Margherita You need very few ingredients, but they must be exactly those indicated on the list. Those. you, of course, can replace the mozzarella with another cheese, but then you won’t succeed Pizza Margherita, but just some kind of pizza. So follow the recipe strictly and I hope Pizza Margherita will not disappoint you.


  • Pizza dough 270 - 300 g
  • tomato sauce 100 - 130 g
  • Mozzarella cheese for pizza 150 - 180 g
  • tomatoes 1 PC.
  • green basil 8-10 leaves
  • olive oil

Tomato sauce. I cook it according to this recipe: . If you don't have fresh or canned tomatoes, or you're too lazy to cook, you can use tomato paste (salt it, add spices) or even ketchup, but I still prefer tomato sauce. If you use tomato paste or ketchup, they are more concentrated, so reduce the amount, 2-3 tablespoons will be enough for you.

Mozzarella cheese We need it specifically for pizza. This is not the mozzarella that is sold in the form of white balls in bags in brine, we need mozzarella that looks like regular cheese. Pizza mozzarella is a hard type of mozzarella cheese used for hot dishes.


Prepare the ingredients. Wash the tomato and basil and dry. If you were too lazy to read a lot of words at the beginning, I will repeat, pizza dough here: , sauce here: .

Pizza dough roll out to a thickness of 2-3 mm, with a diameter of 32-35 cm. I usually roll out on parchment sprinkled with flour, and I bake pizza on it, so the crust does not deform when transferring it to a baking sheet. In order to get beautiful sides on the pizza, we bend the edges 2-3 cm inward and seal them well so that they do not come off during baking. Place tomato sauce on the rolled out base, let there be more of it, especially if you are not using ketchup or tomato paste, but tomato sauce.

Distribute the sauce evenly over the dough and pour olive oil on top.

Now we need to bake the crust, we do this so that the dough turns out crispy and well baked. Together with the parchment, transfer the dough to a baking sheet; if the parchment is very large, cut it so that it does not touch the walls of the oven. I bake the pizza on a baking sheet turned upside down, so it turns out to be a flat surface without walls. Preheat the oven to maximum temperature (250-270°C), place the inverted baking sheet with the dough on the lower level and bake for 5-10 minutes until it is well browned on the bottom.

While the crust is baking, cut the mozzarella into slices 5-10 mm thick.

Cut the tomato into 3-5 mm slices.

Well, the dough is nicely browned on the bottom and the sides of the pizza have risen. My parchment also browned very well because I advised you to cut it, but I didn’t do it myself. We tear off pieces from the sliced ​​cheese and randomly place them on the hot base.

Place chopped tomatoes on top.

We tear large basil leaves in half or smaller, place them on top of the pizza, put small leaves whole. Place our pizza again in the oven preheated to maximum temperature for 5-10 minutes, now place the baking sheet on the upper level. The pizza is ready when the cheese is completely melted and spread over the entire surface of the pizza.

Serve the pizza immediately while it is hot. You can decorate the top with more fresh basil leaves. ready. Bon appetit!

“I made it from what I had” - a basic recipe for homemade pizza. It’s not for nothing that this dish was called “the food of the poor.” You open the refrigerator, collect the remains of everything that is lying around - pieces of boiled meat, sausage, sausages, cheese - and the pizza filling is ready. And for the dough you only need yeast, flour, salt and water.

Pizza Margherita is a different story. You can't mix everything in this pizza recipe. Real Italian pizza on thin crispy dough should not contain any other ingredients except ripe tomatoes, Mozzarella cheese and herbs (authentic recipes use basil). I offer you a step-by-step recipe with photos, follow it and you will have delicious Mozzarella pizza will soon delight you and your loved ones!


For the test:

  • Dry yeast - 2 tsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Warm water - 250 g
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp.
  • Flour - about 3 cups (it may take more or less depending on the density of the flour)

For filling:

  • Tomato sauce - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Tomatoes - 2-3 pcs (depending on the size of the future pizza)
  • Mozzarella cheese – 200 g

Pizza “Margherita” (if we mean the Italian classic recipe) is:

  • thin crispy dough without eggs, butter and other baked goods. Only such a dough made from water/flour/salt can become an ideal basis for a juicy filling.
  • lots of mozzarella cheese
  • fresh ripe tomatoes or tomato sauce
  • green basil and oregano. No onions!

How to cook

We start with the dough. Pour dry yeast (2 tsp) into a small container, pour 100 ml of warm water (not hot), add 1 tbsp. l. sugar, mix. Place the dough in a warm place for 10-15 minutes. The yeast needs this time as a boost. In this way, we check whether our yeast is of high quality and whether it can continue to do its job of raising the dough.

In the photo you can see a foamy yeast cap on the dough, which tells us that everything is going according to plan, we can continue kneading the dough.

Pour the yeast dough into a larger bowl. Pour out the salt and add the remaining water (150 ml).

Now sift the flour into the dough (it may take up to 3 cups of flour). The dough should be a little sticky, but elastic enough to roll out.

Stop when you've stirred in about two cups. You need to let the dough sit for a while so that the flour is properly soaked in the liquid so that its gluten swells. In this case, the dough will be convenient for rolling out and will not tear, despite its tenderness and softness. Only after the dough has stood for 5-10 minutes can you add oil. If you add it right away, the butter particles will prevent the flour starches from being wetted, and the dough will turn out worse.

Add 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil (you can use either olive, sunflower, or corn). Mix.

Now sift the remaining flour and begin kneading with your hands. We make sure that the dough looks smooth. Do not rush to add all the flour at once, even if you feel that the dough is sticking to your hands. Be patient, after 6-8 minutes of kneading the dough will become smooth and homogeneous. The bonds between the particles of flour and liquid become stronger every minute, the dough changes its structure and becomes more manageable. This is the case when time works wonders.

The yeast dough must stand in a warm place for 30 minutes in order to rise. I will share the method that I use =) I preheat the oven for 10 minutes at a temperature of 50 ° C, turn it off, and put the dough in the oven, covered with a damp towel. Low temperature and high humidity create the necessary conditions for yeast dough to rise well. In addition, a damp towel prevents the top layer of dough from becoming crusty (i.e., it does not dry out).

Place the increased dough at least twice as large on a cutting board or silicone mat and roll out a thin crust. This amount of dough is enough for three pizzas with a diameter of 24 cm.

For Margherita pizza, you need to roll out the dough very thin (2-4 mm). When ready, the dough should be crispy. In order to get an even circle, you can place a plate on the cake and cut it with a sharp knife. It is convenient to roll out the pizza on a parchment sheet so that you can bake on it.

The dough is ideal for thick pizza in the Russian style. Roll out the flatbread thicker, 0.8 mm-1 cm, and you will get a cool pizza pie with a fluffy crumb and juicy filling.

Where do I put the dough scraps?

You can make some great buns with sugar. Roll out the remaining dough, brush with butter, sprinkle with sugar and roll into tubes. Make a slit along the workpiece and turn it inside out. It turns out to be a cute rose that needs to be sprinkled with sugar and baked. Before putting in the oven, brush the surface of the buns with yolk mixed with two tablespoons of milk.

Dough scraps are useful for making delicious ones.

Tomato sauce for pizza "Margherita"

Lubricate the dough crust with tomato sauce. You can prepare it yourself or use ready-made

You will need 3-4 medium sized ripe tomatoes. Pour boiling water over the fruits and remove the skins. Place the pulp in a saucepan, add the chopped garlic clove and cook for 20-30 minutes, stirring occasionally, until thickened. You can add your favorite spices to the finished sauce. I love the “sound” of oregano on pizza.

If you use ready-made sauce, choose one with herbs and a sweeter one. You can use sweet ketchup.

Now place the tomato rings on the surface and sprinkle with mozzarella cheese. In the photo I have one layer of cheese. This amount per pizza should be 3 times more. You can use soft pickled cheese in combination with hard cheese, but real Margherita pizza is made only with Mozzarella.

Bon appetit!

The history of the origin of pizza "Margherita"

One day, the Italian Queen Margherita of Savoy wanted to try the pizza that poor people eat. The owner of the Neapolitan pizzeria, Raffaello Esposito, prepared three options for Her Highness, two traditional pizzas, and the third a signature one. The improvised one consisted of red ripe tomatoes laid out in a circle, white Mozzarella cheese and green basil. These three colors repeated the colors of the national flag of Italy, and it was this pizza that the queen liked the most.

I would love your feedback on the recipe! Tell us what kind of pizza your family loves, what toppings and additives you use most often. If you have a photo of the pizza prepared on this dough, attach it to the comment, I will be very pleased. If you post photos on Instagram, please include the tag #pirogeevo or #pirogeevo. Thank you!