Which bananas should you eat: green or with dark spots? Which bananas are healthier: green or ripe?

Bananas are rich in an incredible amount of microelements that are beneficial for adults and children. A quality product must be ripe, whole, and juicy. The banana peel should have a uniform yellow tint, preferably without black spots. This type of banana is ready to eat. They should not be stored for a long time. But green, unripe fruits are specially transported in this form in order to deliver the cargo to any point on the planet. The ripening process already takes place on site. Sellers know how to make greens yellow. To do this, you need to place them in a special storage unit at a certain temperature.

If the bananas are absolutely not ripe, then you shouldn’t eat them. Moreover, if the peel of such bananas has an unpleasant gray tint. There is already such a concentration of bacteria there that they can be used to poison rodents. Typically this color indicates that the product has been overcooled. You need to choose between yellow and green bananas. And they should be preserved in clusters, and not separately.

Color matters

You can find out from nutritionists which bananas are healthier - yellow or green. The color of a banana can tell you a lot. A ripe banana with a bright skin has a sweet taste. Due to the rich enzyme content in it, sugar quickly turns into monosaccharides. An overripe banana with a cloying taste is just pure sugar. Therefore, you should choose a product that is not orange, but a pale yellow shade, even slightly greenish in places. Overripe bananas can be chosen by those who need to increase their blood sugar.

More about the beneficial properties of banana

Today, many people know that quality fruits have antioxidant properties. And now it has become clear that bananas have anti-cancer properties. The main composition of banana nutrients is plant fiber, a complex of vitamins B6, C and E. 100 grams of banana contains 90 kilocalories. The product is necessary for the functioning of the brain, liver, and intestines. In addition, bananas are rich in potassium and improve the quality of teeth, muscles, and bones. Potassium helps to avoid and establish the balance of salts and fluids in the body. You can eat both yellow and slightly greenish bananas. True, fruits that are too green are poorly digested by the body. But such bananas are good to use in cooking. When heat treated, the bitterness disappears. Although in general, it does not matter whether yellow or green bananas are better, bananas can be used in any form for cooking.

There is a lot of conflicting information about these fruits on the Internet. Especially when it comes to losing weight. Some sources claim that bananas are as harmful as baked goods and French fries. In fact, these are frivolous statements. If we take a closer look at the properties of this fruit, we will see a low glycemic index, a lot of fiber and vitamins. Banana is one of the most nutritious fruits that helps you lose weight and supports your immune system.

Vital Nutrients

Bananas are very rich in vitamin B6. In addition, they contain significant doses of vitamin C, potassium and fiber. Potassium is important for sports enthusiasts; bananas rival sports energy drinks.

One banana contains on average 467 mg of potassium and 1 mg of sodium - this ratio can prevent high blood pressure and atherosclerosis.
The effectiveness of potassium-rich foods has been proven by research. Men who ate foods rich in potassium and magnesium had a reduced risk of stroke.
Additionally, it is worth noting the benefits of bananas for the condition of bone tissue. Potassium can prevent severe calcium loss caused by a high-salt diet and prevent bone loss.

Which bananas are healthier - ripe and darkened ones, or yellow ones?

It depends on taste preferences and preferred health effects. According to Japanese researchers, ripe bananas with dark spots contain tumor necrosis factor (TNF). This substance helps fight atypical cells. The darker the dots on the banana peel, the stronger the immunomodulatory effect it has, the more effective its anti-cancer properties. A yellow-skinned banana is eight times more effective at stimulating the work of leukocytes than a green-skinned one.

The purely nutritional properties of ripe and unripe bananas differ little. It is worth noting that ripe bananas have more antioxidants, which help prevent tumors and heart problems. But overripe bananas still lose some other beneficial properties. Ripe bananas replace starch with sugars. They are easier to digest, but have a higher glycemic index.

It is better to store ripe bananas in the refrigerator, this will better preserve the vitamins they contain. You should not eat bananas that are completely overripe - those whose peels have turned brown and burst.

If you prefer to store these fruits at room temperature, you may want to wrap the joints in plastic or separate them.


Both diabetics and those losing weight can eat bananas. The carbohydrates contained in bananas just need to be counted, as with any diet. This is where some numbers come in handy.
A very small banana has 18 grams of carbohydrates. A small to medium-sized banana has 23-27 grams of carbohydrates, while large and extra-large bananas have 31-35 grams.
Bananas have a low glycemic index (GI), which means their energy enters the body slowly. The index itself for a ripe banana is 51 units. Foods with a value below 55 have a low glycemic index. Slightly unripe bananas with green areas have a GI of 42 units.


Simply eating bananas should not be the basis of a weight loss plan - there should be physical activity and a nutritious healthy diet. Bananas by themselves will not lead to weight loss.
The truth is that there are no harmful fruits (except, perhaps, poisonous ones, approx.) It’s either the lack of understanding of how to diversify your diet with them, or the complete absence of fruits in it.

But the fact remains that bananas are tasty, nutritious, and contain a lot of vitamins and other beneficial substances. We need these substances every day. For example, they contain a lot of fiber, sucrose, and fructose.

Many of us, when we buy a bunch of bananas, don't eat them all at once. They are often stored at home for several days, or even a week.

Bananas are greenish-yellow in color and ripen gradually. Choose ones like those numbered 5 to 7

Eventually they start to develop dark spots and then turn completely brown. But, unlike other fruits, this does not mean that the banana has gone bad.

On the contrary, the darker the banana, the more specific extracellular protein it contains - TNF

This stands for tumor necrosis factor. What it is? It is an anti-cancer substance that helps fight abnormal cells in the body.

Research confirms that overripe bananas contain TNF, which inhibits the growth of tumor cells and prevents their spread.

Together with the high level of antioxidants, which bananas also contain a lot, TNF strengthens the immune system.

Japanese researchers have found that the more a banana ripens, the more fiber, vitamin C, B vitamins, potassium and antioxidants it contains.

But these beneficial properties of darkened, browned bananas are not all the benefits of these fruits.

What else are they useful for? Here's what:

  • Bananas have anti-acid properties. It helps relieve heartburn and acid reflux. Just one banana eaten can bring tangible relief.
  • Bananas help lower blood pressure. Because they are high in potassium but low in sodium, they are an excellent preventative against stroke or heart attack. Bananas are a heart-healthy food.
  • They give extra energy. If you eat 1-2 bananas before training, it will give you an extra boost of energy for an hour of intense training. The low glycemic carbohydrates in bananas, vitamins and minerals increase your body's endurance, and potassium prevents muscle cramps.
  • Bananas are good for anemia. They contain the necessary dose of dietary iron, which stimulates the production of red blood cells and hemoglobin, which means increases blood flow.
  • Bananas can be consumed without restrictions, even if you suffer from stomach ulcers. Their soft and mushy texture coats the stomach and protects it from aggressive acids.
  • Bananas help cope with depression. And all because they contain a high level of tryptophan, which our body processes into serotonin (the same “happiness hormone”). Serotonin is a brain neurotransmitter. It helps a person relax, feel happy, and simply improves their mood.
  • Bananas help improve digestion. They also have a laxative effect. This is because they are high in fiber, which stimulates regular bowel movements and provides relief from constipation.
  • Bananas are useful for nervous disorders and PMS. They help regulate blood sugar levels. They also contain a lot of B vitamins, which calm the nervous system and help you relax.
  • Helps thermoregulate the body. Eating a banana on a hot day will help lower your body temperature. The same can be done, for example, for a cold.

But not only overripe bananas are useful, unripe fruits are also needed. In particular, they are low in sugar, so they can be eaten by people with stage 2 diabetes. In addition, they contain probiotic bacteria.

Some of us often wonder when can we eat bananas? When did it turn yellow or when was it completely covered with dark spots? All this is further complicated by the fact that the nutritional background of a banana changes during its ripening.

You may have noticed that the riper a banana appears, the sweeter it is. This happens because enzymes in the fruit constantly break down starch (the long polymer form of sugar) and change it into simple sugars (monosaccharides, disaccharides), which make the banana sweeter.

That is why, while you are tasting an overripe banana, you are actually consuming pure sugar! But that is not all!

The Japanese have proven that banana has anti-cancer and antioxidant properties. And these unique properties are best manifested when the banana is covered with dark spots. Chemists call these stains a compound called TNF, and they are quite effective against abnormal cells in your body. The more dark areas on a banana, the better it strengthens your immunity!

Therefore, remember that a ripe banana is one of the most effective anti-cancer agents. A yellow banana with dark spots is 8 times better in terms of its health benefits.

In addition to all of the above, an overripe banana is a great choice when your body needs a quick sugar boost. For example, when you feel very depressed and tired!

However, it is worth remembering that bananas are very high in calories, so if you are struggling with your weight, green fruits are your choice. They are not that high in calories. Choose those that are numbered 3 and 4 in our picture.

It is also worth remembering that most bananas on our store shelves are feed bananas. The above information applies specifically to them. As for real bananas, smaller, so-called “baby” varieties, they are more useful in their green form.

Green small bananas have an abundance of vitamins and microelements. One such fruit contains about 300 mg of sodium, which is necessary for the human body to maintain water-salt balance. The daily sodium intake should be 1 g, that is, consuming 3 mini bananas is enough to support the body.

The presence of specific fatty acids with a short chemical compound helps to normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. And the pulp of the fruit helps neutralize acid in the stomach.

But their main advantage is the retention of calcium in the body. Daily consumption of coffee, black tea, and carbonated drinks helps reduce calcium in the body. By eating the daily amount of green bananas, you can preserve a vital microelement, which is the basis of the skeletal system of our body.

Bananas are popular all over the world. They are loved and eaten in many countries. Even for us, this tropical fruit has long ceased to be a curiosity. It is gratifying that now an overseas product is available to so many people, because the benefits of bananas are invaluable. They contain substances that work in almost all body systems. This is not just a delicacy, but a real medicine for the body and soul.

Banana is a highly nutritious snack. A fifth of the fruit is carbohydrates. Therefore, when eating a fruit, a person very soon begins to feel full.

Eating fruits to satisfy your hunger is much healthier than chocolate bars or pies. After all, the average weight of a banana is 150 g, and this is only 120 kcal, which is several times less than in sweets or baked goods (for comparison, a chocolate bar has about 300 kcal).

Banana is rich in potassium and magnesium, essential elements for the heart. These substances maintain normal blood pressure and heart rate.

The pulp of a gift from the tropics is saturated with pectin fibers, which, like a sponge, collect toxic substances in the gastrointestinal tract. Fiber promotes the removal of various toxins. In a banana it is much softer than in many well-known fruits, so it does not cause colic or bloating.

Banana promotes digestion. It is recommended for diarrhea. The minerals contained in the pulp help restore electrolytic balance, which is important in case of excessive loss of moisture. The plant fibers in the pulp are a good basis for the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines.

Just one fruit contains 10-20% of the daily iron requirement. This element is involved in the construction of blood cells and providing all tissues and organs with oxygen.

Bananas contain a huge amount of ascorbic acid. To fully cover your daily requirement you need to eat only two fruits. Is it necessary to talk about the important role this product plays in strengthening the immune system?

It remains to mention the well-known ability of bananas to improve mood. This fruit actually contains a large number of amino acids that affect the production of serotonin, the hormone of joy. Therefore, by regularly eating bananas, you can protect yourself from problems such as depression.

Benefits of bananas for men

The tropical fruit is rich in amino acids that promote the production of sex hormones. Banana is believed to increase male strength. It not only increases potency, but also improves the quality of seminal fluid. Therefore, men planning to have children are advised to include bananas in their diet every day.

What are the benefits of bananas for women?

The benefits of bananas for women are explained by the high content of vitamin C in the pulp, which acts as an antioxidant, helping to prolong youth.

Love for this fruit has a positive effect on reproductive function. Bananas normalize cholesterol levels, which are the basis for the production of sex hormones.

It is useful for pregnant women to eat bananas to prevent anemia. During pregnancy, the body experiences an increased need for iron. Part of this need can be covered by tropical fruit.

With the decline of reproductive function, a difficult period of emotional instability begins for women. This is where tropical fruit can come to the rescue. Banana increases the production of serotonin and melanin, helping to restore mental balance. Under the influence of these hormones, your mood, sleep and overall well-being will improve.

For children

The bright yellow fruits contain essential amino acids that a growing body needs. The fruit has a positive effect on the development of cognitive abilities, improving memory and attention.

Banana puree promotes digestion and the growth of normal microflora. Children after one year of age have virtually no eating disorders from eating this fruit.

What diseases does it help with?

Nutrition plays an important role in the treatment of any disease. By saturating the body with the missing substances, you can really reduce the severity of painful symptoms.

For example, the beneficial properties of banana are good to use to relieve pain caused by muscle spasms. It is recommended to eat the fruit during painful periods. Banana helps fight reflux. Its substances relax the sphincters that separate the gastrointestinal tract, which prevents partially digested food from being thrown back into the esophagus.

Oddly enough, banana helps with both constipation and diarrhea at the same time. Thanks to its mineral substances, the balance of electrolytes is restored and diarrhea stops.

If defecation is difficult, then soft banana fiber will solve this problem. It will stimulate peristalsis and promote the growth of healthy flora.

Tropical fruits are recommended for stomach ulcers. Banana pulp envelops the damaged walls of the organ that digests food. Protects them from the action of aggressive juice and creates unfavorable conditions for bacteria that cause ulcers.

It is useful for hypertensive patients to eat fruits to reduce blood pressure. Banana prevents diseases such as atherosclerosis and stroke.

Fruits should be eaten if you are anemic. They can be used to prevent diabetes. Bananas reduce the craving for smoking. They reduce the symptoms of alcohol intoxication, thereby helping to fight a hangover.

The products cleanse the kidneys and support normal liver function. They remove excess water and reduce swelling.

Dried, sun-dried, green bananas: benefits and harm

Bananas are collected from plantations while still green. They reach condition during transportation and arrive on the shelves in a mature form.

The fruit has a very short shelf life. Some of the collected fruits are immediately processed. From them, dried and sun-dried bananas are obtained, which are in no way inferior in taste to fresh fruit.

Dried bananas

Dried bananas retain all the benefits of a fresh product, but they are much higher in calories (320 kcal per 100 g). Therefore, people who are prone to obesity should carefully monitor the amount they eat.

In dried fruits, a minimum of moisture is retained, some of the vitamins evaporate, and minerals, on the contrary, are concentrated. Dried bananas contain an abundance of potassium, which is good for brain and heart function.

Dried bananas

Bananas are dried in ovens. During heat treatment, additional sugars are formed in them. The pulp acquires a thick gel-like consistency.

The dried product retains up to 98% of the benefits, but it is more difficult to digest in the intestines and, due to the increased sugar content, can cause bloating and gas formation.

Green bananas

Green bananas are not as nutritious as their ripe counterparts. They contain less starchy substances, however, more simple sugars. Such a product can cause fermentation in the intestines. It is recommended to consume no more than one piece per day.

What are the benefits of banana chips?

Banana chips are just dried bananas. They attract with their shape and can be used to decorate confectionery dishes.

Fruit chips contain twice as many minerals. This is a healthy snack. It helps to quickly restore strength and relieve muscle fatigue.

Banana chips are good for blood vessels. They strengthen nails, hair and heal the skin. With the help of such a dessert you can improve your sleep and lift your mood.

Application in cosmetology

The tropical fruit is widely used in the preparation of home care products. Face masks help restore skin tone, eliminate pigmentation, saturate the upper layers of the epidermis with vitamins, moisturize and give a radiant appearance.

For normal skin, banana is used in combination with olive oil and sour cream. For oily skin, masks are prepared with the addition of kefir.

The benefits and harms of banana peel

Banana peel is rich in carotenoids and fruit acids. It contains the same amount of vitamins and minerals as the fruit itself. A decoction of the peel can be used as a vitamin supplement, to reduce blood pressure, to prevent eye diseases and to improve visual acuity.

However, it is not recommended to use store-bought fruit peels. To increase shelf life, bananas are treated with a phenol-based gas mixture. This is a very dangerous and carcinogenic compound. There is no guarantee that after washing with water it will be completely washed off the surface. Therefore, it is better to use the peel only as an external remedy.

It perfectly relieves inflammation on the skin. The inner white side can be used to wipe off insect bites, warts and pimples.

The peel is good to use as a light fruit peel. By lubricating your face with the reverse side, you will restore elasticity and radiance to your skin. Fruit acids smooth out fine wrinkles and whiten age spots.

In a similar way, the whiteness of teeth is restored. They are rubbed with the white part of the skin. Thus, the remaining paste is removed and the enamel is enriched with vitamins and minerals.

Recipes for healthy dishes with bananas

Banana smoothies help to reveal all the benefits of the fruit and saturate the body with missing substances.

Recipe No. 1:

  • ripe peeled banana;
  • 50 g milk;
  • 50 g of natural creamy ice cream.

Beat the ingredients in a blender. The drink is not stored. It must be consumed immediately after preparation.

Banana pancakes are perfect for breakfast:

  • Mash one ripe banana with a fork until smooth;
  • In a separate container, beat the egg with two tablespoons of powdered sugar;
  • connect all components;
  • add 3 tablespoons of sifted flour to them;
  • knead the batter.

The prepared base is poured into a heated frying pan with a non-stick coating. Pancakes are fried without oil on both sides until golden brown.

Contraindications for use

By eating only 1-2 fruits a day, it is almost impossible to cause any harm to yourself. You just have to carefully select bananas with an even yellow color and no signs of spoilage.

Regular consumption of green unripe fruits can provoke intestinal fermentation. Ripe fruits common in retail chains should not be eaten by people with irritable bowel syndrome. For inflamed mucous membranes, a product with a high fiber content is quite difficult to digest.

People prone to blood clots should know that bananas contain a lot of vitamin K, which can further aggravate the situation. If there are contraindications, you should not exceed the recommended daily intake.

It’s great that there is such an amazing fruit on the planet as the banana. This is a real source of vitality and energy. A light and simple dessert that does not require long preparations. The main thing is that this delicacy is not only tasty, but also very healthy.