What is the difference between brown and white sugar. Cane sugar: myths and reality

Many people automatically think that brown sugar is one of the healthiest foods. It is possible that the reason for this is its natural light brown color. Indeed, brown sugar has a color that is closer to natural, but this does not indicate that it is more beneficial than consuming white sugar. The difference between brown and white sugar is expressed in the purification process: for the first it is not as long as for the second. Thus, brown sugar can be considered as a transition product, without which the production of white sugar is impossible.

Due to shorter processing times, sufficient to obtain brown sugar, it retains a greater amount of vitamins and minerals beneficial to the body. However, in general, this does not make it healthier: their quantity is so insignificant that it does not allow such sugar to be considered a valuable nutritional product.

Brown sugar contains the same number of calories as traditional white sugar. Even the fact that brown sugar is better for teeth remains a myth: if consumed in excess, it “helps” the development of tooth decay, just like white sugar.

Distinctive features of the two types of sugar

What is brown sugar characterized by? Both white and brown sugar are based on raw sugar. It can be obtained from both sugar cane and sugar beets. At the initial stage of processing, it is condensed into syrup - the so-called molasses, dark brown molasses, is obtained. Commercially available household sugar is obtained through further processing, that is, after bleaching and purification. When brown sugar is produced, residues of syrup are retained, giving the sugar a brown color and a slightly malty odor. In terms of their chemical composition, white and brown sugar do not differ from each other.

Brown sugar contains more water due to its low purity. It provides an ideal habitat for microorganisms and becomes unusable faster than refined sugar.

Which sugar is preferred is a matter of taste and appearance.

Brown sugar gives cakes and gingerbreads a slightly caramel smell and an attractive appearance. Plus, it looks prettier when stored in a jar on the kitchen shelf.

In stores, white cane sugar and brown sugar candies or caramels are more common. In its production, sugarcane juice is first filtered, then concentrated, dried and crushed. If the refining process is skipped, more nutrients are retained.

Brown sugar candies are made by crystallizing and caramelizing sugar syrup into a solid mass. Typical candies are obtained when the mass is crushed. The candy looks like a transparent crystal and is delicious with any type of tea.

Both brown and white sugar have nothing in common with healthy sweeteners. Therefore, you should not get carried away with them: enjoy sugar in moderation.

Brown sugar has long been in great demand among health-conscious people. What is the secret of this product, how does it differ from the usual white sugar, and what benefits does its use promise for the body? Let's figure it out.

Brown sugar - what is it?

Brown sugar is a sugar cane processing product that retains the color and taste of the molasses found in cane juice. A distinctive feature of brown sugar is that during the production process it does not go through the bleaching stage.

A little bit of history

In ancient times, brown sugar crystals, extracted from cane, became the first sugar that people began to enrich their diet with. The first mentions of this wonderful plant date back to the times of Alexander the Great. India is considered to be the birthplace of cane sugar, from which this product spread throughout Europe. In the 16th century, brown cane sugar was a symbol of luxury and wealth. This product, which became the cause of wars of conquest, was an integral guest of the royal table. In modern times, brown sugar is not something unusual or outlandish, because everyone can afford to buy it.

White and brown sugar: what are the differences?

Brown sugar has a number of undeniable advantages compared to its white counterpart. White sugar is a refined product obtained by chemically processing brown sugar. To obtain it, various bleaching agents are used, some of which, “settling” in white sugar, penetrate into the human body with it. Brown sugar, the recipe for which does not require this kind of purification, is more natural and environmentally friendly.

The brown color of sugar is due to the presence in its composition of components such as molasses or molasses, which contain a lot of useful minerals. Therefore, brown cane sugar is significantly ahead of white sugar in terms of biological value.

Brown sugar: benefits and chemical composition of the product

Cane sugar is 85-98%, depending on the country of origin, composed of sucrose. In addition, the components of this product include a number of microelements useful for the human body.

Thus, potassium, which is part of brown sugar, helps cleanse the intestines, removes accumulated toxins, regulates blood pressure and is an active participant in the metabolism of fats and proteins. Without this mineral, normal heart function is impossible.

As you know, calcium, which is also present in unrefined cane sugar, is responsible for the condition of teeth and bones and helps strengthen them. It is also of great importance for the full functioning of the nervous system and blood coagulation system.

Zinc is designed to normalize fat metabolism. In addition, this mineral, which is an integral component of brown sugar, takes part in the processes of hematopoiesis, promotes the growth of skin and hair cells, and is also necessary for wound healing.

Copper is intended to improve the functioning of the immune system and activate the body's defenses, and magnesium is intended to speed up metabolism and prevent the process of stone formation. Phosphorus, which brown sugar is also rich in, is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart muscle and brain. It also participates in metabolic processes, being an integral component of cells and, above all, cell membranes.

Iron, which is also found in cane sugar, is necessary for the functioning of the circulatory system. By the way, in brown sugar, compared to refined white sugar, the concentration of iron is almost 10 times higher.

Thus, brown sugar, the benefits of which are undeniable, must be included in the diet of every person who cares about their health.

Scope of application

Cane brown sugar is a complex carbohydrate, therefore the process of its absorption by the body proceeds at a slow pace. For this reason, such sugar will benefit all those who are struggling with extra pounds. Moreover, according to modern nutritionists, this product can be safely used on salt-free, low-fat, and protein-free diets, but this must be done in moderation. So, without harming your diet, you can consume about 50 grams per day. brown sugar.

Also, unrefined cane sweetness is widely used for recovery after training and in a healthy diet. Due to the mass of its beneficial properties and high quality, this product is an indispensable element of baby food, and should also be included in the diet of people prone to allergic reactions.

Brown sugar is used as an additive to hot drinks. So, it will not only add sweetness to tea or coffee, but also give them an incomparable aroma. Cane sugar is also added to canned food, marinades, baked goods, desserts, candies, and ice cream.

Calorie content

Cane brown sugar has approximately the same calorie content as its counterpart, white beet sugar. If you do not observe a modest measure of its consumption, this product can also quickly go into body fat.

So, if the calorie content is 100 g. white refined sugar is 387 kcal, then unrefined brown sweetness is 377 kcal. As you can see, the difference is insignificant. However, if you wish, you can find brown cane sugar on sale, which has 200 times less calories. A similar effect is achieved by adding aspartame, which is an artificial sweetener, to the product.

Beware, fake!

Unfortunately, in modern times there is a high probability of encountering counterfeit when buying cane sugar. There are two ways to recognize a low-quality product, but, unfortunately, this can only be done at home.

So, method number 1. To carry it out you will need a bottle of iodine. Brown sugar should be diluted in a glass of water and a couple of drops of iodine should be added to it. Real brown cane sweetness reacts with iodine to acquire a blue tint. If this does not happen, then it is not a real product, but a fake.

Method No. 2. To carry out the second experiment, as in the first case, it is necessary to dissolve cane sugar in warm water. If it is high-quality sugar, then the water will remain colorless. If you have regular caramel on your hands, the liquid will turn brown.

Mistral brown sugar is in particular demand among consumers. This brand has proven itself exclusively on the positive side, since the products produced under its brand are always distinguished by their high quality.

Brown Sugar Alternative

Many people strive to completely eliminate high-calorie sweets from their diet. In this regard, the question of how to replace brown sugar is very relevant. There are several options here.

  • fresh sugar cane juice, which contains unrefined brown sugar, although in an organic, absolutely safe form;
  • natural honey;
  • vegetables and fruits that contain high levels of glucose (apples, apricots, bananas);
  • dried fruits (raisins, banana chips).

Thus, brown cane sugar is a very healthy product, the use of which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all organs and systems of the body.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than cooking for yourself))

As an alternative to the usual white refined sugar from beets, other options are increasingly being offered: unrefined, caramel, cane product. Nutritionists continue to insist on the dangers of “sweet poison,” and the food industry quickly switches to advertising various analogues aimed at replacing regular refined sugar.

Cane sugar and regular sugar - what's the difference?

Sucrose is a carbohydrate, an essential nutrient that serves as a source of energy, so necessary for brain activity. The product obtained not only from beets, but also from reed plants is also white. The brown color is due to the purification process without the recrystallization method (refining of raw materials) used in the processing of sugar beets. This is the first difference between cane sugar and regular beet sugar, but, in essence, they are the same.

What is brown sugar? During the technological purification of sucrose from cane plants, molasses is released - black molasses. The result is the same granulated sugar, but with a slightly lower calorie content and a different composition of microelements. The body does not feel any special differences from the consumed sugar product, whether it is white or brown. The suggestion that molasses contains more vitamins and minerals than molasses is still being studied.

Real cane sugar

To produce this type of food sucrose, the noble sugar cane plant (Saccharum officinarum or Saccharum spontaneum) is cultivated. Real cane sugar on our shelves should be exclusively imported: the region where cane grows is Australia, India, Brazil, Cuba. Product packaging must contain information about the place where the plant grows and packaging. The color of sugar varies from light to dark brown and depends on the region of cultivation and the concentration of molasses: the more molasses, the darker the shade.

Main types of brown sugar product:

  • muscovado;
  • turbinado;
  • Demerara.

Muscovado sugar

Muscovado sugar (it can also be called Barbados sugar) is obtained by first boiling the juice; it contains 10% molasses. Muscovado crystals are dark, sticky to the touch, and have a strong caramel scent. When they are added, the baked goods acquire a special honey color, the aroma of molasses and do not go stale for a long time. Muscovado is also suitable for adding to coffee.

Sugar Turbinado

Turbinado sugar is partially refined, processed with water steam (turbine), which is why it got its name. This is a high-quality bioproduct: no chemical elements are used for its production. Turbinado sugar crystals are dry, crumbly, golden to brown in color, depending on the processing time, and are used to sweeten tea and coffee drinks, cocktails, and for preparing salads and sauces.

Demerara Cane Sugar

This type is more often found in stores, made by the Mistral company from raw materials from the tropical island of Mauritius. These are brown-golden solid large crystals. Demerara cane sugar is ideal for tea, coffee, and cocktails. It caramelizes perfectly, revealing a rich taste and pleasant aroma in the process. This type of cane sugar does not dissolve well in dough, but will look great as a sprinkle on baked goods.

Cane sugar - calories

“Sweet poison” consists of 88% sucrose. The calorie content of cane sugar and refined sugar is not fundamentally different: 377 kcal versus 387 kcal per 100 g. This calorie content is 18% of the daily intake based on the use of 2000 kcal/day. The energy value in the proportions of BZHU: 0% proteins / 0% fats / 103% carbohydrates, that is, it contains a lot of carbohydrates and calories - it will not help you lose weight!

Cane sugar - benefits

You can get a lot of healthy elements from sucrose. What is the difference between brown sugar and regular white sugar? First of all, the benefits of cane sugar are due to the presence of B vitamins necessary for metabolic processes. In the West, it is used by vegetarians to compensate for iron deficiency: it contains a lot of magnesium and iron, while refined sugar contains no magnesium at all, and several times less iron. The unprocessed sugar product retains the beneficial elements of molasses: sodium, calcium, copper, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, and is useful:

  • for those who are recommended to have a “sweet diet” for liver problems;
  • to regulate pressure;
  • to normalize fat metabolism;
  • to accelerate protein metabolism;
  • to remove toxins from the body;
  • for the nervous system;
  • for diabetics: there is no particular difference in using it instead of refined sugar for diabetes; you need to monitor the dose and kilocalories.

Nutritionists constantly talk about the dangers of refined sugar. At the same time, healthy eating advocates are actively promoting the benefits of brown sugar. But both types of bulk sweets are a storehouse of pure carbohydrates, and at first glance they differ only in color. So is it worth giving up regular sugar and switching completely to brown sugar? Can this product be beneficial or harmful? Few people know for certain about the properties of dark granulated sugar, although it is found quite often in stores today.

How is brown sugar different from regular sugar?

In addition to color, there are still plenty of differences between the usual snow-white granulated sugar and its brown counterpart:

  1. Raw materials and method of production: regular sugar is produced from sugar beets by evaporation and crystallization, brown sugar is produced from sugar cane by boiling.
  2. Ingredients: white does not contain molasses; in brown it can make up a fairly significant part of the main volume of the product.
  3. Country of origin: regular is supplied to stores most often from local processing plants; brown is imported from Brazil, Guatemala, Cuba, etc.
  4. Taste: regular sugar is neutral and richly sweet; brown sugar can have a fruity, caramel or even creamy flavor.

One of the main differences is the price. Regular white sugar costs three to four times less than brown sugar. Therefore, before choosing a more expensive exotic analogue in the store, you should find out in more detail which sugar is healthier, white or brown. Maybe the difference in their beneficial properties is not so great, and it’s not worth overpaying just for the color?

What are the benefits of brown sugar?

Brown sugar is less processed, so it retains more of the nutrients present in the raw material. The benefit of brown sugar is that it contains many microelements: potassium, inca, sodium, phosphorus, which are almost absent in regular sugar. Cane sweetness can easily replace extremely healthy honey if a person is allergic to it. But in addition to the benefits, brown sugar also has harm. This is a high-calorie product and is absorbed very quickly. Therefore, it can provoke obesity with the same degree of probability as its white counterpart. Although there are still slightly fewer calories per hundred grams - 377 kcal, and regular sugar - 347 kcal.

Retail trade offers two types of products to “sweeten” life – white sugar and brown sugar. At the same time, the price of brown sugar is significantly higher than the cost of white sugar. Let's try to figure out together how brown sugar differs from white sugar and at the same time why brown sugar is more expensive than white.

Which sugar is healthier, white or brown??

White sugar is made from sugar beets or sugar cane and refined.

Beet sugar is sold exclusively in refined form, since unprocessed sugar has a poor aroma and taste.

Brown sugar sold in stores is unrefined cane sugar.

Refining is an industrially implemented process that purifies natural raw materials from impurities. The natural product is divided into its constituent substances, some of which go to waste. But in nature everything is arranged intelligently. Substances that contribute to the absorption of sugar by the cells of the human body are also sent to waste, along with toxins.

A person who consumes refined sugar is forced to deplete internal reserves of chromium. Chromium promotes glucose metabolism and its deficiency in the body can lead to the development of type 2 diabetes. Therefore, which sugar is better, brown or white, is clear to everyone.

Brown sugar is no different in calories from white sugar. Moreover, abuse of both leads to obesity and atherosclerosis.

According to WHO (World Health Organization), the daily, harmless intake of sugar for a healthy person should not exceed sixty grams for men (about 8 tsp) and fifty grams for women. This takes into account not only sugar in spoons and pieces, which is added to coffee or tea.

You also need to count all the sugar that is contained in lemonades, juices, fruits, canned products, etc. It does not matter the type of sugar consumed - it is important to control its consumption.

In terms of the amount of nutrients, brown sugar occupies a leading position when compared with white sugar. Unrefined sugar contains much more B vitamins, zinc, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and other minerals and vitamins.

In addition, brown sugar has a positive effect on the taste and aroma of hot drinks, highlighting and improving the natural qualities of coffee and tea. Refined sugar has a neutral effect on the aroma and taste of coffee, but changes the tea quality for the worse.

If you decide to buy more expensive but healthy brown sugar, you need to consider that the color of the sugar can also be achieved as a result of the use of dye. Then it's fake...

The consumer should be offered natural sugar, only brown.

Real unrefined cane sugar owes its color, composition, taste and smell to molasses - sugar molasses.

Types of Brown Cane Sugar

Demerara- refined and unrefined sugar mixed with molasses. The most common on store shelves in our country.

Turbinado– coarse-crystalline natural sugar, purified with water and steam to remove excess molasses.

Muscovado- natural sugar produced with different mass fractions of molasses.

An increased amount of molasses darkens its brown hue even more.

Black Barbadian sugar– unrefined, low-processed cane sugar with the largest mass fraction of molasses. Wet to the touch, Barbados sugar is very dark brown in color and has a strong natural aroma.

If you want to take care of your family's health, read food labels carefully. Real, healthy brown sugar always says unrefined. Well, its high cost, caused by transportation costs, in this case should fade into the background.


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