How to deep fry in a slow cooker. How to make French fries in a Redmond slow cooker? Recipe for French fries in a slow cooker without special modes


French fries in a slow cooker It is prepared very conveniently and quickly. Moreover, it will be absolutely no different from branded potatoes prepared in a cafe. Moreover, it will turn out tastier, since it will be prepared at home. And such food is a priori tastier, because You can independently adjust the spices and quantity of the prepared dish.

Even though this dish is not as healthy as a salad, and has a higher calorie content, sometimes you can treat yourself to such a tasty and satisfying side dish. There is nothing better than eating hot French fries in tomato sauce while listening to some new interesting movie.

Our step-by-step recipe with photos will tell you how to cook French fries in a slow cooker and what steps you need to take to make the potatoes crispy.

Let's start cooking!


Cooking steps

    Let's prepare all the necessary ingredients.

    Select tubers of the same size for making French fries. This is beneficial both from the taste side and from the aesthetic side. Agree, identical potatoes look much more attractive. Plus they will cook evenly. Wash and peel the tubers. Cut the potatoes into strips (thickness no more than 1 centimeter).

    Pour cold water into a deep saucepan or bowl of suitable volume. Dip the chopped potato strips into it and give time for the excess starch to go away. It is this step that will allow the potatoes to retain their shape in the future.

    Let's prepare the oil, use it without any odor so that the potatoes retain their natural aroma. Pour the oil into the multicooker mold. When dipping the potatoes into the mold, the oil should completely cover the layer of straws. We will cook in the frying mode, so we set it on the control panel. In 10-15 minutes the oil will reach the desired condition.

    During this time, drain the water from the bowl with the potatoes and transfer them to a dry paper towel. This step will allow excess water to escape, then the potatoes will not splash and will not stain the entire inner surface of the multicooker. This will also give the potato straws a crispy texture.

    Using a special frying sieve, lower the potatoes portionwise into the heated oil and cook for 15 minutes. This time can be usefully spent preparing the next portion.

    Place the finished potatoes out of the net onto a plate covered with a paper towel. When the excess oil has drained, transfer the potatoes to a deep bowl, add salt to taste and stir. You can also use any other flavorings.

    This dish is best served with all kinds of sauces, especially tomato ones. French fries in the slow cooker are ready.

    Bon appetit!

Time: 30 min.

Servings: 5-6

Difficulty: 2 out of 5

Recipe for crispy French fries cooked in a Redmond slow cooker

Fried potatoes are a familiar dish for each of us, but thin, crispy-fried potato strips are a delicacy for most.

You can enjoy French fries that are crispy on top and soft on the inside not only in fast food restaurants; you can also make them at home.

But what if you don’t have a deep fryer at hand? This problem is quite easy to solve - cook French fries in a Redmond slow cooker.

Thanks to this kitchen assistant, preparing amazingly tasty potatoes will not take much time.

It is worth noting that fried foods are not as healthy for our body as, for example, stewed, baked or steamed.

But sometimes you can arrange a “belly celebration” for yourself and your loved ones. By preparing crispy French fries in the Redmond slow cooker for dinner, you will be able to create a unique festive atmosphere.

A variety of tomato and cream sauces will successfully highlight the taste of fried potatoes, enriching it with bright, rich notes.

Even novice housewives will be able to cook French fries in a slow cooker, because there is nothing complicated about it, the main thing is to know some of the subtleties of creating this dish.

  • The type of potato used plays a big role. Give preference to the one that contains the least starch.

Choose tubers that are dense, smooth and without any external damage. A greenish tint to the skin will indicate that the potato is unsuitable for cooking; it contains solanine, a toxic substance.

  • It is advisable to use corn oil for frying; it emits fewer carcinogens than, for example, sunflower oil. It is worth considering that when frying French fries in a Redmond multicooker, it is better to choose highly purified deodorized oil.
  • If you don't know how to make delicious, crispy French fries, you should pay attention to the way you cut them. For this dish, you should cut the tubers into cubes, the size of which is 1x1 cm.

Place the cut potatoes in cold water for about 10 minutes and then pat dry with a paper towel. Thanks to this, during the frying process, an appetizing golden crust will form on the surface of the potato wedges.

  • You can cook French fries in a slow cooker quite quickly; the whole procedure will take about 10-13 minutes. Double frying is also acceptable; the potatoes will turn out tastier.
  • For frying, use a special deep-frying basket; this will greatly simplify the entire cooking procedure.

It is best to cook French fries just before serving so that they do not lose their crispy properties.


Step 1

Peel and wash the potato tubers, prepare the required amount of oil.

Step 2

Cut the potatoes into cubes, 1 cm thick. Fill them with cold water to get rid of excess starch.

Step 3

Pour the oil into the multi-cooker bowl and heat it on the “Fry” mode.

Step 4

Drain the potatoes, place them on a paper towel and dry lightly.

Step 5

Now you can open the multicooker and begin the frying process.

Step 6

Place the potato wedges inside the frying basket, then place it in the hot oil.

Step 7

The frying process will take approximately 25 minutes. A golden crust will indicate the readiness of the dish.

Step 8

Place the fried slices on a paper napkin to absorb excess vegetable oil.

Step 9

Serve these incredibly delicious crispy French fries hot. Bon appetit!

1.Prepare the potatoes. To do this, peel it and rinse under running water.

2.Then cut the potatoes into long strips, place them in a large saucepan or bowl, cover with cold water and let sit for a while. This is necessary to wash the starch out of it. For this dish we don’t need it at all, since then the potatoes won’t be as crispy. Repeat this several times until the drained liquid becomes clear.

3.After this, place all the potatoes on a towel and let them dry well. This is very important for further preparation.

4.Turn on your miracle saucepan and select the “Frying” mode. Pour sunflower oil into a bowl and heat it thoroughly. This will take about five to seven minutes. It is easy to check the required oil temperature. If you put one potato in it and it becomes covered with bubbles, then the oil has reached the desired temperature. Then place a small amount of potatoes in the oil.

5.Fry a portion of potatoes for about five to six minutes. Don't forget to stir. When the potatoes have softened a little, place them on a paper towel to remove excess oil. Let this portion cool while you add the next one. Fry all the potatoes this way. Don't add salt or season anything yet.

6.Now you should re-fry the potato strips. Place it in boiling oil in portions, but now fry for three to four minutes. The result of your efforts will be crispy and golden straws.

7. Place the finished potatoes again on a paper towel. At this stage, you need to sprinkle it with seasonings and salt to taste.

The dish is ready. French fries are very tasty with homemade mayonnaise or ketchup, and you can also serve them as a side dish with meat or fish dishes. A light vegetable salad or just tomato juice would be very appropriate. Bon appetit!

A multicooker is a multifunctional kitchen appliance, highly valued for its ability to quickly and easily prepare a wide variety of dishes. Manufacturers are constantly improving new models, adding additional features. One of these modern features is the deep fryer mode: the ability to cook delicious food with a golden crispy crust with minimal investment of time and money.

Is a multicooker suitable for deep frying?

When choosing a multicooker with a deep fryer function, you need to pay attention to the following indicators:

It is advisable that the set include a special basket or rack for evenly frying food in oil. You can also purchase it separately, selecting it according to the size or model of the multicooker. Such a part will have to be thoroughly washed after each use.

You can deep-fry meat, poultry, fish, and seafood. The cooking process can take place both with the lid closed and without it: the product is simply dropped into the oil and then after a few minutes it is taken out and laid out on a napkin to drain off excess fat.

Considering that such dishes are very high in calories and are prepared rarely, there is no need to buy an additional device. A multicooker with a special built-in function, when used correctly, can completely replace a separate deep fryer.

Using a special program in a multicooker, you can easily prepare real French fries. Despite the fact that this dish is not the healthiest, it is still prepared at home. It turns out tastier and less harmful than purchased elsewhere.

If the multicooker has a built-in “Fryer” program, then you can prepare this dish in a matter of minutes, even without special skills.

ATTENTION! Root vegetables with green spots contain solanine, a poison that can cause poisoning if eaten.

To make delicious French fries, you can use the following culinary secrets:

  1. Choosing the right potatoes. You should choose fairly mature potatoes, because young root vegetables are too loose and do not have a strong potato taste. Potatoes with a high starch content will soften during frying. It is better to choose smooth root vegetables of soft varieties.
  2. High quality frying oil. Refined and deodorized oil is used for deep frying. It does not interrupt the potato flavor, and also does not overload with excess calories.
  3. Cutting into cubes. Classic French fries are cut into long bars up to 1 centimeter wide. Thick pieces will be difficult to fry, and pieces that are too thin will fall apart during cooking. After cutting, the bars should be rinsed with cold water to remove excess starch and dried on a towel.
  4. The correct proportions of oil: 4 to 1. In order to get more than just fried potatoes, you should take four times more oil than the volume of the batch of products dipped into it.
  5. Frying potatoes in small batches. Place the bars in oil so that they can float freely and do not stick together. Each portion is fried usually for 2-10 minutes, depending on the temperature and size of the pieces.
  6. Serving the dish. After cooking, place the pieces on a paper towel to remove excess fat and sprinkle with salt. You can serve ready-made French fries with any sauces and spices, or as a side dish for the main dish.

REFERENCE! French fries in cafes are prepared in two stages: first, they are kept in non-boiling hot oil for about 6–8 minutes, and then additionally quickly fried at a higher temperature to create a golden brown crust.

After completion of work, it is not recommended to reuse the oil, since carcinogens hazardous to health accumulate in it. French fries should not be consumed in large quantities due to their high calorie content. It is useful to supplement it with fresh herbs and vegetables.

Only constant abuse of fried foods causes harm to health. If you don’t cook deep-fried dishes too often, they will be a great addition to your everyday and holiday menus. The multicooker can be used as a regular deep fryer. In order for the device to last longer and bring maximum benefit from the cooked food, it is important to carefully rinse the bowl after frying and throw away any remaining used oil.

Golden potato sticks obtained by frying in a large amount of heated vegetable oil. The top is crispy and the inside is soft and tender. Yes, today I will tell you how to make French fries in a slow cooker and reveal some of the subtleties of cooking.

Recipe for making French fries in a slow cooker

Kitchen appliances and utensils: knife and cutting board, multicooker, portion plate.


Step-by-step preparation

Important! When cooking French fries, a lot of steam comes out of the multicooker's outlet valve, so it is better to place the device under the hood.

Recipe video

I've never cooked French fries in a slow cooker. Watch this video and find out what mode to cook on, what temperature to set and how long it will take.

Choosing the right ingredients

  • It would seem that it could be easier to prepare French fries, but there are some nuances here too. It turns out that not all potatoes are suitable for cooking in this way. Choose medium-sized tubers (5-7 cm) with a round or oval shape. They should be dense and hard. The peel should be smooth, free from diseases and pests, and without greening. The eyes should be shallow and clean (without signs of rotting). When cleaning and cutting, the tuber should not crack or split.
  • It is desirable that potatoes contain at least 20% dry matter and no more than 0.4-0.5% reducing sugars. Tubers with these properties are suitable for frying: they do not darken, do not acquire a bitter taste and do not crumble in a frying pan or deep-fried.

    The following varieties fit the following criteria: Nadezhda, Lorch, Leader, Kolobok, Loshitsky, Zhukovsky early, Impala, Felox and others. They have the peculiarity of keeping starch from breaking down into sugars, so the slices retain their shape when frying.

  • Which oil is better to choose for deep frying? Any refined and deodorized vegetable oil is suitable: sunflower, peanut or rapeseed. Rapeseed contains the least amount of bad fats, and its taste is absolutely neutral, that is, it will not interrupt the pure potato taste and aroma.

Before frying potatoes, you should:

  • Soak it in cold water. This will help remove excess moisture and starchiness.
  • After this, do not forget to dry it, otherwise the oil will splash very much and shoot out to the sides due to water ingress.
  • The oil must be heated to a temperature of 180 degrees, and ideally 170 degrees. At higher temperatures it burns, smoke appears and its properties change for the worse. You can determine the temperature without a thermometer like this: place one piece of potato in heated oil, and if a lot of bubbles appear around it, then the temperature is appropriate.
  • Do not add a lot of potatoes at one time, otherwise they will be raw and not cooked; it is better to divide them into several servings.
  • After deep frying, place it on paper napkins or towels to absorb as much oil as possible.

If you don't have a slow cooker, you can cook -french fries in a frying pan or in a saucepan-. Or try making —french fries in the oven—. An alternative to French fries is simply baked. By the way, it turns out very tasty and much healthier to bake potatoes in the oven—country-style—.

How to serve and with what

French fries are served freshly cooked (piping hot) until they have a nice crunch. It is not worth preparing it in advance, because after half an hour it will lose its properties, soften and stop crunching. French fries can be served as a side dish or as an independent dish. Various sauces are suitable for it: tomato, sweet and sour, kebab, barbecue and others.

I think you succeeded in making delicious, crispy French fries using my recipe. How do you prepare this dish? Share in the comments.