How to seal saffron milk caps in jars. Saffron milk caps for the winter - recipes for freezing, quick, cold and hot pickling, pickled in a jar

As you know, saffron milk caps are one of the most beloved and delicious mushrooms. They have been familiar to people for hundreds of years. Thanks to its sunny color, the mushroom received the name “saffron milk cap”. People often call it “royal”; in terms of taste and nutritional content, it is equivalent to white.

Features of the "royal mushroom"

Skilled housewives prepare a huge number of delicious dishes and snacks from saffron milk caps. You just have to open a cookbook - you can find many options for preparing it. In addition, saffron milk caps are considered a delicacy. Their taste is especially admired by gourmets. They are good not only fried, but also pickled. In our article we will present recipes for pickling saffron milk caps at home for the winter.

Firstly, those mushrooms that were collected no earlier than a day ago are ideal for pickling. In general, the fresher you take the mushroom, the more aromatic and brighter the taste of the marinade and the product itself will be.

Secondly, to pickle saffron milk caps, you need to properly prepare the raw materials themselves. The caps and legs need to be cleared of leaves, pine needles and sand. This is done with a brush. You can also remove the film that covers the mushroom cap. After these procedures, they should be thoroughly rinsed with clean and warm water, then left in a colander to allow the water to drain, and wait for the saffron milk caps to dry. Spoiled, wormy mushrooms are unsuitable for pickling. They should be thrown away. Sort mushrooms by size. It is known that the smallest mushrooms are best suited for pickling saffron milk caps for the winter. Large caps and stalks can be dried or fried in butter with onions, adding a little dill.

Thirdly, before starting the canning process, you need to check if you have all the necessary ingredients on hand. If your marinade is missing one of the components, this will inevitably lead to a deterioration in the taste of the finished product. Also adhere to time limits. Be sure to follow the directions in the recipe.

Fourthly, saffron milk caps, or “royal mushrooms” are an excellent dish for a festive table. They are often added to a side dish, and some prefer to eat these mushrooms as a separate dish, after frying them in butter in a deep frying pan. Thus, we see that pickled saffron milk caps can also be fried.

Fifthly, lovers of mushroom picking keep in their culinary collections several recipes for the special preparation of certain dishes. But if you don’t have such notes, then it doesn’t matter. We offer you our recipes for pickling saffron milk caps for the winter.

Preparatory stage

After drying, transfer the selected and washed mushrooms into a pan with clean water. Then we put it on the fire. We are waiting for the water to boil. Reduce the heating temperature and cook them for 15 minutes. During this time, foam will appear on the surface of the water more than once. It should be removed using a slotted spoon. After a quarter of an hour, drain the water through a colander. We wash our mushrooms again with water at room temperature. Attention! The broth that has just been drained cannot be used! So, you have prepared the saffron milk caps for pickling yourself, and now let’s move on to studying various recipes.

1. Recipe for pickling saffron milk caps with vinegar

To pickle mushrooms for the winter, you need to use some kind of preservative. This could be citric acid or, as in our case, vinegar. We present to your attention one of the traditional recipes for preparing saffron milk caps for the winter.

You will need:

2 teaspoons sugar;
. 2 teaspoons coarse salt;
. 8 peas of allspice;
. 1 head of garlic or 8 large cloves;
. horseradish (optional);
. vinegar essence - 1 tablespoon, table vinegar in the amount of 8 tablespoons is suitable as a substitute;
. three carnation flowers;
. Bay leaf;
. and dill (optional).

These ingredients are designed for 1 kg of saffron milk caps and a liter of clean water. If there are more mushrooms, then the amount of ingredients for the marinade should be increased proportionally.

Step one: first prepare the marinade. Place a pan of clean water on the stove. Bring it to a boil, and then add all the spices and keep it on the fire for another 5 minutes. Then at the end of cooking the marinade, add vinegar.

Step two: we need to prepare the jars in which we will marinate our saffron milk caps. There are a huge number of ways to sterilize containers. When your jars are ready, layer the mushrooms and garlic tightly into them.

Step three: then take the prepared hot marinade, pour it over the mushrooms and close with the lids that were sterilized the day before.

Step four: the rolled up jars are placed with the lids down, then they are wrapped in a warm blanket and wait until they cool completely.

After a day, you can check the jars for leaks. If the lids are not swollen, then marinating the saffron milk caps at home was successful. The jars can be hidden in the pantry.

2. Hot preparation of saffron milk caps

To marinate saffron milk caps for the winter using the hot method, you will need:

1 kg of mushrooms;
. 2 tablespoons coarse salt;
. 125 ml water;
. 1 dessert spoon of acetic acid;
. 5 large laurel leaves;
. no more than 5 black peppercorns;
. 3-5 dill umbrellas;
. and a small head of garlic.

Step one: clean the mushrooms from forest debris. Rinse and leave in a colander to drain. Then put them in a saucepan, combine with the rest of the ingredients, and then fill with water.

Step two: over medium heat, bring the ingredients to a boil. In this position, the mushrooms are boiled in the marinade for 30 minutes. Please note that it is forbidden to stir the mushroom mixture with a spoon. The pan is simply covered with a lid and shaken several times during this half hour.

Step three: when the boiled mushrooms have cooled a little, they are transferred to sterilized jars. The container is filled 1/3 with mushrooms and brine. Then, when you have completely distributed the mushroom mixture into the jars, you pour the remaining marinade equally.

Step four: both metal and

This recipe has become famous for its ability to store products for a long time. The main thing is that the jars with the preparation are stored in a dark and cool place.

These pickled saffron milk caps are ideal for making soups.

3. “Royal” preparation for the winter without sterilization

According to mushroom pickers, the “royal mushroom,” or saffron milk cap, is the easiest to prepare. Therefore, to preserve them you will need a minimum set of spices.

To do this you need:

1 kg of saffron milk caps;
. 2/3 measuring cup clean water for marinade;
. citric acid on the tip of a teaspoon;
. allspice in the amount of 4 peas;
. coarse salt - 1 teaspoon.

Step one: prepare the mushrooms. Clean them of sand, pine needles and leaves, and then rinse thoroughly with running water.

Step two: before cooking, you need to salt the water in the pan, bring it to a boil, and then put the mushrooms into the boiling liquid. After 3 minutes, the stove turns off, and the mushrooms are in the pan under the lid for 30 minutes. After which the broth is drained.

Step three: While the mushrooms are boiling, you begin to prepare the marinade. Place water in a small saucepan on the burner, stir salt and acid and boil.

Step four: put the finished saffron milk caps into jars, filling them with filling. Close it.

Secrets of wise housewives for successfully pickling saffron milk caps

Nylon lids are best suited for closing jars with mushrooms.

The workpieces must be stored in a dark and cool place. The optimal temperature for storage is +7 0 C.

Freezing of products is excluded.

If you don’t have table vinegar, then replace it with essence. But remember that it is added in smaller quantities!

Instead of citric acid, some housewives add ascorbic acid.

Another secret is that the filling should cover each mushroom. If a small piece is not hidden under it, it will lead to mold growth. As you know, such a product cannot be eaten.

If it suddenly happens that there is not enough filling, then add vegetable oil to the jar, which saves your workpiece from damage.

Storage secrets

Pickled mushrooms in a jar are usually stored for 12 to 24 months. But it is best to eat them within the first year. If you intend to store the workpieces for a long time, then metal lids will not work; it is better to use glass ones.


Our article ends. We have revealed to you the secrets of proper preparation and proper storage of pickled saffron milk caps, and also offered you a choice of 3 recipes for pickling mushrooms.

Saffron milk caps are low-calorie mushrooms, so sometimes you can treat yourself to homemade mushrooms. In general, pickled royal saffron milk caps are a wonderful addition to the holiday table.

  • Saffron milk caps in tomato and paprika
  • Pickled saffron milk caps “Classic”

    The most common method of storing mushrooms for a long period. It does not require special knowledge, and therefore even an inexperienced housewife can handle it.


    2 kg of mushrooms;
    4 tbsp. water;
    2 tbsp. l. acetic acid (30%);
    5 pieces. black and allspice;
    3 pcs. bay leaves;
    1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
    2 tbsp. l. salt.


    1. Clean the main product, wash it, and immerse it in boiling water. Cook for about 10-15 minutes.

    2. Drain the liquid and put the mushrooms back into the same pan.

    3. Pour in the specified amount of water, bring to a boil, add spices. Stir and cook for about 5 minutes.

    4. Add vinegar last and cook for another 2-3 minutes.

    5. Place the hot appetizer in a glass container, pre-sterilized, and lightly press down with a spoon.

    6. Fill with aromatic marinade to the top of the jars. We roll it up, wrap it in a blanket, let it cool, and then transfer it to the cellar.

    Ryzhiki marinated with onions

    In this cooking option, onions are not added to the preserve. But it is used as a spice, which will give the finished snack a unique aroma.


    2 kg of mushrooms;
    2 onions;
    0.5 l of water;
    10 pieces. black peppercorns;
    5 pieces. bay leaf;
    50 ml 9% vinegar;
    ½ tbsp. Sahara;
    1.5 tbsp. l. salt.


    1. Pour thoroughly washed saffron milk caps with water, add the whole peeled onion, place on the stove and bring to a boil.

    2. Cook for about 20 minutes, place in a colander to drain excess liquid. We throw away the onion; we won’t need it anymore. Pour the required amount of water into the pan, boil, and immerse the mushrooms in it. Cook for about 5 minutes.

    3. At the end, add vinegar, wait 3 minutes and set aside. Place in clean glass jars, pour in the hot marinade, and seal.

    4. Turn over, wrap and allow to cool completely. Then we put it in a cool, dark place and store it until winter.

    Ryzhiki for the winter with garlic

    An incredibly tasty appetizer, prepared hot, will become the main decoration of the festive table. If desired, you can add less table vinegar.


    3 kg of mushrooms;
    1 liter of water;
    7 cloves of garlic;
    4 things. carnations;
    5 pieces. bay leaf;
    10 pcs. black and allspice;
    100 ml 9% vinegar;
    1.5 tbsp. l. Sahara;
    2 tbsp. l. salt.


    1. Wash the peeled mushrooms thoroughly and place in a colander.
    2. Immerse in boiling water for 3 minutes, then immediately remove and transfer to a sieve.
    3. Separately, pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
    4. Peel the garlic cloves and cut into small pieces.
    5. Place the saffron milk caps along with bay leaves, cloves, and two types of pepper. Pour in granulated sugar and salt.
    6. Bring to a boil, cook for about 15 minutes, add chopped garlic along with vinegar. We wait 5 minutes and leave.
    7. Sterilize the jars. Fill with mushrooms to the top. We filter the liquid, put it on the fire, boil it and pour it over the future appetizer. Cover with lids, cool, and take to the cellar.

    Ryzhiki marinated with 6% vinegar

    A flavorful, light snack with a slightly unusual combination of white pepper and apple cider vinegar. An ideal addition to various vegetable salads.


    2 kg of mushrooms;
    4 tbsp. water;
    6 peas each of black and white peppers;
    3 pcs. bay leaf;
    100 ml 6% vinegar;
    2 tsp. Sahara;
    3 tsp. salt.


    1. Combine two types of pepper along with other spices in a saucepan and fill with water.
    2. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cook for 15 minutes.
    3. Then add vinegar and immerse well-cleaned and washed mushrooms. Continue cooking for 10-12 minutes.
    4. Fill clean half-liter jars and cover with lids. Carefully place in a large saucepan of hot water. Sterilize for about 20 minutes.
    5. Roll up, turn over, wrap in a warm blanket. We leave it like this for a day, and then transfer it to a room suitable for long-term storage.

    Rizhiki in Polish

    The peculiarity of this recipe is that the marinade must be prepared 24 hours before canning the saffron milk caps. The appetizer turns out to be quite spicy.


    2 kg of mushrooms;
    1 tsp. dry mustard;
    2 pcs. a slice of horseradish;
    5 pieces. black pepper;
    2 pcs. carnations;
    Bay leaf;
    2 liters of water;
    50 ml table vinegar;
    100 g sugar;
    50 g salt.


    1. Boil water, add the listed spices along with horseradish. Cook for 30 minutes over low heat. Set aside, cover with a lid and let sit.
    3. During this time, bulk products will completely dissolve in the liquid. Place it on the stove again, wait for it to boil, and cook for 10 minutes.
    4. Separately, boil the pre-processed main ingredient for about 15 minutes. We remove the foam in a timely manner.
    5. Place in a clean glass container, pour in the heated marinade and close with lids.
    6. Let it be stored until winter in a cool, dark place.

    Ryzhiki, marinated without sterilization

    A very easy, quick recipe for making pickled mushrooms. A simple set of products plus a little free time and your winter snack is ready.


    1 kg of mushrooms;
    2/3 tbsp. water;
    4 things. allspice peas;
    citric acid on the tip of a knife;
    1 tsp. salt.


    1. Clean the saffron milk caps and rinse them in running water.
    2. Salt the water and bring to a boil. Carefully immerse the mushrooms, boil for 3 minutes and set aside.
    3. Cover with a lid and keep it there for only half an hour. Then drain the liquid.
    4. Pour salt and citric acid into distilled water. Bring the marinade to a boil.
    5. Divide the appetizer into glass jars, add spicy hot filling and roll up.

    Ryzhiki with juniper berries

    Perhaps the most unusual step-by-step recipe with photos, where dry juniper berries are used as the main spice. They give preservation a special taste and aroma.


    2 kg of mushrooms;
    3 pcs. onions (medium);
    2 tbsp. l. mustard beans.

    For filling:

    1 liter of water;
    50 ml vinegar;
    2 tbsp. juniper berries;
    10 pieces. allspice;
    15 pcs. regular pepper;
    3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
    2 tbsp. l. salt.


    1. Trim the stems of processed and washed saffron milk caps by 0.5 cm.

    2. Transfer to an enamel pan, fill with water and salt. Press the lid on top and keep it in this position for 20 minutes.
    3. Wash each mushroom thoroughly with your hands. We cut large ones into 2-4 parts, do not touch small ones.
    4. Pour an equal amount of mustard seeds into the bottom of the sterilized jars.
    5. Peel the largest onion, rinse it, chop it into thin rings, and combine with the spice.
    6. Prepare the filling. Add juniper berries, pepper, vinegar, sugar and salt to boiling water. After boiling, cook for 15 minutes.
    7. Fill the jars filled with mushrooms to the brim and roll them up.
    8. Take a large wide saucepan, place the workpiece there, pour in so much water so that the container is immersed 2/3 of the way into it.
    9. Place on the stove and boil until bubbles rise in the jars. You can reduce the heat slightly after boiling.
    10. We wait half an hour, then carefully remove the jars of mushrooms, wipe them, wrap them in a towel, put them upside down, and let them cool.

    Saffron milk caps in tomato and paprika

    According to this recipe, preparing saffron milk caps for the winter turns out to be both spicy and sweet. It can be passed through a meat grinder, and will be an excellent dressing for almost any dish.


    1.5 kg of mushrooms;
    0.5 kg of onion;
    250 ml tomato sauce;
    100 ml vegetable oil;
    1 tsp. ground paprika (sweet);
    3 cloves of garlic;
    3-5 pcs. allspice;
    1.5 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar;
    0.5 tbsp. l.


    1. Cut the processed saffron milk caps into 4 parts.
    2. Heat the oil in a frying pan, lay them out, fry for about 20 minutes.
    3. Peel the onion, rinse, cut into small cubes, add to the mushrooms, simmer for half an hour over low heat.
    4. Pour in all the spices, except paprika and vinegar, cook for exactly 1 hour. Don't forget to stir.
    5. Almost at the very end we introduce them.
    6. Distribute the appetizing mass into jars, roll up and cool in a towel.
    7. After a day we take it to the basement.

    Ryzhiki, pickled for the winter, can be added to first courses and cold appetizers to add piquancy. They also go well with fried potatoes, mashed beans, pasta, buckwheat, and can also be served as a complete dish, seasoned with salt, onions and butter.

    Rizhik is one of the most valuable and tasty mushrooms in the forest. It is not for nothing that its bright color, unique taste and aroma attract lovers of dishes prepared from representatives of the mushroom kingdom. It is very healthy - rich in vitamins and amino acids. At the same time, you can prepare it in different ways - boil, fry, and salt, bringing your wildest culinary fantasies to life. And pickled saffron milk caps for the winter are one of the most delicious snacks, recipes for which you will find in this article.

    Before we learn how to pickle saffron milk caps, let’s get acquainted with the technique of preparing mushrooms for this procedure. It is important to immediately clean the collected fruiting bodies from debris and rinse with fresh, clean water (preferably running water) upon returning home. Wormy and spoiled saffron milk caps are not used - they should be thrown away.

    Then sort the mushrooms by size, choosing small, medium and large among them. To create blanks in jars, it is best to use the smallest ones - they will be a real table decoration. Large ones can also be canned, but before doing so they are cut into small pieces. In addition, they are very fragile and should be handled carefully. In the middle ones, the legs are separated from the caps. By the way, it is best to prepare saffron milk caps for the winter separately from other representatives of the mushroom kingdom, so as not to spoil the taste of the preparation.

    The mushrooms prepared in this way are transferred to a pan, which is filled with clean water, and then placed on a preheated stove burner. Having brought to a boil, reduce the heat and cook them for a quarter of an hour.

    During cooking, as foam appears on the surface of the water, remove it using a slotted spoon.

    Drain the mushrooms using a colander and rinse them with cool, clean water. The drained broth is not used. In this way, preparations are made for pickling saffron milk caps for the winter, recipes for which you will find below.

    Recipe 1: pickled saffron milk caps with vinegar for the winter

    For the winter, saffron milk caps must be pickled with some kind of preservative. For example, vinegar or citric acid. For example, you can prepare the marinade according to one of the usual and traditional recipes. To do this you will need:

    • sugar – 2 tsp;
    • coarse salt – 2 tsp;
    • allspice and black peppers – 8 peas each;
    • garlic – 7-8 cloves or 1 head;
    • horseradish - to taste;
    • vinegar essence - 1 tbsp. l. You can use table vinegar - 8 tbsp. l.;
    • carnation flower – 3 pcs.;
    • dill and bay leaf - to taste.

    The amount of ingredients is given per liter of water and kilogram of saffron milk caps. If you have more mushrooms, you should increase the amount of spices accordingly.

    1. Cook the marinade: put a pan of water on the fire, boil it, add spices and boil for 5 minutes, lastly add vinegar.
    2. We thoroughly wash and sterilize the mushroom jars in the oven, after which we tightly place the prepared and previously boiled saffron milk caps into them, sandwiching them with chopped garlic.
    3. Pour the hot marinade over the workpiece and cover with boiled lids.
    4. Place the jars with the lids down and wrap them in a blanket until they cool completely. After checking the tightness of the closure, store it.

    Ryzhiki for the winter, prepared in this way, are not only tasty, but also very beautiful and will be a wonderful decoration for any table. You can take a sample after 3 days.

    Recipe 2: pickled saffron milk caps in jars for the winter

    Saffron milk caps for the winter turn out to be very tasty even when using the hot pickling method. It differs from the previous one mainly in that the mushrooms are not simply filled with marinade, but boiled in it. In this case, place the peeled saffron milk caps in a saucepan, add water and boil. We drain the first broth along with the foam, and rinse the fruiting bodies with water. Then we start preparing the marinade. You will need:

    • fruiting bodies of camelina - 1 kg;
    • onion head – 1 pc.;
    • cloves – 4 pcs.;
    • allspice peas – 6 pcs.;
    • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
    • bay leaves – 5 pcs.;
    • sprigs of dill - to taste;
    • vinegar 9%;
    • salt – 1 tbsp. l.

    1. Fill the saffron milk caps with water again, but this time add onion, salt and other seasonings (except vinegar). During cooking, skim off any foam that appears.
    2. After some time, add dill to the broth and leave the mushrooms on the stove over low heat for about 25 minutes.
    3. Be sure to wash the jars for saffron milk caps and steam them or in the oven - sterilize them, put bay leaves in each jar, and a small spoonful of oil.
    4. Add silent vinegar to each container (about a teaspoon). Transfer the mushrooms and broth into jars and close them.
    5. Cool the mushrooms, best by placing the jar on the lid and wrapping it in a blanket.

    The sample can be taken immediately after the workpiece has cooled.

    Rules for storing the finished product

    Pickled saffron milk caps are stored for the winter in a dark place where the temperature is low - this could be a cellar or refrigerator. Shelf life depends on conditions - from 1 to 2 years. But it is better not to keep the blanks for more than 1 year. The storage temperature should not exceed +15 degrees.

    Attention! It is better not to seal pickled mushrooms with metal lids for long-term storage - it is more correct to use only glass or screw ones with a coating on the inside.

    Pickled saffron milk caps are an excellent low-calorie treat. Of course, those who are on diets should not get carried away with them, but still, why not treat yourself to these gifts of the forest. In general, pickled mushrooms are a great addition to any feast.

    Ryzhiki are one of the best agaric mushrooms for pickling at home. According to the collection area, there are boron and spruce saffron milk caps. The first ones, which are younger, have a round cap with edges curved towards the stem; older mushrooms have a funnel-shaped cap with light, concentrically located circles.

    The flesh of saffron milk caps is orange. If they are broken, they release a sweetish juice. Ryzhiki are very well suited for pickling for the winter. Every housewife wants to know a simple recipe for preparing saffron milk caps for the winter. We present to your attention recommendations on how to pickle saffron milk caps for the winter.

    A plate of salted saffron milk caps is appropriate both on a festive table and at home. Pickling saffron milk caps does not require much time or special skills, and you can easily master the simple technology. So how to properly salt saffron milk caps?

    Collected mushrooms must be processed as quickly as possible. Shake off the sand from each mushroom, remove blades of grass, leaves, remove damaged parts, cut off the tip of the stem with the remains of mycelium. Place the saffron milk caps for salting in layers in the prepared bowl with the caps down, the plates up, trying to close the recess of the cap with the legs. Sprinkle each layer with salt. Cover with a clean cloth, press down with a lid and place pressure on top. This is the “skeleton” of the technology.

    Now, learn more about several different ways of how to properly salt saffron milk caps, and you will easily give out advice on how to properly salt saffron milk caps.

    How to pickle saffron milk caps for the winter in jars - recipes

    In order to pickle saffron milk caps you will need:

    • kilogram of saffron mushrooms;
    • 50 grams of coarse salt;
    • water;
    • container for pickling (jars, buckets, pans, wooden tubs);
    • spices to taste.

    How to pickle saffron milk caps for the winter using the dry method

    First of all, in order to pickle for the winter, the saffron milk caps need to be disassembled (throw away the wormy and wrinkled ones), then the saffron milk caps need to be thoroughly cleaned (remove dust, dirt, soil, leaves), and cut off the edges of the stems with a sharp knife.

    Over time, the saffron milk caps that you will pickle for the winter will release their juice and thicken significantly. As they settle into the bowl, add freshly picked saffron milk caps, sprinkle them with salt until the settling stops and the bowl is completely filled.

    The dry method of salting saffron milk caps is suitable for pickling mushrooms collected immediately after rain. In this case, the mushrooms will absorb a lot of moisture and will release a maximum of their own juice when pickling.

    To properly salt, process the saffron milk caps according to technology (do not wash them!). Take a container for pickling, line the bottom with currant, cherry, and bay leaves. Start laying out the saffron milk caps in layers, sprinkling with rock salt and adding black peppercorns and pressing down each layer with your hands. Take salt at the rate of 40-50 grams per 1 kilogram of mushrooms, and pepper to taste.

    Tip 1: To properly salt, never use iodized salt to pickle saffron milk caps. Spoil the product.

    Tip 2: do not use cloves, cinnamon, or garlic as a seasoning for pickling saffron milk caps. These seasonings will overpower the amazing natural flavor of the mushrooms. Let's say dill and its seeds. In general, saffron mushrooms require the least amount of seasoning. And so good!

    Having finished compacting all the layers, place on the topmost layer the same leaves that you used for the bottom of the container. Cover with a cloth and leave under pressure in a cool place for 5-7 days. Make sure that the top layer of saffron milk caps is covered with brine. If the brine does not cover all the saffron milk caps, then increase the pressure.

    Your delicacy is ready!

    Mushrooms in spicy brine are a great appetizer that can be used for everyday and holiday meals. Salting is considered one of the simplest methods of preparing food for the winter; even a novice cook can cope with it. Camelina mushrooms will be very tender and tasty after salting.

    How to hot pickle saffron milk caps for the winter

    One of the most common ways of salting saffron milk caps for the winter is hot salting. So, how to pickle saffron milk caps using the hot method? There is nothing difficult about it, just try.

    • saffron milk mushrooms – 10 kilograms;
    • brine:
    • water - five liters;
    • sugar - 16 tablespoons;
    • salt - 16 tablespoons;
    • vinegar - 8 teaspoons;
    • spices to taste (cloves, cinnamon, allspice, bay leaf, dill, currant leaves).
    1. To pickle saffron milk caps for the winter using the hot method, first prepare the mushrooms for pickling. This must be done no later than 4 hours after picking or purchasing the mushroom.
    2. Clean fresh saffron milk caps to pickle for the winter of any debris and trim off the bottom of the stems and any damaged areas.
    3. Next, wash the saffron milk caps quickly in running cold water so that they do not absorb excess moisture.
    4. Ryzhiki are mushrooms that do not require pre-cooking in order to be salted hot. Just before salting, cut the saffron milk caps into pieces of the same size.
    5. Next, to pickle saffron milk caps using a hot method, place a layer of spices to your taste on the bottom of an enamel pan for pickling saffron milk caps: bay leaf, allspice, cloves, stems and seeds of dill, as well as cherry, black currant and horseradish leaves.
    6. To pickle hot saffron milk caps, place them on the spices with the caps facing down. Each layer of mushrooms must be covered with table salt (forty grams per kilogram of mushrooms). When the bowl is full, add spices to the top layer.
    7. Cover the pickling area with a wooden board and place a weight. Mushrooms in spicy brine will be ready in 7 days.
    8. The finished saffron milk appetizer can be rolled up in sterilized jars (0.5 l and 1 l) and stored all winter.
    9. You can serve saffron milk caps with various dressings. The most popular dressing for mushrooms is bite, onion and vegetable oil. Saffron milk caps also go great with sour cream.

    You should not use metal utensils at any stage of salting saffron milk caps. Because oxidation will occur.

    Remember, mushrooms are a difficult product to digest, so you shouldn’t overuse them.

    How to pickle saffron milk caps for the winter with bay leaves

    Saffron milk caps can be salted for the winter using this method. First, peeled saffron milk caps are blanched for 2-3 minutes in boiling water, and then drained in a colander (all the water should drain).

    The mushrooms are also covered with a napkin and a circle is placed under pressure.

    How to pickle saffron milk caps for the winter in a spicy way

    To pickle clean saffron milk caps for the winter, you need to scald them with boiling water on a sieve, then cool them with cold water, let them dry a little and place them in prepared dishes (blackcurrant leaves, allspice and bay leaves are first laid out on the bottom).

    Then cover the top with a blackcurrant leaf, a napkin, a circle and a weight.

    How to pickle saffron milk caps for the winter with blanching

    To properly salt saffron milk caps, place the prepared mushrooms in a saucepan of boiling water for two to three minutes and place in a large sieve. When the water has drained, place it in a container prepared for pickling according to the diagram indicated above. Seasonings are according to your taste, but remember our tip 2.

    Tip 3: There should be no strong foreign odors in the place where pickled saffron milk caps are stored, because these mushrooms easily absorb foreign odors, which spoils their own aroma and taste.

    How to pickle saffron milk caps for the winter using the wet method with spices

    This method of how to properly salt saffron milk caps differs from the previous one only in that the saffron milk caps are not blanched, but scalded with boiling water. Place in layers with salt, peppercorns and chopped onion rings.

    Pickled saffron milk caps should be stored in a cool place, but without freezing temperatures.

    Ryzhiki are not only very tasty, but also extremely healthy mushrooms, due to the content of natural antibiotics and other useful substances. These bright and beautiful mushrooms usually grow on grassy edges near pine trees. If you don’t know how to cook saffron milk caps, then let’s say right away that most often it is done in water, oil or marinade.

    Saffron milk caps for the winter - snack recipe

    So, before we talk about how to cook saffron milk caps, let’s say that such a dish is a wonderful appetizer for potatoes and other vegetable dishes.

    To prepare this recipe you will need:

    • saffron milk caps;
    • salt and pepper to taste;
    • vegetable oil;
    • butter;
    • sugar;
    • garlic;
    • vinegar;
    • Bay leaf.

    How to cook saffron milk caps quickly?

    1. You need to sort and clean the mushrooms. Saffron milk caps are very rarely wormy, but you definitely need to inspect them. Selected saffron milk caps must be washed and cut into slices before cooking.
    2. Pour water over the saffron milk caps, salt the water to your liking and put the pan on the fire. You need to cook saffron milk caps for no more than a quarter of an hour so that they do not lose their nutritional qualities.
    3. Place the saffron milk caps in a colander and let the water drain. While the mushrooms are cooling, you need to prepare clean glassware. Place the cooled saffron milk caps in it, pour vegetable oil over them and add a little chopped garlic. It is advisable to consume this dish within several days.

    Saffron milk caps for the winter - recipe in oil

    You can also cook saffron milk caps in oil - you will get an excellent preparation for the winter that will perfectly preserve the natural taste of mushrooms.

    1. Before cooking, cut clean saffron milk caps into large pieces and place in a saucepan. Add butter (at the rate of 400 grams of butter per 1 kg of mushrooms)
    2. Cover the container with the saffron milk caps and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally. Wait for the butter to completely melt and become transparent.
    3. Transfer the saffron milk caps into sterilized jars, add hot melted butter and roll up the saffron milk caps with tin lids. Store mushrooms in the cold. Before eating saffron milk caps, just hold the jar in warm water so that the butter melts - and the dish is ready.

    Saffron milk caps for the winter in marinade - recipe

    For 1 kg of mushrooms you will need:

    • 400 gr. water,
    • 10 gr. salt,
    • 5 gr. Sahara,
    • 50 gr. vinegar,
    • black peppercorns,
    • several bay leaves.

    How to cook saffron milk caps for the winter?

    1. Before preparing this recipe, dilute the marinade.
    2. Peel the saffron milk caps and rinse them in cool water. Immediately add the mushrooms to the seasoned water and cook for a quarter of an hour, stirring constantly. Gradually add mushroom juice to the liquid. Ready pickled saffron milk caps should be immediately rolled into sterilized warm jars.


    You don't have to boil the saffron milk caps - even in an almost raw, slightly salted form, they will be edible. However, you should not experiment if you purchased saffron milk caps at the market. It is enough to fry or boil saffron milk caps for only a quarter of an hour to get a tasty and safe dish.

    Russia has long been famous for its pickles. A special place among such preparations was occupied by saffron milk caps. These mushrooms have a bright taste and a pleasant forest aroma. Most often, salted saffron milk caps are prepared for the winter, but even in marinade, these mushrooms have unsurpassed taste.

    Russia has long been famous for pickles

    Pickling mushrooms with onions is not a complicated process at all, especially since the recipe is presented with pictures. The result is a truly royal appetizer that will suit absolutely any feast. Its taste is simply incredible, with a pleasant pungency and a characteristic aftertaste of pickles.


    • 4.8 kg of saffron milk caps;
    • 0.25 kg salt;
    • 30 gr. allspice;
    • 0.85 kg onions.


    1. Sort all the mushrooms, peel them, throw the spoiled ones aside and place them in the container chosen for pickling, legs down.
    2. Peel the onion and chop finely.
    3. Sprinkle the saffron milk caps with salt and onions.
    4. Be sure to cover the top with cloth or gauze.

    Place in a cool place for at least 40 days.

    How to cook saffron milk caps for the winter in a cold way

    Pickling mushrooms in a cold way is the simplest of all known cooking options. The advantage of this recipe is that just a day after salting, the mushrooms can be stored in jars; it is not at all necessary to keep them in the cellar.


    • 4.4 kg of saffron milk caps;
    • 85 gr. salt.

    Pickling mushrooms in a cold way is the simplest of all known cooking options.


    1. Clean the saffron milk caps from small forest debris, rinse and place in a container suitable for pickling.
    2. Be sure to salt each layer as evenly as possible.
    3. Place the weight on top.
    4. After just a day, juice will begin to release, and the mushrooms themselves will acquire a darker shade.
    5. Place them in jars, weigh them down with something heavy and secure with lids.
    6. Place in the refrigerator for at least 15 days.

    Advice: it is better to choose larger specimens for pickling, and leave small ones for pickling.

    Recipe for hot pickling of saffron milk caps

    The most reliable way to pickle at home is, of course, hot. The salting time is reduced as much as possible. The result is a delicious, aromatic snack that goes well with almost all dishes and, not surprisingly, with strong drinks.


    • 0.9 kg of saffron milk caps;
    • 18 gr. salt;
    • 140 ml water;
    • 2 gr. citric acid.

    The most reliable way to pickle at home is, of course, hot.


    1. At the initial stage of preparation, mushrooms must be thoroughly cleaned, washed and dried.
    2. Pour water into the pan, add citric acid and salt, and bring the liquid to a boil.
    3. Then put all the saffron milk caps there and cook them for literally 15 minutes.
    4. Immediately after this, put the saffron milk caps into jars.
    5. Strain the brine, boil again, pour into jars with mushrooms.
    6. Finally, roll up the container and turn it over.

    Step-by-step preparation of pickled saffron milk caps for the winter

    In this case, pickled mushrooms turn out to be very fragrant. After all, saffron milk caps themselves are characterized by an amazing aroma, and in this case they are also seasoned with spices, which distinguishes this preparation from others.


    • 0.9 kg of saffron milk caps;
    • 12 gr. peppercorns;
    • 9 gr. allspice;
    • 2 gr. carnations;
    • 12 gr. salt;
    • 65 ml vinegar.

    Marinated mushrooms in this case turn out to be very fragrant


    1. Be sure to sort out, clean, and rinse each mushroom.
    2. Place the prepared products in a saucepan, add salt and pour boiling water.
    3. Boil for literally 3 minutes and immediately drain in a colander.
    4. Pour fresh water into the pan, add pepper, cloves, salt and vinegar.
    5. Boil the liquid and cool.
    6. Place saffron milk caps in jars and pour marinade over them.
    7. Immediately roll up the jars and place them in the refrigerator or cellar.

    Advice: the mushrooms will pickle in just a few days, but it’s still better to let them soak in the marinade for at least a month.

    Pickled saffron milk caps with garlic: step-by-step recipe

    It’s even impossible to say exactly how many variations of marinades actually exist. Each of them is somewhat similar to the others and at the same time has fundamental differences. The peculiarity of this is that it contains all the best and most valuable. The appetizer acquires not only a rich aroma, but also a very piquant taste.


    • 2.3 kg of saffron milk caps;
    • 35 gr. garlic;
    • 35 ml vinegar;
    • 0.25 kg of onion;
    • 8 gr. citric acid;
    • 35 gr. salt;
    • 35 gr. Sahara;
    • 3 gr. carnations;
    • 3 gr. cinnamon:
    • 4 gr. peppercorns;
    • 4 gr. allspice;
    • 3 gr. bay leaf.

    The appetizer has not only a rich aroma, but also a very piquant taste.


    1. Wash all the saffron milk caps, peel them, place them in a saucepan and add water, boil for literally 5 minutes.
    2. After this, drain the liquid, pour boiling water, add salt and citric acid, simmer in this mixture for 20 minutes, and drain in a colander.
    3. Wash the peeled onion and chop into rings.
    4. Peel the garlic too and cut into slices.
    5. Pour water into a separate pan, add sugar and salt, add all the spices, and boil.
    6. After boiling, place the mushrooms in the pan and simmer for 20 minutes.
    7. At the eighteenth minute, add vinegar.
    8. Place the prepared snack in sterilized jars, add the prepared garlic and onions.
    9. Pour the aromatic marinade to the top and roll up.

    How to cook pickled saffron milk caps

    Salted mushrooms are loved and revered by everyone, but few people know that they can also be fermented. The peculiarity of this preparation is that lactic acid is formed during fermentation. Accordingly, saffron milk caps are absorbed by the body much better. Storing such a snack simply cannot cause any difficulties, since it is no different from the salty version.


    • 1.2 kg of saffron milk caps;
    • 35 gr. salt;
    • 25 ml sour milk;
    • 15 gr. Sahara.


    1. Peel the saffron milk caps, rinse thoroughly and immediately pour boiling water over them.
    2. After this, drain in a colander and wait until all the liquid has drained.
    3. After such simple preparation, place the mushrooms in jars or any other container suitable for the fermentation process, sprinkle with a little salt.
    4. Prepare the filling separately, add salt and sugar to the water, pour in sour milk.
    5. Bring the mixture to a boil, then cool to forty degrees.
    6. Fill the container with mushrooms with the cooled filling.
    7. Be sure to install a weight so that the workpiece is completely covered with pouring.

    Place in a cellar or basement for 21 days.

    How to pickle saffron milk caps (video)

    There are a huge number of recipes that allow you to prepare saffron milk caps for the winter. It could be salads, even caviar. The most common and favorite recipe options can be safely called salting and marinating. Such snacks are often prepared for future use and in as large quantities as possible, and all because their taste is amazing and their aroma is amazing. On the festive table, such an appetizer will be in greater demand among the stronger sex. If you serve it with a regular lunch meal, absolutely no one will refuse this treat. Even the most ordinary dishes in combination with mushrooms will become something unusually festive and very appetizing. If you add a little imagination, then in winter you can diversify your diet as much as possible, creating real masterpieces in the kitchen from such simple but very tasty preparations.