How to deliciously marinate chicken meat for barbecue. Very juicy chicken kebab

Chicken fillet is a product that can be combined with all ingredients; such meat is tasty, tender and soft if properly marinated and cooked.

And it may well become an inexpensive centerpiece of a picnic table.

Thanks to various marinades, which are prepared surprisingly easily and simply from the most affordable products, you can relax and eat juicy and truly tasty budget kebab.

Chicken fillet shish kebab - the secrets of the right marinade

1. Marinade for chicken differs from marinades for other types of meat in that its main task is to saturate the meat with a variety of tastes and aromas. In the case of beef or pork, the marinade acts as a fiber softener, but in the case of fillet, this is not necessary, because it already cooks quickly and turns out soft. Therefore, do not rush to add vinegar, do not be afraid to experiment with marinades based on honey, sauces and even fruits. No matter how you marinate the fillet, it will turn out tender and tasty.

2. The advantage of chicken fillet kebab is that the meat marinates very quickly. Sometimes two hours is enough for it to be saturated with all the necessary ingredients. This means that you don’t need to marinate the chicken on the eve of the picnic; you can do it just before your trip to nature.

3. Refrain from using table vinegar, it does not soften the meat and certainly does not make it tender and juicy, this ingredient encircles the fibers, making them tougher. If you like the specific sourness of this product, then choose balsamic or wine vinegar for marinating.

4. Do not use mayonnaise to prepare fillet marinade. Perhaps this method of pickling is the fastest and easiest, but it is harmful both for the body and for the figure. During the heat treatment process, mayonnaise releases all the harmful substances it contains. If you can’t deny yourself the pleasure of eating chicken in your favorite marinade, make your own mayonnaise from mustard, yolks and olive oil. The taste is the same, but the benefits are obvious.

5. To prepare chicken kebab, use not only fillets, legs or wings, but also offal, such as hearts or liver. They marinate even faster than meat, and they turn out just as interesting and tasty.

6. Serve chicken fillet kebab with light snacks that do not weigh down your stomach: fresh vegetables, herbs, baked vegetables.

Recipe 1. Chicken shish kebab in kefir


2 kg chicken fillet;

A liter of kefir;

50 grams of parsley;

Two large onions;

Salt pepper;

5-6 cloves of garlic.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the fillet, dry it lightly and cut into medium-sized portions.

2. Grind the salt and chopped garlic into a paste, rub the resulting mixture onto the prepared meat.

3. Place the chicken in a bowl, sprinkle with pepper, and mix with onion rings.

4. Pour kefir into the meat with spices, making sure that it completely covers all the pieces.

5. Place the chicken shashlik in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours, placing pressure on top.

6. Cook the chicken over an open fire or in the oven.

Recipe 2. Chicken shish kebab in soy sauce


One and a half kilograms of chicken fillet;

120 ml soy sauce;

1.5 tbsp. l. honey;

3 tsp. grated ginger;

4 cloves of garlic;

70 ml sesame oil.

Cooking method:

1. Salt the prepared meat and set aside for 15-20 minutes.

2. While the meat is soaking, prepare the marinade. Melt the honey in any convenient way until it becomes liquid and cool.

3. Mix soy sauce with honey and sesame oil.

4. Peel the ginger root with a knife and grate it on the finest grater, add it to the honey mixture.

5. Peel the garlic, pass it through a press, and also add it to the marinade.

6. Mix all ingredients thoroughly in a deep bowl.

7. Add salted meat to the prepared soy marinade, stirring thoroughly, rubbing the mixture into each piece.

8. Place in a cool place for 2-4 hours.

9. Cook the shish kebab on hot coals, turning occasionally, for about 20 minutes.

Recipe 3. Chicken shish kebab in beer


Two kilograms of chicken breast;

0.75 liters of beer;

Two onions;

Salt, oregano, pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the chicken breast thoroughly, remove the skin and bones, cut the fillet into small pieces, but not too small at the same time. We make it so that the meat can be placed on a skewer.

2. Peel both onions and cut into thick rings.

3. Rub the pieces of meat with a mixture of oregano, salt and pepper.

4. Place the chicken in a bowl and sprinkle onions on top. Fill with beer.

5. Marinate for at least 2 hours.

6. Prepare shish kebab from fillet marinated in beer in the traditional way: on the grill over coals or over an open fire over a campfire.

Recipe 4. Chicken shashlik in mineral water


Two chicken breasts (about 1 kg);

Large onion;

60 ml vegetable oil;

Liter of mineral water;

Spices, salt;

Two tablespoons of lemon juice;


Cooking method:

1. Cut the prepared, washed and dried fillet into medium portions.

2. Wash the lemon, cut it in half, squeeze out the amount of juice we need.

3. Peel the onion and cut into large rings.

4. Place the breast on the bottom of the bowl and place the onion on top.

5. Sprinkle the meat with spices, salt, and pour lemon juice. Mix.

6. Fill with vegetable oil and mineral water, marinate for 4 hours.

7. Place marinated chicken shish kebab on skewers, alternating meat with onion rings, fry on all sides for 5 minutes.

8. You can cook barbecue at home. Place the meat on moistened wooden skewers and cook for 15-20 minutes in an oven preheated to 210 degrees.

9. Serve with fresh herbs. If desired, the already prepared meat can be sprinkled with lemon juice, this will give the chicken a delicate sourness and additional aroma and taste.

Recipe 5. Chicken shish kebab in apple-lemon marinade


800 grams of chicken fillet;

Two tablespoons of apple brandy;

Two sweet and sour apples;

100 ml vegetable oil;

One lemon;

A tablespoon of sugar;

Salt, spices.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the lemon, carefully grate the skin, trying not to touch the white part. We only need the zest.

2. Squeeze the juice from the remaining lemon pulp.

3. Mix the zest with lemon juice, add apple brandy, add spices, salt, sugar, and add vegetable oil. Mix.

4. Place the fillet cut into portions into the aromatic marinade and mix. Place in a cool place for 3-5 hours.

5. Wash two apples, cut into 4-6 parts, depending on the size of the fruit, cut off the core, sprinkle with lemon juice.

6. Thread apples and chicken onto skewers or thin skewers.

7. Lubricate the strung products with marinade, cook in the oven or on the grill for 15 minutes.

Recipe 6. Dietary chicken shish kebab with Provencal herbs


A kilogram of chicken breast;

Three onions;

Half a lemon;

Two glasses of classic yogurt;

A tablespoon of Provençal dried herbs.

Cooking method:

1. We cut the breast, cutting off the bones and skin, leaving only the fillet. Wash, dry, cut into large cubes.

2. Cut the peeled onion into half rings, put it in a bowl, and crush it with your hands.

3. Place the chicken on top, sprinkle everything with spices, salt and herbs de Provence.

4. Rub lemon zest onto the kebab. Mix everything well.

5. Pour yogurt over the fillet. Leave the meat in a cold place for 3 hours.

6. Fry the finished chicken fillet shish kebab over hot coals on all sides until cooked.

Recipe 7. Chicken shish kebab with garlic and paprika


Half a kilo of chicken fillet;

Three tablespoons of olive oil;

One lemon;

A teaspoon of paprika;

Two tablespoons of wine vinegar;

A pinch of dried onion;

Spices, salt;

Two cloves of garlic;

Two tablespoons of mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

1. Pour wine vinegar, olive oil, and the juice of one lemon into a bowl of a suitable size. Mix.

2. Add paprika to the marinade; it will give the chicken a bright, rich color and a pleasant taste.

3. Place finely chopped or grated garlic here.

4. Add dried onions and mayonnaise.

5. Salt and pepper to taste.

6. Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces, place the meat in the marinade, mix with your hands, rubbing the mixture into each piece of chicken.

7. Place the oppression on top, put the chicken in the refrigerator for an hour.

8. Place the kebab on metal skewers or wooden skewers and cook over hot coals or in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.

Recipe 8. Chicken shashlik with zucchini and cheese


One chicken breast per 550-600 grams;

Two zucchini;

Green onions;

Salt pepper;

100 grams of feta cheese.

Cooking method:

1. We wash young zucchini with small seeds and thin skin under running water, cut it into circles no more than one centimeter wide.

2. Cut the chicken fillet, removed from the breast, into approximately the same pieces as the zucchini.

3. Salt and pepper the meat, set aside for 10 minutes.

4. Thread the zucchini circles and pieces of meat tightly onto skewers, placing a small piece of cheese between them.

5. Sprinkle the kebab with the remaining cheese, grating it. Carefully wrap the part of the skewer where the food is located with foil.

6. Cook over hot coals for half an hour, remembering to turn over.

7. Cool the finished chicken fillet kebab, remove the foil, and brown on all sides over the same coals.

Chicken shashlik - tricks

Thanks to these little tricks, you will be able to avoid common mistakes when preparing chicken kebab:

Do not use a whole chicken carcass for barbecue; use only identical parts: fillet, drumsticks, legs, wings. This way the meat will marinate and cook evenly. And it won’t turn out that, for example, the legs are not yet ready and are bleeding, and the fillet is already dry. If you still want to use a whole chicken or chicken to cook meat over a fire or in the oven, marinate the whole bird and cook it without cutting it.

Be sure to use oil (vegetable, olive), fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt), and lemon for marinating the fillet. Thanks to these products, during marinating, the meat sets on the outside, leaving all the juices inside. This allows the chicken fillet to remain soft and juicy.

Under no circumstances should you marinate frozen fillets; if you really don’t have enough time, you can defrost them in the microwave, but it’s better to do this the day before the picnic. Frozen chicken simply will not absorb the aromas and flavors of spices and other additives, resulting in tasteless meat.

Greetings, food lovers. Agree that kebab is rightfully the “king” of picnics. And more often than usual in the summer, it is prepared from chicken. This meat is tender and cooks quickly. That’s why I decided to devote today’s article to how to cook chicken kebab – marinade recipes are the most important thing for this matter :)

The first requirement is to choose the right meat. Buy quality fresh chicken. Frozen meat is not the best option. But if there is no other option, this will do. Just defrost it slowly in the refrigerator. When defrosted quickly, chicken becomes tough. To make kebab from defrosted chicken juicy, I recommend marinating it in vinegar. But I’ll tell you about this version of the marinade a little later.

There is a stereotype that shish kebab should be made from breast or thighs. But, my friends, what’s wrong with drumsticks or wings? You can make excellent shish kebab from any part of the bird. You just need to chop the carcass into equal-sized portions, marinate and cook.

Each version of the marinade contains a softener. Just don’t overdo it, otherwise the meat will become loose. And marinate the meat for as long as indicated in the recipe. Usually this is up to 3 hours, but less for fillets. However, there are exceptions - but this is spelled out in the recipe.

I recommend marinating chicken (and not only) in a ceramic or glass container. Aluminum cookware oxidizes when it comes into contact with the acidic components of the marinade. This will spoil the taste of the future dish.

10 delicious marinade recipes

And today I will describe to you 10 options for marinade. I am sure that at least one of them will become your favorite. Don’t forget to write down in the comments what recipe you used and what happened.

Marinade for chicken meat with mayonnaise

You should prepare the following set of products:

  • 100 g homemade mayonnaise;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • half a glass of water;
  • chopped hot pepper;
  • 1 PC. onions.

Chop the onion into rings 7-10 mm thick. Mix mayonnaise with cool boiled water. Then add salt and pepper to the mixture, and then mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Mix onion with mayonnaise dressing.

We wash the fillet, wipe it with a paper towel or just let it dry. Then cut it into portions. And carefully mix the chicken with the mayonnaise marinade. And after 1.5-2 hours, we string the chicken onto skewers, alternating meat with onion rings. And we grill shish kebab on the coals.

This delicious dish is prepared in literally 15 minutes. Therefore, you won’t have to choke your mouth for a long time :) I prepared another version of the mayonnaise marinade. This dish is incredibly easy and quick to prepare.

Kefir marinade for chicken barbecue

Kefir marinade allows you to prepare a delicious dietary dish. It will appeal to both adults and children.

You will need:

  • chicken breast;
  • 2 pcs. onions;
  • 250 ml kefir 2.5% fat;
  • salt.

Remove the skin from the breast and cut the meat into equal-sized portions. Grate the peeled onion or pass it through a meat grinder. And we send this ingredient to the meat. Add some salt to this mass. And then fill it with fermented milk product at room temperature. By the way, instead of kefir, you can use natural yogurt without additives or low-fat sour cream. Believe me, yogurt or sour cream will also turn out very tender and tasty.

I recommend marinating chicken for no more than 1.5 hours. Next, the pieces need to be placed on a barbecue grill or put on skewers. The kebab is fried very quickly - in about 15 minutes the yummy dish will be ready.

Chicken fillet with lemon on the grill


  • 1 double or 2 single fillets;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 1 large or 2 small lemons;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil;
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano.

Chop the peeled garlic into small pieces with a knife. Grind oregano powder in a mortar. Squeeze the juice from the citrus fruit and grate the zest. Mix lemon juice with oil, zest, oregano and garlic in a container.

Wash the chicken, dry it and cut it into portions. Immerse it in lemon marinade for 1.5 hours. Then place the meat on the grill and cook on the grill. The aroma of this dish will spread over a great distance. Therefore, there will be no end to those who want to join your meal :)

How to make marinade with honey and soy sauce

You will need:

  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of honey;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce;
  • 1 teaspoon of sesame oil (you can replace it with 2 tablespoons of olive oil);
  • 5 drumsticks;
  • sesame seeds.

Chop the peeled garlic with a knife. Mix it with honey, sauce and butter. Do you like spicy dishes? Then you can enrich the aromatic filling with 1 teaspoon of chili pepper. Place washed and dried chicken legs in the spicy mixture for 40 minutes. Turn the drumsticks over periodically so that they are evenly saturated with spices.

Line a baking sheet with foil and place the legs. Pour a small amount of marinade over them. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees and place a baking sheet in it for an hour.

The good thing about this kebab is that it can be cooked even in bad weather. Just imagine, there is a blizzard outside, and on your table there is a fragrant, golden-brown-crusted kebab. By the way, you can cook it not only from drumsticks, but also from wings. Sprinkle with sesame seeds before serving.

Fragrant marinade with honey and mustard

For kg of drumsticks take:

  • juice from half a lime;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soy sauce;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream;
  • 4 garlic cloves;
  • 1.5 tbsp. spoons of mustard;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ketchup;
  • 1.5 tbsp. spoons of honey;
  • salt+pepper.

Mix mustard with sour cream, sauce, ketchup, honey and juice. Grate the peeled garlic cloves on a fine grater and add them to the other ingredients of the marinade. Add salt and pepper the mass, and then mix everything thoroughly.

The washed meat is immersed in the aromatic mass. Cover the bowl with cling film and refrigerate for 1.5 hours. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Place the legs on a baking sheet lined with foil and place in the oven. Approximate cooking time is 40 minutes.

And also, I bring to your attention an entertaining video. Here they test 4 options for marinade for chicken shish kebab in nature. It tasted best with honey and mustard. The presenter admitted that he really loves this version of the marinade. So, stock up on popcorn and watch :)

How to properly make a marinade using mineral water

Stock up:

  • 1 kg chicken;
  • 3 pcs. onions;
  • 500 ml mineral sparkling water;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • spices to your taste.

We wash the chicken, let it dry and cut it into equal-sized pieces. Cut the onion (pre-peeled) into rings and add it to the meat. Season the mixture with spices, oil and salt. And mix everything well. Then pour mineral water over the meat and leave in the cold for 3 hours. During this time, it will be thoroughly saturated with spices.

Then we put the pieces on skewers and fry on the grill. It prepares very quickly - before you even have time to blink your eye, you will be able to taste the deliciousness. The main thing is not to blink, because there will be other people waiting next to you :)

Crispy wings with beer

You will need:

  • kilo of wings;
  • 250 ml light beer;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped coriander;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of Adyghe salt;
  • crushed chili.

Cut the wings in half, thoroughly washed and wiped with a paper towel. Salt them, pepper them and season them with coriander. And then we fill it all with beer and marinate for an hour.

Line a baking sheet with foil, then place the marinated wings here. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees and immerse the chicken in it. At this temperature, the meat needs to be cooked for about an hour. Serve the finished wings hot.

Quick marinade with onions and vinegar

A simple recipe for this dish is:

  • 3 pcs. legs;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of wine or apple cider vinegar;
  • 3 pcs. onions;
  • salt+pepper.

We cut the prepared chicken into portions and place it in a bowl where we will marinate the kebab. Add and season the chicken. Cut the peeled onion into thin half rings and add it to the meat. Then pour vinegar over it all and mix. You need to marinate the meat for no more than 1.5 hours.

An original version of wine marinade

This exquisite dish will become a real decoration of the feast. His recipe is:

  • 1200 g chicken;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of brown sugar;
  • 80 ml semi-sweet white wine;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of wine vinegar;
  • a handful of pitted prunes;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil;
  • 2 pcs. bay leaves;
  • a handful of olives;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of capers with liquid;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of dried oregano;
  • a little parsley;
  • salt + pepper.

We wash and dry the meat. If it is a whole carcass or huge legs, cut it into portions. Sprinkle chicken with oregano, add salt and pepper. We pass the garlic through a press and send this pulp to the meat. Add prunes, capers, olives, oil, vinegar and bay leaves to the marinade. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and place in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.

Line a baking sheet with foil and transfer the marinated meat and marinade into it. Sprinkle sugar on top and pour wine over it all. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake chicken in it for an hour. Periodically look into the oven to pour the spicy marinade on top of the meat.

The aroma of this culinary masterpiece is indescribable. This is definitely a must try. Before serving, sprinkle the chicken with chopped parsley.

Marinade with ketchup and balsamic vinegar

Do you like Asian cuisine? If yes, you will love this recipe. For 2 single chicken fillets, use for marinade:

  • a small root of ginger root;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of semi-sweet red wine;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of ketchup;
  • olive oil;
  • egg;
  • 6 tbsp. spoons of wheat flour;
  • bulb onions;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of corn starch;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of balsamic vinegar.

Cut the fillet, dried after washing, into 2 cm pieces. Grind the ginger on a fine grater, you only need 1 tbsp. spoon. We send the chicken in a durable plastic bag. Add ginger, balsamic, ketchup and wine here. If you don't have the latter on hand, take water instead of wine. We tie the bag and pull it so that all the ingredients are mixed. We send the barbecue preparation to the cold for 1.5 hours.

Heat the frying pan, pour 1.5 cm of oil into it and heat it. Mix flour and starch in one bowl, and beat the egg in another. Dip each piece in egg and roll in flour breading. Then dip into oil and fry over medium heat on all sides until golden brown. Place the finished pieces on a paper towel - let the excess fat go away.

Sweet and sour tomato sauce is an ideal addition to the dish. For it, chop half an onion into thin half rings and fry for 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil. Frying time is about 3 minutes. Add cherry tomatoes cut into 4 parts there (it’s enough to take 3 tomatoes). Enrich the sauce with 4 tbsp ketchup. spoons, brown sugar 2 tbsp. spoons, balsamic 2 tbsp. spoon). Also add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sesame oil and a few tbsp. spoons of water.

Mix everything and simmer over medium heat for 2-3 minutes. Then we immerse the chicken pieces here and simmer for another 2 minutes. Indescribable yummy, try it!

In general, my friends, what is better to marinate meat in is, of course, up to you to decide. After all, everyone has their own idea of ​​what the most delicious kebab is. I am sure that today’s article will help you marinate meat correctly. And cook the kebab to perfection. One that can adequately rebuff a dish made by a chef.

Most people love such aromatic and tender meat. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to go out into nature. Therefore, we will tell you how to make chicken kebab not only on the grill, but also in the oven and in a frying pan.

How to marinate in sour cream?


  • chicken breast – 0.3 kg;
  • salt, spices for grilled meat - to taste;
  • bacon – 0.15 kg;
  • onion – 1 head;
  • sour cream – 0.2 kg;
  • fresh dill - half a bunch;
  • garlic – 2 cloves.


  1. Cut the onion into thin half rings.
  2. Finely chop the garlic with a knife.
  3. Chop the dill very finely.
  4. Place sour cream in a deep container. Add onion, garlic and dill to it. Mix the marinade, add salt and grill spices.
  5. Rinse the chicken several times and cut it into large cubes. If the meat falls into fibers and does not hold its shape, freeze it. Let the fillet sit in the freezer for a short time, about an hour. After this, the chicken will be easy to cut and the cubes will be even.
  6. Place the fillet in the marinade. Pat the meat thoroughly so that the sauce is absorbed into it.
  7. Place the chicken breast in the refrigerator. Let it marinate for at least 4 hours.
  8. At this time, you still need to prepare the skewers. Place them on a baking sheet and cover with cold water for 2 hours. Then, during frying, they will not burn.
  9. When the meat is marinated, you need to wrap it in bacon. It is this that will give the kebab juiciness. Wrap all fillet pieces in bacon.
  10. Place 3 pieces of chicken breast on each wooden skewer.
  11. Now heat the grill pan and fry the skewer with meat on all sides until golden brown. If you don’t have such a frying pan, use regular utensils, but then the kebab won’t have appetizing stripes.
  12. Chicken in sour cream is ready. Serve with vegetable salad.

Marinate chicken for shish kebab in beer (with lemon)

Meat can be baked both in the oven and on the grill.


  • light beer – 0.7 l;
  • chicken drumsticks – 4 kg;
  • lemon;
  • mayonnaise – 0.2 kg;
  • onions – 3 heads;
  • salt, seasoning for barbecue.


  1. Rinse all the drumsticks and place them in a large saucepan.
  2. Cut the onion into thin rings and add it to the drumsticks.
  3. Add beer and sour cream to the meat.
  4. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze all the juice into the meat.
  5. Add barbecue seasoning and salt to the drumsticks. Mix the meat and sauce thoroughly until it is evenly distributed.
  6. Leave the drumsticks to marinate for 3 hours. This time will be enough.
  7. After the specified time has passed, prepare the kebab in any convenient way.

Continuing the theme of the “kebab” season, let’s talk about what is no less popular during the May holidays - chicken kebab.

Chicken, in particular its breast fillet, is a protein-rich dietary product. Chicken contains polyunsaturated acids that are beneficial for the human cardiovascular system. And B vitamins help strengthen hair and nails.

In addition, chicken is not only... a valuable dietary meat, but also a profitable, affordable product - low cost of the product (will have a positive effect on your budget). And chicken kebab is a wonderful choice for picnics and just friendly get-togethers. It is not difficult to prepare it at home; frying it over coals or in the oven is quite simple. You just need to know a few subtleties on how to marinate chicken for barbecue.

It is chicken kebab that always turns out incredibly tender, but if cooked incorrectly, it can be a bit dry. Therefore, before you start preparing chicken kebab, you should choose the right chicken.

Dear readers, first I would like to ask you to pay a little attention and move a little away from the main topic. Because I want to remind you that very soon on June 14, a book will be published on how to create and maintain your own blog, something like mine. Thanks to a blog, you can run a business without leaving your home, with a computer and Internet access at hand. You will find everything else in the same book, edited by Denis Povaga. We have already talked about this before and there was a separate post on this blog ().

Today, June 14, Blogger's Day, you will receive a link to a special page from where you can download a free book for a limited time. The book will be available for a certain time, do not miss this important moment, download it right now. This link is already active for free download of the book. Now let's get back to our recipes for making delicious chicken kebab.

How to marinate chicken for barbecue so that the dish turns out aromatic, juicy and tender

The best option would be birds aged from 10 weeks to 1 year and weighing from 900 grams to 1.5 kg.
As with other meats, try to avoid frozen meats and primarily opt for refrigerated options. If you cannot find chilled chicken, defrost the chicken in the refrigerator. Never defrost meat at room temperature, as the chicken may lose all its tenderness and the meat will be rougher and drier.
Fresh chicken meat can be distinguished by its aroma and tender skin, which will have a pinkish tint. Fresh chicken will smell nice and have a slightly sweet aroma.

The ideal part for preparing chicken kebab is the thigh. Of course, chicken fillet is also great for cooking, but it will be noticeably drier. Therefore, chicken fillet should first be marinated in a juicy marinade, which you can find a little lower. Don’t throw away the wings - they turn out crispy, and there are lovers who are ready to prefer them to all other “meat” parts of the bird.
As for the skin, everything depends solely on the taste preferences of the person who will be preparing this kebab. Meat with skin will be noticeably juicier, but the risk of skin burning increases during charcoal roasting.

Step 2. Preparing and marinating chicken pieces for barbecue

Wash the chicken, cut into portions (preferably without bones and tendons), salt, pepper, add chopped herbs, chopped (crushed) garlic. Mix everything with your hands and leave to marinate. The chicken will be soaked in the sauce and will be ready in half an hour. Next, depending on the marinade recipe, add sauce - kefir (yogurt, yogurt).

The chicken is soaked in the marinade sauce almost instantly. Half an hour is enough for her to absorb all the best. It is soaked with spices and seasonings only to obtain an exquisite taste, and not to soften the fibers. The only thing I would like to clarify is that it is not recommended to cook the marinade for chicken kebab in red wine, but use only white wine. For the rest, we should rely on our own tastes and preferences.

If you plan to cook shish kebab from wings, then it is better to use a grill grate; if it is fillet, then skewers are better suited. The average estimated time for frying shish kebab on skewers is 10 - 15 minutes, on a grid - grill 15 - 20 minutes.

A selection of delicious marinades for juicy chicken kebab

1. Lemon marinade for chicken kebab

1 tooth garlic
bunch of greens
2 pcs. lemon
7-8 tbsp. olive oil
salt pepper
Chop the greens, chop the garlic as finely as possible, and squeeze out as much juice as possible from two lemons. Mix garlic, herbs, lemon juice, ground black and red peppers, 7 - 8 tablespoons of olive oil and a little salt and wait until all the salt has dissolved.
Place the chicken in the marinade and leave it for 1.5 - 2 hours.

Bon appetit!

2. Marinade for chicken with yogurt

2 onions
2 teeth garlic
0.5 l yogurt, salt,
cumin, cardamom, ginger,
ground red pepper


Chicken kebab in white yogurt (unsweetened) will have a rather pleasant taste. For half a liter of this delicate fermented milk product, you need to take two onions, two cloves of garlic and pass them through a meat grinder. Of course, it is not forbidden to use a blender - the result will be exactly the same. Mix the vegetable mass with yogurt, add a teaspoon each of cumin, ginger, salt, paprika, add a pinch of cardamom and hot red pepper. You only need to marinate the meat in this mixture for a couple of hours. All that remains is to skewer, fry - and bon appetit!

3. Teriyaki marinade for chicken kebab

½ tbsp. soy sauce
½ tbsp. ginger powder
4 tbsp. lemon juice
2 tbsp. honey
3 teeth garlic
Squeeze the garlic and combine it with the remaining ingredients. Stir the resulting marinade until smooth.
Pour it over the meat, pressing each piece well so that the meat absorbs as much juice as possible and put it in the refrigerator for 3 hours.
This type of marinade is perfect for poultry.

4. Chicken kebab in citrus marinade

1/2 tbsp. lemon juice
1/2 tbsp. lime juice
1/2 tbsp. honey
1 tooth garlic


Mix half a glass of lemon juice, the same amount of lime juice, add half a glass of honey and a chopped clove of garlic. Pour ¼ of the resulting marinade into a sealed bag, put all the prepared chicken into it and put it in a cool place for half an hour.
The remaining marinade will need to be poured over the meat during the cooking process. Chicken kebab with lemon, lime and honey has a very delicate, subtle taste. Try it - you'll love it!

5. Marinade for chicken kebab in mineral water

Ingredients: chicken legs - 2 kg, mineral water - 750 ml, lemon - 1 piece, garlic - 1 head, onion - 3 pieces, ground black pepper, salt, cinnamon - to taste.


Divide the chicken legs into thigh and drumstick and wash. Coarsely chop the garlic and stuff it into each piece of meat. Cut the onion into rings 7 mm thick. Pepper, rub the legs with cinnamon (2 times more than ground pepper). Add mineral water and lemon juice to the meat. Place chicken kebab in an enamel pan, alternating with layers of onion rings. Soak the chicken kebab for four hours, or better yet, for 10-12 hours. Fry on skewers or on a grill.

6. Lime Chili Chicken Marinade Recipe

4 teeth garlic
2 pcs. lime
4 tbsp. peanut butter
2 pcs. Bay leaf
1 tbsp. thyme
1 tbsp. dried cherries
parsley bunch
salt pepper
Using a blender, puree 4 cloves of garlic, salt and pepper. Add the juice of two limes to the mixture and mix thoroughly until the salt dissolves.
Place the marinade in the refrigerator for 2 hours, then add cloves, 4 tablespoons of peanut butter, 2 bay leaves, a bunch of parsley, a tablespoon of dry thyme and a tablespoon of dry ground cherries or currants.
This marinade is usually used for chicken - the bird should be marinated in it for 4 to 6 hours.

7. Marinade for chicken kebab with mustard

Ingredients: 1 tbsp. l. mustard powder, 2 tbsp. mayonnaise, 1 tsp. honey, 1 tsp. curry, juice of 1 lemon, 2 - 3 onions, salt


Bird shish kebab, prepared according to the following recipe, has an unusual taste: mix a spoonful of mustard powder and two tablespoons of mayonnaise, add to them a teaspoon of honey and curry seasoning, juice from one lemon, onion minced through a meat grinder (two to three onions), salt. Coat each piece with this mixture and pour the rest on top. Spicy and sour at the same time. It's impossible to tear yourself away!

8. Chicken kebab in orange marinade

100 g honey
3 pcs. orange
2 tsp. curry
2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
ground red pepper to taste
salt to taste

Squeeze the juice from two oranges, cut the third into thin slices.
Pour orange juice over the legs, thighs, wings or breast (or you can do all at once) and leave for 15-20 minutes.
Combine honey, butter, curry, pepper. Mix into a homogeneous mass.
Marinate the chicken for 2-4 hours.
Place the finished bird in a mold, place orange slices on top, brush with marinade again and bake until done. Add salt immediately before use.
The recipe for this marinade is great for cooking chicken in the oven or over charcoal. A pleasant light spiciness combines in the most harmonious way with orange notes and curry spice. Ruddy, golden, luxurious chicken!

9. Walnut marinade for chicken

1 tbsp. walnuts
3 teeth garlic, 1 pc. onion,
200 ml. vegetable oil
1 tsp ground black pepper
Fry a glass of peeled walnuts in a dry frying pan. Chop 3 cloves of garlic.
Mix all the ingredients (nuts, onions, garlic, 200 ml of vegetable oil and black pepper) with the meat and keep in the refrigerator for one hour. This is one of the most delicious marinade options for chicken.

10. Chicken kebab in beer

1 glass of light beer, 1 glass of kefir, ginger root, 2 cloves of garlic, salt.


Chicken kebab in beer turns out juicy and tender. The recipe is quite simple: mix a glass of light beer and kefir, rub a ginger root in them, squeeze out a couple of cloves of garlic, and add salt to taste. Pour this liquid over the chicken pieces, leave for several hours and cook. By the way, despite the presence of a foamy drink in the composition, the food is also suitable for children - in the end it still turns out to be non-alcoholic.

Next, the marinated pieces of meat are strung on a skewer interspersed with onions cut into rings. Fresh tomatoes, eggplants and other vegetables are also placed on the spit along with the usual ingredients, depending on the kebab recipe.

If you plan to cook shish kebab from wings, then it is better to use a grill grate; if it is fillet, then skewers are better suited. The average estimated time for frying shish kebab on skewers is 10 - 15 minutes, on a grid - grill 15 - 20 minutes. The most successful skewers for frying are those whose thickness is about 2 mm and width is about 7 mm. It is easy to remove portioned pieces from them; they will not bend under the weight of meat.

A simple marinade for chicken kebab in mayonnaise on the grill

Chicken legs (legs, thighs) - 1 kg
Mayonnaise - 100-150 g
Butter - 50 g
Garlic - 3 cloves
Salt - 0.5-1 teaspoon
Ground black pepper - 0.5 teaspoon
Parsley for decoration - 1-2 sprigs


Prepare your food.
Peel the garlic and chop finely.
Cut the legs into portions. To do this, separate the drumsticks, cut the thighs into two parts along the bone.

Rub the prepared legs with finely chopped garlic, sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Melt the butter. Make several cuts and grease with oil and mayonnaise.
Stir and leave for 1-2 hours.

Thread chicken pieces onto skewers. String the bone-in pieces along the bone. Fry on skewers until done, remembering to turn them over in time.
Decorate the finished dish with herbs.

Bon appetit!

Sometimes we don’t have the opportunity to get out into nature because rain or snow gets in the way. And I really want a delicious, mouth-watering kebab. Sometimes health problems interfere and meat from the fire is contraindicated. Then chicken kebab in the oven or in a frying pan will come to the rescue. At home, such kebab turns out just as good, and even nutritionists recommend chicken meat, unlike beef or pork kebab.

Do you like chicken? Then this is another chicken recipe for you. Chicken in honey-soy sauce can be fried in a frying pan, baked in the oven or grilled.

How to cook chicken in honey-soy sauce in a frying pan

Chicken legs – 1 kg
Soy sauce - 100 ml
Honey - 2-3 teaspoons
Garlic - 2 cloves
Onion - 1 pc.
Greens - 1 bunch
Vegetable oil - 30 g

Wash and dry the chicken legs, cut into portions.

Peel the onion, wash and cut thinly into half rings. Wash the greens and chop finely. Peel the garlic, finely chop or crush it in a garlic press.

Prepare a honey-soy marinade by mixing honey with soy sauce. Add onions, garlic and herbs. Mix everything well.

Place chicken in marinade. Leave to marinate in the refrigerator for 2-4 hours, or overnight.
Heat a frying pan, pour in vegetable oil. Place chicken pieces in honey-soy sauce into hot oil (clean the onions and herbs thoroughly).

Fry the chicken in honey-soy sauce until golden brown over high heat (5-7 minutes). Then turn over and fry on the other side in the same way. Then add the onions and herbs, add a little marinade, stir and cover with a lid. Simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Chicken in honey-soy sauce is ready. Serve with your favorite side dish, herbs.

Bon appetit!

Chicken kebab in the oven - quick and tasty

Chicken meat (thighs, drumsticks, wings, breast) - 1 kg
Onions - 5-7 pcs.
Salt - to taste
Pepper - to taste
Adjika – 100 g
Mayonnaise - 100 g
Prepare ingredients for cooking chicken kebab in the oven.
Peel and wash the onion. Cut into half rings.

Wash and dry the meat. Cut into pieces. Salt and pepper. Leave for 20-30 minutes at room temperature.

Meanwhile, make marinade for chicken kebab. Place the onion in a bowl and lightly crush it with your hands. Add mayonnaise and adjika. Salt and pepper.
Mix everything well.
Lubricate the meat with mayonnaise. Let stand for 10 minutes.

And then place the meat in the marinade, mix well. To cover with a lid. Marinate at room temperature for 4 hours, in the refrigerator for 10 hours.
Turn on the oven. Place chicken on rack. Place the onion on a baking sheet. Place the baking sheet on the middle shelf, and higher on the next shelf there is a rack with chicken.
Fry the chicken kebab in the oven at 200 degrees for 25 minutes on one side, then turn over and fry on the other side until cooked.

Chicken kebab in the oven is ready. This kebab is no different from one cooked over coals.

Bon appetit!

How else can you marinate chicken kebab? Recipe for chicken kebab in kefir

There are gourmets for whom the favorite method is “kefir”.

The process of preparing this dish at home is simple, but you need to know some subtleties that will help you avoid mistakes. For example, chicken marinade for barbecue can be prepared using not only kefir, but also natural (without sugar or additives) yogurt, matsoni, and yogurt.
However, keep in mind that these products come in different fat contents and the longer they are stored, the more sour they become. So, for tough meat, choose more sour kefir. After all, the task of acid is to make the structure of the meat more tender, while preserving the juice.
The second point is the fat content of the fermented milk product. If you have chosen a dietary but slightly dry breast fillet for the barbecue, then the base for the sauce should be fatty. If you prefer juicy thighs, use “zero” kefir.
Traditional spices are added to the marinade for chicken kebab in kefir: ground pepper (black and red), thyme. But you can and even need to show your imagination by adding all the herbs and seasonings that you like. For example, thyme, basil, oregano, dry parsley, etc.

If we take a carcass weighing about 2 kilograms, then we will need 4 medium-sized onions, 3-4 cloves of garlic, salt, spices according to taste preferences, and half a liter of kefir.


Wash the chicken, cut into portions (preferably without bones and tendons), salt, pepper, add chopped herbs, chopped (crushed) garlic. Mix everything with your hands, and then pour in the sauce - kefir (yogurt, yogurt). The chicken will be soaked in the sauce and will be ready in half an hour. But if you made the preparation in advance, then store the marinated chicken in a cool place or refrigerator, no more than 3-4 hours. If you leave the meat in the marinade longer, the meat will turn out too soft, which not many people like.

Fry the chicken kebab on a grill or regular skewers, remembering to turn it over from time to time. This is a universal recipe that can be prepared at home in the oven or in a frying pan. To do this, instead of skewers, thread the chopped chicken breast onto wooden skewers. Fry the thighs or legs on a baking sheet or in a frying pan. Bon appetit!

How to cook a simple chicken kebab in a hurry. Chicken fillet is marinated in olive oil and spices.

Chicken fillet - 4 pcs.
Seasonings for chicken - 1-2 tsp.
Olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
Salt - to taste


Wash the chicken fillet and cut into cubes.

Salt the meat to taste. Add olive oil and seasonings, mix well.

Thread the pieces of meat onto skewers, wrap in cling film and marinate the chicken kebab for 30 minutes. Fry chicken fillet shish kebab on a grid over hot coals for 10-15 minutes.

Any culinary masterpiece needs a worthy accompaniment, or rather a side dish and suitable drinks. In our case, a win-win option will almost always be an abundance of fresh herbs, lettuce, tomatoes, and bell peppers. Early, young potatoes, boiled in their jackets, or long-grain rice with spices are suitable.

Complete your meal with a glass of dry, semi-dry, red, or even better white wine. Don’t overdo it; it’s better to choose a drink that costs more but is of better quality. Bon appetit!

On the eve of our beloved, well-deserved and long-awaited May holidays, I tried to give in this article many different kebab recipes. Experiment with them, share your favorite options with your friends. What's your favorite tried and true recipe? Write in the comments!

Shish kebab is a favorite summer dish for many families. The secrets of marinating meat and cooking options are often preserved for several generations. However, even if you are not a very experienced connoisseur of how to barbecue, you can always choose your own recipe that will delight all your friends and family.

Choosing chicken

A lot depends on what the meat is like. It is best to choose a bird weighing up to one and a half kilograms for grilling or barbecuing. This meat will be tender and soft without much effort. It is advisable that the chicken be chilled and not frozen so that the kebab tastes better. Fresh, juicy meat should be of an even light color, elastic and round, without an unpleasant odor. Any parts of chicken are suitable for barbecue; you can simply chop one carcass into portioned pieces. They turn out to be the most delicious. Leaving the skin on or not is a matter of taste. The skin will become oilier.

One of the simplest marinades is the one with lemon and garlic. Before skewering, you need to cut it into pieces and put it in a bowl. The onion needs to be chopped and mashed with salt to release the juice.

Cut the garlic cloves into thin slices, chop a bunch of fresh parsley and add everything to the chicken, thoroughly mixing and rubbing the meat. Add black pepper and the juice of half a lemon to the bowl. You need to marinate for about two hours, after which the kebab is ready for frying.

Chicken kebab with vinegar and onions

To make juicy and flavorful kebab, you can marinate it with vinegar and tomato paste. For three kilograms of thighs you will need 150 grams of tomato paste, a spoonful of cumin, half a teaspoon of red pepper, four onions and vinegar. You need to marinate the meat in tomato paste with cumin and pepper; this will take about two hours. Vinegar is needed to pickle onions. With such onions, any kebab will be tastier and more appetizing.

How to marinate chicken for barbecue in Italian style

The most exquisite kebab is made from chicken marinated in white wine and tomatoes. Pieces of meat should be stuffed with garlic and lightly rubbed with pepper and coriander. Chop three onions and four tomatoes and layer them with the chicken - half meat, half vegetables, and then the same. The resulting kebab should be poured with a mixture of the juice of half a lemon and half a glass of white wine, without stirring or disturbing the layers.

After three hours, the kebab will be ready for grilling over coals. This method of marinating chicken for barbecue allows you to prepare unusually tasty meat with an interesting aroma.

Chicken kebab

The tender meat of young chickens is delicious on its own, but if you cook them with sour cream sauce, it will be even better. Take a spoonful of sour cream and lemon juice, one finely chopped clove of garlic and spices to taste, mix. Coat the chicken halves with sauce and immediately fry over coals or a special grill. Serve the finished chickens with lemon slices and any vegetable salad. The dish will turn out incredibly juicy and spicy.