How to cook spider web vermicelli for the second course. How to cook vermicelli so it doesn't stick together

  • bring the water in the pan to a boil, lightly salt it;
  • throw the pasta into the boiling liquid, mix thoroughly;
  • cook the vermicelli for about seven to ten minutes over medium heat;
  • place the boiled products in a colander and rinse with cold liquid;
  • wait until all excess liquid has drained - from 20 to 30 minutes;
  • Heat a little oil in a frying pan and fry the side dish for a couple of minutes.

Such noodles will turn out crumbly and will be an excellent addition to meat products. The main thing is not to keep it in water more than required and dry it well before frying. Boiled noodles can become the basis for preparing pasta pancakes, casseroles and other dishes.

Stir the pasta regularly as it cooks to prevent sticking. It is especially important to stir in the first minutes, when the product is just starting to boil.

With milk

Vermicelli with milk is like a childhood memory. You can prepare this dish as a hearty breakfast for your child, or for yourself, as a nostalgic culinary experiment. For 75 grams of noodles you will need 500 ml of milk. It is prepared quite simply and, if you follow the cooking time, it will not boil over:

  • heat the milk, add salt and sugar to taste;
  • boil and then reduce heat;
  • add pasta and stir;
  • cook, as in water, for 8-10 minutes (the exact time is indicated on the package);
  • leave the finished dish to brew for half an hour;
  • add a knob of butter and serve.

Noodles cooked this way are a good breakfast idea if you want variety. The dough will add satiety, and the protein from the milk will leave you feeling full for a long time.

In a slow cooker

You can simplify the cooking process a little by cooking pasta in a slow cooker. This is especially convenient if you need to prepare a dish by a specific time or do not want to spend too much effort on cooking. The recipe is simple:

  • place the noodles in the multicooker bowl;
  • fill the container with water so that it covers the products by a couple of centimeters;
  • add a teaspoon of butter;
  • cook in the “pilaf” or “steam” mode for 15 minutes;
  • Place the finished product in a colander and rinse with cool liquid.

Do not try to correct pasta sticking by adding oil - as it cools, the fat will bind the dough even more, turning the pasta into a single mass.

Cooking spider web vermicelli

This type of pasta is thinner than regular vermicelli and cooks much faster. To prepare the web, you will need half a kilo of the products themselves and 3 glasses of water, as well as 50 grams of butter. Cooking method:

  • Bring the liquid to a boil in a saucepan, add salt;
  • At the same time, melt the butter in a non-stick bowl and add small cobwebs;
  • lightly fry the vermicelli in oil for five minutes, stirring constantly;
  • pour boiling water over the products, stir, cover and cook for about 3-5 minutes;
  • When the water is absorbed, the dish is ready.

If you want to add cobwebs to the soup, throw them in at the very last moment, when there are literally five minutes left before the end of cooking. If you add this ingredient earlier, it will simply boil, ruining the soup.

If the dish is still boiled, do not rush to throw it away. The sticky noodles can be stir-fried with sauce and egg, or used as a casserole base.

Cooking rice vermicelli

Rice flour vermicelli is often found in Asian cuisine: it is added to salads, first and second courses, and eaten as a side dish. It is healthier and lower in calories than noodles made from wheat flour, so it is suitable for those who are watching their figure. There are two cooking methods, the first is more suitable for cold dishes, and the second for soups.

First way:

  • place the dry product in a cup;
  • fill it with boiling water;
  • leave to steam for a while (about five minutes);
  • check readiness, then drain excess liquid;
  • rinse with cold water;
  • use for preparing Asian salads and main courses.

Second way:

  • boil the liquid on the stove;
  • add salt, add rice noodles;
  • cook in boiling salted water for four minutes;
  • drain excess liquid, rinse thoroughly;
  • Place in cups, add remaining ingredients and fill with broth.

The finished product can be flavored with sauce, vegetable oil, or added to a finished dish or soup. It is worth noting that if in Russian cuisine noodles are added to the broth, then in Asian cuisine everything is exactly the opposite: the finished noodles are diluted with broth. Using rice noodles in salads will make them more satisfying and filling.

Vermicelli (vermicelli - literally “worms”, Italian) is a well-known and widely popular product, one of the types of pasta (or, as is commonly understood in the post-Soviet space, pasta). Vermicelli, like other types of pasta, is a round stick-tube, slightly thinner than spaghetti. In Italy, local variants with original authentic names are also known. Vermicelli is made mainly industrially from unleavened wheat dough.

It is believed that the idea of ​​vermicelli came to Italian cooks after becoming familiar with rice noodles, popular in Southeast Asia and brought to Europe by Marco Polo. Italian and, in general, any high-quality vermicelli (as well as other types of high-quality pasta) are made from durum wheat with a small amount of gluten. This is important to remember for those who care about the slimness of their figure, so we are looking for vermicelli on sale with the inscription “group “A”” on the package. We remember that the color of high-quality vermicelli should not have gray shades.

How to cook noodles correctly and for how long?

Pour water into the pan and bring to a boil - now you can add the vermicelli, but first it’s better to pour in 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil - so that the paste does not stick together.

Let us remember once and for all: cook high-quality pasta (any pasta, including vermicelli) correctly al dente (that is, “by the tooth”, Italian) according to the instructions on the package. After the specified time, drain the water and do not rinse the pasta (this is not required). To cook the vermicelli to al dente, carefully study the packaging (usually it says “cook for 5-15 minutes”, choose the middle one).

Bring the vermicelli in a saucepan to a boil (stir), reduce the heat and cook for 7-10 minutes, then drain in a colander or metal sieve. Serve with meat, fish, mushrooms, grated cheese and various sauces. It is also good to serve vegetable salads and light table non-sulphated wine for better absorption.

How to cook noodle soup?

The simplest option: cook the vermicelli separately (as in the previous recipe, see above) and add to the soup 2-3 minutes before it is ready.

You can do it a little simpler: add vermicelli in the required amount 5-10 minutes before the overall readiness of the soup, which we determine by the readiness of other products. Chicken and pork meat is normally boiled for at least 40 minutes (beef, lamb and turkey - longer, potatoes and carrots - about 20 minutes, bell peppers and cabbage, broccoli - about 8-10 minutes).

Based on these considerations, you should not boil vermicelli for longer than 5-8 minutes, especially if you take into account the time until the soup is slightly infused and cooled before being poured into a plate and served, otherwise it will boil to the point of “rags”, it will turn out tasteless, and people, as a rule, they want to eat soup, not a mess with crumbling dough.

How to cook milk noodles correctly?

Of course, to prepare this dish, simply cook the noodles separately (see above), add milk heated for 10-20 minutes in a water bath or boiled, season with vanilla or cinnamon and butter.

You can also add natural flower honey (when it cools to warm) and/or steamed dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots). This dish can be made especially delicious if you add dry ground spices to it: a mixture of curry or saffron, cardamom, grated nutmeg, cloves, ground dry ginger, different types of pepper. If you plan to serve milk noodles to adults, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of light Madeira or sherry.

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Pasta, spaghetti, and vermicelli have become not only a favorite dish of Italians, but also ours. Navy vermicelli, milk vermicelli, vermicelli with cheese, or maybe something more piquant. In general, there are many cooking options. Let's see how to cook vermicelli...

Classic cooking method

Over the years spent at the kitchen stove, each housewife has her own tricks for preparing noodles. The main thing is that the dish is sufficiently prepared and does not turn into something sticky. But not every housewife knows how to cook vermicelli correctly, that is, adhering to the technology.

The process of cooking vermicelli begins with boiling water in a saucepan; you cannot stir pasta into cold water. There should be enough water in the pan, then the technology ratio is almost 1:7, in practice it is 1:4 (one part noodles and three parts water).

You need to add salt to boiling water (for 500 grams of vermicelli, 2 liters of water and 2 teaspoons of salt), then add the vermicelli and stir well. When the water boils, reduce the heat and cover with a lid. You cannot close the lid of the pan tightly - the liquid will “run away” and you will have to wash the stove.

The vermicelli is cooked for an average of 10 minutes; information about the cooking time can also be found on the vermicelli packaging. You can check the readiness of pasta by taste; it should be firm or slightly undercooked.

The cooking time also depends on the recipe for the finished dish. If you are going to cook a casserole based on noodles, then the cooking time is halved.

You feel that the vermicelli is ready, then take a colander and pour boiling water over it. Then drain the contents of the pan into a colander and rinse the vermicelli with cold boiling water and allow to drain (you can place the colander in the pan).

Add butter (or margarine) to a well-heated frying pan and add vermicelli; heat it for 5 minutes over medium heat.

To reduce the likelihood of noodles sticking together, sunflower oil is initially added to boiling water.

How to cook milk vermicelli

To prepare milk noodles you will need:

  • milk,
  • salt,
  • sugar,
  • vermicelli,
  • butter.

Add salt, sugar (to taste) and the required amount of dry pasta into boiling milk, gradually stirring. You must first remove the foam from the milk. Cook the spider web vermicelli for 6-7 minutes, the larger variety for 10 minutes, then add butter.

It is located quite far from us. And at the same time, her cuisine has become so closely related to our traditions that no one will even think of refusing another impressive portion of pizza or, of course, risotto. There is nothing to say about the love and respect for pasta - this passion lives in all of us. Some people really like spaghetti or horns, and others like thin vermicelli, despite this, the composition of all of the above products is the same.

But still, sometimes you really want tender chicken broth with elegant noodles and herbs. Or try, say, for breakfast an unusual side dish of small noodles and rice, or maybe just cook noodles and generously flavor it with cheese. So then the question arises: is this right? Really, what needs to be done to make it perfect and not stick together or boil over? So, let's figure out how to cook vermicelli correctly.

About one hundred grams should be enough for only one serving; be sure to take into account that they increase during cooking. Young people who play sports can eat one hundred and fifty grams, and even more. But if you cooked more noodles than necessary, then there is no need to be upset.

All these dishes are even tastier and healthier when heated or fried, because the starch inside is partially caramelized under the influence of additional heat. And for the finished noodles, which are reheated for dinner, you can come up with a completely different dressing - and this will result in a completely different dish.

So, rule one: how to cook vermicelli in a large amount of liquid. Remember: for 100-150 grams of pasta, vermicelli or noodles, take at least one liter of water.

Rule two: how to cook vermicelli in salted boiling water. When the water boils, reduce the heat, then stand near the pan for fifteen minutes so that the water does not boil away!

Rule three. After fifteen minutes we try to see if our vermicelli is cooked. If it’s cooked, strain the vermicelli through a colander, rinse the vermicelli with cold water (this, as we know, removes the starch), then place the vermicelli in a frying pan where the butter or margarine has melted (one tablespoon). Heat the vermicelli for five minutes, stirring gently with a spatula.

Now the vermicelli is ready. Now it's time to refuel. A variety of recipes will tell you how to prepare it.

So, how to cook vermicelli correctly?

It is possible to understand the process of preparing these wonderful ones if we consider the most basic recipes with this delicious product.

For example, we take it with thin noodles.

If you plan to prepare a broth with thin noodles, then you need to take a cup of noodles, a small slice of chicken, a little fresh or dried dill, of course, salt, fragrant bay leaf, black pepper to taste. A piece of chicken is washed, filled with water, the foam must be removed and cooked until almost done. After this, the meat is taken out and cut into pieces. Add vermicelli to the pre-strained broth, add salt, add chopped chicken, and, of course, spices and boil for about 5 minutes. After which the most delicate soup is infused for ten minutes and served.

And finally, a little trick about noodles. You can add a unique piquancy to vermicelli by frying it a little. To do this, pour the vermicelli directly onto a hot frying pan and, stirring, fry until brown. After this procedure, it is possible to add this product instead of rice directly to pilaf or use it in other dishes: casseroles, pancakes, pies, pancakes.

If you follow the advice outlined in the article, you will always figure out how to cook vermicelli in such a way that it does not stick together, does not boil over and is tasty.