How to make blackberry jam. Correct selection and preparation of berries

Blackberry, or as it was called before, " royal berry"looks like a raspberry. Healing properties black, very sweet, aromatic berries knew even before our era. More often you can find forest blackberry than a garden one. Gardeners are put off by the plant’s many thorns: picking a berry requires some effort.

Many confectioners and chefs love to use blackberries in their dishes. This is a favorite delicacy not only among adults, but also among children. It is put into baked goods, desserts, salads, cocktails, smoothies, fruit drinks and other drinks, and used as a filling for dumplings.

How to make blackberry jam for the winter?

We offer you a collection of recipes, among which you will definitely choose a method that is convenient for you.

  • Classic recipe preparations blackberry jam prepared in two ways. In one of them, the berries are poured prepared sugar syrup and leave them for 3-5 hours to infuse. Only then the jam is cooked in two steps. In the second, the berries are covered with sugar and left overnight to release the juice. Then it is boiled and canned. The ratio of berries and sugar is always the same, 1:1.
  • A favorite recipe for “high-speed” blackberry jam is a five-minute recipe. It does not require long-term heat treatment of the berries, so everything taste qualities are preserved as much as possible.
  • If the housewife has very little time that she can devote to preparing this dessert, then there is a way to cook it in a multicooker assistant.
  • One of children's favorite treats is bread with jam. To do this, it must be thick enough. For such cases, choose a simple recipe for thick blackberry jam for the winter with gelatin.
  • To preserve all the vitamins, you can make jam without cooking. Jars of it will keep well in the refrigerator.
  • Add other berries or fruits to blackberries - and its taste will completely change! For a duet with blackberries, apples, currants, pears, plums, bananas and all other fruits are suitable.
  • Just one orange or lemon will add sourness and sourness to the dessert. citrus note. In this recipe for jam from garden blackberry for the winter you can add only citrus zest.
  • Multi-component jam will be very tasty. It is brewed from a whole bouquet of fruits and berries - raspberries, blackberries, plums and lemon.
  • Black berries go well with rose petals, watermelon rinds. For thickness, add nuts and Pine cones. There are even recipes for blackberry jam with vegetables.
  • Enhance the beneficial properties of jam and its healing effect Blackberry leaves will help. To the classic recipe, add a decoction of the leaves and 5 g of citric acid. The decoction is prepared as follows: 100 g of leaves are poured into 0.5 liters of water and boiled for 15-20 minutes.

What are the benefits of blackberry jam?

Not everyone knows that blackberries are a real storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. When cooking jam, many vitamins, organic acids, pectin, tannins and others useful elements are saved. It is only important not to overcook it and follow the cooking technology.

  • It is superior in vitamin C content to raspberries and has a diaphoretic effect. It has been noticed that if you regularly eat blackberry jam in the autumn-winter period, then viruses will bypass you. Carotene, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus will help strengthen the immune system for adults and children. Useful substances remove toxins from the body during ARVI, alleviate the condition during high temperature. Volatile antibiotics found in blackberries act as antiseptics for the respiratory tract.
  • Blackberry dishes help prevent the development of cancer; it prevents cancer cells from multiplying in tumors.
  • Regular use " black raspberry“Prevents the development of atherosclerosis, allows you to cleanse and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and helps improve cerebral circulation.
  • Pectin found in this black berry, removes various harmful substances, poisons, pesticides.
  • Tea with blackberry jam at night will help fight insomnia and has a positive effect on the entire nervous system.
  • Vitamin PP is necessary for normal heart function.
  • Blackberries improve metabolism and are very useful for intestinal function: they contain a lot of organic acids. Jam made from it will be useful for people suffering from intestinal disorders, as well as obesity.
  • Many people note that desserts with blackberries help improve vision. This is natural: the berry contains a large amount of vitamin A.
  • Blackberry sweetness helps cope with diseases of the kidneys, bladder, and liver.
  • You can make blackberry desserts beautiful hair, skin, nails thanks to the bioflavonoids found in it.

Who needs to eat blackberry jam with caution?

Blackberries - pretty strong allergen. It should be used with caution by people prone to food allergies. For children, it is introduced into the diet gradually, starting with 1 spoon.

If not everyone can enjoy fresh berries, then jam has practically no restrictions if you use it constantly, but in moderation.

People suffering from blackberry should eat blackberry products with caution. peptic ulcer and high acidity.

Is blackberry jam suitable for pregnant and nursing mothers?

Since blackberries are enriched with many vitamins, minerals, organic matter and useful microelements, it has a beneficial effect on the body expectant mother and baby. It will also be indispensable in the period after childbirth: it will help raise hemoglobin, give strength, strengthen weakened immunity, and help normalize metabolism. However, you need to be careful, as the allergen can be passed on to the baby through the milk. You should stop eating blackberry desserts if you experience diarrhea, discomfort in the kidneys and bladder.

Blackberry jam for children

Children eat blackberry jam with great pleasure. It can be introduced as complementary food in parallel with raspberries, gooseberries and other berries. Fresh fruits can cause allergies, so it’s better to start getting acquainted with blackberries with jam. However, its seeds have an allergenic effect. For kids, it is better to choose a seedless jam recipe. The berries are rubbed through a sieve.

Is blackberry jam good for diabetes?

It is possible and even necessary. Blackberries contain glucose, fructose and sucrose. Diabetics are recommended to consume this product regularly, as it helps normalize blood sugar levels and has a good effect on metabolism.

Subtleties of making blackberry jam

How to make blackberry jam correctly?

Blackberries are a capricious berry. It happens that the jam turns out to be not exactly what you would like. That's why " the right jam"starts with choosing berries.

Too much ripe berries should not be used. All berries must be of the same degree of ripeness, otherwise the jam may then ferment. You also need to make sure that their size is approximately the same, then there will be no undercooked or overcooked berries.

Forest blackberries are usually smaller in size, while garden blackberries are larger, juicier, but less healthy. For less juicy varieties, it is better to choose recipes that add water.

Unripe blackberries can spoil the jam, making it sour.

It is advisable to use it completely fresh berries, recently collected.

  1. It is better to work with blackberries with gloves; they are an excellent dye.
  2. The blackberries are placed in a wide basin and filled with water. Let it stand for a while and sort it out, take out the leaves and remove the stalks. The berries are washed very carefully, just lift them up and down so that the juice does not leak out.
  3. After this, the blackberries are laid out on a napkin to dry. The jam is prepared from small portions - one kilogram at a time, so as not to crush the berries.
  4. During cooking, carefully stir with a wooden spoon or simply rock the pan in a circle. Then the berries will be whole. Instead of sugar, you can add honey.
  5. Cook better a short time, you can do it in several approaches to preserve vitamins and aroma. Several hours should pass between cooking sessions for the jam to infuse and thicken.
  6. The finished jam is placed in sterilized, dry and cooled jars. Then it needs to be cooled so that the berries do not boil over.

How long should you cook blackberry jam for the winter?

The time you spend making blackberry jam depends on the recipe you choose and the quantity. additional components. Simple blackberry jam takes 5-10 minutes to cook if you choose the five-minute recipe. The classic recipe involves boiling 1-2 times, which takes more time. Blackberries are tender, so you shouldn’t cook them for a long time. The recipe for making jam involves boiling blackberries until thick with big amount sugar, so its cooking time increases to an hour.

What to make jam in

You should not choose enamel dishes; the jam may burn in it.

It is most convenient to choose not a saucepan, but a wide basin with low sides or a cauldron. This way the jam can be gently stirred, and the liquid will evaporate faster and the jam will not be overcooked.

How to store blackberry jam

If the jam becomes moldy, mistakes were made during preservation.

  • Perhaps it wasn't cooked enough. Bacteria multiply quickly in such jam. Readiness should be checked using the spreading method, as indicated in the photo recipe.
  • Not enough sugar. Sugar acts as a preservative in jam. The exact amount of sugar is indicated in each recipe. There is a mandatory proportion: for 1 kg of berries there must be at least 1 kg of sugar.
  • Cans for rolling must be cold. You cannot close them while they are hot, unlike canning compote.
  • The jam is placed only in dry jars, and they must be sterilized in any convenient way (microwave, water bath, steam, etc.)

Is it possible to make jam from frozen blackberries?

If you can’t make jam for the whole winter, you can use frozen berries. How to make jam from frozen blackberries for the winter?

The ratio of frozen berries to sugar is the same as for fresh: 1:1. Frozen blackberries are lightly washed, sugar and a little water are added to avoid burning before the berry releases its juice. You need to cook the sweetness for 10-12 minutes. Then shift ready-made jam to banks.

If you are using frozen blackberries rather than store-bought ones, when freezing, place them in small portions in packages. You can add strawberries to each bag.

Why did the blackberry jam turn out runny?

The thickness of the jam is affected by the amount of precipitation. If the berries were picked in the rain, and the summer in general turned out to be rainy, then the blackberries will be watery and heavy, and you will get a lot of syrup. Some of it can be drained and cooked into compote. IN liquid jam no foam is formed.

To make the jam thick, you need to cook it longer. However, long-term cooking is not suitable for preserving vitamins and nutrients. What to do in this case?

  1. You can increase the amount of sugar: take 1.2-1.5 kg of sugar for 1 kg of berries.
  2. Dilute separately and add gelatin and pectin to the syrup.
  3. You can add fruits and berries containing pectin to the jam - grate apples, add zest, red currant or gooseberry puree.
  4. You can also change the technology: cook 3 times for 15 minutes. Take a long break between them, 6-8 hours or overnight.
  5. After the berries are washed, you need to lay them out on a dish or just on the table and let them dry completely. Only then add sugar to them.
  6. Add a few drops of lemon juice while cooking.
  7. To make the liquid evaporate faster, it is better to cook the jam in a wide basin or wide saucepan.

Do I need to wash blackberries before making jam?

Before cooking, the berries need to be sorted and cleaned of adhered leaves and stalks. They are then quickly rinsed under running water to remove any dust. The water must be allowed to drain.

You can put the blackberries in a wide bowl and gently lift and lower the berries without letting the juice leak out.

You can also use a colander, where the berries are placed, and then dipped in water and taken out several times.

How to thicken blackberry jam if you plan to use it as a filling for baked goods?

If the blackberry jam turns out runny, you can thicken it for use in baking. To do this, add semolina (1 tsp per glass of jam) and mix. After 15 minutes, put the pan with jam on the fire and cook for several minutes.

What spices can be added to blackberry jam?

Now you know everything about blackberry jam, so I suggest making delicious jam from blackberries, recipes with step-by-step photos of which are presented above

This blackberry jam recipe will help you create a delicious dessert with impeccable taste and amazing aroma!

A berry called blackberry is very interesting product, giving a huge field for imagination to confectioners and culinary specialists. A close relative of raspberries, it has an unusual, pronounced taste with predominant sweet notes, which are balanced by a slight pleasant sourness. It is not surprising that blackberry jam always turns out incredibly tasty and sells like hot cakes. Kids really like this one home preparation for the winter, cooked without seeds. This thick jam you can simply spread it on bread and enjoy the food that many of our compatriots have loved since childhood.

It is also quite often used in gourmet restaurant desserts: soufflés, cheesecakes, muffins. Housewives prefer to cook this delicacy at home not only because of its wonderful taste, but also for a reason large quantity useful properties, which blackberry jam is endowed with. So, this dessert will help:

  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • overcome colds;
  • increase immunity;
  • alleviate the condition of pneumonia, inflammatory processes;
  • reduce body temperature during acute respiratory infections;
  • cope with cystitis, kidney ailments.

9 blackberry jam recipes

Recipe 1. Classic jam blackberry

Ingredients: 1100 g blackberries, 1100 g granulated sugar.

We sort blackberries, removing spoiled berries. We wash, tearing off the stalks in the process. Let it drain excess liquid remaining on the berries. Place the blackberries in a saucepan with a large bottom diameter or in a basin used for making jam. Sprinkle with sugar. Stir carefully, without damaging the integrity of the berries. Set aside the candied berries for half an hour to an hour until they release their juice. Heat slowly while stirring. Boil for about half an hour. We pack in sterile pre-prepared jars. We seal it hermetically.

Recipe 2. Blackberry jam Five minutes

Ingredients: 970 g blackberries, 820 g sugar, 3 g citric acid.

We carefully wash the sorted blackberries, removing the branches and stalks. Spread on a paper-lined surface to drain the water from the berries. In a container - a wide saucepan or bowl covered with enamel, place the blackberries in layers, sprinkling them with sugar. We wait 5-5.5 hours, during which the berries will release a sufficient amount of juice. Boil slowly, stirring carefully and skimming off the foam. Boil for about 5 minutes. A minute before the end of the cooking process, add citric acid. Stir. Place the jam in a clean glass containers. Store under polyethylene covers in the cold.

Recipe 3. Blackberry and raspberry jam

Ingredients: 950 g blackberries, 1900 g sugar, 950 g raspberries.

We sort out blackberries and raspberries separately. Wash, tearing off the remaining stalks. Place blackberries in one bowl and raspberries in another. Pour both types of berries with an equal amount of sugar - 950 g into each container. Stir carefully, trying not to deform the berries themselves. We keep in a cool place for about 11 hours. Decant the juice released during this time with undissolved sugar into a wide saucepan. Heat, stirring, until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved. Add blackberries and raspberries. Boil slowly for 6 minutes. Remove the foam and leave without heating until the contents of the pan have cooled completely. Boil again for about 5 minutes. Packaged in sterilized jars.

Recipe 4. Blackberry jam with apples

Ingredients: 1020 g blackberries, 980 g sour apples, 1550 g sugar, 135 g lemon, 18 g butter, 3 g cardamom, 280 ml water, 90 g blackberry or other berry liqueur - optional.

Wash the apples, peel them, remove the core. Cut into layers small size. We sort the blackberries that are suitable for canning - we wash them. In a large saucepan, combine the chopped apples with water. Blanch the fruit for 10 minutes until softened. Squeeze the juice from the pre-washed lemon into a container. Add blackberries. Cook for 11 minutes after boiling again. Add sugar. Stir and heat until it dissolves. Quickly heat the entire mass, boil for 10 minutes, stirring and removing any foam that forms. Add cardamom with liqueur. Boil for 3 minutes. Remove the pan. Add the oil, stir, skim off the foam from the surface. After cooling the jam slightly, transfer it to the prepared jars. Place a circle of parchment with the appropriate diameter on the neck of each jar. Cover with plastic lids. Store in the cold.

Recipe 5. Blackberry jam with lemon

Ingredients: 980 g blackberries, 980 g sugar, 140 g lemon.

We wash the blackberries, discarding spoiled berries in the process. We cut off the stalks. Wash the lemon thoroughly. Grate the yellow zest. Pour blackberries into a thick-bottomed saucepan. Add citrus zest. Sprinkle with sugar, lightly pressing the berries to release the juice as quickly as possible. Squeeze the juice from the lemon pulp into the resulting mixture. Heat slowly, stirring regularly. After the sugar has completely dissolved, turn up the heat. Boil, stirring so as not to burn, for about 10 minutes. After thickening, transfer to a sterile container. Place the filled jars, covering them with lids, in a deep saucepan. Add water up to the hangers of the jars. Sterilize for 10 minutes. We seal it hermetically.

Recipe 6. Blackberry jam with oranges

Ingredients: 1050 g blackberries, 380 g oranges, 1070 g sugar, 120 g lemon.

Wash citrus fruits. Remove the peel from the oranges and remove the white part. Cut the yellow zest into thin strips. Squeeze into a wide enamel-lined container Orange juice. Add sugar and chopped zest. Heat until the granulated sugar dissolves. Cool. We sort out the blackberries and wash them. Place in chilled juice. Let it sit for about 2 hours. Heat until boiling, cook, stirring, for half an hour. 7 minutes before the end of cooking, squeeze lemon juice into the jam. Stir and let cool. We pack in pre-prepared jars.

Recipe 7. Blackberry jam in a slow cooker

Ingredients: 750 g blackberries, 750 g sugar.

We sort blackberries, selecting those suitable for canning. whole berries. We wash them carefully, trying not to damage them. Lightly dry on paper or simply leave in a colander to drain the liquid. Place blackberries in a multicooker bowl and sprinkle sugar on top. Let stand without heating for about an hour. When the blackberry juice appears, set the “Stew” mode for 20 minutes. Turn the steam valve to allow steam to escape. At the end of the mode, open the lid and leave the mixture to cool slightly for 20 minutes. For the second stage of cooking, select the same mode with a time of 40 minutes. During the cooking process, you need to stir the jam several times. If you increase the amount of ingredients specified in the recipe, it is recommended to cook the jam with open lid. Hot dessert pour into sterile jars and seal.

Recipe 8. Seedless blackberry jam

Ingredients: 1050 g ripe blackberries, 490 ml water, 1050 g sugar.

We wash the berries separated from the stalks, in the process discarding unripe and spoiled blackberries. Pour water into the pan, which must be heated to a temperature of 80-90 degrees. We put blackberries in it. Heat for 3 minutes without boiling. We express the liquid. Transfer the berries to a metal sieve and grind them. Warm up the blackberry puree in a container covered with enamel or non-stick coating. Sprinkle sugar, stirring constantly, and boil slowly. Boil until thick. Place in sterilized jars. Let's roll up.

Recipe 9. Blackberry jam with bananas

Ingredients: 1100 g blackberries, 1100 g bananas, 1100 g sugar.

We select whole, undamaged berries, peel them from the stalks, and wash them. Let the liquid drain from the surface of the blackberries, placing it on paper towels. Transfer the berries to a bowl or pan. Cover with granulated sugar. Let stand for a couple of hours or leave in the cold overnight so that the blackberries release their juice. Quickly heat the blackberry mass, stirring. Then let it simmer slowly for about half an hour. Peel the bananas and cut the pulp into cubes measuring 10x10 mm. Pour the sliced ​​bananas into the blackberry jam 6 minutes before the end of the cooking process. We pack in pre-sterilized glass jars. Store in the cold.

Cooking so aromatic and healthy dessert- the task is not particularly difficult. Even a beginner can handle it without much difficulty. However, in order to prepare delicious blackberry jam for the winter, you need to consider the following nuances:

  1. Blackberries are a delicate, delicate product, so if the recipe suggests making jam from whole berries, you need to carry out all manipulations with them very carefully. So, it is necessary to carefully wash and stir the blackberries so as not to damage them during the cooking process.
  2. Blackberry seeds are slightly harder than raspberries. If the jam is intended for little sweet tooths, you should get rid of the seeds by rubbing the berries through a sieve.
  3. Blackberries go well with many fruits and harmonize well with citrus fruits. Blackberry jam is often added not only citrus juice, but also zest, which adds a spicy bitterness.
  4. For gourmets, there are many recipes for blackberry jam that use aromatic spices, such as cardamom, rosemary, cloves.

Blackberry jam has many unconditional advantages, among which we can note great benefit for the body, excellent taste, attractive aroma and wonderful bright appearance. The ability to use a short cooking process allows you to save as much as possible. useful material V ready dish. This delicacy is found less often in homemade preparations than jam made from more common berries - raspberries, strawberries, cherries. However, in terms of the number of valuable human body components and taste characteristics Blackberry jam is in no way inferior to the latter, and sometimes even surpasses them.

Found blackberries in cooking wide application thanks to its bright taste characteristics. Light sourness and notes of sweetness make up a unique bouquet that will appeal to both adults and children. During the berry ripening season, everyone tries to prepare them by known methods so that you can replenish the supply of vitamins in your body for a whole year. Jam made from the healthiest blackberries is not only tasty, but also very aromatic.

Garden blackberries are very useful for the human body, and most of its properties remain even after heat treatment. To prepare jam from these fruits, they are first dipped in water for 3 minutes. boiling water and then grind through a fine sieve. This procedure allows you to separate the seeds, which cause some inconvenience when consuming the final product.

Those who like whole blackberries in jam should not wash them main ingredient before cooking, and during cooking, stir the dish very carefully, using a wooden spoon. It would be even better to do without stirring, but simply rock the dishes with your hands from side to side.

To give the jam a special aroma, a little zest of any citrus fruit is added to it at the very beginning of preparation.

Making frozen blackberry jam

If during the summer you were unable to prepare an amazing delicacy from... useful fruits blackberries, then you can make up for lost time at any other time, using frozen preparations for this. The nutritional and taste qualities will not be affected in any way. The main thing is to freeze the product correctly, using only whole berries and packaging them in small bags. To give your dessert a unique touch special taste Strawberries are added to it.

So, for preparation you will need:

  • frozen ripe strawberries - 500 g;
  • whole frozen blackberries - 500 g;
  • sugar - 1000 g;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking technology

The fruits are taken out of the bags, poured into a deep container (for example, a pan), covered with sugar and left for a couple of hours. This time is necessary for the fruits to melt and granulated sugar dissolved perfectly. Then add lemon juice and bring everything to a boil over low heat. Then turn up the heat and cook the dessert for five minutes. Finally, turn off the stove and let finished product cool down.

Making jam in a slow cooker

Supporters healthy eating You can make excellent blackberry jam using a modern device - a multicooker. You will need:

  • selected blackberries - 1000 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1000 g;
  • clean water - 50 ml.

Cooking method

sorted and pre-washed ripe fruits Place in the cooking bowl of a multicooker and pour the prepared water into the bottom. Pour granulated sugar over the berries and turn on the “Stew” mode. Cook the jam for no more than 20 minutes, then turn it off and leave in a sealed container for a few minutes. After this, the finished treat can be placed in containers and rolled up.

Blackberry jam with whole berries

If you cook a delicacy from whole blackberries, then it can later be used as worthy decoration for confectionery products, as well as healthy dish for adults and children. To prepare you will need:

  • ripe but firm blackberries - 1000 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1000 g.

Cooking method

Sort the fruits, prepare and wash. In order not to damage their integrity, it is recommended to place the berries in a colander and rinse under a small stream of water, and then allow them to drain well. Then pour them into a suitable container (for example, a saucepan), sprinkle with sugar and leave for half an hour. After this, put the mixture on a small flame, boil and simmer for half an hour. The jam is ready.

Seedless blackberry jam

Seeds in jam sometimes cause a lot of inconvenience. To avoid this and prepare favorite treat without a known drawback, you will need:

  • ripe blackberries - 900 g;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 900 g.


Place the prepared fruits in very hot (but not boiling) water for several minutes. Then drain the liquid and grind the fruits themselves through a fine sieve. Pour the resulting puree into a cooking vessel, add sugar and simmer until it thickens, stirring constantly. The treat is ready.

Other recipes

Blackberry jam is often varied by adding various ingredients, fruits, and also by changing the cooking method.

Jam “Five Minute”

A simple recipe will be a godsend for those housewives who cannot afford to stand at the stove for hours. To prepare the excellent “5-minute” blackberry jam, you will need:

  • blackberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • citric acid - to taste (about 3 g).


The prepared berries are laid out in layers in a metal container, each layer is sprinkled with prepared sugar. Everything is left for 6 hours for the fruits to release juice. Next, place the vessel on the stove, boil and cook for five minutes. Before the end of cooking, add citric acid. Dessert is ready.

Banana recipe

Submitted by step by step recipe requires the following components:

  • ripe blackberries - 1000 g;
  • bananas - 900 g;
  • sugar - 1100 g.

Cooking method

Place the prepared fruits in a cooking vessel (necessarily deep) and sprinkle with granulated sugar. Leave everything for a couple of hours for the juice to release abundantly. Place over low heat and cook for half an hour, stirring regularly and removing any foam that has formed. Peel the bananas, cut the flesh into thin rings and add to the jam. Boil for another 10 minutes, remove and roll up.

Recipe with plums and elderberries

To prepare a completely unusual delicacy, you will need:

  • ripe blackberries - 400 g;
  • plums of any kind - 400 g;
  • elderberries - 200 g;
  • sugar - 1000 g;
  • lemon juice - 0.5 tbsp;
  • cloves - 5 pcs.


Pour the elderberries and blackberries prepared in advance into a saucepan, throw in the pitted plums, pour in lemon juice and add cloves. Pour water over everything so that all the fruits are covered, boil and cook over low heat for half an hour. After this, turn everything into a puree using a blender, put it on a sieve, and separate the juice into a separate pan. Place on low heat, adding granulated sugar first. Boil and simmer on the lowest flame for 10 minutes. The jam is ready.

Recipe with lemon

In order to do unusual delicacy with lemon, you will need:

  • fruits of ripened blackberries - 1200 g;
  • medium lemon - 1 pc.;
  • granulated sugar - 1400 g.


Mix the berries with half a portion of sugar and let stand overnight. Place the released juice on low heat. Once it boils, add the remaining granulated sugar and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. After this, cool to 50 C, add fruits and lemon juice, boil for another 10 minutes and place in jars.

Gooseberry recipe

For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • blackberries - 900 g;
  • gooseberry fruits - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2300 g;
  • water - 140 ml.

Cooking method

Pour the prepared gooseberries into a cooking vessel, pour granulated sugar into it and let it brew overnight. After this, pour in water and put on low heat, boil and cool. Pour in the prepared blackberries, cook for another 10 minutes, cool and repeat the procedure a couple more times. Before the end of cooking you can throw a small amount of cinnamon. The treat is ready.

Recipe with raspberries

Delicious and incredible healthy treat It is customary to prepare from the following components:

  • blackberry fruits - 500 g;
  • ripe raspberries - 500 g;
  • sugar - 900 g.

Cooking method

Prepare the fruits, add them to different dishes and sprinkle with sugar. Send it to steep in a cool place overnight. Pour the released juice into a suitable container, put on the fire and heat without boiling. Pour the berries in there and boil for 7 minutes over low heat, periodically removing the foam.

Recipe with apple

Tender, tasty and healthy jam should be made from the following ingredients:

  • ripe blackberries - 400 g;
  • apples of any variety - 400 g;
  • sugar - 240 g;
  • lavender (dry, crushed) - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

Wash the apples, cut them into small slices and cut out the core. Mix them with berries prepared in advance and cook on medium heat, after adding granulated sugar. Boil and cook for 5 minutes, then add lavender and boil for the same amount. The jam is ready.

Recipe with gelatin

If the housewife likes thick jam or is going to use it to decorate confectionery, then you will need to prepare it.

Blackberry jam is a wonderful product on our table. Fragrant, very tasty and incredibly healthy, it will delight you both in the autumn weather and in the winter cold with pleasant memories of summer days, and will also give the body those vitamins and microelements that will help cope with any ill health or blues.

Beginning housewives often ask: “How to make blackberry jam? How much sugar should I put in? How long should I keep it on the fire? What kind of container is best to do this in?” etc. Bringing to your attention various recipes, we will dwell on each of the questions in detail. After all, many recommendations are universal and tell not only how to make blackberry jam, but also how to make jam in general, from any fruit and berries.

The first recipe is called “quick” or “five-minute”. This is how raspberries, strawberries, wild strawberries, currants and other small berries are prepared. The raw materials must be good quality, it’s better to be a little unripe, without spoiled specimens. Blackberries are quite tender, so as soon as you pick them from the bush, put them into processing. Do not wait for the product to become succulent. This especially applies to how to cook blackberry jam in 5 minutes. If the berries spoil, such preservation will not be stored for long. Therefore, sort them out, pour them into a colander, and rinse them in running water. Preparatory work that's it. Let's start cooking.

Cook for 5 minutes

Wide copper basins, brass or stainless steel, are best suited for jams, marmalades and marmalades. In addition, you can use ordinary cast iron or cauldrons. And here enamel pans are not suitable, as berries and fruits burn in them. How to make blackberry jam? Pour the berries into a cast iron or basin and cover them with sugar at the rate of 1 to 1.5. Thus, for every kilogram of berries there is one and a half granulated sugar.

At first, of course, half the norm will be enough. Sugar is necessary for blackberries to release juice. Cover the cast iron and place it in a cool place for 4-6 hours, from night to morning. Then add the rest of the sugar, place the cast iron on the stove for strong fire. When the jam boils, reduce the heat to low and cook the berry mass for exactly 5 minutes, stirring. Then, straight from the stove, pour it into dry, sterilized jars and seal. Turn the jars upside down, cover and leave to cool for a day. Then take it to the cellar. You can make such delicious blackberry jam in just 5 minutes! Not difficult, right? By the way, you don’t have to roll it up tin lids- can be closed with ordinary plastic ones. In this case, only the jars should be stored in a cool, dry room or on refrigerator shelves.

Assorted jam

If the food of the gods - ambrosia - is not an invention of the ancients, then this is probably the most wonderful blackberry jam, the recipes for which we offer you. In particular, assorted raspberries and blackberries. Not only does it taste amazing, but the aroma is divine. And preparing the delicacy is also quite simple.

Ingredients: 1 kg of each type of berry and one and a half to two kilograms of sugar. What should you do? Of course, sort through the raw materials, sort out the unusable specimens, and rinse them in water. Then transfer the berries to a cooking bowl, sprinkling them with sugar. Place in a cool place to release the juice. And after 6-8 hours, start cooking over low heat first so that the sugar dissolves well. Then make it larger and let the berries boil well. Stir with a wooden spatula to prevent the raw materials from burning. Cook the raspberries and blackberries over fairly high heat for half an hour, skim off the foam and scum. Pour cast iron jam into prepared jars and seal. This cooking method is also fast.

Original jam

And here's another one interesting recipe how to make blackberry jam. Surely many housewives will like it. The peculiarity of the preparation is that, in addition to berries, blackberry leaves. Ingredients for jam: 1 kilogram of sugar and blackberries and 100 g of leaves. And also half a liter of water and 5 g of acid - citric or ascorbic. Make a decoction from the leaves and water. Cooking time - 20 minutes. Pour 1 cup (250 g) of the broth into a saucepan, add sugar and prepare syrup. Sort the berries, wash them, place them in a cast iron pot or basin. Pour syrup over them and leave until juice appears. Next, add the acid and put it on the boil, pouring in the rest of the leaf infusion. The process should last 15-20 minutes. After this, transfer to sterilized jars and close. This jam is not only special pleasant taste. It is also very healing and restores strength.

Raw "assorted"

This jam can only be made from blackberries, but it will be more appetizing and healthier if you take it in equal shares strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, honeysuckle or currants. The main thing is that for 1 part of berries there is one and a half to two parts of sugar.

Sort the freshly picked fruits so that there is no debris, leaves, or sepals. Rinse the strawberries and honeysuckle and let the water drain. Raspberries and blackberries do not need to be washed. Pour sugar over the berries, mix, place in jars, and screw. Store canned food in a cool place.

There are several options for preparing blackberry jam - the berries are prepared whole or crushed into puree, fruits and even citruses are added. Cooled blackberry jam resembles jelly and turns out purple. Roll up this vitamin treat into jars and enjoy the jam in the winter cold.

According to this recipe, the jam is prepared without water, which is why it is called thick. The blackberries remain intact, and the delicacy looks appetizing. The berries should be ripe and elastic, not soft or spoiled.

Cooking time – 20 minutes.


  • two kg of berries;
  • two kg of sugar.


  1. Cover the berries with sugar and let them release their juice.
  2. After two hours, cook on low heat until the sugar crystals dissolve.
  3. Let the cooled jam cook again for 20 minutes, the heat should be high. Stir the berries so they don't burn.
  4. When the drop on the plate does not spread, the delicacy is ready.
  5. Place blackberry jam with whole berries into jars.

Five-minute blackberry jam

According to this recipe, the jam is prepared quickly and does not take much time.

Cooking time – 6 minutes.


  • 3 gr. lemon. acids;
  • 900 gr. Sahara;
  • 900 gr. blackberries.


  1. Place the berries in layers in a wide bowl, sprinkle each with sugar.
  2. After 6 hours, when the berries release juice, start cooking the jam until it boils.
  3. After five minutes, add acid, after 1 minute, remove from heat.

Store five-minute blackberry jam in a cold place, closing the jars with plastic lids.

Blackberry jam with bananas

This original recipe combines bananas and blackberries.

Cooking time – 40 minutes.


  • 0.5 kg bananas;
  • 450 gr. berries;
  • 0.5 kg sugar.


  1. Add blackberries and sugar in layers and leave overnight.
  2. Cut the peeled bananas into small cubes.
  3. Boil the jam until it boils, then cook for another 30 minutes, add bananas and boil for six minutes.
  4. Pour the delicacy into jars while still hot.


  • water – 320 ml;
  • liqueur – 120 ml;
  • drain oil - one tbsp. spoon;
  • lemon;
  • cardamom;
  • sour apples – 900 gr.;
  • one and a half kg of sugar;
  • blackberries – 900 gr.


  1. Cut the peeled apples into slices, add water and cook for 10 minutes, add lemon juice.
  2. Add the berries to the fruit and cook for ten minutes, stirring and skimming off the foam.
  3. Add cardamom and liqueur, keep on the stove for another three minutes, add oil and stir.
  4. Pack blackberry jam into jars for the winter.

Blackberry jam with oranges

This recipe combines blackberries with citrus fruits.

Cooking time – 2.5 hours.


  • two lemons;
  • 4 oranges;
  • two kg of sugar;
  • 1.8 kg of berries.


  1. Grind the citrus zest and squeeze the juice into a large container.
  2. Add sugar, add zest, cook until it boils, do not forget to stir.
  3. Add berries to the cooled syrup and leave for two hours.
  4. Boil the jam for half an hour, add lemon juice 5 minutes before it is ready.

The finished delicacy turns out thick with citrus aroma and suitable for have a delicious tea party or breakfast.

To make this jam, raw fresh berries are ground into puree.

Cooking time – 90 minutes.


  • berries – 900 gr;
  • 0.5 l. water;
  • sugar – 900 gr.


  1. Soak the berries for 3 minutes in hot water 90°C.
  2. Drain and puree the blackberries using a sieve.
  3. Mix the puree with sugar and cook until thickened, over low heat in a non-stick pan.