How to boil shallot eggs. What do you eat this dish with? “Hedgehog, he’s a plow woman”

Boiled and fried eggs very often they save the housewife when she needs to quickly and tasty feed her family. But if you like to experiment and surprise your loved ones, then learn how to cook a poached egg. Under a rather strange name hides the usual boiled egg soft-boiled, but cooked without the shell.

Home of the poached egg

The poached egg was invented french chefs who love simple, but gourmet cuisine. This means that from quite available products they cook pretty original dishes. They serve a poached egg with fried bacon, with crispy croutons, with boiled vegetables. And all kinds of sauces go well with poached eggs. The most famous dish using such an egg is considered “Egg Benedict”, the recipe for which will be described at the end of this article.

Products and utensils needed to prepare poached eggs

Only the freshest eggs are used for the dish, the whites of which are very thick. This density prevents it from exfoliating. So, you need to prepare:

  • raw eggs – 1 or 2 pcs, depending on the number of servings prepared;
  • water – 1 l;
  • vinegar 9% – 1 tbsp. (promotes rapid protein folding).

In addition, take:

  • deep ladle;
  • large spoon;
  • tea cup or small ladle;
  • slotted spoon.

How to cook poached eggs the traditional way

Cooking a poached egg will require some skill and care. So:

  • Pour water into a ladle and place it on a hot stove - wait until it boils.
  • Very carefully release into a tea cup a raw egg so that the yolk remains intact.
  • Pour vinegar into boiling water.
  • Using a large spoon, stir the boiling water until it forms a vortex.
  • Bring the cup with the egg to the ladle and very quickly pour it into the spinning water funnel. If this step is followed exactly, the white will wrap around the yolk and begin to curl.
  • Reduce heat to low and cook the egg until the white is firm, about 3 to 5 minutes. The yolk should remain completely liquid.
  • Using a slotted spoon, remove the egg from the boiling water and place it on a plate lined with paper towel.

Boil each new egg separately from the previous one.

How to cook a poached egg using kitchen gadgets

Usually, not every housewife succeeds in preparing an egg carefully the first time - the white does not want to wrap itself around the yolk. This happens either because the funnel is too small, or because the egg is poured into it very slowly. Today in any store you can buy special silicone molds for poached eggs. A fresh egg must be released into this mold, and then placed in boiling water. The molds are equipped with special handles, with the help of which they are removed from the boiling water. This method of preparing poached eggs takes longer – 7-10 minutes. But you don’t need to add vinegar to the water, as in the first case.

How to cook a poached egg using improvised means

Some housewives cook a poached egg perfectly in a plastic bag. They take it in the smallest size and release a raw egg into it. Before this, the inside of the bag is lubricated vegetable oil. The contents are carefully moved to the corner of the bag, and the bag is tied with thread. Then the thread is attached to a fork or any suitable object, and the bag is lowered into boiling water. When the white becomes completely white, the egg is removed from the bag.

How to make Eggs Benedict

First of all, do white sauce. For it, melt 100 g in the microwave butter. Two raw yolks mix with a teaspoon lemon juice. Place the yolks on water bath and when they are hot, thin them with oil. Salt the sauce and add a little ground white pepper.

Toast a slice in a toaster white bread. Place a slice of ham or fried bacon on toast. On meat product add a poached egg and pour hot sauce over it. Cut the egg so that the yolk begins to flow out. If you have red caviar in the house, decorate the dish with it.

The video below will clearly show you how to properly prepare a poached egg.

The French recipe for poached eggs is almost the same as poached eggs, only they are prepared without the shell. The idea is that you “spin” water into a funnel with a spatula, forming a vortex, into the center of which you carefully pour broken egg. As a result, the white beautifully envelops the yolk, and you get that same poached egg. In addition to homemade, there is a restaurant method of preparing poached eggs - it is suitable when you need to boil a lot of eggs at once. The method is practical, although lacking in elegant dexterity: you crack an egg into plastic film, tie it “in a bag” and lower it into boiling water for 4 minutes.

And poached - the difference is that poached is part of a benedict sandwich.


  • eggs,
  • salt - 1 tsp. into a small saucepan (600-800 ml.),
  • white natural vinegar- 1 tbsp. spoon.

How to cook poached eggs

Carefully crack the egg and release the contents into a bowl (or use a large spoon).

Place a saucepan of water on low heat, wait for bubbles to boil, add salt and vinegar.

Carefully pour the egg from the bowl into the water.

Cook for 4 minutes.

Remove with a slotted spoon.

An alternative method from the English cook Delia: Cook for no longer than 1 minute and then leave them in a pan removed from the heat with hot water another 10 minutes. There they will “reach” and you can enjoy a magnificent poached egg with a completely hardened white and a runny yolk.

Features of the poached egg recipe:

  1. The eggs must be as fresh as possible, otherwise they will never turn out neatly “assembled” and will spread. Sometimes the egg still ends up with rags of spread out white on the edges. Just cut them off with a knife.
  2. When the egg slides into the pan, it is important that it remains in the water and does not stick to the sides or bottom. Check it with a spoon - the egg should float.
  3. The water should not boil too much, just make sure it bubbles gently.
  4. Any additives, including salt and vinegar, are optional. Vinegar is added if the egg lacks freshness - it helps the white “hold” the yolk. Salt is also optional; in any case, you won’t find it in classic French recipes. Just an egg and water - that's all.
  5. Instead of water in some recipes you will find broth, and even white wine. But this is already excessive exoticism or details tied to a very specific dish. For a poached egg is, strictly speaking, not a dish, but a method. Why are you doing it is a separate question.
  6. The poached egg should be used immediately. If this is not possible, it is permissible to keep them for no more than 1.5 hours. cold water or in the refrigerator (longer). Before serving, keep warm by transferring to hot water and then dry on a paper towel.

What to cook for breakfast

poached egg how to cook

5 minutes

140 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

If in England oatmeal is traditionally prepared for breakfast, then in France it is a poached egg. This original method cooking eggs without shells. At the same time, the white acquires a delicate, uniform structure, and the yolk remains moderately liquid and creamy.

Eggs boiled in a bag using the more conventional method are often difficult to peel. This is where poaching comes in handy. This egg could be a separate dish for breakfast or as an addition to vegetable salads and toast. It can also serve as a kind of sauce for pasta.

Poached eggs are very easy to prepare. My 12 year old daughter can do this easily. This can be done in two ways: dip the egg directly into water or boil it in cling film. How to do this and how long to cook a poached egg in film or in water, I will tell you in the recipe.

  • Try to use fresh eggs for poaching, then the white will hold its shape better. To check freshness, place the egg in a container of water. A fresh egg will immediately fall to the bottom, but a stale one will rise blunt end up or starts to float. You can also shake the egg. Fresh ones are tightly attached to the shell, but stale ones will hang around inside.
  • If you strain the egg through a slotted spoon or large sieve before cooking, you will not need to clean it of “rags.”
  • To get the correct egg shape, you need to add a little vinegar to the water.. This will not affect the taste of the egg, but it will help the whites gather more tightly around the yolk.
  • The water should not boil too much during cooking.. It should simmer, and small bubbles will come from the bottom.
  • The degree of poached cooking is checked by lightly pressing the yolk. At proper preparation it will spring back. If the yolk is soft, it means it is undercooked, and if it is hard, it means it is overcooked.

Did you know? When going on a picnic to the hot springs, the Japanese often take eggs with them, which are cooked on the spot. The springs always maintain the ideal temperature for poaching – 60°.

How to cook a poached egg at home

Kitchen tools: small saucepan, small bowl, slotted spoon, spoon.

List of ingredients

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Pour water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. high fire. I have a 1.5 liter saucepan for this. This is enough to boil several eggs in a row.

  2. Reduce the heat to the minimum and wait until the water stops boiling and bubbling heavily. If desired, add a little salt.

  3. Take a small bowl or small cup and crack an egg into it. We do this carefully so as not to damage the yolk.

    If there is any doubt about the freshness of the egg, pour it onto a slotted spoon or sieve. Don't worry about all the squirrels escaping. Only its liquefied part will leave. Over time, the protein gradually loses its density and becomes watery. This causes peculiar rags to appear during cooking, which will then have to be removed.

  4. Using a spoon, stir the water clockwise and create a funnel.

  5. Take a container with an egg and one fast movement pour it into the center of the funnel.

  6. We wait 2.5 minutes and remove the finished poached meat using a slotted spoon. It will take about the same amount of time to cook in the shell.

This poached dish is slightly flattened and fits perfectly on toast. It turns out to be a wonderful analogue. If you need exactly the egg form, then add a couple of tablespoons of vinegar to the water after boiling.

Cooking options

How to cook a poached egg in the microwave

For many, the microwave has already become an indispensable assistant, especially for cooking quick breakfasts. For me personally, until recently, it had one drawback - you cannot boil eggs in it. They just explode there. But progress does not stand still, and I learned to cook poached eggs in it.

Poached egg in cling film

An egg prepared in this way is neatly shaped and resembles a pouch or manti. For this you will need a piece cling film and a teaspoon of vegetable or olive oil. You can also boil a poached egg in a bag. This method is also convenient because you can cook several poached eggs at the same time, as well as embellish the taste of the egg with your favorite spices.

  1. Bring water to a boil in a saucepan or small saucepan and reduce the fire.

  2. While the water is boiling, cut off the film and place it in a bowl or wide cup. Pour in the oil and spread it over the surface of the film using a brush.

    If this is not done, then it will be difficult to separate the egg from the film.

  3. Break the egg and pour it onto the film. You can sprinkle the oil with pepper, a mixture of herbs or other spices before doing this.

  4. We collect the film in the form of a bag, wrap it and tie it. We try to remove all the air from the bag, then the egg will turn out to be neatly shaped.

  5. Place the egg in a saucepan with boiling water for 2.5-3 minutes.

  6. Remove using a slotted spoon and remove the film.

If you like, you can sprinkle a little grated cheese on the film with butter before pouring in the egg.

What to serve with

There are no special rules for serving poached eggs. It depends on the taste preferences and fantasies. I offer several options that you can modify at your discretion:

Video recipe: how to cook a poached egg

Look original way cooking scrambled eggs for breakfast in a video that shows how to cook a poached egg.

How to cook poached eggs perfectly? 2 ways [Men's Cooking]

Poached eggs - very spectacular dish. It can be served with vegetables or meat, made into bruschetta or just sandwiches. But poached eggs don't always turn out the way we intended them. In this episode of Men's Cooking, see how to cook poached eggs.

How to cook a poached egg? Method No. 1.
Place a pot of water on the burner and wait until the water boils. As soon as bubbles appear, lift the pan, wait until they disappear and put it back. Smash egg into a small bowl so that the yolk remains intact. Take a whisk, make a funnel in the pan and quickly pour the egg into the very middle. Make sure the yolk remains liquid. Wait about three minutes and remove the egg with a spoon or spatula. A delicious poached egg is ready! If you were unable to cook a poached egg using the first method, there is a second method.

How to cook a poached egg? Method number 2.
For this method you will need a small bowl, cling film and olive oil. Cut a large piece of film, cover the bowl and make a hole to hold the poached egg. Grease the hole with olive oil and crack an egg into it. You can add spices and seasonings to it. Now wrap it in film and put it in boiling water. Keep it for three minutes and the poached egg is ready! The poached egg in film turns out smooth and cool!

“Men's Cooking” is a channel for real men who are not afraid to stand at the grill or stove.

Here you will learn about the most delicious and simple dishes which can easily be repeated at home or outdoors. We invite chefs from Moscow cafes and restaurants to the channel to learn more about delicious food. You will find here the most different recipes- meat, pies, soups and much more.

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Eggs for breakfast are an ineradicable, centuries-old tradition. They cook quickly, are nutritious enough to last you until lunch, and don’t put too much strain on your still-unawakened stomach. But if the options for omelettes and hard-boiled ones are already in your throat, then help will come poached eggs recipe. They add great variety to the morning meal, especially since they harmonize perfectly with the most delicious sauces and are part of delicious salads. In addition, if you use a poached egg recipe, you get this product in the most healthy form to eat. And if you learn to cook them deftly and correctly, the dish will delight not only the stomach, but also the eye.

Classic poached eggs: recipe with photos

The main difficulty in cooking is not to end up with untidy and tasteless rags. There are several ways to cook a poached egg. The recipe used most often is this. Take a small container - a ladle, saucepan or frying pan, pour water into it - so that the whole egg is barely covered with it. The water is placed on the stove and heated until the first streams of bubbles appear and a slight ripple appears on the surface. A spoonful of vinegar is poured into the water; salt is not added at all - it promotes the formation of protein “threads”. In the center of the vessel, a small whirlpool is swirled with a spoon, into which an egg broken without damaging the yolk is poured. For convenience, you can use a ladle, which is carefully lowered into the water with an egg beaten into it, and then carefully removed. After two minutes, the egg is removed with a slotted spoon, strained from the water and immediately put to use.

Professional disputes

Despite its apparent simplicity, the recipe for poached eggs is hotly discussed by chefs in different directions. The controversy is primarily caused by water temperature. There are opinions that it should not heat above 80 degrees. Others insist on 90; but no one raises it above 97.

The second point of contention is the cooking time. Most cooks believe that it is necessary to time exactly 2 minutes, but there are those who are sure that the correct interval is only one. Third option: 3-4 minutes - they say, then the yolk remains liquid, but becomes denser.

The only thing everyone agrees on is that the eggs should be as fresh as possible, not “older” than four days. Otherwise, there will be no way to get a “cake” from the protein with the delicate contents of the yolk.

Those who have fully mastered the recipe for making poached eggs can treat themselves different interpretations. For example, Italian: for sewing in this country they use sharp tomato sauce. And fans of French delights can use burgundy recipe, in which instead of water, strong beef broth, diluted equally with red wine. From such a mixture it is then made great sauce: Cayenne pepper, crushed garlic clove, thyme, green onions, parsley - and boil until half. Then add flour, ground with butter in a ratio of 2:1.5, and boil for another half a minute.

Vintage cooking method

For those who haven't cooked poached eggs before, this "in a bag" recipe can help you master the intricacies. The same French invented it, so you can safely use it. Take food parchment, cut a square with a side of 20 centimeters, coat one side with butter, carefully break an egg there and fasten the edges (for example, tie them with thread or an elastic band). Further actions have already been described; You just need to immerse it in water for three and a half minutes - the paper needs time to heat up. Those who don’t want to mess with parchment can replace it with a package of thermal film, also greased from the inside. The main task is to prevent the packaging from coming into contact with the walls and bottom of the saucepan during cooking.

Baking tins

If you want to immediately get a delicious breakfast without separately preparing a salad (or anything else accompanying), prepare poached eggs in molds. Recipes using baking containers are very diverse. Moreover, both silicone and antique metal ones are suitable. It’s more convenient to cook this way in a double boiler or slow cooker. But a regular one will do steam bath. The dish is made in this way: the mold is greased, an egg is carefully poured into it, sprinkled with chopped herbs and grated cheese, covered with cling film and placed in boiling water for three minutes.

Modern offers

It's easy to cook poached eggs in the microwave. The recipe calls for boiling water on a regular stove, pouring it into a large cup and seasoning it with half a spoonful of vinegar. A fresh egg without a shell is carefully placed there. The cup is placed in the microwave, which should be turned on at full power for fifty seconds. Unlike attempts to boil eggs, the construction of poached eggs is not accompanied by cataclysms: without the shell, the eggs do not explode, but peacefully turn into the intended breakfast.

Fresh salad

Usually, a recipe for poached eggs not only tells you how to cook them, but also necessarily describes the serving option. The simplest of them is to place the poached meat on golden toast and season spicy sauce. But even better and tastier is to put eggs in a salad. In spring, the most appropriate will be vegetable, one of the first gifts from vegetable gardens. Two tomatoes are cut into large slices (if the core is white and large, it must be cut out). Two cucumbers crumble into semicircles, radishes (3-4 pieces) into thin circles, onion feathers into rings. Vegetables are salted, peppered, seasoned with sour cream and laid out on plates. The “crown of creation” is placed on top - a poached egg, and the salad is immediately sent to the table. Main component when cooled it is not as tasty as when cooked.


Another wonderful recipe salad with poached egg. True, the main components for it must be prepared in the evening, otherwise you will be late for work. It’s better to treat yourself to this dish on the weekend, because it tastes better when freshly prepared. In the morning, only the eggs are cooked. Half a cup of split green peas is boiled until tender. Of course, you can replace it if you wish. canned peas, but it won’t be the same. Large potatoes are chopped into cubes or cubes and fried until golden ( best oil for these purposes - olive). Two hundred grams of champignons are coarsely cut (in halves or quarters, smaller is not necessary) and also fried. Do the same with thin slices of ham. All prepared ingredients are mixed, seasoned with pepper, salt and oil and divided into two plates. The dish is topped with cooked poached eggs.

Fish salad

It all starts with plants. You will need a bunch of salads (it’s tastier to combine several types). The leaves are washed and torn by hand. One hundred grams of cherry tomatoes are cut into halves. The dressing is made: olive oil (three tablespoons) is mixed with freshly squeezed lemon juice (two), salt, pepper and a spoon sweet mustard. Liquid drained from canned tuna. It is mixed with vegetables and half a jar canned corn. The salad is poured with dressing, laid out according to the number of people sitting at the table, and poached is placed on top. You need to eat again right away.

Lyonnaise salad

Next french recipe salad with poached egg. For this, shallots are cut into rings and mixed with torn leaf lettuce. Three bacon strips are browned and cut into small slices. A piece of bread (preferably gray or black) is crumbled into cubes and fried in bacon fat. Filling is done from a spoon of oil (olive, of course), of the same volume wine vinegar and a small spoon of Dijon mustard. All dressing components are lightly whisked; Greens, bacon and croutons are combined, sprinkled with filling, and cooked poached meat is placed on top.

Warm liver salad

wonderful and aromatic dish! Mix a little in a frying pan vegetable oil with a spoon of cream. In this mixture, chopped half an onion and three garlic cloves are fried. Then they are removed, and the resulting scented oil a third of a kilogram is laid chicken liver, poured with two spoons soy sauce and fry for about seven minutes. The washed bunch of lettuce is dried and laid out on a platter. The liver is placed on it and juices from the frying pan are poured over it. Four small tomatoes are cut into halves, lightly pressed to pour their juice over the salad, and added to the rest of the ingredients. Three poached eggs are placed on top and seasoned with balsamic cream.

Choose what you prefer to try poached eggs with. The recipe with photo fully demonstrates both the accessibility of preparation and the mouth-watering results of the efforts.

The best way to start the day is eggs for breakfast. This is useful and tasty dish contains an amino acid for building muscle, not fat, as well as many components that take care of the health of our nails, hair, and skin. Poached eggs without shells, but with the desired creamy yolk inside, go wonderfully with toast, salads, pastas, sauces, and are a winner every time. new taste. An egg eaten for breakfast reduces the calorie content of the entire daily diet, and if it is also poached, then along with a quality breakfast we will also receive pleasure as a gift.

Poached eggs recipes with photos

Poached meat was invented by the French back in the 14th century, and since then the dish has been constantly improved. Now there are many various options its preparation, which is not at all as difficult as some people think. The main thing is to pay attention to the integrity of the shell when choosing eggs, and store them in a special compartment of the refrigerator for no more than four days.

Classic version dish is to break an egg into boiling water so that the yolk does not spread. After boiling for about 60 seconds, the water must be removed from the heat, but leave the egg for another 10 minutes to “reach” the desired state. And to make it work like the French, the egg must be fresh: no older than 4 days. After removing the poached meat from the water, it should be salted, peppered, sprinkled with cheese or poured with any sauce to taste, and if desired, pierced.

In silicone molds

Not everyone succeeds the right dish when an egg is cracked directly into boiling water. At this moment, the protein spreads through the water, and in order to achieve a positive result, you need to spend more than a dozen eggs. But contemporaries came up with a unique solution - silicone molds, which are used for cupcakes or muffins. For this option, however, you will need a slow cooker or a double boiler, but many housewives already have these newfangled devices in their kitchens. But if they are not there, then no one has canceled the water bath on a regular stove.

For cooking delicious breakfast Take a silicone mold, grease it with butter or vegetable oil, pour in the egg, add cheese and chopped herbs. Place the mold in a container of boiling water, covering with cling film. Cook for 3 minutes, then carefully remove, pour over the sauce and eat breakfast with gusto. If desired, the time can be increased, then french breakfast in the “bag” it will be hard-boiled, not soft-boiled.

In a slow cooker

A modern multicooker will help you achieve the perfect French poached dish. This will require Silicone forms and a special stand for steaming dishes.

  1. Carefully pour the egg into the molds so as not to damage the yolk, add salt, and place in the multicooker bowl.
  2. Select the mode “steaming” and the time – 5 minutes.
  3. To keep the yolk liquid, after 3 minutes we open the multicooker, the remaining time our dish is cooked with open lid.
  4. We put the finished poached meat on a plate and feel like we are in France.

In cling film

Our grandmothers also came up with a way to cook delicious eggs with a runny yolk using cling film and they come out very beautiful. To prepare you will need 2 pieces of film 25x25 cm, and the action plan is as follows:

  • Boil water.
  • Cut the film to the required size and apply oil with a brush.
  • Place the film in a small cup, carefully beating in the egg.
  • We lift the edges of the film and twist it at the top. We try to ensure that no air remains inside.
  • Lower the bags for 4 minutes, keeping the edges of the film above the surface of the boiling water.
  • We take out the bags and place the finished poached meat on a dish.
  • Serve with crispy bacon, croutons, pepper or sandwich bread.

In molds

Any molds will do, not just silicone ones. Grease them with oil, pour in 2 tablespoons of sour cream and beat in one egg at a time. Add salt, pepper, nutmeg and a little butter. IN large frying pan Pour water, boil it and place the molds. The fire should be low, but the water should be boiling. Cover the pan with a lid and leave the dish for 6 minutes, then remove the finished poached meat from the molds.

In the microwave

It's easy to prepare French poached in an ordinary way. microwave oven. For this we need the ingredients:

  • 200 ml water;
  • voluminous bowl;
  • fresh egg;
  • 0.5 tsp. table vinegar.

The bowl should be filled with freshly boiled water, adding vinegar. An egg is carefully poured into this mixture, and then the bowl is placed in the microwave for approximately 50 seconds at maximum power. The finished poached meat is removed with a slotted spoon, placed on a plate or parchment to drain the water, and then served with black bread, salad, chicken pate or with any other favorite dish.

Video: vitamin salad with poached egg - for breakfast

Do you want to cook for real? cooking masterpiece pampering your loved ones wonderful breakfast? They will help you with this useful tips on preparation tasty option breakfast from chef D. Shiverskikh: