How to cook fish soup from fresh fish. Secrets of cooking real fish soup


  • fish (salmon head) - 1 piece;
  • sea ​​bass (without head) - 1 carcass;
  • parsley - 1 bunch;
  • dill - 1 bunch;
  • green onions - 1 bunch;
  • onions (medium size) - 2 - 3 pieces;
  • potatoes (medium size) - 5 -6 pieces;
  • fresh tomatoes - 3 pieces;
  • bay leaf - 3 - 4 pieces;
  • allspice (peas) - to taste;
  • ground white pepper - to taste;

The most delicious soup. Step by step recipe

  1. Pour water into a large saucepan (about half its volume) and throw our fish into it.
  2. Advice: to make the fish soup very tasty and rich, I recommend cooking it from the head of the fish. And the salmon head is also very meaty and tasty, so it makes excellent fish soup.
  3. The fish must first be prepared. We carefully clean the head from any remaining scales, rinse it well under running water and remove the gills. If the gills are not removed, the broth will be cloudy and bitter. A small carcass of sea bass (without the head), also cleaned of scales, washed well (especially inside) and cut into pieces.
  4. Place thick stems of herbs (dill and parsley) in a saucepan, cover with a lid and let it boil.
  5. When the fish is cooked a little, remove the pan from the heat and remove the fish head and green stems to a separate plate. We leave only the fragrant fish broth with pieces of perch.
  6. Peel the onions, chop them fairly large (into 6-8 pieces) and fry them in a completely dry frying pan until browned. (We imitate roasting over a fire).
  7. Place the pan with fish broth on the fire and add the peeled and chopped potatoes.
  8. Then add the onion to the pan.
  9. We also fry the spices in a dry frying pan: bay leaves and allspice peas (several peas). When the leaves and peppercorns darken, add them to the pan with the fish soup.
  10. Add ground white pepper to your taste. But the more common ground black pepper also works great.
  11. We continue to cook our homemade fish soup until the potatoes are ready. When the potatoes become soft, we can consider that the soup is almost ready.
  12. Now fry the coarsely chopped fresh tomatoes in a dry frying pan until browned. The tomatoes need to be tossed in at the end of cooking so they retain their shape and vibrant flavor (which is what I love most about this fish soup recipe). If tomatoes are overcooked, they will become soft and lose their fresh taste and color.
  13. Place the finished tomatoes in a saucepan.
  14. Cover the pan with rich fish soup, tomatoes and potatoes with a lid.
  15. Turn off the heat and leave to brew for 10-15 minutes.
  16. In the meantime, prepare the greens.
  17. Finely chop the green onions, parsley and dill leaves.
  18. We do not throw the chopped greens into the pan, but place them in portions on a plate with the fish soup. This way, it will not lose its bright color and wonderful aroma.
  19. If you have meat in the fish head (as in my case), then we clean it from the bones and put it in plates with the fish soup.
  20. Pour the delicious fish soup with potatoes and tomatoes into portioned plates, sprinkle with chopped herbs and serve.

It turns out very tasty if the fish soup is served hot: with fresh bread or pita bread. It turns out rich, aromatic and bright. Pieces of fish in a light broth with vegetables, a subtle hint of smoke - delicious. Be sure to prepare fish soup with potatoes and tomatoes in your kitchen. The “Very Tasty” website team wishes you bon appetit.

There are several opinions regarding how to cook classic wow. First: ear always prepared from one type of fish. That's why it happens salmon soup, pike soup, trout soup, carp ear, sterlet ear, perch soup, pink salmon soup, pike perch ear, crucian fish soup, catfish soup, sturgeon soup, carp fish soup, salmon soup, bream ear, saury fish soup, cod fish soup, ear made from ruffs, pollock ear, cod fish soup, mackerel soup, ear from pelengas, silver carp ear, burbot fish soup, roach ear. A second opinion and a second technology allows for cooking fish soup from several varieties of fish - mixed or in several stages. For example, they first boil small fish, and then cook more expensive and tasty fish in this broth. Ukha, recipe which includes changing three portions of fish, is called triple fish soup. Royal fish soup is prepared according to the same principle, however, with chicken or even mushroom broth. Ear, recipe which involves its preparation in chicken broth, also called rooster soup.

Calorie content fish soup depends on the type of fish and varies from 45 to 70 Kcal per 100 g. Fish for fish soup can be very diverse. Traditional, real ukha comes in several types. White ear is an ear made from river fish: from ruff (it is believed that ruffs make the most delicious fish soup - because of the ruff mucus), perch, pike perch, whitefish. Black fish soup is made from fish less suitable for fish soup: asp, carp, chub, crucian carp, carp, rudd. Red fish soup is called red fish soup. Fisherman's fish soup stands apart. Fish soup on a fire is not like cooking fish soup at home. Fisherman's soup is prepared from any fish that can be caught. How to cook fish soup Any fisherman knows: the water must be from the river, the smoldering firebrand must be extinguished in the almost finished ear, and be sure to add a little vodka or pepper to the ear at the end. As you can see, there are many ways to prepare fish soup. Cooking fish soup often has its own local characteristics. For example, fish soup with millet or other cereals has long been common among the Cossacks. In the Russian North, among the Pomors - fish soup made from salmon heads. Typically, the Volga ear is an ear made from sterlet. The original recipe has Finnish soup. Finland is a country of a thousand lakes, and Finns know how to cook fish soup. Finnish soup with cream few will leave anyone indifferent. Today even canned soup is quite popular. The recipe for canned fish soup is captivating in its simplicity: throw canned fish into a decoction of vegetables, and the canned fish soup is ready.

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How to cook fish soup correctly.

Do not cook fish soup in an aluminum pan.

How to cook clear fish soup? Don't put potatoes in your ear.

- How long to cook fish soup The eyes of the fish will tell you - they should turn white. Just in case, add another five minutes, but the total time is a maximum of 20 minutes. Then let the ear sit for a while.

After cooking the fish soup, remove the bay leaf from it, otherwise the fish soup may become bitter later.

Place the greens in a plate with fish soup, not in a pan.

Ukha is rightfully considered a masterpiece of culinary art. The rich soup has received recognition in many countries around the world, and this is not surprising. The components included in the composition fully reveal the taste of the main ingredient - fish. Cooking fish soup at home includes a number of features that must be taken into account. Experienced chefs have revealed the most delicious recipes, let's look at them in more detail. Let's highlight the main aspects, reveal the secrets of cooking, and consider delicious recipes.

Choosing the right fish

  1. Of course, the first place is the correct selection of the main ingredients. Based on numerous reviews, we can conclude that the most delicious fish soup comes from crucian carp, perch, pike perch, carp, pike, carp and salmon. In addition, fish soup based on halibut, notothenia and cod is gaining wide popularity.
  2. Professional chefs categorically do not recommend preparing a first course of roach, gudgeon, bream, herring and its subspecies, ram and roach. The listed types have a pronounced aroma that spoils the entire impression of consumption.

Additional Ingredients

  1. To fully reveal the taste of the finished dish, it must be supplemented with appropriate ingredients. These include peppercorns, parsley or dill, carrots, bay leaves, onions (both green and onions), salt and potatoes.
  2. When preparing fish soup, it is important to always remember that the main ingredient is fish. To avoid spoiling the taste and aroma, do not add too many additional ingredients to the soup.
  3. To ensure that the onions release their juice into the broth, do not cut them into thin slices. It is enough to chop the onion into 2-4 parts, then place it in the soup. For other vegetables, don't chop them too much.
  4. Depending on individual preferences, you can add herbs and spices of absolutely any direction to the fish soup. Anything will do: lemon, nutmeg, saffron, anise, dill, fennel, ginger, etc.

Cooking process

  1. If you want to get fish soup without a pronounced fish aroma, do not let the mixture boil. Cook the soup over low heat, do not cover. Ultimately, the broth will be rich, transparent, aromatic and concentrated.
  2. To ensure that the fish retains its consistency and opens, place it not in water, but in vegetable broth. Under no circumstances should you overcook seafood, otherwise the soup will look like porridge.
  3. If you cook fish soup from freshwater fish, simmer it over low heat for no longer than 8 minutes (in the case of small pieces). If we are talking about marine life, the duration of heat treatment must be increased to 10-15 minutes. Large Siberian fish takes about 25 minutes to cook.
  1. You can use whole fish to make fish soup. If it has a lot of bones, strain the broth before using.
  2. Sturgeon fish has a specific taste if you prepare soup based on it without removing the skin.
  3. To make the fish look like “in nature”, do not throw away the fins and heads. Send them to the soup, it will turn out more rich.
  4. If you feel that the fish has a specific smell, sprinkle it with lemon juice in large quantities.
  5. To prepare a golden-hued broth, add onions along with their peels. Once cooked, it can be removed.
  6. It is not recommended to stir the soup with a spoon or spatula, otherwise it will turn into porridge. Shake the pan slightly to prevent ingredients from sticking to the bottom and sides.
  7. If you are preparing fish soup based on sea fish, salt the dish immediately before serving. Otherwise, the salt will absorb the taste and aroma.
  8. To make the soup rich and soft, add a slice of butter to the plate, then sprinkle the soup with fresh herbs (parsley, dill).

  • fish at your discretion (head and tail)
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • seasoning for fish soup
  • greens for decoration
  1. Peel the potatoes, wash them and soak them for half an hour, then chop the tubers into medium-sized cubes. Peel the onion and cut into 4 parts. Prepare a thick-walled saucepan or cauldron, pour in filtered water and place on the stove.
  2. Bring the liquid to a boil, reduce the power to the minimum mark. Place the chopped potatoes and onions in a container and cook for 10 minutes. After this period, add spices to taste.
  3. Rinse the fish tails and heads and leave to dry. At this time, peel and cut the carrots into half rings, place in a saucepan and simmer for 10 minutes. Next, add the fish and cook the soup until done. Before serving, sprinkle the dish with chopped dill and parsley.

Fish soup with celery

  • any fish (tail and head)
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • celery (root) - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • seasoning for fish soup
  • dill for decoration
  1. Prepare a cauldron or saucepan with a thick bottom, pour in drinking water, bring to the first bubbles. After this, reduce the power, add seasoning for the fish soup and other ingredients as desired (pepper, etc.).
  2. Wash the carrots, peel them, chop them into half rings about 3-5 mm wide. If you are using a large celery root, cut off 2 inches of the rhizome. Peel the onion and cut it into 2 parts. Place the listed vegetables in a saucepan and wait until they boil.
  3. Simmer the soup for about 10 minutes after the first bubbles appear, then remove the bay leaves and celery from the pan. Pass the garlic through a press and add to the soup. Chop the potato tubers into cubes and also cook.
  4. When the potatoes are half cooked, remove the onions and add pre-washed and dried fish. Cook the fish soup for another 10-15 minutes, do not let it boil. Before serving, add salt and garnish with herbs.

  • fish at your discretion - 550 gr.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • fresh parsley
  • seasonings
  1. Gut the fish, remove the dark film, entrails and gills. Wash the carcass and place it on a paper towel to drain off excess moisture. Cut the fish into pieces about 4-5 cm thick.
  2. Start cooking vegetables. Peel the carrots and cut them into rings. Remove the skins from the onion and chop it into 4 pieces. Remove the skins from the potatoes and chop the tubers into cubes.
  3. Prepare a multibowl. Send the fish into it along with vegetables, fill it with drinking water so that it covers the ingredients by 7-10 cm. Add salt as desired, add other ingredients as desired. Set the “Stew” function on the device, the dish will be ready in about 1 hour 25 minutes, it all depends on the technical characteristics of the multicooker.
  4. After turning off the timer, do not rush to open the lid, let the soup brew for about half an hour. Pour into serving bowls, sprinkle with herbs (preferably fresh).

Perch soup

  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • parsley (preferably root) - 1 pc.
  • perch - 1.2 kg.
  • vodka - 45 ml.
  • butter (fat content from 65%) - 65 gr.
  1. Remove the peel from the onion and cut into 2 parts. Peel the potato tubers and chop them into cubes. Prepare a thick-bottomed pan, pour water and add vegetables inside.
  2. Bring the broth until the first bubbles appear, then reduce the power to low. Cut the parsley root into small squares, peel the carrots and chop them into half rings. Place vegetables in a saucepan and cook for 15 minutes.
  3. Wash, gut and cut the perch into pieces. Pour fish soup spices into the pan and add fish. After a quarter of an hour, salt the soup to taste, pour in vodka, it will eliminate the unpleasant odor.
  4. When the first dish is ready, remove the onions from it. Add oil, stir, cover with a lid, leave for 10 minutes. Serve sprinkled with fresh herbs.

A tasty fish soup is made from different types of fish. Experienced housewives have come up with one important feature: when selecting the number of ingredients, make sure that there is not too much water, fill most of the space in the container with fish. Consider a recipe for making soup in a slow cooker or on the stove.

Video: classic Astrakhan carp fish soup

From time immemorial, ukha has been considered a traditional dish of Russian cuisine; the history of its origin has conflicting facts and opinions, but they all boil down to one common opinion: previously, any decoction or soup, and not necessarily fish soup, was called ukha.

That is why in ancient Russian cuisine you can find such strange names in the modern world: pea soup, chicken soup or swan ear. Only, starting from the 15th century, did such a dish increasingly begin to be prepared primarily from fish, although it did not enjoy rapid popularity.

Nowadays, fish soup has become a unique dish; its preparation technology differs from other soups or stews, and although it can be classified as a first course, it should not be considered fish soup.

Today, fish soup is a tasty and incredibly healthy dish, which has its own special preparation technology, which allows you to obtain a transparent, aromatic and sticky broth, which contains juicy fish that has retained its consistency and pleasant taste. How to prepare delicious homemade fish soup?

It turns out that there is nothing complicated about this, because the recipe for the dish is quite simple, the main thing is to take into account some basic points and rules for its preparation. There are several types of such dishes, each of which differs in content and technological process.

It is believed that classic fish soup should look like a transparent, aromatic and fairly concentrated decoction of several varieties of fish. Why not from the same variety? Because each of them will add its own specific flavor shades to your finished dish, for example, perch gives richness in taste, and burbot gives tenderness.

True, here experts periodically disagree, there are also those who believe that it is still more correct to use one type of fish, the only thing that all experienced chefs adhere to is that for a good fish soup, the fish must be fresh, and even better, alive.

In the classic recipe, river and sea fish can be used; perch, pike perch, carp, ruffe, pike, carp and many others are perfect.

There are other varieties, for example, red fish soup, which is prepared exclusively from varieties of red fish, such as salmon or salmon, and if saffron is added during the cooking process, it is also called amber fish. You can also use freshly frozen seafood, however, they must be placed in the water immediately without defrosting.

How to cook fish soup correctly?

In addition to fish, it is permissible to add only onions, carrots and potatoes to the fish soup; such a dish does not require a large amount of other vegetables; in some recipes even carrots are excluded, and the onion is cooked as a whole.

The abundance of vegetables is replaced by a variety of herbs and spices, which, interacting with fish broth, give the fish soup a special and unique taste. The following spices can be used: bay leaf, fragrant and bitter, parsley, dill, green onions, tarragon.

To remove the specific taste of fish, which can especially appear in marine species, it can be sprinkled with lemon juice. Sometimes one type of fish can be used for such a dish, and another will be added to the already prepared fish soup.

For example, a rich and aromatic broth can be boiled on the head, tail and spine of a large fish or on whole carcasses of gutted small fish, then they are removed from the broth, and pieces of other large fish are added in their place.

Thus, you can prepare the so-called triple fish soup, for the broth of which one type of fish is used, and for the fillet in the finished dish - another (often several varieties at once).

In order for the finished broth to be light and transparent, the fish must initially be filled with cool and, preferably, purified water, it is brought to a boil, and then it must be cooked over medium or low heat.

The soup should not gurgle or splash out! To preserve the juiciness and aroma of the fish, it is necessary to bring it to a boil over high heat, skimming off any foam that forms.

Of course, it is believed that the most authentic and delicious fish soup is not prepared at home, but somewhere in nature, on a fire, in a real camp cauldron. The most ardent fans of such camping conditions recommend using only freshly caught fish, immediately gutted and peeled.

It is also recommended not to use a lid and use only spring water, this way your dish will be enriched with all the “tastes and smells” of nature and will turn out even more appetizing and unique. You should not disturb the fish soup, especially if you do not plan to replace the fish for the broth with a new fillet; sometimes it is enough to shake the pot slightly so that the contents do not burn.

The fact is that the fish boils quite quickly and if you constantly stir it with a spoon, you can get a gruel that is not the most pleasant in appearance, and not a clear broth with pieces of fish and vegetables.

It is also important to remember to limit the cooking time of the dish; it varies depending on the type of fish used: for example, freshwater fish takes longer to cook, from 7 to 20 minutes, but sea fish is faster, it usually requires 10-12 minutes. True, first of all, you should still take into account the size of the fish itself or its pieces; the larger they are, the longer it will take to cook them.

Salmon fish soup recipe

To prepare you will need:

  • ridge, head, tail, fins and salmon fillets;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes – 4 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • fresh tomato – 1 pc. (large);
  • parsley, celery root, dill;
  • salt, allspice, bay leaf.

Initially, the fish must be gutted and divided into parts indicated in the list of required products. All parts are washed thoroughly, be sure to remove the gills from the head, otherwise they may taste bitter in the broth.

Fill the head, ridge, fins and tail with cold water in a saucepan (the best type of cookware for cooking is one that does not oxidize, for example, enamel or clay), put it on high gas and bring to a boil, skim off the foam.

When the broth has boiled, reduce the gas to medium and add peeled carrots and onions to it; the vegetables can be left whole or cut into small slices. Next, add the peeled whole celery root and allspice peas and continue to simmer over low heat for about half an hour.

After the time has passed, remove the broth, filter through cheesecloth, add the fillet to it and continue cooking for about 10 minutes. Then add the peeled and sliced ​​potatoes, cook for another 15 minutes, add finely chopped onion and chopped tomato.

In conclusion, we send all the necessary spices, in your opinion, to the ear; their volumes should be determined solely by your taste. After the soup with all the spices has boiled, turn it off and let it brew under the lid for another 20 minutes.

Someone will say that fish soup is not prepared in the kitchen, and they will be absolutely right. For fish soup you need nature, a fire, a light fog over the water. But it’s not always possible to go out into nature.

The modern world is intense and complex. Everyone is in a hurry, there are a lot of things to do and things to do. And sometimes you want fish soup. In principle, it’s worth making a fish day at home sometimes.

Homemade soup is very useful. Well? Maybe not fish soup, but fish soup, but it’s necessary.

After a successful fishing trip, there are always heads and tails left. This is certainly not salmon soup, but it’s also delicious.

So, homemade soup from the heads, at home in the kitchen. Improvisation.

Homemade soup. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (4 servings)

  • Fish (heads, tails) 1 kg
  • Carrot 1 piece
  • Celery or parsley root 1 PC
  • Onion 1 piece
  • Potatoes 1-2 pcs
  • Garlic 1-2 cloves
  • Salt, black pepper, allspice, cloves, bay leaf, coriander taste
  • Parsley 3-4 sprigs
  1. Homemade fish soup is always a memory of fishing. Pour 2 liters of water into the pan. While the water is boiling, throw all the spices into the pan and add a little salt.

    Pike perch heads, tails

  2. As spices we throw in: peas - black pepper 10-12 pcs., allspice 2-3 pcs., coriander 0.5 tsp. In addition, 1-2 cloves and 2 bay leaves.

    Black and allspice pepper, cloves and coriander. Bay leaf

  3. Peel the carrots and cut into thick slices or simply cut them in half. Throw in the whole celery root (you can add parsley root, but be careful - it gives a little bitterness). Or cut a piece from a large root. Peel the onion and cut it lightly, literally a quarter of the way, crosswise.

    Potatoes, carrots, onions and garlic. Celery root

  4. When the water boils, let the spices and roots simmer for 15 minutes and remove the celery and bay leaf.

    Let the spices and roots simmer for 15 minutes

  5. After this, throw the peeled and cut potatoes into 4-6 pieces into boiling water. Discard the cooked onion. Add garlic - the grains should be slightly flattened with the block of a knife.

    Throw peeled and cut potatoes into 4-6 pieces into boiling water

  6. Cook potatoes for 10-12 minutes. Then put the fish in your ear.

    Then put the fish in your ear

  7. Usually fish are heads and tails, unless they specifically left something better on the ear. We still have pike and pike perch leftovers. Well, sometimes we also buy sets of trout and salmon. And the homemade soup turns out rich.
  8. By the way, if you are preparing fish soup with red fish, you should throw in half a lemon without squeezing it. Then remove the lemon and throw it away.
  9. After adding the fish, homemade fish soup will be better if you do not stir it and do not allow the liquid to boil.
  10. Cook homemade fish soup for 15-20 minutes. Over low heat until the soup simmers gently.
  11. Then you can remove the carrots. Whether or not to leave the cooked carrots in your ear is at your discretion. For example, I love carrots.
  12. Add final salt and pepper to taste.
  13. At this stage, you can put pieces of raw good fish in your ear - pike perch, trout, etc. After this fish is cooked, you can put it on a plate for everyone, one piece at a time.
  14. Add finely chopped parsley. While the homemade soup is still boiling, add 2 more bay leaves.
  15. Immediately remove the soup from the heat and let stand for 10 minutes. Like the highest squeak - you can splash 50 grams of vodka in your ear. But vodka in your ear is in nature. If you are preparing homemade fish soup for your family, you probably shouldn’t do that. In principle, no one forbids simply pouring a glass for those who wish.