How to cook five-minute plums. Homemade yellow plum with oranges and apples

Many housewives make preparations from berries and fruits in the summer. One of the varieties of such preparations is pitted plum jam. It is used as a dessert at any time of the year, but is especially appreciated in winter.

The jam is made from different varieties of plums, and in each case the result is a fragrant and delicate dessert. And the color of the delicacy can vary from amber to dark burgundy or deep purple.

Since there are many varieties of plums, there are also a huge number of canning recipes. Five-minute jam, preparing plums in slices, as well as assorted plums are very popular. What these recipes have in common is that each cooking method produces a tasty and healthy product.

In order for plum jam to be truly tasty, beautiful, aromatic and to be stored for a long time, it is important to properly prepare the fruits.

  1. When choosing plums for jam, give preference to fruits of the same degree of ripeness. The pulp should be dense and the stone should be easy to separate.
  2. It is better not to use overripe plums for jam; they are suitable for cooking confitures or marmalade.
  3. Be sure to remove broken and spoiled fruits. One such plum can ruin the entire harvest.
  4. It is not recommended to use plums affected by pests, diseases, or wormholes in preparations.
  5. You can make jam from different varieties of plums. The most common and frequently used varieties are Vengerka and Renklod. Very tasty and aromatic jam is made from plums of the Kabardinka, Prune, and Honey varieties.
  6. It is better not to remove the skin of plums, as it contains the maximum amount of useful substances. But if you want to get a more delicate dessert with a beautiful amber color, then you should remove the peel.
  7. Before starting work, the plums should be washed thoroughly. If the fruits are grown on your own plot, then it is enough to rinse them under running water.

Note: you only need to wash plums with cold water, as hot water softens the fruit.

If a plum is purchased at the market or in a store, it should be washed in a special way, since some fruits are treated with special products for long-term storage. And to prevent harmful chemical compounds from entering the body, we suggest preparing a solution of 1 liter. water and 1 tsp. soda

Place all the fruits in a bowl with this solution for 1 minute, then rinse well with water. Baking soda helps remove preservatives from the surface.

Harmful plaque is perfectly removed when blanching fruits.

Simple recipe for seedless plum jam with step-by-step photos

We suggest making aromatic jam from Kabardinka plums. The dessert tastes moderately sweet, not cloying, with a slight pleasant sourness. To make jam, we use the method of repeated cooking so that the syrup turns out transparent and the fruits are whole and not boiled.


800 gr. Kabardinka plum without seeds and 800 gr. Sahara


The cooled jam is placed in dry sterilized jars and closed with lids and sent to the cellar or to a cool place.

Plum jam without peels and seeds

Delicious plum jam can be made from the Prune variety. Due to the removal of the skin of the fruit, the jam turns out to be very delicate with a beautiful amber color. And the consistency of the dessert is a bit like jam or jelly.


500 gr. fresh pitted prunes and the same amount of sugar.


  1. Rinse fruits under running water.
  2. Remove the skin from the fruit. To do this, put the prunes in boiling water for 30 seconds, and then transfer them to a container with cold water. The skin can be easily removed with a knife.
  3. Cut each plum in half to remove the pits. Then cut into slices and place in a cooking container. Then add sugar.
  4. Without waiting for the juice to release, place the prepared mass on the stove over very low heat. When the sugar dissolves a little, increase the heat and let the fruit mass boil.
  5. Next, reduce the heat to medium again, cook the prunes for 5-7 minutes and remove from the stove.

Hot jam is poured into sterilized jars, closed with airtight lids, turned upside down and cooled under a blanket. After this, the jam can be sent for storage.

We suggest making jam from plums of the Prune variety according to a five-minute recipe. It is better to choose fruits that are not large, preferably of the same size, so that the plums have time to cook during the cooking process.


  • Pitted prunes – 500 g
  • Sugar - 600 gr
  • Water – 100 ml


Then pour the hot jam into clean, dry jars and roll up the lids. Turn the jars upside down and cool under a blanket.

Assorted jam

The combination of different varieties of plums gives amazing results. The jam turns out thick, rich with a bright burgundy tint and very pleasant to the taste. It can be served with tea or used as a filling for homemade cakes.


  • Kabardinka plum without seeds – 300 g
  • Honey plum without seeds – 300 g
  • Pitted prunes – 300 g
  • Granulated sugar – 900 gr


For jam, it is best to take plums, which have dense pulp and an easily separated pit.

  1. Wash the fruits, cut into halves and remove the seeds.
  2. Cut the resulting halves into 4-6 longitudinal slices (depending on the size of the fruit) and place in a bowl for cooking.
  3. Cover the plums with granulated sugar and, after separating the juice, put on the fire.
  4. Bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes, remove from heat and let the jam brew for 6-8 hours so that the plums are well saturated with syrup.
  5. Heat the cooled fruit mass again to a boil, reduce the heat and finally simmer for 10 minutes.
  6. The plums should become transparent and the syrup should thicken a little.

Pack the completely cooled jam into clean glass jars and screw on iron lids.

Apple and plum jam is a wonderful treat for the whole family. It has a pleasant sweet and sour taste. And it’s easy and simple to prepare.


  • Kabardian plum – 500 gr
  • Apples – 500 gr
  • Sugar 1 kg
  • Water - 100 g


  1. Wash the fruits thoroughly under running water.
  2. Peel the plums from stems, pits and cut into large slices
  3. Peel the apples, remove the seeds and cut into large slices.
  4. Place the fruit in a cooking container.
  5. Then prepare the syrup in another bowl. Add sugar to boiling water in small portions and stir gently. Cook until granulated sugar is completely dissolved.
  6. Pour the finished sugar syrup into a container with fruit, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes, skimming off the foam.
  7. Remove the container from the stove and leave to cool for 4-5 hours.
  8. Then return the basin to the stove, let it boil, and cook for seven minutes.

Pour the finished, cooled jam from plums and apples into sterilized jars and screw on the lids.

Apricot, plum and nectarine jam - recipe with step-by-step photos

This unusual combination of plum nectarine and apricot in one jam will appeal to lovers of original desserts.

The jam is prepared in the same way as assorted plums.


  • Small nectarines – 300 g
  • Kabardian plum – 300 gr
  • Apricots – 300 gr
  • Sugar – 900 gr


When completely cooled, the jam is placed in sterile jars and sealed with airtight lids.

Making plum jam is easy. But in order to make it tastier, you need to know certain subtleties. Each housewife has her own secrets suitable for her favorite recipes. But there are also general recommendations that it is advisable to follow:

  • The amount of sugar added to the dessert depends on the type of plum. For sweet varieties you can add less of it than indicated in the recipe. And for sour ones, on the contrary, increase it.
  • When cooking jam, do not place the container with the ingredients on high heat. This may cause the dessert to burn. Therefore, you need to heat the mixture slowly.
  • The fruit mass should be stirred periodically so that the sugar at the bottom dissolves evenly.
  • It is imperative to remove the resulting foam. This will ensure a long shelf life for the jam.
  • The readiness of the product can be determined by the consistency of the syrup. A drop of it should be placed on a plate. The syrup of the finished jam should not spread.
  • Jars and lids must be thoroughly washed with baking soda and then sterilized. Pour the jam into dry jars, as a drop of water is enough for the delicacy to ferment or become moldy.
  • Before placing the jam in the cellar, it must be cooled. To cool, turn the jars of jam upside down and leave for about 12 hours. After this, you can put it in a cold place.

Using the given recipes for plum jam as a sample, each housewife will be able to create her own original preparations based on the capabilities, habits and tastes of her family.

Happy preparations!

Good afternoon We continue to prepare for a delicious winter - stock up on jam. The time has come for plums and here there is room for the soul to turn around) Almost any variety, size and color will work: white, yellow, blue, red).

By the way, plums are very beneficial for the body; they contain vitamins, pectins, and fiber, which have a beneficial effect on digestion. By the way, look how to dry delicious food at home

Plum goes well with spices such as star anise and cinnamon. They give the delicacy an unusual piquancy. Don't be afraid to experiment and deviate from classic cooking options. Add or remove ingredients to your liking!

If you love chocolate, then be sure to pay attention to a couple of recipes below: plum jam with cocoa and nuts, as well as chocolate from plums. Their taste is very similar to chocolate paste. Treat yourself and your friends with a natural treat!

For this chocolate jam, the best variety of ordinary plums, or simply “Hungarian”, is best suited. Its pulp is quite fleshy and dense; during the cooking process, such fruits will not boil over. This dessert can also be called “prunes in chocolate.”

The nuts can be chopped very finely, medium, or left whole - all options have their own charm.

This amount of ingredients makes 3 liters of finished jam, so prepare 6 jars of 0.5 liters each.

  • Plums – 3 kg.
  • Sugar – 1 kg.
  • Shelled walnuts – 400 g.
  • Cocoa – 30 g.

1. Wash the plums, take out the seeds, put them in a large saucepan, and add sugar.

2. Place the pan on the stove, turn on medium heat and wait for it to boil. After bubbles appear, reduce the heat and cook the jam for 20-30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

3. Wash the shelled nuts with warm water and chop them if desired. Boil them in plain water for 20 minutes over medium heat. Then drain the water, pour the nuts into a saucepan with the plums, and leave to simmer over low heat for another 20 minutes.

4. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add cocoa and mix.

5. Pour into sterilized jars, close the lids tightly, turn the jars upside down and cover with a warm blanket. We are waiting for it to cool completely.

For jam, jars with a volume of up to 1 liter are best suited. They must be sterilized using any of the 4 methods described below:

How to sterilize jam jars

1. The fastest way is to sterilize empty jars in the microwave. Pour a small amount of water (about 2 cm high) into the bottom of each jar. Under no circumstances should the lids be sterilized in the microwave; they should be boiled separately in a saucepan. Place the jars in the microwave oven, cover with a saucer, turn on the 700-800 W mode for 2-3 minutes. Be guided by the boiling point of the water; it should boil for 1-2 minutes. Remove the jars very carefully with a dry towel, because... they are very hot. Pour hot jam into hot jars so that the glass does not burst due to temperature changes.

2. Steam sterilization. This process requires a wide bowl or pan. Pour water into it, and place a metal sieve or grate on top, on which we place the jars upside down. Steam the containers for at least 15 minutes. After this, let the jars dry.

3. Sterilization in boiling water. Place the jars in a large saucepan, fill with water so that the container is completely covered and boil for 5 minutes. Then we take out the jars and set them on a clean cloth to dry.

4. Sterilization in the oven. Place the wet jars in a cold oven. Turn on the temperature to 160 degrees. We wait until the water droplets on the glass evaporate. Be sure to check that there are no microcracks or chips in the glass, otherwise the dishes may crack.

The lids also need to be sterilized. Here is the most common method: lower the lids into boiling water for 1-2 minutes.

A very important tip for housewives: plums can turn your hands brown, so stock up on gloves in advance.

The previous article was devoted to this. We also made a sweet dessert from this, let’s move on to plums.

Plum jam with oranges

Try making jam according to this recipe; it turns out aromatic, moderately sweet, with pleasant notes of orange taste and smell. The ingredients include plum, citrus and spicy seasoning - star anise, which can be replaced with cinnamon.

Star anise has a slightly sweet taste and a strong spicy aroma. In classic desserts it is added to citruses and chocolate, and it also harmonizes well with coffee.

Be sure to try making such a fragrant dessert.

A pan with a thick bottom (cast iron) is best suited for cooking, because... it releases heat evenly. You need to stir the workpiece often so that it does not stick to the bottom and walls.

To prepare we will need:

  • Plums (preferably Hungarian) – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 400 g.
  • Orange – 1 pc.
  • Star anise – 1 pc.

1. Wash the plums, remove the pits. Cut into arbitrary pieces and place in a saucepan. Add one star anise, sugar, orange zest and juice. The zest includes only the thin orange peel.

2. Place the pan over medium heat, mix the ingredients and bring to a boil. Skim off the foam and cook for 30 minutes.

3. Sterilize the jars and lids, pour the jam to the very top, screw on the lids, cover with a blanket and let cool.

A sweet treat for the winter is ready!

Preparing chocolate plum jam for the winter

The next wonderful treat for those with a sweet tooth is chocolate plum jam. It tastes like chocolate, but made from natural products and without preservatives. Prepare this dessert for the winter and you will greatly delight your family, especially your children, because they love everything chocolate so much!

From this amount of products you will get 3 liters of jam.

To prepare we will need:

  • Plums – 2 kg.
  • Sugar – 2 kg.
  • Cocoa – 8 tbsp. spoons

1. Wash the plums, remove the pits, add sugar, and let stand for half an hour until the juice appears.

2. After half an hour, grind them with a blender, add cocoa, mix thoroughly.

3. Place the pan on the fire, bring to a boil, and simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Don't forget to stir and skim off the foam.

4. Pour the jam into sterilized jars. Screw on the lids.

Below you can watch a detailed video recipe.

Pitless plum jam Pyatiminutka

“Five-minute” is a favorite way to make jam for those who have little time. This is understandable, because with a rich harvest at the end of summer you only have time to do five minutes). And also, the less time is spent on heat treatment, the more beneficial vitamins remain in the fruit.

To prepare we will need:

  • Plums – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 600 gr.

1. Remove the pit from the plums, cover them with sugar, leave for 6-8 hours (or overnight) so that the juice appears and the sugar begins to dissolve.

2. Place the pan on the fire. After the jam boils, cook for 5 minutes, turn off the gas.

3. Pour the jam into sterilized containers and close with lids. Turn the jars upside down. Cover with a blanket and wait for it to cool completely.

A simple recipe for plum and apple jam

The consistency of the jam according to this recipe turns out to be like jam or confiture. Even sour plums and apples are suitable for this recipe. These fruits contain large amounts of pectin, which is a natural thickener.

Additionally, we will add dry mint, cinnamon, vanilla, and lemon.

The cooking process will consist of three identical, repeating steps. If you want to make the consistency thicker, then boil it four times.

To prepare we will need:

  • Plums – 1 kg.
  • Apples – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 1.5-2 kg.
  • Lemon – 1 pc.
  • Dry mint – 1 teaspoon
  • Cinnamon – 0.5 teaspoon
  • Vanillin - a pinch

1. Wash the fruits, remove the seeds from the plums, and the core with seeds from the apples. Cut the fruit into slices, add sugar, and leave to extract the juice overnight.

2. Place the pan on the stove and after the jam boils, add lemon zest, mint, vanilla, cinnamon, and mix everything. Add squeezed lemon juice and cook for 30 minutes. Blend the fruits with a blender. Set aside everything to cool for 3-4 hours.

4. Turn on the gas again and cook for 30 minutes, stirring vigorously. Turn off the stove and let the jam cool.

5. Boil the workpiece a third time for 30 minutes.

6. Pour the jam into sterilized jars and close with lids. Wrap it in a warm blanket and wait for it to cool completely.

Georgian plum jam

To prepare we will need:

  • Plums (Hungarian) – 2 kg.
  • Grated ginger – 1 teaspoon
  • Cinnamon – 1 teaspoon
  • Walnuts – 150 g.
  • Sugar – 600 g.
  • Water – 1 l.

1. Wash the plums, cut them in half, take out the seeds, and cut them into slices. Place the fruits in a saucepan, add sugar, and add water.

2. Place the pan on the stove and bring to a boil over low heat. Add cinnamon and ginger to boiling jam.

Mix everything carefully, leave to cook for 40 minutes, periodically removing the foam.

After 40 minutes, add walnuts chopped into pieces as you like (halves, quarters, ground) and boil for another 5 minutes.

Pour into sterilized jars and close tightly with lids. Turn it upside down and cover it with a warm blanket or bedspread.

It is better to eat jam that contains nuts first because... If stored for a long time, they may develop a bitter taste.

The less you cook berries and fruits, the more nutrients will remain in them. Reducing the heat treatment time also helps preserve the neat shape of fruit slices or whole fruits, and allows you to get a little more of the sweet delicacy, since it does not have time to boil down too much. Pyatiminutka plum jam, despite the fact that it does not cook for long, turns out to be quite thick due to the high pectin content in it. It would be a good idea to prepare a dessert belonging to this category of jams for the winter.

Cooking features

You can make Pyatiminutka plum jam for the winter using several recipes. Cooking technology can also be different. But there are several points that need to be known and taken into account, regardless of the option for preparing plum jam.

  • Jam can be made from plum slices or whole plums. If you are preparing a delicacy from whole fruits, you need to blanch them in boiling water for 5 minutes, then cool and prick them in several places with a toothpick so that they better absorb the syrup.
  • You should not use green or overripe plums for Pyatiminutka jam. Give preference to fruits that are ripe but have not lost their density.
  • Five minutes of cooking for plums may not be enough. If the slices are large, the jam from them is cooked in 2-3 batches for 5 minutes, taking breaks between the stages of heat treatment sufficient to cool the delicacy.
  • To prevent the jam from becoming sugary, add citric acid or lemon juice.
  • You can cook plum dessert in enamel dishes or stainless steel containers. Aluminum is not suitable, as it forms harmful substances when in contact with acids.
  • When cooking the dessert, foam forms on the surface of the jam, which must be skimmed off. If this is not done, the treat may turn sour. The foam is not thrown away - it is edible and even tasty, and can be a good addition to tea.
  • You need to put plum jam in pre-sterilized jars, otherwise it won’t last long. Close the dessert hermetically with metal lids. Before use, they are boiled for sterilization.

You can store Pyatiminutka plum jam made from fruit slices for a year at room temperature. Dessert made from whole fruits is stored in a cool room (at a temperature no higher than 18 degrees) for the same time.

Pyatiminutka plum jam without water

Composition (per 1.5 l):

  • plums – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.2 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the plums and dry them. Cut the fruits in half and remove the seeds.
  • Place the plum halves in a basin or other container suitable for making jam.
  • Fill the plums with sugar, shake the basin so that the sugar mixes with the plums.
  • Place the container with the drains in a cool place for several hours, or overnight. You can move on to the next stage when the plum releases a lot of juice and the sugar dissolves in it completely or almost completely.
  • Place the bowl of plums on low heat. Bring to a boil.
  • Increase the heat and boil the jam for 5 minutes, skimming off the foam. If you want a thicker jam, give the dessert a chance to cool, reheat and boil for a few minutes.
  • Sterilize the jars and place the prepared plum dessert in them without waiting for it to cool.
  • Screw the jars tightly with sterilized lids.

This version of the plum “Five Minute” will appeal to those who prefer thick jam.

Whole plum jam “Pyatiminutka”

Composition (per 3 l):

  • plums – 1.3 kg;
  • water – 1 l;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the plums and boil water.
  • Place the plums in boiling water and boil for 5 minutes.
  • Drain the liquid into a separate container, add sugar to it, and place on low heat.
  • Cook, stirring, until the sugar is completely dissolved and another 5 minutes after that.
  • Place the plums in the syrup and wait for it to boil again. Cook the fruits, skimming off the foam, for 5 minutes.
  • Remove the bowl with plums from the heat and let the jam cool.
  • Bring the dessert to a boil again, cook for 5 minutes.
  • Place the plums in sterilized jars, pour hot syrup, and twist.
  • Turn the jars over and cover with a warm blanket for better preservation.

After cooling, the jars of jam must be moved to the basement or unheated pantry - it will only stand well at room temperature.

Pyatiminutka plum jam with cinnamon

Composition (per 1 l):

  • pitted plums – 0.7 kg;
  • sugar – 0.7 kg;
  • water – 0.2 l;
  • ground cinnamon – 5–10 g.

Cooking method:

  • Place the plum halves in the container in which you will cook the jam.
  • Fill with water and place on low heat.
  • When the water boils, add sugar in small portions, stirring gently, being careful not to damage the plum slices.
  • When the sugar has completely dissolved, add cinnamon and stir. Cook the fruit mixture for 5 minutes.
  • Remove the container with plum jam from the heat and let it cool to room temperature.
  • Reheat, boil for 5 minutes, remove from heat.
  • Place the jam in sterilized jars and seal them.

According to this recipe, Pyatiminutka plum jam is sweet and aromatic and stands well at room temperature.

Pyatiminutka plum jam is not only tasty, but also healthy, since the fruit undergoes minimal heat treatment during its preparation. The dessert does not require difficult storage conditions.

Plum jam, depending on the type of berry and the cooking method, has a different taste, color, aroma and consistency. Sometimes it even seems that the jam is made from other berries. I like thick, tender, transparent and airy sweet and sour plum jam, with a subtle fruity aroma. And today I will tell you how to prepare thick plum jam without seeds so that it turns out just like that. Making plum jam is not a complicated process, only in our case you will have to tinker a little, but the result is worth it.


We will sort out the ripe plums, remove the spoiled ones, stems and leaves. Wash the berries, place them on a towel and let them dry. It is desirable that the plum berries are ripe, but not soft, but dense.

Using a sharp knife, cut the plums into two halves, remove the seeds, and remove the skins from the plum halves. Then cut the peeled plum halves into 4–6 pieces, and place them in a saucepan with a thick bottom in layers of 2 centimeters, sprinkling the layers with sugar. Let it sit for 3 – 4 hours so that it produces juice; you can leave it overnight.

Many housewives, in the process of cooking plum jam, in order to prepare syrup. I don’t like liquid jam, and I don’t want to boil the jam for a long time so that it thickens properly. Therefore, we will cover the peeled and chopped plums with sugar. It will give enough juice to make the jam of the desired thickness without prolonged cooking.

After the plum gives juice, put the pan with the future jam on low heat and bring it to a boil, stirring often enough so that it does not burn or stick to the bottom of the pan. As soon as the jam boils, remove the foam from it, stir it and remove the jam from the heat.

Let it cool, then put it back on low heat, boil it, remembering to stir constantly, remove the foam again, let the jam simmer for 5 - 10 minutes, turn off the heat and pour the jam into previously prepared sterilized jars. Delicious thick pitted plum jam is ready. It can be served with tea or stored in a cool place. Bon appetit!