How to salt milk mushrooms with raw pickling. Salted blanched white milk mushrooms

Since the ancient times of Kievan Rus, milk mushrooms have been considered a very valuable and tasty mushroom. There are a lot of recipes with them: milk mushrooms are pickled, salted, prepared into salads, eaten smeared with sour cream. One of the stages of preparing milk mushrooms is boiling them. So, how to cook milk mushrooms? It's simple, the main thing is to follow the recommendations.

How to cook milk mushrooms correctly?

For this you will need:

  • milk mushrooms;
  • a little salt;
  • Bay leaf;
  • ground pepper;
  • carnation;
  • currant leaves;
  • bulb onions;
  • sunflower oil;
  • vinegar.

How to cook milk mushrooms correctly - recipe No. 1

  1. The milk mushroom is a milky mushroom. It contains milky vessels that release juice when they are mechanically damaged. It is a slightly bitter-tasting liquid that is almost impossible to remove during cooking. Therefore, it is not customary to boil milk mushrooms and eat them immediately. The process of boiling milk mushrooms is usually one of the stages in the preparation of these delicious mushrooms.
  2. Salted milk mushrooms are a very tasty and popular dish, but not everyone agrees to wait about 30–45 days for the mushrooms to ripen for consumption. You can cook milk mushrooms much faster. Soak the milk mushrooms in cold water for 24 hours. This must be done so that the milky juice is eliminated from them. After this, you need to rinse the milk mushrooms well again, change the water and cook the milk mushrooms for 20 minutes from the moment they boil. Change the water again and repeat this procedure.
  3. Next, add bay leaf, ground black pepper, salt and cloves to the pan where the milk mushrooms were cooked, so that a cool brine comes out. Then cool the milk mushrooms, mix with chopped onions and sunflower oil.
  4. The milk mushrooms are ready and can be served.
  5. Bon Appetit everyone!

How to cook milk mushrooms correctly - recipe No. 2

  1. Peel and wash the milk mushrooms well before boiling them. Fill the pan with milk mushrooms with water and place on high heat. After the water boils, place the milk mushrooms in the pan and cook them for 5-10 minutes. Once the milk mushrooms have settled to the bottom of the pan, this means they are ready.
  2. Prepare sterile jars in advance and place spices on the bottom. Then put the milk mushrooms in jars, put onion rings on top and fill with brine.
  3. Make the brine from the same water in which the mushrooms were boiled, then adding bay leaves, salt, pepper, cloves, and currant leaves to it.
  4. Now in winter there will be something to enjoy.

Are you a fan of the so-called royal mushrooms, but still don’t know how to pickle milk mushrooms in jars? In this article you can find some useful tips.

An interesting fact is that in some countries milk mushrooms are classified as inedible mushrooms. This is all because they don’t know how to properly prepare these wonderful mushrooms for the pickling process.

Now let's move on to the topic of our article and find out how to pickle milk mushrooms in jars.

Don’t forget to soak the milk mushrooms in water before salting them in jars. This is necessary so that the mushrooms do not become bitter.

  1. In order to salt milk mushrooms in jars, first of all you need to clear the milk mushrooms from the soil, thoroughly wash and trim the stems. The fact is that if you stick to the classic recipe, then you don’t need to salt the milk mushroom legs in jars. Before salting milk mushrooms in jars, prepare a shallow and wide pan. Place the mushrooms in it so that the caps are facing down, then fill them with cold water. As for soaking, this must be done for at least two days. Do not forget to change the water daily, it is best to do this twice a day. Thanks to this, the bitterness and unpleasant acrid juice will disappear.
  2. Now that the milk mushrooms have already soaked well enough, we proceed directly to answering the question of how to salt milk mushrooms in jars. To do this, you need to prepare the most ordinary three-liter jar. Pre-weigh the milk mushrooms to find out how much salt you will need to use. Prepare salt at the rate: for 40 grams of salt – one kilogram of milk mushrooms.
  3. Then, in order to salt the milk mushrooms, pour a layer of salt onto the bottom of the prepared jar, place currant leaves, cherries, horseradish, dill stems and garlic slices. After this, start placing the milk mushrooms in the jars in a row, making sure that the caps are facing down. Also add salt, horseradish root pieces and black peppercorns.
  4. Next, put in a jar - the next layer of milk mushrooms, followed by a layer of seasonings and salt. And so on and so forth. When you completely fill the jar with milk mushrooms, place a leaf of horseradish on their top layer, and this, in turn, should be covered with a cloth (necessarily clean). Place a bend on top of the fabric. It is necessary to store salted milk mushrooms in jars in the basement or in the refrigerator.
  5. In a month, your milk mushrooms in jars will be ready. But keep in mind that they will settle, their volume will become about a third less.
  6. Try another hot method of salting milk mushrooms in jars. With this, you will have to boil or blanch the milk mushrooms in salted water. Boil them for 15-20 minutes, wait for the water to drain and start salting.
  7. Bon appetit!

Here is a recipe for hot pickling of milk mushrooms. Your mushrooms will be spicy, tasty, free of unpleasant odor and bitterness. The milk mushrooms will be ready in a month! And they will be stored until spring. The salted caps of young milk mushrooms are considered the most delicious, truly royal. In addition, an important fact is that 100 grams of salted mushrooms contain 1 gram of fat, 2 grams of protein, 1 gram of carbohydrates, and 18 calories.

How to salt milk mushrooms - recipe

In order to salt milk mushrooms according to the recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

  1. fresh milk mushrooms - 2 kilograms of dried mushrooms,
  2. Dill seeds,
  3. garlic – 6 cloves,
  4. 900 grams of salt,
  5. black currant leaves.

Also, to salt milk mushrooms according to the recipe, prepare the following dishes:

  1. pot,
  2. colander,
  3. wooden circle,
  4. 10 liter bucket (enamel),
  5. a special container for pickling (barrel, pan or can).


  1. First, the milk mushrooms need to be prepared for salting. To do this, thoroughly clean, sort and weigh them. Then you will have to wash each mushroom under cold running water. After this, place the milk mushrooms in a 10-liter enamel bucket and fill with water.
  2. Soak the milk mushrooms for three days, changing the water twice a day - morning and evening.
  3. After the milk mushrooms have been soaked, they should be thoroughly washed and cut into large pieces.
  4. At this time, you also need to peel and chop the garlic into small pieces and wash the currant leaves.
  5. Now let’s begin the process of preparing salted milk mushrooms according to the recipe.
  6. Place the chopped mushrooms in a saucepan, fill completely with water and boil. Cook the milk mushrooms for ten minutes, removing the noise in time.
  7. When the milk mushrooms are cooked, place them in a colander and allow the water to drain. After this, the milk mushrooms need to be cooled.
  8. Place the milk mushrooms in a layer in the prepared container, sprinkle it with salt, garlic and dill seeds. Place a few blackcurrant leaves on top. Then again a row of mushrooms, a row of spices and salt.
  9. After this, cover the container with a napkin and place the circle on top along with the weight.
  10. In just a month you will be able to serve ready-made salted milk mushrooms according to this recipe. At the same time, do not forget to season the mushrooms with vegetable oil and thinly sliced ​​onions.

Milk mushrooms are exactly those mushrooms that are most delicious when salted. There are two ways to pickle milk mushrooms - hot and cold. If you are interested in exactly how to pickle milk mushrooms using the hot method, then you have found exactly what you were looking for!

In this article you can learn how to pickle milk mushrooms using the hot method. If you think that boiled milk mushrooms will be soft, you are deeply mistaken. After all, when salted using the hot method, milk mushrooms will have the same crunch, color and shape. So let's get started.

Hot salting of milk mushrooms - recipe No. 1

To salt milk mushrooms hot, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Mushrooms,
  • Salt without iodine, medium grind,
  • Garlic,
  • Cabbage leaves,
  • Dill seeds.
  1. In order to start salting milk mushrooms using the hot method, clean your mushrooms of all large debris - leaves, soil and hay.
  2. Then place the milk mushrooms in a bathtub or bucket and fill them with cold water. Let them soak in this way for several hours. Do this procedure so that all the bitterness is removed from the milk mushrooms.
  3. After this, to pickle milk mushrooms using the hot method, you will have to wash each mushroom very carefully. It is better to do this under running water. For better cleaning, use a toothbrush or washcloth. Place the milk mushrooms in a large, clean bowl.
  4. Now that all the milk mushrooms have been washed, in order to pickle them hot, place the mushrooms in a pre-prepared pan of water and place on the stove. After the water boils, you need to cook the milk mushrooms for twenty minutes.
  5. Next, use a slotted spoon to remove the milk mushrooms from the water, transfer them to a sieve and wait until they cool. The water from which you just took the milk mushrooms does not need to be poured out. It’s better to strain it and put it in the refrigerator.
  6. At the next stage of salting milk mushrooms, you need to pour about two tablespoons of salt into the bottom of the prepared bucket. Then place the garlic cloves, previously peeled and chopped, and dill seeds.
  7. To pickle mushrooms hot, place the milk mushrooms on a layer of salt, caps down.
  8. Salt a row of mushrooms laid out for hot pickling and lay out the next portion of milk mushrooms. Don't forget to salt it too. And so on.
  9. When all the milk mushrooms are laid out, place a plate (preferably flat) on top of them and place the weight on it. We recommend using a regular jar of water as a load for hot salting. The milk mushrooms will secrete brine, which should completely cover them. If you notice that there is not enough brine, then the water in which the milk mushrooms were boiled will come in handy. Just add it to the container with the mushrooms and cover with a towel.
  10. After this, leave the milk mushrooms for hot pickling for two to three days so that they are salted.
  11. Now sterilize the jars with milk mushrooms, place the milk mushrooms in them, and press a clean, washed cabbage leaf on top.
  12. The jars should be closed with nylon lids. Now you can put the jars of mushrooms in the refrigerator for storage.
  13. After a week you can eat salted milk mushrooms. Bon appetit!

Hot salting of milk mushrooms - recipe No. 2

How to salt milk mushrooms in a hot way? It seems that milk mushrooms are mushrooms specially created for pickling. The best way to prepare milk mushrooms is salting.

  • Milk mushrooms,
  • Garlic,
  • Salt, but not iodized or evaporated,
  • Dill umbrella seeds.
  1. To start pickling milk mushrooms using the hot method, first clean the mushrooms of all debris, leaves, needles and place them in a container filled with water. As for the legs, it is better to trim them. Leave only a centimeter at the caps of the mushrooms themselves.
  2. Do this so that when placing the mushrooms in a pickling container in rows, the upper milk mushrooms do not break the caps of the lower mushrooms.
  3. Rinse each mushroom thoroughly. Ideally, make a 45-degree tilt of the container. You can also use an old toothbrush for a more complete clean.
  4. After your milk mushrooms for hot pickling are washed, place them in a pre-prepared bowl. So, we have successfully completed the first stage.
  5. Then place the milk mushrooms in a pan and place on the stove. When the water boils, be sure to continue cooking the milk mushrooms for another twenty minutes.
  6. After that, take a slotted spoon. With its help, carefully remove the milk mushrooms into a wide bowl and wait until they cool. Do not under any circumstances throw away the water in which the milk mushrooms have just been boiled. Just strain it and put it in the refrigerator.
  7. Next, take a clean bucket, sprinkle a thin layer of salt on the bottom, spread dill seeds and garlic, previously peeled and chopped. Now you can begin the process of laying milk mushrooms in rows with the legs down for hot salting. When the first row is laid, salt it and lay the next row. And so on.
  8. When all the milk mushrooms are laid, place a plate on top and a weight on it. The mushrooms will release juice, which should completely cover them. Otherwise, add the water in which they were boiled.
  9. In order to pickle the milk mushrooms using the hot method, they must stand for three days and be salted. Then take a jar and put all the mushrooms in it. And on top of them you need to put a cabbage leaf. Cover the jars with nylon lids.
  10. In a week the milk mushrooms will be ready. Now you know exactly how to pickle milk mushrooms using the hot method. Bon appetit!

If you ask your grandparents how to cold salt milk mushrooms, you will only get a smile in response. And all because in their time, almost everyone knew the recipe for pickling milk mushrooms. In fact, milk mushrooms can be salted in two ways: hot and cold. But first, let's tell you a little about this wonderful mushroom for a superficial acquaintance.

The breast itself is a fairly common mushroom belonging to the russula family. Its cap is umbrella-shaped with a lamellar surface on the inside, the stem is 3-5 cm. In the West, milk mushrooms belong to the category - inedible, but in Russia they are considered conditionally edible and are safely used for pickling by all mushroom pickers. It is popularly believed that milk mushrooms are in no way inferior to meat in terms of calorie content. As the salting process progresses, it acquires a slightly bluish tint. In ancient times, the milk mushroom was called the “king of mushrooms”, since it was considered the only mushroom that was subject to the pickling process. More than one century has passed, but milk mushrooms have reserved their place as the leader in the group - mushrooms for pickling.

Recipe for pickling milk mushrooms

Before salting milk mushrooms in a cold way, we’ll give you a couple of tips:

  1. When you cold-salt milk mushrooms, never use loose spices.
  2. In no case do not pour a lot of salt, because the mushrooms absorb it very strongly, and then it will be difficult to wash off the excess salt.

Let's return to our topic, how to pickle milk mushrooms using the cold method. You will need: milk mushrooms, a bucket, cherry leaves, raspberry branches, black pepper (peas), salt, currant leaves, dill.

Cold pickling of milk mushrooms - recipe

  1. After you have thoroughly washed the milk mushrooms for cold pickling, place them carefully in a bucket (handle them very gently, because the milk mushrooms will crumble if not handled carefully) on top of each other, cover with plain water and let it brew for 3 days.
  2. After this, in order to pickle milk mushrooms in a cold way, take a bucket (of course, since ancient times it has been customary to pickle milk mushrooms in oak barrels, but not everyone has such a luxury today) and cover the bottom with cherry and currant leaves. Place the first row of milk mushrooms on them, cap down. On top of the mushrooms, place a couple of dill branches, some raspberry branches, a couple of cut garlic cloves, and sprinkle with pepper and salt (2 pinches). Continue stacking the mushrooms in this manner, layer by layer, until the very top.
  3. When the milk mushrooms run out and the bucket is full, place cherry leaves on the last row and cover everything with gauze. Every owner has some oppression at home, remember where you hid it because now you need it for salting milk mushrooms using the cold method. We put the oppression on top of the gauze and put our bucket of mushrooms in the cold.
  4. The milk mushrooms will reach their readiness in 40 days, so you need to be patient a little. That's the whole secret of salting milk mushrooms.

Milk mushroom has long been considered a valuable mushroom. The main thing in this matter is to prepare it correctly, otherwise if it is not prepared correctly it will be tasteless and bitter, so you need to know how to handle them. These recipes will give you an idea of ​​how to salt milk mushrooms so that they are tasty, aromatic and strong.

How to pickle milk mushrooms for the winter?

Breast milk is always considered an excellent appetizer for any table, both on a holiday and on a weekday, with potatoes it’s simply delicious. The main thing is to know how to season them correctly; sometimes it’s enough to add a green onion and season them with vegetable oil or sour cream. This is an indispensable dish in the diet on fasting days, and can be added to salads or on its own. Today we will tell you how to pickle milk mushrooms in two ways. The first method is hot pickling (the bitterness is eliminated by boiling the mushrooms) and the second method is cold pickling for the winter - when the mushrooms are pre-soaked.

How to properly salt milk mushrooms for the winter using a hot method?

To pickle milk mushrooms for the winter you will need:

  • vegetable oil;
  • water;
  • salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • milk mushrooms - 1 kg.
  1. The hot method of salting milk mushrooms is actually less troublesome, so it is used more often.
  2. Wash the milk mushrooms thoroughly, remove leaves, grass, and dirt. Cut off the legs.
  3. Boil the caps in salted water for 30-40 minutes. After cooking, rinse the caps thoroughly, then place in a sieve and let the water drain.
  4. Next, place the milk mushrooms in a container prepared for pickling, caps down. To do this, sprinkle the bottom of the container with salt and spices. Next in layers: mushrooms - spices, mushrooms - spices, etc. Take salt at the rate of 40 grams of salt per 1 kilogram of mushrooms.
  5. Cover with a clean cloth and place under a press.
  6. The milk mushrooms will be ready for consumption in 30-40 days.

Summer is a great time for those who love quiet hunting. Spending the whole day among the beauty of the forest, and returning in the evening tired, with a whole basket of milk mushrooms - this is simply a real holiday for the soul. But the mushroom picker’s work does not end there. Milk mushrooms are mushrooms that require special attention and approach. In order to serve milk mushrooms to the table in the cold winter, you first need to properly clean and soak them. So, how to properly salt milk mushrooms? Everything is easy and simple.

How to properly salt milk mushrooms for the winter in a cold way - recipe No. 1

  1. This is a time-consuming method, but milk mushrooms retain their unique forest smell - leaves, mold and golden autumn.
  2. As soon as possible after collecting milk mushrooms in the forest, begin processing them: wash them in several waters, clean them of adhered leaves, grass and dirt, and remove wormy parts. Trim the stems (only the caps are used for pickling).
  3. Place the milk mushrooms in a large container, caps down, and fill with water. Soak the mushrooms for at least 5 days, but ideally spend all of ten days! Then the milk mushrooms will have time to lose their inherent bitterness and the unpleasant smell of mold. Every day, mushrooms need to be washed and the water changed not once a day, but at least twice a day, and preferably three. This guarantees you an excellent, absolutely safe product. After all, you don’t heat milk mushrooms, do you?
  4. Now proceed to the actual salting of milk mushrooms. Calculate the amount of salt at the rate of 40-45 grams (1.5 tablespoons) of salt per 1 kilogram of milk mushrooms. Prepare the spices. Be sure to add black peppercorns and bay leaves. Other seasonings are to your taste.
  5. Line the bottom of the container prepared for properly salting the milk mushrooms with currant and cherry leaves, sprinkle with salt and begin laying the mushrooms in layers, caps down, sprinkling each layer with salt and spices.
  6. Having laid out all the milk mushrooms, put currant, cherry and mint leaves on top again. Cover tightly with a clean cloth and place a press on top.
  7. Salted milk mushrooms will be ready for consumption in 30-40 days.

How to properly salt milk mushrooms for the winter in a cold way - recipe No. 2

  1. In this recipe we will tell you the second way to salt milk mushrooms in a cold way. The essence of this method of pickling mushrooms for the winter is that the bitterness is removed by soaking. Soaking takes about a day. The mushrooms are poured with cold water and during these days, the water is changed every 4 hours.
  2. After soaking, the milk mushrooms are blanched for 8 minutes to be salted, poured into a colander and wait until the water has completely drained. Add salt, dill and garlic, mix everything well, but so as not to damage the mushrooms.
  3. Then the milk mushrooms are immersed in an enamel bowl and pressure is applied. You can leave it overnight. Before you start putting the mushrooms into the jars, you need to mix them again.
  4. And then, to pickle the milk mushrooms, place them tightly in prepared jars and fill them with the brine that was released when the mushrooms were pickled. Cover with nylon lids and after a month you can safely eat.
  5. Pour cold water over the milk mushrooms for a day to salt them, but if necessary, you can add one more. The water must be changed every 6 hours. Then the water for salting the milk mushrooms is drained and the milk mushrooms are laid out in layers in prepared glass jars. Garlic, horseradish and bay leaves are thrown into the bottom of the jar; cloves can be added if desired. Sprinkle each layer of mushrooms with salt, add dill and pepper. The jars are covered with nylon lids and placed in the refrigerator or cellar. After a month, the mushrooms are ready to eat.
  6. Bon appetit!

How to properly salt milk mushrooms for the winter in a cold way - recipe No. 3

In order to properly salt milk mushrooms, you will need:

  • milk mushrooms;
  • large basin or bucket;
  • Toothbrush;
  • short knife;
  • water;
  • salt.
  1. Before salting, clean the milk mushrooms and remove dry leaves and herbs.
  2. Next, put them in a large container, then fill them with cold water for a couple of hours. During this time, the dirt that has dried on the mushrooms will soak off. After pre-soaking, drain all the water and transfer the milk mushrooms to the sink.
  3. Next, take a short knife and remove the milk mushrooms from the top film (it is simply impossible to remove particles of sand and earth from it). The grooves in the middle of the cap need to be washed especially well. If the milk mushrooms are large, it is better to cut them into pieces, this will make them easier to clean. Using a toothbrush, you can remove dirt and sand between the plates on the inside of the mushroom. Simply place the mushroom under cold running water and “sweep” the dirt along the plates with a brush.
  4. Next, to properly salt, place the peeled milk mushrooms in a clean container. A large bucket or basin is perfect for this. Fill the container with mushrooms no more than 50%. Fill the milk mushrooms with clean water and place in a cool place. In order to avoid souring of the mushrooms, the water must be changed every four hours. Ideally, milk mushrooms should be soaked under running water and, if you have such an opportunity, use this method.
  5. After you have drained the water three to four times, then add salt to the next mushroom filling, at the rate of one tablespoon per two liters of water. Milk mushrooms should be soaked in a saline solution for 48 hours. Remember that in order to salt milk mushrooms for the winter, the salt water needs to be changed periodically (do this at least twice a day).
  6. Serve the milk mushrooms at the table after soaking them in cold water.

Tips for salting milk mushrooms for the winter:

Tip 1: If you don’t even get the salt right when you decide to pickle milk mushrooms correctly, don’t be upset. Just before eating, soak the salted milk mushrooms in water, or better yet, in milk (only rinse thoroughly after milk).

Tip 2: Don't throw away the legs of the milk mushrooms! You can immediately cook some of it for dinner. Boil them and fry them with onions in butter. Boil the remaining legs in salted water for 40-50 minutes, place in a sieve and leave to drain completely (about an hour). Place milk mushrooms on a paper towel to dry completely. Then fill the containers tightly with these legs and place them in a deep freezer. You can always have fried mushrooms for dinner!

Have a delicious appetite!



Cold salting of milk mushrooms- a simple and quick method of preparing a delicious preparation of wild mushrooms for the winter with your own hands.

A step-by-step cooking recipe with photographs will tell you how to make this preparation at home without much hassle. Don’t be scared, dear housewives, by the lack of clear proportions in the ingredients, because this recipe came to us from the past, when we didn’t really think about proportions. In addition, I have verified from my own experience that mushrooms will not take in excess. This is facilitated by their porous structure. The taste of crispy salted mushrooms and their aroma will not leave even the most fastidious tasters indifferent.

Recipes for cold pickling milk mushrooms for the winter, of which experienced chefs know quite a lot, are all easy to follow. Their difference lies only in the spices that are used when laying, as well as in the presence or absence of brine. Sometimes salting mushrooms in their own juice is also called dry salting.

Long-term observations of housewives show that when salting using any of the traditional methods, white and black milk mushrooms should always be sorted. If your basket contains both types of mushrooms, then do not ignore this advice. The taste of the mushroom varieties is similar, but their external characteristics are slightly different. If you separate them, the white milk mushrooms will turn out exactly white, as in our photo, and will look very beautiful in the preparation and on your table.

You need to store ready-made salted milk mushrooms in jars, but it is not recommended to pickle them even in brine, because in this case the fermentation process in the mushrooms will be weakened and they may become slippery. This will definitely happen due to the inability to crush the mushrooms with a load. When salting milk mushrooms coldly in a large bowl, it is much easier to carry out all the necessary manipulations and control the release of juice.



    To prepare this preparation for the winter, milk mushrooms must be freshly harvested. Sort through the mushrooms, discard all those specimens that cause you doubt. You should be wary of the presence of wormholes and various types of rot. Clean the milk mushrooms from any remaining soil, rotted leaves and cobwebs. After this, rinse them in plenty of water at room temperature, and if necessary, scrub heavily soiled areas with a brush. Trim off any unsightly bulges on the legs. Remove accumulated debris in the porous structures of the caps by rinsing in warm running water of medium pressure. Wash and dry all the greens and peel the garlic.

    After washing, all mushrooms should look like the mushrooms in the photo. Prepare an enamel pan or bucket, or better yet a ceramic barrel, where you will place clean mushrooms with their caps down. Rinse the bowl in clean water with baking soda, rinse and dry by inverting over the sink. At the bottom of the container, place a few horseradish leaves and some peeled garlic, which you can cut into slices if desired.

    Place the mushrooms in layers and sprinkle them with salt. Large mushrooms can be cut into pieces. Place two or three bay leaves on each layer of mushrooms. Salt the last row of milk mushrooms a little more than all the others, then place the remaining garlic on it. Cover the mushrooms with more dill. If desired and possible, add black currant and garden raspberry leaves along with dill. Cover the milk mushrooms in the container with a clean and dry flat plate, and then place a bottle filled with clean water on top of it, or place any other clean, heavy object that does not absorb liquid. There is no need to add water. The mushrooms will release juice in the required amount.

    Leave the mushrooms in this position for a month. It is advisable to place them in a cool room. Check the mushrooms periodically when pickling. Mold may form on the surface; this is considered normal during salting. In this case, the top layer of mushrooms will be unsuitable for food. To avoid this, place a piece of clean gauze, folded several times, under the plate. If necessary, change the fabric, placing a new piece in place of the removed cut.

    After a month, you can take a sample from cold-salted milk mushrooms. We guarantee they will taste finger licking good! Place the prepared mushrooms, packing them tightly, into clean and dry jars and fill with salted juice. There is no need to permanently cover such mushrooms. Nylon ones will be enough. Store the workpiece for six months in a cool room. Serve the salted milk mushrooms chilled, generously sprinkled with aromatic sunflower oil. Dill and onions, cut into half rings, will highlight the amazing taste and add zest to the prepared salted milk mushrooms.

    Bon appetit!

Milk mushrooms, which the autumn forest gives people in abundance, are considered conditionally edible mushrooms, in other words, they require special pre-treatment. If the cooking technology is followed, they become a delicious dish, and also very healthy. They contain more protein than chicken meat, they contain a number of vitamins and substances that can dissolve kidney stones. Gourmets especially appreciate salted milk mushrooms, although milk mushrooms marinated for the winter also turn out tasty and crispy. In addition, they are stored better, which is why many housewives prefer to prepare them in this way.

Features of the technology

When cutting off a mushroom, it is difficult not to notice how light juice is released from the leg - this is lactic acid, which can ruin the taste of any dish, as it is very bitter. Once preserved, it will quickly make it unusable: the marinade will soon become cloudy and acquire a white tint, first at the bottom, then throughout the entire jar. To make the preparation tasty, appetizing and safe, you should strictly follow the technology when preserving milk mushrooms.

  • The first thing you need to do after collecting milk mushrooms is to sort them out. The main task is to prevent inedible mushrooms from getting into the canned food. You should not spare overgrown and wormy ones: they are also dangerous to health. It is recommended to sort the remaining ones, setting aside the small mushrooms, the most delicious ones, separately.
  • The second stage is cleaning the milk mushrooms from debris and dirt. Experienced mushroom pickers use a toothbrush with soft bristles for this. It will be easier to peel the mushrooms if you soak them at least an hour before.
  • After cleaning and sorting, the milk mushrooms need to be soaked. This is usually done in cold water, slightly salted (10 g of salt per liter of water). This water needs to be changed as often as possible. Soaking in cold water should take place for at least two days. If you want to speed up the process of removing lactic acid, you can boil it. In this case, the milk mushrooms need to be boiled 3-4 times for 20 minutes in a large amount of salted water, washing them thoroughly each time after boiling. This accelerated method has only one drawback - the milk mushrooms marinated after this treatment will not be crispy, and this is precisely why they are valued.
  • After soaking, the milk mushrooms should be washed well in running water and canned according to the chosen recipe.

Additionally, it should be noted that milk mushrooms cannot be collected along highways, as they absorb toxic substances well, which even soaking does not help to get rid of completely.

Pickled milk mushrooms - a classic recipe

  • milk mushrooms – 2 kg;
  • water – 2 l;
  • salt – 50 g;
  • bay leaf – 4 pcs.;
  • cloves – 5 pcs.;

Cooking method:

  • Pour pre-soaked and coarsely chopped milk mushrooms into 1 liter of water, adding 10 g of salt, put on fire, bring to a boil and, skimming off the resulting foam, boil for 20 minutes.
  • Remove the milk mushrooms, rinse, and wait until the water has completely drained from them.
  • Prepare the marinade from 1 liter of water, the remaining salt, putting pepper, cloves, and laurel leaves into the pan while it boils.
  • Place mushrooms in the marinade and simmer for 15 minutes.
  • Pour in the essence, stir, remove from heat and immediately place the milk mushrooms in prepared sterilized jars.
  • Pour the hot marinade over the mushrooms until they are completely covered.
  • Close the jars hermetically with pre-boiled lids and place them upside down.
  • Wrap in a blanket and wait until the workpieces have cooled completely.

You can store milk mushrooms marinated according to the classic recipe all winter. They are usually served by pouring oil over them and chopping onions or garlic. It is important to know that pickled mushrooms are ready to eat only after a week - you cannot taste them before.

Pickled milk mushrooms - a simple recipe

  • milk mushrooms (already peeled and cut) – 1 kg;
  • water – 2 l;
  • salt – 50 g;
  • sugar – 40 g;
  • table vinegar (9 percent) – 120 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare the milk mushrooms by soaking them well, and the jars by sterilizing them in the oven or steaming.
  • In salted water, using 1 liter of water and 10 g of salt from the amount of ingredients indicated in the recipe, boil the milk mushrooms. You need to cook them for so long until they sink to the bottom. In this case, you need to carefully remove the foam that will form on the surface.
  • Drain the mushrooms in a colander and rinse them with plenty of water.
  • Pour 1 liter of water into a clean saucepan, dissolve 40 g of salt and sugar in it, bringing to a boil. Place the milk mushrooms in the pan and cook for 10 minutes, pour in the vinegar and continue cooking for the same amount.
  • Place the milk mushrooms, pour boiling marinade over them, into jars, roll up the jars.
  • The mushrooms should cool in a warm place, and it is better to place the jars with the lids down. They will marinate for another 5 days, after which they can be put away in the pantry for the winter.

To marinate milk mushrooms according to this recipe, no spices are needed, but the marinade turns out tasty thanks to the balanced combination of salt, sugar, and acetic acid.

Milk mushrooms in spicy marinade

  • milk mushrooms – 2 kg;
  • water – 3 l;
  • salt – 60 g;
  • sugar – 20 g;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • currant leaves – 2 pcs.;
  • cherry leaves – 2 pcs.;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • black pepper (peas) – 2 pcs.;
  • cloves – 2 pcs.;
  • table vinegar (9 percent) – 60 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Clean and sort the milk mushrooms. Soak them for two days, changing the water periodically. Cut large specimens into several pieces.
  • Sterilize two liter jars for 15 minutes, prepare the lids for them by boiling them for 10 minutes. You can use four half-liter jars, which can be sterilized a little less.
  • Dissolve a tablespoon of salt in two liters of water, dip the milk mushrooms in the saline solution and boil them in it for 20 minutes after boiling. In this case, you need to remove all the foam that forms.
  • Rinse the boiled milk mushrooms in running water and, while it is draining, prepare a marinade from 1 liter of water, two tablespoons of salt, a tablespoon of sugar.
  • When the brine boils, dip currant, cherry, bay leaves, pepper and cloves into it, and add mushrooms.
  • Boil for a quarter of an hour, adding thinly sliced ​​garlic 5 minutes before the end of cooking.
  • Place the hot mushrooms in the jars, pressing them down carefully with a spoon.
  • Pour 30 ml of table vinegar into each liter jar. If you use half-liter ones, then it is enough to add a teaspoon of acetic acid to each.
  • Pour boiling brine over the milk mushrooms until it completely covers them. Close the jars with the prepared lids. You can roll them up or use screw caps.
  • Turn the jars over, wrap them in a warm blanket and leave them to cool under it. After a day, it’s time to put them in the pantry, where such preservation can be stored all winter.

Milk mushrooms marinated according to this recipe turn out crispy and appetizing, the marinade has a pleasant spicy aroma and a balanced sweet-sour-salty taste.

Milk mushrooms marinated with cinnamon

  • milk mushrooms – 1 kg;
  • water – 2 l;
  • salt – 20 g;
  • bay leaf – 3 pcs.;
  • allspice (peas) – 5 pcs.;
  • cinnamon – ? part of a stick;
  • table vinegar – 20 ml;
  • citric acid – 3 g.

Cooking method;

  • Prepare the milk mushrooms by thoroughly cleaning them, soaking them, sorting them and cutting them into pieces.
  • Sterilize the liter jar and its lid.
  • Boil the mushrooms for 15 minutes in a liter of salted water, using the entire amount of salt specified in the recipe. Don't forget to skim off the foam. Place the milk mushrooms in a colander and wait for the water to drain. There is no need to rinse them.
  • From the second liter of water and a tablespoon of vinegar, cook the marinade, adding pepper, bay leaf and cinnamon.
  • Place milk mushrooms in the marinade and cook for 20 minutes.
  • Remove the cinnamon from the marinade and place it on the bottom of the jar; place the mushrooms on top, crushing them with a spoon. Add citric acid and add marinade.
  • Place the jar, covering it with a lid, in a pan of water and sterilize for half an hour.
  • Seal the jars, turn them over, cover with a blanket. After cooling, remove to the room where you store the preparations for the winter.

Milk mushrooms marinated with cinnamon are a delicious and original appetizer.

Milk mushrooms marinated with onions and tomatoes

  • milk mushrooms – 2 kg;
  • onions – 1 kg;
  • tomatoes – 1 kg;
  • water – 3 l;
  • salt – 60 g;
  • vegetable oil – 100 ml;
  • vinegar essence (70 percent) – 20 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the soaked and washed mushrooms into small pieces, boil in three liters of water, dissolving two tablespoons of salt in it. Remove and dry. You need to cook until the mushrooms sink down, skimming off the foam.
  • Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and peel them. Cut into large pieces.
  • Remove the skin from the onion and cut it into thin half rings.
  • Pour oil into a saucepan, put milk mushrooms in it, add salt to taste (a tablespoon of salt will be enough for the entire preparation) and fry them for 10 minutes. Remove and place in a saucepan.
  • Fry the onion until golden brown and add to the milk mushrooms.
  • Fry the tomatoes until they are completely soft. Add them too to the onions and mushrooms.
  • Pour vinegar into the pan and simmer the salad for half an hour over low heat, remembering to stir it so that the food does not burn.
  • Transfer the salad into sterilized jars, roll up, and let cool under a winter blanket.

This preparation is a ready-made salad, where the main ingredient is pickled milk mushrooms. If you prepare it for the winter at least once, it will become your traditional preparation.

Milk mushrooms marinated in Polish

  • milk mushrooms – 2 kg:
  • water – 3 l;
  • salt – 50 g;
  • sugar – 30 g;
  • bay leaf – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 20 cloves;
  • table vinegar (9 percent) – 60 ml;
  • cloves – 3 pcs.;
  • currant leaves – 2 pcs.;
  • cherry leaves – 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  • Clean, rinse and soak the milk mushrooms, remembering to change the water every 3-4 hours. Rinse again.
  • Dissolve two teaspoons of salt in two liters of water and bring to a boil.
  • Add the mushrooms and boil them for 12–15 minutes, skimming off the foam. Rinse the milk mushrooms and let the water drain from them.
  • Prepare the brine by boiling a liter of water and putting in it currant and cherry leaves, bay leaves, garlic cloves (whole), cloves, adding two tablespoons of salt and one and a half tablespoons of sugar.
  • Dip the milk mushrooms into the brine and cook them in it for 20 minutes.
  • Transfer the mushrooms into sterilized jars, fill with boiling brine, pour 30 ml of vinegar into each liter jar, and seal. You should get two liter jars in total.
  • Let cool under a winter blanket and store for long-term storage.

Mushrooms marinated according to a recipe popular in Poland have a specific aroma: some people are delighted with it, others - on the contrary. Therefore, if you are preparing mushrooms in garlic marinade for the first time, you should not make a lot of such an appetizer at once.

Pickled milk mushrooms are a good preparation for the winter, which will help diversify your diet and decorate the holiday table. Many recipes allow you to choose a snack to suit your taste.

How to pickle milk mushrooms for the winter - recipe with photos

Delicious salted mushrooms are always an amazing appetizer. And every mushroom picker is well aware of this simple truth. But in order for the milk mushrooms to turn out especially tasty, you need to know how to properly prepare and salt them. In order to enjoy the mushroom gifts of nature in winter, you need to learn a couple of simple recipes on how to properly salt milk mushrooms in jars. You don't need anything complicated or supernatural for this.

  1. Type of dish: preparation for the winter
  2. Subtype of dish: dish of milk mushrooms
  3. Number of servings out: 6-8 servings.
  4. Weight of the finished dish: 400-500 g.
  5. Cooking time:
  6. National cuisine to which the dish belongs: Russian.
  7. Energy or nutritional value of the dish:

Ingredients for making salted milk mushrooms

So, the ingredients of this winter mushroom delicacy are:

  • milk mushrooms;
  • dill (whole stalk with umbrella);
  • horseradish leaves;
  • garlic (it is advisable to take more of it);
  • salt;
  • young cherry shoots (optional).

Instructions for salting milk mushrooms

  1. Preparing pickled milk mushrooms for the winter begins with cleaning the mushrooms from excess debris (needles, leaves, soil, etc.). Then the mushrooms are cleaned and placed in a deep bowl. A deep container is needed so that something heavy can be placed on top of the mushrooms (for pressure) and the brine does not leak out. A little later, see if there is enough brine; if there is not enough, then you will need to add it to the jars that are sealed for the winter.
  2. All the mushrooms that have been placed in a deep bowl must be poured with boiling water and boiled for 5-7 minutes. The milk mushrooms should not boil; just bring them to a boil. Afterwards, the container with mushrooms is covered with a plate, on top of which something heavy is placed so that the mushrooms “drown” in the brine. An ordinary three-liter jar filled with water will perfectly serve as a load. If some of the milk mushrooms float on top of the brine liquid, they will simply turn black. In this state, the pickles are left for one night.
  3. The very next day, the mushrooms can be transferred to a jar. But it is important to remember the correct technology for laying milk mushrooms when salting. First, garlic (and more) is laid out at the bottom of the jar, then a layer of aromatic mushrooms, then 1 tsp. salt, then again garlic - mushrooms - salt and so on until you have placed all the milk mushrooms. When all the mushroom contents are in the jars, they need to be filled with the brine in which they were salted. Everything needs to be compacted well.
  4. The air that accumulates in the jars must be eliminated with a knife. And at the very end, you need to put dill, cherry branches and horseradish leaves into jars. Cover the jars tightly with lids and place in the refrigerator. After a month, the salted milk mushrooms are completely ready. Welcome to the table!

A simple recipe for pickling milk mushrooms for the winter

No less interesting is another recipe for pickling milk mushrooms for the winter. In terms of cooking technology, recipe No. 2 is somewhat different from the recipe described above, but it is also simple and accessible to everyone, like the first recipe.

Recipe for pickling milk mushrooms for the winter


  • strong white milk mushrooms;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • water;
  • dill umbrellas;
  • coarse table salt;
  • sunflower oil;

Cooking instructions

Traditionally, mushrooms are first washed and cleared of spores, debris, and so on. Then they are soaked in clean, moderately cold water for 3-5 days (you can keep the mushrooms at room temperature), but you must change the water every day. There is no need to cut small mushrooms, but it is better to cut larger milk mushrooms. Then throw them into boiling salted water and boil for about 7 minutes, after which you need to cool the mushrooms in cold water. Coarse salt must be added in the proportion: a stack of salt per one 3-liter jar. For those who prefer uncooked mushrooms, pickling milk mushrooms for the winter can be done simply from thoroughly soaked mushrooms. In order to give the mushrooms a spicy taste and aroma, you should add them to the jar a little garlic and dill. Afterwards, heavy oppression is placed on the jars in which mushrooms and spices are already laid out for a whole day, and only periodically the mushroom contents need to be stirred. Every other day, the white milk mushrooms must be placed in jars with a wide neck and filled with brine.

Salting milk mushrooms for the winter

For a three-liter jar, the brine content should not exceed 800 ml. Afterwards, you can add a little vegetable oil to the mushrooms and then close the jars with plastic lids for the winter. The mushrooms will be ready no earlier than in a month, or even forty days. All this time, jars of pickles must be kept in the refrigerator. These were simple culinary recipes that revealed the secrets of ordinary pickling of an unusually tasty mushroom snack made from milk mushrooms. Eat with pleasure and health!

How to pickle milk mushrooms in jars for the winter: video

This video describes in detail the process of salting milk mushrooms in jars for the winter, and explains how easy it is to make such seaming at home.

How to salt milk mushrooms in jars for the winter - step-by-step video recipe

Sort mushrooms collected from the forest by type.

And cook for 20 minutes from the moment it boils.

Then drain the water through a colander and rinse the mushrooms with cold running water.

Then once again place the milk mushrooms in salted boiling water (1 tablespoon of salt per 2 liters of water) and boil for 20 minutes from the moment of boiling.

We wash the mushrooms and leave them in a colander until the excess liquid drains. At this time, cook the brine: pour 1 liter of water into the pan, put it on the fire, when the water boils, add 1 heaped tablespoon of salt.

And put spices (bay leaves, cloves, black and allspice peas) into boiling water, bring to a boil and boil until the salt crystals dissolve.

Place peppercorns, allspice, dill umbrellas and bay leaves in a clean liter jar.

Then lay out the milk mushrooms tightly, pressing the mushrooms against each other, and fill them with hot brine.

Next, put the jar of milk mushrooms in the refrigerator, covering it with a plastic lid, and leave to salt for another 10-12 days.

Bon appetit!