How to remove the film from pork or beef liver? How to clean beef liver from film.

For the first time I saw such brushes from La Fe, he paints roses with them. Here's about his technique.

So the first use of angled brushes is to paint flowers. This is very convenient, especially when writing hearts. You've probably seen the flowers of Adisorn Pornsirikarn? I can’t say for sure, but it seems to me that he paints with flat, beveled brushes.

Here's about his technique.

La Fe is a commercially successful artist. He mainly sells his paintings in Thailand and China, although there are also orders from Europe. He says he took the theme of roses because this niche was free, he achieved technical perfection in their depiction, and roses as a symbol of love are in great demand.

Viewers are amazed by the fact that the master paints roses directly with a brush, without pencil drawing, and in one go, not multi-layered.

“Really?” - experts ask.
Yes, this is true, I confirm!


1. The first and very important stage of drawing is preparing the paper.

La Fe pre-wets the paper on both sides or immerses it in a bath for 3 minutes.
According to him, this evens out the paper, making it more porous and delicate, receptive to watercolors.

“The paper from the store is completely dry, hard and uneven. Soaking the paper changes its internal moisture content and makes its texture more uniform,” he says.

After wetting, the paper is attached to the tablet. Its back surface remains wet, while the top surface dries. The paper is secured around the perimeter with paper tape.
What kind of paper does La Fe watercolorist use?
Mostly Arches grain fin 100% cotton.
(I fully felt the meaning of this when on the last day I had to draw on Moulen du Roy instead of Arshes. The paper dried much faster and did not give such a beautiful grainy image)

The artist selects one petal at the widest part of the rose and begins to draw it.
Depending on the desired effect, he does this in one of three ways, shown to us on different days of the master class.

1.way The petal shape is filled with a base color. Then other colors are added to it.
2.way The petal shape is covered with water. Then all the colors flow into it.
3.way Used for dry paper that has not been pre-moistened. In this case, everything is the same as in method 2, but a lot of water is applied. She is literally standing like a puddle.

The La Fe technique is very technically complex. It requires a good feel for the moisture content of the paper and the paint solution. The master literally drives paint pigments into each other. In this case, he mixes the colors directly on the sheet.

“I can paint any rose using three primary colors: blue, yellow and red,”- says La Fe.

Indeed, the master paints a rose with only three colors, applying paint sequentially over moistened paper, one on top of the other. The result, oddly enough, is an optical mixing effect similar to typographic printing.

These three paints, thrown into a puddle of water, dry out into small particles of pigment, interspersed with each other. Upon closer inspection, it actually looks like a seal.
And such a method of depiction, we know from impressionism, gives rise to a special glow and airiness of painting.

In the La Fe technique, the texture of the paper and the paints used play a very important role. The master writes on Arshes paper with grain fin embossing. She uses paints from Daniel Smith: cerruleum and ultramarine, which form the pigment well, opera rose and brilliant pink, which have a certain whitishness.

Therefore, as a result, his watercolors look so soft pastel, slightly dusty.

I use this type of brushes mainly for portraits.

They will also be convenient for still life and city landscapes - everything that has a clear plastic form, where you have to work out the volume along the planes of this form.
Unlike round brushes, they immediately evenly fill this plane, revealing a clear area. You can’t do without this in your face - multidirectional planes of the nose, eye sockets, cheekbones...

These brushes are convenient for creating a smooth, clear edge of the stain. And at the same time you can write both wide spots and thin lines.

Typically, such brushes are well-built and moderately hard. This is important for me when writing wet - the brushes do not carry excess water.

Why beveled ones and not regular rectangular ones?

It's simple - take a rectangular brush and an angled one in your hand as usual. The cut of the beveled brush will be vertical. This is more convenient; you don’t need to twist your wrist to immediately draw a spot with a vertical edge. And the shape of the spot will not be so geometric.

In addition, angled brushes are thinner, better composed, and have a thin tip at a sharp corner.

These brushes can be used in any medium: oil, acrylic, gouache, watercolor.

Previously, I used synthetic Pinax brushes (they are lower in the photo). They suit me in every way, except that in the process of drawing the thick composition splits - the pile moves apart onto the comb. And the scope of application of such synthetics is limited to wet work.

Brushes Herend I fell in love with the “cat’s tongue” brush. It is universal for natural landscapes. The quality is beyond praise.
That’s why I wanted to buy beveled ones from this company.
Now I have them! And they didn't disappoint.

This is natural hair. They are softer than synthetics, the hair is elastic, does not take in excess moisture, but also releases it well. Perfectly assembled, not a single hair fell out. Much less synthetics are broken down in the process. You can also work dry because they are not as tough as synthetics.

I bought these brushes at Iws Sare Gallery Moscow in a set of 4 pieces for 3150 rubles. , numbers from 3 to 6. For retail, ask BELKA BRUSH SHOP - they import these brushes to Russia.

La Fe paints in a single-layer technique, pouring color into color. Interestingly, he gets the complex color of the shadow from pure colors: medium yellow, blue, red-pink opera rose, purple from pink and ultramarine.
So, how do you get a complex shadow color:

1. Fill with yellow
2. Blue is introduced into yellow
3.Red highlights the edge of the petal where the rose changes color

4. Red flows into shades of blue, turned green by their flow into yellow. It turns out to be gray-brown... In general, a complex shadow color.
5.Yellow is added again
And, voila, the shadow is as if alive, shimmering with complex and at the same time pure shades!

La Fe paints with synthetic brushes!
But they may well be replaced by our Russian Roubleff.
Another “trick” I spotted from La Fe is an angled brush.
It turned out to be very convenient for drawing small petals on the top of the rose and leaves.

These are, perhaps, all the artist’s secrets. His brilliant roses are based on good paper, painstaking technique and an excellent understanding of watercolor.

“Some people, when they start painting with watercolors, despair that they can’t do anything. They blame themselves for being incompetent. In fact, the problem may be unsuitable materials.”

Remember this phrase from the master when, while painting with watercolors, you tell yourself that your “hands are hooks.”

Grab some quality cotton paper, be patient, and harness the power of watercolor! You will definitely succeed. Especially, if you paint a thousand roses like master La Fe...

Pork liver is widely used in cooking - cutlets, pancakes, and pates are made from it. It is also fried, stewed, baked with vegetables, and added to salads and porridges. Pork liver dishes can diversify your daily home menu and decorate your holiday table. Pork liver is a healthy offal that is recommended for dietary nutrition and for pregnant women.


Pork liver, like any other liver, is covered with a barely noticeable translucent film. If left unattended, the dish may disappoint with its taste - it will turn out to be tough and dry. One of the conditions for preparing tender, juicy and appetizing liver is to clean it from the film and remove the bile ducts. The liver must first be washed. If the piece is large, then for convenience it should be cut into smaller pieces.

It is best to do this along the line of the bile ducts, as this will facilitate the process of removing the film and veins.

How to remove the film?

The easiest way is to remove the film from a frozen product. To do this, you need to slightly defrost it: rinse it with a warm stream of water or put it in a container with hot water for a while. If there is time, some housewives simply transfer it from the freezer to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

You can do the same with fresh liver. However, you can observe the picture when tidbits are removed along with the film.

For those who care about their health, we can offer some techniques for quickly and easily cleaning chilled offal.

  • Removing film using salt. Coarse salt is suitable for cleaning the liver from film. To do this, you need to pour salt on top of the product, hold it for a while, and then use a knife and hands to clean the film. There is a second option: roll your hands in salt and do the same with “salty” hands.
  • Lemon juice. And an ordinary lemon can cope with this task. A piece of liver is poured or rubbed with lemon juice. Then the film is removed in the usual way: using a knife and fingers.
  • Soda. If there is no lemon, then baking soda will help remove the film. However, this method will take more time. The step-by-step instructions look like this:
    • the liver is cut into portions;
    • then sprinkle with soda for 1 hour;
    • the liver is thoroughly washed, dried, the bile ducts and film are removed, after which the offal is sent to the fire.
  • Milk. Milk will not only help cleanse the liver, but also delight you with a culinary masterpiece. Gourmets complain about the bitterness that pork liver has. Pre-soaking the offal in milk will eliminate this unpleasant aftertaste. This marinade will also soften the fibers. For 1 kg of offal you will need 0.5 liters of milk. Soaking lasts about 2 hours. Then follow the usual procedure: rinse with running water, dry, and remove film and veins.

To learn how to remove the film from pork liver, watch the video below.

Difficulty level: Easy

1 step

Before cutting a piece of chilled liver into smaller pieces, you need to wash it thoroughly and also remove any film. If you leave the film on, the liver will become hard after frying, thereby spoiling the culinary masterpiece.

Step 2

Frozen liver, just taken out of the refrigerator, should be thawed by placing it in a container with warm or hot water. After holding for a while until only the top film comes off, remove from the water. In order to check whether the top layer has come off sufficiently, it is necessary to pry off the film with a knife at the cut. If it comes off easily, you can pry it with your finger and remove it. This procedure is quite simple. After all the film has been removed, the piece of liver should be rinsed again with water.

Step 3

If the product is fresh and just purchased, you should also place it in a bowl of hot water for half a minute. Or you can pour boiling water over a piece of liver. After this procedure, on a piece laid out on a cutting board, you need to make a small cut on the film and try to carefully separate it.

Step 4

The next method that will help in separating the film is to sprinkle a piece of liver with table salt (coarse salt is most suitable). Or, to prevent the film from slipping out, you can dip your fingers in salt.

  • When buying liver, it is better to choose a piece that is closer to the edge. In this case, its processing will be significantly simplified, because in such a piece there are fewer bile ducts and films. Young animals have lighter colored livers.
  • Each housewife has her own special tricks in preparing dishes, but if she properly cleanses the liver, then soaking in milk or soda will no longer be necessary.

Liver is an incredibly healthy and tasty offal. Chicken, beef and pork liver contains a large amount of various minerals, vitamins and amino acids.

The benefits of liver dishes

This product is especially rich in iron, which is so necessary for children and pregnant women. Expectant mothers should also eat as many tasty and healthy liver dishes as possible, since it contains a significant amount of folic acid.

Just one serving of liver contains the daily requirement of vitamin A required for an adult, which is very important for the treatment and prevention of urolithiasis. It also contains an incredibly useful substance - heparin, which keeps blood clotting normal. This property of this product can be very important for people prone to myocardial infarction. Meanwhile, many people do not eat liver because of its specific taste and smell.

If you prepare this tasty and healthy offal correctly, even small children will ask you for more. Not all housewives know how to cook liver. In particular, some of them do not know that it is necessary to remove the film from it, and also thoroughly clean it from the bile ducts.

In this article we will tell you how to remove the film from the liver so that any dish you prepare will be incredibly tasty.

How to easily remove the film from beef liver?

The easiest way is to remove the film from a large frozen piece. To do this, rinse it well with warm water or put it in boiling water for a short time. After a short period of time, the top film will melt, while the product itself will remain frozen, and it can be removed very quickly by simply lifting it with a knife and pulling it towards you.

If you use a piece of chilled beef liver, use the following tips:

Is it necessary to remove the film from pork liver?

Pork liver is slightly different in structure from beef liver. The film that covers this offal is very thin, and its removal can cause serious difficulties for housewives.

In this regard, many of them are wondering how and whether it is necessary to remove the film from a piece of pork liver, because it is almost invisible.

Meanwhile, if you ignore the film, any of your dishes can be hopelessly spoiled. In this case, the pieces most often turn out to be too hard, and if the bile ducts are not cut out, they can become very bitter. If the pork liver has large veins, it is better to first cut it into small slices along the bile ducts. It will be much easier to remove film and veins from small pieces.

Is it necessary to remove the film from chicken liver?

Cooking chicken livers usually takes very little time. Dishes made from this offal are very soft and also incredibly healthy. Even small children most often enjoy eating delicate pate or thin airy cutlets. Men usually prefer liver cake or various salads.

Meanwhile, housewives often wonder how to remove the film from chicken liver, because it is too small and it is practically impossible to pick it up with your fingers. In most cases, it is enough to simply remove large vessels and bile ducts, without removing the film.

If this product is pre-soaked in milk for 1-2 hours, any dish prepared from it will melt in your mouth. In this case, you will not need to spend a huge amount of time removing a thin, almost invisible film.

How to choose the right liver?

All types of liver are equally beneficial. Many mothers prefer chicken liver because
It makes dishes for kids that just melt in your mouth. Meanwhile, from a piece of fresh pork or beef offal you can also easily prepare the most delicate pate or delicious liver pancakes.

Proper cleaning of this product is the key to preparing an incredibly soft and tasty dish. However, in some cases, your food may be spoiled if you bought spoiled liver at a store or market.

When choosing this offal, be sure to follow our recommendations:

  1. despite the fact that a frozen piece is much easier to peel off the film, it is better to give preference to a chilled product;
  2. choose smaller pieces, because the larger they are, the older the animal was;
  3. the product should have a light, uniform color and should not have dark crusts on it;
  4. the surface of the piece should be smooth and elastic;
  5. fresh liver has a pleasant sweetish aroma. A sour smell indicates that the product is spoiled.

In fact, preparing this offal is not at all difficult. By spending just a little time, you will get incredibly tasty and healthy dishes that will definitely please everyone in your household.

Delight your family more often with tender stewed liver, nutritious cutlets and a variety of savory sauces.

Liver is an incredibly healthy and tasty offal. Chicken, beef and pork liver contains a large amount of various minerals, vitamins and amino acids.

  • The benefits of liver dishes

The benefits of liver dishes

This product is especially rich in iron, which is so necessary for children and pregnant women. Expectant mothers should also eat as many tasty and healthy liver dishes as possible, since it contains a significant amount of folic acid.

Just one serving of liver contains the daily requirement of vitamin A required for an adult, which is very important for the treatment and prevention of urolithiasis. It also contains an incredibly useful substance - heparin, which keeps blood clotting normal. This property of this product can be very important for people prone to myocardial infarction. Meanwhile, many people do not eat liver because of its specific taste and smell.

If you prepare this tasty and healthy offal correctly, even small children will ask you for more. Not all housewives know how to cook liver. In particular, some of them do not know that it is necessary to remove the film from it, and also thoroughly clean it from the bile ducts.

In this article we will tell you how to remove the film from the liver so that any dish you prepare will be incredibly tasty.

How to easily remove the film from beef liver

The easiest way is to remove the film from a large frozen piece. To do this, rinse it well with warm water or put it in boiling water for a short time. After a short period of time, the top film will melt, while the product itself will remain frozen, and it can be removed very quickly by simply lifting it with a knife and pulling it towards you.

If you use a piece of chilled beef liver, use the following tips:

  • The liver can be pre-scalded with boiling water. Then, you need to make a small cut with a sharp knife, place your thumb under the film and carefully peel it off, helping with the rest of your fingers;
  • In addition, to make cleaning easier, you can sprinkle the raw product with coarse table salt or dip your fingers in it. This way the film will slip out of your hands less. In addition, table salt can rid your dish of the unpleasant bitterness that this offal sometimes gives during cooking;
  • Some housewives do a “contrast shower” before starting to cook. In this case, you need to put the piece in ice water for a few minutes, and then immediately pour boiling water over it. The reverse method is no less effective - first briefly immerse the liver in hot water, and then immediately transfer it to cold water. After this, just make a cut, pull lightly, and, voila, the film is removed!

Is it necessary to remove the film from pork liver?

Pork liver is slightly different in structure from beef liver. The film that covers this offal is very thin, and its removal can cause serious difficulties for housewives.

In this regard, many of them are wondering how and whether it is necessary to remove the film from a piece of pork liver, because it is almost invisible.

Meanwhile, if you ignore the film, any of your dishes can be hopelessly spoiled. In this case, the pieces most often turn out to be too hard, and if the bile ducts are not cut out, they can become very bitter. If the pork liver has large veins, it is better to first cut it into small slices along the bile ducts. It will be much easier to remove film and veins from small pieces.

Is it necessary to remove the film from chicken livers?

Cooking chicken livers usually takes very little time. Dishes made from this offal are very soft and also incredibly healthy. Even small children most often enjoy eating delicate pate or thin airy cutlets. Men usually prefer liver cake or various salads.

Meanwhile, housewives often wonder how to remove the film from chicken liver, because it is too small and it is practically impossible to pick it up with your fingers. In most cases, it is enough to simply remove large vessels and bile ducts, without removing the film.

If this product is pre-soaked in milk for 1-2 hours, any dish prepared from it will melt in your mouth. In this case, you will not need to spend a huge amount of time removing a thin, almost invisible film.

How to choose the right liver

All types of liver are equally beneficial. Many mothers prefer chicken liver because
It makes dishes for kids that just melt in your mouth. Meanwhile, from a piece of fresh pork or beef offal you can also easily prepare the most delicate pate or delicious liver pancakes.

Proper cleaning of this product is the key to preparing an incredibly soft and tasty dish. However, in some cases, your food may be spoiled if you bought spoiled liver at a store or market.

When choosing this offal, be sure to follow our recommendations:

  • despite the fact that a frozen piece is much easier to peel off the film, it is better to give preference to a chilled product;
  • choose smaller pieces, because the larger they are, the older the animal was;
  • the product should have a light, uniform color and should not have dark crusts on it;
  • the surface of the piece should be smooth and elastic;
  • fresh liver has a pleasant sweetish aroma. A sour smell indicates that the product is spoiled.

In fact, preparing this offal is not at all difficult. By spending just a little time, you will get incredibly tasty and healthy dishes that will definitely please everyone in your household.

Delight your family more often with tender stewed liver, nutritious cutlets and a variety of savory sauces.

by the materials

2015-10-20T12:54:06+00:00 admin useful tips meat dishes, useful tips

Liver is an incredibly healthy and tasty offal. Chicken, beef and pork liver contains a large amount of various minerals, vitamins and amino acids. Contents of the article The benefits of liver dishes How to easily remove the film from beef liver Is it necessary to remove the film from pork liver Is it necessary to remove the film from chicken liver How to choose the right liver The benefits of dishes...

[email protected] Administrator Feast-online

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