How to make wine from ripe cherries. Do-it-yourself delicious cherry wine

With a bone, it is remembered with a light bitterness and a characteristic almond flavor. But the bones contain harmful substances: cyanide and hydrocyanic acid. To make a tasty and at the same time safe drink, you need to follow the proposed preparation technology exactly. The correct holding time and the increased proportion of sugar will neutralize harmful substances.

In most cases, cider is made by fermenting apple juice with wild yeast. But any other juice will do, for example, pear juice, the technology does not change.

For wine from cherries with pits, you need sweet and sour berries. First, the raw materials must be carefully sorted out, removing unripe, spoiled or rotten fruits. Even one bad berry can ruin the whole batch. To avoid contamination with pathogenic microorganisms, the containers used should be sterilized with boiling water and wiped dry, and work with the wort only with clean hands.

It is advisable not to wash the cherries, so that wild yeast remains on the skin, which will start fermentation. If you still had to wash the dirty berries, then to get a guaranteed result, I advise you to use store-bought wine yeast (in no case dry or pressed bakery yeast) or make homemade raisin sourdough.


  • cherry berries - 3 kg;
  • water - 3 liters;
  • sugar - 1 kg.
  1. Mash the berries peeled from the stalks with your hands without splashing the juice. Each berry must be crushed.

Attention! If the seeds are damaged, the finished wine will be too bitter, so mechanical methods of processing cherries are not suitable.

2. Place the resulting mass together with the seeds in a container with a wide neck - an enamel or plastic pan (bucket). Due to oxidation with cherry juice, aluminum and other metal containers must not be used.

3. Add 400 grams of sugar (40% of the total) and all the water. Stir, cover with gauze or a thick cloth to protect it from flies, transfer the wort to a dark room at room temperature. Leave for 3-4 days.

In a maximum of a day (usually after 6-12 hours), signs of fermentation should appear: foam on the surface, hissing, a slight sour smell. From the moment you add water and sugar, be sure to stir the wort with a clean hand or a wooden stick every 8-12 hours, melting the pulp in the juice - the floating skin of berries and pulp. Without stirring, the wort can acidify or mold.

Foam indicates the beginning of fermentation.

4. Filter the juice through cheesecloth. Squeeze the cake well. Add about a quarter of the seeds and 200 grams of sugar (20% of the proportion in the recipe) to the pure juice. Stir until sugar is completely dissolved. The remaining cake is no longer needed.

5. Pour the pitted cherry juice into a fermentation vessel. Leave at least 25% of the volume free for remaining sugar, foam and carbon dioxide. Install a water seal of any design or a medical glove with a needle-pierced hole in one of the fingers on the neck. Transfer the container to a dark room (or cover with a thick cloth) with a stable temperature of 18-25 ° C.

6. After 5 days add the next portion of sugar - 200 grams (20%). To do this, remove the water seal, drain 200 ml of wort through a tube into a separate container (the amount in milliliters is equal to the added sugar in grams), dissolve the sugar. Pour the resulting syrup back into the wort and close the neck with a water seal.

Attention! Before adding sugar, taste the drained wort; if it is too tart or bitter, remove the pits. After fermentation and aging, the taste will improve.

7. After another 6 days, filter the wort through cheesecloth to remove all bones. Add the remaining sugar - 200 grams (20%), mix, pour back into a well-washed fermentation tank and install a water seal.

Depending on the yeast and temperature, cherry wine ferments for 25-55 days, then the water seal stops emitting gas (the glove deflates), almost all the foam disappears, a layer of sediment is visible at the bottom, and the wine itself becomes lighter. If these signs appear, proceed to the next cooking step.

8. Drain the young wine through a straw without touching the sediment. To taste. Add more sugar (optional) to increase sweetness if desired. You can also raise the strength with vodka or pure ethyl alcohol (3-15% by volume).

Because pitted cherry wine has an almond flavor, the hardening and sweetening after fermentation improves the flavor. But I advise you to first determine the optimal proportions with a small amount of wine, so as not to spoil the whole batch.

9. Fill the storage containers with wine (to minimize contact with oxygen, preferably under the neck). Close hermetically. The first 10 days can be kept under a water seal in case fermentation has not completely stopped.

10. Transfer the wine for aging in a dark, cool room - basement, cellar or refrigerator. The recommended temperature is 6-16 ° C. Leave for at least 4-6 (preferably 8-12) months for ripening.

As a 2-4 cm thick sediment appears (first every 10-15 days, then less often) filter the wine by pouring it through a straw. When the sediment does not appear for more than a month, the drink can be bottled for storage and hermetically closed. Preparation is complete.

When stored in a refrigerator or basement, the shelf life is up to 5 years. Fortress - 10-12% (without additional fixing).

Cherries are one of the most beloved and fruitful berries, from which you can make various blanks. One of the favorites is homemade cherry wine, a rich and aromatic drink reminiscent of warm summer days. There is nothing complicated in its preparation, especially if you know all the subtleties and requirements.

How to make the most delicious wine?

You can find a huge number of recipes for homemade cherry wine on the Internet, but to get a fragrant and tasty drink, you should know the intricacies of its preparation.

  • A dark colored berry is considered ideal, which after ripening becomes almost black and sour. These are the varieties Shubinka, Vladimirskaya, from which a thick, dark and rich drink is obtained. The Lyubskoy variety, as well as the Vole, provide an unusual smell, but the color will not be as bright.
  • For cooking, only the ripe fruits are needed, but without wormholes, mold, rotten parts. You can even use overripe cherries.
  • You cannot pick berries immediately after the last rain, as it washes off natural yeast from them, and because of this, the pulp may not ferment, but simply become moldy. The ideal time to harvest is a sunny, dry day. The harvested crop cannot be washed!
  • You do not need to remove the seeds before the start of fermentation, since later they can easily separate themselves. In addition, thanks to them, alcohol will receive an original tart aroma and aftertaste.
  • The strength of cherry wine directly depends on the volume of sugar, because it is thanks to it that alcohol is formed in the liquid.

  • To improve fermentation, it is recommended to add a starter culture with pure yeast cultures. To prepare the starter culture, a glass of any unwashed berries is placed in a bottle, 250 ml of water and 100 g of sugar are added. The mass is thoroughly shaken, tightly corked and left for four days in a warm, dark place. After that, the sourdough is filtered and poured into the future homemade cherry wine. If alcohol should be dessert, then ten liters of wort requires 300 grams of sourdough.
  • To obtain a high-quality and pleasant-tasting alcohol, it is recommended to constantly separate the sediment. For this, the drink is periodically poured from one container to another.
  • To prevent souring, the wine can be pasteurized. To do this, bottles with alcohol are tightly corked, tied with a rope made of natural materials, immersed in a container with water and heated to 60 degrees for fifteen minutes.

Cherry wine at home should be cooked in stainless or glass containers, as this will avoid the appearance of an unpleasant plastic smell. To prevent the mash from turning into vinegar during standing, its contact with air should be prevented. To do this, use a water seal or an ordinary medical glove with a small puncture in one finger.

Classic recipes

If you still do not know how to make wine from cherries at home, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a few basic simple recipes. Even a beginner in winemaking can handle them, and the drink itself turns out to be thick, rich and aromatic.

  • The classic recipe for pitted cherry wine: crush 1 kilogram of unwashed berries and remove the seeds, pour a liter of boiled water, add 700-800 grams of sugar. The container with the mass is left open for 3-4 days, and the contents are thoroughly mixed daily. The surface will bubble, indicating fermentation. After reducing the number of bubbles, the mass should be left alone for about 4-5 days. During this time, the mass (pulp) will rise, after which it should be removed and squeezed out. The remaining liquid (wort) is poured into a bottle with a water seal or a glove and left for a week in a warm place. After the glove has dropped, the liquid is separated from the sediment and poured into another container. Leave for another 15 days in a warm place, and then transfer to a cool place for 1-3 months for ripening.
  • Cherry pitted wine has a more astringent aroma, exquisite almond flavor. For its preparation, a bucket of fruits is kneaded without removing the stone, transferred to a saucepan. Then a bucket of water is poured in, 3 kilograms of sugar are added. The container is left open, and the mixture itself is stirred a couple of times a day. After about a week, the mass is filtered with gauze, and all the juice is carefully squeezed out of the remaining pulp. The wort is poured into a bottle, on which a water seal is put on, and left in a warm place for about 30 days. After that, the liquid is filtered, poured into bottles and left in the cold for another month.
  • Wine made from frozen cherries turns out to be as rich and tasty as from a fresh harvest. To replace natural yeast on the skin of the fruit, the most common raisins are used, preferably dark. For cooking, you need 5 kilograms of berries, 3 liters of water, 1.5 kilograms of sugar and 100 grams of raisins. The fruits are thawed at room temperature, and then kneaded, transferred to a large container, into which water, raisins and sugar are also added. The container must be covered with a lid, placed in a warm place for about a week. After the end of active fermentation, the pulp is squeezed out, and the remaining liquid is poured into bottles for additional fermentation, closed with a water seal. After the end of fermentation, the sediment is decanted, and the remaining liquid is moved to a cold place for 1-2 months for ripening.

As a result of such natural fermentation, an alcoholic drink is obtained with an alcohol content of no more than 10%. If you want something stronger, then after the end of fermentation, you can add vodka or alcohol.

Unusual recipes

There is more than one recipe for cherry wine, which uses not only fresh or frozen berries, but also fermented juices and jams. They make an equally tasty alcohol that is very easy to prepare. It can be obtained from:

  • Fermented compote (seaming): the liquid must be filtered by carefully squeezing out the thick, and then add 500 grams of sugar and five pieces of large raisins. A glove is put on the bottle and it is left in a warm place until the end of fermentation. After that, the liquid is filtered and sent to ripening in a cool place for several months.
  • Fresh juice: for 3 liters of this wort you need 500 grams of starter culture, 500 grams of sugar and alcohol. Sugar and sourdough are added to a jar of juice, everything is thoroughly mixed and left under a water seal for fermentation. After a week, the liquid is filtered, alcohol is added to it. The resulting alcohol is tightly corked and sent to the basement for six months.
  • Jams: pour a liter of warm water into a liter of sweetness, throw in a handful of dark unwashed raisins. The resulting mass is left in a warm place for 7 days, and then filtered. The wort is left under the glove and placed in the cellar for 40 days, and then it is drained, corked and stays in a cool place for another 40 days.

Now you know how to make cherry wine at home. All recipes do not require excessive efforts, thanks to which everyone can prepare a tasty and healthy drink.

The exquisite taste of homemade wine is difficult to confuse with other drinks. Making cherry wine at home is not as laborious as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to find out all the subtleties, secrets and technology of home winemaking.

The classic cherry wine recipe

Winemaking is considered a kind of art, the mystery of which only worthy winemakers know about. But at home, it is quite possible to make wine on your own and in taste it is in no way inferior to the drinks that are sold in stores. For those who first decided to take up winemaking, the masters advise to take cherry berries for wine. Cherry wine is easier to prepare than grape wine. At the same time, the drink comes out aromatic, tasty and even healthy.

Homemade wine will require a lot of perseverance from you, since the drink can be infused from 1 month to a year.

The longer the wine is infused, the better its bouquet is revealed.

Many are surprised by the very process of fermentation, because wine requires only berries, water and sweet sand. The thing is that there is natural yeast on the skin of the berries, so the harvested fruits are never cleaned with water. In addition, many winemakers do not peel the seeds, because it is from fruits with seeds that it is possible to make a delicious alcoholic drink. But, if you do not like the tart aftertaste of the drink, then you will have to remove the bones.

For wine, you can take any sort of cherry, but from black varieties, the drink comes out more elegant. The fruits should be fully ripe. From unripe fruits, the wine will be sour, but from overripe fruits, it will not be possible to achieve the desired taste and aroma.

For the production of cherry wine, water is used, which softens the fruit, as well as delicious sand, since there is a lot of acid in cherries. Naturally, it is possible to make dry wine, but in this case the quality of the fruit must meet the highest requirements.

Now let's move on to the recipe for making homemade wine. For 5 kg of cherry berries, you need to take twice as much water and 3 kg of sweet sand.

  1. First of all, we sort out the berries, remove all small leaves, twigs, soft and spoiled berries.
  2. We take dishes from any material, like glass or food grade plastic (but not metal), the main thing is that there is a lid and a wide neck. Fill in the berries with a sweetener, mix gently with your hands, pour in water and stir with a spatula. We cover and leave in a room where the temperature will not drop below +20 degrees.
  3. The next day, the fermentation stage will begin, all you need is to open the container for 5 days and mix the foam that appears on the surface with the total mass.
  4. As soon as the foam stops appearing, we remove all the emerging berries, cover it again and keep it for another 5 days, these days bottom fermentation will take place.
  5. For 5-7 days, you will see that all the waste will settle to the bottom in the form of sediment, so you need to drain the wine. For this we take a clean vessel and hose. We lower one end of the tube into the wort, the main thing is that the hose does not touch the sediment. We draw air from the other end, when the wine pours, we sharply lower it into an empty vessel.
  6. We throw away the sediment, and cover the wine with a lid and keep it for 10 days, but already in a colder room (temperature +10 degrees).
  7. After ten days, the wine must be drained again, but through cheesecloth. We again cover the container with wine and see if the fermentation stage is not yet completed, then every 10 days the wine needs to be filtered. So, we do it until the bubbles appear completely.
  8. Upon completion of the fermentation process, we fill the bottles with wine and carry them to the cellar (refrigerator) for safekeeping. The wine can already be drunk, but it is better to give it time to brew, this will only improve its taste.

Home cooking

For the production of homemade wine, a water seal is often used. What is it and why is it so needed? The thing is that fermentation is characterized by a considerable release of alcohol and carbon dioxide. When air gets in, then the reaction is such that the wine vinegar is converted to citric acid. If the container in which fermentation is observed is simply covered tightly, then its walls have every chance of not enduring the high degree of pressure of carbon dioxide. Therefore, a water seal is needed, which will not allow the penetration of air, and will allow the free emission of carbon dioxide.

In the previous recipe, we got wine without a water seal, since a certain carbon dioxide cork was formed between the lid and the wort, which saved the wine from the action of air.

How to make a water seal? There are several varieties here. We close the container with the wort with an ordinary lid, make a hole in it and pass a transparent tube through it, the end should not touch the contents of the container. We put the other end into a jar of water. As soon as carbon dioxide starts to come out, the water in the jar will begin to bubble. As soon as the water calms down, it means that the fermentation process is complete.

Another technique is the use of a surgical glove, which is worn over the neck of the container. You need to make a puncture in one finger so that carbon dioxide comes out. At first, the glove will swell greatly, and after fermentation is complete, it will drop.

When using a water seal, you need to take into account that it is put on only on the 5th day after vigorous fermentation and when the drink is filtered from the sediment.

In addition, the sweetener is not poured all over, but is divided into 3 portions. The first part falls asleep in the first step, the second after the first push-up from the pulp and the third part after another 5 days.

Cherries with seeds: a simple recipe without yeast

Making wine from cherries with seeds is not so difficult, the main thing is to follow the technology and not reduce the amount of sugar, which cleans the seeds from all harmful substances. The most important thing here is not to break the bones, otherwise the wine will turn out to be bitter in taste. Finally, for the recipe, we take 3 kg of cherries and the same amount of water, also a kilogram of delicious sand.

Cooking method:

  1. So, we remind you that we do not rinse the collected berries, since we do not use yeast. Such an ingredient is added in the event that the cherries are harvested after a heavy rain.
  2. We put the fruits in a container and knead them a little with our hands, pour 400 g of tasty sand, mix with a spatula, cover with gauze and leave at room temperature for three (four) days.
  3. If foam was found on the surface, you felt a sour aroma, it means that the fermentation process has started and you will have to stir the contents of the container twice a day. If this is not done, then all the waste (pulp) will remain at the top and mold will simply grow on your wine.
  4. After that, through cheesecloth, we filter the wine into a container for fermentation (you can take simple glass jars), squeeze the cake well, pour some of the separated seeds into the juice, discard others with the pulp. Pour another 200 g of sweet sand and make a water seal (hose or glove), expect 5 days.
  5. After a while, we filter the drink again, fill in the sweet sand and keep it with a water seal for another six days. Then we repeat the filtration step again, add the sweetener, remove all the seeds and leave to ferment for 30 - 60 days.
  6. Now it's time to pour the wine and move it to a colder place, for the first 10 days you can install a water seal, and later just cover the container with a lid.
  7. The wine will mature from 4 months to a year, when the sediment finishes sinking to the bottom of the container, the wine can be bottled and stored in a cold room, but not more than 5 years.

Homemade cherry juice wine

From ready-made cherry juice, you can make mouth-watering table wine. For 10 liters of cherry drink, you need 2 liters of water, one and a half kilograms of delicious sand and 10 g of citric acid.


  1. The juice should be freshly squeezed, but not purchased. We mix it with water, sweetener and lemon acid.
  2. We put it in a warm room and wait for the completion of gas formation.
  3. At the end of the fermentation process, the drink is cleaned and can be bottled.

Cherry and white currant wine

Homemade wine can be made not only from cherries, but also with the addition of other berries. We offer you an original version of wine made from snow-white currants and cherries.


  • 10 liters of cherry juice;
  • 2.5 liters of currant juice;
  • 2.5 kg of sweet sand.

Cooking method:

  1. First of all, we will squeeze the juice from the berries. To do this, take out the seeds from the cherries and knead the berries using a juicer or a blender. Strain the pulp thoroughly, and pour the resulting juice into a glass jar.
  2. We do not rinse the currant berries, but simply put them in a blender bowl, grind them, squeeze the juice from the pulp and send it to a jar with cherry nectar.
  3. Mix the resulting berry wort with a sweetener. We make a water seal on the container with the contents and move it to a warm place so that the fermentation stage starts.
  4. As soon as fermentation is over, we free the drink from the sediment by pouring it into a clean container, keep it in a cool room for 3 months.
  5. Then we pass the wine again through a few layers of gauze and pack it in bottles.

Secrets of a successful homemade cherry wine

  1. Exquisite homemade wine is quite possible to make only from ripe cherries. Unripe or, on the contrary, overripe fruits are categorically not suitable, such berries will exclusively spoil the wine.
  2. For wine, it is better to pick berries in sunny weather. If a heavy rain has passed, then you need to wait a couple of days, because the fruits after a shower will be liquid, and it will not work to start the fermentation process without wine yeast.
  3. The color of the future wine depends on the type of cherry, as well as its taste. The darker the berry, the more saturated the wine, and the more sour the cherry, which means that the drink will turn out to be overly sour. And if you do not like sour cherry wine, then choose delicious types or sweet and sour. Among other things, other berries are used for the drink along with cherries, for example, currants, raspberries or plums.
  4. Cherries are suitable for wine, both with pits and without them. The seeds give the drink an almond tart flavor. If this taste of wine does not suit you, then we use cherries without them.
  5. Once again, it is worth highlighting that we do not rinse cherries for wine, because they are coated with natural yeast, which triggers the natural fermentation process.

Best frozen cherry recipe

In the season of a rich harvest of berries and fruits, we try to freeze them as much as possible. From cherries frozen at home, you can not only cook compote, but also make a light alcoholic drink that will not yield to a drink made from fresh berries to taste. The only thing is that there is no natural yeast on frozen berries, and without such a component, it will not be possible to make wine.

It is not necessary to use wine yeast, it is quite possible to take a more natural product, like raisins.


  • 5 kg of frozen cherries;
  • three liters of purified water;
  • one and a half kilograms of sweet sand;
  • 110 g raisins.

Cooking method:

  1. First of all, we defrost the berries, then put them in a plastic or enamel container, knead, add sweetener, raisins and pour water.
  2. Mix everything, cover and insist in the heat for 10 days.
  3. At the stage of strong fermentation, the contents of the container must be stirred daily.
  4. After that, we filter the wine into a clean container, make a water seal and hold it for a month and a half.
  5. Then we clean the drink again and fill the bottles with it, transfer it to a cold place.

Homemade felt cherry wine without yeast

Felt or Chinese cherries stand out for their delicate, juicy and sweet taste. It is quite possible to make a wonderful wine from this kind of berries, the main thing is to choose high-quality raw materials. As a result, do not rush to use plucked or purchased cherries, let them stand for 2 days, during which time the spoiled berries will make themselves felt.


  • 5 kg of felt cherries;
  • 500 ml of pure water;
  • h. a spoonful of citric acid;
  • 2.5 kg granulated sugar;
  • a bunch of fresh mint.

Cooking method:

  1. We put the berries in a bowl, add a kilo of sweet sand, pour in water, cover with gauze and keep warm for three days (we mix the mass every day).
  2. Squeeze the juice from the fermented berries, mix it with the remaining sweetener, cover it, let it stand overnight.
  3. The next day, put lemon acid and crushed mint, mix, make a water seal and let stand for 2 weeks.
  4. After another straining, we let the wine stand for a week, so that the drink becomes transparent. We pour the wine from the Chinese cherry into bottles, take it to a cold place and after 2 months you can have a tasting.

As you can see, making homemade cherry wine is not so difficult, the main thing here is to gain persistence in order to wait for an appetizing and aromatic result.

Cherry wine with pits is remembered for its light bitterness and characteristic almond flavor. But the bones contain harmful substances: cyanide and hydrocyanic acid. To make a tasty and at the same time safe drink, you need to follow the proposed preparation technology exactly. The correct holding time and the increased proportion of sugar will neutralize harmful substances.

For wine from cherries with pits, you need sweet and sour berries. First, the raw materials must be carefully sorted out, removing unripe, spoiled or rotten fruits. Even one bad berry can ruin the whole batch. To avoid contamination with pathogenic microorganisms, the containers used should be sterilized with boiling water and wiped dry, and work with the wort only with clean hands.

It is advisable not to wash the cherries, so that wild yeast remains on the skin, which will start fermentation. If you still had to wash the dirty berries, then to get a guaranteed result, I advise you to use store-bought wine yeast (in no case dry or pressed bakery yeast) or make homemade raisin sourdough.


  • cherry berries - 3 kg;
  • water - 3 liters;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cherry pitted wine recipe

1. Mash the berries peeled from the stalks with your hands without splashing the juice. Each berry must be crushed.

Attention! If the seeds are damaged, the finished wine will be too bitter, so mechanical methods of processing cherries are not suitable.

2. Place the resulting mass together with the seeds in a container with a wide neck - an enamel or plastic pan (bucket). Due to oxidation with cherry juice, aluminum and other metal containers must not be used.

3. Add 400 grams of sugar (40% of the total) and all the water. Stir, cover with gauze or a thick cloth to protect it from flies, transfer the wort to a dark room at room temperature. Leave for 3-4 days.

In a maximum of a day (usually after 6-12 hours), signs of fermentation should appear: foam on the surface, hissing, a slight sour smell. From the moment you add water and sugar, be sure to stir the wort with a clean hand or a wooden stick every 8-12 hours, melting the pulp in the juice - the floating skin of berries and pulp. Without stirring, the wort can acidify or mold.

Foam indicates the beginning of fermentation

4. Filter the juice through cheesecloth. Squeeze the cake well. Add about a quarter of the seeds and 200 grams of sugar (20% of the proportion in the recipe) to the pure juice. Stir until sugar is completely dissolved. The remaining cake is no longer needed.

5. Pour the pitted cherry juice into a fermentation vessel. Leave at least 25% of the volume free for remaining sugar, foam and carbon dioxide. Install a water seal of any design or a medical glove with a needle-pierced hole in one of the fingers on the neck. Transfer the container to a dark room (or cover with a thick cloth) with a stable temperature of 18-25 ° C.

Most popular option
The glove is inflated - fermentation is in progress

6. After 5 days add the next portion of sugar - 200 grams (20%). To do this, remove the water seal, drain 200 ml of wort through a tube into a separate container (the amount in milliliters is equal to the added sugar in grams), dissolve the sugar. Pour the resulting syrup back into the wort and close the neck with a water seal.

Attention! Before adding sugar, taste the drained wort; if it is too tart or bitter, remove the pits. After fermentation and aging, the taste will improve.

7. After another 6 days, filter the wort through cheesecloth to remove all bones. Add the remaining sugar - 200 grams (20%), mix, pour back into a well-washed fermentation tank and install a water seal.

Depending on the yeast and temperature, cherry wine ferments for 25-55 days, then the water seal stops emitting gas (the glove deflates), almost all the foam disappears, a layer of sediment is visible at the bottom, and the wine itself becomes lighter. If these signs appear, proceed to the next cooking step.

8. Drain the young wine through a straw without touching the sediment. To taste. Add more sugar (optional) to increase sweetness if desired. You can also raise the strength with vodka or pure ethyl alcohol (3-15% by volume).

Because pitted cherry wine has an almond flavor, the hardening and sweetening after fermentation improves the flavor. But I advise you to first determine the optimal proportions with a small amount of wine, so as not to spoil the whole batch.

9. Fill the storage containers with wine (to minimize contact with oxygen, preferably under the neck). Close hermetically. The first 10 days can be kept under a water seal in case fermentation has not completely stopped.

10. Transfer the wine for aging in a dark, cool room - basement, cellar or refrigerator. The recommended temperature is 6-16 ° C. Leave for at least 4-6 (preferably 8-12) months for ripening.

As a 2-4 cm thick sediment appears (first every 10-15 days, then less often) filter the wine by pouring it through a straw. When the sediment does not appear for more than a month, the drink can be bottled for storage and hermetically closed. Preparation is complete.

After 5 months of ripening

When stored in a refrigerator or basement, the shelf life is up to 5 years. Fortress - 10-12% (without additional fixing).

Cherry wine has long taken root among the favorite drinks of many winemakers. And surely each of them already has its own signature recipe. But if you are just starting your journey in the world of winemaking, then you will definitely be interested in different variations of this drink.

Cherry wine classic recipe


  1. Ripe cherries - 3 kg
  2. Granulated sugar - 1.5 kg
  3. Water - 4 l

Cooking method

  1. You do not need to wash the berries. It is necessary to sort it out, remove the rotten fruits and remove all the bones. It is very important to preserve all the juice to the maximum.
  2. We heat the water to 25 degrees, mix it with 500 g of sugar and pour the pulp of the cherry with such a light syrup.
  3. Cover the neck of the container with gauze and transfer it for 3-4 days to a dark, warm place.
  4. In a day, the first signs of fermentation should already appear. And now we stir the wort several times every day.
  5. After the completion of the stage of active fermentation, we filter the liquid through a fine strainer or gauze.
  6. Mix the resulting juice with 500 g of sugar and pour into a clean fermentation container. The container must be filled to a maximum of 75%.
  7. We install a water seal or a medical glove and transfer the vessel to a dark place with a temperature of 18-25 degrees. The fermentation process can take 25-60 days.
  8. After 4–5 days, add 250 g of sugar to the wort. After another 5 days, we repeat this procedure.
  9. After the end of fermentation, young wine must be drained from the sediment through a straw.
  10. At this stage, you can take a sample and additionally sweeten the drink or add alcohol / vodka in the amount of 2-15% of the total volume of wine.
  11. Pour the cherry wine into a clean container and transfer it to a room with a temperature of 6-16 degrees. As the sediment falls, the drink must be poured through a straw into a clean container.
  12. As soon as the sediment stops forming, we bottle the wine and seal it well.
  13. The finished product should be stored for no more than 5–6 years in a cool place. The strength of the drink is 11-13%.

Cherry wine without water


  1. Cherries - 10 kg
  2. Granulated sugar - 5 kg

Cooking method

  1. Unwashed, but selected cherries, together with the seeds, are transferred to a container of a suitable volume, sprinkling each layer with sugar.
  2. We close the container with a lid and transfer it to a cool place. This stage may take from 1.5 to 2 months.
  3. Stir the contents of the container from time to time so that the sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. After the end of fermentation, the wort must be filtered, and the pulp must be squeezed out with gauze.
  5. We bottle young wine and send it to a cool place for a couple of months. Then you can start tasting.

Simple cherry wine


  1. Unwashed cherries - 1 kg
  2. Water - 1 l
  3. Granulated sugar - 700 g

Cooking method

  1. First, you need to sort out the cherries, remove the spoiled berries, excess debris and remove the seeds.
  2. In a container with a wide neck, mix all the ingredients, cover with gauze and leave warm for 2-3 days. Stir its contents daily with a wooden spatula or spoon.
  3. When the amount of bubbles and foam becomes less, leave the mixture for another 3-5 days and do not stir it any more.
  4. During this time, all the pulp will rise up, it must be collected with a slotted spoon and then squeezed through cheesecloth.
  5. Pour the resulting liquid into a clean glass container and install a water seal.
  6. After a week, a precipitate will appear. Wine should be carefully drained and bottled. Then leave it for 15 days under the same conditions.
  7. Now we transfer the young wine to a cool place and leave it for 1.5–2 months to stabilize the taste.

Cherry compote wine


  1. Cherry compote - 6 l
  2. Sugar - 400 g
  3. Raisins - a small handful

Cooking method

  1. If you have only boiled compote, then it should be placed in a warm place for 2-3 days so that it begins to ferment. If you use conservation, then skip this stage.
  2. Mix the drink with unwashed raisins and granulated sugar, install a water seal and leave in a warm place until fermentation is complete.
  3. Young wine must be filtered and poured into glass bottles.
  4. Before tasting, it must be kept in a cellar or refrigerator for at least 4–5 months.

Cherry juice wine

This recipe assumes the addition of sourdough. To prepare a raisin sourdough, you can use the recipe that we previously published in the topic: "Raisin Wine".


  1. Cherry juice - 3 l
  2. Sourdough - 500 g
  3. Granulated sugar - 500 g
  4. Alcohol to taste

Cooking method

  1. In a glass container, mix the cherry juice, sugar and sourdough. We leave in a warm place for one week.
  2. On the 7th day of fermentation, drain the liquid from the sediment and pour in alcohol according to your taste preferences.
  3. The resulting drink is bottled and kept in a cool place for at least six months.
  4. The cherry wine is ready! You can serve it to the table.

An alternative cherry wine recipe


  1. Cherries - 4.5 kg
  2. Unrefined sugar - 400 g

Cooking method

  1. Sort out the cherries, peel off the stalks, wash thoroughly and dry.
  2. Remove the bones and set aside. Mash the berries. Transfer the resulting mass to a barrel or similar wooden container.
  3. Weigh the seeds, take a sixth, finely grind, mix with sugar and add to the cherry.
  4. For safety, bury the barrel in the sand at two-thirds of its height. Make sure the keg is always full and top up with cherry juice as needed.
  5. When the wine stops fermenting, seal the barrel tightly. Store in a cellar for 2 months.
  6. Carefully pour the fermented wine into another container using a thin hose, trying not to disturb the sediment, and pour it into bottles.
  7. Cork the bottles, store in a cool place, in a horizontal position.

Cherry Pulp Wine


  1. Cherry pulp - 5 kg
  2. Sugar syrup - 4 l
  3. Water - 3 liters of water

Cooking method

  1. Put the cherry pulp in a 10-liter bottle and pour over warm 35% sugar syrup (350 g of sugar per 1 liter of water).
  2. Tie the neck of the bottle with gauze and put in a warm place.
  3. On day 4-6, when the pulp in the bottle floats up, remove the gauze from the neck, install a water seal and seal.
  4. Fermentation time, depending on the room temperature, ranges from 30 to 50 days. After this period, carefully drain the juice into a clean bottle, and squeeze the pulp.
  5. Filter the juice obtained from it, pour it into a bottle, reinstall the water seal, seal it and keep it for another 20-30 days under a water seal. Then carefully drain the wine from the sediment and pour into clean dry bottles, cork and take out to a cold dark storage room.

Strong cherry wine


  1. Cherry juice - 10 l
  2. Sugar - 3.5 kg
  3. Water - 2.5 l
  4. Alcohol - 0.5 l

Cooking method

  1. Wash ripe cherries, chop, removing most of the seeds (70-80%), squeeze the juice.
  2. Make wort from juice, water and 2.5 kg of sugar, add yeast starter, ferment.
  3. After 10 days, remove the wine from the sediment, add alcohol, 1 kg of sugar, mix and stand for 7-10 days.
  4. Filter, bottle and seal carefully.

Cherry and white currant wine


  1. Sour cherry juice - 1 l
  2. Water - 1 l
  3. White (red) currant juice - 1 l
  4. Sugar - 500 g

Cooking method

  1. Crush ripe sour cherries. Cover the resulting mass and let it rest for 24 hours.
  2. Then press or squeeze out the juice and add water, currant juice and sugar to it.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into a small barrel, cover it and stir occasionally for several days, and then let it ferment.
  4. After the end of fermentation, top up the barrel to the very top with boiled water and after a few days filter the wine and pour it into bottles.

Cherry wine: benefits and harms

Before talking about any properties of cherry wine, it should be remembered that an alcoholic drink can be beneficial only if you drink it in moderation.

But even a small dose is not always beneficial. Especially cherry wine is contraindicated for people:

  1. With high acidity and diseases that are associated with it. For example, hyperacid gastritis.
  2. Diabetes mellitus.
  3. Stomach ulcer.

It should also be remembered that a large amount of the cherry drink can destroy tooth enamel. Therefore, it is better to drink it a little at a time, then you will have an appetite, your mood will improve, and “harmful” cholesterol will be released from the blood.