How to make pumpkin from salt dough. Salted dough vegetables

⁣Recently, my baby and I spent a themed week “Vegetables”

And as part of this week, we sculpted and painted vegetables from salt dough.

The dough recipe is simple:

1) A glass of flour

2) A glass of salt

3) 125 ml water

4) 1 tbsp vegetable oil

It is better to use fine “Extra” salt - the dough will be pleasant to the touch and more flexible. In the photo on the left is the dough with coarse salt, on the right - with fine salt

⁣In the process of preparing the dough, you can add dyes or gouache to it, then you will immediately get colored dough; but we decided that it would be more interesting to paint later than to sculpt straight away from a colored one.

Now I want to tell you how to make some types of vegetables:

1) Pumpkin. First you need to roll the ball,

⁣Then, using a toothpick, make indentations:

⁣And attach a ponytail

⁣Done) All that remains is to dry and paint

⁣2) Carrots. For the carrots, we rolled a slightly narrower sausage and three flat cakes

⁣Then, using a toothpick, apply the relief

⁣And we collect all the details together) You can also make a simplified version (without collecting the tail from the leaves)

⁣3) Cabbage. Making cabbage is very simple - you need to roll a ball and apply a relief with a toothpick

⁣By and large this is enough, but for “greater beauty” you can make another 3-5 leaves and attach them around the head of cabbage

⁣4) Cabbage-broccoli is more difficult to make - we need a strainer. The dough must be passed through a sieve, carefully remove the “fringe” and stick the tail to it

⁣5) Cucumber and tomato. Everything is simple here: a cucumber is a sausage with a tail (use a toothpick to make relief holes), a tomato is a ball with leaves on top

⁣6) We also sculpted onions (although my son said that they were pears), beets, peas (for this you need to “dress” three small balls in a cake-skin), zucchini and eggplants, potatoes (potatoes are the simplest - small ovals - that’s why we stuck a lot of them), as well as parsley (to dramatize the poem “The Mistress Came from the Market One Day”

And, yes, just in case, we made a couple more cars (well, my son loves them very much).

Then all the figures need to be dried in the oven at 100 degrees for 1-3 hours. Wait until it cools down, and you can start coloring (my son is 2 years 1 month old - he was delighted!!)

These are the vegetables we got:

Initially, the vegetables were intended for a sensory box (with which my son has been playing for the second week now)))) But, in general, you can come up with many interesting games and activities with these vegetables (feed the animals, count, sort by color, choose big-small, same-different etc.)))

I continue to try different interesting “recipes” :))) Last week, my child, my sister and I decided to make some. Pumpkins made from salt dough. The dough recipe is very simple, and the ingredients for it can be found in every kitchen.

Salt dough recipe

  • Flour - 2 cups
  • Salt (fine, not rock!) - 1 cup
  • Water - 250 grams

Flour is the most common, without impurities or additives. The water is cold, ordinary, from the tap. The salt is fine.

Preparation: mix flour and salt, gradually add water and knead the dough (like most ordinary dough). Here we talk about various additives (wallpaper glue for strength or potato starch to make the dough more tender and make more delicate parts from it). Try it if necessary. I didn’t add anything other than the above three ingredients.

The dough turned out to be the most ordinary. Pleasant to the touch, like regular modeling dough that is sold in children's art stores.

If you have children, this is a great way to keep them busy for the whole evening. Just make more dough :)))) Probably everyone loves to sculpt. Moreover, my child loves to sculpt from everything. Whatever we sculpted from. And from clay, and from dough, from plasticine, from polymer clay. This dough turned out to be very pleasant to the touch, soft and flexible.

I also tried a plastic template for leaves with this dough. This is the leaf I got:

We made pumpkins quite simply. We rolled a ball, pressed it down a little on top with our hands and used the usual stack (for plasticine) to make stripes like these on the sides.

These are the pumpkins we got. We just managed to do something, in my opinion, with the cuttings and leaves :)) They didn’t turn out quite like pumpkins :)

I dried the finished crafts for about an hour at 150 degrees in the oven (a microwave is not suitable for drying dough).

After cooling, the next day I painted the dough with colored acrylic paints.

These are the pumpkins. Maybe I’ll put it on the fireplace as a decoration or on the console table. I haven't decided yet. For now they live in an open cupboard in the kitchen and are pleasing to the eye. Of course, pumpkins made from salt dough are not like ordinary pumpkins from the garden. But they will live much longer (unless, of course, my child splits them first).

Halloween is one of the most ancient holidays in the world. Its history dates back thousands of years. It closely intertwines the Celtic rite of honoring evil spirits and the Christian rite of worship of all saints. Halloween is celebrated on October 31st. It was on this night, as our ancestors believed, that the evil spirits of nature gathered in the forests and on the tops of the hills, and the Druids lit fires and made sacrifices to them in order to achieve favor on their part.

Halloween is one of the most ancient holidays in the world, its history dates back thousands of years.

We invite you to learn how to make several interesting crafts that will help you beautifully decorate your apartment for Halloween.

Craft options

There are many interesting craft options for decorating your home for Halloween. They can be created from:

  • Pumpkins;
  • Orange;
  • Papers;
  • Salt dough
  • Polymer clay, etc.

Below we will look at master classes on creating Halloween crafts from the materials listed above.

From pumpkin

Beautiful glowing pumpkins create the perfect Halloween atmosphere

Pumpkin is an essential attribute of Halloween. According to ancient beliefs, it can scare away evil spirits from your home. The traditional version of crafts made from this fruit is a carved face with lighting inside. To create it you will need the following materials:

  • Pumpkin;
  • Tablespoon;
  • Knife;
  • Template with a face;
  • Thick needle;
  • Spatula.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Let's take a pumpkin. Cut out a circle as shown in the picture and remove the cap. If you want to place a candle in it, start cutting from the top. If you are placing a glowing jar or flashlight, it is better to cut the bottom of the pumpkin.
  2. Take a spoon and remove the seeds and pulp from inside the pumpkin. This can be done by hand if the pumpkin is very ripe and soft inside.
  3. Take a ready-made face template or draw it yourself. We apply the finished design to the outside of the pumpkin and use a needle to pierce it along the contour.
  4. Using a sharp thin knife, we cut out a design on the pumpkin, adhering to the previously outlined outline. Don't rush, the holes should be perfectly straight.
  5. After the pumpkin has a “face”, we proceed to lighting it. To make a bright glow, you can use a single-color New Year's garland. We wrap it around the jar and place it inside the pumpkin. In this case, the hole in the pumpkin should be at the bottom so that the wire from the backlight is not visible. An easier option to illuminate our craft is to use a simple candle.

Photo gallery: Halloween light-up pumpkin craft

Illustration for point 1

Illustration for point 2

Illustration for point 3

Illustration for point 4

Illustration for point 5

Orange candlestick

What's not a worthy substitute for pumpkin?

Not everyone starts preparing for Halloween early. Many people usually remember it at the last moment. Then you may not have a pumpkin suitable in shape and size at hand. But don't despair: you can replace it with an orange and make a beautiful Halloween-themed candlestick out of it. To make it you will need the following materials:

  • Large orange;
  • Felt pen;
  • Knife;
  • Face template;
  • Big spoon.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Take a large fruit and cut it into several parts. Cut off about 1/3 of the top, leaving 2/3 of the orange.
  2. We carefully clean the peel, trying not to damage it. To do this, cut the pulp several times with a knife, divide it into several parts and carefully separate it from the peel.
  3. We proceed to the most creative part of the work: we give the peel the shape of a smiling and at the same time fearful face. Take nail scissors, they will be easier for you to cut out small details. On the “lid” we make a cut in the shape of a star, create eyes and a nose, and cut a smiling mouth in the shape of a triangle.
  4. All that remains is to put a drip candle inside and set it on fire. The decoration is ready.

Photo gallery: Making an orange candle holder for Halloween

Illustration for point 1

Illustration for point 2

Illustration for point 3

Illustration for point 4


You can also create original Halloween crafts from plain paper. Let's consider several options.

This garland can be hung on the wall on the eve of Halloween.

First, let's make a garland in the form of ghosts. It will serve as a wonderful themed decoration for the apartment. To make it we need:

  • Roll paper;
  • Felt pen;
  • Scissors;
  • Thread.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Take rolled paper and cut a strip of the desired height to the width. You choose the length of the future garland at your discretion.
  2. Draw a ghost pattern on a separate piece of paper. Fold the main paper into an accordion shape. Its width should fit the ghost blank.
  3. We attach the template to the paper accordion so that the ghost’s hands are clearly along the edge of the paper. Let's redraw it.
  4. We cut clearly along the line, capturing all the small details. The ghosts in our garland are holding hands, so we leave the connecting lines uncut.
  5. We unfold the garland on the floor and draw eyes and a mouth on each element.

Ghosts can also be located separately from each other. Then they will need to be attached to a thin thread.

Photo gallery: Creating a ghost garland for Halloween

Illustration for point 2

Illustration for point 4

Illustration for point 5

You can also cut out a beautiful pumpkin from paper. To make it you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Orange paper;
  • Felt pen;
  • Scissors.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Fold the sheet into a square and draw a template on it.
  2. Take small scissors and cut out a pumpkin with a mouth and nose.
  3. We bend the sheet again over the already cut out mouth. Draw half a triangle and cut it out. These will be the eyes.
  4. We unfold the sheet and we get a pumpkin.

Photo gallery: Cutting paper pumpkins for Halloween

Illustration for point 1

Illustration for point 2

Illustration for point 3

Illustration for point 4

The bats

Original interior decoration for Halloween

Now let’s find out how to make a beautiful bat. We need very few materials and tools:

  • Black paper;
  • Templates of different sizes;
  • Scissors
  • Pencil.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. First you need to prepare a template. You can take a ready-made one or draw it yourself.
  2. Fold the paper in half and place our template on top.
  3. Carefully redraw the required number of mice along the contour and cut them out with nail scissors.
  4. If desired, we add faces to them and attach them to the wall using double-sided tape.

Photo gallery: Making black paper bats for Halloween

Illustration for point 1

Illustration for point 2

Illustration for point 3

Illustration for point 4

Crepe paper spider

A simple and, at the same time, original spider can be made from corrugated paper. With its help, you can give volume to the body of our insect, making it look as if it were alive.

To make it you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Crepe (corrugated) paper;
  • Black cardboard;
  • Yellow paper (ideally fluorescent);
  • PVA glue;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • Scissors;
  • Pencil.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Prepare black corrugated paper, a small piece of black cardboard and yellow fluorescent paper.
  2. For a small spider 10 centimeters long, cut a piece of crepe paper measuring 50x20 centimeters.
  3. We measure a third of the length and bend the paper in this place. This is where the division between the head and the torso will come.
  4. We squeeze each side into a ball, straighten the folds so that they are on the bottom. Two hemispheres are formed on top.
  5. We cut out a base from paper of the same shape as the main part of the spider, only slightly smaller in size. We glue it to the bottom using double-sided tape or glue.
  6. We correct the upper part, giving the spheres volume.
  7. We cut out 8 identical strips of cardboard, 9 centimeters long and 1 centimeter wide. These will be the legs of our spider. We also make a “tick” for the mustache.
  8. Fold the strips in half and bend them in the opposite direction, 10 and 13 millimeters from each edge, respectively.
  9. We glue legs, antennae and glowing eyes from fluorescent paper to the body. Now this spider is ready to scare everyone in the house!

Illustration for point 1

Illustration for point 2

Illustration for point 3

Illustration for point 4

Illustration for point 5

Illustration for point 6

Illustration for point 7

Illustration for point 8

Illustration for paragraph 9

Salted dough pumpkin

You can even create a beautiful and unusual Halloween decoration from salt dough!

To prepare the dough, mix a glass of flour with a half glass of kitchen salt. To add flavor, you can add vanillin and a spoonful of vegetable oil. Stir and divide the dough equally into four parts. Add a little food coloring of the desired color to each of them. Our example uses Easter egg dyes. Knead the dough.

Helpful Hint: If you have any unused dough, you can cover it with plastic wrap and use it after a few days. It is important that it does not come into contact with air. Otherwise, it will dry out and quickly become unusable.

Step-by-step instruction:

Salted dough pumpkin will surprise your family

  1. Roll several orange balls. You can make several different sizes of pumpkins (for example, 3 and 5 centimeters).
  2. Press them down a little with your finger.
  3. Take a toothpick and make several dents with it - the relief of the pumpkin. Start from the bottom and gradually change the angle of inclination.
  4. Roll out small green dough flatbreads.
  5. Now you need to cut out the leaves and create several relief strips with a toothpick
  6. Place in the oven and bake until completely hardened at 180°.

These pumpkins can be created at home

A small but original decoration in the form of a skeleton pumpkin can be made from polymer clay.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. To begin, roll out the orange layer with a rocker and cut out round pumpkin molds.
  2. We form identical balls from the figures by rolling the clay in our hands.
  3. We also roll out a black layer. We form balls of the same size.
  4. Roll out another orange layer and wrap black balls in it.
  5. Using a blade, we cut out the eyes of our skeleton pumpkin in the form of small triangles. We make such cuts only for those pumpkins that have a black base inside.
  6. Just below the eyes, exactly in the middle, we make a triangular hole for the nose. Carefully separating the top orange layer of the bases of the eye and nose, remove it to the black base.
  7. We make the mouth with curves using a blade. We cut through the top layer of orange plastic to the black clay.
  8. Using a stack and a ball, we make a depression in the plastic at the top and bottom of the pumpkin.
  9. Use a toothpick to make grooves by pressing on the base.
  10. In the formed orange balls we make similar indentations using a stack.
  11. Fill the entire surface with grooves.
  12. We form a thin strip of green polymer clay and wrap it around a needle. This will be the top of our product.
  13. Carefully remove the tendril from the needle. Make a small hole in the top of the pumpkin. We place the antennae there. Spread it a little over the base of the pumpkin.
  14. From the same green clay we make thin strips that are needed for the tail on the top.
  15. Place the tail exactly on top in the middle and press it to the surface of the product.
  16. Now we make leaves. Take the green layer and roll it out. Cut out a leaf from it. If you don’t succeed the first time, it’s better to draw a template on paper and cut it out. Using this contour it will be easier for you to create leaves of the desired shape.
  17. Use your fingers to bend the edges of the leaves and use a needle to make small indentations that look like veins.
  18. Before fastening, we make through holes in the leaves and thread metal nails with heads through the entire workpiece. Bake the finished decoration in the oven.
  19. Finally, the last stage. After firing, degrease each part and cover it with varnish.

Photo gallery: Creating skeleton pumpkins from polymer clay

Illustration for point 1

Illustration for point 2

Illustration for point 3

Illustration for point 4

Illustration for point 5

Illustration for point 6

Illustration for point 7

Illustration for point 8

Illustration for paragraph 9

Illustration for point 10

Illustration for paragraph 11

Illustration for paragraph 12

Illustration for paragraph 13

Illustration for paragraph 14

Illustration for paragraph 15

Illustration for paragraph 16

Illustration for paragraph 17

Illustration for paragraph 18

Illustration for paragraph 19

Balloon pumpkin

To make a beautiful pumpkin balloon decoration you will need the following materials:

  • Three orange balls;
  • One green ball for modeling;
  • sediment;
  • Calibrator.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Take the orange balloon and inflate it with a large pump. Then we deflate and re-inflate. On the calibrator we set a mark of 6 inches and measure the required size of the ball.
  2. We tie it when it reaches the required dimensions. Divide the ball in half. Grab the opposite side and twist it.
  3. In the picture below you can see what the workpiece should look like.
  4. We perform the same manipulations with other orange balls, observing the proportions.
  5. Take two balls and connect them with a cross. We twist them so that they are on the same level. Then we attach the third ball. Align all the balls along one line. We get the base for the pumpkin.
  6. Then we take a green modeling ball and make the top of the pumpkin out of it. When inflating, leave a free edge approximately three fingers thick. From the other edge we measure a distance of four fingers. We twist in this place. Then - again into three fingers, twist again. We unite with the help of a ponytail.
  7. We make a few more bubbles with three and four fingers alternately. We repeat 5 times, after which we combine the resulting composition into a flower. Now we straighten the bubbles so that there are segments of 3 fingers at the bottom and 4 fingers at the top.
  8. To combine the stem with the base, we insert the bubbles inside the green ball through the cuts of the pumpkin.
  9. We measure 4 fingers from the base of the leg on the remaining segment of the ball and twist it. We cut off the other part and tie it. This cute balloon pumpkin is ready for the holiday.

Photo gallery: Making a balloon pumpkin for Halloween

Illustration for point 1

Illustration for point 2

Illustration for point 3

Illustration for point 4

Illustration for point 5

Illustration for point 6

Illustration for point 7

Illustration for point 8

Why not make such a cute spider for Halloween?

To make such a beautiful “airy” spider, prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Several black balloons;
  • Black and white cardboard;
  • Scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • Thread or rope.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We inflate the balloons. We make one larger (for the body), the other a little smaller (for the head).
  2. We tie them together with rope or thread.
  3. We make 8 strips of the same length and thickness from black cardboard. These will be the spider's legs.
  4. We bend the strips so that they look like legs. Glue them on the sides of the large ball.
  5. Draw the eyes and nose of the spider on cardboard and cut them out. Glue to a small ball. That's it, our spider is ready.

For Halloween, you can make many beautiful and original crafts yourself. They will decorate your apartment and create the atmosphere of this unusual holiday. We've covered the most popular crafts so you can get ready for Halloween in advance.