How to make cream at home. Homemade cake cream

Whipped cream is one of the most popular desserts in the world. What is only one worth? with cream, which is traditionally served during the Wimbledon tennis tournament!

The chefs have to whip up seven tons of delicacy at a time!

This cream is an ideal base for decorating, preparing drinks, and fruit salads.

Of course, you can buy it in a store, or you can prepare it yourself and be 100% confident in the quality of the product.

To do this, you just need to follow a number of simple rules.

We have prepared 7+ recipes on how to make whipped cream at home from milk and, in fact, cream.

Basic rules for whipping homemade cream

  1. For things to go smoothly, for whipping you need to choose cream with the highest fat content - 33%. They easily turn into strong, fluffy foam.
  2. A product with a fat content of 20% will be more difficult to beat, and for 10% it will require additional thickeners in the form of eggs or gelatin.
  3. The situation is similar with regular milk. To get a fluffy and light-textured cream, close to whipped cream, add butter or thickeners to it.
  4. Refrigerate the heavy cream for 4-6 hours before whipping.
  5. You also need to do the same with the bowl and whisk - put it in the cold half an hour before starting work.
  6. It will not be possible to work with large volumes at once - beat no more than 200 ml at a time, otherwise you will not achieve a stable result.
  7. You need to beat until strong, sharp peaks remain behind the whisk. In this form, the cream no longer flows out of the inverted container - this is our ultimate goal.
  8. Before cooking, do not try to quickly cool the product in the freezer. This will turn the cream into butter.
  9. The finished cream is stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for 12 hours.

Whipped cream is easy to make

Tip: to whip cream, in addition to a whisk, use a mixer.

How to make whipped cream at home from cream 33 percent

Option #1: Whisk

It is easiest to work with a product of this fat content.

Initially, it needs to be cooled properly, shake the packaging before whipping, pour into a chilled bowl and beat in a circular motion from the center to the edges, holding the bowl at an angle.

However, the process will be quite long and laborious. The following method will help you achieve results faster.

Try whisking

Option number 2: beat with a mixer

  1. First, cool the product according to all the rules.
  2. Do the same with the dishes.
  3. Beat at low speed and gradually increase the frequency.
  4. The mass will begin to thicken in about 5-7 minutes.
  5. At the same time, you can gradually add powdered sugar.
  6. To obtain a thick foam you will need another 6-7 minutes.
  7. If desired, add gelatin or agar-agar at the end of cooking to consolidate the result.

Tip: You won't be able to whip the cream using a blender or food processor. This way you will achieve their separation into oil and whey.

It will be faster with a mixer

How to make whipped cream at home using 20 percent cream

Option number 1: the classic way

It will be more difficult to whip up a base with such fat content, since the finished cream is stabilized precisely by fat.

To achieve success, you will have to cool the cream itself as much as possible (but not in the freezer!) and the whipping utensils.

If the refrigerator allows, the temperature in it should be lowered to +1 degree.

Then take a large container and fill it with ice and cold water. Place a bowl of cream in it and start whisking slowly.

Increase the speed gradually every 2 minutes. Then add powdered sugar (50 g per 0.5 liter of cream).

When the cream begins to thicken, place it in the refrigerator for a quarter of an hour, then continue whipping until the final result is achieved.

20% cream is more difficult to whip

Advice: if you are not confident in your abilities, use special thickeners for cream. They are sold in any large supermarket.

Option #2: Use Natural Thickeners

You will need:

  1. 2 cups cream 20% fat
  2. A third of a glass of powdered sugar
  3. 1 tsp. gelatin or agar

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Combine gelatin with a third of cream, heat and stir until completely dissolved. No need to boil.
  2. Whip the remaining cream until foamy, as indicated in the recipe above.
  3. At the end, add gelatin, mix gently and place in the refrigerator to harden.
  4. If you want to get chocolate cream, for example, to decorate a cake, you can add cocoa or melted chocolate to the gelatin mixture.

For better thickening, use agar or gelatin

How to make whipped cream at home from milk in 5 minutes

Option No. 1: with oil

You will need:

  1. 400 ml milk
  2. 400 g butter

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Freeze the butter in the freezer and grate it into chilled milk.
  2. Place the bowl over low heat until the milk is slightly warmed and the butter is melted.
  3. Immediately transfer to a blade blender and blend for three minutes until the ingredients come together.
  4. Once cooled, refrigerate overnight.
  5. In the morning, beat with a mixer as described in the basic recipe adding the required amount of powdered sugar.

Cream from milk and butter

Option No. 2: with agar or gelatin

Do you think the question of how to make whipped cream at home without milk sounds strange? But no!

A less calorie and no less tasty product can be prepared using just four ingredients. And cream is not among them!

You will need:

  1. 40 g gelatin or 20 g agar, soaked in cold water
  2. 1 liter of high fat milk
  3. 4 packets of vanillin
  4. 120 g powdered sugar

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Heat the gelatin until completely dissolved, then cool.
  2. Combine with milk and beat until smooth.
  3. Add vanilla sugar and powder and continue whisking until thickened.
  4. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for an hour and a half, stirring every 15 minutes to ensure it remains smooth.
  5. Once cooled, beat again with a mixer until it has the consistency of whipped cream.

Coffee with cream

Option number 3: using dry cream

You will need:

  1. A glass of milk
  2. 100 g dry cream

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Mix cooled milk with cream powder.
  2. Beat with a mixer for three minutes at low speed and the same amount of time at high speed.
  3. Taste it. Dry concentrate is usually sold already sweetened, so you need to add powdered sugar after tasting the cream.
  4. Place the finished mixture in the refrigerator.

Whipped Cream Dessert Ideas

This airy cream is an ideal base for quick desserts.

Enough to take more and, lay them in layers in a glass and enjoy the indescribable exquisite taste.

Ideal decoration for cakes

You can diversify the presentation , chocolate and coconut shavings, mint leaves, various spices, arrange the layers with pieces of biscuit or cookies.

Of course, whipped cream is added to coffee, let alone decoration , cakes and cupcakes is worth writing a separate article.

In winter, fresh berries can easily be replaced with frozen ones - they are ground into puree and layers of cream and berry mass are alternated. For example, a layer of raspberries, a layer of cream, etc.

Unforgettable coffee dessert

You will need:

  1. 2 bananas
  2. A handful of any nuts
  3. 200 ml whipped cream
  4. A glass of freshly brewed ground coffee
  5. 2 tbsp. l. honey

Coffee dessert

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Lightly fry the nuts in a frying pan and grind into crumbs using a blender, or put in a bag and beat with a rolling pin.
  2. Cut bananas into rings.
  3. Mix coffee with honey until the latter is completely dissolved.
  4. Start forming the dessert - put some chopped nuts, a layer of whipped cream, bananas on the bottom of the glass and pour in some coffee.
  5. Alternate layers until the end of the components. You should have two full servings of dessert.

Air cream with pear

You will need:

  1. 2 cups whipped cream
  2. 1 banana
  3. 1 pear
  4. 2 tbsp. l. cherry syrup optional
  5. 2 tbsp. l. grated chocolate
  6. 1 tsp. ground cinnamon

Cream with pear

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Cut the pear and banana into cubes, sprinkle with cinnamon, stir.
  2. Place a small amount of cream, part of the fruit salad on the bottom of a glass or bowl, cover with cream again, and top with cherry syrup if desired.
  3. Alternate until you run out of ingredients.
  4. Decorate with grated chocolate.

Scottish puff pastry with oatmeal

You will need:

  1. Glass of whipped cream
  2. 4 tbsp. l. oatmeal
  3. 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  4. Half a cup of fresh or frozen berries

Traditional Scottish delicacy

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Dry the oatmeal in a dry frying pan for a few minutes.
  2. Mix with whipped cream.
  3. Make a puree from the berries and beat in a blender with sugar.
  4. Place a small amount of berry mass on the bottom of the bowl and cover with whipped cream.
  5. Alternate until the components are finished and place in the refrigerator to cool.

You will learn a cool recipe on how to make whipped cream at home from 10 percent cream in the video below:

I use homemade cream very often in cakes. You can adjust the fat content and amount of cream at the exit. AND the cost is two times lower than purchased ones.

For cream 30%

For cream 35% you need to take 100g of butter of the required fat content and the indicated amount of milk from the table:

Fat content

milk 1.5%

milk 2.0%

milk 2.5%

milk 3.0%

milk 3.5%

oil 72.5%

oil 82.5%

For example: to obtain cream 35% you need to take 100g of butter 72.5% and 115g of milk 2.5% fat.

If anyone is interested in how such data is obtained, the following information is for you)

A little math. How to regulate the fat content of cream?

See, if we add up the fat content of each product multiplied by its weight, and then divide by the weight of the final product, we end up with the fat content of the final product.

(82 X 100 g + 3 X 180): (100+180) = (8200+540): 280 = 31.214286 round up and get 31% cream.

82 is the fat content of the oil%
100 is the amount of butter in grams (let it be "a")
3 is the fat content of milk
180 is the amount of milk in grams (let it be "b")

That is, if you have, for example, butter 72%, milk 2.5%, and you need cream 35% percent, then select the amount of butter 100g (this is our “a”), substitute the values ​​and solve the equation with which we find out what we need amount of milk to get cream 35%


A=100 (amount of oil)
b=? (amount of milk)

(72 X 100+2.5b)/(100+b)=35
7200+2.5b=35 X (100+b)

With this tricky calculation we learned that in order to get cream with 35% fat content from 100g of butter with 72% fat content, you need to take 114g of milk with 2.5% fat content. And we will get 214g of such cream.

I hope you enjoyed this recipe and will continue to cook homemade cream for cake!

Do you know how to make whipped cream at home? If not, then let's now prepare them together, from milk and butter. The recipe with step-by-step photos is located under the description.

In the store, cream is not a cheap product, especially since its quality is poor - it is difficult to find with high fat content, and this is the main argument for whipping. Therefore, now we will prepare our own, homemade ones, and then, from them, we will make whipped cream at home, without harmful additives and preservatives - a natural product.

This product is perfect for decorating cakes, cocktails, etc. Also, they can be used in cooking or.

I also use homemade whipped cream as an addition to ice cream, for example:

How to make whipped cream at home to get an airy and stable mass?

— It’s all very simple, use them with a fat content of at least 33%. And if you didn’t find them with such fat content in the store, then today’s recipe is for you. We will make them ourselves.

— Another important point is that in order to make whipped cream airy, it must be well cooled before whipping.

— By the way, it would also be good to put the container in which you want to beat and the mixer attachments in the freezer for 10 minutes - for a better effect.

If you take 10% or 20% cream, then you will not achieve the desired result, you will have to add various thickeners, and this is a completely different story...

Buying heavy cream is not so easy - it is not sold everywhere, and the price of 30% fat content is very high. In cooking, whipped cream is an indispensable ingredient in creams, souffles or simple fruit salad.

But, as it turns out, it’s quite easy to make whipped cream from milk at home. They will be a worthy alternative to store-bought cream, and besides, the price will be much cheaper! Just choose high-quality, high-fat milk for cooking. Not only homemade milk, but also store-bought milk whips better and forms cream with a stable, fluffy consistency. The fattier it is, the better, but even 2.5% fat will do. The main thing is to follow the step-by-step preparation exactly.

TIME: 30 min.


Servings: 4


  • milk - 250 ml;
  • butter - 200 g.


Active cooking will take a few minutes, but it will take at least another 8 hours for the cream to settle and cool. The technology must be strictly followed. Take soft butter. You must take natural, without herbal additives, and preferably 82% fat content. Break the butter into cubes and place them in a saucepan with milk, which is heated, but under no circumstances bring to a boil! Approximate temperature is 75 degrees. Wait until the butter is completely melted in the milk.

Pour the liquid mixture into a container suitable for a blender - the melted butter will end up on top.

Now it is necessary for the smallest droplets of butter and milk to mix with each other, forming an emulsion. To do this, use an immersion blender to create a spinning funnel from the whipped liquid and blend the entire mixture for 10 minutes.

Place the resulting emulsion in the refrigerator.

The earliest time the emulsion will turn into cream and can be whipped is 8 hours. You need to beat carefully, constantly monitoring the situation so as not to overdo it. As soon as the mass becomes a fluffy shape and has increased by 2.5-3 times, the beating must be stopped, otherwise the cream will turn into butter and molasses.

The resulting cream can already be used - it holds its shape perfectly without spreading further. But in essence, this is only a semi-finished product, the taste parameters of which are improved by adding powdered sugar (depending on the recipe).

Homemade whipped cream from milk is added, improving porosity and increasing fat content, to sweet soufflés and airy creams. They are also irreplaceable in various sweet sauces.

Try the recipe in your kitchen - it’s not difficult, and besides, expensive and scarce heavy cream will always be on hand at the right time, prepared from quite affordable products.

Advice to the hostess

  • To make cream for cakes or pastries from homemade cream, add powdered sugar to the whipped mixture. And beat for another 2-3 seconds, no more.
  • If you need cream with different colors to create a three-dimensional design or pattern, use food coloring. Or simply add cocoa powder for chocolate buttercream.

Cream is an indispensable ingredient in numerous dishes, from sauces to cakes. Of course, you can buy this product in a store, but it’s much healthier and tastier to make it yourself.

Cooking process

At home, cream is prepared either manually or using a separator. In the first case, the product is prepared from milk, which has to settle for about twenty-four hours. During this time, the cream will rise, and all that remains is to carefully collect it with a regular tablespoon. It would be good to buy whole milk, and ideally cow's milk. The resulting cream is poured into a sterilized container and stored in the refrigerator, since low temperatures are necessary for the freshness of the product. This recipe allows you to use cream with a fat content of twenty-five percent.

In the second case, whole cow's milk is first heated and filtered just in case. The separator is installed strictly vertically on a designated mount on the edge of the surface, and liquid heated to thirty-five degrees is poured into the bowl. The store-bought product should also be strained first. By turning the separator handle at slow and then high speed, you can quickly get cream. The required dairy product will be poured into one container, and skim milk into the second. By the way, this method also produces delicious cream from goat’s milk.

They highlight the preparation of heavy cream, which is the basis of numerous desserts. In this case, about 200 milliliters of milk is poured into a saucepan and a briquette of butter is placed, after which the container is placed on low heat. Heat treatment should continue until the substance becomes homogeneous. Next, the hot liquid is whipped with a blender for about ten minutes until a homogeneous substance is obtained, then cooled in a separate container and put in the refrigerator overnight.

Immediately before using the cream, you will have to whip it one more time. but only when chilled. The fat content of such cream can be changed by varying the amount of butter used.

By the way, it is believed that cream can also be made from homemade sour cream. In this case, milk is poured into a glass jar and infused for a long time. The cream will rise and form a soft layer. By the way, its thickness will depend on the fat content of the milk used. The finished cream is scooped and transferred to a clean glass container.

Benefits and harms

Cream is recommended for use by people with certain diseases of the digestive system, for example, gastritis and poisoning. In addition, they are also useful for patients with stomach and duodenal ulcers. The amino acid contained has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body and nervous system. In addition, by adding them to tea or coffee, you can reduce the likelihood of unpleasant plaque on your teeth. It is strictly not recommended to use cream for children under two years of age.

In addition, some harm will be caused to people with cardiovascular disorders, excess weight and liver pathologies.

Cooking at home

From the comfort of your own kitchen, you can even prepare the whipped cream needed for numerous desserts. The ingredients you will need are a glass of heavy homemade cream with a fat content above thirty-three percent, a teaspoon of vanilla sugar and forty grams of granulated sugar. The cream is cooled without using a refrigerator, then all the ingredients are combined in one bowl. The substance needs to be whipped, gradually increasing the speed of the tool used until the consistency becomes thick. Ready-made whipped cream can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than twelve hours.

There is also a recipe for creating whipped cream from milk. To prepare, you will need half a cup of milk, one-fourth cup of chilled drinking water, a teaspoon of gelatin, a teaspoon of vanilla sugar, and one-fourth cup of powdered sugar. While the gelatin dissolves in cold water, the milk is slowly heated over low heat. Then both ingredients are mixed and whipped until a homogeneous substance is obtained. Without stopping the mixer, add vanilla and sugar.

By the way, it would be good to first keep the utensils and attachments you are using in the refrigerator for about ten minutes. The cream itself must be cooled, otherwise it will separate into whey and butter. To prevent the temperature of the containers from rising during the working process, they are also kept in ice-cold liquid. Finally, everything is put into the refrigerator for a couple of hours, but during this time the cream will have to be stirred every ten minutes.

Upon completion, the product is removed from the refrigerator and whipped at maximum speed.

If desired, the finished cream is supplemented with coloring or additional flavor: cocoa powder, chocolate, lemon or liqueur.


A meat or fish dish, as well as pasta, will be successfully complemented with Dorblu creamy sauce. To prepare it you will need 100 grams of cheese of the same name, 200 milliliters of homemade cream, Provençal herbs and salt. First, the cheese is cut into small pieces, placed in a saucepan and placed on low heat. Half the cream is poured in there. Cook the ingredients until the substance is homogeneous. The remaining cream is added gradually, and the sauce must be stirred periodically. Dorblu will be ready when the hard cheese has completely dissolved. Upon completion, spices are added to the substance.

Another interesting solution would be to use homemade cream to make sweets. In addition to a glass of liquid, you will need raisins, a third of a glass of powdered milk, a package of vanillin, 150 grams of granulated sugar, 150 grams of butter, and 200 milliliters of sour cream. The butter is heated over low heat with sugar, after which cream and sour cream are added to the same pan.

After stirring and bringing to a boil, you have to cook the substance for about fifteen minutes. After the specified time, powdered milk is introduced, and the mass is kept on the stove until it reaches the required thickness.

At this time, the washed raisins are left for thirty minutes in hot water. Next, the liquid is drained, and the raisins are added to the substance standing on the stove. A tray or a fairly deep form is covered with cling film, after which the creamy mass is laid out there. Everything is put into the refrigerator for three hours, and then cut into fragments of the required shape and size.

A simple and quick dish is fettuccine with shrimp in a creamy sauce. The grocery list includes 400 grams of pasta, 450 grams of shrimp, 10 grams of butter, 50 grams of hard cheese and two glasses of homemade cream. In addition, paprika, fresh parsley or dill, 5 milliliters of vegetable oil, one onion, salt and pepper, a clove of garlic and, if desired, 100 milliliters of dry white wine will be useful. While the shrimp are defrosting and peeling, the pasta is boiled until cooked. Then the seafood is fried along with spices in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Next, the shrimp are placed in a separate plate, and the onion and finely chopped garlic are fried in the same frying pan for a couple of minutes. If wine is used, then it is poured into the vegetables, and the ingredients are kept over high heat for three minutes. Next, cream is poured in and the sauce simmers for a couple of minutes. Finally, grated cheese and spices are added here. Everything is mixed and combined with shrimp and fettuccine. After keeping the whole dish on the fire for about a minute, it can be served with fresh herbs.

Speaking about the use of cream, one cannot fail to mention mushroom soup. Its ingredients include 200 grams of wild mushrooms, 1.2 liters of broth, 200 grams of potatoes, 100 milliliters of cream, crackers, fresh herbs, vegetable oil, one onion, one carrot and a couple of cloves of garlic. The vegetables are peeled and cut in the usual way, then placed in a frying pan with heated oil and sautéed until softened. Mushrooms are fried in a separate frying pan until cooked. One potato is grated, and the rest are cut into small cubes. Boil it in vegetable or chicken broth until tender.

After this, roasted vegetables and mushrooms are added there. Everything is salted and brought to a boil, upon reaching which cream is poured into the pan and the fire is turned off. This soup is served with croutons and fresh herbs.

Cream often becomes a key ingredient in cream for a cake or other dessert. For example, to prepare one of them you will need 30 grams of cocoa powder, two glasses of twenty percent cream, a teaspoon of gelatin and a third of a glass of powdered sugar. First, a third of the cream is mixed with gelatin. When the substance swells, it will need to be placed in a water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Cocoa powder is dissolved in the second third of the cream, and the liquid base will first have to be heated. The last third is whipped with powdered sugar. As soon as the foam appears, it can be combined with cocoa cream and then with gelatin.

You can make coffee creamer the day before and simply add it to your coffee in the morning. To prepare you will need five grams of powder, 50 milliliters of cream, chocolate chips or orange zest. The first two ingredients are whipped until foamy, then spread over the coffee and sprinkled with flavorings.

The secrets of making cream of any fat content are described in the video below.