How to make sweet sushi. Homemade sweet rolls

We all love desserts, but often we want not just something sweet, but something interesting, tasty, and most importantly, something that doesn’t affect your figure. We offer you a recipe for sweet sushi, which is easy to prepare and, most importantly, dietary.

Like any rolls, sweet sushi comes in different varieties and has different recipes. We offer you sweet rolls made with sweet rice, which makes the dessert tasty, dietary and nutritious. They are easy to prepare and are prepared like regular sushi.

Place the rice on a sheet of special paper, fill it with filling, roll it into rolls and cut it.

For these rolls we will need rice paper, which is made from rice flour and water. This is a thinly rolled rice dough, which when dry is very fragile and brittle. Since this paper is made mainly from rice, it is also a dietary product.

To prepare we will need:

  • coarse grain rice - 2-3 tablespoons
  • cream - ½ cup
  • milk - ½ cup
  • vanillin - 1 tsp.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. (can be replaced with honey)
  • rice paper - 1 sheet


  • mango - 1 piece
  • strawberries - 2 berries
  • kiwi - 1 piece
  • coconut flakes - 2 tbsp. l.

You can take fruits that you like or that you have at home, you can experiment with the ingredients.

First stage
Cooking rice. Pour milk and cream into one pan and bring to a boil. Place the previously soaked rice in water into the boiling milk mixture. Cook until done for 10-15 minutes. The rice should be soft and not have any loose grains; the consistency should be similar to rice porridge. A minute before it’s ready, add a spoonful of sugar, and when the rice is ready, add vanillin and stir thoroughly. Let the rice cool.

Second phase
While the rice is cooling, we cut the fruit. Mangoes need to be peeled, pitted and cut into strips. You also need to peel the kiwi and cut it, like strawberries.

Third stage
Before putting rice on paper, you need to moisten it with water so that it becomes elastic. Otherwise, the paper will simply break when twisting the rolls. If you want to add color to the rice paper, soak it in warm water and cherry syrup. Next, we place a sheet of rice paper on a bamboo mat - makisu, and spread cold rice on it in a thin layer over the entire sheet, only leaving a strip 1-1.5 cm wide at the bottom in order to roll the roll. Place the fruit cut into strips in the middle and wrap the sushi. Before cutting the sushi, you need to roll it in coconut flakes. Next, wet the knife in water and cut the sushi.

Bon appetit!

Sweet rolls are a simple but effective dessert that will appeal to all connoisseurs of delicious food without exception. In essence, this dish is a fantasy on the theme of classic Japanese rolls. Keeping the traditional cylindrical shape of the rolls, we wrap the filling in chocolate pancakes instead of nori, and instead of the salty filling we use sweet cream cheese or curd mass and juicy fruits. In a few minutes we will have a spectacular, unusual and incredibly tasty dessert. Shall we begin?!

Prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Beat the egg for a few minutes until the white and yolk are well mixed.

Add milk, sugar, 1 pinch of salt and 2-3 tbsp. cocoa. Mix everything thoroughly until the mixture is homogeneous and the sugar and cocoa are dissolved.

In portions of 1 tbsp. Add sifted wheat flour to the mixture of liquid ingredients. Mix everything well. When adding flour, focus on the consistency of the mixture; as soon as the flour is completely dissolved and you get a moderately liquid “pancake” dough, the mixture is ready. I add about 5-6 tbsp. flour. Place the finished dough in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes.

Heat a frying pan and grease the bottom with a thin layer of vegetable oil. Pour in a portion of the prepared dough. Tilt the pan, spread the dough into a thin layer and fry the resulting pancake on both sides until cooked. Repeat the procedure with the remaining dough.

Place the finished pancakes on a plate and brush with butter. In a frying pan Ø 28 cm, I usually get 6 not very thin pancakes.

For the filling, mix cream cheese or cottage cheese mixture with powdered sugar. If desired, add vanilla sugar or other spices to taste.

Prepare the fruit for the filling. Peel the apples, remove the seeds and cut the apples into small pieces. Also peel and cut the orange into small pieces. In order not to peel each orange segment from the partitions, after peeling the orange, use a sharp knife to cut out the pulp between the partitions (for more details, see the video version of the recipe).

The composition and quantity of fruit filling can be adjusted to your taste. I like how orange and sweet, juicy apples go with chocolate pancakes. I most often prepare a summer version of the dessert with strawberries.

Spread the prepared pancakes with cream cheese or curd mixture. Add the fruit pieces, moving slightly away from the far edge of the pancake.

Roll or roll the pancake, knead it lightly, and shape the pancake using a bamboo mat. Cover the prepared rolls with cling film and place in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours to cool.

Cut the cooled sweet pancake rolls into portions, decorate according to your taste and mood, and then serve.

Bon appetit!

Yummy! Be sure to try it!


● Milk – 500 ml;
● Vegetable oil – 4 tbsp. l;
● Egg – 2 pcs;
● Sugar – 2 tbsp. l (in dough);
● Salt – a pinch;
● Flour – 8-9 tbsp. l. with a small slide;
● Cottage cheese – 400 gr;
● Sour cream – 7-8 tbsp. l;
● Sugar for curd filling - to taste;
● Fruits, to your taste, I have apples, kiwi, tangerines, bananas)

To prepare the pancake dough, pour the milk into a bowl and mix with the eggs. Add sifted flour, sugar and salt. Stir the dough with a whisk or beat with a mixer until smooth. In terms of thickness, it will be like regular pancake dough - not very thick, but not entirely liquid either. Pour vegetable oil into the dough and stir. The pancake batter needs to sit for about 10 minutes, then you can start frying the pancakes.
Under the first pancake, coat the frying pan with oil. We take the required amount of dough into a ladle (for a thin pancake), pour it into the frying pan and twist it in different directions so that the dough spreads in a thin layer along the bottom. Wash, peel and cut the fruits into strips.

When all the pancakes are ready, make the curd filling for pancake rolls with fruit. Mix the cottage cheese with sour cream and sugar until a homogeneous viscous mass. Leave it for a while to let the sugar melt, then taste it. If the fruits are sour, make the curd mass sweet; if the fruits are sweet (canned peaches, for example), then it is better to leave the cottage cheese sour. Place the cooled pancakes on a board or table. We cut off the edges on both sides so that the cut of the pancake rolls with cottage cheese and fruit is even. Coat about half of the pancake with a layer of curd mass. Place a strip of fruit in the middle. Roll the pancake into a tight roll and place it on a separate plate.

Fill all your pancakes this way. If the edges unroll, coat them with curd mass or sour cream. Cover the pancakes with film and put them in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Cut the cooled pancakes into pieces of the same size and place them on a plate vertically (cut side up). For sweet rolls, you can prepare fruit syrup or whip cream with sugar, sprinkle pancake rolls with cottage cheese and fruit with chocolate or powdered sugar, or serve with jam syrup.


● 100 g sushi rice
● 300 g plums
● 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar
● 100 ml 20% cream
● 2 tbsp. spoons of rice vinegar
● Vanilla
For 2 rolls.

1. Boil rice as for sushi. Spread in a thin layer on a mat covered with cling film.
2. Cut the plums in half, remove the seeds, pour the pulp with cream and simmer over low heat until the plums become soft. Grind the mixture in a blender, add sugar and vanilla to taste.
3. Place half of the sauce on the rice, roll up the rolls and cut into 6 pieces.
4. Pour the remaining sauce onto a plate, place the rolls on top and serve

Instead of plums, you can use apples, pears, blackberries or strawberries. If you don’t have time to prepare the sauce, you can use any fruit jam or marmalade to your liking.


● 1 glass of milk
● 1 tbsp. spoon cocoa
● 2 eggs
● 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar
● 1 -2 tbsp. spoons of flour
● 2 tbsp. spoons of butter
● Vegetable oil for frying
● 1 cup cooked sweet rice
● 250 g mascarpone cheese
● 2 tbsp. spoons of honey
● 1/2 cup sugar
● 15 g gelatin
● 1 mango
● 2 peaches
● 5-6 strawberries
For 6-8 rolls

1. Grind eggs with sugar and cocoa, add melted butter, milk and flour, knead the batter. Grease a frying pan with vegetable oil, heat it well, and bake thin pancakes.
2. Soak gelatin in 1/2 cup of water, leave for 20-30 minutes to swell, then dissolve in a water bath. Warm the honey, add sugar and 2-3 tbsp. spoons of water, boil for 1-2 minutes. Cool, add mascarpone and gelatin, beat with a mixer.
3. Peel mangoes and peaches, cut in half, remove seeds, cut the pulp into thin strips. Wash the berries, dry them, cut into slices.
4. Grease the pancakes with cheese cream, place 1-2 tbsp on 1/2 of each pancake with wet hands. spoons of rice, smooth. Place slices of berries, strips of fruit in the middle, and spread with cheese cream.
5. Roll into rolls using a mat. Place in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. After the rolls, cut diagonally into 4-6 pieces. Place on a plate and serve with fruit syrup.


For rice:
● Orange 80 g
● Cinnamon sticks 1 stick
● Milk 500 ml
● Short grain rice 150 g
● Sugar 80 g
● Salt 0.7 tsp.

For rolls:
● Canned pineapple 80 g
● Orange 1 pc.
● Bananas 1 pc.
● Coconut flakes 4 tbsp. l.
● Mango 1 pc.
● Almond crumbs 1 tbsp. l.
● Fresh mint

1. Divide the rice in half and color one half with a teaspoon of beet juice. I grind the beets with a blender and squeeze them through a cotton cloth.
2. On a makis wrapped in film, lay out the rice in diagonal stripes of white and pink so that you end up with a square.
3. Cut a 1 cm thick block from a banana and place it on the rice. Using makisa, roll the roll.
4. Transfer the roll onto coconut shredded into fine crumbs with a blender and roll until the roll is no longer sticky.
5. Cut off the edges with a knife to even out the roll. Each time we wet the knife and remove the stuck rice with a wet napkin, we cut the roll into pieces 4 cm wide. From this amount of rice I got 2 large rolls, cut into 8 portions.


● 100 g cooked sweet rice
● 100 g Camembert cheese
● 4-5 strawberries
● 2 sheets of nori
For 2 rolls

1. Cut Camembert into strips. Wash the strawberries, dry them, cut into slices. Place rice on 2/3 of the nori sheet with wet hands.
2. Place camembert strips and strawberry slices in the middle. Roll the rolls using a mat and cut diagonally into 4 pieces.
3. Serve with vanilla ice cream, garnished with strawberry leaves.

To get thin rolls (hosomaki), place cheese and strawberries in one row. For thick rolls (futomaki), place the products in 2-3 rows.
Instead of camembert cheese, you can use feta or dor blue.
Strawberries can be replaced with blackberries, wild strawberries, and raspberries.


● 150 g cooked sweet rice
● 3 sheets of nori 10×18 cm
● 100 g cottage cheese
● 1 canned peach
● 2-3 tbsp. spoons of sugar
● 2-3 tbsp. spoons of blueberry jam
● Colored coconut flakes
For 3 rolls

1. Grind the peach in a blender, add cottage cheese and sugar, beat for 2-3 minutes.
2. Wrap the mat in cling film for convenience. Place a sheet of nori and spread the rice over the entire surface with wet hands. Then carefully turn the nori over so that the rice is on the bottom.
3. Place curd cream and jam in the center. Using a mat, roll up. Roll in coconut, cut into 6 pieces and serve.

You can add a little vanilla sugar or cinnamon to the peach-curd cream for flavor.
Instead of canned peaches, you can use canned apricots or pears.

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In Japanese cuisine, everything is strict and rational. If rolls were invented as a second course, then they definitely cannot become a dessert, which is why the Land of the Rising Sun has not given the world many recipes for sweet mini rolls. But in other countries that borrowed this recipe, cooks unleashed the full power of their imagination and talent.

In different cuisines you can find sweet rolls with rice and fruits, soft cheese and meringues, nuts, whipped cream, bright jelly and candied fruits, mashed cottage cheese, dried fruits. Pancakes, pita bread, biscuit, sticky sweetened rice, and a rich mixture of mashed cookies and butter are used as the outer shell that serves as the basis of the roll. Tiny rolls are often decorated with dark and milk chocolate, chopped nuts, grated coconut or almonds.

In Russian culinary school, recipes based on pancakes and ready-made lavash are more common. Less commonly, rolls are made from store-bought sponge cake or truly complex products are created based on a crust of cheese, cottage cheese, rice, sponge cake or other confectionery mass.

Sweet lavash rolls

A one-minute recipe for busy mothers, which will be very helpful if you have a little sweet tooth in the family.


  • Lavash – 2 sheets.
  • Mascarpone or Ricotta cheese – 300 g.
  • Milk chocolate bar.
  • Walnuts – 100 g.
  • Raisins – 50 g.
  • Sugar or honey - 1-2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Lightly moisten the lavash sheets with water using a pastry brush and place in the microwave to warm up for a couple of minutes at low power.
  2. Heat the walnuts in a dry frying pan. Soak the raisins in warm water and sort through. Finely chop.
  3. Grate the chocolate bar and walnuts on a fine grater and mix with the cheese. Add raisins and honey dissolved in a water bath.
  4. Place a sheet of soft pita bread on cling film or a sushi mat. Spread a thin layer of sweet mass over the surface and then roll into a tight roll.
  5. Place in the refrigerator for 10 minutes, then cut as desired and serve.

Sweet pancake rolls

A purely Russian invention, born relatively recently. You can endlessly vary the composition of the filling and batter for pancakes, which is why there are now a great variety of pancake rolls. Here is a recipe for cocoa pancakes filled with whipped vegetable cream and chopped strawberries. If desired, strawberries are supplemented with a small amount of lemon zest, but this ingredient is not for everyone. First summer strawberry its indescribable smell will give odds to any other flavoring.

Advice! It is advisable not to skimp on butter and eggs in this recipe, since the pancakes should turn out very thin and flexible. This is the only way to make presentable miniature rolls from them.


  • Wheat flour – 2 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil – 100 ml. (50 ml each for dough and for frying).
  • Chicken eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Sugar – 70 g.
  • Milk – 1-2 tbsp.
  • Cocoa – 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt – a pinch.
  • Confectionery cream – 200 ml.
  • Strawberries – 200 g.
  • Chocolate, coconut flakes - optional.

Cooking method:

  1. Sift the flour. Place the cream in the freezer in advance and cool thoroughly. Beat them in a blender until thick.
  2. Combine eggs with vegetable oil, salt, sugar, cocoa powder and milk.
  3. Gradually add sifted flour, carefully monitoring the consistency of the dough. It's best to mix in about two-thirds and then let the dough sit for about 5 minutes. The flour will usually absorb moisture and the mixture will become thicker than it initially appears.
  4. The finished dough should flow and not contain lumps.
  5. Drop a little oil into a pancake frying pan, heat it well and pour a ladle of batter into the center. Immediately spread the dough throughout the pan.
  6. There is no need to fry the pancakes until golden brown. As soon as the dough is completely baked, turn the butter “circle” over to the other side.
  7. Some housewives coat each pancake with a piece of butter so that it becomes softer and does not stick together with subsequent ones. Recommendation is optional, you can get by here.
  8. Fresh strawberries for the filling should be chopped immediately before rolling the rolls so that they do not have time to release juice and remain strong.
  9. Cut the strawberries into medium pieces and carefully mix with whipped vegetable cream.
  10. Allow the pancakes to cool completely (otherwise the cream will “flow”) and, placing them individually on a mat or cling film, fill the edges with the delicious mixture and roll into a mini-roll. The edges are held well by the whipped cream.
  11. Place all rolls on a cutting board or plate and place in the refrigerator.
  12. After final cooling, cut into tiny rolls using a thin knife.
  13. Sprinkle with grated chocolate or coconut to taste.
  14. Sweet rolls made from biscuit mass

    An interesting interpretation of well-known no-bake cakes and sausages based on dry or butter cookies.


  • Dry biscuit – 300 g.
  • Butter cookies – 300 g.
  • Butter – 200 g.
  • Cocoa or chocolate bar - 1 tbsp. l. or 100 g respectively.
  • Dessert curd mass with poppy seeds and raisins (dried apricots) – 300 g.
  • Powdered sugar – 1 tbsp.
  • Citric acid or juice - a third of a tsp. without a slide or 1 tbsp. l.
  • Water – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Vanilla sugar - a bag.

Cooking methods:

  1. In the bowl of a food processor, mix the crumbled biscuit, cookies, grated chocolate or cocoa, and melted butter (but not liquid!) until a homogeneous shiny lump forms.
  2. Place several layers of plastic wrap on the table and use a rolling pin to roll out the biscuit dough into a rectangular layer.
  3. In a bowl, beat the soft curd mass together with vanilla powder (sugar if necessary) until fluffy.
  4. Distribute the curd filling on the biscuit layer and roll into a tight roll.
  5. Grind the powder with water and juice until you obtain a thick, glossy glaze.
  6. Grease the top of the roll.
  7. When the glaze begins to set (but is not completely set), cut into rolls and serve.

Sweet fruit jelly rolls

The recipe will seem very complicated at first. Its main difficulty lies in the correct preparation of the base for the roll - a thin sheet of fruit jelly. Dishes containing gelatin in general are often classified as capricious and difficult to cook, since even experienced cooks are not always able to achieve the desired consistency of the dish.

The jelly can turn out either too soft (so-called trembling), or, on the contrary, “glassy” and very hard. The approximate dosage on the bags helps, but not enough, because other products also play a role in the dish. Therefore, in this particular case, the composition of the jelly will have to be determined experimentally. It is better not to use ready-made mixtures such as Claro, since the dosage of products there is usually designed to produce a soft jelly.

The jelly layer should be both plastic and dense, but at the same time thin, so that it can then easily be rolled into a roll. You can use any juices for jelly, but without a pronounced sour taste. Any nuts and dried fruits are also suitable for the filling. There were recipes online where cubes of multi-colored jelly were used as a filler for Mascarpone cheese, but this is already from the aerobatics section.


  • Fresh berries or nuts – 100 g.
  • Gelatin (see package recommendations).
  • Mascarpone cheese – 300 g.
  • Natural orange juice – 200 ml.
  • Sugar – 100 g.
  • Water – 50 ml.
  • Honey, decorative sprinkles if desired.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat the orange juice over low heat, without bringing to a boil (80-90 C). Add in small portions and dissolve all the sugar in it.
  2. Separately, soak the gelatin and dilute it in a water bath. Strain the solution and pour into the juice. Cook for a couple of moments and remove from heat.
  3. Pour the resulting mass into a thin layer (no more than 5 mm) into a low bowl with a rectangular bottom. It will be easier to remove the layer from ceramic or enamel dishes.
  4. Place in the refrigerator and wait until completely frozen.
  5. Prepare the filling. To do this, mix Mascarpone cheese with fresh fruits or berries, nuts and dissolved honey.
  6. Cover the bowl with frozen jelly completely on top with several layers of cling film, having previously separated the layer from the side walls with a knife. Turn the pan over sharply onto a cutting board and tap evenly on the bottom.
  7. If the layer does not come off, then the dishes can be given a kind of shock therapy by literally placing the bottom of the cold dish in hot water for a minute. Then repeat the maneuver with quickly turning it onto the film.
  8. As a result, a thin rectangular layer of jelly should remain on a piece of cling film.
  9. Apply a little filling to it and carefully roll it into a loose roll (too tight it will break), helping yourself with film.
  10. The whole roll can be decorated as you wish. Cover the top with whipped cream and then sprinkle with vanilla sugar, confectionery confetti or coconut flakes.
  11. Using a sharp and thin knife, cut the cold roll into rolls of the desired size and serve immediately.
  12. The shelf life of such a dessert is no more than a day or two, even if it is in the refrigerator.